#; harbinger azrail
tinotika-arts · 1 year
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Who needs the light when yours is gone?
It was supposed to be a funny joke but then @tsuiraku-o added an angst follow up
And I get to draw bad end Alex again so why not
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tinotika-arts · 5 months
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[GW2] My playable characters and colors - mostly arranged via their vibes
Starting from gold-yellow and going clockwise, we have: Aeon Aurelis, Perzen Galaxias, Harbinger Azrail, Crystal Ford, Alexander Rufus, Rurrik Storme, Connor Lox. In the middle, we have Vitus Creatio
Azrail is technically not green but shhh he's the only one in my roster that has any remote relation with green
Also fun fact 4 people in there are elementalists. Guess my favorite class
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tinotika-arts · 1 year
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Gw2 Canon Personalities vs The way I play them in-game
I make my characters powerful by plot and completely fail at everything in-game or be absolute chaos. It’s fun to compare their personalities to the way I play them in game!
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tinotika-arts · 1 year
Some ramblings for alex that might? contain soto spoilers? cause I've only played half but have random ass thoughts anyway
other thoughts I had though, was mainly after seeing the first chapter's name: Commander without a cause. Like... what if commander was literally created/placed just to be Tyria's saviour. All their experiences were real, but they were created and placed to be Tyria's 'oh shit' card.
And any time when the crisis is over, they disappear.
I thought about maybe an advanced creation that was sleeping and no one finds out until the very end...
I now have thoughts of what if Alex died in the desert, and what came back wasn't Alex, but the manifestation of his will. Across all of the verses i have for him, Alex is a genius at magic. What if he marked the leylines with his will before he died?
The one that came back wasn't the Commander, it was Tyria's magic rising up as a result of his will and desire to protect Tyria and his friends. The magic is aware and uses illusions to cover up the fact that they aren't quite human, and acts around like how Alex would.
And so, whenever peace is obtained, 'Alex' disappears, and only reappears when there's a crisis on the horizon. The rest probably don't find out until 'Alex' takes a hard blow that blows off half their body and couldn't come up with an illusion in time, and has to reform their body by drawing on the leylines again.
It becomes way apparent why this 'Alex' seems to only care about protecting Tyria, and not give two shits about anything else.
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I did have a version of Alex where magic takes an interest in him and wants to use him as their vessel but that's for another day, I got like 2 comics to finish -cries-
Also being called Harbinger just made me side eye the story creators so hard. Harbinger Azrail was one of the many verses I had prior to this where Alex goes off the deep end and brings Eternal Night to Tyria- aka killing off all life.
Coincident, but I'm still side-eyeing a little.
-playing map complete-
me: wait is that maylck??
friend: what??
me: oh wait, it's Malok, gdi
now I wonder what if Maylck was just a rift hunter...
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tinotika-arts · 2 years
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The many verses of Lord Faren I have, and by that I mean just 4.
I have a really bad habit of making Faren more important than he ought to be in the story but it’s all in good fun =w=
Respective verse musings under cut
Canon Alex Faren: The ‘regular’ Faren that just happily follows Alex’s butt into Domain of Kourna and nearly gets his dumb self offed. Just the best bro in general for Alex, supportive and one of the remaining emotional pillars for Alex.
He’s the one who usually hides Alex away from the Pact or other people when things get too much for Alex by being an obnoxious idiot. This version of Faren tends to bleed into the other verses too.
E-formant Faren: Based off someone’s theory that E is actually Faren. Faren here is a very competent informant and Lord Faren is just a facade for information gathering. He’s very good at mesmer magic.
He’s mostly prevelant in Caladhearne and Harbinger Azrail AU, where he serves as the point of contact for Trahearne-possessing-Caladbolg to find Alex-turned-Azrail before he brings about the Era of Night.
Beings of Creation Fate-ren: My favourite one to shove into anything when it comes to screwing with Alex! Faren is the vessel for Fate, having descended to Tyria just shortly after Life did.
Fate’s duty was to maintain the law and order of the world, and while they had power over people’s fates and destinies, they were not to interfere and let things run its course unless the future of the world spiralled out of control. However, negative emotions from Tyria’s Beings began to seep into Fate and their fellow Beings, taxing their existence, with Fate being one of the ones cursed the most besides Life. Fate was thus split into two: Original and Twisted.
Twisted Fate began with the motto of “If you decide to blame me for your bad circumstances, then I shall spin the greatest tragedy for you.” and began to interfere with Tyria’s future by means of using Life, who had become Alexander.
Original Fate became Faren but also lost a generous chunk of their powers, and could only intervene in small waves. He then begins pulling at small strings to lead Tyria’s fate back to normal, and to reawaken his fellow Beings who had also descended to Tyria to help Life in restoring Tyria’s balance, as per their duty.
Behind the Scenes Faren: Faren here is Alex’s childhood friend, and knew the man before he became a famous actor. While they come from two very different backgrounds, it never stopped them from being friends. Alex was one of those who didn’t give a shit about Faren being wealthy at all, and Faren in turn gave him his friendship and absolute support.
He sponsors a lot of things he feels do good in the world, and has many connections as a result. A running joke is that whatever you need, Faren has a connection to help you. He majors in makeup and fashion, and butts heads with Jormag constantly over it.
Faren is also a shipper on deck for Alex and Trahearne and plots with Caithe constantly to get those two together because their pining for each other on-set was getting unbearably painful to watch. He’s also in connection with Alex’s estranged family: Alexa, his twin, and Kralkatorrik ‘Rurrik’ Storme, Alex’s God-Uncle. On their behalf, he watches over Alex when he hits a major rough spot.
Being one of the few who is knowledgeable of Alex’s past and trauma, Faren is extremely protective over Alex’s wellbeing. Though, Alex has no idea why or how Faren can be scary, and Faren prefers to keep it that way.
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tinotika-arts · 5 years
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The broken Commander turned Harbinger returns a sword to the people it belongs to, back in the Grove, before he spirals down even more and can no longer return.
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tinotika-arts · 5 years
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Additional Caladhearne thoughts, based off a little line my musing partner mentioned: “If swords could wilt, it (Caladhearne) would.”
When Trahearne is active, Caladbolg’s glow is gold and maybe a little bit of black. When he isn’t, Caladbolg dims a bit and regains its blue and orange butterflies as well... Probably.
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tinotika-arts · 5 years
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Continuation of this: The Era of Night has fallen upon Tyria. :>
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tinotika-arts · 5 years
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Morning warm-up doodle of Caladhearne + Three Different Alexes: Regular,  Edgelord/Drifted down the wrong path, and one rather special case...
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tinotika-arts · 5 years
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Two more Alex AU doodles, with a dosage of facing to the right - This time Azrail and Emperor AU Alex
I’ve been playing too much granblue recently so why not shove my character into one of the classes, it’s oddly fun. While Azrail gets to be dark and scary, Emperor gets to be soft and fluffy uwu
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tinotika-arts · 5 years
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Tiny little vent doodle of Harbinger Azrail.. Channeling Jormag’s power? Probably
Bonus little gif:
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