#:) In all verses... he WILL get attached. Link just be rizzin' him up like that. So smooth. So irresistable. u n u ]
tenebriism · 1 year
"Subject 0321-- you have a visitor. Remember to behave."
It was the passing remark Link heard one of the doctors say as the others guided him towards the meeting room, one that was heavily padded and secure for originals to meet with their clones. The blond frowned deeply, recognizing the subject to be that of his own-- of 'Dark's.
That didn't sound too KINDLY... slightly did his grip tighten on the package he brought with him, only to loosen considerably so as to not ruin the gift.
When they finally managed to bring Dark in, Link had already been seated at the desk, fingers tapping rhythmically on the box. Nervous, he wondered if he should rise to his feet and greet the other properly, but settled for remaining seated instead.
Don't overthink it, he reminded himself. Just give him the box.
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"This... Th-this is for you...!" He stated, powering through the anxiousness he felt all the while. "... I told them it was an apple. I-I mean... it is just... well..." A slice of Apple pie wasn't exactly an apple, but it had apples in it, right? "... I-it's for you." Link settled for lamely, bowing his head with embarrassment.
He knew it wasn't enough of a form of APOLOGY for the hell the other had to go through for his sake, but it was the grandest of gesture he could make when the doctors and scientists kept clones locked down like the grand treasury.
Even now he risked reprimand for 'ruining' the other's precious diet, but Link felt it was an innocent enough treat.
"I... I hope you like it..."
//Surprise Lifelines AU thing for you, it's dangerous to go alone, tAKE THIS--
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' A visitor. '
The anonymity of the whole thing was more than enough to irritate him, even beyond the INTERRUPTION of his mundane reading. They think him so STUPID that he wouldn't know WHO, exactly, this ' visitor ' is ? Nobody knows he EXISTS in the outside world except the very person he was created to benefit. They're not wheeling him out on a gurney this time, so perhaps he should count his BLESSINGS that the idiot hadn't gone and INJURED himself again.
Only a matter of time until his ' original ' punctured a lung, or required SOMETHING that would mark 0321's LAST night in this prison. He's starting to believe the sweet release of FREEDOM may be worth it, but he knows once he's dragged into that OPERATING ROOM again, all courage will flee, leaving him silently begging, pleading, for mercy.
W h a t e v e r.
The door shuts behind him after he's lead inside, though he knows his watchers stand just on the other side of it. There's never any privacy here, any ability to be independent. They don't even ATTEMPT to craft the illusion that the clones they monitor are more than just walking inventory of limbs and organs, even though THEY get to go home, taste the fresh air and feel the night's breeze after a shift of doing jack shit, whilst he's left to wait in a room the length of his legs, wondering what asshat will clock in next. Understandably, then, he's none too pleased to see his ' visitor. ' They share so much in appearances, yet he can't help wondering how his counterpart manages to look so DOPEY.
That's pissing him off, too.
" . . . the hell is this ? " He mutters, staring down at the parcel that smelled sickeningly sweet. What manner of culinary, sugary firepower did this man bring in here--- no, more importantly, WHY was he bringing his clone gifts at ALL ? It's simply unheard of, it makes no SENSE . . . but, it would be witless to say no, and though BITTER, unfathomably so, Dark is no fool. He takes the offered gift, opening it slowly as if he expects it to EXPLODE, and when it doesn't, he simply stares at the mass of strangely arranged ingredients, wondering what to do with it. " . . . this isn't an apple. Apples are round, red. This is brown and sticky and flaky. Are you fucking with me ? "
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The smell is so sweet, so overpowering, it's making him feel somewhat nauseous, and very nearly, he chucks it back towards his original. Alas, he's supposed to ' BEHAVE, ' and aggression coupled with lack of GRATITUDE for a gesture most KIND does not make for a good little, OBEDIENT clone. Seconds longer of staring at it with his nose as crinkled as humanly possible, and finally, FINALLY, he shoves it into his mouth. Very nearly throws it back up, his senses overwhelmed at this new texture and flavor, but once he decides he'd rather soldier THROUGH it, as opposed to making a scene, his expression takes on an . . . almost perplexed look, like he hadn't expected to derive some sort of SATISFACTION from the taste.
Dare he admit it actually tastes GOOD ? Goddesses, not if it's going to make that dopey ball of sunshine on the other side of the table brighten up even further. He's lucky enough to still have BOTH of his eyes--- he'd like to keep it that way, if he can help it.
" . . . too sweet. Less sugar next time. " That's all the cop is getting; really, he's lucky he's even getting THAT. Dark feels his cheeks warm and hastens to look away, realizing he'd, to some embarrassing degree, requested MORE of . . . whatever this was. ABSOLUTELY NOT. The less this man tried to turn a purely transactional relationship into something more, the BETTER.
" If we're done here, can I go ? I don't like watching you leave first . . . " Because he can't follow. Because he WISHES he could. " So, yeah. Going. Thanks for . . . yeah. Bye. "
@hyaciiintho ;; ♥
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