#//this one is for the suffering grey's fans in the RP
vampire-exgirlfriend · 4 months
Can I just say my overarching issue with this fandom is that a good percentage of it have latched on like parasites and are so utterly consumed by it to the point it's become their reality. Now I would say that's okay if they just kept to their own lanes but they're running riot, inciting trouble, attacking other fans and the actors online and so forth. They're making posts about having breakdowns at the mere thought of HOTD or bursting into tears over imaginary scenarios. They act like Daemon is real and because he's not real and they need something to aim their hate at, so they go to the next best thing, Matt Smith and proceed to attack him and his family online.
The flip side is the fangirl and the lit geeks and historical geeks and the thirsty bitches. Now I'm a history buff and yes I probably spend too much time poring over Westerosi histories meta but it's a hobby, it makes me happy and I am fully aware it's not real. I dislike elements of Fire and Blood but it doesn't disturb me to the point of psychosis. I engage in friendly debates etc with other people in the same mindset. I treat the fandom like a garden I like to potter in and try to treat fellow gardeners with respect. It's called tending your space. We can agree to disagree and so forth.
I'm going to be a basic bitch and remind people it's a fictional show about magical dragons and incest. The characters and situations run the emotional gamut from good, grey and evil and all in-between. I get people have attachments to characters and relate but ffs keep some perspective.
I'm really angry just now in particular because one of my close friends is getting death threats and abuse for writing Daemyra fic. Another is writing an Aemond/OC fic and she writes neutrally about the Black faction and Green faction showing both good and bad sides. But the readers (depending on their side) want rape, torture, murder purely for the enjoyment of seeing the characters suffer because they hate them. Cos she won't do this, (she is very meticulous writer), she's now getting rape threats and being fatshamed. She was also recieving constant fic requests on anon involving maegor basically raping people and she has had to turn off anons.
People don't like to talk about it purely because of the argument of proshipping and threat of censorship but there's a darker element to the fandom where people are so focused on the rape and extreme violence and the characters just act as a vehicle to live out their fantasies and they keep trying to make others become that vehicle too by writing it in fic or RP without caring if it's triggering or not. I have friends who enjoy historical RPH for HOTD and GOT but it's ultimately being ruined by people barging in, not respecting boundaries and demanding rape/violence content all the time that they want to act out.
Yeah, no notes. I wrote an Aemond/OC fic that had people calling for graphic murder/violence etc about characters they didn't like and it was just so out of pocket.
It's not hard to just be fucking normal. It's a show. It should be fun to engage with. If you can't be normal about it, you shouldn't be involving yourself in it and making your crazy everyone else's problem.
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thelastgoodluthor · 4 years
Tumblr media
“It’s a beautiful day to save lives.”
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ts-storytime · 4 years
Beta List 2021
A list of betas for the 2020 TS-Storytime Big Bang! This will detail the beta’s URL, beta type(s), preferred genres, genres that make them uncomfortable, and any other additional information.
The beta types are:
Developmental beta: I’d like to help create the plot and help the writer shape the story.
Basic beta: editing for spelling/grammatical errors, or things like consistency in the story.
Cheerleading beta: Cheering for the writer to keep going!
This list has been posted in order of their sign-up. If a beta chooses to no longer be available, DM me, and this list will be updated for their url to be striked through like this. Updated as of 5/1/21.
Beta types: Developmental, basic, and cheerleading
Preferred genres: No preference
Genres they want to avoid: No preference
Additional info: N/A
Beta types: Developmental, basic, and cheerleading
Preferred genres: Humour, Ghosts or Heists or Historical Settings, Mythology AUs, Messing with Time is always something I’m interested in
Genres they want to avoid: NSFW, anything with an unhappy ending (ambiguous/open ended is fine), incredibly graphic injuries
Additional info: I’ve got a little bit of experience under my belt, and I’m open to pretty much anything!
Beta types: Developmental and cheerleading
Preferred genres: No
Genres they want to avoid: No
Additional info: I tend to add a lot of angst/hurt comfort but I also like to ping pong ideas. Almost like a verbal rp and it gets both ideas generated in the person's mind
Beta types: Basic
Preferred genres: I’m comfortable with anything and don’t have any major triggers so I can handle the heavy stuff well. I love angst but am fine w anything! 
Genres they want to avoid: I’m not huge on medieval fantasy but am willing to do it! 
Additional info: N/A
Beta types: Developmental, basic, and cheerleading
Preferred genres: I'm fine with any genre!
Genres they want to avoid: There are no genres I'd be uncomfortable working with.
Additional info: There is nothing else I'd like to add.
Beta types: Developmental, basic, and cheerleading
Preferred genres: I'm good with most things.
Genres they want to avoid: NSFW content, "No happy ending" stories, certain ships, certain types of triggering or squicky content.  If you're not sure if your story's content is something I'd be uncomfortable with, feel free to discuss it with me.
