#; writing ( eist )
bookcalanthedaily · 2 years
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A gasp left her lips when big, warm hands suddenly covered her emerald green eyes from behind, lips immediately curling upwards in a smile. Oh, she knew that touch. She knew that scent, and she knew the sound of that voice. The voice that said; “Guess who.” She chuckled, bringing her hands to his, touching them gently. “There is only one man brave enough to approach the Lioness from behind.” His hands slowly slid down along her body, to her shoulders and then along her sides, until they rested on her hips, her own palms never quite releasing them, and then she felt his breath on her neck. She tilted her head to the side, allowing his lips to brush over her skin with tenderness and reverence, a soft sigh escaping her at the feeling. “Gods, did I miss you.”
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thegirl20 · 1 year
Yennaia bits in Ep 3.03 (Part 2)
Having spent some time talking and looking at each other’s lips in a bank vault, Yennefer and Tissaia emerge from some sort of alley just as Rita is done slapping Ciri across the face.
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Tissaia takes a moment to appraise her (perhaps thinking it’s for the best Yen got a teenager instead of a baby because Tissaia cannot understand people wanting babies)
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We then see a repeat of the ‘extra’ bit we saw from when Tissaia collected Yen from Vengerberg.
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Yennefer also obeys this command.
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Concerned by the blood starting to leak out of Tissaia’s eye, Yennefer offers to take everyone to a spa for the day.
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At the spa, Rita is horrible to Ciri, and Sabrina is delightfully Sabrina, and Tissaia just sits and watches all the scantily clad women, having chosen to put on more clothes than she had on outside.
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Ciri is a little brat, and Yennefer yanks her out of the room so that they can have a talk about how Yennefer has sold her soul because she’s giggling and drinking with her friends. (I found this to be quite an extreme reaction from Ciri, who must’ve seen Calanthe and Eist play politics on more than one occasion).
Ciri takes things too far by insulting Tissaia.
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The eel question is valid. The vapid comment is a bit judgemental, considering Sabrina is a powerful court mage, controlling a King, and this is her downtime. But fine, she’s a teenager. Anyway, Yen’s not having it and chastises Ciri vehemently.
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I wonder if this is her talking to herself a little. Like she realises she should have been more grateful to have Tissaia when she was younger.
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There should absolutely have been a cut to Yen’s expression here. Sadly there was not and we are left imagining what’s going through her head at this point.
They argue some more and Yen tells Ciri to suck it up and get used to this life before storming out.
Tissaia comes to find Yennefer, clearly knowing she’s upset. And once again Yennefer is open about her actual feelings.
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Someone on the writing staff enjoys the phrase ‘curry favour’.
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Tissaia is slightly blasé about being able to protect Ciri and getting the Kings back under control, but Yen decides they need to sort themselves out first.
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Tissaia is taken aback by this new age hippie sounding Yennefer.
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(As we have established, her ‘type’ is bad tempered, impetuous arseholes who always have to be right. She’s worried Yennefer has turned nice.)
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Once again, Yennefer finds Tissaia’s lips utterly fascinating.
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And there we end episode 3.
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inexplicifics · 1 year
on my second read through of the sasha/aiden fic (unbelievably good, worth all the buildup, incredible job) and can i just say how much i appreciate the exploration of masculinity? because aside from jaskier, who leaned into his flamboyance and his confidence and the way he flouts social expectations well before the series started, all the pov characters have been women, or witchers, or established men comfortable in their roles (jan, eist) or men with more pressing concerns whose experience of masculinity was also shaped by being raised entirely by and around women (griffin). obviously the patriarchal structure of the continent’s society has affected all of them in different ways, but they all have other stuff going on that takes precedence over that, or (for the noblewomen especially) their arcs are more about the expectations of femininity, and embracing socially masculine roles (warrior, spymaster, political advisor, etc) without giving up womanhood, which is related but not at all the same. sasha is the first person we’ve seen whose story is centered on his experience being bound by the expectations of toxic masculinity and it’s just so healing to see him come into himself and learn that he can be what he wants to be without having to look or act a certain way, that his manhood isn’t dependent on his behavior, and even that manliness and masculinity themselves can look different ways (eg the discussion of topping). i still love the girlbossing in the series, and all the different ways the women of your universe embrace their womanhood without giving up their goals or their personalities, but as a trans masc person it’s so good to see a character who actively wants to feel connected to masculinity without changing who he is. i’m just so proud of him and i thought it was a really interesting dive into the different ways people can be harmed by bioessentialism and the excessive gendering of society, you did a really great job <3
Thank you so much! As you say, I've spent a lot of time exploring different approaches to womanhood and femininity, and it was very interesting to take a look at masculinity and who gets to define it and what it even means.
