#;; and the mama is the sweetest too??? she glues herself to me when i come over đŸ„č
kaerinio · 5 months
omg, y'all, so my friends who took in the pregnant stray have pretty much given me the task of coming to help socialize the kitties over the next couple months . . . and they're so heckin adorable. they're so small, and their fur is downy, and they're so round. yesterday, we just cycled through holding them all and keeping them warm and getting them used to humans. their mama was very relieved to not have seven kittens piled on top of her. she just went to take a nap somewhere while we cuddled them, and it's so fun to see their personalities beginning to form and watch their curiosities take hold. đŸ„č
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forever-rogue · 4 years
In Name Only - Part 10
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A/N: Thank you guys for all the continued support on this series. It’s seriously such a joy to write that I cannot even express it! I’m so glad you all like it too. It means the world! 💕 As always, feedback and comments are welcome, and if you’d like to be tagged, let me know. xx
Pairing: Oberyn Martell x Reader
Word Count: 7.1k
Warnings: some almost s*x 😌, egregious use of italics, the sweetest prince 💕
»»————- ♡ ————-«
The rest of your stay in Hellholt had shifted from awkward and stiff to comfortable and pleasant. It was amazing how quickly things had changed, and much to your delight it was in the right direction. It wasn’t something you could have predicted at first, but you were glad, thankful even, for the change. More importantly, you were happy with the change in your relationship with Oberyn. He was slowly turning out to be, and this definitely not an exaggeration in your mind - everything.
Gone was the awkward tension, and the constant questioning of does he feel the same? No, now you had your answer, as he had his, and you knew. You knew he felt the same. Was it love? Of that you weren’t positive, but you were sure it was something. Maybe it was. You weren’t ruling out any possibilities just yet, and were more than happy to let them play out naturally.
The atmosphere was pleasant now, a happy environment, and everything felt...golden, like the sweetest daylight. You weren’t just an outsider anymore, you had quickly become a part of the family. Family, you came to realize, wasn’t just about sharing blood or a name, it was so much more than it. It was about love, caring, respect, so many more things than just the shallow ties attached to the term. That was something you always understood, but many others, like your mother and most of the Seven Kingdoms didn’t. It didn’t matter whether you were born into a family, family could be found, it could be chosen. Family was what you made it, and this was your family now.
»»————- ♡ ————-«
On your last morning of your stay, you found yourself having a late breakfast in the gardens with your two youngest fans, Dorea and Loreza. They had taken to clinging to you like glue, and for a short moment you had been worried that you had taken them away from Oberyn too much, but he had insisted he was getting plenty of time in with them and he was glad that you were bonding with them too. Besides, this time it wouldn’t be months before he (or now you) saw them all again. The older girls had completely opened up to you as well, but their interests were different from that of their little sisters, so they found themselves naturally gravitating towards Oberyn. They were going to be fierce and cunning, just like their father; he was already so proud of them. His eyes practically lit up whenever so much as a word of them was mentioned.
“And you promise we’ll get to plant the flowers before you and Papa leave?” Loreza asked as she popped a handful of berries into her mouth, a few spilling out as she grew eager with excitement. She reminded you of Oberyn in so many little ways, their small mannerisms almost identical. 
“Of course, my little viper,” you promised her, and her dark eyes widened with excitement. You’d gone into the marketplace a few days prior, Oberyn and all the girls in tow, and had found a small stall that sold plants, bushes, and flowers from all over Dorne. Many were little seedlings, but you couldn’t contain your excitement, and ending up purchasing probably many more than you should have. When your husband had seen your face light up with joy, he was loath to stop you. Instead, all six of you had returned home with arms full of new delights, “but you need to be careful and not eat too many berries at once. Otherwise you’ll choke on them, and can’t even enjoy them properly.”
“Sorry,” she grinned sheepishly as you just shook your head, shoulders rising and laughing with light laughter, “Dorea does it too!”
“But Dorea doesn’t try to speak through a mouthful,” Ellaria had come to join you, just in time, looking as effortlessly beautiful as ever. She always looked so regal and elegant, even when she was wearing nothing but a simple gown; maybe one day you’d gain that same poise and elegance. Leaning down to kiss the girls on the crowns of their heads, she offered you a warm smile before sitting down across from you, “how is everyone faring this beautiful morning?”
