#;; ' twinkie you're making this worse ' Yes I know
unsmalld · 5 years
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;;& of course, the incident with that santa has also lead to him questioning & doubting the existence of all other holiday figures thank you.
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arminbitchlover · 3 years
reincarnated lovers (1)
armin arlert x f!reader
summary: in their past life, reader and armin's love journey is cut short with the tragic death of reader from a deadly plague. now, they are once again reunited, but somehow everything feels wrong between them.
word count: 2.5k
content warnings: death
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"Armin... it hurts." You dazed off and felt nothing but sharp pains all over your body.
Your throat was dangerously dry, and your stomach grumbled from the lack of food you couldn't properly digest. You suffered from the feeling of a knife being pushed into your lungs and when you tried to pick up your head, black dots overtook your fuzzy vision. Every time you tried to move a muscle, the pain would exponentially heighten, and experienced your abdomen compress with an exorbitant amount of pressure.
"N-no please don't leave me yet. What about all our plans together? Going to the beautiful forest behind the hills for our anniversary next week, building a house to move in together, getting married, a-and start a family..." Armin's voice cracked as tears cascaded down his cheek and dripped onto your arm.
You sensed a soft warm hand grab yours which caused your heartbeat to quicken as you felt it coarse throughout your body.
This is the end.
You knew this was your last few moments on earth with your soulmate. It was over so fast. Too fast. You couldn't believe you wouldn't be able to fill the promises you made with your lover. This was your only and last chance at this life, and it was over in nineteen years, only four of them being spent with the person you thought you would grow old with
"Stay away... get sick..." You jerked your arm away from Armin unaware that you didn't feel the need to chug a gallon of water to quench your throat and that the nauseating feeling from hunger completely vanished as you kept slipping in and out of consciousness.
"Don't do this shit to me right now, I'm staying by your side no matter what." He lightly caressed your face not caring about the black lumps that engrossed your skin.
He knew he would become infected sooner or later and understood that this would be it for you even though he couldn't find it in himself to believe it.
"I-I-I'm sorry." You felt the back of your throat get knotted up but couldn't produce any tears.
You slowly moved your hand back down to your side, not feeling the aching pain that had taken over your body, as you barely brushed his fingertips.
"Baby, what are you apolo... not your fault." He looked down to your palm and intertwined his fingers with your cold limp hand. He trailed his eyes back up to your face and saw your closed eyes.
"Y/n?" His breathing became shallow and irregular as he gently shook your body in an attempt to bring you back to consciousness.
You lightly squeezed his hand with the last bit of energy you had in you; letting him know that you were still with him.
This isn't the last time... swear to you we'll find each other again... I'll... protect you. I lo..."
And that was it.
The last words you heard.
Passing away was more peaceful than you imagined. It was just like going to sleep, except you knew that you wouldn't wake up with Armin by your side.
...we'll find each other again...
His last words kept replaying in your mind before your brain completely shut off. It made you happy. He made you happy. You died happy knowing that there was a chance to meet him again, but who are you kidding, this was it. It's over now.
Present Day
"I don't know if going on a date is the best thing to do right now, Sasha. I just got out of a three-year relationship with Jean and that was really rough." You grab a bag of chips and plop yourself onto your bed.
"Comeeee onnnnnn, y/n, I think you would really get along with this guy. I mean he's smart and kind anddddddddd has a pretty face!" She walks up to you and quickly steals a chip from you.
"Hey! Well as tempting as your mystery man sounds, my professors decided to assign a shitload of work, so I have to get busy." You pull out the box of textbooks from under your bed as you mentally prepare yourself for a draining weekend.
"Ugh, you're hopeless. Well, I'm going with Niccolo for a while, so have fun with... that! But if you change your mind, I'll text you his number." She grabs a Twinkie and skips out of your dorm room.
