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retrorunt · 1 year ago
Jonathan: What are you two arguing about this time?
Nancy: He's always using common phrases incorrectly!
Steve: Cry me a table, Nancy.
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tragedyloved · 4 months ago
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@writtenrotten / with Heather Mason.
He has a love hate relationship with bartending. On the one hand, it's easy to find a place that's running low on hands and will look the other way at a guy requesting temp work. On the other hand, it means the bars are seedy places just as apt to be haunted as the motels he frequents. Sometimes it's not so easy to tell until he's closing up for the night all on his lonesome. Other times, it's right there in his face for a whole shift and he has to ignore it until it disappears. If it disappears.
That's the kind of thing he's dealing with tonight when she walks into the bar. His attention slips, suddenly getting a familiar sensation that makes him roll his neck a little. She doesn't look familiar. He almost hopes she takes a booth, but the bar isn't very crowded. Henry glances away from her and fills another patron's mug. When he looks for the ghost he's been keeping an eye on, he realizes it's gone. It's moved. He doesn't like that. It's going to be a problem for closing time.
At least the blonde isn't a ghost.
"Hi. ...Um, what can I get you?"
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anamelessblade · 6 years ago
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                     “It’s.. I can get in danger. I don’t have anyone. I mean, I don’t have anyone that would care if I...if I don’t come out of this...alright. So, um you know, better me than...anyone.”
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cosmicuncanny · 7 years ago
Henry is an excellent travelling companion.  When Jason first met Henry, he didn’t really think to have expectations beyond being glad that Henry’s car could get him out of Ohio.  But somewhere between Ohio and now they figured out sharing comfortable silence, which counts as great communication for two people who are pretty bad at small talk and making conversation.  Teaming up has been pretty good for business, too.  Monster hunting pays so much better than odd jobs.  Between Henry’s potential to be genuine and reassuring and Jason’s grizzled and scarred appearance, people desperate for relief from supernatural threats can be all too willing to work with a pair of misfits to get it.
They still tend to stay in low end hotels, and it’s in one of these that Jason is currently contently unconscious, blissfully unaware that in a few minutes Henry is going to come in and tell him that the town is cursed and that their presence here could mean the difference between life and death for a lot of people.  It’s been a long half-day on the road, and after all of that sleeping in the car Jason could really use some sleeping on a bed, and couldn’t possibly wait for nightfall.  On a bed, not in; he’s stretched out in the clothes he traveled here in, with his hands under his head and his floppy bucket hat over his face, on top of all of the blankets.  For the space of right now, this is a huge and wonderful square sofa.  There’s another one just right next to it, but Henry wanted to go check on some things in town; just because they get along doesn’t mean they don’t pose a mystery to each other at times.
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blessedisdeath · 8 years ago
antisocialphotographer started following you
my reaction to seeing any of your blogs in my activity will always just be *licks* you’re mine now I claimed you
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ofvalves · 6 years ago
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//Hello to all my fellow Silent Hill Denizens! So I apologise for the enormous tag drop but I was really hoping to see if anyone was interested or wanted to be involved...
I’m going to start a Silent Hill lore and analysis podcast. 
I’m not an academic, just a long time fan of the games who wants to explore the details of the games I love.
I will be centering each episode around a specific character/location or detail of the game.
But I’m also doing this enormous tag drop because I’d love to do a segment in each show where I read an original piece of Silent Hill influenced fiction and would love to hear from anyone who wants to write something for me to read x credit will of course be given and I’m happy to link back to your blog or leave you completely anonymous if you like.
For the first episode I thought it would be good to do a Q&A about all things Silent Hill related including questions to do with roleplaying xx
If you have a question for the Q&A or a piece of fiction you’d like to send me please jump in my ask or IM me!
(Also if I’ve missed you or if you dont run a Silent Hill blog but want to take part please message me)
@eyexofxnight @reaperxfsin @im-the-same-as-them @orderofsilenthill @n0tyourmary @thepigsaw @deviloutofhell @deadmenstown @perfectingdecay @cultkiid @paraphiliapet @thewhitesaint @ghostmigraines @sanctirubrumdeus @nikkyatyourservice @prisonictale @archerwhiterp @fatherxvincent @thundersflower @antisocialphotographer @black-vvolf @cxttonteethviolence
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circuitboardskinarc · 7 years ago
okaaay so i’m making a tentative schedule for when im gonna be around because the amount of blogs i have and the amount of hobbies / things i need to do is not working with how much time i have considering my full time job.
I’m just going to be posting this all here, so if you wanna say hi or write with me on any of my other 46876 blogs you can or not, w/e. 
Generally I plan on being here and on survivorspy and godpoisoned pretty much all the time so these are main blogs. 
I’ll generally be on after 10pm - 12 / 1am EST. Each blog will run on a queue the rest of the time I’m not on.
Sunday: sleuthingspooks
Monday: antisocialphotographer 
Tuesday: chaosdesigned (writing blog)
Wednesday: wontfailyou / xxstarchaser 
Thursday: anamelessblade / keizokuchikara / tragedyloved
Friday: lessernamedsaint (under construction) / frequency141-12 / subterfugues
Saturday: edeioninkina / extractorextraordinaire 
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sleuthingspooks · 7 years ago
If I'm not here you can catch me at:
@circuitboardskin, @keizokuchikara, @survivorspy, @antisocialphotographer, @frequency141-12, @subterfugues, @wontfailyou, @extractorextraordinaire, @iforiaetxrisi, @edeioninkina
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retrorunt · 1 year ago
Steve, to a depressed Jonathan: So, I heard you've been feeling sad lately.
