#//yeaa though good morning again !!
keeps-ache · 8 days
Who’s your favourite oc to draw :3
Ohhh that's a hard one... some designs are just easier to draw but others i Really like the character so..... easy answer, oath bhfvsh :3
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alphi-writes · 4 years
Hi, this flower event is a darling idea and your writing style is so fun to read! May I request Hyacinth and Lily of the Valley for Vil, and a Marigold and Morning Glory for Azul? I look forward to reading more from you — keep up the great work! (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ
Thank you so much!! (*ノ∀`*)/♡ I'm glad you like my writing, and I'd be honored to write for you♡💐
Flowers: Hyacinth, Lily of the Valley, Marigold, Morning Glory
Characters: Vil, Azul
Vil Schoenheit
"Hey Vil, uhm, could you... actually nevermind-" You'd appeared in Vil's room later in the evening.
You wanted to spend some time with Vil, but you also didn't want to bother him. Before you could even ask to spend time together, you were already on your way out.
"What do you need, darling?" When you heard him speak, you stopped in your tracks, twirling around to meet his eye.
"Aha, nothing, I know you're busy right now." You waved your hand around in the air, avoiding eye contact.
This was usual for you. You would show up, try to speak, and then Vil would have to convince you to talk to him.
You weren't afraid if him, but you did have a lot of anxiety and you were not one to try and bother others.
"Come here." He didn't speak in a harsh tone, but you knew he had little patience.
You scuttled over, standing rigidly by his side.
"Oh darling, look at the circles under your eyes." He stood up, gently putting his hands on either side of your face.
He tilted your face upward and you glanced at him.
"Yeaa, I guess I haven't been sleeping well. It's no big deal though-" you gently moved his hands away,"-so what are you doing right now?"
Vil has known you for quite some time, and he knew you were feeling nervous right now.
"Well, I'm planning on pampering you." He pushed you into the seat in front of his mirror, opening his makeup box.
You instantly started panicking.
"Ah no-! You don't have to Vil, honestly I'm fine-"
"Are you denying me the pleasure of fixing you up?"
You went silent, sitting still while he brushed your hair out.
"You should start taking care of your hair a bit better. Tea Tree oil will soften it up in no time."
He droned on about many different topics as you sat there, listening intently all the while.
"Hm, how about some flowers to brighten up your hairstyle." He murmured quietly, probably to himself, but when you heard it you turned to look at him.
Vil walked to the other side of his room and picked up a single stem that had multiple small white bell-shaped blooms on it.
The flowers were placed at the crown of your head, a bloom hanging close to your eyebrow.
"Wow, what are these flowers called? They're cute." You looked at the flowers, a small smile growing on your lips.
"Lily of the Valley. They compliment your eyes well." He began to work on your eyes, deciding to give you lighter makeup than he usually did.
"You don't have to do this for me, Vil." Your eyes were closed, but you felt his hand hesitate for a moment.
"But of course I do-! Someone has to spoil you, and what better person than me." You heard him chuckle quietly, tapping your nose lightly.
You hummed a quiet tune as he worked, waiting to see the final product. You peaked an eye open when you heard him shuffle a bit.
"Is it done? Can I see?"
Vil nodded and moved aside so you could look in the mirror.
He was right about the flowers complimenting your eyes. The white color made your eyes look much brighter, and gave your simple hairstyle a bit of aesthetic flair.
"Wow... your skill with makeup never ceases to amaze me, Vil."
You heard him give a quiet 'I know' while you looked at his handy work.
Not only did the colors of the eyeshadow compliment your eye color, but he chose shades that popped against your skin tone as well.
"You're so talented Vil! I love it." When you turned to look at him, he was smiling down at you with a far off look in his eyes.
"Vil? Are you okay?" You stood up, stepping towards him.
"You look gorgeous, Y/N." He smiled and took your hand in his.
He draped his free-hand over your shoulder, and in turn you put your hand on his waist.
There was no music to follow, but you moved together in such an organized fashion that one would believe music was playing in your mind's only.
He stared into your eyes while you danced, causing your cheek to burn.
You chuckled nervously, "Why are you looking at me like that?"
"I'm soaking up your beauty, darling. You should be flattered."
Azul Ashengrotto
You wiped your hands off on your apron, smiling up at Azul.
"Thank you for helping today, Y/N." He bowed his head, standing back up and smiling.
"No problem, Azul, I don't mind helping anytime you need me."
As of late, Monstro Lounge had been overrun with customers, and Azul had come to ask you for help. You accepted, of course, and even if you were rushed around a lot today, you admittedly had a lot of fun.