Additional info: As a developmental Beta, I would be available to help you sort out what needs to happen in your story.  I can help find ways to get from one point to another.  I can help to set the tone and feel for the story.  I can also be there to ask questions to challenge you to figure things out for yourself.  And I can even review stories to see if they make internal logical sense.  But I will always defer to you, the author, on what will actually be put into your story. As an editing Beta, my philosophy is that it is not my job to tell you what your voice needs to be, but rather to help your voice be clear and understandable.  I will correct spelling and grammar, as well as punctuation.  And I will occasionally suggest a different word or phrasing to better express what you're trying to say.  But you will always have the final say, and I will do my best never to overwrite your voice.
Beta types: Basic
Preferred genres: Fantasy, slice of life, college au, disney (if that is a genre)
Genres they want to avoid: Horror
Additional info: N/A
Beta types: Developmental, basic, and cheerleading
Preferred genres: No preference! 
Genres they want to avoid: Smut
Additional info: I've beta'd before, both for fandom and academic work, so I have some experience! My time zone is EST, and I use discord frequently so you can reach me easily on there! I'm excited to see the amazing stories that come out of this years bang :)
Beta types: Developmental, basic, and cheerleading
Preferred genres: Romance
Genres they want to avoid: Angst
Additional info: N/A
Beta types: Developmental, basic, and cheerleading
Preferred genres: I like fantasy and sci-fi!
Genres they want to avoid: I'm not fond of horror.
Additional info: N/A
Beta types: Basic
Preferred genres: Fantasy or Adventure are my favorites! 
Genres they want to avoid: I'm not really comfortable with very graphic stories that include sexual or violent content. I'm fine with fights and violence, as long as it isn't too explicit or dark. Horror also isn't my favorite, but I don't mind if the story's a little scary. Again, just not too explicit.
Additional info: I signed up as a beta reader to check for spelling/ grammatical and continuity errors but if the writer I'm helping wants any plot-related advice, I'd be happy to share my ideas about that as well!
Beta types: Basic and cheerleading
Preferred genres: Fantasy, sci-fi, canon-ish
Genres they want to avoid: Romance
Additional info: I really prefer to work with Gen stories, or stories with a smaller emphasis on ships. 
Beta types: Basic and cheerleading
Preferred genres: Sci-fi, fantasy, hurt/comfort, G/t
Genres they want to avoid: Nsfw, Major character death, Unsympathetic sides (morally grey ok)
Additional info: Please don't be afraid to correct me if I'm doing something wrong, I'm kinda new at this, and I want to get better
Beta types: Developmental, basic, and cheerleading
Preferred genres: No preference
Genres they want to avoid: Extreme horror/cosmic horror
Additional info: I can't do anything with unsympathetic characters
Beta types: Basic and cheerleading
Preferred genres: Most
Genres they want to avoid: Anything with unsympathetic patton 
Additional info: N/A
Beta types: Developmental, basic, and cheerleading
Preferred genres: No preference
Genres they want to avoid: NSFW Content
Additional info: Nope I'm pretty easy going
Beta types: Developmental, basic, and cheerleading
Preferred genres: fiction, high-fantasy, children aus
Genres they want to avoid: ones with too much character suffering
Additional info: not really!
Beta types: Developmental and basic
Preferred genres: AUs with fun worldbuilding potential; hurt/comfort (I am pretty good at it); fantasy
Genres they want to avoid: Stories with: major focus on heavy real-world issues; canon characters written as abusive or irredeemably awful; hopeless endings
Additional info: I'm an adult, and would be comfortable working with NSFW content as long as the writer is also an adult.
Beta types: Developmental, basic, and cheerleading
Preferred genres: Nope, any is fine!
Genres they want to avoid: Anything dealing with pregnancy, but given it's Sanders sides, I doubt that will be an issue.
Additional info: You guys are going to do so good!
Beta types: Developmental and basic
Preferred genres: Angst/whump with a happy ending, canonical aus, alien aus, soulmate aus, superpower aus, time travel (in canonical aus), pre-accepting anxiety aus
Genres they want to avoid: Sad or ambiguous endings, major character death, unsympathetic sides
Additional info: (Tumblr isn’t letting me receive messages right now, so if you want to contact me I’m on discord as ShadowState#2367) I’m a bit more experienced with line editing than developmental, but I’ll do my best to help with both!)
Beta types: Developmental, basic, and cheerleading
Preferred genres: No preference
Genres they want to avoid: NSFW, any unsympathetic sides, horror, unhappy endings
Additional info: N/A
Beta types: Developmental, basic, and cheerleading
Preferred genres: Romance, fluff, hurt/comfort
Genres they want to avoid: NSFW, unhappy endings, gore, unsympathetic sides, anything with more than a passing mention of over/under-eating
Additional info: I'm not really a fan of Remrom or Dukeceit and would prefer not to work with writing involving either of those. I have no problem with people shipping them but I'm just personally not comfortable.
Beta types: Developmental, basic, and cheerleading
Preferred genres: i love fantasy AUs but i'll be willing to work with any!
Genres they want to avoid: I'm a minor, so no NSFW. 
