#;;I don't think there's a name for it~|| liecoris
helluva-hazbins · 5 months
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eternalbxtterfly · 5 months
What minor arcana tarot suit are you?
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The Suit of Swords
You lead yourself through logic. The things other people do in the name of "emotion" and "passion" that only end up hurting them in the end are hard for you to understand. You always see the bigger picture, focusing on the end goal instead of the small details required to get there. You know the way you like things and you take charge to make it that way. You are a natural leader and pride yourself on you organization and logical abilities. However, despite the mistakes you see more emotional people making-- you must remember that it is not a crime to be vulnerable. I don't know why you have closed yourself off into purely logical thinking, but you should know it is okay to be weak. Thank you for the leadership and vision you bring to the world, we would never get anything done without you. Your elemental association is air.
Tagging: @crimsontwins @thuganomxcs @acoldsovereign @ahogedetective @archivisim @countarganan @aventvrina @alexandraxsuoh @scarlxtleaves @fctedivided @liecoris @kiealer @crownlcsking @eraba-reta-unmei @tetsuwan-atom @roleplay-abiogenesis2 @ofhope and whoever else wishes to do this.
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helluva-hazbins · 5 months
'He makes me feel so cherished and wanted that I want to spend a lot, if not all of my time with him, and I really want to fall asleep in his arms and wake up by his side more and more often. ' (Lucifer)
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Anonymously send me something your muse is secretly thinking about mine.
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Honey-pie~ dearest sweetness by the light of the moon and early morning sunshine, have mercy on the man's soul! What are you doing with this! Making the fella blush over here, stahp.
This is supposed to be anon.
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"Mukuro~? Why...she's just the best, you know? Sometimes, in those rare instances, you get to call yourself a lucky fella...when I'm with her, I sure do feel like the luckiest fella in all of creation." He laughs because it's an extraordinarily rare feeling for him given all he's been through but she came along and wiped that all clear away from him. It became like some far-off distant echo of a former life once she was in his life regularly. She...had become his second chance, it was difficult for him to allow himself to open up to that prospect but hell if he didn't know it as the honest to Satan's truth!
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helluva-hazbins · 5 months
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helluva-hazbins · 6 months
@liecoris asked:
💋 ( Lucifer :3c )
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The Lord of all Daemons is rendered into nothing more than a stammering mess. Practically melted down into malleable putty at her disposal. "Golly...I... well... I..." He cleared his throat and attempted to regain a bit of focus in his infatuated haze. "Isn't that sweet of you, Mukuro~" his cane infront of him for balance he begins to teeter back and forth from his heels and back to his toes, his heart already singing it's own passionate hymn, in praise of her. He adored her and never in his wildest romantic fantasies had he believed for one minute that she might return a fraction of his feelings.
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"Not sure what I've done to deserve it but, well, you won't find me complaining~ No siree~ Not possible~"
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helluva-hazbins · 6 months
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helluva-hazbins · 5 months
🧡+ 😌 ( lucifer ovo )
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The fresh crisp air of a new morning sweeps in past the curtains of a nearby window, far off ambiant sounds of birds and the outside world fill the air; when she wakes he's there, humming with a gentle and harmonious timber to his tone. When she finally meets his eyes, his own features practically melt, surprise turns to a softened warmth, eyes heavy, smile light. His heart jumping and chest dipping, taking dives down his torso and fluttering down to his gut but he's not going to let any of it distract him. Not when the first early morning rays are illuminating her long sweeping tresses and gracing along her entire form, she was glowing in a way he can't rightly look away from and he wanted to admire her, just like this, after the night they'd shared. Just the thought warms him and the words flow out freely.
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"Pardon the way that I stare
there's nothing else to compare
the sight of you makes me weak
there are no words left to speak
but if you feel like I feel
please let me know that it's real
you're just too good to be true
can't take my eyes off of you"
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He's brought his hands to cup her face on either side, warm, delicate, holding her cheeks as he gazes, and he only wants to look deeply into her eyes, a sense of true connect waiting there for him, smiling he closes the space between their lips, slowly allowing the moment to overtake them, each movement natural, free. A steady rythym quickens, slowly his forked-tongue slides to meet hers, an eager flicking, once, twice untill it smoothly rolls along with her own tongue's motions. Breaking the kiss only to quickly meet and lock them again.
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helluva-hazbins · 5 months
@liecoris asked:
❛ you can kiss me, you know. ❜ ( luci :3c )
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They had been out on his property which spanned acres of land, he'd wanted to show her the Orchards, seemed a fine day, in his mind for a picnic and she was the one he had sought out to invite. It'd been such a long time in-between the years that he actually felt like visiting his beautiful apple trees. It had all lost it's luster but thankfully, his fervor for enjoying life seemed to be slowly rekindling.
It was somewhere between babbling on and dropping information about the Hellscapes and the species variety of apples that he was stopped in his tracks.
His heart pounding, threatening to force itself free from it's fleshy, bone encasement of a cage.
