#//yeah im not tagging eveyone lol
mages-pandoras-box · 6 months
I just want to post my OC's basic lore here. They're not going to be a muse (yet); I just think they're cool xD.
This is Akuma (aka Annie Brooks), my Hazbin Hotel/Hulleva Oc.
Art by @trissschmidt (Female form: Left. Male Form: Right)
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They are an overlord who runs one of (if not the) most popular record companies in the Pride Ring. They write and perform their own music while writing music for other singers. They have collaborated with major performers from across the rings. They used to be a ring fighter for another overlord - never sold their soul but did have an agreement - and that overlord eventually became their best friend and encouraged them to become overlords themselves.
Below is a tier list to represent their relationship with different characters.
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Alastor - Akuma's fiance from life. Got separated from him by their parents and reunited with him in Hell.
Charlie - Fell in love with her after reuniting with Alastor. The two invite her into their relationship.
Best Friends
My Best Friends Oc (not pictured/work in progress) - Vox's partner and the Ring Fight Overlord. Saved Akuma in Hell and taught them how to fight. Encourages them to become their own overlord.
Lucifer - Girlfriend's dad - is surprisingly chill with Akuma; he likes to climb up onto Akuma's shoulders in some type of animal form (Akuma is tall, and it pisses Alastor off).
Velvette - Akuma's BFF (my friend's OC), is often invited to the V tower, and Akuma tags along. Velvette was a fan of Akuma and befriended them. Their friendship is purely informal - neither one is associated with the other's brand.
Rosie - Introduced by Alastor and instantly hit it off. Gossip girls.
Carmilla - Friends from Akuma's ring fight days. Akuma often commissioned Carmilla for weapons, and one day Carmilla came to meet her most frequent buyer.
Fizzarolli - Has collaborated with him numerous times. Fizz will visit the Pride ring just to see Akuma. Another Gossip Partner.
Angel Dust - Feels bad for him/knows how shitty Val can be. Doesn't like how vulgar/inappropriate he can be. Flirted with Akuma one too many times.
Nifty and Husk - Alastor owns their souls, so they interact frequently. Akuma tries to take care of them and convince Alastor to not be as harsh to them as he is.
Pentious - Found him annoying at first, but warmed up to him. Wouldn't be Akuma's first choice to hang out with, but Akuma was upset and grieved his "death".
Emily (Au of the Au) - Meets the angel when she visits Charlie after the Exterminations are canceled. Appreciates her help.
KeeKee - Girlfriend's pet cat. Akuma loves cats.
Carmilla's Daughters - Akuma is the cool Aunt/Uncle figure to them. Loves them as one would their nieces.
Has Met Them Once
Stolas - In passing, he attended one of the concerts Akuma had with Fizz. Thinks he's nice but a bit airheaded.
Ozzie - One of Akuma's best friends, Fizz's partner. Ozzie is very busy, so he never has a lot of time to chat. Knew their secret for a while and kept it to themselves. Supportive of the two. Ozzie and Akuma would be closer if they had more time to talk to one another.
Zizi/Unnamed Overlord/Zestial - Fellow Overlords. Met them officially at their first Overlord meeting after stepping out of the shadows. They were polite to Akuma, so Akuma was polite to them.
Neutral/No Opinion
Vaggie - Vaggie doesn't trust/like Akuma due to Akuma being connected to Alastor and for "stealing/corrupting" Charlie. Akuma harbors no ill will toward Vaggie but has made no attempts to calm her hatred/anger.
Cherry Bomb - Didn't meet her until Extermination Day. Thought she fought well in the battle.
Tom - He's a news anchor. He is very polite with Akuma and doesn't insult them just because he can. (Unlike he co-host)
Razzel/Dazzel/Egg bois - They are other peoples' companions. That's it.
Dislikes Them
Lilith - Doesn't like that she just packed up her bags and left. Is mad on Charlie's behalf. (Depending on what happens in later seasons, this will change).
Katie Killjoy - Had an awful interview where Katie just insulted Akuma the entire time. Backed Katie into a corner verbally, and since then, Katie has taken any chance she could to insult Akuma. One-sided rivalry similar to Vox and Alastor. Katie hates Akuma, Akuma will get annoyed but overall doesn't really care.