You figure that maybe she's somewhat right, but you know it's too soon to go out with another person. You and Jean had been together since high school and only broke up because you agreed that both of you needed time to find yourselves in college. It's very apparent that you still have some type of feelings for him even if it isn't love and it certainly didn't help that he goes to the same school as you.
But it is college. Even though the love you have towards Jean is still slightly there, maybe going out with another person was what you need to get over him. Even then, you wasted all your high school years getting good grades and being an A+ student that you never got to enjoy yourself and you weren't going to mess it up again. Besides what's the worst thing that could happen?
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roomie <3
Today 5:12 PM
can you send me his number
here ya go ;)
contact sent
ur a pain but thank u
you better tell me how it
love u
love you moreee
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While gazing at the contact, you can't quite explain the feeling you have in your stomach and could only call it excitement, but why?
You're just going out with a guy you've never even met before and for all you know, he could be some creepy perv who just wants to make you feel extremely uncomfortable for his own liking. You giggle to yourself as you keep on thinking of worst-case scenarios and become very aware of how in need you are of getting out of your dorm.
You sit and stare at your phone, wondering how to text someone who may not even remember his conversation about you with Sasha. But fuck it, it was just a date.
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Maybe: Armin Arlert
Today 5:20
hey armin, i'm y/n and i don't
if you recall giving your number
to sasha but she said we would make
a great match so i would love to go
out with you later today !
Hey y/n, I do recall Sasha
talking about you and everything
so I would be honored to take you out! (:
Do you want to go out for
a coffie in about an hour?
yeah, that sounds great !
We can meet at the library.
alright, see you then (:
Read 5:31
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You feel your face warm up, excited to finally do something out of school and maybe have the possibility to meet someone who could be special. You waste no time sitting around, given that you had only an hour to look your best, and got ready.
You have ten minutes to spare after prepping yourself and decide to walk to the library a bit early. You head out of your dorm, still in disbelief that you're going out with someone who was a stranger. It's definitely more of an exhilarating feeling than a nervous one; this would be the second person you've ever gone out with, Jean being your first and only partner and you have to admit that you feel good. You could feel yourself growing as a person even if this was just a silly first date that could potentially mean nothing.
You make your way to the front of the library and right when you were about to open the door you hear your name being softly called out. You turn around and see a blonde boy with a blue-collar shirt and khakis.
Damn, you have no idea who this boy is and you don't care, but why is someone this gorgeous calling out to you? His doll-like skin complexion looks so soft and smooth while his shirt matches his blue eyes perfectly, and his khakis just adding on to his soft persona.
"Are you y/n?" He snaps you out of your thoughts and back to reality.
"Oh, um yes, and you're Armin? How did you know it was me?" You can't keep your eyes off of him. This is the mystery man that Sasha fixed you up with and, fuck, he's more beautiful than you could've pictured.
"Sasha showed me pictures of the two of you and I must say you're more stunning in person." His cheeks turn into a bright pink as he looks down, feeling as if he's embarrassing himself.
"Thank you and you're a lot more attractive than I ever imagined." You give him a friendly smile when he looks back up as he hears your compliment.
"The uh coffee shop is not far off-campus so we can walk if you like." He rubs the back of his neck, unsure how to begin your date.
"Yeah, that sounds great." You both walk together in awkward silence, not knowing how to start a chat with each other.
"So, Armin, what are you majoring in?" You turn your head towards him, but Armin seems to not want to make any eye contact with his hands in his pockets.
"That's cool, have you always loved the ocean or are you just experimenting with different fields?" You try to carry on with the conversation, hoping he would open up to your about his studies at the least.
"I've always loved the ocean."
"Are the classes you're taking pretty difficult?" You feel your face heat up as he continues to be difficult about continuing your attempted dialogue.
You start losing your patience with this boy. It frustrates you that no matter what you did he can't try to at least engage in the conversation. You knew from the beginning that this could've been a disaster, but it hadn't even started, and it's already exasperating.