Additional info: English IS my first language, and I'll be willing to beta multiple works! I'm fine with any ship except r/m/rm
Beta types: Developmental, basic, and cheerleading
Preferred genres: I'm best with fantasy but I work well with any genre.
Genres they want to avoid: N/A
Additional info: I'm in school for editing and creative writing plus I love to cheer people on! I'm ready and willing to help!
Beta types: Cheerleading
Preferred genres: Cannonverse, Urban/Modern, Slice of Life, maybe even Fantasy
Genres they want to avoid: NSFW, Unsympathetic Sides, Horror or graphic violence, Unhappy ending (ambiguous/open ended is fine), Superhero Stories, Soulmate AUs
Additional info: I've never beta before, but I have done some writing and such for fun so I may be able to help w/ more developmental stuff if needed!
Beta types: Developmental, basic, and cheerleading
Preferred genres: Hm, I prefer canonverse, but I'll work with anything
Genres they want to avoid: Nothing explicit please?
Additional info: I'll probably be better at spelling/grammar/consistency/flow editing than plot editing, but I offer my services for it regardless
Beta types: Basic
Preferred genres: Nope! I'm good wherever I'm needed.
Genres they want to avoid: No, I'm okay reading anything.
Additional info: Not that I can think of. 
Beta types: Developmental, basic, and cheerleading
Preferred genres: Nope!  I’m partial to certain ships like Prinxiety and Moceit, but I’m happy and willing to work with anything, pretty much!
Genres they want to avoid: Anything with heavy angst, rape/non-con elements, NSFW/NSFS, and romantic Moxiety (platonic or familial is fine, though!)
Additional info: The best way to reach me would be through tumblr DMs.  I’m so excited to work with you!
Beta types: Developmental, basic, and cheerleading
Preferred genres: fantasy, human au, and/or superheroes!
Genres they want to avoid: hurt no comfort, major character death, or other heavily angsty subject matter
Additional info: N/A
​Beta types: Developmental and basic
Preferred genres: Any type of fantasy would be welcome, but I’m fine with most genres. 
Genres they want to avoid: Tragedies and hanahaki are both a no for me. 
Additional info: I have a bunch of experience under my belt and while i am thorough, this is always in service of the story’s improvement. I’d adore to work with one of the many lovely works which will be part of this challenge, and am very much looking forward to that 😊. 
​Beta types: Developmental, basic, and cheerleading
Preferred genres: angst/found family/romance 
Genres they want to avoid: smut, action, anything sexual, abuse/assault, suicide
Additional info: no experience in beta-ing but i've written fiction before (not for sanders sides) 
​Beta types: Developmental and cheerleading
Preferred genres: Not particularly! I'm pretty much open to everything!
Genres they want to avoid: I'm a minor, so I can't work with nsfw fics, but other than that I'm okay with pretty much everything!
Additional info: I can't wait to work with other authors! I'm so excited to help them out!
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asterisquebloomed · 5 years
Follow Forever
I seen a few of these before, and I thought what with the year ending, perhaps this was a good idea to do in commemoration of these past two years. I know I haven’t been the most active of RP partners. I’m really slow and my motivation is fickle, but I love RPing, I love writing, and I’ll never give it up, it brings me so much joy writing with everyone. So in honor of all that has happened, and as wish for more to come, here are some words of gratitude to some of my partners, friends, and mutuals.
Avo, where do I even start with you? Oh I know, that you’re fucking amazing? Is that a good place to start? It better be, because here we go.
You are my best friend out of all the people I’ve met here in these last two years. I love talking to you, gushing about our characters, scheming and plotting future threads, teasing you with unanswered questions and unsolved mysteries, teasing you in general really, and just talking about whatever may cross my mind at the time. You’re easy to talk to, easy to get along with, and super friendly. I’m so happy to have met you and made friends with you, you have no idea. I’ll fucking fight anyone who dares talk shit about you. You’re understanding, smart, clever as fuck, and are one of the most enjoyable people to talk to. You’re a great writer, a great creator, and an even greater friend. I look forward to talking to you and I thoroughly enjoy your company. I don’t think you’ve ever once pissed me off, which is amazing because I have the shortest fucking temper ever. I wholeheartedly appreciate you and everything we’ve done thus far. If you ever need someone to talk to, to vent to, to confide in, whatever, I’m here for you. So if you ever feel lonely, or unwanted, or like you’re being ignored, come talk to me, cause I’ll never ignore you.
On that note, let’s turn our attention towards the RP side of things shall we? You’re an amazing writer, a wonderful RP partner, and your character are great. Like I love Eli, she’s fucking fantastic. Her sassy attitude, her impulsive nature, her quirky habits (Please don’t eat frozen steak Eli) and just all the intricacies and nuances, every single thing about her is great. A girl forced to grow up too fast, a child forced to face her mortality before she even got a chance to live. So when faced with two options, to die sad and alone without ever having had a chance to truly enjoy all that life has to offer, or to live by forsaking her humanity, the choice was obvious. She gave herself to the darkness, embraced being a monster, all for that chance. A chance to experience, to enjoy, to live.  I’m sure most of us would make the same choice if we were faced with such a dismal situation.
