#/put under a cut for length purposes in case its too long on main ๐Ÿ˜ญโค๏ธ
wiildcardd ยท 2 years
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@ignisung sent: her cheek stings from where a bruise is certain to form , hands curling 'pon the other's arms to hold the legion's notorious leader aloft despite her back being pressed uncomfortably against the wall. she expected this , or at least , to a certain extent she knew that she perhaps deserved this. it took longer than intended , for them to believe that she would no longer be an issue. that the dead would never rise from its grave , sinner or not. her gaze falls on the other's form , lips twisting and she utters a curse at the sting it provokes. " you got me good. couldn't have welcomed me back more delicately ? " her palm inches closer to zoya's face , almost reluctantly as she bites her tongue until she tastes metal. " i'm sorry , i should have said something before leaving , but i couldn't have anyone knowing. i couldn't risk it. " her palm presses 'pon the other's face , fingers curling under her chin to guide her gaze towards her. whether the sight that meets her is one of anger , or betrayal , it wouldn't matter. she just needed to see her. " i needed to disappear so i can be free of them. you know how it is in this city , you can never truly leave , or live. when you owe bigger fish a debt. i knew if i told you , that you'd offer to help. i couldn't have that. you don't have to forgive me but , i am sorry about leaving without saying a word. " / hi ๐Ÿงโ€โ™€๏ธ --- UNPROMPTED ASKS ALWAYS WELCOME <3 โ โž
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โ you fucking bitch... you aren't real, you can't be... i went to where you disappeared, i saw for my own eyes! โž disbelief was evident within the pale visage of the fighter, the leader of the legion dumbfounded at the sight of her confidant and closest ally still alive before her. part of that powerful fist that met jaw was held back in case it really was her. her reasonings for punching however? to see if she wasn't a mere imaginary image in her head and to punish her for making her an emotionless stone-cold killer after her supposed 'death'. zoya was filled with emotion, unsure whether to feel elated, angry or downright sad that the one she loved had kept this from her for so long. โ sorry? sorry doesn't even come close! โž
the alpha wolf lunges forward and grips a fistful of familiar jacket collar and swings the one she had cried over against the wall and growls, teeth grit and now violet eyes filled with the heartbreak of months of absence. the bags under her eyes were pronounced, much more than normal. the pain she had felt, the nights she had spent in tears away from the world, the warmth of the other half of her bed being absent... she still couldn't believe it. โ you want sorry? this is what sorry fucking looks like... not even ONE message, ONE! โž her voice was faltering, as her orbs begin to water, lip quivering only stopped by a sharp bite of her bottom lip, a hiss and shrill cry unleashed as she goes for another, more violent punch.
as fist meets wall, bursting through the plaster and concrete. that was when tears begin to fall, like a dam that has slowly burst its banks as a torrent of emotion unravelled before bai yi. โ the things i've done... the things i did to the gang that murdered you... i'd literally burn the whole world to ash for you and i almost went through with the end, the last mission... my last mission... โž her voice breaks multiple times as she speaks, zoya's fist slowly lowering. her knuckle was bruised, shaking as she grits her teeth again. that stung way too much, and definitely gonna have to pay a dumb fee for the wall... again.
โ it's really you... it's really you... โž her expression softens as zoya's initial rage finally calms, her unharmed hand brushing those soft cheeks. it had only taken her to rage to refamliarise herself with how beautiful her closer was... and she gulps before leaning in close. โ i'm still mad at you, i just-... i-...โž her lip quivers once more, afraid to utter words that she regretted never saying ever since bai yi disappeared...
but casting aside her fears and anxiety, she presses tear-stained lips against the other's, whimpering as they locked together in a moment of true affection. in this moment, there was nothing but them... and she would savour every single second of this reuniting lip lock.
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