“Good,” you told her, reaching over and wiping a smudge of yogurt off Dorea’s cheek. She gave you a big grin before going back in for another large bite, and the same thing happened again. You laughed lightly before pointing at her cheek and watching as she hurriedly cleaned it off, “I was just telling the girls that we’ll plant all the new flowers and bushes this afternoon.”
“They’re going to be so pretty Mama,” Dorea said excitedly, “they’re going to grow before the winter and make the garden pretty all winter long.”
“I’m sure they will, sweetlings,” she promised them, affectionately ruffling their dark hair, “you all did an excellent job picking them out.”
“It was definitely all due to them,” you shot them a little wink, “they all picked their favorites, and happen to have a keen eye for the right ones.”
“Did they?” she asked gently, “well I expect you both to do an excellent job planting them and taking good care of them. Now, go and find your sisters and change into different clothes and we’ll all head to the garden. I don’t want you to ruin your nice dresses.”
“Yes Mama,” they echoed, their chubby little hands each reaching for a few more berries before they ran off, giggling among themselves. You couldn’t help but laugh at the two of them, already knowing that you were going to miss your new little friends terribly. Maybe you could convince them all to come to Sunspear soon...you were positive that Oberyn would have no objections.
Ellaria watched them go with a small smile on her face as she grabbed a plate and loaded it up with some of the delicious treats, “they’re excited about working on the garden. Elia and Obella too. They’ve been...in a little bit of a funk lately...they’d definitely missed Oberyn. But I’m glad you’re both here
“I am as well,” you promised her, unable to probably express just how much you meant it. Your initially tense relationship with her had quickly dissolved into a budding friendship. Once she realized that you were no threat, meant no harm to her, her children, or Oberyn, she came around and allowed herself to enjoy your company. She had been great, offering you all sorts of insights about Oberyn, and his family, and you felt like you were seeing a whole other side to him. After all, there was plenty of insight that could only come from a former lover. You sat back and relaxed, letting the sun warm you up, “flowers and gardening are a big part of life in the Reach. My father, along with his famous bees,  used to have massive gardens, and he always let me help tend to them. It became such a sacred, special thing that we shared. I always looked forward to it, to sending time with him, and watching everything come to life and grow.”
“Have you seen him much? Since your marriage to Oberyn?” she asked and you stilled for a moment, swallowing the lump that had welled up in your throat. You took a moment to compose yourself, swallowing the lump in your throat before turning to give her a tight lipped smile. She didn’t know...but how was she supposed to?
“No...he’s ugh...he died a few years ago,” you said and she made a small sound of surprise before reaching over the table and took your hand in hers, giving it a warm squeeze, “i-it’s okay. There was no way for you to know. I’ve come to the terms with the fact that he’s gone, but I still miss him. I’m afraid that I will always miss him
“I think that’s only natural,” she said gently, “I lost my own mother when I was young too. It’s been so long, but it always weighs a little heavy on our hearts. But as long as we don’t let that stop us from moving on. Oberyn knows the same pain - both of his parents and his younger sister.”
” you said softly. He’d mentioned his parents but Elia only in passing. You were curious to know about the Dornish Princess turned Targaryen Queen, but weren’t going to push him to ever talk about it. He would do it on his own when he was ready, if he ever would be.
“I didn’t mean to put a damper on the mood,” she said softly before the two of you exchanged a look that quickly turned into a laugh, “oh a much brighter note, I see you and Oberyn must be getting along very well.”
You felt a flush of warmth wash over you, as you realized that despite your best efforts, you bore a few unmistakable marks on your necks and collarbones. You’d worn a light linen tunic, hoping it would be good enough to cover everything up, but apparently it was no use, at least not to Ellaria’s watchful eyes. You captured your bottom lip between your teeth, gnawing on it as you suddenly found your plate extremely interesting as she gently reached over you and gave your shoulder a gentle squeeze with a very knowing little smile.
