#; v: dear old shiz
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ruler-of-oz · 2 months ago
@cloudybrews || Continued from [x]
"Really?" She gave her father a look as she stepped up to the mirror, smoothing out her uniform. She did look rather good in the blue and gray. Just like he once had.
"I just don't see why I need to go away to school at all. I'd much rather stay here with you and Mom. Can't she just teach me?"
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thegaissilent · 21 days ago
for: @halfofozsfavouriteteam prompt: my  muse  murmurs  your  muse’s  name  in  their  sleep,  unaware  they’re  listening.
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Elphaba's been asleep for a while now, but Galinda is having a particularly tough night. She's never been much of a fan of storms and everytime there's a strong one, she finds herself a little agitated; especially considering the fact their window is still broken.
Of course, the other girl's presence, the fact she's right there also keeps Galinda agitated. She wasn't supposed to even have a roommate. But stupid Ama Clutch had to step on a stupid nail and was not able to take care of her at Shiz. Which, of course, meant there was a free bed. Which, then, meant that she had to share the room with her.
Galinda couldn't make a single sound. She couldn't give Elphaba any insight on her fear of storms, so every time there was a thunder that was particularly loud, she would squirm in her own bed, hugging one of her pillows. It was a shame for she had a plushie hidden in her suitcases, but it was just one of those thing she could not let the other girl see.
After a particularly loud one, Galinda squeals, more on the inside. Still, she hears the other girl calling her name right after that and immediately feels her cheeks warming up.
"That was not what you think it is! I'm not afraid!"
She replies, defensively. But Elphaba doesn't say anything else.
Instead, she hears her name... Again.
"Elphaba, what is wrong with you?!"
She gets up all at once, ready to start an argument with the girl; as it often happens. But Elphaba remains in her bed; which honestly offends her more. How dare she not get up for their nightly arguments!
However, when she moves close to her, she realizes.
Elphaba is sleeping.
"What..." She whispers. Before the other girl says her name a third time, in a way that sounds particularly soft, very different from the way she normally talks to her and Galinda hates it. She hates the way it makes her heart feel warm and her stomach feel funny.
She doesn't really think as she approaches more, sitting on the edge of the bed, just to take a better look at her. She doesn't have any particular reason for that, but Elphaba has quite an unique face. In the sense that it's funny, of course. It doesn't matter that her eyes are as green as the forest or that her smile and teeth are pretty. No. She looks funny and Galinda just wants to see how much funnier she is when she sleeps.
She sits by edge of her bed. It's not so dark since Galinda has had her lamp on this entire time. Thus, it is light enough for her to be able to see each one of Elphaba's freckles and she has a lot of them! If she was prettier, Galinda would be able to form constellations on her skin.
She doesn't touch them, but her finger is as close to touching as possible, brushing through the freckles and connecting them.
She is so focused on Elphaba and how ugly she is that she's caught completely by surprise when a particular loud thunder roars, and Galinda lets out a little scream and runs back to her bed, mentally cursing herself for that ought to have waken Elphaba up.
She's a little sad she didn't get to complete her constellation.
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orchestrahearts · 2 months ago
"That's a bad cold." (thisshadeofred Elphie to Glinda)
the annual cold.
“I shouldn’t have gone to that party,” Galinda moaned woefully, flopping back on her soft frilly sheets. She reached around herself, wrapping herself in them in a tangle of blankets. Of course, she never would’ve missed the aforementioned party. She didn’t miss any of them and it would be been simply strange for her not to appear at the most recent one. However, Galinda had been fully aware of the cold that’d been making its way through Shiz’s social circles. Galinda herself was rarely sick however and thought the cold wouldn’t have affected her so.
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orchestrahearts · 2 months ago
“It’s the first thing people see, and it’s all about first impressions,” Galinda replied raising an eyebrow. “You might want to find a way to make yours as obviously gay as you thought you looked.” Though, she had no idea how he’d do that. In the meantime, being seen with her might bring people’s attention away from the way he was being so intently followed.