Letting Sasha learn that he can be squishy and artistic and not any sort of a fighter and that doesn't actually mean he's any less of a man was very satisfying to write, and I'm glad it brought you joy.
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hyperray · 9 months
What if Alastor is a Vodou Lwa himself?
DISCLAIMER: Everything I'm writing on this post is not to be taken seriously for I'm writing this as a way to see Vivziepop's perspective on Voodoo and how she wants to use it for Alastor. I do not understand the complexity of the Vodou religion and I just made some quick wikipedia searches to pick up pieces that might help me on the theory of what Viv might intend with Alastor and I'd be very glad to hear some clarifications or additions to the accuracy of this theory. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I remember Vivziepop stating that Hazbin Hotel is suppose to be a mix of different theologies, not just the christian one, and that Hell and it's demons is not supposed to be all too accuracte about the biblical description. I was curious because Alastor, a demon using voodoo magic, strongly implies that there are many Lwas/Ioas in this setting and likely are all demons, even though in official theology they are supposed to be more like angels, though there are plenty Lwas that range from unpure, to arrogant, to unnecessarily cruel and evil, so I get why Viv would assume them as demonic. There is this detail on the Haitin Vodou wiki site: "New lwa are nevertheless added to the pantheon, with both talismans and certain humans thought capable of becoming lwa, in the latter case through their strength of personality or power." There are a ton of Iwas, most of them unnamed, and there can easily be added more by new human concepts embodying as them. I think Alastor might have become an Iwa himself, a particularly major one. Here is how I think Alastor has become an overlord Iwa: Alastor was a popular radio host, cannibalist, voodoo practitioner, and murderer, he died and came to Hell, and due to him having served the dark forces well Lucifer thinks of making him an Overlord Lwa, there is no Lwa that at the time might have been asociated with radios, if there is one, Alastor likely replaces them or has become the Iwa of radios, and partially other things like voodoo itself, cannibalism, murder, gentelems, etc. Viv seems to want to make voodoo an entirely demonic force, something that would be an extention of Lucifer himself, which is very inaccurate to how voodoo actually works. If this ends up being the case, then this implies that other demons outside the hellaverse hierarchy we know of might also be Lwas. I remember in the pilot there being a random demon that could teleport just like that, they have magical powers too, maybe they too are an Lwa? Perhabs. What do you think? Do you think Alastor might be an in-verse Lwa, that he might be inspired by an already eisting Lwa, that Hell has a lot of Lwas, that Viv should make deeper research about bible and voodoo lore than just seeing a character making dolls that affect other people or Dr. Facilier from Princess Frog? Let me know if I made any misconceptions about Voodoo and if there are details of vodou religion that might add or disprove my points.
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pluck-heartstrings · 2 months
Im sure there are readers that only eist over on AO3; is there a noticeable difference in how folks from ao3 vs tumblr talk to you (comment) about the fic? :)
The biggest difference is my name, lol. Over there my username is Nekomiko (an olldddddd username of mine) so folks call me Neko over there and the folks that know me from here call me Pluck. I prefer Pluck honestly, but it’s no fault of theirs that they don’t know.
Everyone is really really nice. I posted my last fic on FFNET as well as AO3 and I had my first ever negative comment there?
And I don’t think people know that the author can see what notes you add to the bookmarks on AO3. I had one person write that PMH was bland and uninteresting (something along those lines) and I was like 😭🫠 ok I guess. If that’s the meanest comment I’ve ever received on the internet then I’m doing pretty good.
Ghost you are SAVING me with these asks, I’m so thankful 🙏✨ the boredom is so much more tolerable thanks to you and all the other askers
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I have two fanfics in my head, both OC's are a child of Daemon by Rhea Royce(this is one character male or female I wish eisted in canon, a child by those two) and I have no idea how to start to write.