The greater part of the last week and a half had been filled with rushed words of sweetness and brief, stolen kisses in passing between the two of you. There always seemed to be someone around or clambering for either yourself or Oberyn, allotting you very little alone time. In the evenings, you found yourself retiring shortly before Oberyn, hoping to stay up and talk to him, but despite your best efforts, you were usually fast asleep by the time he returned to your room. He often took it upon himself to make sure you were properly tucked under the covers, always placing a delicate kiss to your forehead before sliding into his own bed. 
You hadn’t done much beside exchanging kisses, which only grew increasingly more heated as time went on. If you were being honest with yourself, you weren’t sure just how much longer you’d be able to stand it, knowing that your desire for him was only going to keep building before it completely exploded. But you were going to broach that subject when it came to it, when the time was right. You knew Oberyn was likely feeling the same way, but he would never take advantage of you, or make you do anything you weren’t ready to. 
But last night, when you’d retired for the evening together, he quickly had you pinned against the door, as soon as it was shut, his lips finding yours effortlessly. One thing had led to another, and before you knew it, you were practically a puddle melting in his arms. His name had rolled off your lips in reverence, like it was the only religion you ended, gods old and new be damned. His mouth was like magic on your skin, each little kiss leaving a burning fire in his wake as he kissed your lips, your jaw, down your neck, where he nipped at the hollow of your throat.
Before anything else could happen, a little knock had come at the door, another bout of the impeccable timing that everyone seemed to possess. Oberyn had sharply exhaled from his nose, releasing his grip on you, but not before giving you one last, sweet, lingering kiss. You straightened your dress before stepping to the side and nodding towards the door. He took a moment to collect himself before opening the door slowly, only to find Loreza standing on the other side, big crocodile tears rolling down her chubby little cheeks.
“Papa,” she said softly, a little stuffed bunny in her hands as she held her arms out to him. He quickly leaned down and scooped her up in his arms, holding the little girl tightly to his chest. He rubbed her back in an attempt to soothe her before pressing little kisses to the side of her side head, murmuring soft reassurances in her ear, “I had a bad dream.”
“It’s okay, my love,” he promised her, his voice softening immediately as he did his best to calm her down. You couldn’t help but melt a little at the sight, a soft little stirring feeling erupting in your stomach. Doing your best to quell it, you reached over and gently mused her dark curls, “you’re safe now. Nothing can hurt you.”
“Will you come with me and make sure its safe?” she asked him in between her little hiccups, her tears having come to a quick halt. Oberyn looked at you momentarily, almost as if asking for permission, which he never needed, of course. Nonetheless you nodded, giving him a quick kiss, pausing to give her one too.
“Come on,” he said softly, “let’s get you all tucked back in and chase those monsters away.”
“Good night, sweet Loreza,” you whispered to her as she gave you a small wave, “take your time, Oberyn.”
He hadn’t returned to your room that night; at first you had waited for him, but you quickly knew that he had undoubtedly fallen asleep in her bed with her, mostly likely telling her a story which had caused the two of them to crash for the evening. You’d fallen into an easy sleep yourself that night, drifting in and out of sweet dreams of Oberyn. It had been some of the best sleep you’d had in ages.
“I...ugh,” you found yourself studying your plate intently, playing with a few berries on it. It reminded you of some of your last kisses with Oberyn - they had been just as sweet, “things have been...going very well.”
“That seems to be the case,” she agreed, with a knowing little smile, “I think everyone can see that. You’re practically glowing lately, both of you. It’s written all over your faces.”
“Yes,” you couldn’t suppress the grin that was stretching across your face, “I suppose I have you to thank for everything, Ellaria. I...I don’t know if I would have been able to speak to him if we hadn’t talked. It was a very helpful push in the right direction.”
“Don’t think of it as a push,” she said softly, “a friendly nudge. I want what is best for Oberyn, always, and you...I can see now that means the two of you together.”
“Whatever you want to consider it, thank you,” you insisted, finding that she was still watching you with a curious expression on her face, “what? Did I make a mess of myself?”
“No,” she promised, “I’m just...and consider this merely a curiosity that you do not have to answer...but have you considered the possibility of children?”