Eli is amazingly written, you bring her to life in a way most could only hope to achieve. Her reactions are organic and visceral. She’s such an emotional girl, as much as she tries to hide it behind that stoic facade of hers. Her emotions are so raw and powerful that they sway the reader to feel along with her. To feel her fury as she fights against those who have done terrible things to her or those she loves, to feel her happiness however short lived it tends to be, and to feel her sorrow, the deep, bitter sorrow that seems to constantly plague her very existence. She can never seem to escape it. The abuse, the torment, the manipulation, all the suffering she goes through, that leads her to the edge, and when presented with it, she jumps. She leaps into circumstances she never fully understood, dives into a dark and twisted world, one full of horrific tragedy. Before she knows it and before she’s even aware, she’s lost her humanity. She’s become a monster, not only in name, but in nature as well. She’s become the demon those nuns claimed her to be, and she murders her tormentors for the things they have done to her. She gets taken in by a morally questionable individual and is put to work as an assassin, forced to kill people who are the same as she once was, humans who became monsters and lost control. She’s forced to essentially kill herself, over and over again. She’s been isolated her entire life. Made to mistrust others, to be distant, to be cold, to be uncaring.
And then she meets a girl, a special girl who accepts her for what she is. A girl who, while initially afraid of the truth that was revealed to her, overcomes that fear, because what you are doesn’t matter, it’s who you are that is important. She accepts her, refuses to let her go, and swears to never abandon her. For probably the first time in Eli’s whole life, she has a friend. Someone who truly cares about her and enjoys her presence. It’s no wonder she fell in love is it?
But like all things in this poor girl’s life, it’s fated to end in tragedy.
Listen, I love Eli, she’s a great character, she’s compelling, nuanced, and with so much depth, of both emotion and personality. She’s conflicted, she struggles, she has ups and downs, she feels and wants, she’s both silly and serious. She’s like a real person. She’s not just one thing, but many things, all blended together to create a single individual, just like we are.
You’ve done an absolutely fantastic job writing this girl. You should take pride in what you’ve done, because you’ve created an amazing character here.
I adore her relationship with Ivalinne and Reiko. They’re such stark contrasts to each other, such different dynamics, and the conflict between the three is great.
Which brings me to threads, I’ve loved every single one, and I have SO many ideas for more. I’ve got so many plans and schemes and plots in my head that I have yet to spring on you since I don’t want to overwhelm you, and I hope we’ll get to explore each and every one of them. I can’t wait!
You are probably the biggest fan of everything I do. You support me in my endeavors and are always cheering me on, and I thank you for that, I really appreciate your support, how much you enjoy my stories and characters, it makes me so incredibly happy. You’re probably the biggest fan of Ivalinne’s story, and by far the most vocal. I hope you’ll continue to partake in my stories as I tell them, I’d love to have you along for the ride.
Have I heaped enough praise on you yet? I could probably go on for hours about how amazing you are, so in the interest of not making this post even longer than it already is, I’ll stop here.
Avo, you’re great is all aspects, and I hope we continue to write together for as long as is possible. I look forward to the coming year and all the wonderful threads we’ll surely write together in 2020.
Aster, you’re such an amazing writer. Your narration is beautiful, I love the way it flows and how poetic it is. It’s a pleasure to read the things you write and a joy to see you on the dash.
You are a creative force, your ideas and concepts are awe-inspiring. The lore you’ve crafted is so interesting and well thought out, from the Coils to the Shroud, to the various species you’ve made all from scratch. You have an amazing mind and I love seeing what you come up with. Your characters are compelling, interesting, and in some cases downright terrifying. S9 is a fearsome being, an ancient god risen from the dead yearning for the power they once had and more, intent to make the universe bend to their will and take all they can get.
Syn is great. A woman struggling with her past and trying to find meaning, going from a materialistic, greedy mercenary whose focus rested solely on the wealth and possessions she could gain, to her confronting her past and taking on the trials of the Coils. She’s so haunted by her pasts traumas that in the past she couldn’t bear to speak of them, and to confront them head on took a lot of courage. She comes out triumphant and sees the world in a new light, making her realize just how pointless her treasure trove of amassed wealth is, and that there’s something much more important than money and material things. She takes her future into her own hands, reshapes herself and takes control of her own identity, giving herself a new name, one that she chose for herself, one that wasn’t given to her by someone else. It was hers and hers alone. Now known as Malam’schir, she sets her sights far higher than she once did as Syn, seeking to tear down a corrupted system of power where the strong reign supreme. All that she willingly puts herself through and endures for that goal, it’s admirable. She’s done a lot of horrible things throughout her life. She’s never been what one would consider selfless, in fact, she’s been the opposite, and for someone like that to, in the end, work towards helping the weak who are trapped under the heel of corrupt monarchies and corporations who hold an iron grip on the planets and systems in the galaxy, that is some amazing character development.
