#: köytetty koira
scr-ppup · 21 days
650+ drafts ... Mmmmm fffuuuccckkkkk AGAIN??
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scr-ppup · 1 month
Birthday has come, I'm 18 now.
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scr-ppup · 2 months
The dog when ideas written down but no flags <- tons of self-indulgent coins waiting to be queued.
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scr-ppup · 26 days
Jumping around jumping around jumping around <- has more child of x flag requests, v excited
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scr-ppup · 28 days
Our cat is trying to weasel herself onto the lap. Settled on the arm instead bc can't fit on lap. Eheehheehehee
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scr-ppup · 2 months
Folks, beings and such is there a tertiary attraction related to wanting to be physically destroyed and sacrificed in the name of the folks you love for peace of mind, that you'd be willing to physically die for them?? Not specifically in a devotional way of love (otherwise I would probs rule it under Apothderium even if it doesn't specifically fit it in a traditional way lol)
Actually, what if I made an orientation modifier term related to that ...
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scr-ppup · 2 months
Having too much fun with this African painted dog flag base holy shit, the raccoon one as well. Dope as hell.
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scr-ppup · 15 days
:0 where the fuck did y'all come from?? We're almost at 300? Holy— /pos
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scr-ppup · 16 days
Our beardie just threw a mini tantrum bc she couldn't get a piece of salad that she had thrown over her shoulder and partially onto her shoulder and arm.
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scr-ppup · 19 days
We got a therian news "crisis" here, but the funny thing is that 1-6 graders playing animals and making animal sounds in and out of school, recess, and classes is actually quite normal still, it's them being kids for fucks sake, I mean we're talking about 7-12 year olds (in my country & school system) having fun.
I'm just fucking crying [/non-srs] at this point, wasn't before they found about therians that they started to think it's COMPLETELY abnormal for kids to keep the mind set of their games even when coming back from recess. Like goddamn lmao.
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scr-ppup · 19 days
The next like ... Five days will be just the child of x flag requests spilling from the queue lol.
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scr-ppup · 20 days
Y'know, I love seeing our flags be used for designs, blinkies, and such so much :3 makes me really happy that others really like a flag I've made and make variations and more with them.
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scr-ppup · 21 days
Two things from the large request to be done yet, then it's the clingy combo flags. Apologies they're taking so long to be completed lol.
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scr-ppup · 22 days
Turned TV on for boredom to pass time and eat HOWEVER THE OLD 90s MOOMIN ARE PLAYING ON THE TV AGAIN FREHHAAaa
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scr-ppup · 25 days
Home. Gonna see if able to get started on requests or if they'll be done tomorrow lol
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scr-ppup · 30 days
Stares at you, whoever sent that positive affirmation ask into the inbox, that is so sweet, thank you! It's going to stay there for who knows how long. /Pos/gen
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