You start to genuinely think of ideas to bail yourself out before it could get any worse, but no, you're going to finish this date whether it's awful or not and move on with your life. You told yourself you were evolving as a person and to bail would only be taking you a step back from the new you.
"How do you know Sasha," you ask him, making it your last-ditch effort to start a conversation as you arrive at the coffee shop.
"We met through a mutual friend at a party." He opens the door for you and both of you enter the cafe.
You and Armin are kindly greeted by the barista as you walk to to the cashier. Both of you order your drinks and sit at a table that's next to the glass wall.
"So, did you meet Sasha because you're dorm mates?" He finally ignites some type of conversation as he fidgets with his fingers.
"We actually somewhat knew each other through my ex-boyfriend and we randomly got paired to be dorm mates." You grin to yourself, thinking about how close you and Sasha got over the year.
Even if it was a bitter-sweet moment mentioning Jean, that you realize may not have been the best thing to do. You hear you and Armin's name being called, but right when you're about to get up Armin quietly spoke, "Stay here, I got it."
You watch him get up from his seat and walk back over to the cashier. He pulls out his brown leather wallet, pays for both of your drinks, and makes his way back to the table with a cup in each hand.
"Thank you for paying, you really didn't have to do that." You feel your cheeks get hot as you grab your drink, slightly grazing his fingers.
"It was no biggie." He shrugs his shoulder and slumps back to his seat.
Subsequently, the awkward silence is back, but a lot stronger than before. You can't understand why it's so difficult to get along with him if this was the date where you're supposed to get to know each other and have endless topics to discuss. You keep reassuring yourself that this would be over soon anyway and now you know that Armin just isn't the one for you and you're completely fine with that. At this point, you only see Armin as the boy you went on the most awkward date with and didn't even picture him as a friend.
"Sorry about this, I've never done anything like this before," he mumbles while tapping on the side of his cup, not wanting to look at you because he felt ashamed.
"O-oh, don't stress about it too much, it's my first date after getting out of my relationship so we're on the same boat." You both exchange warmhearted smiles, trying to break the tension but nothing seems to work.
"We can go back to campus. I have some assignments I need to finish up anyways," he suggests and you feel the weight being lifted off your shoulders. Even though Armin seems like a great person, both of you assume that your wavelengths couldn't match, and it was just best to end it.
"Yeah, that sounds good. I also need to catch up on schoolwork as well." Both of you grab your drinks and head back to school without trying to strike a conversation, knowing that it would just make the tension even more awkward.
As soon as you make it back to your dorm, you must say that you never feel happier to arrive in your shitty box.
"Well, thank you for the coffee and I hope you have a great weekend."
"Yeah, you too." You both wave bye and you walk into your dorm, feeling displeased.
While you didn't expect your date to be completely perfect and for you and Armin to fall in love, this was by far the last thing you wanted to happen.
It didn't take long for you to forget what had transpired as you change to comfortable clothes and start heavily working on your assignments. While you were finishing up on one of your worksheets, you feel your phone vibrate and see a text from Sasha.
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roomie <3
love you moreee
Today 7:47
you better still have some energy
left in you
i'm heading back to get dressed
cause we're going to go PARTYYYY
oh god sasha
i don't do well at parties
i can introduce you to my friends
they're really cool
okayyy sure
so get dolled up
i'll be there soon <3
Read 7:53
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next chapter | series masterlist
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baronessblixen · 4 years
From the prompts: 5. “I’m going to take care of you, okay?” - a fluffy ficlet when you're in the mood? I have such a good crew taking care of me right now! Fic is Medicine Anon
Hi FiMA! So glad you have a good crew taking care of you now. Here’s some fluff set in late season 6/early season 7-ish.
Tagging @today-in-fic
sweets for sweethearts
“Mulder, are you awake?” He isn’t. Or rather, he wasn’t until five seconds ago when his phone rang. He reached for it on autopilot, not even opening his eyes when he answered it.
