#;; 👑 █ an audience with his highness ◜ { ɪɴϙᴜɪʀɪᴇs. }
raajasii · 1 year
I miss us
█▐ @maurlce | ✖ | inbox.
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✨✨ it took 5 years but i knew you'd admit it eventually
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raajasii · 2 years
Hurry, while Wolfram isn't looking, here's a smooch
█▐ @hhemeraa | ✖ | inbox.
ooooo Myles is a DOG PERSON yes it’s true !!   we knew it all along !! down with hissycats !! clingy puppy supremacy, he said !!
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❝  Now  that  you  have  successfully curried  my  favor,  ❞     All  in  one  second’s,  honest  work.     ❝  I  think  it’s  only  fair  that  you  should  be  invited  to  spend  the  entire  rest  of  the  week  with  me.   As  a  treat.  ❞    
He  has  been  looking  for  some  new  wretched soul  of dubious character to  hassle on a regular basis.   This  could  not  have  been  any  more  opportune.
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raajasii · 2 years
█▐ @rosa-geminae | ✖ | inbox.
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raajasii · 2 years
“Soma!” Maya ran into his room leaves in her hair and her clothes caked in mud and grime. “I know you were really upset about earlier so I got you this!” She shoved in his hand a three leaf clover with a fourth leaf hot glued onto it.
█▐ @kurainburdened | ✖ | inbox.
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❝ M - MAYAAA ... !! ❞     
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❝ Thank  you !    That’s  so  thoughtful !    Thank  you !!    You  are  the  greatest,  sweetest, most  precious  friend  I have ever had !  ❞      A sniffle,  sniffle  into  disheveled  crown  of  hair  atop  her  head,  that  he  had  near  bowled  her  over  in  his  hurry  to  bury  his  face  into. 
Four - leaf  clovers  symbolized  prosperity,  didn’t  they ?    In  that  case,  Soma  will  wish  for  the  health  of  his  family  and  friends,  a  year  where  kindness  and  charity  may  flourish in the world,  and  for  his  bond  with Maya to  stay  unbreakable  forevermo—
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THE  PHONY  FOURTH  LEAF  FALLS  OFF  and  flutters  to  the  floor  before  tear-streaked  cheeks  have  a  chance  to  dry.
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raajasii · 2 years
"Here, let me help you with that!"
█▐ @rosa-geminae | ✖ | inbox.
ONE  TOO  MANY  minutes  spent  engaged  in  one - man  combat  against  his  own  garments   (  faint  reflection  in  window  nearby  used  for  visual  guidance  looking  just  as  troubled  as  he ) ,   he supposes it  was  only  natural  for someone to  take  notice  sooner  or  later.
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❝  My  savior,  ❞      It’s  with  immediate  effect  Soma  draws  close  to  his hero, the absolute ANGEL sent to his aid, in order to entrust  his  collar askew,  hopelessly  crooked  tie,  the  lot  of  it  to  capable, or capabler, hands. A Prince no stranger to donning formal attire, but Mysore's vestments were of such a vastly different ( and far preferable ) kind.      ❝  You  know,  I  once  spent  a  year  at  some  college  of  lions  and  owls  and  foxes  where  we  were  expected  to  dress  in  suits  like these  every  morning,  and  manage  to  make  it  to  breakfast  tea  by  seven.  You  would  never  guess  what  happened  if  any  of  us  turned  up  tardy or with a crooked tie !  ❞
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raajasii · 2 years
my name is kinji. :)
█▐  @hiisfire    | ✖ |   inbox.
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                    ❝  I like that name.   Did you know I'm in love with you(r furry assets) ??  ❞
SEE THAT HAND ?   So very conspicuously drifting towards the top of Kinji’s head.
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raajasii · 2 years
❝ Ahh ~ ! you’re hair is so beautiful ! ❞ he doesn’t hesitate to take a strand between his fingers, admiring the colour. ❝ You should let me braid some flowers into it. You’ll let me do that, won’t you ? ❞
█▐  @ilestlesoleil    |✖|   inbox.