Steve: But have you ever thought of not being sad?
Steve: *proceeds to play an epic riff on guitar*
<source: smosh tntl>
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tragedyloved · 1 year ago
"Are you a dream?" for Henry
It's just a dream... right?
From the lips of another woman, in another time and another subway station. Or maybe not at all. If he's the only one who remembers, did it happen?
(If a tree falls and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?)
Henry blinks a few times, shakes off the strangeness, and focuses on the person before him. The train is coming in 5 minutes.
"What?" Not that it helps his eloquence, or lack thereof. Henry winces. "Um, I mean, sorry. I don't understand."
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anamelessblade · 6 years ago
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                     “I’m serious-- you shouldn’t go in there. It’s um, it’s not a good idea.” 
            He hears the whispering across the threshold. An old house, up for sale. The basement door was left just slightly ajar. Something beckons him inside, but he’s not about to heed the call. It leaves goosebumps down his arms. 
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chainsxwsmile · 6 years ago
lovebold / italicize what you apply to your muse.
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[ Personal ] Bold- Most of the time. Italicize-  some of the time/subtle
TAGGED BY: @gettingjunkywithit​ TAGGING: @edhelaran​, @darachsciath​, @fatecarrier​, @arawynngoldwing​, @journalsauthored​, @klutzycustodian​, @pinkmanipulated​, @antisocialphotographer​, @riiverdaughter​
arms crossed on chest // crossing legs // fist-like gestures // pointing index finger // karate chops // stiffening of shoulders // tense posture // curling of lip // baring of teeth
hand-to-face gestures // head tilted // stroking chin // peering over glasses // taking glasses off — cleaning // putting earpiece of glasses in mouth // pipe smoker gestures //putting fingers to bridge of nose // pursed lips // knitted brows
arms crossed // sideways glance // touching or rubbing nose // rubbing eyes // hands resting on hips // brows raising // lips pressing into a thin line // strict, unwavering eye contact // wrinkling of nose
open hands // upper body in sprinters position // sitting on edge of chair // hand-to-face gestures // unbuttoned coat // tilted head // slacked shoulders, droopy posture // feet pointed outward // palms flat and facing outward
hands behind back // hands on lapels of coat // steepled hands // baring teeth in a grin //rolling shoulders // tipping head back but maintaining eye contact // chest puffed up // shoulders back // arms folded just above navel
chewing pen or pencil // rubbing thumb over opposite thumb // biting fingernails // hands in pockets // elbow bent // closed gestures // clearing throat // “whew” sound // picking or pinching flesh // fidgeting in chair // hand covering mouth whilst speaking // poor eye contact // tugging at pants whilst seated // jingling money in pockets // tugging at ear // perspiring hands // playing with hair // swaying // playing with pointer / marker // smacking lips // sighing//rocking on balls of feet // flexing fingers sporadically // shifting weight from foot to foot // head ducking on occasion // eyes constantly in motion // head on a swivel //
short breaths // “tsk” sounds // tightly-clenched hands // fist-like gestures // pointing index finger // rubbing hand through hair // rubbing back of neck // snarling // revealing teeth // grimacing // sharp-eyed glowers w/ notable tension in brow // shoulders back, head up — defensive posturing // clenching of jaw // grinding teeth // nostrils flaring //heavy exhales
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cosmicuncanny · 6 years ago
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Jason Boggle
1. Wealth 
2. Somewhere to call home
3. A clue what’s going on
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The Nameless Observer
1. Humanity
2. Quite often, sympathy
3. A basic sense of safety or security, in this terrible alien world of humans
Tagged by: @diemondsichel (thank!!)
Tagging: @rcguna @ivakir @batoushoujo @batteredoptimist @illbound @antisocialphotographer & those were the first couple names I grabbed, everyone else is welcome & encouraged to steal
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sidewalkofthecity · 7 years ago
“Took me a darn long time to find you, Henry.”
She sips her coffee, slinging a pretty calf over her knee.
“Almost like you didn’t want to be found.”
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ofvalves · 6 years ago
//Big Silent Hill Podcast Post or I need y’all to help me...
Hello everyone! So I know a little while back I made a post about starting a Silent Hill Lore and Fiction podcast...
Long story short, a bunch of stuff happened and I’m completely mentally and creatively stuck.
So I’m asking for your help!
I need Silent Hill related prompts from which I can create short pieces of Silent Hill fiction, which I hope to eventually connect together into a larger story.
These can be characters, places or concepts that you would like to see explored in the Silent Hill world, I will write a short piece of fiction (about 1000 words, maybe more) then I’ll read it aloud and credit you for the prompt!
Again, apologies for the colossal tag drop but I’m really calling on all the Silent Hill ghosts and creatures to invade my ASK x
love rose xxx
@eyexofxnight @reaperxfsin @im-the-same-as-them @orderofsilenthill @n0tyourmary @thepigsaw @deviloutofhell @deadmenstown @perfectingdecay @cultkiid @paraphiliapet @thewhitesaint @ghostmigraines @sanctirubrumdeus @nikkyatyourservice @prisonictale @archerwhiterp @fatherxvincent @thundersflower @antisocialphotographer @black-vvolf @cxttonteethviolence
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retrorunt · 1 year ago
Steve: Who wants to make fifty bucks?
Jonathan: How?
Steve: I need someone to take the fall.
Jonathan: What did you do?
Steve: I can't tell you. Yes or no, no questions asked.
Nancy, from the other room: Oh my god.
Steve: ...
Nancy: OH MY GOD!
Jonathan: Make it a hundred.
Steve: Deal.
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