#//totally not anymore to this that Tommy just cropped out
thebloodysword · 2 years
Look at this nice ask from Drista!
Tumblr media
1, yes I can share *slides over raw meat*
2, wait am I really that squishy-
3, Why not?
Anyways, right back at you Drista!
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avengemebuckyy · 4 years
Be Careful
You tell Bucky to be careful with your heart. Too late he realizes you should have been careful with his.
You’re awkward,odd, and not the most conventionally attractive yet you’re the only woman that Bucky sees
Warnings: manipulation 
Authors note: Back from the dead lmao. This is probably trash but I just needed to force myself to finish something it order to try to get back in the groove! Feedback is more than greatly appreciated, it’s what keeps me writing tbh...
PS. You ain’t shit in this lmao
You weren’t the most eye-catching. You didn’t look like the girls Bucky used to chase after in his younger years, or the girls on the internet he’d find himself staring at once he’d discovered Instagram, endlessly scrolling through picture after picture, lost in a sea of beautiful bodies and faces. You didn’t look like the tall slim blonde agent he’d always make a point to hold open the door for, or his neighbor’s daughter in Wakanda, who had had dark skin so smooth and a face so perfect he’d never managed to say more than two words to her.
You were slightly awkward, with a slightly odd sense of humor, always cracking jokes that sometimes no one laughed at but you. But you didn’t care, you would laugh at them all the same. You wore baggy clothes, and not the fashionable baggy kind either. Your favorite outfit was baggy camo print cargo pants and an old grey band t-shirt, logo so faded it was almost impossible to decipher.
At first Bucky didn’t pay you much attention. He wasn’t rude, but he treated you with the same gruff stoicism he treated everyone with. Well everyone besides Sam, Steve, and Natasha. Besides he only saw you rarely, you were a high level agent thanks to your skill, but you didn’t work closely with the team very often. Until you did.
One mission with Clint was all it took to have your name thrust forward when Fury was looking to fill a coordinator position. Suddenly you were everywhere. Coordinating their positions on missions, even going on missions with different members of the team. You fit in well with the team, your corny jokes and generally happy disposition make you easy to like. Your apartment was five minutes away, thanks to Tony, so you would often eat breakfast with the team and stay at the Tower well into the night, often crashing in a room designated for you, also thanks to Tony.
You were like a deceptively shallow river Bucky would think after. One minute he was wading through your shallows, next moment he was being taken under by your currents, realizing too late that he was in deeper than he thought possible.
It started slowly, you would make an effort to make conversation with Bucky, never seeming off put by his non answers. Bucky found himself coming to you with numerous questions on how to work social media, you would give such long winded explanations he wouldn’t have to embarrass himself with asking questions. Soon he found himself seeking you out for more than explanations. Funny thing is you were the one who introduced him to Instagram, to the  beautiful women on the app but eventually he found himself unable to see any woman but you.
Bucky found himself sitting with you at lunch, looking out the window in the mornings waiting to catch sight of your army green jacket. He’d sit with you in the afternoons as you did your paperwork, steal glances at you ,your forehead always shiny by midday with an almost ever-present patch of acne, eyebrows scrunched together as you filled out mission reports. He loved those quiet moments the most. Bucky wasn’t good with words, not anymore. But he would help carry the 10 pound boxes of paperwork, always bring an extra pen in case yours ran out of ink, and constantly would bring you your favorite Starbucks order. He secretly hoped that you would read the affection behind his actions.
You didn’t usually go to Stark’s parties, you’d rather go to bars and clubs with your friends.
“The crowd at Stark’s parties just aren’t my crowd,” you’d explained with a shrug, toeing the floor with your scuffed sneakers. Bucky had nodded in understanding. They usually weren’t his crowd either, but he’d always go to support Steve, who was pretty much expected to show face.
But for some reason you show up to this party. Four months into your blossoming friendship (and Bucky’s crush). Bucky wasn’t prepared for what you were wearing. When he heard the agents whispering about your unexpected appearance at the party he half expected to see you in jeans and a t- shirt. Or even your cargo pants. At the sound of your name Bucky zeros into the muttered conversation.
“Did you see her?”
“Yeah, damn.”
“Was not expecting that. Or her to even show up. Who knew?”