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FROM AN OUTSIDER’S PERSPECTIVE it really is an audacious gesture,  even between Princes.   And should anyone presume Soma would simply sit idly by and allow for a near stranger to touch his hair without his leave . . .
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Why,  they’d be perfectly correct !    Mien brightens with much the same intensity as the beaming sun in the sky itself,  though where it regards cheer and warmth,  perhaps he’d met his match in the sweet ray of sunshine of a man currently keeping a lock of his hair,  and subsequently all of his adoring attention in turn,  hostage with such amiable charms.      ❝  THANK YOU !    Naturally I keep my hair in good health !     You may style it however you please.  ❞      Already he’s tilting his head for ease of access,  wholly basking in the unforeseen   ( but never unwelcome ! )   serving of appreciation.   And Soma does so fancy flowers !
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raajasii · 3 years
beep beep lettuce
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                 this restaurant sucks
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raajasii · 3 years
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That’s the cutest f’ing thing he’s ever seen in his entire life !!!!!!!
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raajasii · 3 years
“Don’t you have anything better to do?”
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               ❝ Oh,  I happen to have many pressing matters to attend to, ❞    None of which he is under any obligation to disclose   ( and thereby shatter the illusion of ever existing ) ,  of course.   Instead, Soma busies himself EVER SO DUTIFULLY stashing away the multitude of hefty leather-bound books littering the edges of the little Earl’s not-so little desk,  back into the nearby bookcases he assumes they’d once been retrieved from.
               ❝ However ---! ❞    A pointed thump of some atlas or another slid into quite possibly,  probably,  the incorrect vacant spot.   If Ciel won’t deign to watch his efforts,  he will at the very least make sure they are heard.    ❝ I GENEROUSLY choose to prioritize assisting a dear friend in need,  so that he may sooner be relieved of his duties and enjoy a well-earned break ! ❞  
With me.
An unspoken motive.
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raajasii · 2 years
" Oi. You there. "
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" I'm free from work for the time being. Fancy a game of old maid? "
(you asked for it~)
█▐  @ominasapphirus    | ✖ |   inbox.
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               ❝  OLD MAID ?  ❞      Parroted words laced not with excitement,  but with a chuckled amusement sure to prick at anyone’s ear,  meet the young Lord at the doorway.   How brazenly his company will waltz past the sitting table in order to procure a much different means of pastime stashed away in a secretaire,      ❝  Tsk,  tsk,  silly little Ciel.   Isn’t it about time you moved on from such childish games ?    Really,  now . . .  ❞      The game in question one enjoyed between the two not very many weeks ago,  but his Highness’ moods could be ever so fickle.   Such a smug look about his features as he’s seated in no hurry,  as though his companionship was the coveted one,  and Soma was ever the charitable man to bestow it.   The box dropped atop their shared table must be one familiar.      ❝  I have practiced my hand at chess day and night and will vanquish you with ease today,  wait and see !  ❞
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raajasii · 2 years
"you wanna climb over the fence and go over there? i don't think anyone's looking." (they begin with dumbass trespassing & crimes, unfortunately </3)
█▐  @magickedhat    | ✖ |   inbox.
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               ❝  WHY,  DO I EVER !  ❞      Whomever sought to keep their private premises free of,  say,  two well-intentioned adventurers on the prowl for exciting happenings,  really ought take more care to make their fences less traversable.   With a flourish,  Soma’s shawl   (  decidedly at risk of holding him back otherwise )   is unfastened from around his shoulders and flung high into the air,  caught by a piece of wiring and left to flutter so pretty in the wind.   The theatricism of it all impresses even him.   
A mirthful glance traded with Wren implies they are free to marvel at his accidental feat as well.      ❝  I’d wager a mysterious facility like this is exactly where they would be hiding all the cryptids and mythical creatures from us !  ❞
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raajasii · 2 years
*Gives Prince Soma some English scones*
█▐  @velniiias    | ✖ |   inbox.