#1- Aegon the Elder x OC- she's Aegon's age, perhaps a few months older, conceived during Daemon exile to the Vale post the heir for a day debacle. Daemon is not a present father during her formative years and later on she no longer cares. She dislikes her stepmothers(for a number of reasons). She's not close to her stepsiblings or half-siblings, she does not hate or dislikes them, she just doesn't care to care🤷🏻‍♀️. Her presence changes Aegon (I do believe that love and a gentler touch early in life would have made a difference in his life) Alicent is too afraid in the show to be gentle with her eldest, Aegon was supposed to be strong, to be the shield that keeps them all alive, but obviously tough love did not work. Hormonal Aegon is infatuated with her so he WANTS to be worthy of her. She doesn't just live her life waiting to watch what it is to come, she prepares the stage, she does not underestimate the other faction--her mother's rock divorce always in mind--.
#2-ViserysxOCniece- I hate Viserys just as much as the next person, but just imagined a character that is and does everything that TB stans accuses Alicent of: she was probably one of Aemma's ladies-in-waiting, instead of Jaehaerys and Rhaenyra's handmaid(historically, the easiest way into the King's bed, is through the Queen's bedchambers), a seductress nymph (in the book there's the rumor that they had a affair while Aemma was still alive, so perhaps who knows🤷🏻‍♀️), seducing poor Viserys into giving her a crown and make her his Queen, Viserys reasoning: she is a better/neutral choice, a Targaryen Princess, a woman grown(14/15yrs old)no one can feel slighted, she's older than Laena, renew the Vale/Targaryen alliance, joining his line to his brother's(Viserys just wants to fuck his niece but he must convince himself that he is better than his brother and better than the average men). She actually plots to put her eldest on the IT, she's giving him sons, she's enduring his attentions, she wants her reward. She has affairs with younger, handsomest men than her husband(There are those that accuse Alicent of f*cking Criston🤷🏻‍♀️ and there were theories that Daeron would be their love child and that's way he was sent to Oldtown😔 or saying she's a who're for showing her feet to Larys). She does take power when her husband is too sick, and she actually does keep him alive and bedridden. What a villain she would make. The Cersei in Cersei's head😂.
(one thing that annoys me is the dumbness or lack of thought present during the DoD, like: there is always talking of how dangerous Daemon is, but what was done to prepare? Why aren't the children sent away to safer locations? Why were the TG armies going around like headless chickens? Why were they still stuck in knightly honor and strategy when their enemies were using guerrilla tactics? Why not set fire to the enemy's ships in the middle of the night? Those kind of things just blow my mind, this is like #1 in warfare)
I want more Machiavellian characters.
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marvellouslymadmim · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks for the tag, @andordean
Tagging @room-on-broom @cassiopeiasara @tiffanyachings @nellectronic and whomever else wants to do it!
1. How many works do you have on A03?
Ninety five.
2. What's your total A03 word count?
1,840,502 (and counting...)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently? The Witcher. I do have a few other WIPs for other fandoms but we'll see if they ever see the light of day. Previous fandoms include The Worst Witch 2019, Criminal Minds, plus a few one-shots in a few other fandoms. But those are the big ones.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Pearl Diving (hells yeah the Lesbians win again), A Night with the Queen, Veiled Truths, Chaos Thy Name is Circe, Survival Skills.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Almost always...mainly because I feel extremely guilty if I don't (so if you have ever commented and didn't get a reply in return, don't worry. I still remember. It haunts me.) but also because I genuinely love geeking out with fellow fans. I legitimately have made some amazing friends (and also met the love of my life!) through conversations that started simply through fic comments.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oof...I definitely went through an angst phase so there are plenty of contenders. The Hunter's Remorse (24), Cassandra's Lament, The Unknown Known (both Battlestar Galactica), Walking Dictionary (Criminal Minds), Heart to Ashes to Stone (Game of Thrones), Long May We Reign (Reign), and Orbis Incognitus (The Walking Dead)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All That Glitters, Veiled Truths, Monstrous, pretty much anything I've written since about 2018ish.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
oh god. once, yes. in the Criminal Minds fandom. Granted, I pulled a surprise cliffhanger that, looking back, I would have breadcrumbed more--but I got SO MANY PEOPLE on ffnet screaming at me and generally being abusive because I *dared* to put a character in danger. it genuinely upset me so much that I stopped writing for a long time.
9. Do you write smut?
10. Do you write crossovers?
I think once or twice? But I'm more of an AU kinda gal.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. But I did have someone lift very specific ideas from my fic (i.e. an AU where a certain character was given a very specific nickname and occupation, which another author then took and used in their own AU), and ngl, it made me feel hella weird. For the record, I wouldn't have minded it if they had simply put in the author's notes: "hey this idea was inspired by Mim, in her fic xyz". I didn't need them to come formally ask for permission or anything like that. But to see it in the wild and see readers commenting on their "originality" really put me off that writer as a person tbh (granted they're sus af for entirely other (worse) reasons too so this only solidified my feelings).