I think it really is amazing when a writer can make you feel for a character that isn’t morally sound and who is either grey, or downright evil. It takes a lot of skill to get the audience to invest in and sympathize with a character who isn’t an obvious hero. To have the reader root for someone who has killed countless people without a second thought, who lies and steals and does whatever it takes to achieve their goals, that in my opinion is a true sign of a skilled writer.
And you’ve done exactly that. I find myself wanting Malam’schir to succeed, cheering her on even when full well knowing that during the Lifeforce Coil she’s systematically torturing and murdering people to gain a better understanding of how that energy works before assimilating the lifeforce of those she’s killed into her own to bolster herself for the journey ahead. How detrimental this act becomes to her, as all the memories and personalities of all those she’s absorbed blend together. The gambles she takes as she descends into the Nine Hells and the risk all of this poses to her, not just physically, but on a fundamental level. The question of ‘is she still herself’ when all of those personalities merge and intermingle. What is truly her and what is inherited from all the souls she’s consumed. It’s fascinating and I can’t wait to see how it all turns out.
You’ve done an excellent job with your characters. They really feel like actual people, not mere concepts, but individuals with a will all their own. You bring them to life in such a spectacular way and it’s an honor to be able to write with you.
As a creator, I look up to you. You inspire me to go further and deeper, to explore beyond the world I created and reach out into the universe in which it exists. To explore my concepts on a cosmic scale rather than on a planetary one, and I thank you for that.
You’re a great friend, easy to talk to, fun to bounce ideas off of, and just an overall welcoming person. I’m glad to have met you and it makes me so happy that we’re friends. We’ve been mutuals since almost the beginning, sometime in March of 2018 or so, over the course of so many URL changes that I had to give you your own tag just to keep track of them all, and it’s been wonderful having you along for the ride. Thank you for your support through these years and for your continued interest in what I do.
I absolutely adore our ship and have so many ideas for what is to come for Reiko and Syn/Mala. Despite them both being terrible people, their relationship is so pure and beautiful. A love without expectations, one that doesn’t judge or hold the other to some sort of standard or code of conduct. A love with no burdens, but just simply being there with one another, enjoying the moment and each other’s presence. It’s so wonderful and I love every instance of it. Such rich emotion and such a profound love, even though both believe themselves unfit for love and unworthy of being loved. For such dangerous beings which such questionable morality, they are so sweet together. The fact that these two, who are ultimately very selfish individuals, would do anything to protect the other—even if it cost them their very lives—is so beautiful, it touches my heart.
I look forward to what is to come in the new year and hope to continue writing with such a wonderful writer for as long as I can, and I hope you too, feel the same way.
@sisterofthedevil​ / @cruentusscarlet​ / And more
Flan, you’re the reason I’m here in the first place. You were the first person I reached out to when I decided to come back here and enter the RP community. It was due to you that I got to join that first discord server, the first one I was ever in. It’s my home and I treasure it so much, so much so that even if that server is slowly declining, I’ll never leave it, because it’s the first place I got to call my home on discord. All of the friends I’ve made, all of them are thanks to that first step. If it wasn’t for you I might not have been able to make my place here. I’m so grateful for that. Even if we don’t talk much, I still consider you a good friend. And that’s not to mention how great of an RP partner you are.
Reiko and Flandre’s thread is one of my favorite threads I’ve had to date. I’ve loved every moment of it, it’s been such an intense roller coaster of emotions, and it’s probably the only thread where all of Reiko has been on full display. I hope going forward into 2020 that we can continue to write together.
You’re a great writer with such a unique style. Each one of your muses is fleshed out with intricate details and is a different spin on things, What with Flan having accidentally killed her sister and become the new mistress of the manor. Remilia embracing the role of being a terrifying monster and doing horrible things without batting an eyelash. Parsee being trapped not only emotionally and mentally, but spiritually and physically as well, unable to leave the bridge and be free. Satori, despite the horrors she’s witnessed, does not just follow suit to her species. You’ve given attention to every little detail, from the placement of her veins to the way she would have to put clothes on to accommodate them to the lasting effects of being able to read minds and bring other’s traumas to the surface. Alice is such a unique take on her as Shinki’s daughter, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything similar in regards to Alice’s origins and it’s amazing.
Each one of your muses shows how much thought you put into the characters you play and how dedicated you are to them. All of their trauma is very much real, and you portray it so well. There is never an easy fix to such problems, and you’ve done their struggles justice and shown just how hard it is to live with things like loss and abuse. Never does it feel like their trauma is overlooked or minimized, and their struggles with their demons and all the torment they’ve endured is very real, and how each one of them deals with their trauma in a different way shows such deep understanding of how different people react to things differently and everyone has their own way of coping.
I hope going into the next year that we’ll continue to RP together, there’s so much more I want to see and explore with your muses. You’re a great person, and I wish you all the best for the coming year.
