sangrientamano · 7 months
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prettymediocrewizard · 5 months
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hugs-and-stabbies · 8 months
im finally drawing Rody and Vincent kissing but i think it'll take a while bc every like 5 mins i stop and just
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Oil pastel
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Color pencil
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cabbi3 · 2 years
We Love Your Art! You said a Clannibal request was welcome: how about Hannibal consoling/comfroting Clarice, in the best way he's capable of (if any? but of course we know the guy has a heart. anatomically, at least). Or maybe some sort of a teasing comfort from him, with Clarice snapping lovingly back?
sorry anon since I'm not sure what Hannibal would say to Clarice, plz have this sketch of him comforting her instead :'P
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bonus more of them being silly 🫰
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kazunarei · 14 days
I'm fucking crying (again) (Seriously this hurts)
Umi . . . (;へ; )
It's kinda funny seeing everyone pretty much agree that Kuya should have gone scorched earth on the villagers, especially after the leader came up and all but begged Umi to fucking die.
Just the fact they left completely unsettled borderline depressed is ugh.
No wonder Kuya's rooms hit so hard. If this is how he feels after everythiing that happened no wonder he choked the shit out of Eiden.
I haven't read his rooms cuase I don't have him but everyone that pulled did not hold back on gushing about what happened so~
Umi . . .
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azri-e-l · 10 months
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Five nights at Freddy's
Loved the movie hehe
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mayoonn · 4 months
Hello dears, I apologize dearly that I disappear so suddenly. I was taking a break, my bf (won't be soon) mentally drained me. I will take more breaks but I will try my best to finish all the requests first so those who are planning to request, please don't send first. It'll make my work stacked, I appreciate my lovelies that likes and reblogs my works <3
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knullanon · 2 years
Vandal savage losing one his young kids and finding them decades later, his kid taken into a family and decently stable civilian life
yess i love your ideas, I have so many of them almost finished too. also, there might be something I'll post tomorrow because it was written and then I forgot to save it, so while I still have the ask, everything that was written was gone. which sucks, but oh well. so, either later today or tomorrow it will be up :) love yall!
Lost and Found
words: 1878
warnings: drugging, a little violence, kidnapping, lmk if I missed anything!
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He was devastated. You were his baby, his precious, even when you were born, he knew you would be different. All throughout your years, he would teach you, care for you, he would show you all around the world, to tell you that this is what you would rule over. That this was your domain, that you would one day be ruling over the people around you.
Unfortunately, that vision he had given you had never come to fruition. He still remembered the day you were taken, when you were little. He left you with your siblings, thinking that you would be safe, that you wouldn't be in any danger.
He goes over that day every night, about the what if's and what could've changed. What he could've done differently. If he had just taken you with him, if he had just assigned more guards. After a few years, he had assumed the worst had happened. He knew that he would never make this mistake again, he swore to himself, but it didn't help the hurt and pain he felt every time he thought of you.
He thought he would never see you again. By the time you would have been an adult, he had come to terms with what happened. He would still think of you, but he knew that he would have to get over it, that nothing would bring you back. No matter how much he tried, you were gone, probably dead.
And so when he received a file from one of his children showing that you were alive, that you were on the other side of the world, fine and unharmed, he let himself hope again that you were there. That it wasn't a trap, that you were actually alive.
Savage realized what would happen if it was a lie. That it would restart his pain, his hurt. But he let himself believe that maybe, you were still alive.
He hoped he was right.
You were having a terrible day.
Your mother had called you, telling you that she wanted you to move back in with them for some reason or another, even though you just rented your first apartment, something you were very prideful about, and she didn't even tell you why. This caused an argument where she yelled at you for 5 minutes before hanging up.
Then, on the way to work, you were stopped by a cop, which made you late, which then caused your boss to yell at you in front of your coworkers. Later in the day, some lady was mad because you got her order wrong, and made a huge deal about it to your boss.
After she left, he told you that your raise you were going to get, albeit small, was going to be postponed until he saw "better results". You had tried to argue, but he had shut you down, telling you to do better.
The rest of the day was a blur, besides the few angry people who would come up to you telling you something was wrong, or to go work on this, or work on that.
By the time you were clocking out, you were ready to be done with your day and cry yourself to sleep.