"I actually quite like working in the lounge." You crossed your arms, smiling at the now-vacant lounge.
"As much as I didn't want to drag you into all this, I am very grateful for you. You were a pleasant addition to the lounge staff today." Azul admitted, smiling down at you.
"Well, if you ever want to hire me-" You folded your middle three fingers down, creating the 'call me' sign.
He laughed, setting a hand on your shoulder. He was about to say something else when Floyd appeared, draping himself over your body.
"Shrimpy~ I'm glad you helped us today- really lifted my mood for work!" Floyd kept talking, drawing in your full attention.
Behind you, Azul's gaze sharpened and his eyebrows furrowed. He was used to feeling jealousy, but he had never felt possessive of another person. It was odd for him, so instead of bringing attention to his problem, he decided to head to his office.
He sat down and attempted to start his paperwork. He waited for you. Maybe he was waiting for you to burst through the door and confess your love to him, or even for you to poke your head into his office just to say goodbye.
Luckily for him, you were that kind of person.
After about an hour of waiting, he heard his door open quietly, but sat still.
"Azul, hey." You whispered into the room.
He turned and looked over his shoulder and saw your head poking past the door, a large smile on your face.
"Thank you for letting me help tonight. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"
He finally turned his whole body to face you, nodding without a word.
You playfully sent and air kiss his way and pulled your head out from the doorway. He watched as you put your arm through and set a small vase of marigolds down.
"Goodnight Azul." You whispered, shutting his door.
He stared at the marigolds for a moment before his face began to burn. You must've noticed he was jealous, which would explain the marigolds. He brushed it off for the night and continued his paperwork.
The next day, he was pleasantly suprised to see you'd shown up to the lounge again.
"Ready for work, Mister Azul Sir!" You saluted him, laughing afterwards when he gave you a dumbfounded look.
"You're helping again today?"
"You say that as if you don't want my help." You smirked, turning to walk away.
"N-no! I do want your help!" He yelled out, startling you.
You turned back around and smiled, adjusting your apron.
"That's what I thought."
Azul watched as you walked off, preparing to start your work. He had never yelled out like that, so he took a moment to compose himself before he would begin the day.
As the day droned on into night, you found yourself glancing at Azul more often that you would've liked to admit.
Honestly, it was hard having feelings for Azul because of how wrapped up he was in his contracts. Nonetheless, you found yourself swooning over him day in and day out.
When you had your back turned, it was Azul's turn to stare at you. He was so confused with his feelings because he had never felt that way about someone.
You were always so kind to him, and he wasn't used to that. He was used to being teased and made fun of, and although the twins were his friends, they weren't always there for him like you were.
The night soon came to a close, and yet again it was just the two of you left.
He watched as you placed small baskets of condiments on each table. You were so precise, lightly adjusting the placement of each basket as you went.
When you were finally finished, you walked over to Azul.
"Welp, today was another good day. Right? I'm not sure." You laughed nonchalantly, tilting your head as you smiled at Azul.
He only nodded, not speaking.
"Is something bothering you, Azul?"
He shook his head.
"I'm just tired, today was a long day."
He heard you huff.
"Well fine, but if this continues, I'll beat the problems out if you!" You threatened him playfully, tapping his shoulder and making your way out of the Lounge.
"Goodnight, Azul, sleep well."
And then you were gone. Gone from the lounge, gone from his sight. His chest hurt and his stomach twisted.
Is this what it felt like? Is this what it would be like for days on end? He did not like this feeling, not one bit.
Others would find the good in feeling antsy and flustered all day, but Azul hated the feeling.
He wanted to feel alright. He wanted you to look at him the way he looked at you.
He wished you would gaze at him with that longing in your eyes that his eyes held.
And in the morning, his wish was granted.
He was startled when he heard a soft knock at his bedroom door.
It was quite early in the morning, and classes wouldn't start for another two hours, but here he was, opening his door.
He expected Floyd, and was about to scold him, but instead found you, with morning glories in your hands.
He looked down at the flowers. There was enough to made a good sized bouquet, and they had an earthy smell to them. The water in the vase that contained the flowers was slightly murky, and he could see dirt under your nails and on your finger tips.
"Sorry Azul, I just really wanted to give these to you-" you handed him the vase, "-Oh man, my hands are a mess."
He held the vase in his hands and watched as you tried to brush the dirt off onto your pants.
"I uhm... so this is a confession-" Your voice got a bit louder and your eyebrows creased, "- so you don't have to accept the flowers or anything, I just thought you would like them." You drabbled on, clearly nervous.