“Scully?” he mumbles.
“Did I wake you?” She’s whispering.
“No,” he lies and rubs his eyes. “Well, yeah. But that’s okay. What time is it?”
“2 am.”
“Why are you awake?” he asks. Who is the insomniac here? he wonders. “Are you okay?”
“I’m… I don’t… yes, I am, but…”
“Scully, it’s late and you’re worrying me. Please just say it?”
“I got up to get a glass of water and I… I got dizzy and I…”
“Are you hurt?” He sits up on his couch, fully awake. His knee crashes into his coffee table as he gets up and he curses under his breath. He’s still wearing the clothes he put on after work but can’t find his shoes. “Scully, are you hurt?”
“No,” she says and she sounds uncertain and tiny.
“I’m going over. Don’t move, all right?”
“Yes?” He has found his shoes and put them on. Jacket slung over his arm, car key in his hand. Scully will have to accept him with unbrushed teeth and hair.
“Could you… I’d really like something sweet.”
“I’ll think of something.” And with that, he is out the door.
It doesn’t take him long to get to Scully’s in the middle of the night, even with his quick stop at a gas station. He didn’t know what she meant by “something sweet” so he bought a lot. A lot, a lot. A whole bag of sweet things.
“Hi,” she says when she opens the door. He looks her up and down, looking for any injuries. She’s in her robe, her hair messy and her face devoid of make-up. There are no bruises, no blood. That’s a relief.
“I brought 'something sweet’.”
She smiles at him. “Come on in.”
“I didn’t know what you wanted, so…,” he trails off and hands over the bag. Scully empties it on her kitchen table and he thinks he hears an actual moan when she discovers the Twinkies.
“Scully,” he says, but she’s rummaging through the mountain of junk food. “Hey, Scully?”
“Hm?” She turns to him and he doesn’t know what’s in her mouth, but she looks like a squirrel.
“What happened? Why- you said you got dizzy.”
She sits down and sighs.
“You brought root beer?” She points at one of the cans.
“Well, it’s sweet, isn’t it?”
She mumbles something that sounds like ‘iced tea’ but he can’t be certain and right now, it’s not important.
“You know how I told you that I had a doctor’s appointment today?” She says and meets his eyes. Oh no. Oh god, please no.
“I better sit down,” he says and reaches for a Twinkie, too. He doesn’t even want to eat it, he just wants to hold on to something when she breaks the bad news. “You’re sick again,” he says matter-of-factly.
To his greatest surprise – and confusion – she smiles.
“I’m not,” she says.
“You’re- but then why?”
“I’m starting with the uhm, the hormones?” Color shoots into her cheeks.
“I didn’t know what to expect and I felt fine all day until… I wasn’t. I didn’t mean to worry you, Mulder. I just…”
“You just what?” He can barely form a coherent thought. They’re starting to make a baby. They’ve taken the first step. Or Scully has. His own contribution will be up soon enough. If he can’t get it up. That’s not a thought he should entertain at 2 am, while sitting at Scully’s dinner table. 
“It’s silly,” she says, trying to smooth her hair and making it even worse. He’s never seen her look so adorable and he’s thankful that she lets him see her like this.
“You know me,” he says, “I like silly.”
“I got up because, uhm… I wanted a cookie.”
“Didn’t you say you got up for a glass of water?”
“I lied, okay?” Her face is almost as red as her hair now. With every second that passes, he falls a little bit more in love with her. His Scully, sneaking into the kitchen for cookies at 2 am. “I got dizzy before I even made it to the kitchen and then I realized I don’t have any cookies. I didn’t dare getting into my car and-“
“That’s when you called me.”
“I realize it’s, uhm…”
“You tricked me into bringing you junk food.” But he’s grinning from ear to ear.
