#: Unholy Crusade:
dick-meister · 23 days
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Lying in his bed, for once in a very long time Adam had gotten such a nice sleep. The man was curled in his bedsheets, unknowing of what he had done just yet, how dangerous of a thing he had done and the gift he was given by the Creator himself. Though, with the sun flooding into the room, past the curtains and hitting his eyes, he began to stir and wake.
His eyes open slowly, gold hues hitting his room interior in almost surprise as memories were starting to set in. He could only hope that what he did stopped all this, but seeing as he was back… No, of course it didn’t. Father must have brought him back, that was the only conclusion as to why he was back in Heaven.
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Adam couldn’t think too hard, all he knew was that he was incredibly tired and sore. He flops back into bed and sighs, looking at his ceiling.
“I guess five more minutes couldn’t hurt…”
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firstmother · 7 days
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Amidst the clouds in the sky, parted by an eerie light.
The shadows of a single being hovering in the air with a dark eye shedding a red hue down, darkening the ground as if all of the pleasantness are being drained. The figure, resembling one most would recognize at a simple glance. A tainted image of her. Heavenly seraph wings but the other half of them devoid of feathers. An amalgamation of that which is holy and that which is damned, merged into one.
Eyes covered by a crown of thorns, blood from her eyes had gone down from the sockets and solidified on her cheeks halfway down. White scars at her neck and a hole in her chest with a single shining light inside of her seemingly hollow interior.
Without her lips moving, an echoing voice is heard for all of those present.
"Are you prepared? For Father's blessed trial?"
Each of the summoned participants are now suspended around her in a circle, each eye on her form darting between them all as she makes a small wave of her withered hand. Pulling forth two individuals. @flowercrxwned @dick-meister
"Shall we start from the beginning?" She said with the light whisper of her voice that can be heard across the entire room. Letting Adam, and Eve start.
Condition to win: ???
Participants: 2 at a time, everyone else are 'locked'. Locked participants can only watch till either of the ones in the fight taps out with one of their choosing to replace them. All surviving members of the last fights that wants to fight for it.
HP: 20 hits. AC: 16
Abilities: Soul Eye: Judges the Soul of a participant, freezing them in place to be judged. Only usable on dying participants. Live or die, fight again?
Touch of the Decayed: Sets active participants to 20% health.
Gazing Judgement: open eyes locking onto one of the participants, alternating on whom to give disadvantage on their attacks.
Endless Cycles: Avoids the next hit, taken by another cycle.
Father's Blessing: Grants a guaranteed critical hit to a participant on their next attack, guided by Father's will. If they hit.
Complete Unification: ?? (Single use)
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call-me-enn · 19 days
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alteregozowie · 1 month
The radio tower's somber silence is interrupted by a spatial rip, a jagged green portal sears across the wall. Many eyes were behind the tear's darkness, glowing, itching to climb out and onto the tower's floors.
But only one pair of reddish pink orbs walked through, with a hum of a tune and a twirling crackle of his microphone cane. The portal sealed itself behind him almost like a zipper, as they heard the disappointing shrieks of those who couldn't join him being swallowed up as it closed.
"A little tidier than my own, how utterly boring," as the very familiar figure gazed over his surroundings. "Where's the character? Where's the pizazz!?"
With a flick of his ear, he turned to look at his soon to be opponents, that signature yellowed grin widening.
"Well, well! At least my opponent has some class, if only in a physical sense," he said, looking over his striking resemblance. He gave him a sneer, then changed that tune once he saw Rosie.
"My dear, how unfortunate for you to be caught up in all of this. It breaks my heart," and he puts his hand over his chest in his theatrics. "And how truly unfortunate that I be the one that could end it all."
Then he laughed, the radio feedback more apparent now.
"I must admit, even I didn't know what would become of our 'happy' couple. I was getting worried that I'd be left out in all the fun!"
He tapped on his microphone, and they watched as his antlers grow double in size, followed by sickening cracking sounds as he twisted and contorted into the eldritch horror that they saw before them.
"So let's not waste any more time and get started...."
