#;;π•Έπ–ž π–˜π–™π–žπ–‘π–Š π–Žπ–˜ 𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝕴 π–π–†π–™π–Š π–Šπ–›π–Šπ–—π–žπ–™π–π–Žπ–“π–Œ. || (IC)
endsvilleborn Β· 3 years
Nothing made Mandy anxious -- Cosmic eldritch horrors, supernatural phenomena, space anomalies predating the first sun or star. She’d tussled with elder gods, Olympians, titans, superheroes, supervillains, and one carton of orange juice after a good tooth-brushing. All for fifteen years, starting from the day she enslaved the grim reaper himself.
Nothing got her anxious. Except for one human being.Β  ❝Sanchez.❞  She hadn’t felt this clammy before. She knew what Rick was capable of. And she was fortunate to not have crossed paths with him up until now. But it was bound to happen sooner or later - Right? An unstoppable force cannot exist in the same universe as an immovable object. Which was Mandy? Which was Rick? She wasn’t eager to find out.
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endsvilleborn Β· 3 years
@diffxrentwxrlds -- from here
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❝I have my ways,❞ the bedeviling blonde cryptically teased, folding her arms beneath her chest while shifting some more of her weight onto a single leg. ❝Und sprich nie wieder so mit mir, parasit.❞
< And don't ever talk to me like that again, parasite. >
❝... Either you've rehearsed that a lot, or you're backing down because you know I'm not a normal person, and that intimidates you.❞
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endsvilleborn Β· 3 years
@shctupmeg​ has been following me and I didn’t notice!
Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  ❝Your name is Megatron?❞  Now, there was a million things for Mandy to say right around now, and not a single one of them were good. But, in a way, she did sympathize with stupid names. Mandy’s middle name was β€˜Joy’ for chrissake, but she made it work. There was something poetic about her middle name being β€˜Joy’, while also being a bottomless well of misery and torment. Uncharacteristic to who she was, the blonde lazily crossed her arms beneath her chest, and gave a single approving nod to the other.
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endsvilleborn Β· 3 years
@phantosm​ started following!
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Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  ❝You’re a crummy villain.❞  That’s it, that’s how Mandy introduces herself. She degrades him, makes him feel lesser than, so he could potentially strive to become greater. Mandy didn’t like taking the easy path. She wanted competition. She wanted to build up a Burj Khalifa and tear it back down, not stomp on sandcastles.
Β  Β  Β  Β   ❝Your entrance needs work, your monologuing is awful, and frankly-- Twinks like you aren’t intimidating.❞  Time to build up something great - And break it.
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endsvilleborn Β· 3 years
@mercsandmonsters started following!
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❝I urge you to reconsider, Jack.❞ No. She was far from afraid. Mandy had nothing to be afraid of, not after everything she's been through, everything she's done. But rather, this was a courtesy she was sharing. An out. Mandy typically gave one. And oftentimes, when she did so, and they took it? She considered herself a god giving someone the gift of life. That they owed her.
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endsvilleborn Β· 3 years
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❝Hey. Creep. Come here a second. I wanna talk to you.❞  Ordinarily, Mandy never initiated conversation like this. Least of all with the son of Nergal. But the blonde had a little thing rattling about in that complex brain of hers. Her tone was somber, but calm. What she had to say wasn’t exactly one of those spur-of-the-moment kinda things.
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endsvilleborn Β· 3 years
@evuhldead​ started following!
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Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  ❝Alright, you knuckle-dragging trog, listen up. See this? This is my DOOM stick. The grim reaper’s scythe.❞  It never occurred to Mandy just how frighteningly similar their retrospective worlds were.
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endsvilleborn Β· 3 years
@pagetorn started following! -- For Erik Lehnsherr
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❝No. No, I'm not a mutant. I can see why you would think otherwise, tinhead. Everything I am, I earned.❞ She really didn't give a shit, did she? She knew how dangerous this man was before her - Yet she still stood before him, seemingly unarmed, calling him a tinhead, and that he didn't earn the power he had.
But then--
❝But I sympathize with your cause. ... Humans are disgusting.❞
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endsvilleborn Β· 2 years
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❝If there’s a god out there, it’s me.❞
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endsvilleborn Β· 3 years
@maddmuses​ started following! || For Bruce Wayne!
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❝Suppose was a matter of time before we crossed paths.❞  The blonde shot forth a sharp icy glare, which carved through the green luminescence of the Lazarus pit that boiled behind her. Up until this point, what constituted as a shadow had miraculously carved through the bodies of the League of Assassins which led the detective to where they stood now. Be it through trickery or finesse, this seemingly ordinary blonde girl had conquered several dozen ninjas that guarded the path to the fountain of youth that simmered deep beneath Gotham.
What was he doing here?
❝... You’re not going for my throat. Which tells me you’re more civilized than the rumors say. So, start talking.❞
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endsvilleborn Β· 3 years
πŸ‘€ + How do you really feel about Junior?
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Will these questions ever stop? Not only was this a question she actively refused to answer, but a question she feared to confront. She remained quiet for what felt like ten, eleven or so seconds, teeth grit and a bead of sweat welling just over her brow. But, she was bewitched to answer, to speak her heart, however she was loathe to do so under any other circumstance.