“Oh,” your mouth fell open into a small o as you tried to control your racing thoughts. Had you thought about it? Absolutely. Lately, especially after seeing Oberyn with the twins back in Sunspear and his own girls, it had been at the forefront of your mind. Not that it had changed anything in your mind of course. You didn’t want children...right? But it had definitely stirred something within you, and you couldn’t deny that you had stopped and wondered a few times what a child of yours and Oberyn’s would look like...“no, not really. I’ve never really wanted children of my own. I guess I’ve never had much of a maternal instinct-”
“I’ve seen you with the girls,” Ellaria interrupted with a small laugh, “you definitely have a nurturing spirit. Oberyn told me about the twins as well, the orphanage
“Well,” you couldn’t believe he had made it a point to tell her all of this. It warned your heart slightly as you realized just how much care and attention he paid to you, “it’s just...I like children, and care for them. It’s not really...a big deal. Besides, Oberyn already has all of his girls, and I think that’s more than plenty for him
“He is a good father, an excellent father,” she agreed, “but there’s always room for more love, for more family...if you should ever feel so inclined. Of course, it is not a suggestion or pressure, a mere observation. Whatever the case ends up being, the girls are lucky to have you in their lives as well. They have many strong women and men in their lives that they have the privilege of learning from - you are no exception.”
“It’s just that I...I-I don’t know if I can have children,” you blurted out suddenly, surprising yourself and her at the same time. You’d never spoken those words out loud before, not even to yourself. But it had been something that had been on your mind for ages ,”I...I was with another man, Waylar, the one I told you about earlier,  before Oberyn, the one I thought was going to marry, and naturally we...had sex.”
“As is only natural
“We were young and foolish, never careful, never really paid much mind to the possibility of me falling pregnant. I don’t think we ever once tried to prevent anything from happening. But then...nothing ever happened. I never drank moon tea, and we were never careful. I'm sure I would have, probably should have fallen pregnant at some point. If it was something that could have been a possibility. So I just
don’t think it’s in my cards.”
"Have you ever talked to a Maester or healer about any of this?" Ellaria was leaning and hanging onto your every word. You just shook your head, sitting back in your seat and letting out a long sigh.
"I never could have gone without arousing my mother's suspicion," you admitted, "she didn't know about Waylar for a long time, and once she did, she quickly sent him to the Night's Watch. I don't know if she ever realized we'd had sex. And I just never really thought about children and once I realized it was likely an impossibility, I pushed it to the back of my mind."
"So it is not so much  a lack of desire as it is the idea that you can't," she questioned and you shrugged. You were sure it would have just been the former...but maybe...she had a point. You’d spent so long thinking you could have children...maybe you had claimed to not want any to numb the possibility of never having them. If you didn’t want them it wouldn’t be a disappointment....
"I don't know," you admitted in earnest, "a combination of the two probably. Oberyn and I briefly discussed children, and we kind of just left it at what it is. He's got the girls and I'm okay without any born to me, I’m pretty sure. Getting to know and spend time with his girls is an absolute pleasure, and more than I could ever need."
"They're yours now too, you know," she said as she stood, quickly coming over to you. She gave you a fond look before leaning over and kissing the crown of your head, "they're very fond of you, and it will be impossible to get rid of them. They're like a bad habit you can't quit.”
"I should be lucky to have them as a part of my life," you promised her, "they are already near and dear to my heart."
"And then we shan't keep them waiting any longer," she smiled, holding out her hand to you and helping you out of your chair. You nodded as she looped her arm through yours, "but, and please don't take this as me telling you what to do, but perhaps you should consider going to the Maester, healer someone, now. You have nothing to hide anymore, and it would be good just to get a check up. Sweet girl, even if you have made it up that you do not want any of your own, it is important to take care of yourself as well.”
"Yes," you agreed with a small nod. She had a fair point after all...even if it wasn't to confirm if you could or couldn't have children, it would be a good idea just to have everything looked at. It couldn't hurt anything and if nothing else, it would put your mind at ease, "now, let's go and get dirty and plant some flowers!"
»»————- ♡ ————-«
"What's on your mind?" Oberyn's arm found its way around your shoulders as you subconsciously leaned into his side, resting your head on his shoulder. It was getting late, the sun had set and was replaced by the light glow of the moon and lanterns as everyone gathered in the gardens for dinner. The girls were long finished with dinner, running around and playing among themselves as everyone else engaged in jovial conversation.
