#/me slowly collecting my own art for amalthea
aamaranthiine · 7 months
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Another commission I paid for, by Kruhee on discord. Featuring Amalthea in one of her variant forms, which is based off a satyr or faun from mythology. Do not remove credit or repost on other websites. This is strictly for my personal use.
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craftedincarhartt · 7 years
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Pint-Sized Adventurer, Rowan
Rowan and her family live on a small farm in Montana with 12 cows and 3 horses. They raise beef with the folks at Amalthea Dairy Farm. Rowan is slowly learning the ropes and eating up the Montana life. She’s been fishing since she was old enough to walk. She horseback rides and cross-country skis. Rowan draws and paints, creates clay animals and jewelry. She’s brave and can cast a mean fly rod. She may be tiny, but her personality and joy sure aren’t.
Rowan is a wilderness lover. She and her mom often go on “adventure walks” looking for antlers, bones, feathers. There are always treasures to be found in the great state of Montana. Rowan’s mom, Laurie is teaching her daughter that you can find some interesting things in nature when you slow down and take notice of all that’s around you.
“I feel strong and alive out here in Montana, and yet its history and magnificence still make me feel humble and very grateful to call it home. Having a child that loves to be outside and active and plugged in to nature is very important to me and my husband.
The land out here in Montana speaks to us daily, and I am trying to teach my child to listen and act well while we are alive on this planet. Rowan has so much energy that being outside is a great way to channel it and use it to learn about her environment.” -Laurie Stewart
Rowan is the youngest person to be featured on Crafted in Carhartt, and she may very well be the toughest too.
It’s a such an awesome sight to behold—a young woman who is confident, constantly learning and figuring out her own interests in life—from fishing to collecting bugs to making art to riding horses and playing with her dog. Keep it up, Rowan. We're rooting for you!
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