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❝I... Ruined what we had, okay!? It was a real neat thing that I... Kinda-sorta enjoyed, and I tore it down, and I feel disgusted by it! And it's all complicated, and I don't know how to handle it.❞
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❝You want to know how I feel? Fine. Then we'll go to the beginning. Back to fourth grade. There was a creepy kid in school. Billy's stupid cousin. A friendless, spineless loser. The son of Nergal. He tried to give me a Valentine's day card from Irwin, but I pretended to assume that it came from Junior instead, just to mess with him. ... You know what Junior does? He doesn't clear it up with me. He goes for it. Keep in mind, I ripped the head clean off of his stupid teddy bear. He goes for it knowing that I did that to him, that I could do that to him, too.❞
❝High school. Billy and I had different classes. Junior and I had to partner up for a project. ... We got to talking. We shared the same taste in movies, music, the same politics, we bounced off of each other better than I did with Billy or Grim. Then we started to hang out after we aced the project. He offered to take me to Flab Burger, and then Burger Squire. ... The movies. Then we hung out at my house. His weird clawed hand touched mine, and... He froze up. And so did I. I should've punched him, but I didn't. ... I just stared at him. And Junior kept pushing his luck. He squeezed my hand. And I said, 'you are playing a very dangerous game'. He did this... Really anxious little nod of the head. And I could hear both of his hearts beating against his chest. Or-- Maybe one of those was mine.❞
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❝We... Kissed, and... I still remember the scene of what movie we were watching. It was the scene in the President Evil movie where C.H.A.D. was fending off the zombie presidents. And after that, it... Felt weird. But I wasn't vomiting in my mouth.❞
❝We had our own adventures. While Billy was playing football, or visiting Asgard, or playing video games with Irwin, Junior and I were unraveling the mysteries of the universe, or fighting aliens, or harassing the Kids Next Door. And...❞
❝... It's been years but I still have no idea how to explain it. But I had a lot going on in my head, yeah? Teenage hormones, new emotions, new everything, no idea how to handle any of it. And, I got angrier for some reason. I had no reason to be. I just did. And Junior kept getting caught in it when he shouldn't have.❞
❝I started raising my voice at him. Sometimes it was deserved. Sometimes it wasn't. And sometimes I'd do it in front of his family. Then I started to insult him, called him a pansy because-- He was. He was a passive guy. He tried not to be, and I should've given him credit for it, but I didn't. Kept calling him a freak, and... That word really activates him in a wrong way. I kept acting awful toward him, feeling more contempt for him. I took him for granted. ... Junior used to throw himself at me, you know? He always woke up before I did, just so he could try to cook me something for breakfast. He gave these great massages, and he always wanted to be with me whenever I went out in public because he said that being around me made him feel safer.❞
❝... Grim asked me why Junior wasn't doing any of that anymore. Why he was crying more. Why he shrunk when I spoke to him. And... I-- ... I dumped him. Because I thought he was spineless for it. And it didn't really set in until I realized that the other side of my bed was cold. I didn't get breakfast in bed anymore. I didn't get those nice massages. ... I didn't have anyone to have a crazy adventure with, anymore. Nobody to talk to about my day, or my frustrations. I got lonely. And I felt worse with every passing day until I did the one thing I never did before, and never will again.❞
❝I apologized to him. And I did it so that I could finally get over it. It took me hours to hit that 'send' button. ... He almost immediately replied. And... It-- ... He was surprised. Asked me if I was drinking, I said no, and. He forgave me. It wasn't verbose. Just those three words. 'I forgive you'.❞
❝We haven't had any deep conversations since. ... I still keep his favorite soda stocked in my fridge. Don't know why I do.❞
❝You want to know how I really feel about Nergal Jr.? I adore him, and I miss him, but I can never look him in the face again without being reminded of how hateful I was acting towards the one person that didn't deserve it. He knew who I was. What I was. What I did. What I do. What I will do. And he was okay with it. He gave everything he had to me, and I threw it in his face. The one person I wouldn't mind seeing the end of time with, and I hurt him and then call him spineless when he cries over it.❞
❝There's your fucking answer. I hope you choke on it.❞
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endsvilleborn Β· 3 years
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Cue sounds of glass breaking, wood splintering, and the occasional cartoonish cat screeching sound effect from that one house in Endsville. Mandy is livid - This time at herself.
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endsvilleborn Β· 3 years
@yournamedarling started following!
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❝Some advice. Boys are dumb. Don't get involved with them. ... Get involved in a career in STEM. Make some money, buy some happiness. You'll be better off for it in every single way.❞
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endsvilleborn Β· 3 years
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Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  ❝I’m feeling a little inconvenienced right now.❞  Mandy stepped forth, closing the distance between herself, and the sorry sucker in front of her. Uh oh.
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endsvilleborn Β· 3 years
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❝Since we're going to be lab partners - I want to make it crystal clear that I won't settle for anything less than an A-plus.❞ Mandy sought perfection. And she couldn't trust anyone in her class to do this science project with - Except for one single person. Junior was the most tolerable person in her class, and since partnering up was mandatory, her choice of partner was obvious.
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endsvilleborn Β· 3 years
Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  ❝What’s with that ridiculous hat?❞  There was little more for her to say in terms of introducing herself - Except by taking a swing at this random well-dressed bag of grease. Though she seldom initiated conversation first, if at all, his sense of fashion was so outrageous that she had to remark on that first and foremost. That stupid hat. What was he hiding in it, his lunch? The whole damned breakfast bar?
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