His eyes stung and he smiled sheepishly down at you. When you saw the tears in his eyes, you started freaking out.
"Ohmygosh! Are you allergic? Should I have gotten different flowers? I only have morning glories in my garden right now I didn't even think for a moment you were allergic or-" he laughed loudly, causing you to stop talking.
"I'm not allergic, Y/N. I just..."
He took a deep breath,
"I've been waiting for this for quite some time."
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21burritoseavey · 3 years
Slow Down - Chapter 8
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a/n: k i literally hate this but i hope you enjoy it a little lol. let me know what you think!
Summary: Daniel and Y/n are best friends, but like every clique love story lol, Daniel fell for Y/n, though he’s never admitted his feelings because Y/n has a boyfriend. After their exams, the group of friends decide to go on a “California-cation” (see what I did there haha) but Y/n’s boyfriend also tags along. It gets a little interesting and I guess you’ll just have to see how things go…
Daniel could barely sleep the night before. His feelings about Y/n only fuelled his anxiety, fogging his brain with a thick haze of memories and thoughts that he couldn’t shake. After hours of tossing and turning, he finally drifted into a faint slumber, rousing from his sleep - after what felt like mere seconds later - by a soft hand on his shoulder.
 “Daniel...” Y/n whispered, biting back a smile at his slight pout and steady breaths. She tried again, “Daniii, wake up.” 
 Daniel shifted in his sleeping bag, stretching his legs and arms out messily with a small groan. The sound of gentle birdsong and aroma of breakfast filtered through the small gaps of his tent had him lifting himself up sleepily. “Uhm...-” he cleared his throat. “Good morning,” he said in a quiet, raspy voice. 
 “Morning.” Y/n replied with a small smile. She got up onto her feet and out of the tent. Daniel followed quickly behind her. “What time is it?” He asked gently. 
 “About eleven thirty or so.” Y/n answered casually as she took a seat on the wooden bench beside Corbyn. She grabbed the box of cereal to pour into a plastic bowl. 
 Daniel’s gaze narrowed into a squint as he peered through the morning sunlight to the array of breakfasts displayed on the table, a blue chequered tablecloth underneath. “Did you guys wake up late too?” He asked, taking a seat next to Jonah. 
 Corbyn glanced at him with a small chuckle, “eleven o’clock is late?” 
 “Well yea, I really want to go on that trail.” He smiled shyly. “You know the one you talked about before?” He glanced at Y/n. 
 “Yeaa!” Her eyes lit up instantly at the vivid memory.  
 Her sudden excitement sent a wide grin to Daniel’s face. “Yeah, I-I planned it for you” he said bashfully, eyes flashing at Corbyn with a smirk. He received a teasing glare in return and Jonah hid his giggle behind a sip of his coffee. 
 “I’m sure we’ll have time. But I actually planned for us to go canoeing today...” Jonah revealed, offering a simple smile in response to his friends’ open mouthed, shocked stares. “I’ve decided to conquer my fear of the ocean...Well, we’re not going in the ocean. Just the river a little way away. But that’s still conquering my fear, right?” He looked to the others for reassurance. 
 “Right.” Corbyn said with a light chuckle. 
 “Whatever you say.” Daniel shrugged, a plate of pancakes and bacon in front of him. “Thanks for breakfast by the way” he said, shovelling a forkful of pancakes into his mouth. 
 “That’s okay, I figured I’d volunteer since I’m the mom of the group.” He said plainly, earning light chuckles from the others sitting around the table. 
 A calm aura swallowed the atmosphere as the group of friends ate their breakfast, lavishing upon fresh memories from the past few days. The two other bandmates woke up not long after. They dragged their feet through the squidgy grass tiredly. “Morning…” Jack breathed. The others simultaneously replied with gentle waves and ‘morning’s. Zach shuffled his feet over to the mini, portable coffee machine and poured himself a soothing cup of rich coffee before squishing right next to Corbyn on the picnic table. 
 “Where’s Grayson, he up yet?” Zach asked, peeking a brow as he filled his plate. 
“Nope.” Y/n sighed, dropping her gaze as she haphazardly stirred her bowl of cereal. “I don’t think he’d like canoeing anyway...” She said honestly. Daniel’s smile faltered as he listened to Y/n’s words, and he exchanged identical looks with the guys. 
 “Maybe I can convince him?” Corbyn volunteered, shooting a comforting look at Daniel. He received a grateful nod in return, and they shared tight smiles. 
The gang were finally ready at around 2pm. They had played almost every board game they brought with them and had grown irritated by hearing the constant chirping of birds and rustling of trees around the campsite. 