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of. I have had readers who weren't fluent in English run my fics through translators for Arabic and French, which I thought was hella cool.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I don't think so? Honestly don't remember.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
God. ALL TIME? Idk. I do love me a dynamic of "A thinks they're unlovable and B is the most patient and loving person alive", so definitely ships like Hackle and Cal/Eist are my top faves.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Some of my old Criminal Minds stuff.
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Pridefulness over my characterization. And also...I am a fucking calathea of mental health and creativity. Everything must be *just so* or I cannot write. No messy house, no loud noises, no stress, no sickness, no dishes in the sink, no work emails to answer, NADA. Otherwise we shrivel up and die. Fun stuff.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I have, and knowing my insane ass, I most likely will again. Sometimes it's just fun. But ya gotta actually know the language and be 1000% certain about what you're saying.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Oh god. I think it was Cats. Yes. The musical.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
This is like asking a mother which child is her favorite 😅 I have a different relationship with each story, and love them each equally but in totally different ways. I will say that my favorites to re-read for comfort myself are: All That Glitters, Veiled Truths, Monstrous, and A Night with the Queen.
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nellectronic · 10 months
20 questions for fic writers
thanks @marvellouslymadmim for the tag!! now I'm tempted to spend the rest of the evening/weekend writing fic rather than doing my tasks...
idk who to tag so if you're reading this and you write fic, consider yourself tagged!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
currently mostly the witcher, but I've also written for the worst witch and a few others. and I have wips that will probably never see the light of day for more fandoms than I can count.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
(1) those heavy days in june when love became an act of defiance, (2) i promise you the truth can't hurt us now (i want to love you but i don't know how), (3) i'm so human, (4) i was looking for a breath of life, (5) her eyes and words are so icy (oh, but she burns).
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yes!! I love interacting with people and making friends through fandom, even though I'm super shy and a bit of a loner irl. I think I do have quite a few comments that I haven't replied to yet, but I've definitely been meaning to get around to that...
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hmmm, I'm not actually sure. almost all of my fics have happy endings; I haven't really done angst in a while. I'm guessing it's probably my oldest fic on ao3, which was a kepler's ghost ex fic (idk if that's still a thing in the wolf 359 discord but it certainly was at the time), so I doubt it had a particularly happy ending.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
somehow this question is even harder than the last one. pretty much everything I've written (other than maybe some of the stuff I've deleted from the internet) has a happy ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
no, and I'm very glad I don't :)
9. Do you write smut?
10. Do you write crossovers?
not usually, but I do have one crossover idea that's been sitting in my head for years begging to be written. possibly one of the best ideas I've ever had. I don't even want to say what it is because it's just so good. hope I manage to write it someday.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that I know of, but I think someone once copied a specific turn of phrase, which they mentioned that they stole but didn't specifically say from whom. honestly it still made me really happy - it was a minor enough thing that it felt more like taking inspiration than stealing.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
no, but it would be extremely cool if someone did want to translate one of my fics.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
not really - I once had a conversation with my dear friend @stardreamerl0ve about vampires that spiraled into a whole she-ra urban fantasy AU that we were planning to write, but we never did.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
don't make me fucking choose. I feel like I have to say calanthe/eist because they've been the hyperfixation for several years now
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
so, so, so, so many. you have no idea.
16. What are your writing strengths?
idk really. I'd like to think I'm pretty good at humor.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
probably a whole bunch of things, but most notably, I never fucking finish anything.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
if there was another language I was proficient enough in to write dialogue, and it fit the fic, I'd do it. sadly, though, the only language I know well enough to write in is english.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I don't remember and I don't want to remember.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
oof. probably and they were soulmates. easily one of the funniest things I've ever written
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isabellehemlock · 1 year
WIP Tag Game
I was tagged by the phenomenal @astrabear to share the first lines of my WIP’s - because as she said, “because you're active in multiple fandoms and I want to know what you're up to.”