Gabriel nodded, still frowning, as if he were trying to puzzle out this new development. It had always seemed like people had noticed his differences... if his classmates and acquaintances hadn't his father certainly had. His mother had, too, he supposed, but she had been... gentler... about it. An eyebrow quirked as Galinda tossed her hair, but he didn't ask. His frown deepened. "My face? Really? Are superficial looks really all everyone here cares about?" It came out before he could stop himself.
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lily-onher-grave · 3 months ago
anyway wicked movie round three thoughts
i tried to pay more attention to musical motifs this time around and there are so many gut punches i was sitting there going oh fuck this over and over again. i can't wait to spend the next five years watching music analyses of this soundtrack i swear to god
i won't talk about sad glinda and the effigy again but i will talk about how glinda doesn't even look scared once she says elphaba was her friend. she's so immediately lost in the memories and her wistful smile as we start the flashback is e v e r y t h i n g
if you think ariana and cynthia crying through the entire press tour is ridiculous wait 'til you hear about me crying at the damn fish during the transition to shiz. it's just so magical okay! and glinda is so excited! and it makes me think of how hard book glinda worked to get to shiz, and idk man i just got swept away by the wonder and charm of a magic university alright god
idk how popular/unpopular an opinion this is but i have such a soft spot for dear old shiz and i love that how it plays in the dormitories, it's so sweet
also i finally noticed the time dragon clock this time around
(also fine yes bowen yang's pfannee is the perfect crope/tibbett when he's not being a mean girl. fuck i miss crope and tibbett)
((i need bookverse ideas so i can write crope and tibbett again))
i love the touch of glinda being like no, no way to pfannee and shenshen about the hat but then when elphaba shows up glinda specifically looks down at her sorcery books before deciding to give it to her. i love that silent tipping point in her decision
at the ozdust glinda says it's her heart's desire to become a sorcerer. elphaba giving glinda her heart's desire the way the wizard is supposed to (and not just now, but presumably i part two as well when she gives her the grimmerie)
the poppy in nessa's hair the day elphaba brings a bouquet to class for dr dillamond (fiyero and glinda have flowers on their desks too which is just so sweet)
((also i do love glinda and elphaba arguing about the way dillamond says glinda as they walk to their seats. it's so silly it's so real. i would watch 3 hours of shiz shenanigans i swear))
when jeff goldblum walked out from behind the wizard's head a woman in the theater went "oh!" and tbh it was the perfect little addition to that scene. give that random theatergoer an oscar
if elphaba had said her heart's desire was to not be green i think the wizard would have pulled out a non-green doll and given it to her and that would've been the scene
hey do you guys think they're gonna change the lyrics of wonderful in part two to address the fact that glinda is the one who chose the yellow brick road?
(my other theory about part two right now is that the opening is going to be very different. i really just dont' think you can open a movie with thank goodness and have it hit. idk what they'll do but there needs to be some sort of buffer)
also i think this movie has made me a fan of sentimental man. it's just so charming! like elphaba, i am not immune to a sweet little number about home and family and a sense of belonging
it's been said before but the betrayal scene in the palace truly is everything. elphaba is so hurt by it all. morrible's actions really do sting in this one (and michelle yeoh, hoooly hell, the switch from warm headmistress to intimidating head sorceress is so good)
idk man. it's just nice to know that i'll never be over this movie i think. after spending like 8 years building up unrealistic expectations about it i was still surprised and amazed and tbh 2024 has been so freaking disappointing, it's nice to know that this one thing was as close to perfect as it could have been (imo)
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princessfaerygia · 3 months ago