"Nothing," you said softly, feeling your eyes growing heavier with each passing each second. It had been a long day and a belly full of wine and food wasn't helping either. You tried not to focus too much on the feeling of his fingers tracing soft patterns into your skin, sure that you would combust otherwise, "I was just thinking about how I don't want to leave."
"I feel the same way," he agreed quietly, "I'll miss these little hellions, but they'll be quite all right. It won't be months in between seeing them again."
"I should hope not," you agreed, looking up at him and grinning, wanting to say something else but were quickly stopped by a large yawn. He just chuckled lightly at you, those deep brown eyes watching you with what could only be described as adoration, "oops..."
"It's been a long day and we are departing in the early morrow," he reminded you, "perhaps we should get some sleep."
"Ever the voice of reason," you teased as he kissed your cheek. You reluctantly crawled out from under his arm, standing and stretching as he followed suit, "I suppose we should say our goodbyes now then? I wouldn’t want to wake them up so early, especially if we’re leaving before day break.”
“I think that’s the best idea as well,” he took your hand in his as he led you over to where all the girls were gathered. You could tell they were already getting tuckered out as well, especially Dorea and Loreza. The youngest ones were finding it harder and harder to keep their own eyes open as well.
"Papa!" Loreza exclaimed as soon as she spied Oberyn, stopping what she was doing and running over to him, throwing her little arms around him as tightly as she could. Before either of you could say anything, the small girl turned to you and hugged you just tightly, burrowing her little face into your skirts.
"What's wrong, sweetling?" you asked as you leaned down, gently tucking her loose strands of hair behind her ear. She always had a few tears welling up in her eyes as she frowned at you. Putting your own arms around her, you quickly hoisted her up and balanced her on your hip, "there's no reason to be upset, my love."
"I don't want you to leave," she pouted, her arms snaking around your neck as she held you close, "I'm going to miss you."
"I will miss you too, and so will your Papa," you promised her, "but you will only miss us for a day or so. You've got your Mama, and your sisters and everyone else here."
"Are we not fun enough for you anymore?" Obella teased her sister, laughing as she came over and gently perched a small flower crown on her head, "look I made a pretty crown! I should be your favorite sister...person ever!"
"What about me?" Dorea asked, jokingly glaring at her sister.
"I've got you covered," Elia sang as she joined you, placing a matching crown on her head. The older girls looked so pleased with themselves you couldn't help but smile. They'd become such a welcome part of your life, you really didn't want to say goodbye to them either; although Oberyn had already reminded you that it wasn't a goodbye, it was simply a see you soon.
"We'll miss you too," Elia promised looking between yourself and Oberyn, "who is going to spend their time helping me train? No one knows anything as much as Papa!"
"I think you know what you're doing," Oberyn wrapped his arm around her shoulder, pulling her into him and pressing a kiss to the side of her head, "the next time I see you're going to be even better than me."
"Never," Dorea giggled at her sister, shrieking slightly as Elia started to chase after her, eventually managing to catch up and gently tackle her in the soft grass, "no one is as good as Papa!"
"I will be even better," Elia tickled her, causing the younger girl to giggle wildly. You couldn't help but giggle yourself, watching the chaotic scene unfold in front of you. You were going to miss this - them. All of them, including Ellaria.
"Do you really have to leave?" Obella asked softly, looking at you with an expression that so much reminded you of her father, "you can't stay?"
"I'm sorry, my love," he pulled her in right and hugged her tightly, "but do not worry, our separation will only be brief this time."
"Promise?" Loreza mumbled half asleep against your shoulder. You kissed the side of your head and held her close. What you didn't notice was how intently your husband was watching you, his heart melting at the sight of you being so gentle with the small girl. Even if he wouldn't have admitted it, having you get along with his daughters was incredibly important to him. And seeing how well you had bonded with them had stirred something within him...something he couldn't quite explain. But the look of pure love and adoration on his face said it all to anyone who saw it.
"I promise, we both do," you insisted, looking at Oberyn who just only nodded in response, "once we return to Sunspear, you'll have to come and see us. We'll do lots of fun things and you can stay as long as you desire."
"Really?!" Obella's face lit up as you exchanged a quick look with Oberyn as the two of you nodded.