Lina, we’ve only become mutuals rather recently compared to most on this list, but I’ve thoroughly enjoyed talking with you over these past months. It’s great to have someone to scream about The Case Study of Vanitas and Pandora Hearts with. You’re friendly and easy to talk to, and you’re always up for whatever ideas I come up with, or happen to mention. Really, you’re a very kind person and I enjoy your company. I hope going forward we’ll continue to be friends and RP partners for the foreseeable future.
I know with my recent lack of motivation that our threads haven’t gotten very far. With any luck, I’ll be able to regain my motivation and write more frequently. You have so many muses I want to interact with, particularly your OCs. Light is a very interesting character and I want to interact with her at some point in the future. I have quite a few ideas, but I don’t want to overwhelm you or myself for that matter, so once I get our threads going again and I’m not in draft hell, I’ll come to you with some even more fucking up ideas!
Thank you for reading Ivalinne’s story! I’m glad you enjoyed it, and I hope you’ll stick around for the stories to come! I’m glad you like my characters and I hope you’ll continue to enjoy what I create going forward.
@mayohigan-orange​​ / @witchwaltzing​
Cobalt, I know you don’t think you’re a good writer and all, but you really are. You’re not only fun to RP with, but fun to talk to as well.
Reiko and Chen’s interactions have been a wild ride, and a highly amusing one at that. Chen has such a feisty personality and she’s not afraid to speak her mind, or to even cuss someone out, regardless of who they are. Though that seems to get her in trouble more often than not. Between her picking fights with all the wrong people, and her devotion to those she cares about, Chen is joy to have around. Even with Ivalinne, who she hardly knows, she’s promised to keep her safe and she won’t betray her word. She’s an admirable little kitten who tries her best. She’s still very childish and her lack of worldly experience shows with just how easily Reiko has been able to get things to go her way, which still astounds me since that’s entirely unplotted and we just go with the flow with our threads.
At first glance, your Chen appears to be just the cute cat often seen in fanon, but once you get to know her, you see that there’s more to her than just that. You’ve developed her character and given her depth. Her eagerness to prove herself, to live up to her Master’s name and legacy, how desperate she is to do so despite the risks. How protective she is of those close to her, and even those she’s only recently met. She’s a good girl with a strong heart and even stronger convictions, and how passionate she is shows in not only her words, but her actions as well.
You don’t give yourself enough credit. You’re a great writer, and a fun RP partner who pushes themselves to do more. I seem to recall you not being too confident in fight threads, but here you are, writing one with me and doing it spectacularly. You’re dependable and reliable, probably one of the most reliable RP partners I’ve had the pleasure of writing with. You’ve never once dropped one of our threads, even though we have so many, and that’s something I greatly respect.
You’re a good friend. You’re easy to get along with, and you’re so casual and friendly, joking around and just overall are an enjoyable presence to have around. It makes me happy that you were so enthusiastic about Ivalinne’s story, to the point of wanting to change the ending. To have someone be so invested in something I wrote is amazing. I’ve done my job as a writer if I’ve made the reader feel for my characters and root for them, and I’m so glad you enjoyed it so much. Thank you for your support and your continued patronage, I hope you’ll continue to read my stories and continue to RP with me moving forwards into the coming year. Don’t doubt yourself, you’re a good writer, and I’m sure you’ll only get better as you go.
@soulwitch / @volatilepaths
Kako, you’re really just amazing on all fronts. You’re a great supportive friend, a calm voice of reason, and a wonderful and dedicated writer. You put so much of yourself into everything you do. You’re always there to help anyone who needs it, always willing to give advice and be there for those who are having a tough time, it’s really awe-inspiring just how much you give to not only the community as a whole, but to everyone you interact with. I know I’m frustrating to deal with at times, but you never give up on me, and I really appreciate that. So many others would have just been done with me, they wouldn’t have tried to work things out and make sure an understanding was reached. I’m really grateful for that. The problems I’ve come to you with, and you’ve helped me work through, I’m grateful for that, truly. You’re so friendly and accommodating, always wanting to make sure your partner is happy and comfortable, and that they’re enjoying how each and every thread goes. The way you put others needs ahead of your own is really admirable. You’re a great person, and you deserve all the best, really.
You writing is great, and your characters are amazing. You’re not afraid to delve into some really dark topics and that, in my opinion, takes a lot of courage. Jeanne is absolutely terrifying, through and through. She’s a great villain and a force to be reckoned with. A woman so utterly broken by all she’s been through that she’s become such a monster, one who cares not what evils she commits. She lies, she manipulates, she does whatever it takes to get what she wants, to satiate her desires. She’s a masterpiece of a villain, and I really need to find some way to get to see more of her. Reiko utterly despises her, and wants absolutely nothing to do with the woman, to stay as far away as she can and to keep Jeanne from encroaching upon her. They’ll never be able to get along thanks to Jeanne hitting upon the things she most abhors, so I’ll have to come up with something else, because I do want to interact with Jeanne. I want to see more of her, try to understand her better, she’s a character with a lot of depth, and I want to see more than just the surface.