“I did,” she admits with a sheepish smile. “I’m sorry, Mulder. I’m just not used to the-“
“Please don’t apologize,” he says, taking her hand and squeezing it. “Call me at 2 am when you want cookies. I said I’d do this and Scully, I’m all in. I’m going to take care of you, okay?”
He feels the warmth in his own cheeks and knows that he’s about as pink as Scully is. It’s 2 am and he’s tired and he can’t keep his happiness in check. He doesn’t even want to.
“Okay?” he asks again and after a moment, she nods. “I’ll always bring you junk food, no matter the time of day.”
“What if I get fat?” she asks, opening the can of root beer and taking a big sip.
I’ll still love you just as much as I love you now, he thinks, but doesn’t say it and simply smiles at her. From now on, he’ll take care of her. Forever.
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Emotions (pt. 9)
Billy Hargrove x reader
Summary: Y/n and Billy have the day to themselves, or so they think.
Word Count: 1376
Chapter 1 • Ch. Masterlist • Chapter 10
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You both drove through a forest, where you stopped at a lake. The whole place was beautiful, and there was a perfect breeze passing by. "This is really pretty, but what about the pool?" You asked. You felt his anxious feelings begining to grow, and clarified. "Not that I don't like this. I like the fact that it's just the two of us. I'm just curious."
"I didn't want anybody to bug us. Especially not Heather. She's working right now."
You nodded contently. "But I didn't bring a bathing suit."
Billy chuckled and took off his shirt. "So?" You smiled and shook your head, but followed his lead. You took off your shirt and jeans, leaving you in your panties and bra. "You sure you wanna stop there?"
You giggled. "What if someone passes by? My body's only for you to see."
He grinned, pulling your waist to give you a kiss. "How are you so good at having me cave in to you?"
You shrugged. "I just have that effect on you." He tried to kiss you, but you dodged the kiss and ran away from him, jumping in the water and him following after. "Yup. I just have that effect."
He then kissed you. "Yes you do."
You both swam and played water games with each other until you were hungry for some lunch. As you got out of the water to change back, you left your shirt off and shook the water out of your hair. "You trying to get me turned on doll?" Billy asked as you combed your hair with your fingers.
"Nope. You just get turned on easily babe."
"And there it is again. You know calling babe makes me turned on." You shook your head and giggled, walking to the car.
You went to a drive-thru and ate in the car together. Afterwards you put your shirt back on and walked over to these stones on an empty hiking trail, where you both laid down and snuggled up together, talking about each other. You two had this thing where you'd learn more tiny preferences about each other. "Umm, hostess." You said.
"Easy. Twinkies."
"I prefer those cupcakes." You said before kissing his neck gently. "I didn't know you were so vanilla."
He chuckled. "Trust me sweetheart, I ain't always so vanilla."
He tried to kiss you, but you sat up, dodging him. "Whatever you say babe. Where to next?"
"Come here." He tried to grab you, but you got off the rock. He gave you a wicked smile before getting off as well and began to chase you. You were both laughing as you did your best to run from him, but you both knew that he was better built than you. You tried running to the car and locking yourself in, but Billy shut the door and turned you around, pressing you against the car and giving you a hot kiss. "You need to stop getting me so riled up sweetheart."
"You need to stop making it so easy." You smiled.
"Car, now." There was no sort of negative connotation to his voice, only excitement.
You got in the passenger's seat. "Billy, we're not have sex in a parking lot–" He cut you off with a kiss, gently taking your bottom lip between his teeth before releasing it.
"Nobody said anything about a parking lot." You two then drove back to the forest and got into the backseat, where you both had a really fun time.
Later on he took you back to your house while you wore in his leather jacket as you got new clothes, heading for the shower. "A shower too?"
"We would have stayed out if you didn't rip my clothes." You said as you gently squeezed his shoulder while you passed by him.
"How was I supposed to know that your panties would rip?"
"And my shirt?"
Billy couldn't help but chuckle. "That was my bad."