"I think all the excitement got to this one," you said softly, resting your head on top of Loreza's head. The youngest had fallen asleep in your arms, still hanging onto you for dear life. You turned to Oberyn and he rested his hand on your cheek, his thumb delicately swiping over the high point. You leaned into his touch, flourishing under the warm touch of his hand as you wished this moment would never end.
"She has been ready for bed for some time," Ellaria beamed at the two of you as she came over. She glanced at the small girl in your arms, unsure how you didn't see what a natural you were when it came to children. There was something in her that was positive you possessed a strong maternal instinct, no matter how much you had denied it, "Obella, get your sisters and head inside. It's time to get ready for bed."
"Mama..." she said softly before turning to look back at the two of you. Ellaria remained silent but raised her eyebrows and the young girl understood. She sighed lightly before tightly hugging her father, not letting go for a long time. You were sure you saw the gentle glisten of tears in his eyes as whispered soft reassurances into her ear. Once he let her go, she turned to you and hugged just as tightly. She turned to you with light sniffles and whispered, "bye...bye Papa."
She went and fetched her sisters, both of which were also reluctant to say their goodbyes, even if it was only for a short time. You almost wished you could have just told them it was all a joke and you were staying.
Once the older girls were inside, Ellaria gently took Loreza from you, holding the young girl in her arms. She took your hand in her free one and gave it a gentle squeeze, before doing the same to Oberyn.
“Thank you for coming,” she offered her former lover a fond smile as he nodded, his heart feeling both heavier than he would have liked and lighter than it had in some time. He was happy to have come, having been able to spend time with his daughters, his family, but sad to leave. It was never easy to part with them, any of them. Oberyn snaked an arm around your waist and held you close as you tried to blink back your tears, that familiar burning feeling already welling up, “and you as well, sweet one. Despite our initial bit of rocky start, I am glad we have become friends. You are always welcome in our home.”
“Thank you for everything,” you smiled at her, your eyes meeting her dark ones, a bit of unspoken understanding flitting between the two of you. Ellaria had helped you in more ways than you could count, and you were relieved that things had ended so differently than they started, “I’m sure we’ll be taking you up on the offer whenever possible.”
“Of course,” she was glad to hear it, “and I’ll be taking you up on your offer and shipping these little monsters out to you as soon as you’ll have them. Goodness knows I could use a break from them. Peace and quiet, can you imagine? It has been ages since I’ve experienced either.”
“The girls are always welcome,” Oberyn promised, “as are you, Ellaria. You know that.”
“I do,” she promised. You couldn’t help but yawn lightly as the evening had thoroughly worn you down. Oberyn nudged you lightly towards the house, slightly telling you to get inside and head to bed. Jokingly sticking out your tongue at him, you decided that his idea wasn’t half bad as a deep tiredness started to affect your whole body. You gave Ellaria a tight hug, making sure not to disturb Loreza before heading inside for bed, already missing her and all the girls. It was strange, but they had quickly become such a steadfast staple in your life, and you never wanted to know life without them again. 
Ellaria watched you go, a small smile on her face as she turned back to Oberyn. His eyes had been on you the entire time, which was most decidedly not lost on her. She leaned and kissed his cheek, reaching up and letting her linger on the side of his face, “you love her, you know.”
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he answered lamely, barely trying to hide the lie in his voice. She had him hook, line, and sinker, and he knew that she knew. Ellaria probably knew him better than even himself at times. She just raised an eyebrow at him and he chuckled nervously, shrugging his shoulders, “maybe...I don’t know
“Perhaps you don’t,” she agreed with a self satisfied little smile, “but I do. Trust me, dear Oberyn. I can see it in you, and I can see it in her too. Give things time and trust me.”
“I’ve learned to trust you over the years, my dear,” he let out a small sigh, a mixture of content and almost fear. He hadn’t experienced any feelings like what he was currently going through for a long time, and if he was being honest, it was scary. Almost like an unknown abyss that he was plunging head first, and he had no clue what to expect at the bottom, “I suppose you are correct, and only time will tell.”