 The fresh morning glow of the sky had subsided. The sun scorched down on the cluster of friends as they were ushered - by Jonah - to the sparkling river only a five-minute walk away. A rich tapestry of blue spread across the gentle velvet waters of the river. Jonah nearly sprinted to the wooden rack of canoes. To him, an inviting new adventure was just waiting to be experienced and he was oblivious to his friends’ teasing remarks. 
 “Ten bucks says he’ll absolutely hate it.” Daniel turned to Corbyn, a Nike swoosh of a smirk plastered on his face. 
 Corbyn chuckled, “I think he’ll tolerate it.” He replied truthfully. With a vigorous shake of hands, their bet was official. The guys lifted their canoes from the rack and placed them on the rocky shore. “Hey, Grayson? Can you help me with this?” Y/n asked tiredly as she tried to lift the canoe. She looked around for her boyfriend, but he was nowhere to be seen. “Grayson?”
 “Here.” Daniel giggled, a few paces away. “I can help.” An easy grin played on his face as he shifted the canoe from her arms to his. He passed her a life jacket and calmly watched her slip it on. 
 “Thanks” Y/n said, her cheeks a little more pink than usual. 
“s'ok” Daniel uttered lovingly. 
 Meanwhile, Jonah had been struggling with his own rickety canoe. It was so noisy that the wood creaked every time they moved. Jonah turned back to Daniel hesitantly, “Is this safe to use?” He asked, jerking down the brim of his lopsided baseball cap. Daniel looked up from his spot in the river. His knees were deep in the calm water and his forehead was already dampened with a layer of sweat from pushing the weighty canoe. 
 Daniel laughed lightly. “It'll be fine.” He reassured with a toothy smile. 
 Jonah tried his best to pull a grin in response and he turned back to the front, watching the water ripple and sparkle gracefully. A shaky deep breath left his lips as they finally plunged into the water past the shore. The three other bandmates drifted past, paddling recklessly through the water without a care in the world. “Oh my gosh” Daniel chuckled as he glanced at them. 
 “They're gonna fall in for sure.” Jonah said quietly.
 “I don’t think they’re gonna fall in...” Daniel joked. 
 He couldn’t help but steal a glance at Y/n and Grayson behind them. Y/n’s smile shone as bright as lighthouse beams and the corners of his mouth pulled upwards, spreading light to every inch of him as well. The natural dew on her skin fostered a gentle glow to her face. The serene reverie he slipped into was broken by the familiar voice of Y/n’s boyfriend. 
 “Can you help please?” Y/n asked after her laughter died down. She raised and lowered the oar steadily through the water, watching it glide graciously upon the surface. “You can’t possibly expect me to do this alone.” She chuckled lightly. 
 “Okay, Y/n.” Grayson picked up the single bladed oar beside him and began paddling. “I didn’t even want to do this anyway.” He murmured quietly to himself, but Y/n heard. 
 “Can you please just do it...for me?” Y/n said, “let’s just try and have fun, okay?” She spoke pleadingly with a tight smile.  
 Daniel sighed after hearing their small conversation but just went back to paddling with Jonah. 
The image of Y/n and Grayson on the canoe froze in his mind, kindling some kind of twisted jealousy or hurt in his gentle heart. The lingering goosebumps on his skin chilled his body to the bone. He let the serenity of silence calm him and the warmth of the sun’s rays heat up his cold body. 
 How are you holding up? You seem a little tense.” He asked Jonah although his eyes wandered elsewhere. Denying his shallow breaths and slightly quivering body, Jonah replied with a confident, “I’m doing great” as they travelled forwards quietly.
 “Oh my gosh. Not these stupid bugs again” Daniel complained, eyes bolting to all directions and arms swinging in weary irritation. “-hate that I didn’t bring bug spray,” he groaned. 
 “Daniel.” Jonah said gingerly. Daniel was so distracted by the hasty bugs that circled him, he didn’t notice the canoe’s persistent wobbling.
 “I swear I’m gonn-” His complaint was cut off by the crashing waves of the river washing over him as the boat completely toppled over. All the two boys could hear was the muffled laughter of their friends - perfectly dry and safe in their canoes. Jonah tried to shoot up to the surface of the river desperately, and with the help of Daniel beside him, he made it to the surface, to shore and then finally a decent length away from the river in good time. 
 “I’m never doing that again! I’m just gonna be scared of the ocean forever!” Jonah yelled breathily. 