“She’s kinda hot, not gonna lie. In a weird way”
Bucky turns his head scanning the crowd, heart rate already picking up, fully expecting to see your sweat-pant clad form. He sees you alright. But not in sweatpants. A red dress barely covers your figure. Hemline way above the halfway mark of your thighs and twin slits in the skirt reaching up to your hips. A draping halter neck ties at your neck and completely exposes your back and gives a generous view of your tits. He catches flashes of the curve of your ass as you walk.
In hindsight the dress was totally in line with your character. You didn’t dress the way you did because you were ashamed of your body but rather because you didn’t give a fuck. Your hair is pinned up, one perfect curl escaping your updo and kissing your neck. Bucky feels his heart stop. He spies numerous heads turning as you languidly weave through the crowd in dangerously thin stilettos. You cozy up to one of your agent friends and the two of you drink, giggle, and dance. Bucky can’t take his eyes off of you.
When you head to the balcony he follows.
“Hey,” you say when you spy his shadow darkening the entrance to the balcony. 
“Hey,” he gruffs, in a tone he fears is too quiet. But looking at the curve of your exposed back suddenly has his voice dying in his throat. You turn back to looking at the city skyline. Bucky steps forward next to you. Close. Closer than he’s ever been to you, painfully aware of your arms brushing. He can’t fully feel your skin through the long sleeve button down he’s wearing but the touch sets him on fire all the same.
“Needed some air. “ He eventually grumbles. Trying not to stare at your profile. You look at him then, wearing a sly expression he had never seen on you.
“I’m sure you did,”
After that it doesn’t take long for Bucky to gather up the courage after that. Maybe it’s the way you had looked at him on the balcony or the way both male and female agents were sniffing around you at the party. All the same about a week later Bucky finds himself heading to your office in the afternoon as usual, but this time holding a bouquet of flowers.
Afterwards Bucky falls in love with you hard and fast. He finds himself doting on you, taking you out, bringing you flowers and other tokens of his affection. He hears the whispers, it’s almost impossible not to with his super soldier hearing.
“How’d she’d get him,”
“What an odd couple,”
“The Winter Soldier’s with cargo pants?”
But he still holds your hand in public all the same. Stops in the middle of training recruits to kiss you whenever you happen to cut across the gym all the same. Keeps a picture of you in his wallet all the same.
Bucky has never felt this amount of care and comfort from a person since...ever, even before, in his other life. You put his boots by the heater in the winter when he sleeps over so his feet won’t freeze when he walks to the compound. You listen to him, even when he’s angry, raging at nothing, or when he’s sad and sullen, taking minute long pauses in between sentences. Or even when he wants to do nothing but sit in silence and hold you. You especially listen when his words come fast, tinged with self hatred. You reassure him, holding him like he’s fine china. After many late night musings you give him with the best present he’s ever gotten, an impossibly soft kitten who’s uncharacteristically loud purr always grounds him. Bucky finds himself able to open up with you in a way he can’t with anyone else, even Steve. Bucky’s not good with words anymore, but with you he’s amazing. He can’t stop singing your praises, lavishing you with sweet words and adoration.
In hindsight it was a warning.
“Sweetheart, your wallet must be screamin’ for mercy, with you buying this cake nearly everyday,” Bucky says pinching off a piece of the lemon pound cake which is almost always at the corner of your desk. He recognizes the cake from a bakery across the street, and knows its nearly four dollars a slice. You stretch cracking your back, nipples poking through your shirt. Your ever present band shirt had breathed its last breath, and this new shirt is thinner and cropped, and hugs your body closer.
“Not really, I don’t buy it, Tommy hooks me up” you say, shooting him a smile and then returning back to your paperwork.
“Tommy?” Bucky says, and unbidden hot jealousy sears through his chest at the mention of your coworker “He’s always buying you these?”
“Yeah,” you answer, not looking up, and Bucky tells himself to remain calm, unbothered. 
He doesn’t.
Later after the subsequent fight and make up Bucky holds you as the two of you sit on his bed.
“I’m sorry,” He says again.
“It’s alright,” you say and somehow your simple words draw the truth out of him.
“I’m just...I- I’m afraid of losing you.”
“I’m afraid of losing you too,” you confess, then pause “Bucky, please be careful with me,”
Your relationship was easy, comforting. The two of you almost never fought, and never grew tired of being with each other. One blissful year turned into two and then five. It was like a dream and Bucky never wanted to wake up.