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.̷̨̣̟̲̳̑̓̏̓.̸̗̳̝̫̮̼̫͐̈́̿̌͠.̸̨̱̜̼͖̫̻͖́̀͛͜͠.̷̳̓́̓̏̈̓̌̐͋̚.̵̱͓̈́̉̃̀̑̈̏͜͝s̴̪̠̀̎͂̊͊̊͛̑h̸̨̤̰͎̘̥̫̓̉̿͗̍̓̑̄ą̸̝̖̹̭̥̜͖̭͕̆͒̍̄̀l̸͚͕̼̹̟͖̰̦̕l̴̘̀̏̎̽̈́̃́̈ ̸̹̫̪̺͌̓ẉ̶̊e̵̠̺̱͌͋̎́̏̈̕͠?̵̜̩̣̈́͆́
@radioiaci @cannibalxroses
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hells-greatestdad · 10 days
Cont'd @hells-sirenqueen
The giggling is contagious, he hardly manages to avoid it as he picks her up. Especially not when he actually has her in his hold. The giggles die out, but his soft smile does not. It's hard to think of anything else right now aside from the fact that he loves this woman dearly.
He starts out to make the way from their bedroom to the dining table.
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hxly-fxther · 1 month
The clock tower in Heaven. The hands meet each other at the top of the hour and when they do, the gears within the tower begin to turn, a mechanical sound of metal and pistons silently heard by all the Exorcists that have surrounded the structure until the bells begin to toll.
Everyone can hear it. No matter where they may be. Heaven. Hell. Purgatory. Earth. It is the final tolling of the bells, their pitch starting high then growing deeper, lower, until it sounds like horns. The tower begins to shimmer and crack, its surface decaying as if time had passed a hundred years until eventually it shatters into nothing but a large, white portal with a deep purple rim. The sound of galloping, Heaven shakes with each step and finally out from that portal comes a horse head, its mouth agape with skin seemingly trying to keep the maw closed and stretching in such a horrible way it is almost hard to look at.
As it begins to leave the portal, it can be seen that the ribs of the horse is exposed, its bones are black and gruesomely attached to its back is a rider, fused with the body of the horse. Its jaw unhinged and opened with deep black eye sockets. An arm dangles at its side awkwardly almost seemingly broken, its other arm is extended longer than the other as if pulled and formed to be so. Where a hand would be, instead a scythe. And it lets out a mighty, unnatural and haunting roar before beginning a path of destruction throughout the main square of Heaven! Swinging its Scythe arm, trampling those who weren’t ready for such a terrifying Beast!
You are now looking at the Horseman of the End
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Requirements to defeat: 1 Hellborn 2 Heavenborn
Character slots: 4-5
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hells-sirenqueen · 17 days
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Today was a stressful day. She was beyond nervous about what Belphegor would find once she was checked out. Knowing that she would need to be checked in various ways, Lilith made sure that she was wearing a flowing purple dress that had sleeves. Very little make up was added to her appearance this morning. She had a feeling that there were bound to be tears today.
Lilith was already starting to feel knots in the pit of her stomach. She hated the feel of anxiety. As Queen, she preferred to be in control of things around her. So, when she couldn't even control the way her own body felt, it was frustrating.
Glancing over her shoulder, Lilith looked for her beloved from her vanity, "Are you just about ready to head out, my love?"
ll @hells-greatestdad ll
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makuta-kotok · 3 months
Ideas for Narinder and The Bishops in my take on The Goat’s universe: Crusade of The Goat.
Leshy The Worm -> Balor The Badger : Stoic God of Law and Trade
Heket The Toad -> Thof The Crane : Whimsical God of Song and Scribes
Kallamar The Squid -> Karkharodo The Shark : Lone Goddess of Combat and The Hunt
Shamura The Spider -> Cephas The Monkey : Wily God of Art and Construction
Narinder The Cat -> Ragnyi The Wolf : Wayward God of Love and Fertility
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domjordanillustration · 6 months
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unholy crusader
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themosthatedbeingg · 1 month
{Oh Father, oh Father,
Oh Father,
My Father, —-well I am ready, won't you let it begin ;
cause I am here now •
I want to dance
in the mighty palm of your hand}
Your hand.
A star fallen is caught and saved by the father’s bloody and gentle palm, the heavens quiver as all is put to right .. all is as it should be.. a patch up,
Stitching the night sky ,
The dawn grows to see another day, the hands of the elder siblings keep the star in place its wild abandon subdued and its brightness shines anew ~
The star of new chances, the star that shines brightest before Dawn .