 “Okay,” Daniel soothed gently, swallowing back his laughter as he walked past him. Jonah frowned at him before shifting his eyes back to the water. He watched peacefully as a soft breeze rippled the surface of the river. It danced along gracefully before hitting the rocks and pebbles on the shoreside. 
 Among the tall oak and pine trees, a pleasant shade had fallen where Jonah had been sitting, staring morosely at the water. Daniel padded across the grass and plunked himself beside Jonah, offering him a fresh, red towel. Jonah gratefully accepted and slung it over his shoulders, clutching it tightly around his body. “You, okay?” Daniel asked gently, biting back a chuckle. 
 Jonah turned to him, hiding his own laughter behind a supposably serious face. “Yeah.” He pushed his arm across his forehead tiredly. 
 “You’ll be alright.” Daniel assured. Just then, in perfect, comical timing, Corbyn emerged from the shore and tapped Daniel lightly on the shoulder. 
 “I guess I owe you ten bucks now.” He shrugged, unknowing of the conversation the two other boys just had. 
“Okay, what’s next?” Y/n asked eagerly. 
 “The trail.” Daniel said simply. He looked behind his shoulder. “You can stay here if you’re not feeling up to it Jonah.” He assured lightly, a small smile playing on his lips. 
 “Uhh...no.” Jonah shut down quickly. “You just feel bad for earning ten bucks at my expense” He joked, glaring at Daniel teasingly. 
 “Okay then, if you’re all ready to go, let’s do it.” He suggested. 
The friend group were on their second adventure of the day and even though some of the boys were tired, they knew how much Daniel wanted to do this, especially for Y/n. They trekked through the summer heat in clusters as they conversed. Daniel draped his shirt over his shoulder and his hair sat all muddled on his head, flicking hard against his forehead as he walked. 
 Zach’s gaze caught something in the distance. In the dappled sunlight, amid the strong boughs, overgrown cabins scattered the dark areas of woods. The trees grew so tall, they veiled the sun’s light. He turned to Jack, tossing a sweaty arm around him. “You wanna mess with the guys?” He asked mischievously - not that he really needed to. 
 “Of course.” Jack responded with a chuckle. They were a few paces behind everyone else, so they quietly devised a plan. “K, i’ve got this” Jack said, clearing his throat and rolling up his sleeves. 
 “No, I've got this.” Zach corrected blankly. 
 “No. I’ve-” Jack started, before he was suddenly interrupted by Corbyn. 
 “You guys alright?” Corbyn asked gently with a light laugh. 
 Jack shuffled his feet closer to Corbyn a few paces ahead of him so he could hear better. He turned to Zach again. “Yeah, me and Zach were just talking about that cabin over there. Further in the distance” He asked, pointing to a random, bleak cabin. Zach merely sighed and nodded as he glanced at Corbyn. 
 Corbyn replied, “yeah? What about it?” He asked, slight hesitation laced in his voice. 
 “That’s my dad’s cabin. He bought it back in ‘97.” Jack said casually. 
 “Really?” Corbyn asked, matching Jack’s pace as he walked beside him. 
 “Yeah, he got it pretty cheap from the old owner.” 
 Corbyn peered into the distance, the archaic architecture and spoiled timber exterior didn’t go unnoticed, and he simply nodded. “Makes sense.” He chuckled. 
 “The guy caught his brother cheating with his wife…” He uttered eerily. Just then, Daniel and Y/n’s attention was caught by his fake story too. He continued, dropping his gaze to the brittle leaves that crunched beneath his feet. “He chased them out of the cabin and into the dark woods with a...” He paused for a second, searching for more ideas, “a machete and stabbed the dude three times. People say he’s still out there trying to find his wife, a sharp, bloody machete still in his hand.” He looked up to stunned faces looking back at him. “He could still be out here today.” Jack finished casually, continuing his onward stride through the trail. 
 Grayson scoffed, “Yeah right. You can’t tell me you guys really believe this.” He sneered. 
 “Y-yeah guys don’t be silly” Y/n said lightly, even though she was really shaken by it. She cleared her throat nervously before turning back to continue walking. 
 Grayson slowly approached Daniel from behind before uttering a gentle, “hey uhh, there’s not service here?” He questioned, holding up his phone to the sky with an outstretched arm. 
 “Oh yea. Sorry, I must’ve forgotten to mention it.” Daniel replied casually, turning back to the rocky path. 
 “Oh...okay” Grayson hid his slight uneasiness with a feigned grin that tugged at the corners of his lips. 
 The walk was peaceful for the most part, filled with organic, simple conversation. The brown and dry ground had little patches of green peeking through the roots of flowers and low-lying bushes. Y/n broke the momentary silence first with a question.