Walking down the road to the parking lot, you thought of everything you could do the next day to make yourself feel better. You had that TV show you wanted to watch, some snacks, and you could even get some food from your favorite restaurant-
You paused and turned around, expecting one of your coworkers telling you you forgot your keys or something similar. You were not expecting a tall lady who looked like she could kill you with a punch to be there.
"Yes?" You fully turned to face her, worried she might try something, but she didn't move. In fact, she seemed surprised that you even answered her. You had never seen her before in your life, which made it even more suspicions.
"Do I... know you?" you asked, hesitantly. You didn't know what she wanted from you, and the fact that she knew your name was not a good sign.
She didn't answer your question. Instead, she told you, "I can't believe it. You're _______ Savage?"
Savage? What? "My name is _______, but my last name isn't Savage-"
"That's all I need to know." Confused, you were about to ask her what the hell she was talking about, when she suddenly rushed forward towards your face. You tripped yourself backwards trying to get away from her, and ended up falling flat on your ass.
This didn't deter her, though. While you were trying to figure out how the hell you were going to get away from her, she took the opportunity and lunged towards you. You covered your face, but she didn't automatically go for you. She went behind you.
Before you realized what was happening, she had you in a chokehold, holding you down while you tried to yell out for help. You saw something glint from her other arm, and you were smart enough to know what she was planning on doing.
You tried to kick your way out of her hold, but you cried out when you felt something prick your arm. Something cold, something that felt weird under your skin poured into you. You finally had the bright idea to shove your palm at her nose. She let you go and you scurried away, trying to get ahold of yourself when you started to droop.
Your arms, legs, even your face weren't moving as fast as you normally would have been able to. You tried to get up, but even then you struggled. By the time you hoisted yourself onto the nearby wall, she was already back on her feet, walking towards you.
When she grabbed you by your arm, and you fell like a rag doll, you knew you had lost. You didn't even notice her cradling you like a baby, or when she carried you to a car that you didn't even see beforehand. The last thing you remember was falling asleep to her telling someone to drive.
Your head felt like crap. It was almost like what a fever felt like: you could move, but your body didn't want to. It was too tiring, too slow. It was too hot, too cold. You groaned to yourself. Did you really have to get sick on your days off? Opening your eyes, you were going to see if you could convince your body to get some water, only to realize this wasn't your room.
In fact, it was the opposite of your room. In comparison to your tiny little apartment, the room you were in was huge, probably the size of your parents house. There were shelves with trinkets, statues and books. There were huge paintings on the walls, some of them seemed to be originals.
When you looked at the bed you were on, it was gigantic. It looked like one of those princess beds, with black lace curtains, sheets and pillows. The headboard was carved to show what appeared to be a battle, the detail showing even in the smallest of areas. There was two doors that probably led to some hallway or another, but what got your attention was the window.
It was to your left, and it showcased a tundra of snow and trees. It was enticing, seeing the beauty of it all right in front of you. There were mountains, covered in snow, and it almost looked like another planet.
Everything in the room, while luxurious and expensive, made you remember in your daze everything that had happened the day before, including the kidnapping.
You threw off the covers, and jumped out of the bed, which made your head hurt even more, but you didn't care. Panic and adrenaline started to set in, and even through your headache, you stumbled over to the two doors, which was a struggle just from your body being so disorganized.
When you finally reached the doors, your body was already done. You had wondered what had happened to you to deserve this treatment, when the knob suddenly turned. You stopped as it opened, your heart sinking when you saw who was on the other side.
It was the biggest man you had ever even seen in your life. You didn't recognize him, and yet he looked so familiar. He was holding a tray of food that seemed to be some kind of soup, and some flatbread to the side of the bowl. It also held a glass of water.
You tripped on your feet as he walked in the room, and gently shut the door. He walked past you, towards the bedside table, and set down the tray, along with the glass of water.
He turned around, and his expressions softened. "______, are you feeling alright?"
"Who are you?" You mumbled out. Not knowing who he was and yet he somehow knew your name made your stomach turn, and it didn't help you had no idea where you were.
He didn't respond, and he only walked towards you, saying, "You look ill. You should be in bed, you know."
You couldn't even respond before he grabbed you by your neck, like a kitten, and walked back to the bed. He dropped you where you were before, and pulled the sheets and blankets over you again. While your mind was yelling and screaming, your body took comfort in the warmth from the covers.