But reality eventually did.
How closely you guarded your phone should have tipped him off. How you’d constantly declined calls while the two of you were together. The way you almost always got ‘too drunk’ on girls night and would end up crashing at your friend’s place.
The first time it’s sixth months into your relationship on a lazy Saturday. The two of you had ordered pizza and planned to cuddle on the couch and have a movie marathon. You were in the bathroom when your phone had vibrated. Knowing that you would get a notification when the pizza arrived Bucky had looked at your phone. Bucky had felt surprised to see the name Dominos instead of an unsaved number pop up on your screen. Your phone didn’t show the preview of the text like his did. Your phone was still unlocked since you had headed to the bathroom but a few seconds ago, so Bucky tapped to open  the text.
Dominos: [Can’t wait to see you again, beautiful]
Bucky’s blood had run cold. He froze, only unfreezing when he realized you were standing next to him.
“We aren’t exclusive!” you had defended.
“What the hell do you mean?” Bucky had growled. At that your face had crumbled, eyes filling with tears.
“You never asked me to be your girl.” you had looked away “We never talked about what we are,”
“Whaddya think we’ve been doing these past months?!” Bucky had yelled back,
“ I don't know. I don’t assume Bucky. Because guys always seem to want to date me, treat me like their girlfriend and then turn around and throw it in my face that they never said I was.” your voice breaks and so does Bucky's anger.  He hadn’t been very verbal with you so far. It’s true he never asked you to be his girl, or even verbally on a date. He just thought you both knew. Guilt fills him at the sight of your tear stained face.
“I’m sorry I was just preparing for the inevitable,” you say and turn away. Bucky grabs your arm and pulls you towards him.
“Well, let me make it clear. I want you to be my girl. I want you to be mine and mine alone.”
Your expression is unfathomable as you wind your arms around his neck.
“I am yours.”
That night you stand in front of Bucky and  wordlessly slip out of your sweatpants and t shirt, rendering him speechless. With reverence Bucky’s hands trace your frame and his mouth follows. That night he worships you.
Later, you wrap your arms around him and whisper 
“I love you,”
 And Bucky knows that he’s done for.
“I love you too sweetheart.” he says, and later still when you’ve fallen asleep Bucky lies awake, stroking the soft contours of your back. He’s done for. And he knows it.
“I’ll be careful,” he whispers.
Reality had tried to wake Bucky gently. Through warning signs that should have been loud and clear especially to an ex assassin. But Bucky had accepted your half baked truths and excuses. He was too far gone off of the drug that was your love to heed the warning signs until reality slapped him- no choked him, awake.
His awakening came in the form of the sight of you on your kitchen counter, a man kneeling in between your spread thighs. The flowers he had bought you on his way back from his mission that had ended early drop to the floor. Bucky freezes. But at the sight of Tommy’s face, cheeks slick with you he loses it. Next thing he realizes that he has his hands around your coworkers throat. But your hand on his shoulder drains the fight out of him, and as Tommy scrambles out of the apartment Bucky crumples to the floor and sobs. 
“Why?” He asks and he realizes he’s not just asking about now, but about all the times he’s caught you cheating but didn’t have the strength to leave you. 
“Baby” you say and gather him into your arms. He wants to pull away, thrash, yell, but he doesn’t. He just melts into your touch. You make him weak. And at night when he thinks about your excuses and half truths he hates himself for it.
“Why do you keep doing this to me?” he says, sobs wracking his frame “Five years-did they mean nothing to you?”
“I’m sorry,” you say “I love you,” 
At this Bucky pulls away, standing. “Don’t fucking lie to me.” he hisses.
“I’m not,” you say standing “I might lie all the time but I’m not lying about this.” your eyes go soft at the corners, and start to water.
“No. I love you. I adore you. I’d give you anything-everything and you treat me like shit” Bucky spits, there’s a pain in his chest, his heart is breaking “And I just fucking take it, because you make me so fucking weak- and I hate it” another sob ribs from his chest. A part of him thinks  that this is his punishment. For all of the terrible things he’s done. Cursed to be in love with someone who will never truly love him back. He looks at you, your hair is in disarray, baggy t shirt, those fucking cargo pants around your ankles. He gives a bitter laugh “Who woulda thought that you would’ve been the one to make me weak.”
