ravengravy · 2 years
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SHES COME SO FAR 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
nov 2018 - dec 2022... its crazy to see how much her design has changed over time AWGHHH /pos?
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dailyaudiobible · 6 years
02/15/2019 DAB Transcript
Exodus 39:1-40:38, Mark 1:1-28, Psalms 35:1-16, Proverbs 9:11-12
Today is the 15th day of February. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian, it is wonderful to be here with you today. Hope you had a nice Valentine's Day yesterday. We concluded the book of Matthew. So, the first gospel, the first book of the New Testament yesterday. So, when we get to the New Testament today we’ll be beginning the book of Mark and we'll talk about that. And today we will be concluding the second book of the Old Testament, the book of Exodus and we’ll move on from there tomorrow. So, we’re reading from the Contemporary English Version this week and we’ll conclude the book of Exodus with chapters 39 and 40 today.
Introduction to the book of Mark:
Okay. So, that concluded the book of Exodus and like we said a minute ago, we finished the book of Matthew yesterday, which brings us to the gospel of Mark. And, so, we should know right off the bat that Mark was not a disciple of Jesus, he wasn't one of the 12 and he wasn't an apostle. Actually he was more of a long-term disciple of Peter and we first see him show up in the book of Acts. We also know him as John Mark and he lived in Jerusalem and came from a fairly wealthy family. His mother's name was Mary and she had a big house and she had a servant named Rhoda. I mean we learn all of this from the book of Acts. She was an early believer and opened her home to other early believers and our church tradition tells us that her home may have been the place of the upper room where the Holy Spirit was poured out on the early believers after Jesus ascension. Obviously, that's not explicit in the Bible, it's tradition but totally plausible. So, Mark was around all this all his life, like even as a boy and would've been part of the first generation of children that were raised up to know Jesus was. So, we’ll get to the story soon enough, once we finish the Gospels a little bit more towards the summertime, but the apostle Peter was captured by Herod and was gonna be executed by Herod because Herod had put some other Christians to death and this was pleasing the religious leaders and so on and so forth and so he planned to execute Peter but an angel came and sprung Peter from jail. And, so, it was to John Mark's house, right, to Mary's large home that that Peter went first. And all the believers there were praying for Peter earnestly, that God would deliver him, and God answered that prayer by sending an angel to lead Peter out of jail. And, so, Peter comes to John Mark's house and Rhoda the servant girl comes to answer the door and she sees him, and she slams the door in his face, basically because she can't believe it's Peter. And, so, we’ll get to that story soon enough but that gives a little bit about who Mark is. And Mark had a cousin and his name is Barnabas and Barnabas was a dear friend of the apostle Paul. So, Mark actually goes with Barnabas and Paul on Paul's first missionary journey. So, this there’s a pedigree here and church tradition tells us that he went all over the place as an interpreter even for the apostle Peter in Italy and even in Rome and everywhere that they go Peter shares the gospel of Jesus Christ. So, Mark has heard the story told by Peter over and over and over everywhere that they go as Peter is doing his evangelistic work and then Mark remembers all of this and recalls it and maybe even at some point was asked to write it down so people could remember all of Peter’s story and eventually does. And, so, in a lot of ways we can consider Mark to be somewhat the gospel according to Peter. And, I mean, nearly all biblical scholars agree that the gospel of Mark was the first gospel written and definitely the earliest gospel found in the New Testament. And it's from the gospel of Mark that Matthew and Luke draw a lot of their material and that is why Matthew, Mark, and Luke are known as the synoptic Gospels because they share a lot of the same material. Although Mark's gospel is the earliest most rudimentary of the Gospels. And even Greek scholars look at the gospel of Mark which was written in Greek and would say like, you know, it's like an elementary school level language, it's written really roughly, like its not written beautifully, as nice prose, it's actually clunky, which actually kind of makes it beautiful because it's like what were about to do is read the first written account of Jesus life and ministry. So, let's settle into that and just let it speak to us, let it wash into our lives. And, so, we begin. Mark chapter 1 verses 1 through 28.
Father, we thank You for Your word and we heed the voice of wisdom today. “If You follow me”, She tells us, “we’ll live a long time.” And if we have good sense that's good for us but if You don't and we fall into arrogance then we’re just hurting ourselves. So, Holy Spirit, plant that in our lives. We learned yesterday from the book of Proverbs that we begin by honoring You Lord, this is the beginning of wisdom, but not the end. It's just the beginning when we honor You. We've taken the first step toward being wise, toward living a wise life; however, if we will follow Your Holy Spirit's guidance in our lives and we continue to honor You and continue to listen to the voice of wisdom and obey then we're going to be the ones to benefit. Help us to do that Lord because so often we listen to the counsel of the scoffer or the mocker and we’re anywhere but next to wisdom. But we want to string together a series of days and weeks and months where every day we are honoring You and every day we are listening to the voice of wisdom. And if we can string these days together, then it won't be too long before we realize that we are living within wisdom, we are living wise lives, and we are becoming wise. We need this. As we just stand here and look back over the seasons of our live it is so starkly apparent which seasons we didn't practice wisdom at all and which seasons did. Now we want the rest of our lives to be one long continuous season of wisdom where we continue to grow not only in wisdom but in awareness and vigilance so that we are wise, so that we have grown up, so that we become a mature son or daughter of the king. Help us Holy Spirit, come lead us in the way of wisdom we pray. In Jesus’ name we ask. Amen.
