#; 饾悈饾悶饾悮饾惈饾惀饾悶饾惉饾惉 饾惄饾惈饾惃饾惌饾悶饾悳饾惌饾惃饾惈 (Veronica)
@thestupidmeanone continued from X
Teleport here? That was unexpected to say the least... but certainly an effective way to swiftly, and hopefully, get her mood up.
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(Text to: Kario]: ok you can do that just don't starle me.
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The hound let out gentle breaths through her nostrils. She was hurt... but not badly. Yet enough to make moving or even breathing rather difficult.
For now, she sat idle by the side of a rock. Both of her large paws were firmly clutching the side of her body that was cut.
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" Hhhh ... hhhh ... "
Her eyes and ears were alert.. just in case someone was out to attack her.
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Valentine's day continued from here @thestupidmeanone
Oh dear. She was definetly out of her comfort zone here. She didn't know whether to simply invite him, or act as though she's unfazed either way.
So she attempted a mix of both.
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" I mean, you could hang at my place if you want or, like, whatever ... ... since you have no other plans, I mean. I'm free, I guess. "
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@thestupidmeanone replied: Kairo's gonna smooch that cheek!
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" You- ! What would- wh- what ?! "
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Veronica has appeared! What to do?
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Marry Kiss cheek Insult Kick
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How evil are they?
Rivor is 14 percent evil
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" I'll take it. Thought it might be more. "
Veronica is 23 percent evil.
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" How am I higher than Rivor ??? "
Bam is 29 percent evil
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" Bruh .. "
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Puts a pretty flower crown on Veronica's head.
And she'll wear it happily.
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" Heh ! Does it look good on me ? "
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Random headcanon
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Veronica is very much the night-owl kind. She'll wake up (cranky AF) close to the afternoon and will go to sleep well past the hours of midnight.
Pro tip: Don't disturb her sleep.
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;; On my look-out for Anthro! Verses, I managed to finally settle on one of them. That one being Veronica, who'll take the face claim of Loona. Hey-hoo!
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Days long gone
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She knew something was wrong the moment she heard the home in complete silence. The house was too quiet, no sounds of the daily life that all the 'mons had been subjected to. No thrashing, no screaming.
She had been with him for over twenty years; she knew his habits better than she knew herself. This was the time when they were all supposed to start training. But there was no wake-up call.
No call at all in fact.
To investigate wasn't her first choice, but there was still a deep fear within her that made her stay on their demanded schedule. Even if her master couldn't keep it himself, she knew she would get the blame if she failed to maintain it.
All that was luminated in the dark hours of the early morning was the kitchen. A kitchen in ruin. A place of otherwise neat order was scattered and messy.
She walked in... and as expected, her master was there. Laid out on the floor.
Her glowing pupils met with his own. Visions locked for a good few seconds. But there was nothing behind the gaze of the man. A cold, lifeless, constant stare was all she got... behind a pale face.
She knew death when she saw it. More times than she wanted, she had been the one to cause it.
But this was the first time she had felt relief and... freedom upon seeing it.
Someone had killed him.
He was dead.
He is dead.
All emotions felt was purely on the inside... but nevertheless, she felt herself lean in to nab what little piece of victory she could get out of the situation.
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" You got what you deserved ... "
Her head gently jutted back after the careful whisper, as if a part of her was still afraid he would spring back to life in order to punish her for speaking like that.
But it didn't happen.
It didn't.
No more...
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Does Veronica have a favorite sex position too?
Sunday questions [Accepting]
" Of course I do. "
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" I'm not all too ... experienced at it, but I do have some pretty strong legs on me. So I like to, ah ... how should I say ... 'bounce'. "
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Kairo and Vera for the heart meme?
Heart-rates! [Accepting]
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" Kairo, that's my man right there. He's cool A-F. "
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馃槝((Kairo givin Vera a smooch))
International kiss day [Accepting]
The kiss was planted on the hound to a surprised gasp. She looked stunned for a moment, widened eyes contracting into a glare soon enough, red eyes staring the kitsune down for a few seconds...
... only for those same eyes to roll up with a huff.
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" Ugh ... fine, I'll give you a pass because of what today is. Don't get used to it. I might not be so nice next time. "
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*Sees Veronica is intimadated but still tries to say.* "H-hello how are you?"
" I'm ... fine. "
The hound responded, looking down at the Sneasel. He looked scared, which she couldn't wrap her head around why.
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" Is uh ... is there a problem ? "
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"For the love of-pardon my lack of resolve, I'm a little winded. And caught off guard by the sight of you. But if you'd like to, I wouldn't mind seeing you later to get to know each other?"
" Get to know- ?? "
Her words would trail off into nothingness. As a result, her paws would fold over her eyes as she answered the coming question.
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" I don't even know your NAME yet ! "
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"Good afternoon, my dear!" Kairo gave the wolf lass a flourishing bow. "I wanted to ask: are you a kitsune, by any chance?" ((For anthro Vera!))
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" Uugh ... "
The hound was quick to place her paw against her closed eyes. At least this stranger was being respectful to a degree, despite the pet-name given.
" I don't even know what that is ... Does that mean wolf ? "
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