“Why? Because I’m not pretty?” hurt flashes across your face then your eyes go hard. Usually Bucky would have been quick to refute any self deprecating words, reassuring you how beautiful he found you, how gorgeous you were. But now he just lifts his chin and looks back at you with the same hard eyes.
“Well I know I’m not pretty.” you shrug, face going strangely expressionless “But you still fell for me all the same. More fool you.” you say, and after a moment continue. “We should break up.”
At this Bucky shatters. Because he knows deep down that even after all of this he still would have taken you back. He still wants to grovel at your feet and plead to try to fix your relationship. But instead he decides to finally choose himself and turns and walks out of the door and out of your life.
Year later he still finds himself looking at your picture in his wallet, the one remnant  of you he has left, that he can’t bear to get rid of. On lonely nights where he can’t sleep and can’t stand the coldness of his bed  he’ll trace the curve of your smile and wish that you had cared enough to have been careful with him.
Tags:@stephie-senpai@ayeputita@pixierox101@iamwarrenspeace@ dreamgirljere  @ufffg@pietrotheavenger @trinityjadec@abbytagg@wastedsummerss@turdblossommm@jimmyisfab@sev7en@hottrashformarvel @superbuckytrash@waidewilson@abbytagg @awkwardfangirl2014 @desir-ae
Bucky only @chamongangae@callmebucky-doll
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razzmataz-z · 4 years
Danger Days - Killjoy OC Template
i actually found this one on deviantart and thought why not lol so all credit goes to the creator(s) for this. if you want, add your oc below!!
Real Name: Unknown (they've never told anyone, and they'd like to forget their past)
Killjoy Name: Razzmatazz
Nickname(s): Razz, Razzy
Age: They say that they stopped counting at 11 (which was years ago) but they look fairly young (so 19 y/oish)
Birthday: Unknown (once again, they'd like to forget it all)
Gender: They believe that gender is a scam created by BLI
Nationality: They're from Bat City but they have a hint of a southern accent in their voice
Hair Color: Bright, dyed red
Hair Length/Style: Medium length and wavy
Eye Color: Golden brown
Skin Tone: White, but a little bit more tan than most people
Height: 5'5"
Weight: Around 120lbs
Outfits: Typically fishnets, red leather shorts, red leather cropped jacket, black accessories, black armbands, black combat boots with red laces
Special Possessions: A hidden locket that only they know about (with a pic of Razz with the Fab Four and the Girl on one side and a pic of Razz’s old killjoy crew on the other). Also patches of her old crew's jackets from when they died, Killer King's rings, a pair of roller skates Show Pony gave away, patches from the Fab Four's outfits (jackets and pants) and a matching bracelet with the Girl.
Dominant Hand: Left (but they're ambidextrous)
Scar(s): They have a lot of scars on their shoulder blades for unknown reasons and some scars on their legs from falling/getting shot
Tattoo(s): A semicolon on their middle finger (left side) and a set of simple angel wings with a halo on their right/front hip
Piercing(s): All across both ears, both sides of their nose (but they only wear a ring on one side at a time), right side eyebrow, belly button
Basic Personality: Since the Fab Four died, they have distanced themself from other Killjoys. They're very reserved and tend to work alone. Before though, they were basically a live version of what light would be.
Likes: Getting into fights, the Girl, Making BLI mad, helping helpless animals
Dislikes: Val Velocity, BLI, Korse
Strengths: They tend to use their guns the most (they always carry at least two), but keep a knife on their thigh and are trained fairly well in self defense with fists
Weaknesses: Their past
Fears: Losing the Girl (because they promised Poison that they'd protect her with their life just hours before Poison died), butterflies, water, and looking weak/having a weakness (though they'd never admit any of those except maybe the firs
What Side Are They On?: The Killjoys (and very occasionally neutral, but really only neutral when Val is fighting so they can be an ass to him)
Background: Childhood and early teen years is mostly unknown (they've done almost everything they can to forget about it). Most of their past is forgotten, almost forgotten, or in the process of trying to be forgotten. Nobody exept for Razz and the Fab Four know about Razz’s history. The Girl will get occasional glimpses, but she still doesn't know as much as she'd like to.
