#//u okay? yes this just happens to the nel. BUT IM BACK ON DRAFTS NOW RAAAAAAA
frauleindermorgen · 5 days
"Micaiah, Micaiah!" Yunaka grins as she quickly scampers her way over to the white haired maiden. "Happy birthday!"
Seizing an opportunity she never would have had on the Somniel, she quickly throws her arms around her and gives her a hug. Just a short one! Obviously, she doesn't want to be weird or scare the Maiden That Isn't Her Maiden.
"Hey, here, I got you this!" The cupcake even comes in a cute little box with a window, so it was all nice and safe but you could still get a look at how cute it was! There was even a tiny little candy bird sitting on top of the light blue icing. "I didn't make it myself, obviously. It wouldn't be half as good if I tried to make it, but..."
She holds it out for her to take with a grin. "Hope you like it!"
Micaiah is always glad to meet others on her walks, any day, of course, but especially on a day like this that can only happen at a place like Garreg Mach; for it to be Yunaka, is even more unique. Had she read in the bulletin of her birthday? She must have, but it seemed right for her to know. No longer do cloudy feelings fill her mind as she finds herself accepting the hug and the gift soon after. Once, Micaiah would have run from sudden friendships and intimacy—expected that they came at a cost far too high, but Yunaka’s flaws, the little she knows of them, match well against her own and she knows better now why one might seek a mirror in another.
“It looks delicious,” Micaiah says truthfully, looking down at the box in her hand with a smile, “thank you so much. I can have it with my tea this afternoon.”
She giggles, unsure if Yunaka’s emphasis on her cooking ability is modesty or truth but she is sure eventually she will learn; “did you buy it in town then? You must show me the shop! I always like to mill about down there in my free time, perhaps soon we can go together.”
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