Walking in the blue dark morning. I spy my shadow. Now it blends in with the shadows of cars. Today I'm wearing my same leggings as yesterday, though I did shower yesterday. Torn up old white undies. White lacy frilly socks. My boyfriends white t shirt size small. Turquoise blue v neck sweater. Large heavy dark grey turtleneck (my boyfriends), my hooded flannel mom got me a few holidays ago, reminds me of Bella from twilight. Annnnd my tye dye purple hat from a "hippie" store my boyfriend gifted me in the beginning of our relationship last year. I'm sniffling again. But other than my hands and face being a bit cold I'm very cozy. It's a nice feeling. I love walking in the dark in the mornings to go to gym. My boyfriend slightly encouraged me to buy more mace yesterday. It's pink. Believe me I will use it if it comes down to it? I've walked the city streets of STL nearly my whole young adulthood and have had very few issues with others trying to hurt me physically. Of course there is psychological abuse but in my own body walking among others I feel part of them and with them and one of them and we are all together. I used to walk late at night the streets of STL. sometimes ride my bike aimlessly in areas I didn't know of, and I was always Okie dokie, albeit a bit lonely or wanting community. Some people who are dear to me think the world is a very unsafe place, but in my mind and heart it is not so. I think I want to read the Bible but I don't got one. Plus that shiz seems psychedelic and strange especially the end times. I remember being in Bible study, one my first times trying to socialize and be comfortable with people, in my late twenties, and this guy I remember Bryan would laugh during our Bible readings because it sounds so insane, the end times or whatever. Like were human males tripping on acid or something? Why put in so much worth into dreams when it's merely subconscious waste? I'm not talking about dreams as in, aspirations. I mean our dreams while we're sleeping. My friends step father said all the guys who created Disney were on psychedelics. That fluffing scares me dude. So america was raised on Disney movies by immature men who can't be solemn and silent and in tune with earths soul and our sacred togetherness? I am totally against psychedelics. Our minds are fragile and we must be down to earth, solemn and use our God given intellect to tune into our spiritual abilities and our souls and all life which yes has a soul.
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redinastitache · 7 years ago
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Aight, so drawing with a chalk succs, and I’ll start scrapbooking the next spidey recap, which is tomorrow.
Episode 12
Misheard ‘gauntlet‘ as ‘goblet’
Peter dear, you only smashed into Macklin. It’s nothing to gloat about :v
So you’re telling me that nobody notices him changing clothes semi-public?
Okay, Harry probably followed the frozen tail to hammerhead’s secret layer, but what are the odds of that happening, or maybe he planted a tracker to the gauntlet? 
Did he leave the cafe, the cafe in which is filled with frozen shiz like snow in which he’s tasked to clean it?
Which brings me to my next point, how did he get away from Joe?
Spider-man frozen in ice, I’m surprised that he’s still alive.
Harry helping Spider-man out, daaaaw. Even though he took his sweet time finding silver quarters. that lil piece of-
Spider-man was a Disney princess for a sec wow.
“StOP iT RIghT THere”
“ Aw, you should’ve said FREEZE”
Peter getting help from Harry daaaw, and Harry willingly gave it to him, DAAAW. even though Peter ditched him at the cafe. but it’s understandable, then again-
ngl, that thermo suit looks so cool I want it.
Spidey’s signature on the snow though, wow.
HARRY NOOOOO- and now you’ve been flicked to unconsciousness. 
That’s kinda funny lmao.
But he got hurt though, :O yikes
I forgot to mention the flame swooooord!! IT’S SO WICKED YOO.
“Is it me or is it getting hot in here? I know I am”
Finally, the episode ended with our two bois hanging out (*cough*) at the cafe, again.
Also, Peter is a great (boy)friend, encouraging Harry to wait for it (cough)
Episode 13:
Peter talking to himself daaaaw, such a mood.
Max is giving me those Dumbledoor vibes, I don’t like it.
Hey, that one scene when Spidey was swinging around while being so joyful that everything was going so easy then Venom came smashing on hi like “SUPRISE MODAFUCER”, that made me laugh.And gosh, did you hear Venom’s dark laugh when they were staring at Spidey so menacingly??
Peter practising his lines to say to Tony and then screweed it up anyways in the end.lmao
Apparently, Peter owns two broken skateboards, which he stuck them on his bedroom wall.
Gonna say this now, Flash’s collared shirt looks gooood, where did he get it from cause I would totally-
Flash smack talking to that other quaterback, woaaah dude
Daaawww. Peter listing down who else could be Venom. Also, DID YOU NOTICED SOMETHING?? When Spidey was trapped in Venom’s tentacles, Venom was pulling him towards them. Almost like they wanted to bond with Spidey again. That’s fricken hawt.