You chuckled as well. "I'll be right out."
As Billy watched TV and waited for you to finish, Hopper walked inside. "Hey Billy. Where's y/n?"
"In the shower, sir." Billy responded. He realized that it sounded kind of bad, so he added, "She spilled soda all over herself."
Hopper nodded contently, before going over to him. "I actually wanted to talk to you." Billy nodded for him to continue. "I heard some things last night between the two of you."
Billy sat up, thinking something different. "No, I swear sir it's not what it might've sounded like–"
"I know it wasn't anything bad with the two of you." Billy nodded and relaxed. "But, um, I did hear some stuff about your family, only it was too vague. Billy, I'm the sheriff. As the sheriff I can take action over certain things. But you need to tell me so I can do something."
"Sir, I found from experience," Billy said. "That opening my mouth will only make things worse."
Before Hopper could respond to that, you came out of the bathroom. "Oh, hey Hopper. Do you want me to make you a sandwich?"
He glanced at you before looking back at Billy. "No, I can do it." He then made his lunch and left as you brushed your hair and told Billy that you were ready to go out again.
You both then went to a drive-in movie theater. "I didn't even know these were still open."
"Yup, that way I can do whatever I want to you without anyone else seeing."
He leaned in for a kiss but you pushed his face away. "Yeah, like watching the movie."
"You've been doing that a lot today sweetheart." He said as you grabbed your hand. "It's making me need you more."
You both made out passionately before Billy stroked his thumb under your shirt, causing you to pull away. "We just did it, and what if people see us?" You took his hands and put them on your waist. "I'm only meant for you." He looked at you in a daze. "Mm, I love it when you cave in."
"Fine, but get in the backseat." You didn't question him, and got out of the car and into the backseat. You saw Billy slide to the middle and pat his lap. "Climb on."
You sat on his lap, and he situated you to get comfy against him. He brushed the hair off your neck and began to kiss it tenderly. His hands went underneath your shirt and his fingers brushed over your stomach softly. "I make you happy, right?"
He stopped kissing you and turned you a bit. "What do you mean sweetheart? Course you make me happy." He gave you a smile. "Why wouldn't you think that?"
"Just wondering. I want you to be as happy as I am."
"I am." He hugged you and rested his head on your chest, where you played with his hair. "I love you. I love how you're becoming more confident in yourself."
You kissed the top of his head. "I got you to help me with that."
When you got to his house, Billy had lifted you up and you instinctively wrapped your legs around him. "Billy calm down." You giggled.
"Can't doll." He hurriedly shut the front door and put you on the kitchen counter. He immediately attached his lips to yours.
"Does anyone want to tell me what the fuck is going on here?" Neil asked as he slammed the front door.
Billy immediately backed up from you as you hopped off the counter. "I thought you'd be in Florida this weekend." Billy said weakly.
"Flight was pushed till tomorrow." He threw his car keys across the kitchen. "I leave for one second and you're slutting it up with someone that Max knows personally?"
He started to come at Billy, and you panicked. You didn't think when you pushed Neil right before he got to Billy and said, "Sleep!" He then collapsed, unconscious. Billy looked at you wide eyed. "I can explain!"
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@roxytheimmortal @shane-isa-shame @actuallyazriel @tanovic54321 @chipster-21 @jula-bear @ellie2468 @sassysmiles @frozenhuntress67 @fansanctuary @homewrites @tearsforhan @waymorecake4me
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Woody Harrelson and Jesse Eisenberg On Set Interview ZOMBIELAND
If the chemistry between Woody Harrelson and Jesse Eisenberg in director Ruben Fleischer's "Zombieland" is anything like what I witnessed on set back in March, the movie is going to be very funny. That's because unlike some sets where everything is serious between takes, Woody and Jesse were laughing and improvising almost the entire time we were there. I don't think Woody said the same line of dialogue on any two takes as he was constantly one upping himself and making people laugh. It was a lot of fun to watch.
