#/sarcasm this is so sarcastic literally sarcasm is DRIPPING from my words rn can you feel it emanating through your screen
star--anon · 11 months
so did everyone know Polaris is 3 stars and just didn't wanna tell me or what
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miyukitsubaki · 7 years
Why is Miyuki Kazuya so great💜 Masterpost~
*For starters, we can safely say that he is one of the best captains in sports anime history. Don’t we all agree on that?
-Recorded one of the most (if not the best) profound and thorough character development of the series. He was a snarky, full of himself and arrogant little first year when we firstly laid eyes upon him (bless that particular face btw) and gradually evolved by being in contact with his old and new teammates, building himself, nurturing his own knowledge and vision while he stood firmly by his pitchers' side, assissting and helping them as well in their own development.
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-An adorable, dorky, awesome, self-sacrificing, twisted, sarcastic, a little bit egoist and immensely kind genius that doesn't let other people's judgments and mean glares rule his life, follows his path with his head held high, without losing sight of his objectives and sends flying all of his troubles with a smile and a swing of his bat.
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- One hell of a hard worker, I'm sure he was training just as hard as his pitchers and from everybody’s eyes, maybe even harder than them, but doesn’t like to show it openly. Always prompt to irony, faithful adept of the “Me? Using sarcasm as a defence mechanism? Naaah”, gay for Kuramochi but everyone knows it, soft spot for his pitchers, able to show adaptation in every situations, hardly feels fear and is always daring, his playstyle being described as very agressive.
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-Had no choice but to grow up on the spot, following their fated defeat against Inashiro. Accepted the pain and the regret in the short span of one night (in which he probably didn't sleep much) and used his bitter frustration into a plateforme from which he propelled himself and took the reins of this team in his own hands.
-A lot of meaningful character development for him at the beginning of season two, among the chaotic confusion that was the reorganization of the team, with a lot of characters who themselves evolved. Let's not forget that he genuinely lost his confidence a couple of times, especially when he got into this argument with Zono about Nabe. He literally painfully learnt from his errors in the spot and, regretting some of his words, apologized to Nabe from the field.Which was absolutely cute as Nabe knew how much it meant for Miyuki.
- A lonely child, who probably lost his mother and had to educate himself almost on his own. Getting his ability of learning quick from that, always had to fend for himelf as well as to tend to his wounds... I mean, go and try to find a bravest kid than him, he is also so relatable and an example for all the children who had to get through this kind of hard moment in their lives. And despite of all this shit, his huge grin wasn’t budging from his face, even if he was feeling down inside he didn’t show it on his angel face, stood up and move forward, purely motivated by the love of the sport (”I don’t care about everything if baseball is fun!” episode 46). Fate awarded him by making him meet wonderful teammates an rivals.
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- Found the best bro he could have hoped to have in the person of Kuramochi Yoichi (They’re soulmates, fight me rn). They just fit perfectly together and won’t have it any other way. (If those two don’t go in the same university or pro team, I’m gonna lose it). Kuramochi’s the one for him.
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-Had the courage to go out of his comfort zone and talk about his captain insecurities (which is something he wouldn’t have considered to do in middle school) to one of his mentors, nonetheless being a very proud person who hates showing his weaknesses. And offered us one of his most pure and emotional face.
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- Did an immense effort on himself by hiding his pulled muscle from everyone, and showed again his incredible iron will.
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As Mochi so perfecty said it, it was a mix of ego as talented and key-player and sense of responsibility as the captain, but also the catcher of his team since his first year. I had so many feels it hurts during the couple last episodes (and so did all of you don’t lie;)) but it really pulled some sensible strings in my heart because this boy...*sighs from fondness* ...is just a plain closet tsundere as he finally lets us hear the voice of his heart in episode 50 of the second season. When he laughs that very specific voice, and that everyone just looks at him and he thinks: “ I don’t want to give up such a fun position to anyone! I’m not suited to be a captain, am I?”. Knowing perfectly that he won’t be giving up this position either. Everything about this scene was perfect; from the movement of his bangs under his helmet, his arms widely expanded to his teammates as he was welcoming them for the first time, face stuck between exhaustion, pain, euphory and pleasure of playing here and his favorite position.
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-I think there is not a single trait of his personality that id don’t absolutely love, because he is a perfect representation of what’s good and fragile in the human nature and can be considered as the archetype of what human beings can draw from their hardest time, as long as they don’t give up and keep on rising  themselves up, struggle, struggle, and struggle again to get their hands on what they deeply want. Be strong physically and mentally. This golden boy is the definition of harduous determination, the embodiment of honed and overflowing talent and wits, the perfect marriage between a genius and a hardworker (reminds me of Shin Seijuro from Eyeshield 21 in that respect), but who possesses a underlying fragility and a strong sense of responsibility growing each day. Special mention in the final scene (which made my fangirl kokoro go aazertyuisdiojezfyuysqhi) when Kura and Zono got him to the taxi on the way to the hospital, the pain got his tongue loose and he let out his most buried anxiety, his fear of not being able to fit the position of captain, the I’m not good to be a captain having a completely different tone from the euphoric one he had used at the end of the 50th episode. Exhaustingly proposing his position to his vice-captains, telling them to taste what it’s like (”It’s haaaaard”).
-Never takes for granted what surrounds him, as he is used to fight for what he wants and probably still thinks the number he is proudly bearing is not fully his own, constantly having the image of Chris in head. Having a goal on an individual level is what motivates him the most I think. “I have a feeling I will never win against this person”.
-Another special mention at the end of the first season, when they played against the retired upperclassmen.
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He told Furuya to stop thinkng about his pace or rhythm and to give it his full power. Surely, at this moment he also had an epiphany as he realized that the only way for them to cut through their problems of coordination and lack of power was to do like always; train hard again from the start and everything woud click in place. Their trainings didn’t betrayed them, and the upperclassmen showed them that amazingly. “Let’s shut down the senpais by force!”: his carefree tone of the moment was in perfect contrast with the seriousness his words dripped of afterwards: “If we win the fall tournament, we’re secured to go to Koushien.” And he was one hundred percent aware of the weight and meaning of his words. And they managed to did it.
There is to much things to develop and say and fangirl about this perfect guy but I thin that I got pretty well resumed here! My gift on this special day in our hearts, and have a nice evening! 💜 Happy birthday Kazuya~
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