"Where's my necklace?"
'What?" Grayson asked. 
 “My necklace.” Y/n repeated. “You know the gold one, with the little crescent moon sorta thing?”
 Grayson paused for a moment before replying with a tired “yeah, okay well when was the last time you saw it?”
 “I’ve had it on for the whole trip, until now I guess.” Her face was etched in concern as she looked around. “I can’t lose that Gray, Dani gave it to me” She whimpered. 
 Daniel’s head turned at the familiar sound of his nickname. “What’s going on?”
 “She lost that gold necklace or something.” Grayson said plainly as he continued walking. 
 “Wait-” Daniel gazed at Y/n seriously, “the one I gave you?”
 “Okay, uhh. Okay. It’s okay. We’ll find it. Don’t panic.” Daniel reassured, more to himself than her. 
 “Don’t panic? You literally look like you’re panicking right now Daniel.” Y/n teased lightly with a faint giggle. 
 “Uhh, okay guys!” He turned back to his bandmates ahead. “Y/n lost her necklace. We need to go find it.” He announced gravely, resting his hands on his hips. He turned back to Y/n, noticing her panicked look. "Don't worry, we'll find it" Daniel assured her gently. 
 "I hope so" Y/n said, worry written all over her face. 
 Zach fluttered about trying to find the necklace in unusual places. First his eyes roamed the precariously balanced boulders, then Jack’s hoodie that was tied around his waist and finally Jonah’s hat. He grasped Jonah's baseball cap from his head, peering into it solemnly. 
 "It's not in there," Jonah countered, snatching the hat back defiantly. 
 "Great, thanks Jonah" Zach said sarcastically before focusing back on finding Y/n’s gold chain.
 The sun settled around them, gushing warm, dark golden streams through the columns of tall trees. It splashed warmly from their faces to their feet as they tread through the woods back and forth. Daniel weaved in and out through the trees and bushes as seamlessly as a shuffled deck of cards, concentration.
 “Okay, you guys look over there,” Jonah said, pointing into the distance. “And the rest of us will go back down this way.” He suggested, and everyone agreed. 
 “Have you got any idea where it might be?” Grayson asked, glancing at Y/n. 
 “No, not a clue.” Y/n sighed worriedly, “It was around my neck like a minute ago” She dragged a hand over her face in frustration. 
 “Well, it obviously wasn’t if we’re still looking for it.” He muttered quietly. 
 “What?” Y/n asked gently. 
 “Nevermind.” Grayson walked past Y/n in the opposite direction angrily, but Y/n didn’t notice. 
 Grayson's groan of annoyance had Daniel averting his gaze to the boy beside him. “What’s wrong, man?” Daniel tried gently, slowing down to match Grayson’s pace. 
 “I just wanna find this stupid necklace” He huffed irritiatedly.
 “It’s not stupid,” Daniel returned quietly, swallowing back his hurt. “I’m sure we’ll find it soon.” He assured calmly. 
 “We better.” Grayson warned. 
 “And we will...” 
 “Yeah, sure” Grayson returned, his voice dripping in sarcasm. “This forest is so big. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack”.
 “If we all just focus, we should find it pretty easily.” Jack said reassuringly with a grin. Daniel nodded lightly in agreement. 
 “We’re literally just wasting time right now. I’m not even the one who gave it to her so why should I care?” Grayson glared at Daniel out of the corner of his eye. 
 “Because it’s important to Y/n.” Daniel glared at Grayson with utmost distaste. 
 Grayson only scoffed loudly. 
 Daniel stopped his movement and stood up straight. “Look, Y/n really wants to find it. If you were a good boyfriend, you wouldn’t be complaining right now.” He said seriously, storming further into the ever-darkening woods. He didn’t even think about the necklace anymore. It’s not just about the necklace. He thought. 
 “I’ve got more important things to do.” Grayson grumbled. 
 “Really? Cos you’ve sure been spending a lot of time on your phone” Daniel replied shortly. Grayson squirmed under Daniel’s blank gaze. He dropped his head and shuffled his feet nervously to hide his flushed, pink cheeks. Daniel took a deep breath in an attempt to compose himself. Grayson's words stirred inside of him, and he felt his arms bend at the elbows and hands close into fists almost uncontrollably. He was so focused on maintaining his supposedly calm facade that he didn’t realise how far they were walking. 
 “Guys. Can we-” Jack huffed. He searched his mind wretchedly to try and stop their argument.
Grayson looked at Daniel, “It’s just work, my brother and I work together so it’s just a lot of back and forth you know,” He chuckled, a hint of a grin on his lips. 