Best Memory: Sitting in the Diner with the Fab Four, laughing about something stupid that Ghoul said (or walking past Poison's room, singing the Girl to sleep after she had a nightmare only for them to fall asleep right after).
Worst Memory: When news spread that the Fab Four died, and Razz knew they could have done more to help (they still blame themself for it).
Parents: All they remember is a woman with blonde hair. Even then, she's very fuzzy.
Sibling(s): Two brothers - the younger one returned to Bat City and the older one died helping Razz escape
Grandparents: Deceased, as far as Razz knows
Relative(s): Razz only slightly remembers hearing things about their cousins, but they don't know when and what cousins are.
Pet(s): They remember having a golden retriever, and will foster animals until they are nursed back to health. Other than that, they have a black cat that will visit them frequently, but Razz says they are just friends.
Friends: The Girl, Mad Gear and Missile Kid
Best Friend(s): Previously the Fab Four, but now only Show Pony
Acquaintances: Vamos and Vaya, Dr. D, Tommy Chow Mein
Rivals: Val Velocity (staggers between rival and enemy), most droids
Enemies: Korse, Dracs, The Director
Sexual Orientation: They believe that like gender, sexuality is a BLI scam and does not exist
Crush/Lover: Previously crushing on Party Poison, and even before that on Killer King (a part of Red's old crew who has died)
Why Do They Like This Person?:
Poison - Red likes Poison's leadership skills and selflessness. Although Poison can be a bit of an ass at times, Razz has always strived to be like them, and will always protect their memory/reputation.
King - King was a mystery to Razz and everyone who knew the two. Red didn't know what they saw in him. Maybe it was the recklessness and humor. Or the idiocy. (Neon would always tell Razz that "opposites attract" as a reason to explain it)
How Did They Meet?: They met though Dr. D, when Razz was one of the new DJs (Red had also been helping take care of the Girl for a while, so that helped bring everyone closer).
How Serious is the Relationship?:
Poison - Not serious at all. For all Razz knows, Party thought of them as an adoptive sibling and nothing more.
King - More serious than Poison (though Razz never admitted it). They'd have romantic night walks, stargazing 'dates', Drac hunting 'dates' and fiery makeout sessions
Other Information: Razz calls people "darlin'" because of (their southern accent mixed with) Freddie Mercury, their biggest role model. They also swear a lot and have a trust issues (along with anxiety, depression, extremely mild schizophrenia, PTSD and ADD). Razz also loves the idea of the Greek God, Hades, for reasons unknown.
Quotes: "Fuck you", "Move", "Make me", *whispering* "Bitch", *shouting* "Bitch!", "Bastard", "Jackass", "Don't repeat that outloud" (always directed at the girl when they swear), "Fuuuucckkkkkkkkkkkkkkk", "I'd rather die", "Ain't this the dream?", "See ya in Hell", "HOLY SHIT!!"
Party Poison -
Are They Friends, Enemies, or Something Different?: Razz had a major crush on Poison, but they'd never tell. They always wanted something more, but the closest they got to that was Poison kissing them on a cheek before going to rescue the Girl.
How Did They Meet/Have They Met?: See 'lover and lover info'
Do They See Each Other Often?: Very. When Razz wasn't living in their abandoned "home", they'd stay at the Diner
Fun Ghoul -
Are They Friends, Enemies, or Something Different?: Friends
How Did They Meet/Have They Met?: Poison brought Razz and the Girl to the Diner because Razz wouldn't leave the Girl's side.
Do They See Each Other Often?: See notes on Party Poison (but Razz wouldn't see Ghoul as much as Poison)
Kobra Kid -
Are They Friends, Enemies, or Something Different?: Best friends
How Did They Meet/Have They Met?: Kobra went with Poison to Dr. D's to get the Girl
Do They See Each Other Often?: Very. A tiny bit more than Razz would see Poison.
Jet Star -
Are They Friends, Enemies, or Something Different?: Friends
How Did They Meet/Have They Met?: Same as Ghoul
Do They See Each Other Often?: Same as Ghoul
Dr. Death Defying -
Are They Friends, Enemies, or Something Different?: Acquaintances (but Dr. D insists that they're friends)
How Did They Meet/Have They Met?: Show Pony stormed into Dr. D's office and spilled the news about the Girl, and the killjoy that shot everyone who tried to take the Girl while screaming death threats and profanities. Dr. D took an interest immediately.