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AH.   TROUBLING.   Had he complained too loudly of his perpetual cravings for afternoon snacks  ( again ) ?     Had he inadvertently annoyed the one person whom must not,  under any circumstances,  be vexed  ( again ) ?     The butler’s culinary abilities by no means anything to turn one’s nose up at,  and to be waited on so dutifully by household staff may be a privilege only natural for any royal-born to enjoy.   Still it’s with apprehension and dread Soma accepts the surely delectable platter of baked goods,  mind in a spin in search of some sinister motive behind the innocent gesture.      ❝  Y-you shouldn’t have —    I mean,  thank you kindly . . . !!   Ciel’s khansama,  s-sir . . . . . .  ❞      Gaze rises to carefully regard his kind benefactor,  like an OBEDIENT DOG fearful of the disciplining hand,  waiting on some sort of go-ahead to sample the meal Soma hoped wouldn’t be his last.
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raajasii · 3 years
"Okay I might be tempted to go along with whatever ya plan on doin' so long as if it goes wrong---I can claim I was never here." ( he's here for some antics please and we missed you )
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               ❝ DEAL ! ❞      While perhaps not the most enthusiastic of assents,  by no means can Soma afford to be picky.   After all,  the number of confidants he has within these borders to rope along on his whims   ( sans his attendants paid for their services )   amounts to all of ONE.   A particularly prickly candidate,  perhaps,  but oh —    one ever so spirited,  and dependable as well !    Bejeweled hands are fast to reach for and clasp both of Kyo’s own,  squeezing tight,  as though a holy pact between them has been sealed.
               ❝ That is a brilliant idea,  Kyo.   Should worse come to worst,  you run like the wind !     Then I shall make the claim that my accomplice transformed into a RAGING LION in a puff of smoke and retreated for the woods,  and amidst all the confusion I will make my escape as well ! ❞      Any resemblance to real events is purely coincidental. 
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raajasii · 3 years
“You see these?” Maya forced her nonexistent muscles. “Wii sports baby,”
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               ❝ Wrrrow,  you beast of a woman,  you. ❞      In the face of such spectacular brawn it’s only appropriate to play at coyness ;   all wistful croons and fluttered lashes.   Soma’s hands that have reached to pat appreciatively at her zero-gains then proceed to,  without notice,  link themselves around her neck as he all but LEAPS into her strong ( ? ),  capable ( ?? )  arms !      ❝ CARRY ME OFF into the sunset,  my hunky she-wolf !! ❞      Of course,  he has run the proper calculations.   Should she fall backwards,  there’s a couch eager to catch their weight.   Should she fall any other way,  he’ll assume only partial responsibility on the grounds that he has been misled !
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raajasii · 3 years
"That movie was so cool!!" The second the ending credits scrolled across the screen Maya jumped off the couch and began spinning a broom over her head like a staff. "He was like PSSSHH KAPOW PEW PEW. Take that Evil Magistrate!"
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               ❝ Right !?    Who could have guessed that the kindly CEO guy was an accomplice,  too !    GO MAYA,  banish the wicked evildoers !! ❞
Of course,  Soma is a good friend who knows how to best appreciate a show;  clapping and cheering at her theatrics accordingly !
He claps and cheers all the way until the detachable broom's head comes loose from sheer centrifugal force alone,  and smashes square into the tv screen with impeccable accuracy.   Cutting off the blaring credit song as well as any chance they’ve had of watching the sequel tonight.
They share a look.  It’s one of mutual understanding.
The circumstances may be different,  but it’s not exactly an unfamiliar predicament overall.   From experience he knows  –  and he knows Maya knows  –  that whoever’s last spotted at the scene of the crime would easily wind up being the one incriminated.   And so,  after scooping up one last handful of snacks  ( like a fugitive gathering provisions ),  and before her own survival instincts have a chance to fully kick in –––
               ❝ OH,  is it already this late ??    I must retire for the night ! ❞
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