#/today on my bias: naoto is a goddess at androdynous clother & her post p4g outfits
thedetectiveofinaba · 4 years
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For real, though: I have never understood the gist on game/game adaptations insisting Naoto looks good in feminine(ish) clothing during mid-game looking at you P4 manga, this is why it’s retconned in this house. If you ask me why I was drawn to Naoto it was her confidence and attitude she had, not how she looked or surface value matters. I think that it’s a shallow way of seeing her and you don’t see the whole picture.
I didn’t honestly think how she is pretty or “cool-looking” on the outside or how she’s a detective: The precise moment was the “Are you a bunch of imbeciles” moment which was just glorious and hilarious and it had nothing to do with her outer apperance or only how “snarky” she was. The fact on how we got a glimpse on the real her and how her facade of “calm and collected” showed cracks in it and was relatable af is why I loved her from that moment and knew she was the one I’d be hyperfocused on. 
In my case she stole the show with the starting point she had, her character development and how she grows up and has clear flaws she gets rid of partially. It’s why I don’t fully retcon her from all feminine clothing: I just think she needs the confidence and self-acceptance. The reason why I find only P4G epilogue outfit to fit her like a glove is that I can sense how she is content with what and who she is and thinks she looks at least decent in them at the end of P4 & during P4G epilogue. This also applies to her P4DAN outfit, which is one of my ultimate favorites and why I claim she’s stunning in them. It looks IC for her and she’s a goddess incarnate in them. Every other option is lame in comparison and/or looks off-putting. 
If you compare that to the whole goddamn School Festival or even the Female Uniform sprite she’s a pale imitation of the real level of beauty she can reach with ease - she lacks the confidence and is visibly uncomfortable and really, you really can’t look genuinely pretty if your expression is implying how you dislike how you look and/or are uncomfortable. As a cosplayer I can tell this right off and how my favorite outfits have been the ones I’ve liked to be in & been confy yet detailed enough.
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