Do They See Each Other Often?: Not very, but Razz will always come to check in on stuff. Show Pony will also bring them around if they've been away for too long (while ignoring Red's protests and threats)
Show Pony -
Are They Friends, Enemies, or Something Different?: Best friends. Ever since the Fab Four died, Show Pony and Razz are inseparable. They help each other out.
How Did They Meet/Have They Met?: Show Pony was there when Razz was threatening the killjoys, and thought it was oddly attractive (though they've always stayed as just friends). Pony was basically the only one Razz would talk to (other than the Fab Four).
Do They See Each Other Often?: Kind of. Razz keeps to themself most of the time, but Show Pony will drop in frequently to say hi or steal something (or to take Razz into town/a concert)
Motorbaby (The Girl) -
Are They Friends, Enemies, or Something Different?: Close friends. Razz is like an adoptive parent figure to the Girl
How Did They Meet/Have They Met?: Razz found the girl alone and afraid. Then, Razz didn't have much (other than their killjoy gang)
Do They See Each Other Often?: Yeah. Razz checks up on the Girl way too often. They're very overprotective and constantly worrying about the Girl's health and wellbeing
Korse (And Others From BL/Ind) -
Are They Friends, Enemies, or Something Different?: Enemies without a doubt
How Did They Meet/Have They Met?: Razz used to make a tradition of causing trouble in the City, and Korse has met them on many occasions
Do They See Each Other Often?: Not anymore. Korse had a huge bounty over Razz's head but nobody dares to double cross them. Korse remembers Razz very clearly, and Razz is out for revenge for their friends.
Val Velocity-
Are They Friends, Enemies, or Something Different?: Basically enemies. If Val wasn't a killjoy, Razz promises that they would have ghosted him by now
How Did They Meet/Have They Met?: Razz found Val talking shit about Party Poison so they decided to give him a piece of their mind (besides Show Pony's attempted warnings)
Do They See Each Other Often?: Not totally. But when they do, it doesn't end well.
Killer King (OC) -
Are They Friends, Enemies, or Something Different?: Friends with benefits, you could say?
How Did They Meet/Have They Met?: King knew his way around the Zones when Razz didn't, so naturally he decided to help them
Do They See Each Other Often?: Very. They used to live together
Radio Riot (OC) -
Are They Friends, Enemies, or Something Different?: Friends. Riot was the newest addition to the crew but they taught Razz so many new things.
How Did They Meet/Have They Met?: Razz was walking out of a bar with the rest of their crew when Riot almost hit them with a motorcycle
Do They See Each Other Often?: Yes. Riot moved in with the Crew and helped teach them basic self defense
Neon Grace (OC) -
Are They Friends, Enemies, or Something Different?: Best of friends.
How Did They Meet/Have They Met?: Neon finally tracked down King (a relative, the two claimed) and Razz was by his side durning that time
Do They See Each Other Often?: Yes. Neon lived with the crew as well.
Candy Corn (OC) -
Are They Friends, Enemies, or Something Different?: Friends
How Did They Meet/Have They Met?: Candy was Neon Grace's love at first sight
Do They See Each Other Often?: Yes. Candy taught Razz how to shoot a gun
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lukesreggie · 7 years
Please water my crops with submissive!Newt( I know Newt’s technically the alpha male, but like, guilty pleasures)
hoooooooo damn alright so just so you know, I had some help because yo girl is questioning her sexuality ahaha, ha. I went with newtmas since you didn’t specify what ship you wanted! i hope that’s alright. 
It’s night time in the Scorch, the group has set up separate tents for themselves around a bonfire.
Thomas decides to check on Newt every night because he low key fears that Newt will be taken away from him like Minho was a few months ago.
Newt immediately understood the reason for Thomas doing this so he let it slide. they usually say “we’ll find him” and “good night” to each other before Thomas goes back to his own tent.
Newt doesn’t show it because he knows Thomas needs him, but he has been growing increasingly worried about rescuing Minho.
this stress has made Newt’s leg hurt a lot more recently, which doesn’t go unnoticed by Thomas. He can see the way Newt is slowing down as he walks and how frequently he needs to rest his leg.
When Thomas visits Newt that night, he sees him wincing as he moves.
