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deamaurea · 5 years
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Starter call! mutuals only please.
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deamaurea · 5 years
Sorry, I’m not totally here?? Right now. Normally I load up the queue and run this blog off a queue, but we found out my dog is in congestive heart failure yesterday. We got some medicine to help, but he’s still like.... dying. We probably have a month left with him at most and it’s just been... sort of a processing day. He’s old and a pom so it’s not unexpected, but like losing any member of your family it’s hard. I’ll see how I feel tomorrow, but I’m not much in a writing mood right now.
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deamaurea · 5 years
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if you think the promo i made for the golden goddesses was great you should been here for the granny era.
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deamaurea · 5 years
Cia and Lana being dimensional witches ala xxxholic /tsubasa style would be cool. Send tweet.
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deamaurea · 5 years
fire emblem three houses got me thinking about an au where the golden goddesses don’t get along or there’s a fall out of some sort and what kind of fuckery could go on if primordial goddesses go to war with one another
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deamaurea · 5 years
the goddesses are just gent/rification is the hottest take i have seen in awhile from this fandom despite the fact that two games explicitly say there was nothing before them
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deamaurea · 5 years
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Like for a starter I guess? I’m being selective because holy fuck I have a lot to catch up on.
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deamaurea · 5 years
A terrifying thought is that the Goddess’ are actual similar to their void / eldritch counterparts-- the only difference being they chose order and light. At any point that could change and they could go back to their eldritch void horror nature.
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deamaurea · 5 years
Ideas shelved for a later date: A weird retelling of the creation of the world from the perspective of the golden goddesses and their experience as weird eldritch void monsters who chose order over chaos.
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deamaurea · 5 years
invoking farore’s name always means some level of chaos ensues. that’s just the canon
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deamaurea · 5 years
I have a chest infection so until the antibiotics evict it out of my chest, low activity for the most part-- also I’m working on my multi-muse over at @nocturnes-many-muses I’ve got some characters Rune Factory and Harvest Moon for now, but I plan to add some more! They’ve also got a Legend of Zelda verse for crossovers \ o /
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deamaurea · 5 years
Hey so just an FYI, if you don’t get a starter from me after liking a starter call it’s probably because i have no ideas for a starter for your muse or we’re not mutuals. I have almost 40 threads in my thread tracker, so I’m picky about who I’m gonna give starters to. This isn’t anything personal or anything it’s just... I want to rp with muns who I feel can work well with my muses.
In some cases it’s flat out I have never played the game you are a part of or I just feel our rping styles don’t mesh. It’s nothing personal it’s just.... I have lots of threads rip and am kinda busy? So I just prioritize what I want to write. 
On that note, because I have so many threads, I’m going to start archiving threads in my tracker that have not had a reply in a month. If you haven’t replied in a month I’m going to archive the thread, but if you want to continue it just shoot me a message. i realize life happens and things get lost. This is more so I can make room for new threads. I don’t have any issues unarchiving threads people want to continue. 
That’s all I had to say. Thaaaanks.
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deamaurea · 5 years
Do the goddesses have a animal as a symbol or a favorite?
Typically when you’re venerating them separately there are several animals / monsters that come to mind when venerating them. I’ll list some here which are common (but this list is ever changing, honestly)
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Din, with her strong presence and rhythm prefers to be represented with:red dragons, golems, eagles, and tigers. Judging from the weird snake on Din in TP, we can also assume snakes / nagas are on that list too.
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Farore as the mother of all life has lots of air and earth associations.Sylphs, dryads, blupees(!!!), frogs (especially frogs), rabbits, lions,  and whatever the fuck the Lord of the Mountain is. 
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Nayru as the keeper of wisdom and time, but also water. So obviously mermaids / sirens, dolphins, spiders, crows (not ravens. Ravens are the symbol of the Goddess Impaz, harbringer of death and matron mother of the Sheikah), and probably cats?
They’re the big primoridial creators so they have lots of symbols, unlike the lower deities which typically have one or two symbols because they basically embody the entire creation process. I hope that makes sense.
betcha thought i was gonna tack on owls for nayru. nah. owls are actually really bad problem solvers lol.
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deamaurea · 5 years
I feel like Farore is the cool boss who everyone loves, but shows up drunk to work and there is a 50/50 chance she sleeps in the back office all shift.
Yerah pretty much. She’s not the corporate type. She also that people come to work in tunics or kilts. Tops not mandatory. Just the kilts.
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deamaurea · 5 years
linklewinklewoman replied to your post: "I personally think Farore is a cutie pie. She can...
Your Farore is cute and a true green friend
she really is uwu
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deamaurea · 6 years
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Anyway, crack aside. Like for a starter from a god mom or an eldritch horror? If you have a specific god mom in mind message me or let me know. 
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