I seperated them by a few categories, but first, for anyone else who might like to play along: @asunlovingde @fablesdelightme @prouvaireafterdark @peri-helia @spacewitchqueen (yes this is me shamelessly trying to get a sneak peek at the Rockstar AU <<;) - but of course, as always, no pressure implied <3
My current already posted WIP’s
Mark of Cain (almost done!) - my Cult AU TOG JoexNicky fic that was technically supposed to be done in March, and then holy heck several illnesses and my poor mom’s health, and etc etc I’m that far behind, but almost ready for the next chapter update, and just a few more to go.  Fingers crossed mid July now!
Nicky felt the rush of blood around his ears drown out the horrible gurgling sounds beside him, yet still his eyes were heavy, half hooded, as he swayed a little from the adrenaline seeping out of him.  His bent legs cramped beneath him, trying to signal that they needed relief from the seated pose he was in, but no internal message could reach him now.  He blinked at the dull ache from his lower half, felt the warmth of the blood that had sprayed onto his bare side dry into sticky streaks.  But he had been covered in so much worse from Cain in the past - what was a little blood in comparison?
Pretty Ballads Hide Bastard Truths - a Witcher prequel featuring Calanthe x Eist (hasn’t been updated in fourteen months, but not abandoned, promise!  Just a lot of life and fandom events in between, whoops!  But I genuinely hope to finish it mid summer)
The island of Hindarsfjall was Eist’s favorite.
Though it was the smallest in the archipelago of Skellige, it was the most vibrant one this time of year, with thick foliage and overgrown vegetation.  The perfect place for a teenage boy to explore and roam in the dense, thick, cluster of trees that kept the worst of the summer heat off of his pale skin.
But it was the fjord, not far from the temple of the Great Mother, Freya, that once again beckoned Eist to the jagged edge on the northern side.  It formed the best jumping off point into the warm spring below, and though bottles of the healing waters were given to visitors (in exchange for a small donation to the temple), a young man in his fourteenth summer found it perfect for blowing off steam.
My soon to be posted WIP’s
“What a great start to our partnership” - DantexAimes (Fast X) (I had genuinely meant for this to get written over the weekend, whoops, but it has been started at least - fully outlined, too!  Special shout out to both @cosima-nova & @you-came-back for their lovely feedback and excitement). 
Dante slipped on the gun strap over his stiff shoulders, the morning workout had left his muscles feeling a bit sore, but it kept him primed for the kind of jobs his father needed him for - and frankly, that alone was worth some of the suffering.  It just felt good to be needed, to be acknowledged, in any capacity, and if that required a little pain along the way, then so be it.
Fandom Event related
“Untitled FTH fic” - Steddyhands - okrrr the only reason I haven’t started writing this one yet (because it’s already outlined, has some dialogue, and I’ve legit been editing scenes in my dreams lol), is because I just know that once I start, I won’t stop, and I’m equally desperate to get one long fic done before diving into another one but SOON, so soon!!  This one is gonna pour out of me the second I start and I can’t wait to deliver it for my lovely bidder and friend @vexbatch - expected upload date: July
@iwtvbigbang x3 - not only have I had the privilege of organizing this with two other mods, but I’m fortunate enough to have snagged three authors and am excited to make some custom art for them soon <3 - posting dates: October
OFMD RBB x2 - I made two pieces, and two authors selected one of each and I even ended up betaing one of them and I cannot wait to share the pieces and the stories!  I ended up getting so inspired by the some scenes shared by a second that I ended drawing another piece, too lol - posting dates: June & July
Steddie BB x2 - I just got paired in this one, and am so excited to share that I’ll be making some sweet summertime love art, as well as an Anastasia AU piece (I feel giddy about it!!) - posting dates: October-December
IWTV Art Coven group project - just wrapped the tarot, and working on the calendar next - proceeds go to charity - posting dates: November
Alsoplusalso - my first comic is coming in a few weeks (but to keep it a surprise for the giftee I can’t say more atm)
ANNNND - launching an interest check in October for an IWTV Zine that myself and the IWTV BB mods will be running (super stoked!)  All proceeds go to charity as well 
But other than that, same ol’ same ol’ lol
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32. Write a poem about your boyfriend/girlfriend/best friend/parents
It’s about parents
Fasistas les oti den eisai ma to diaforetiko arneisai
Mou les na s anoixtw alla oti lew peftei sto keno
Parola auta me ligh elpida akoma prospa8w
Gia teleutaia fora na s anoixtw
Me apotelesma auto na ginetai toso tojiko
Egw pisteuw loipon
Oti kai apo agaph mporeis na gineis tojikos
Kai einai tragiko pws an eixa epilogh
Den jerw an 8a sas dialega gia goneis
Sas agapw epeidh eiste oi dikoi mou goneis
Alla oxi epeidh eiste an8rwpoi me psuxh
Giati mporei na sunennooumaste loipon
Alla exw plhgw8ei polu gia kataba8os sas latreuw
Kai akoma perimenw to : «akoma Kai etsi se agapw»
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aroacerick · 1 year
fic masterlist !