But he's certain he'd heard it...
"You can kiss me, you know."
Brain set to radio static. Blank.
Finally, he shakes his head, blinking several times to regain some hold on the world that's been sent into a tailspin.
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"Uhh—a-ha ha. I'm sorry, did you say something? I thought you—" as he attempts to ask his eyes catch hers and she is clearly exchanging a look within very close proximity that can't be read any other way. The flush of heat blooms across his cheeks to his ears and along his neck. He reaches for her hands, eyelids having grown heavier, without much more thought, the space between them closes as they meet. Lips to lips, gently pressing against one another. He can feel their fingers slowly slipping, further together, warm and interlacing as their bodies act solely on unspoken yearning, lips break only to meet again, much more eagerly. There's a deep set passion welling up from inside of him and he isn't certain he can stop what's been set into motion.
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helluva-hazbins · 4 months
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helluva-hazbins · 5 months
“Oh my, looks like I dropped something~” (Lucifer)
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Standing off in the far corner of the v.i.p. section, they'd been spending the night within one another's company once again at their newly preferred night club. It had become a frequent event, only she had provided the typically reclusive man incentive enough to get out and live a little again. And he hasn't regretted a moment of it. He felt like his former self again, living moment to moment, showing up to show off, the Sin of Pride fed off of the kenitic energy of being adored and admired when at his best. And so he aimed to make the scene and own it each and everytime. Everyone would know the Big Boss was out and who was on his arm.
Sharing witty banter and exchanges of coy momentary brushes of mutual attraction leads to a build up of pleasant suspense between the two. And that's when she does it...
"Oh my, looks like I dropped something."
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The next thing he sees is a full unadultued view of her rather voluptuous figure bent over audatiously before him, swooping up and against his crotch and remaining there, to be sure his eyes and mind get a full picture that would linger for days maybe longer. His eyes trail up where her mini skirt only hardly manages to cover the end of her lowerback, hindside and much more, explicitly expose.
It takes a moment for the slight shock to wear down before his hands hands find their way on either side of her hips and he's coaxed her comfortably right back against him.
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"Did you manage to find it? What you were searching for~?" He adds with a grin she likely won't see unless she turns to have a look. And of course his words have a double meaning behind them.
"You...uh, just let me know if you need some help~"
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helluva-hazbins · 5 months
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Whispers: Bridgerton Apples
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helluva-hazbins · 5 months
“Oh, don’t mind me. Just enjoying the view.” (Lucifer)
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He gave out a chuckle. She was yanking his chain, she had to be. A gentle drizzling had turned to a light sprinkling of rain outside all while they had been enjoying a picnic the apple orchards whike his hat had been off and his hair had lost it's typical pomped up style, having fallen down flat and messy. He'd ran his fingers through blonde strands a few times to no use. It simple would no longer hold any shape. How he abhorred the thought of what it must look like as opposed to his typical perfected 'do'. He shook his head a bit bashful but put on his best act of typical confident flair, nonethless, with an additional slow wink.
He'd soon be casting a spell to fix it. But first..
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"Well, take it all in now, sweetie-pie. Because it sure isn't meant to last~!"
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helluva-hazbins · 5 months
❛ what are you smiling at? ❜ ( Lucifer )
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"The most beautiful woman in all of Pentagram City~ Likely all of the Seven Rings...prove me wrong~" he responds in a low sing-song tone.
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helluva-hazbins · 5 months
“ you’re like a forbidden fruit when i can’t touch you ~ kind of sexy ” ( Lucifer. I also couldn’t resist sending this one too lol )
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An enamorous gaze falls onto her as she describes him as her deepest temptation and inner-most desire. Serpentine eyes now peer out, glinted with intrigue. In that moment the flash of something dangerously hidden in the depths of the man before her, reaches out, a supernatural kinitic energy of allure. He only provides a gleaming, razor sharp-tooth filled smile.
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"The suspense is thrilling, isn't it~?" He lowly chuckles, voice smooth, enticing and playful.
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helluva-hazbins · 5 months
“ sometimes i’m just scared that you’re just using me. ” ( Lucifer :3c )
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Something drops in his chest after hearing that statement. What had he done or not done for her to feel any ounce of this sort of grief. What misstep had he taken? Concerned expression returned to her, he scans her for the time that passes between them, now hesitant as he reaches inside of himself to find the right words, something to set whatever this was, straight. Hands atop his cane move towards hers, his left hand smooth in taking hers.
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"I...well, Mukuro, my sweetest, I can't be certain what's brought this on but my intentions...they've, uh, well, they've never been anything but benign, I promise you, since the day we met, I have only done all in my power to support you and...befriend you...the company...was, it was certainly swell and perhaps it was selfish of me to...to seek it out and request it so often." Something hitches with a stinging ache in his throat and the corners of his eyes. He's said too much already and so he let's the moment fetter off looking down and off to the side.
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helluva-hazbins · 5 months
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