The light burning and cold and Glorious, burning away the darkness and those who dare to take it from its place in the sky .
The star of retribution, of redemption, of righteousness .
Father’s forgiveness and anger mixed into one ;
The prodigal son , the first dreamer, the wild warrior of his father’s domain.
The Morningstar appears .
The portal opens in front of the Palace, Holy light spills forth, along with a heavy mist , like the fog in the morning, distorting the shadows as the being makes it entrance at first it looks many headed and winged a swirling of shadows in the fog that makes no sense , to stare at it too long would invite madness , before it condenses into one shape , one person steps out, the form is takes seems to be struggling to contain it all.
The son of the morning , Father’s favorite, youngest of the Archangel but all the more powerful just the same ,
Lucifer Haliel Morningstar stood before them looking down at the disgusting pit before him, He shook his head , yes his reality sadly got destroyed by his beloved and all knowing father but surely his being saved from this mess was better then falling ? { he made the right choice he knew he did}
No matter he was here to give out his father’s wrath and retribution , as a good Loyal ( subdued) Son should .
Golden eyes with cross pupils took in Lilith , all six wings quivering with the urge to take him into the air , his top hat halo glowing brightly against red sky , this should be easy enough perhaps Michale and Him could have a friendly wager on who killed the most heretics and disgusting sinners today .
Opening his mouth in a way that seemed he was Trying not to rip apart his very face with how carefully he moved he spoke— “I denounce you harlot , tempter , betrayer of farther’s most glorious plan and all your ways she-devil~” his voice it was polyphonic with a hint of Enochian, the opposite of the demonic hint in his fallen counterparts voice .
To think some cycle of him actually married this being let alone have children with her .. or well in this case , Had a child~ .
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fxiled-fxithful · 1 month
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Feather fall white snowflakes slowly start to cover the Ring of Greed. Death has come for the arrogance that defied the word of God.
Within the pale green sky, a bright white blinding light cracks through like frozen water bending and breaking from far too much pressure. One, two, three - The sky opens up to a holy light. Slowly descending from the crack above was none other than the God sent Angel of Massacre. Her feathered wingspan opened wide behind her as her hands were folded within one another. She allowed the heavenly light to guide her mid way, eyes slowly opening as she glared down at the Ring of Greed.
Heretics. Heathens, the lot of them.
They deserve to be punished for banishing the aid of God in their hour of need. Greed shall feel the wrath of God.
Releasing her clasped hands, she held her arms opened, a black portal slowly starting to form behind her. It seems she was going to bring some company to Greed.
Are you prepared?
Battle requirements - 2-3: Participants. - At least 2 sins.
[ @unhinged-greed ]
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mages-pandoras-box · 1 month
As soon as Philza could portal to his kingdom, he collapsed onto his hands and knees on the grass. His body trembled, and everything hurt—his head, his heart, his soul.
The storm that plagued Hell now rages in his skies, scaring his crows and causing the mobs to scatter.
The ground trembled with Philza's breath as the angel started to snap. Everything he'd kept inside for the last 5,000 or so years came rushing to the surface. All the repressed pain and torment by the hands of Heaven, the stress put on him after Lucifer's fall. The weight of every soul he's erased.
Killing leaves a mark on the soul. For mortals, it's barely noticeable until they get to Hell. But for some angels who Self-Actualize, the mark can be represented on their person.
Philza was panting, tears flooding his eyes. He couldn't breathe. Something was creeping up inside him - his guilt, his pain, his anger - the marks on his soul - his corruption.
His brother is dead.
He screams, and the kingdom seems to implode. The storm turns into a typhoon, destroying parts of his land—ripping up trees, taking out buildings, and flooding the land.
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heaven-said · 1 month
@brokendreamscreation @king-of-wrath
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The sun is just below the horizon line. And beneath your feet is absolutely nothing but clouds as far in every direction as the eye can see. It takes an angel's lineage to walk on these clouds, anything else would plummet into the abyss below once they were summoned here. Rest assured your challenger knew he was to be fighting... family. Two very different siblings though they may be.
For a moment you are left in the utter silence of these cotton ball formations, pure and white, all seeming to swirl around that rising sun as if drawing your eyeline to it. But the second the dawn breaks, the clouds begin to darken.