Flash before: *Bullies Peter to keep up rep around his fellow bullies *
Boi i want Peter to tutor me Chemistry too, like BRUH FLASH PASSED WITH AN A THAT’s-
I am beyond proud that Flashy boy managed to score very well for his Chemistry Test
Peter legit thought Max was that petty when he’s banded from recuiting students to break someone’s arm.
“Technically I am a hero soooooo”
Flash was so happy to see his tiny tutor showing up for his game, daaaw
Peter tryna use his old school’s wifi like-
aaay, Mary Jane as the school’s mascot, such amazement.
Suprise suprise,Flash was Venom after aaalll, didn’t see that coming did ya, Pete?
Also let’s appreciate Midtown Students with their colourful hair and fabulous style like, Muah.
“GOOO MidTOWn Win BRING SATisfACtion, Even When It’s a DisTRaction”
Just… Cheerleader Spidey
Flash deeply explained to me how fire extinguishers work against the symbiote, loveyouu dude.
Even when they’e venomized, they still wanted to play football.
Flash running around the school corridor gathering fire extinguishers
I died inside a lil bit when i heard the symbiote squeled of terror and pain.
And then, in the midst of remembering what happened in the episode; Flash was Venom, is there a possibility that Venom attacked Spiderman the first time they meet because Flash wanted to suprise and hug him? Or maybe the symbiote wanted to get revenge which is understandable.
Cause there’s 2 incidents involving Venom injuring 2 victims were because Flash’s hatred/dispised them.
….uuhmm.. where was I?
Right,so Flash is becomming more fond of Peter, even giving him a playful nudgie.
“You’re my hero, Flash”
aaaand, that’s pretty much it
Happy Holidays my dudes
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orchestrahearts · 3 months ago
Galinda considered her two options for books before responding. “The mages and the tea shop,” she decided, adjusting herself against Elphie and gathering her blankets around herself. “I’m not, I just like listening to you read.” She knew she wasn’t quite her usual, energetic self, and Elphie was likely noticing this, but what could she say? She was tired but not quite sleepy yet and all she wanted to do was relax.
The novels were hardly a secret to Galinda anymore, but the joke maintained regardless. They gave her joy in times where it was fleeting to find otherwise as a teenager and a young adult. Elphaba sat aside the textbook she had been reading and glanced at the two romantic novels sitting on her desk. "Would you prefer young mages tire of adventuring and open a tea shop together or a writer finds the love of her life when moving back to her small town after university and striking out?"
Elphaba smiled as Galinda leaned against her, but frowned as she felt the heat radiating off her. She kissed her head, gauging her temperature. "You're warm still. I'll happily read to you, but don't stay awake on my account."
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ruler-of-oz · 3 months ago
@dancedthrough sent: ❛ I feel really optimistic about this. ❜
"Just like you did the last school? Cause we all know how that turned out..." From her perch at the front of the boat, Ozma turned to look at her father. She really didn't see how Shiz was going to be any different from her previous school.
A school she was expelled from after accidentally setting fire to the dorms with her magic.
"I really just think it's best we give up on this whole school thing altogether, don't you?"
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thegaissilent · 20 days ago
for: @thisshadeofred prompt: "I didn't like my name until you said it"
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"Elphie..." Galinda pouts upon hearing that, smiling softly at the other girl before she sits beside her and takes her hand gently, brushing her thumb over the back of it sweetly. She knew Elphie has had it rough across the years, but that was still quite a heavy confession to hear.
She snuggles a little closer, whispering close to the other girl's ear.
"Elphaba Thropp." She says slowly, savoring each syllable. "I love you, Elphaba Thropp."
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potentialbreakupscng-a · 1 month ago
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there was a softness in her gaze as her green eyes settled on her friend, a chuckle escaping her lips at the confidence that poured from the blonde. "right, of course you know. i'll refrain from speaking such redundancies in the future." a hint of a smile tugged on the corner of elphaba's lips, eyes flicking down to their intertwined fingers and letting out a soft laugh at the ridiculousness of her words. "i am well aware of how... different i am." though she was sure that galinda meant something entirely different. she gave her hand a little squeeze before clearing her throat. "what are the plans for today?"