Vox - Best friend's boyfriend. Finds him annoying and doesn't really like modern TV. Tolerates him because of their BFF. Due to being engaged to Alastor, Akuma is often dragged into Vox's "news broadcasts." However, they are never usually that damaging after Vox made that mistake the first time and had a not-so-friendly visit from an enraged Radio Demon and Princess of Hell. Akuma's BFF also didn't appreciate it and told Vox off for it. (Depending on what I see in later seasons, this might change).
Glitz and Glam - Competitors in the singing world. Akuma has tried to be polite/formal but is constantly insulted, gave up after a while.
Mimzy - My headcanon is that Mimzy has a crush on Alastor, so she is constantly throwing herself at him. Akuma doesn't like it, and Mimzy doesn't like that Akuma "stole" Alastor away.
Susan - It's fucking Susan!
Hates Them
Valentino - Hates how he treats people and finds him creepy. He once tried to seduce Akuma, but that got him a quick kick in the dick. Will be polite to him due to her friendship with Velvette. (Depending on the verse, is secretly trying to find a way to take over and/or free Angel Dust's contract).
Sera - Thinks she's a coward and hates how she runs/"helps" runs Heaven.
Adam - He nearly killed both of Akuma's partners, Alastor and Charlie. Was glad when he died. If Nifty hadn't stabbed him, Akuma was going to secretly kill him themself. (Depending on the verse this might happen).
Lute - fearful of what the angel would do. Akuma briefly fought hand-to-hand against Lute before Vaggie could get a swing at her. Got a few licks from the angel that haven't healed right.
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goodmorningglory · 2 years
hve been disassociating all day i thnk .
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motherofkittens94 · 7 years
tagged by @greyjoysea and @staryjoy 
Do you watch the episodes when they air? usually not being a brit who doesnt have hbo  i watch like a day or two later when it airs on sky Atlantic  or on now  tv the first three i watched on dvd from a friend who had the boxset it was when we were sharing a house walked in  the logue one  Morning and she watching it and its that bit where the mountain cuts off the horses head and im like what the hell are you watching ?? i just woke up i wasnt expecting violence this early in the morning ? and then sat down and watched it with her and im like and watched the whole rest of season   one and im like what the hell is this show  ??  ....is there more ?? btw my brother said he got half way through season one and said it  was boring im like season ones the best ?? and hes like oh i dont enjoy  historical drama im not interested in medieval history and im like face palm he thinks this is historical and he also doesnt like history wtf i mean  how am  i related to this fool but yeah thats tangent  and i told him get to ep nine so he could see ned stark beheading he said maybe but if i agreed to watch stranger things with him lol :/ 
How often do you rewatch it? Do you rewatch it from season one? ive re watched all the way  it through a few times but usually would only watch my fav episodes ive seen the red wedding so many times though because wed always watch it with some friend whos just getting into and hasnt seen that one yet so we can see their reaction 
Do you rewatch the previous episode before the next one airs? Not usually on each  occasion but my aunt and uncle always do so when i watch with them i do  
Do you eat anything while watching? if so, what do you eat? not usually a proper meal but  i might have snack like crisps or popcorn unless its a glory scene 
One character that everyone seems to like that you don’t care much for hmm cersei ?? and i didnt lime petyr baelish much but he seemed popular at least among my friends  but i do agree he shouldnt had a better death scene they took all the cleverness out of him and though i hadnt liked him it was a shame in a way like the couldnt find way him to go down in a clever interesyting way so they had to dumb him right down  book pb wouldnt get caught like that people like show euron apparently me  hmm not show much to put it nicely also ave mixed feelings about stannis book book and show wise and i like jon but hes not the ultimate  hyped favourite like he is with a lot of people and perfer theon to him tbh 
Your 3 favourite pairings Throbb theonsa jon ygritte jaime brienne thats four but theres two theons so 
Favourite scene: robb getting crowded any scene where theon smiles  theons monologue  theon and sansa hug jon and sansa arya sansa hug jon and ygritte kissing on the wall jaime jumping to save brienne theons speeches both tyrions speeches both but the one in season one was really funny tyrion dragging the chair across the room when everyone is is science idk that cracked  me up bronn duelling for tyrion the one where Catelyn announces to everyone that (she thinks)  tyrion tried to kill bran cause that was the first ep id seen thats the bit that got me hooked  theon getting back up and fighting that ironborn guy pdrick saving tyrion  and i still maintain that viserys had the best death also not to be a basic bitch but that first time dany does her fire thing in season one i was #stunned 
