#//woohoo finally answering this thing from an ask game i reblogged *checks notes* a month ago !
lovenpeace-pkmn · 1 year
✂ - a vivid memory
[Driftveil City is big and bright and noisy. There are textures everywhere, and colors and so many people, and even through the buildings the sky seems endless.
It’s overwhelming. Terrifying, even.
Anthea can’t stop looking.
She’s on the bus. Concordia is next to her and a dozen Plasma grunts surround them and Campfire Smoke is curled on her lap wearing a Purrloin’s shape, still as stone except for the occasional ear-twitch when the grunts arguing softly behind them mention N.
Part of her thinks she ought to be panicking. In the space of a few days, her whole world has been turned upside down—N left and Ghetsis is missing, Team Plasma has fallen into chaos without them, all of Unova has its eyes on them, and she's been on hot, uncomfortable public transit for hours on the way to the safehouse where they’ll be hiding.
But at the same time…Ghetsis lost. N has finally—finally—seen through his lies. And for the first time in fifteen years, she’s out of the castle.
It’s so bright here, in this city that’s big enough to swallow her dusty memories of Floccesy Town a thousand times over. Everywhere she looks, there are people and Pokemon just…living. Together.
The bus crests a hill, and Anthea gasps as the ocean comes into view. For a moment, the view is unobstructed. Past the city, water and sky stretch onwards, as vast and glittering as hope.]
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