Which brings me to the Redbellion event. Everything about that was amazing, Kako. From the story, to the interactivity, to the sheer size and the amount of time and thought put into everything. It was great and I’m glad to have been a part of it, even if it was only a small one due to my own anxieties. You were so helpful and accommodating, making sure I who was late to join, was able to get in on the action and feel like I made a difference in the event. I’m proud to have contributed, happy with what I got to do. It was fun reading through the various stories that came from it. I got invested in quite a few things and found my emotions swinging to the tune of your words. The androids that struggled to survive as they were divided between their mother and their nature as synthetic beings, Core who became a terrifying abomination, and Harune, who sacrificed all she held dear just to save this dying galaxy. It was a beautiful story and you did an amazing job bringing to life not just a single world, but an entire galaxy. It’s amazing what you did. You put so much time and effort into the whole thing. The sheer depth of your dedication and devotion is admirable. I could never hope to do something like that, let alone carry it all the way to the end. Your determination is amazing, and you have my deepest respect for your efforts.
You’re someone I look up to, someone I’m glad to know and happy to have the honor to write with. I know I haven’t been the best of RP partners, what with my sporadic activity and my flighty muses and motivation. I’m sorry for that, and I hope that I can do better in the coming year. You’re a great writer, an amazing person, and a wonderful friend, and you deserve all the best in the coming year.
@unhingedsea / @sophisticatedsuccubus / @justthatdamnrich / And more
Ellen, I know we haven’t spoken much recently, but I hope we’re still as close as we were a couple months ago. I miss having you check in on me and message me. I really enjoy your presence and love talking with you. Hearing about your ideas, how you’re branching out into fandomless OCs of your own setting, it makes me excited to see what you create. I hope you’ll bring them to tumblr so that we can interact and I can see more of them.
Your characters are a diverse mix of drastically different personalities. From Wada, who is batshit insane by any measure, to the shy and socially awkward 2pi, to the rage filled Klowni, you have such a varied mixture of characters. I’ve enjoyed the threads that we had, even though they were rather short-lived. I hope we’ll get to RP more in the coming year, I really want to see where things will go, especially with that thread between Reiko and Jo’on.
I know you’ve been struggling lately, feeling like what you’re doing has lost it’s appeal, and that you’ve lost touch with those who you once interacted with frequently, but I don’t think that’s the case. Everyone has been really busy lately for some reason, many people that were once frequent on the dash are active less these days, and it’s sad to see, but I don’t think it’s that they have lost interest in what you do. I for one haven’t, and I never will. You’re a joy to see on the dash and I hope you’ll come back and RP here more. I definitely want you around, and I’m sure others do too. So please, believe in yourself, I’m sure you can do it.
You’re such a great person. So friendly and welcoming, always cheering everyone on. You told me you swore to be that positive light for others, no matter what it takes, and that’s something amazing. Something I would never be able to do. I hope you won’t burn yourself out, because giving so much is a hard thing to do, especially in an unkind world. I hope you don’t give up, that you keep going and striving to be who you want to be. If you ever need someone to talk to, I’m always here for you.
Thank you so much for being such a fan of Ivalinne’s story. When you told me that reading my writing, reading my story, motivated you into writing, I was honored. That my writing could have such a profound effect on someone, it’s unreal. I’m happy you enjoyed it and I hope you’ll continue to read as I write Eliyah’s story and more.
Dennis, you’re a good friend and I’m grateful to have someone I can confide in about the things I can’t tell anyone else. You’re nice, friendly, and easy to talk to and get along with. I really appreciate your company.
Thanks to tumblr eating the notifications of our threads at every turn, we haven’t made much progress RP wise, but hopefully that will change in the coming year. I want to see more of your characters and get to know them, get more interactions, and develop our muses further. Leon is really sweet and it’s adorable how much of a flustered mess he is, it’s great. Soft boys are good! Manifestation is very interesting, an opposite to the kind and friendly person who he was created from. I’m curious to see where things could go with both of them. If just tumblr would stop eating notifications.
Now then, Ivalinne’s story. Thank you so much for reading. You have no idea how much it means to me. When you were reading and mentioned that one thing, I was so excited to see you get to the end. Having someone realize and notice things really is great. Probably the best feeling I’ve ever felt. I hope you enjoyed her journey and will continue to read the stories I’ll tell in the future, because I’ve got plenty more to tell!
Marii, you’re a great friend, and thank you for all your support. You’re so welcoming and easy to talk to about literally anything. I never feel awkward talking to you about things, even though I sometimes worry I bother you too much.
ReiMarii is love, ReiMarii is life. I adore our ship. It’s the first ship I’ve ever had, and it’s been amazing. Thank you so much for introducing me to shipping, I’m so grateful for it. Shipping is so much fun, so full of feels, and I love it. I hope shipping with Reiko hasn’t been too angsty for you, it seems that no matter what, everything comes up bittersweet, and I hope that doesn’t upset you. I love how Reiko and Marii are together, it’s adorable. Everyone else only sees the surface, the bitchy exterior that woman presents to the world. and they  write her off as that being all there is to her. But there’s so much more to her than what’s on the surface, and exploring all that lies beneath it with you has been one of the greatest pleasures of this past year. Every interaction has been wonderful, I love every minute of it and I hope we’ll continue to interact more in the coming year.