“Like what? calls? Texts?” 
 “Guys.” Jack tried again gently. 
 Grayson paused for a moment before words stumbled out of his lips. “Y-yea. Calls and...stuff”
“I haven’t heard Ethan’s name come out of your mouth once this whole trip so far.”
 “What are you trying to say?” Grayson challenged. His tone was pugnacious, calculating at most. 
 “Guys!” Jack’s loud voice snapped the two other boys out of their argument, and they looked at him expectantly. “I think we’ve gone too far,” he said slowly. 
 “Great.” Grayson groaned. “This is all your fault.”
“My fault? Seriously, don’t start this” Daniel responded tiredly, 
 “If you had just minded your own business then we wouldn’t be lost or whatever.”
 “This is my business. She’s my best friend.” Daniel replied without hesitation. 
 “Wait guys, don’t you fear” Jack said positively, pulling out a crumpled map from his back pocket. “I have a map.” His eyes darted from side to side as he stared at it. 
“It’s upside down.” Grayson said tiredly. 
“Oh. I knew that.” Jack chuckled, turning the map over to the right side before continuing. “Okay…. umm does anyone actually know how to read this?” He asked shyly, a giggle escaping his lips. He glanced back at the two boys beside him. Their deadpan faces and silence had him dropping his gaze to the map again. 
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princerazzie · 7 years
Tagged by @scribblindown
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people.
@pineapplerobots, @magicfox3, @sumomo220, @princessofimagination, @theamazingrosinki, @spikewerks, @eds-art-factory, @theactualcel, @duskybunny feel free to ignore me if you don’t want to do the tag.
1. Drink: coca-cola mixed with some vanilla brandy(this is gonna get wild or just plain sad by the end, HOPEFULLY THE FIRST)
2. Phone call: My job 3. Text message: to my friend nate about how much I love werewolves, and how i miss dating someone with a hairy chest. 4. Song you listened to: Dead Girl Walking -reprise- from Heathers 5. Time you cried: probably wednesday, I missed my mom again. 
6. Dated someone twice: Uhhh, so like get back together after you broke up?? if so twice then :DD one i regret the other i’m like ehh about. 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: nah, i have kissed a bad kisser before V_V not fun but it was an experience ya know. 8. Been cheated on: not really?? i mean i had this online bf and he “cheated” on me technically but he just like rp kissed someone XDD  9. Lost someone special: Yeah....... 10. Been depressed: *POINTS TO #9* 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: HAHA, NOT YET AND I WANNA KEEP IT THAT WAY. THOUGH I HAVE DRUNK BOUGHT STUFF ONLINE BEFORE 
ehh it changes alot but! GREY
15. Made new friends: Yes! at saikoucon and at my college! 16. Fallen out of love: nope!!! i’m a grey-rom  17. Laughed until you cried: yeahh!! we were messing with my friend while he was using his VR by like interrupting him, it went on for like 15 minutes 18. Found out someone was talking about you: Hmmm, nah, i mean there was that one time my friend told me about an ex friend of mine not really caring about me at all. :/ that made having the friendship break off easier honestly! but meh
19. Met someone who changed you: not really? i guess my ex, he made moving on from old shit alot easier and help me realizing, i’m not the worse? 20. Found out who your friends are: Yup!! I love them to death! 21.  Kissed someone on your Facebook list: ehh, yeahhh my last bf >_>
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: ehh maybe like 40?? i guess 23. Do you have any pets: MY CLINGY BOY, SABLE THE LOVE OF MY LIFE(THIS MIGHT BE A FUTURE TAG COMING TO A RAZZIE BLOG NEAR YOU) 24. Do you want to change your name: NAH, i wanted to when i was younger because my name is super common 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: CRY!!! AND THEN eat cake with my sister and niece while trying not to cry again. im a very sad person. 26. What time do you wake up: Around 10am  27. What were you doing at midnight last night: petting sable probably 28. Name something you can’t wait for: TRANSFERING TO MY NEXT COLLEGE 29. When was the last time you saw your mom? .....I DIDN’T SEE THAT COMING wow i’m like tearing up abit, APRIL 17th when we buried her. 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: I wish I focused more on art so i could have felt more comfortable with making that a main part of my future 31. What are you listening to right now:  the sound of my fan and my 5pm alarm going off.  32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: ehh not since like being at my last college 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: *DRINKS MORE* LEGAL STUFF 34. Most visited website: THIS DAMN HELLSITE. 