#/ly looking for cake but sajdbashbdh
lachalaine · 7 years
continued from here  && starter call
How – remarkably chivalrous of him. Over cake, of all things.
A soft giggle slips past eventuallyher lips despite Jackie’s full efforts otherwise, though it’s evident by the amusement glimmering in her eyes that she means no insult by it. Rather, she finds herself almost flattered by his response, even as she shakes her head at his offer regardless.
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“Now, now. There’s no need for that. In fact, I’m actually really happy that you even want it. You see, I – ah – “ The female hesitates, taking a moment to gaze up and down the aisle in search of a particularly really annoying snooper – before quickly taking two steps closer towards the stranger, her voice lowering to that of a soft whisper as she leaned over just slightly, almost as though she’d had a most serious secret in which to impart to him.
Which would have looked more the part if she wasn’t carrying along like three balloons and a few birthday hats.
“Well, I have a friend who’s been sort of nagging me to go along with them to a club later, which is normal for me because I work there and all, but I was sort of looking for a way out to take a bit of a break from it tonight. Told them I had another commitment and had a birthday party to attend and everything. But he, uh – doesn’t believe me.” Which to be fair, she wouldn’t have believed herself either.
Jackie was the type of girl where you could sort of sense the bullshit echoing from her from about a mile away.
“So – I wanted to buy this cake!” And she sounds all too pleased with her plan as she raises said cake towards him, tone laced with what was evidently far too much enthusiasm for someone so late at night. “That way when I walk past his stalking ass at the checkout counter, he thinks I’m actually going to said party and then he hopefully gives up. But then I – just realized I actually don’t really want any cake tonight. And I don’t have space in my fridge so – “ The ensuing smile she gives him as she trails off was a mixture of something both absolutely charming with just a hint of crazy, and the narrator finds that she is no longer certain if her muse even realizes this anymore.
“Do you want to take the cake once I’m done buying it? Free of charge, no drug exchange necessary. Just a quiet switch a few blocks away and it’s all yours, good to go!”
A pretty simple request, right?
// @nezumi-vc-103221
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