“Hey, Newt, are you okay?” Newt shrugs it off and tells him not to worry, but Thomas knows better and ignores him. “Can I…can I help?”
Thomas makes Newt recline, his back supported by the bag he had discovered in the mall when the group first explored the Scorch on their own
“Tell me if it hurts.” 
Newt winces the second Thomas’ fingertips ghost over his skin, not from pain or because they were cold. Rather, it was as if Thomas had sent small bouts of electricity into his leg, leaving Newt’s skin burning from his touch. 
Thomas starts to apply pressure gently, massaging his calf and moving upwards towards his knee. He looks up at Newt through his eyelashes frequently to make sure he isn’t hurting him, and Newt switches his own gaze from Thomas to his slender fingers several times, becoming mesmerized in their moving expertly along his muscles and leaving fires in their wake. The one time they make eye contact, Thomas is the first to look away.
Thomas’ hands move higher, massaging over his knee and just above, rubbing Newt’s skin in circular motions with his thumbs. 
His movements start to slow accompanied by the slightest increase in pressure as he moves up his thigh.
Newt didn’t know when his eyes had fallen shut. All he knew was that it was getting harder to keep them open.
Thomas keeps going. His fingers are dangerously high now, and they both know this. Except Newt is too relaxed to care. 
Thomas is so close to Newt’s inner thigh – Newt can feel his hesitance as he rubs the same spot three times and refuses to touch him there. skipping over it and going back down whenever he gets too close.
A thought occurs to Thomas. Why is he looking up at Newt so much? At first he thought it was because he was worried about hurting him, but the harder he pressed and the slower he moved his fingers, he realized that that wasn’t the only reason.
Thomas moves back up and glides his thumbs along Newt’s inner thigh dreadfully slowly and with gentle added pressure. 
Newt suddenly lets a deep moan escape his lips. His eyes immediately shoot open and all the heat rushes to his face.
Newt’s breaths are deep and surprisingly controllable and they just stare at each other, mouths hanging slightly open in shock and arousal.
“Stop, Tommy. Please.” He silently curses himself. He knows Thomas can see right through his empty words. Thomas knows that isn’t what Newt wants. Newt’s eyes are pleading, and this is the longest Thomas has maintained eye contact with him since he stepped foot into his tent. 
Thomas’ eyes shift downwards, landing on Newt’s hard on. When he looks back up, he finds that Newt’s gaze is still glued onto him. 
He would still ask for permission because he cArES 
Thomas’ fingers slowly travel up Newt’s inner thigh to cup his hard on through his pants, Newt’s eyes fluttering closed as he visibly shudders and lets out a sharp sigh.
things esCaLaTE and soon Newt’s hands are bound above his head with his shirt, and Thomas uses Newt’s scarf to gag him so he won’t make anymore sounds and wake the others. His guttural and animalistic yet desperate moans are muffled, but when Newt starts to whimper his name, Thomas removes the scarf. 
While Thomas is on top, he cups Newt’s hands in one of his own. He’s cautious of Newt’s leg at all times, making sure to ask him if it hurts, if he so much as sees him flinch or his face contorts in any way.
Once, Thomas accidentally bumps his knee against Newt’s leg and watches in horror as Newt flinches. That had become an automated response to anything but Newt’s own hands coming into contact with his leg. A second after it happened, Thomas’ movements stilled and eyebrows furrowed in concern – Newt realized it didn’t hurt. Or maybe it did but he didn’t notice, because he was with Thomas, and that was all that mattered to him in this moment.
Newt would look him straight in the eyes with as much softness and seriousness as he could muster, “Keep going.”
Newt being in a state of total euphoria, Thomas sits back to admire his fluttering lashes, his muscular chest heaving with every ragged breath, desperate whispers of “Tommy” leaving his lips as if silence would make this moment disappear and Newt did not want that. 
A shuddering gasp betrays Newt as it flutters out from between his lips. He hears himself whimper under his breath, fire coursing through his veins as mind-numbing pleasure shoots through his body.
“Yes, Tommy, y e s,” 
@overglorified-trash @newthomally @newtmos @comebacknow @seaselkie @demented-russian-empress-of-hell @harveylovesmike @thomas–newt @illuminateandrelate
 This was a team effort, thanks friends!!
 I hope I rehydrated your crops!
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