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littlepawz · 1 year
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the comfiest waterbed ever! :)
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purgatory-jar · 2 months
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It's the tide
that brings us
Like my art? Commission me here.
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chiliger · 5 months
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These inquisitor meetings are kinda boring.
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ofthescrolls · 2 years
While the Nightingale had a unique skill set, there were rare occasions where his abilities failed to be up for the task. When that happened, they would focus on more tactical applications, which were far more practical.
Risks were part of every job. More so in Lucien's type of work with no organization or guild backing him up. There was no way to pay off a fee if things got too hairy and if he got arrested? No way to buy the guards off either.
Operating this way was a risk in itself, but in turn, it allowed him far more anonymity and more specifically, his choice of not just targets, but payment as well.
One could even say that he worked this way because it was far more lucrative, but the reality was that he didn't want to be constrained by the rules of the thieves guild proper. It was far better for him to handle the situation in whatever way was proper for the moment. More specifically, he didn't have to worry about the consequences of his actions that would no doubt happen if he was constructed by proper rules.
In this case, Lucien was given only limited information about what he was to retrieve - an artifact of some kind. The question if it actually existed or not hadn't crossed his mind as he was used to operating on limited information. Defaulting on a contract was not an option and success via completion was ultimately the only situation that was possible.
Unless and only unless what he was after was a set up, for which would result in not just embarrassment, but pure rage. It hadn't happened as yet... though, even Lucien knew that it would occur eventually.
While he'd been watching for at least a week, he managed to grasp some information on a schedule. It may not have been the best documented, but it was something that Lucien could gain some assumptions from.
What he gained was enough that he could proceed as planned tonight.
There would be no more waiting or watching.
The Agent of Subterfuge would move in on his own terms - under the dead of night.
Entering was no doubt the easy part. Slipping in as a few had done the earlier. While a simple task on the surface, getting to the lower level was a bit more complicated as he didn't know what was down there, other than a general assumption.
So, as he went down the stairs, he was careful not to make too much noise. It was impossible at this point to know who was down there or exactly what he would face.
All that was known happened to be that it was quite possible the only reason he even was there in the first place was what he was contracted to obtain. It was supposed to be locked up tight in a back room, supposedly. That was, if this wasn't just a set-up.
It was why Lucien opened the door very carefully as he peeked inside the lower level. If there were one too many people around, he might have had to change tactics or something along the lines of out of what was the usual, but if it allowed him to get what was required? So be it.
Defaulting would only ruin his reputation.
@austerulous - Farkas
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caemidraws · 1 month
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rocketbirdie · 11 months
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guess what i learned yesterday.
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sonicexelle-junkary · 2 months
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FWA-BAM! Surprise! New update!
I wonder what Shadow is gonna do? It better not be something I hinted at in an older sketch. Nah. Nope.
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sandflakedraws · 3 months
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gotta make the ship official by drawing em napping together
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caspersgraveyard · 2 years
getting to know someone online is fantastic and beautiful but there is one glaring flaw - I don't always have something to say!!
I just want to exist with you, in the same room as you, while we both do our thing, and that is just an experience you can't replicate online.
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willczek-art · 8 months
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NPMD Tarot - The Devil
Others from the series : The Hierophant, The Lovers , The Star, Strength, The World
Symbolism + WIP doodles under the cut :³
It's a really straightforward one:
Max is the Devil, keeping all of the nerds in line. It's willed into existence and enforced by peer pressure - Red Eyes/Red Glow are a substitute for loose chains from the original card.
Blood splatters hint at the victims - Richie's on the left since he was first c:
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months
Prompt 115
“Seriously old man?” the rumbling voice nearly caused Tim to jump, his eyes darting away from where Ras was sitting, the Al Ghul almost seeming to perk. It was kind of hard to miss the man… teen… being? It was kind of hard to miss the owner of the voice what with how their hair looked like it was on fire. 
They motioned around at well, everything, crimson eyes looking exasperated. “Really?” They were definitely motioning towards him, interrupting Ras when he opened his mouth to talk. “No, I don’t want to hear it, I swear- Did he kidnap you?” That was definitely aimed at him. 
“N-no?” Tim was feeling slightly unbalanced and may be on hour sixty without sleep at this point, if the hour long nap was counted. “I need help finding my not-dad who's lost in time.” 
The being let out a strangled noise that Tim could nearly swear was almost another one, but couldn’t vocalize his slurred thoughts as the dude muttered something, motioning around as though he was tempted to strangle something or someone. 
Ras cleared his throat, looking almost awkward which was how Tim knew he had to be dreaming or drugged. Probably drugged. “Jordan, how good to see you, it’s been so long-”
“Can it Pops,” the being-named-Jordan scoffed, finger pointing towards the Demon’s Head. “Moms still pissed and isn’t coming back any time soon with you still pulling this shit.” 
Tim felt his brain stall, process for a moment, then process some more over what he just heard before his mouth ran before it could catch up. “Ras is married???” 
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sher-ee · 18 days
You know it's bad for Trump and MAGA when Fox News says Kamala Harris won the debate.
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deckoftrickcards · 5 months
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“you said we’re not together so now when we kiss i have anger issues…. i know baby no attachments…” CHAPPEL WHAT! KLANCE WHAT! WHAT?!
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deezbignutz · 1 month
Y'all Redacted is just a story Guy made up in his head to try to make sense of why the hell Baaabe has a huge fukin' dog.
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huttuharakka · 2 months
Tired single dad
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