feel free to request something from me! i looove writing, i mostly main connor and quackity !, but tbh if i do research i will write anyone <3
quackitys closure - quackity travels in time with karl, but something goes a little funky. he tries to go along with it but eventually sees a familiar face
am i really that bad? - the dealer and mr. mask are neck and neck villain and superhero !!! they are arch enemies !! meanwhile, quackity and dream are best friends that Love to cause chaos <3
loving is easy when everything's perfect - quackity runs a museum with his fiances (karl and sapnap), and tubbo likes to visit him and they hang out and they are just very happy
i hope we both die - There was nothing left to do. Las Nevadas had finally fallen apart. The team was gone and people fully evacuated. It didn’t matter how many times Quackity assured them it was safe, and Dream would never get them, they didn’t listen. Nobody listened. So there he sat. In his office, in his country that he tried so hard to keep together. In his country he formed out of heartbreak, and grief, and loss. In his country that was doomed from the beginning. Just like Quackity, everything was doomed for him.
i loved you then and i loved you now - connor, for the first time since they met, shares with schlatt about his gender and asks him for help
close your eyes, so afraid. hide behind that baby face - dream was given peony when he was 14 years old from a godly figure. he was given no explanation, though he was promised shed be taken back. its hard, being 14 and raising a daughter, but it gets better. thats what phil promised him.
happy times together we've been spending. i wish every kiss was never ending. - dia de los muertos. a day to celebrate the dead. to celebrate the lives of those who were once there, and enjoying that they eisted to begin with. quackity used to love the holiday season, but now it were spent alone. it was spent doing work for his nation. he didn't do anything for most part, other than dia de los mertos. a tradition taken from his mom, to show respect. what a life.
let me take this coat and this weight off of your shoulders - tubbo doesn't want to be a villain. he hates being a villain. but he's there for tommy. he's always there for his best friend. and tommy promised that he'll fix everything.
you've got my whole world in your hands, got that little blue spot - again and again, connor dies. he's finished up in a world, he's played his entire course. each time he dies, he fails, he meets xd. and has to look them in the eyes. for once, they don't look at him with anger. instead, for once, they look at him with kindness.
i need you now, i love you so much, more than you could know - the sbi throw a holiday party!! (so many people are attending ....)
i try so hard to be so happy, are you happy too? - an apocalypse caused by the revival of people! schlatt and wilbur stick together because of their history. connor eventually joins them because hes immune. connor thinks they need a little bit of holiday spirit ! :)
no, i dont care about anything at all. but i still stop and stare everytime that you call - connor and schlatt have a little talk
vvv LATEST FIC vvv
im starving, darling. let me put my lips on something - schlatt hates bad jokes, but thats all connor can do. how is he gonna get out of this one ?!
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bookcalanthedaily · 4 months
Ciri could help (for example, she could convince Anais, with whom she has a warm friendly relationship) and send Temeria's ambassador to Skellige (well, after she found out that Ves liked Cerys at the party in Vizima). Everyone would be happy in this case.
Without the hate, it just seems to me that Ves would be uncomfortable with Ciri as Roche's fiancée. And in Cerys she could find support and healing.
I am writing this to you because I think Ves/Cerys is a good ship (sorry, but I don’t see Ciri with them, she looks too much like Kushina from Naruto).
Well, you seemed to want me to stop being angry and annoying people. So I'm trying to distract myself.
... who looks like kushina from naruto? ves?
ves/cerys is a nice ship, yeah. i support that. but i also love poly relationships so. ciri has two hands, why shouldn't she get two girlfriends.
and yeah, ves WOULD be uncomfortable with ciri as roche's fiancee because roche is like 40 and ciri is her age. roche is like an adopted dad to her so she would be like 'wtf are u doing dating a girl my age find someone your own age"
and as for ciri/cerys, well, they grew up together, like they did with hjalmar. ciri even wanted to marry hjalmar once before she discovered her sexuality (because she was like ten years old back then) so having a female hjalmar essentially would be perfect for her.
they share the same trauma, share childhood memories, and together they could rule cintra and skellige in the spirit of eist's words "cintra and skellige shall stand ever together".
also idk where u took ciri and anais as having a warm relationship because they literally never met. not saying they couldn't. but don't say your hcs as facts.