"Who are you?" You asked again, more panicked and rushed. He grabbed the tray and placed it on your lap, since you were already sitting upright.
"You do not remember me?" He asked, almost sad that you weren't able to recognize him. You shook your head, and flinched when he reached to cradle your cheek.
"______, I am-"
There was a sudden ping from his pocket, and he angrily pulled out what appeared to be a cellphone. He answered, "What is it?"
"Father, there's trouble with one of our reserves. They have asked for an emergency meeting with the rest of the Light." The voice sounded similar to the lady who had taken you.
He growled, and you could see his fist shaking from anger. It scared you.
"Tell them to be ready by the time I get there."
He hung up without saying anything else, and turned to you again. He grabbed your hand and rubbed it, almost trying to give you comfort of some kind.
"I'll be back soon enough. Please eat at least something before I get back."
He let go of your hand, and got up from the bed. He walked over to the door, and turned around one last time, and gave you the smallest smile, before opening the door, and leaving.
You did, however, hear the doors lock, before you heard him walk away. You looked down at the food he had given you, and slowly, you ate, too hungry to even care if he had tampered with it.
You knew you had to have a plan to get out of there. But for right now, you decided to rest, and figure out why you were here.
I was gonna write this completely differently, but it came out weird so I re-wrote it. anyways, I hope you enjoyed it ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)
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qjackmanifold · 5 months
twitch network errors when i find YOUUUUUUUUUUU
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chaotic-tired-bastard · 2 months
oho, yes yes yes
I ask for.. the prompt alone? and oc is your choice, go apeshit‼️📢
Thank you mootie!! And MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA MORE ATKA LORE!! There's some new stuff in there if you look closely :)
OC Ask Game
Atka + alone: How does your OC deal with loneliness? Have they ever been completely alone before? How do they act when there's no one around to see them?
Atka's life requires loneliness. Travelling from place to place, never setting down, never finding rest and peace for more than a single night. His only friends are those that he meets in the bars he frequents, the innkeepers who he's nice to, the stray person who sees him and decides he's not a drunk or a monster before they part, never to meet again. It's normal for him. He can handle it. Until he meets them. Kuruk and Ummi. They grab him by the arms, pull him close, hold him tight until he feels the warmth return to his chest once more. Their love allows him to raise his own arms, hug them back, embrace them as he had once embraced loneliness. They allow him to linger, to feel, to live. Until they're gone. Until he's alone again, wandering through the world, lonely once more. Until he staggers to a home that's now foreign, hollowed out by scraping, clawing mandibles, his spirit dulled by a dark, maroon-lipped smile and grey eyes. Until he's so lost that the only things he recognises are tall, ice-tipped mountains and cold, empty ice caverns, stained with the shadows of those long dead. And he doesn't know if he can handle it anymore.
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daceyarik · 2 years
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now there's a fire in me
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a fire that burns
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ode2rin · 1 year
srbs and queued posts are coming right up !! thank you for all the kind words on that damn sae fic god i'm finally free from that thing. it stayed in the drafts too long for my liking ngl ._.
what follows that fic tho is my inactivity.. uni's starting soon and i kinda have a lot to do for it council meetings and all that stuff i got my ass dragged to (ಡ‸ಡ)
(the milestone reqs will still continue dw!! i think i'll find time to write bec uni is really shit so i gotta have some outlet or else i'll combust)
bye bye to the lovely two months of non-stop writing i guess (`⌒´) it was fun sharing all of those w u all !!
back to navi (i'll unpin this after maybe a day !!)
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rainy-days-and-nights · 3 months
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Happi Happi Happi *insert happi cat*
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cloudyvulpine · 4 months
i just realized my one fallout nv oc is super similar 2 Angel Dust and now idk if i should change lore or anything bc i don't want any1 thinking i copied Angel 😭😭
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kazunarei · 1 month
I'm beating on the walls~~~
Bruh I just read Blade's newest last room and how the fuck did he not pop some hearts in his eyes.
Why hasn't he make heart eyes yet.
How the fuck does Yakumo have heart eyes in like his first few rooms but Blade who is just as devoted hasn't made them at all.
I'm about to kill someone holy shit
Yakumo fans plz don't kill me ヽ(≧□≦)ノ uwaaaaaaaa
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