" Since the beginning... I was fated to slay thee, my brothers. This calling shall be no different. " His voice is in the very thunder beginning to spark through the clouds, bounce around all around them, from cloud to cloud. Resigned but ready.
" In MY time... I was the one who played the song of Armageddon and heralded the Rapture. And we prevailed. For the Dragon of Hell hath been slain. As well as... those who followed him. But, amidst what should be joy is still mourning, for there was not a soul in Heaven nor Hell with the unyielding will needed to change the tides of fate... " For a moment, the thunder dies down, even as his voice grows more mired in emotion. And then-- resolute.
" So I look for it in you. " Thunder. Deafeningly loud and bright enough to blind were they not used to the unnatural light of angels. Finally, the archangel manifests in his tangible form, levitating high above the center of their arena here in the clouds. But when the light fades his wings are not their usual powder blue but burning gold, his halo in flames.
" By the prayer i was named-- I get my strength from the Father! But you-- you shall get your strength from nothing but your own determination! " His twin blades are drawn, the gold one pointed to his new enemies, taunting them forward. " Come on, then, brothers! Let us see if you have the resolve to defy the Will of God! "
ARCHANGEL GABRIEL Will of God. Lord of Powers. Hot blooded gay dad from the multiverse.
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alteregozowie · 1 month
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He always knew God had forsaken him already, but this was ridiculous.
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hells-greatestdad · 2 months
cont'd @hellsirenqueen
Even if Lilith tried to hide it, he noticed something was off. After thousands of years living with one another, her mannerisms and all were just so familiar... Lucifer could pick up when something was off.
And it seemed in this case, something was very off. He's.... trying not to think about that too hard, even while he is attempting to comfort her. Let's not make assumptions.... especially when those assumptions involve things that are worst case scenarios. However likely said scenarios may be right now
But then his worst fear in this case is confirmed... he freezes.
When God had appeared to him a few days ago? Lucifer had all but collapsed from his own fear. He had been, in a word, a wreck the rest of the day, being visibly stressed as he tried and failed to go about his daily tasks and needing comfort from his wife and Adam.
In this case... yes, there's fear. But there's also anger. He can feel it bubbling in his chest, threatening to come out.... though, there's no target here. God clearly isn't in the room right now.... or, if he is, he's not showing himself.
Letting out a deep breath with a hint of an animalistic growl behind it, Lucifer finally speaks.
"So, he's definitely planning something...." He stops at his words, letting them die before he can say anything else along those lines. She's clearly stressed, he doesn't want to make it worse.... yes, they need to plan, to act. But....
"Lily.... take a break. Please? At least a few moments to calm down?"
They'd figure this out together. Lilith wasn't going to be dealing with it alone - he'd see to that.
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hells-sirenqueen · 26 days
@hells-greatestdad [text] Lily… I've never thought you were a bad wife or mother. [text] Sure, we made mistakes with Charlie… ones that ended up hurting her. But that's also my fault, we were both her parents. Neither of us had a childhood to look back on… [text] I think I ended up hurting her on a much deeper level, in all honesty. I told you how we had been estranged for several years… during that, even if it wasn't my intention, I basically left her to struggle and find her way on her own. That was a major failure on my part… and the sad thing is, Charlie and I never really talked it out. We worked on reconnecting and spending time, but didn't really end up talking out anything. It's a few moments before he texts more. [text] No one is perfect. But I wouldn't want to spend my life with anyone else. I mean it. <3 My Lily [text] I say we make a hell of a team, personally. We balance each other out. You're brilliant and good at dealing with the public. I'm less of a people person, but well suited to office work, which means I take on the bulk of the paperwork. You have so much more common sense than I do. You're the only person I'd ever admit not having much common sense to.
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Reading over his texts, Lilith couldn't help but feel an overwhelming amount of love for him. She just couldn't be without him. He was likely dealing with emotional trauma too. How she wanted to hold him - you know what? To the damned with her fears. She wanted her husband, damn it!
She wasn't going to let Divine Lucifer win and ruin what little bit of happiness she had here.
Tossing her black robe over her figure, she made a shadow portal from the room she was in to the doorway of their bedroom. Without bothering to knock, she entered their room, tossing her phone to a side table before jumping into Lucifer's arms. Hugging him tightly, she pulled Lucifer into a needy kiss. This Lucifer loved her and that's all that mattered to her.
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