35. Mole/s: EHH MY right middle finger, my shoulder, my thigh, my tit, both my wrists, my upper arm, my leg, i have alot of moles like you can play connect the dots  36. Mark/s: like scars? or stretch marks? because i have tiger stripes some on my hips, and i have a stitch scar on my forehead. 37. Childhood dream: like almost every child*looks off into the distant* a veterinarian   38. Hair color: Dark brown almost black with a dyed brown part in the front of my hair 39. Long or short hair: Medium, i’m growing it out to cut it AGAIN! :DDD 40. Do you have a crush on someone: KINDA BUT i’m not trying for it. :/ i don’t think it’ll work out anyway
41. What do you like about yourself: I’M PERSISTENT WITH WHAT I WANT! also able to do things on my own if needed, i’ll find a way if i really need to.  42. Piercings: EAR PIERCINGS!! 43. Blood type: i think B positive  ??? its something on the rare side if i remember right. 44. Nicknames?: raspberry, ash, some others but i’m blanking. 45. Relationship status: single...i’m not too bent out of shape over it, like i need to get myself together before i can start looking at people. also there’s noone im really interested in aside from Nyx, but he’s fictional soo yeah 46. Zodiac: Leo 47. Pronouns: She/Her 48. Favorite TV Show: Hmmmm, probably Rick and Morty since Still Star Crossed was cancelled 49. Tattoos: I want  like lace across my arm, with white ink but i’m a bitch with pain  50. Right or left hand: Right-hand, though i can draw somewhat with my left :D. thank you art class warmups. 
51. Surgery: nah never 52. Hair dyed in different color: ahaha, *side glances* red in high school three times, brownish black to get the red out, and now a copperish brown   53. Sport: ahah i wish, i wanna be in shape bro! tho i;ve been wanting to take up boxing lately 55. Vacation: HERSHEY PARK! unless cons count then SAIKOUCON!  56. Pair of trainers: no??
57. Eating: Leftovers from eating out with my sister. 58. Drinking: STILL DRINKING THE COLA WITH BRANDY, i’m about to pour some brandy into root beer 59. I’m about to:  give up on goggling the missing questions, i’m doing that inbetween writing this and it’s kinda weird. it raises the question on where this question meme started, and who started it 61. Waiting for: the next time i play DND, its GETTING SO GOOD FAM. 62. Want: to figure out what i’ll be doing with my life also get better at art.
63. Get married: In the future, it would be cool to wake up to someone i feel i can trust and love 64. Career: I’m not quite sure lately, something in psych or art maybe both  65. Hugs or kisses: HUGS I NEED WARMTH 66. Lips or eyes: lips, lips have an attractive curve to them. >d 67. Shorter or taller: Taller if guy, shorter if girls 68. Older or younger: Older >_> 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: ARMS!!! BUFF ARMS ARE THE BEST. PICK ME UP AND SQQUEEEEZEEE ME
71. Sensitive or loud: loud, loud is fun!! i can be abit distant when i get into a mood and that hurts people >_>  72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship!! i wanna cuddle and talk!! JUST CUDDLE AND TALK 0__0  FUCK SEX  73. Troublemaker or hesitant: ehh i wanna say hesitant but i always seem to get along better and have more fun with Troublemakers because deep down i’m super mischievous 
74. Kissed a Stranger: Nah, but it’s not out of the question >D unless they have something weird  going on with their health 75. Drank hard liquor: CURRENTLY AM NOW KEKEKE,  76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: EVERY MORNING 77. Turned someone down: Yeaaa >__> 78. Sex on the first date: ....i wanna say no, but with my last bf, ahahah, i wasn’t in the best state of mind emotionally. though it was pretty nice because he didn’t treat me like I was easy and was like serious about me???  79. Broken someone’s heart: maybe? idk i mean i guess i ccould have with my breakups 80. Had your heart broken: Yeah it was pretty bad 81. Been arrested: Nope and least have it stay that way 82. Cried when someone died: WHY WOULD I NOT! 0/10 bad question!! 83. Fallen for a friend: ...DON’T YOU MEAN EVERY AND ANY FUTURE RELATIONSHIPS I HAVE. 
84: Yourself: Somewhat. 85. Miracles: Yeahhh 86. Love at first sight: Nope!! that’s saved for fiction!  87. Santa Claus: I’m like 24, HE’S VACATIONING IN HAWAII. (no) 88. Kiss on the first date: ....if they’re cute 89. Angels: yeaa
90. Current best friend name: Nate 91. Eye color: Dark Brown, basically black honestly 92. Favorite movie: idk ?? too tipsy to remember fam
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