One character you wish got more appreciation: theon duh #nomoredickjokes2018 but also meera and jojen too i suppose  and shireen and sansa and they could've (shouldve) done more with myrcella and tommen   and brienne too was underused and gendry also idk if if i like the way the tried to iron the grey parts out of tyrion and jon  and bran i wish they done brans story better and wed have got that tree scene with theon also as a disabled gal  certain comments some people make about uselessness of bran sometimes make me uncomfy tbh 
Fanfic or nah? i usually only read theon based ones and thats usually just theon robb theon sansa or sometimes theon jeyne p cause i cant do bolton heavy stuff im a whimp  but i read the occasion jon / ygritte or jaime / brienne and once i tried theon jon  but i wasnt sold soz :/ i read theon ygritte once as well  that actualy worked surprising well and theon domeric .. aha  thats mine  and @blueagia s baby  
but i guess id be open to others maybe 
Favourite quote:  from just the show ?  meeras some people will always need help that doesnt mean theyre not worth helping  also tyrions death is so final but life is full of possibilities and   mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone if it is to keep its edge. That's why I read so much Jon Snow also sansas not a killer .. not yet anyway sansa - or maybe hell give me yours theons sy he is is theon greyjoy again also i like that quote about theons smile but obvi thats not in the show bronns this is bronn son of .. you wouldnt know him  just because it was funny 
Do you avoid spoilers? :  i do because im a blabber if i know id tell everyone omg this happens and that - i dont do on purpose really not with the intention of spoiling it for people  i just blurt it out like  i ruined he Rains of Castamere for someone once by saying oh is this one where robb dies ? and i didnt realise she hadnt seen it  yet and shes like robb dies :( :( and im  like oh umm i meant ...  rob - ert baratheon obviously ! haha whoops and i told someone else about jofferys death because shed said she seen it all  but she said later  i wish joffrey would die and  i was lil tipsey then so im like  .. but he does die ? youve seen it right? in season 4 ? hes poisoned ?  at his wedding ? to Margaery?? and shes like ....thanks beth ..... turns outs shed only  seen season 1-3 whoops again but hey i was drunk  that time so i  now avoid spoilers to avoid spoiling people and when i read the books my then housemates told me not to tell them what was different in case they wanted to read the books later on and didnt want me to spill and i did try to keep to it but i blabbed a few things tbh 
Favourite house words: We do not sow greyjoys ftw 
One character you’d bring back from the dead: ygritte shireen  robb maybe catelyn  and hoder !!
One character you’d kill, or kill sooner than they were killed balon greyjoy also ramsay but i wouldve done  it differently and theon shouldve been there or at least known about it also randyll tarly like fuck that guy ive seen people defending him and im like no offense but you are serious me and a friend had a bet on the boltons i bet against roose dying and he bet against ramsay dying we both lost lmao 
Direwolves or dragons? Dragons 
Which was more satisfying: Ramsay dying or Joffrey dying? hmm i actually joffrey probably because it was more unexpected i didnt see it coming i didnt think hed die  -i wanted ramsay to die and i wanted to like ramsay dying  and wished i had liked it more but it wasnt  done  the way i wanted it and it seemed so obvious like it wasnt a shock like joffrey dying was  i think in a way they over did ramster and just ran out f things fro him to do that he hadnt already like i was like hmm sewating nevously what can we do now ...err  kill your dad! kill a baby! kill  a stark  kill .. jon snow ...??  aye fuck it get rid of guy ay 
 i liked season six   better than season 7 or 5 but it made me lol in a way cause it seemed like they went ok ok you didnt like it last time when we killed all the women we heard you! we did ! weve changed things yes  so how about this instead ...   the woman kill everyone ! yea ? you like that ? we good now ?  sweet as ! put more women killing eveyone into season 7 dave we on the money 
Wildlings or the dothraki? Wildlings
Favourite lannister?  Tyrion but jaimes growing on me 
Favourite stark? i think sansa tbh 
Would you rather be able to be resurrected anytime, but gain scars and all like Beric, or become a faceless man? Resurrect any time like Beric
Would you rather have the rebellion tv show or the conquest tv show?  id pefer Rebellion but id watch a conquest show i think 
tagging @saltwaterwoods @whiteladyofrohann  @unamatta  @wedonnotcare @faller1344 @starkrysis @iladylittlefinger if you want to :) 
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