So you may be asking what's "Zombieland". It's a horror/comedy by director Ruben Fleischer and it takes place in a world overrun by zombies. The film stars Jesse and Woody and they play a big wuss and an AK-toting, zombie-slaying' bad ass whose single determination is to get the last Twinkie on earth. I think you know who plays which part.
Anyway, after the jump is the interview I participated in with the two stars on set. They talked about improvising, filming, the amusement park sequence, zombie killing, and a lot more. Take a look:
Finally, before you read the interview, I suggest watching the first trailer from "Zombieland". It'll explain what he film is about and who they play. Here's the full synopsis:
Columbia Pictures horror comedy Zombieland focuses on two men who have found a way to survive a world overrun by zombies. Columbus (Jesse Eisenberg) is a big wuss -- but when you're afraid of being eaten by zombies, fear can keep you alive. Tallahassee (Woody Harrelson) is an AK-toting, zombie-slaying' bad ass whose single determination is to get the last Twinkie on earth. As they join forces with Wichita (Emma Stone) and Little Rock (Abigail Breslin), who have also found unique ways to survive the zombie mayhem, they will have to determine which is worse: relying on each other or succumbing to the zombies.
And one last thing, I've also posted a video blog about my adventures on set, so click here to watch.
Question: We just saw you outside playing with chainsaws.
Woody Harrelson: Two chainsaws.
Two chainsaws, so let's talk about where do 2 chainsaws come in on this movie.
Woody: Well, it's actually...it comes from a voice-over that Jesse has after he meets me and he says to my character Tallahassee's in the ass kicking business and then you see me with the chainsaws and business is good.  There's some great lines in this script.
So is that what originally brought you to the project was you read the script and you said I want to do this?
Woody: Yeah, I thought the script was phenomenal.  And then I met Reuben and really liked him and I thought this guy is a go-getter.  He's really going to make a terrific movie and so far I'm really impressed with him.
It's kind of surprising to see you do this kind of genre at all?  Are you a fan of this genre at all?  Do you like these kinds of movies?  Are they something you wanted to try to do?
Woody: No, I never thought about it honestly until I saw and read the script.
So I'll just throw out there the two of you working together, what kind of dynamic has that been?  We saw you earlier, Woody, improvising a little bit, so what's that been like with improvising?
Woody: Well we generally try to warm up each other.
Jesse Eisenberg: Yeah, shout out the last line in the scene.
Woody: We drag this thing out.  We'll have a 45-minute improv over...
Jesse: Regardless of we're on camera or not.
Woody: It's weird, but it's fun.
What's it like carrying that shotgun around?
Jesse: Oh its good.  They make me carry the real one.  I want to carry the rubber one because it makes me look stronger.  And there's like four characters in the movie and we all have names for our real guns and then for our rubber guns.
Woody: So yeah, his real gun is named Farmer.
Jesse: The Farmer.
Woody: The Farmer.
Jesse: The rubber gun is The Baker.
Woody: The Baker.
Jesse: What do you have?
Woody: That's too private (everyone laughs)
What was it about the script that you liked that attracted you to it?
Jesse: Yeah, the same as him.  The characters are so well-defined and done in a multi-dimensional way, which is rare in a movie like this which is so fun and theatrical to have characters that are also really great and real.  And you also meet him [inaudible] encouraging to make the characters even more real and emotionally honest and stuff that is attractive to an actor.
Well, let's be honest.  It really is about fighting zombies, too.  So could you talk a little bit about being in a film that you guys are fighting zombies?
Jesse: Again, I'm only really into the soliloquies and... I get somebody else to do the other stuff.
Woody: I just say personally it's very cathartic.  Zombie killing.
Jesse: My mother was a zombie and so it also feels cathartic to finally get that stuff out.
Jesse, you did a werewolf movie so who's more killer? Werewolves or zombies?