“She’s good for you,” Ellaria promised him, able to admit to herself that he seemed so lively, so happy with you in his life, “I haven’t seen you this happy in a long time. Don’t let her go. She has much to teach and you much to teach her. You will grow over the years together, just don’t...don’t think too much about it.”
“When is the last time I overthought anything?” he joked before they both burst into laughter.
“When isn’t?” she teased, “sometimes you don’t have to question everything so much, to analyze it so deeply. Sometimes you have to just let things be. And they will be okay; everything happens for a reason, after all. You were meant to find her and she was meant to find you as well. I know you don’t have much faith in anything, but just trust this.”
He found himself at a loss for words, swallowing the lump in his throat as he only nodded at her. Oberyn was a man of reason and logic; if he couldn’t explain it in tangible terms, he often didn’t believe it. But this? This strange attraction, perhaps even love as Ellaria had claimed, had come out of nowhere and so unexpectedly. He had fallen for you the way you fall asleep - slowly and then all at once.  Although, he supposed, if he was really as smart and keen as he thought he was, he would have realized that  something was bound to happen from the moment he laid eyes on you and almost felt his heart stop. He wondered if you felt the same, back then, or even now. He hoped you did; he hoped you were falling as hard for him as he was for you. 
“Come on,” Ellaria put her hand on his shoulder and gave it a light squeeze, pulling him back into reality and out of his little daydream, “let’s get inside. You need to rest, quiet your mind and body, before your early departure, and I need to get the girls to bed.”
“You always were the one to bring me back to reality,” he said softly as he took her hand, trailing a step just behind her. He was glad that they had reached this point in their relationship - no longer lovers, but friends, the best of friends. Oberyn knew he could never live a life without Ellaria, and now he knew he didn’t have to. It was like everything was slowly, and perfectly falling into place.
“I’ll always be here to catch you,” she promised him, “always.”
»»————- ♡ ————-«
You were sitting on the edge of your bed, legs tucked under you as you skimmed a few pages of the book you were reading. It was one from Oberyn’s personal collection that you had thought to grab just before leaving to come to Hellholt. You weren’t completely invested in your reading on this particular evening, simply running over the words as you listened intently for Oberyn’s light tread. 
Eventually you ended up so preoccupied with trying to read, and the hundreds of thoughts in your mind that you completely missed the door opening and your husband stepping into the room.
“Hi,” he said softly as to not startle you, but it didn’t work. You almost dropped the book in surprise, but when you realized it was only him, you closed the book with a snap before turning to him. He was smiling at you, but you could tell there was something on his mind. A slight preoccupied look had crept into his eyes.
“What’s wrong, Oberyn?” you asked, standing up and walking over to him. He just shook his head lightly, watching you with the utmost softness before cradling your face in his hands. You raised an eyebrow at him, but he said nothing as he pressed his lips against yours, letting them linger there for a few moments. When he finally pulled away you just beamed at him, reminding him of just why you were his sunshine, “what was that for?”
“No reason,” he whispered, as you just lightly nudged him towards his bed. You sat back on the edge of yours, which happened to be across from his and watched him intently. He started to strip off his overcoat, followed by his tunic, leaving him in only his trousers. You tried not to stare, but it was hard not to let your eyes wander his body. His skin was sunkissed and golden, lightly freckled throughout, only a few scars marring what you considered perfection. Even with the scars, he was still beautiful, far more than any man you had ever seen before. He must have felt you staring because he turned around with a small, cheeky little smirk as he caught your eye, “what? Cat got your tongue?”
“N-no,” you lied as you felt a wave of warmth wash over you, almost embarrassed to have been caught staring. But this was your husband, you reminded yourself, you were allowed to look. He must have been something because just before he turned around to pull down his blankets, he shot you a wink. You burst into a fit of giggles at the gesture, the butterflies practically bursting in your stomach. 
Standing back up, you closed the door to the balcony, and blew out all the lanterns, save for the one near his bedside. Slowly shuffling towards it, you paused in front of it, trying to take one last good look at him before crawling back into your own bed. Putting your hand on the small table, you leaned down to blow out the flicker, but his large hand worked its way onto your wrist, his grip firm, but tender.
“Leave it,” he insisted in a low voice, barely loud enough for you to hear, almost as if he was unsure of himself, “it can burn itself out.”