↪ answered ask —   idk what meme this is meg is lazy so anyway  " you are the most special person i have ever met. " ( always accepting ! ) from @potentialbreakupscng
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" why, elphie, of course i am! " the blonde emphasized, placing her hand over elphaba's and giving her a smile. " but . . . " she paused to look down at their hands, lacing her lithe fingers together with the other's. " i think . . . . that you just may be the most special person i've ever met, and you know, i have met a lot of people. " not that she cared to remember their names or even faces, but she was certain she's met a lot. " there's no one like you, elphie. no one in all of oz. "
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orchestrahearts · 3 months ago
💊To try to get them to take their medicine. (Thisshadeofred Elphie trying to give Glin medicine when she really needs it for once lol)
sick memes.
Galinda was sick. She hadn’t the slightest idea where she’d caught it but she had a flu that was really getting to her for once. Still, Elphie was insisting she take some medicine and Galinda wasn’t about to consume the horrendible stuff. “I don’t need it,” she insisted, sitting up in her bed with a swoosh of her fluffy pink sheets. “I just need–“ she was interrupted by a small flurry of coughs, “A little more rest.”
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thegaissilent · 1 month ago
"That sounds perfect..."
A ride on Feldspard is the part that she's most interested in, truly. She misses Princess so much and even though Fiyero's Horse is not the same as her precious mare, the idea of simply getting to horse ride again lights up her heart.
Of course she knows Elphaba wants to talk to the Wizard! She has told her as well.
"I know..."
She replies, a little irritated, but then her expression softens and turns into concern. She also wonders how he would respond to it. But considering that is Elphie's greatest desire and that the Wizard concedes people's greatest desires, she doesn't see a reason why he wouldn't listen to her.
She softens even more once Fiyero asks for them to do something else and offers him a small smile, shaking off whatever is this... Bother she has about his closeness with her best friend. It's so stupid. And she adores him as well.
"Sure! Do you have anything in mind? We can take a stroll in the garden... At least for me, it really helps with clearing my head."
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ruler-of-oz · 3 months ago
Verse Listing
No One Mourns the Wicked / Main: A "post-canon" verse for the musical. After being "rescued" by Glinda, Ozma is taken to the Emerald City and set up as the Queen of all Oz. Despite wanting none of it. This verse will also include any interactions in the past / before the end of the musical.
Dear Old Shiz: The background of this verse may very depending on partner but basically these threads will exist in a world where somehow Ozma is attending Shiz. Maybe the confrontation in the Emerald City never happened. Maybe Elphaba bought into the Wizard's bullshit. Maybe she accepted the job to burn the system down from the inside. Maybe she and Glinda overthrew him. Whatever the reason...they are all still in Oz and Ozma is now at her parents' alma mater. And like her father....she's developed a bit of a reputation. All the options listed above will probably also get verses.
A Land Without Magic: In which Elphaba, Fiyero, and Ozma escape Oz following Elphaba's supposed melting. The tunnels they use take them under the impassable desert and into what most would refer to as "the real world". There, they work to start over. Build themselves a new life.
Through the Looking Glass: A blanket verse for any parallel universe / crossover interactions that do not take place in her home universe.
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orchestrahearts · 3 months ago
"Where do you think you're going?" (thisshadeofred Elphie to Glinda)
parks and rec starters – @thisshadeofred
“To–” Galinda hesitated, her eyes darting back toward the door she had been headed out of. “To the library.” Internally she winced, knowing that wasn’t a convinvincivable place at all for her to be going. In realiation, there was a gathering of her other friends at Shiz that went just a little past curfew, but she didn’t want to tell Elphie that.
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orchestrahearts · 2 months ago
"I got you a little gift. It's not much." (thisshadeofred Elphie to Glinda)
lurlinemas eve.
“You didn’t have to do that!” Galinda smiled despite herself, taking the gift from Elphie. “I did get something for you too, though,” she said, gesturing to a wrapped parcel on the table.
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