Jesse: I guess we'll find out if we survive or not.  Yeah, no werewolves are much more aggressive but zombies come in mass.
Woody: And they're persistent.
Jesse: Yeah, and they're persistent. Yeah.
You guys filmed for a few weeks at the amusement park, which actually I just realized Adventureland, this, amusement parks, what's going on?
Jesse: I think limited range. (everyone laughs)
Well, being serious for a second, could you guys talk about...I mean we heard there's a lot of stunts there, there's a lot of action, you guys shot there for a number of weeks, could you talk about filming at the amusement park and what challenges there were with all these stunts and action sequences?
Jesse: Oh the challenges of that kind of stuff?
Woody: The primary challenge was the cold.
Jesse: Yeah, it was freezing even though we were in South Georgia shooting, that amusement park it was strangely freezing.
Woody: They were saying like in 700 years it's never been that cold, so we were privileged to be there at that time, but it's kind of fun in that amusement park.  It really was.  It was odd to shoot because a lot of that is in the end of the movie, so it was really weird shooting the end of the movie first...but in the end it was kind of cool.
Jesse: All like the various plotlines that happened there are so creative. Like he's swinging from that thing with the chairs shooting zombies...that chair thing that flies around and swings in a circle. He's like shooting zombies hanging off of that thing, and I run through a haunted house and I don't know if the things are zombies or if they're the fake skeletons that are coming out.  Everything was so creative and specific and funny, so they really utilized the park to their great advantage.
It definitely seems like you're letting him do more of the zombie killing.  Is that true?  Did you kind of hang back a little bit or do you eventually jump forward and try to do a little bit of it yourself?
Jesse: Yeah, I do towards the end as our arcs....but he's kind of like an older brother and maniac.
Woody: Thank you for saying that.
Jesse: Yeah.
Woody: I'm glad you didn't say father figure.
esse: Yeah, yeah.  Like a step-brother wherein the father is so old that the step-brother can be so much older.  Even older than a father naturally would be just based on the age gaps in America.
Woody: Almost like older than the grandfather.
Jesse: Yeah.
Where do your characters first meet?  Do we know that?  Is that something....?
Jesse: Yeah, like we all assume we're like the last kind of people on Earth because the world's been over-run by zombies so we kind of run into each other hitchhiking and he picks me up.
We know that you have a number of rules or your character has a number of rules, we saw an animatic of the 4th one. Could you talk a little bit about...they seem to be very funny.
Woody: Yeah, yeah they are.  Like my character is obsessed with like sticking to the rules and if I do that I'll survive is his logic. So they're like very like specific and practical things like check the back seat when you get into a car because you never know if somebody's hiding in the back seat.  Or wear your seatbelt because you're already stopping short and you'd go through the windshield or stretching because you have to...and the funniest one is cardio.  Just do a lot of cardio because you're always running from the zombies.
Can you talk a bit about your relationship with the girls in the film-the ladies?
Jesse: It's good.
Woody: It's a little terse at first.
Jesse: Yeah, there's kind of like con-artists and I forget what I was going to say....yeah and...
What were they conning in the post apocalyptic wasteland?  What can you be conned out of?
Jesse: Well the limited resources that exist compared to the limited people that...
Woody: Yeah, they're not trusting so they don't want to trust us and they want to take what we've got, what limited resources we got like our vehicle, our weapons.
You guys are filming with the Genesis camera so you're filming in digital, could you talk a little bit about how that moves pretty fast, not like film where you take some breaks and so a much quicker setup.  Much quicker to do faster takes?
Woody: Incredible how fast they're shooting, I think.
Jesse: They get so many shots per day, angles per day.
Woody: I mean I don't know is that a product of Genesis or Michael?  I'm not sure because it requires lighting and I just think it has more to do with just the speed of this crew, you know, but certainly in terms on not of having to reload as much and things like that--big benefit.
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