“A-are you sure?” with your luck, you could imagine something going wrong and catching fire, “I don’t want to accidentally start a fire
“Positive,” he insisted, “that way I can look at you.”
“Oberyn,” his name fell off your lips in a shaky whisper as he let go of your wrist and slowly moved to the other side of the bed. He pulled the blankets back and slowly looked between you and the space he had created. Your breath hitched in your throat as you realized what was happening. Naturally, sharing the bed was something that had often crossed your mind, even more so lately with how much closer and closer you were slowly growing. It was bound to happen  at some point, but it still felt like a huge step, and your heart was racing so fast you were positive he could hear it.
Ever the good man that he was, Oberyn had left you with the choice. He would never, ever, force you to do anything you weren’t comfortable with. But you wanted this, almost desperately so, and it often took up many of your thoughts as you fell asleep at night. To finally get to know what it felt like to lie in his arms? The thought alone was enough to make you burst with excitement. 
Nodding slowly, you brought your lightly trembling hands to the hollow of your throat, untying the bow that held together the light evening robe you had been sporting. You were wearing a very light nightgown underneath, a lovely shade of gold that was lacy in all the right places, and very sheer in others. It still left a little something to the imagination, but there were still nerves present as you let the robe softly drape into a pile on the floor. 
Pausing for a moment, you felt Oberyn’s eyes all over you, taking every little part of you. It didn’t make you feel shy though, and once you caught his eye, you could see that he was observing with nothing but reverence. 
“You are beautiful,” he said softly as you just shook your head, playing it off as you slowly climbed into the large plush bed. Once you were over your initial nerves, you laid down, relaxing and laying your head on one of the soft pillows. He reached down and pulled the blankets back up, helping to ward off the light chill of the cool evening breeze. Oberyn paused and gently touched your face, tracing over your features with a feather light touch, stopping when he reached your lips, “I mean it, sweet sunshine, you are beautiful, in every way.”
“Do you feel obligated to say that because I am your wife and we are sharing a bed?” you mused softly, “because if so, you are under no obligation to say anything. Or do you mean it?”
“Of course I mean it,” he promised firmly, “I am many things, but I am not a liar. I have thought that since I first laid eyes on you.”
“Oh,” you felt warm all over, suddenly glad for only the light bit of illumination that the single lantern allowed, “I....I feel the same way.”
“You think you’re beautiful as well?” he joked lightly, dropping his hand from your face and slowly, gently, draping it over your waist, almost as if he was testing the waters to make sure you were okay with it. You didn’t stop him, melting under the feel of his touch, subconsciously scooting closer to him, “as you should.”
“You are a fool, Oberyn Martell,” you laughed, swatting lightly at his chest, letting your hand linger so you could touch as much of his skin as possible, “I do not think more highly of myself than I need to. But you? You are the most handsome Prince of all. The rumors did not do you justice, they never captured the full extent of your beauty and grace.”
“Now who is flattering who?” he asked as he pulled you closer, causing you to laugh, the sound already beloved by him, like sweet music reaching his ears. 
The two of you laid in silence for some time, watching each other with curious, inquisitive eyes, letting your hands roam, but keeping it sweet and pure. You would be lying to yourself if you said you said you hadn’t thought about this, about making love to him, many times before. But not tonight. No - this felt right. The rest would come later...there was no reason to rush anything. For now, this was perfect, this was everything.
You exchanged a few lazy, slow kisses as you felt your eyes and body getting heavier and heavier with sleep. Eventually, despite your best efforts, you fully succumbed to sleep, all the while Oberyn watched you with what could only be described as pure adoration. He pushed a few stray hairs off your face before pressing light butterfly kisses to your forehead, cheeks, nose, and stopping at your lips. You made a small sound, but your eyes remained closed as he pulled you against his chest, his arm wrapped tightly around you. 
Oberyn couldn’t even remember the last time he had been this happy, this content before. He closed his own eyes, letting out a small sigh as he realized how much his heart had been calling for this. How his soul had been searching for yours for so long. Now that he finally had it, he was never going to let go.
“Good night, sweet girl,” he whispered softly so only he could hear it, despite the fact that you were already fast asleep, “I love you.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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