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So, my wife, my Valentine, she came in yesterday and shared with us about the More Gathering for women coming up this April. Registration is open, and we are excited. I mean, a new season is coming, and we don't have all of the answers, but we know that the Lord has told us that this season in Georgia on Sharp Top mountain, this is the last year we’re supposed to do this, at least for now, there. So, it's kind of a real celebration because the More Gathering was birthed and has only ever been there. So, it's gonna be quite an amazing time and we have a sense of deep anticipation as we pray into this spring. So, you can get all the details at moregathering.com or go to dailyaudiobible.com and just scroll down to the Initiatives section and you'll find what you're looking for. All the details are there. All the questions are answered and hope to see you, as here in the northern hemisphere, as the seasons change and new life begins to come back to the earth, as winter begins to dissipate, this is when this happens and it is lovely. So, hope to see you there.
The other thing that we are praying into and praying over is the pilgrimage that we’re about to take to the land of the Bible in just a couple of days. So, thank you for your prayers.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link, it lives on the homepage. I am profoundly humbled and deeply grateful for every brother and sister who has ever clicked that link. We would not be here if we did not do what we’re doing together. So, thank you for your partnership. So, there's a link on the homepage. If you're using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that's it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hi Daily Audio Bible family, it’s James hear from the UK. Just really wanted to pray this morning for, I think it’s T or maybe D from Salt Lake City but you were sharing…you were sharing about feeling the absence of God this morning when I was listening to the DAB. And it’s just a coincidence I think that this morning I’ve just been feeling really flat as well. I’m kind of wondering kind of what is this sensation? And, you know, I have a real connection with God I __ in a really visceral way and it just doesn’t seem to be there at the moment. It’s been absent for a couple days. And I think, you know, sometimes we just become a little bit more…we just become a little bit more immune and we just need to kind of refresh ourselves constantly in that moment with Him. And maybe D, maybe it’s just about taking some time out, maybe it’s about making some time just to be alone, be in the quiet, just be in a place where you can receive. I’m sure…I’m sure you’re considering trying out already but I just really want to pray His grace and favor of you this morning and that there would be a refreshment and a reawakening in your heart and your mind and in mine is well to just remember just pray for __  just remember how much He loves us and how much He wants to be a part and parcel of our everyday walk with Him. I just pray in Jesus’ name that you would feel close to Him and the Holy Spirit would come real close to you today and this week, that you might be able to come back with a praise report and just talks of the love of God and the unrelenting passion and love that He has for us. In his name. Amen.
Hi, I’ll be brief because I’m not sure if this message will take. I tried another time and I think maybe my mouth was not straight on the phone. So, sorry, there won’t be a lot of details to help you when your praying, but yes, my name is Much Afraid, it should be Overcomer. I’m in Asia. Where we are is a Buddhist country with strong spiritual powers. My husband and I are missionaries. We’re in a province but in the capital of the province, not in the country, countryside and we’ve been here for about 15 years. We fairly isolated from the support of the greater Christian body for a number of reasons. Okay. My request is related to this, I never was healthy enough emotionally to be doing this kind of work but I did feel called. I thought I was working on myself inwardly. Well, now I’m not fully functioning and everything is…our circumstances are bringing things to head. I’m and 60 now. So, I really __ to be safe in trying to walk through anything. There’s about to be a crisis, I believe, and I can’t let go and let God walk me through this...
Hello, my name is Christine with the bumpy dog. The reason I use that is, I, up until September, had a beautiful old Italian Greyhound, her name was Lola, and she would have been 18 in December and she, like all old people, had different bumps and I loved her dearly. So, most of the time when I listened to the DAB I always had her by my side. But I was calling mainly to thank Judge from New York. Here’s someone who I don’t know miles away and she said this beautiful prayer and talked about the self and my body and bringing my body back to wholeness. It was such a beautiful prayer and I wanted to thank her and am looking to try and find encouragement in every day because I think that’s the way the Lord reaches out to all of us and if we don’t watch will miss it. So, this message is instead of a message I said before because I really didn’t get my words out. So, God bless all of you and be encouraged and I say all of these words in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Hi DAB family, my name is Timothy and I’m calling from a long way in Asia, from Taiwan. I’m a longtime follower of DAB family and listen to Brian’s Bible reading almost daily. Today I’m calling for the first time for a first-time caller who called the DAB on January 10th, a woman in her late 50s from New Jersey who has been a nurse I will pray for your job search, which she mentioned it was difficult to find, but you have to know that God is an omnipotent God. There’s nothing impossible for Him. So, I will pray for you job search, it will be very smooth, and it will be a success. I’m sure it will be a big success and I will also pray for your two daughters who don’t communicate to each other. I know with your families love they will start communicating with each other. And I will pray for Karen from Pennsylvania, pray for your strength to overcome a relationship. Loneliness is not an issue for God. He will come into your heart and support you to give you the strength to overcome any kind of relationship problems and I will pray for your son, his sexual identity. And I will pray for Christopher’s community, that we be the salt and light of this world, that in a time of chaos and turmoil we are the salt and light of this world and we are the stability of this world. Thank you DAB family. We love you. Bye-bye.
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