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inexplicifics · 1 year
reading through the awau again as one does, delighted as ever by the way you write eist. he’s so shrewd but so amiable at the same time! i love it. also i love the detail about the embroidery on ciri’s tunic when she meets calanthe- did milena make her a shirt with wolves and lions especially for the occasion?
Milena absolutely made her a tunic especially for the occasion. Milena knows how court maneuvering works, even if she doesn't always enjoy it.
I'm so glad you like my Eist!
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artanisnaanie · 2 years
💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same 💕
Oh, thank you Droids ❤
My favourite fanfics.. wow, I didn't think it would be this hard to narrow them down!
I think my absolute favourite is In the kitchen of a keep in the mountains, for several reason: it's the fic where I got to really geek about one of my favourite things in the world (food), I tried to explore more characters than I usually do (I also thought I would write more about those characters but then burn-out, oops), the comments I keep getting on that fic are the most lovely of all comments.
I also really like Julian Pankratz' other, other pen-name because meta and humour are two of my favourite things xD just as with Full inventory.
Changing ship, my favourites are The roar of the Lioness (Calanthe/Eist), which made me stretch my wings in M/F smut and I did waaay more research than I tought I would have to, and When I'm holding you wheel (Dean/Impala), which is a good example of how I definitely should let spite motivate me more. They are both quite low in my stats but I really think they deserve a chance xD
And then I hope my future favourite is one I haven't written yet and that I'll find both the time and the motivation to do it!
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grace-nakimura · 1 year
poppy. she / they. thirty5. enfp. resides in central usa, namely the southern part, and this past summer broke something in me significantly for it. gemini sun, virgo rising, and taurus moon. demi/pan and doing the best a she / they can. also chronically ill and mentally ill with a side of ADHD to be really spicy. also a very, very relaxed role player on the side. tracking #userpoppy.
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⁰⁰¹ rp resources. ⁰⁰² graphic tag. ⁰⁰³ writing tag.
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fandoms you'll find: the witcher, namely the novels. star wars. a song of ice and fire ( we ignore the show on this blog. ) sierra online 90s gems like gabirel knight and king's quest. btvs / angel. dragon age. classical and gothic lit. mythology. my otps: satine / obi-wan. yennefer / geralt. calanthe / eist. lestat / louis. armand / daniel. padme / anakin. mara jade / luke. gabriel / von glower. gabriel / grace. spike / drusilla. elena / elijah. ciri / cerys. villanelle / eve. faith / buffy. angouleme / life.
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sentfromwolves · 2 years
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📸 IF LOST, PLEASE RETURN TO YOU . a cleavecross au ( heron & eist ) 
“I apologize for the inconvenience,” the man on the other end says, his voice an oaken rumble. “I can call my colleague to come and pick her up—“ 
“No, no, it’s—it’s totally fine, I don’t live that far away. I don’t mind the walk and, well, it’s probably better to burn off some energy on the way back so she doesn’t escape again,” Heron blurts out before he can stop himself. “Did you know, dogs like her, they can—” 
Heron cuts off with a wince, knuckling his fist against his mouth to stifle the words in their tracks. The man sounds like he’s busy, the low conversational white noise of a crowded room dampening the other end of the line. Heron doesn’t need to derail a courtesy call with his run-on sentences, his anxiety bubbling through his throat in the form of random facts. 
“Sorry,” Heron says, plaintive and mortified, staring down at the big Finnish Hound, her tail beating against his white converse. “Sorry, I just—talk a lot. Um, and I know, I’m a total stranger, so I really don’t mind if you’d rather have your colleague pick her up, either way, just—let me know—“ 
“It’s alright.” The man’s voice is patient and quiet but for the burr of calm buried inside the syllables. “If it’s truly no trouble, I would appreciate it.” 
“Yeah, of course,” Heron breathes out, feeling the knot in his chest loosen just a little. “Of course, I don’t mind at all.”
Or: Heron is a travel photographer and the man whose dog he just found trying to chase a raccoon up a tree is out of his league. Through phone calls from continents away to text messages at midnight, Heron falls in love without thinking. But it’s a long road home to the heart. 
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