I know you worry a lot about whether you’re a good RP partner, and while I’ve already said my piece on it to you, I’ll say it again. You’re a great RP partner. You’re in no way a shitty RP partner. You’re a joy to write with and I love interacting with you. Life has been hectic for you recently, but I hope it will calm down, so you don’t have to be so stressed and exhausted all the time. You’re a great person and you deserve the best. I hope we’ll continue to be friends and continue to interact through next year as well.
You’re the first person, and so far the only, to see Reiko’s core. You’ve seen a side of her no one else has experienced. Marii’s touched her heart, reached through the ice and rust and connected with her on a level not even she thought was possible anymore. If things continue the way they’ve been going, she might even end up telling Marii about her past, so I hope we’ll get to explore more and more of their relationship, sink the claws of love deeper into her heart. Maybe Marii can make her realize that being who she is isn’t as bad a thing as she thinks it is, maybe she could help her to accept that she’s not damaged or broken beyond repair. That she’s worth the love the youkai has given her. I want to see it, someone be able to reach her, to tell her it’s fine.
So I hope we’ll continue to write in the coming year, that we’ll continue to develop this tender, beautiful relationship between dark and light, because I’m excited to see where it goes. How deep it will get and how close they’ll become. The future is bright, and hopefully Marii can teach Reiko that as well.
Johnny, I know your retirement date is quickly approaching, and I’m sorry I haven’t fulfilled what I promised. I said I’d put priority on our threads, but I failed to deliver, and I apologize for that. I wish we could have had more threads, that I had met you sooner so we could have done more. It saddens me that soon, we won’t get to write together anymore. I’m going to miss you as an RP partner. I hope we can continue to be friends though, even if you’ll be leaving the RP community.
I know Mara and Tojava weren’t exactly planned characters for you. They were created from a meme and it all started from there. I like both of them, the concepts and tropes they’re meant to explore. I was looking forward to you writing their story, and though you got derailed during NaNoWriMo, I hope you’ll continue to work towards the completion of their tale.
The thread between Reiko and Mara was a very interesting one. I’m sorry my bitch of a muse made Mara cry, she didn’t deserve that at all and I still feel bad about it, but I enjoyed the thread nonetheless. Feels are fun, no matter what form they come in. The thread between Ivalinne and Kazuma was fun too, it’s a shame it won’t get to continue to the ending I had planned. It would have been a chance to show Ivalinne is more clever than most probably assume due to how most of her threads have gone. It’s a shame it will never come to pass.
Speaking of Ivalinne, thank you for reading her story! I appreciate your interest. When you told me you got hooked after the first two parts, I was overjoyed. I’m glad you liked it, and I hope you’ll continue to read Eliyah’s story as I write it.
You’re a good friend, a logical voice of reason, and I’m grateful for that. I know I’m not always the most reasonable person out there, but it really helps when there’s someone that can talk some sense into me. Thank you for your support this past year. I’ll miss having you around on the dash, sending asks in to my characters and I’ll miss seeing your characters around. But just because they aren’t around doesn’t mean that they don’t exist anymore. I look forward to seeing the story you tell with them, and I wish you all the luck with your plans for the future.
Koma, we’ve only met recently, but honestly you’re great. You’re so supportive of everyone, what with your little handwritten notes to people and all the positivity you spread, you’re a great influence on this community. This place needs lights like you, people that care about others and support them no matter what. You’re a blessing and I’m happy to call you my friend.
I hope in the coming year that we’ll be able to get some more interactions going. My motivation to write has been very low recently, and I’ve been overwhelmed by the sheer amount of drafts I have, but I’m not gonna give up! I’m going to reply to everything and keep moving forward.
Thank you for reading Ivalinne’s story, I’m glad you liked it and I hope that you’ll continue to read the things I put out and enjoy them all the same.
I really appreciate how much you care, how you check in on me to see how I’m doing, how you send positive little messages in the server and how you’re always doing your best to spread that cheer. You’re great, really. As both a writer and a friend. Though you should really stop lying to people and saying I’m cute. You’re the cute one here, not me.
@weaverstale / @draconianmyths
Kirbs, you’re great, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. You’re so caring and compassionate, always concerned for everyone else and supporting them with positivity. Thank you for your support. I do appreciate it, really, even if I believe myself unworthy, it does make my day better. Don’t ever stop being that way.
We’ve both been low on writing motivation lately, and that really sucks. I want to RP more with you. Orochi is very interesting, and my dumb thot of a muse can’t resist an attractive man. Or an attractive women, as Konoe proves. She really just can’t resist attractive people in general really. I hope going into the next year that we’ll be able to have more threads and interactions.
You’re a good friend and you’re easy to talk to. I know at times our...interests in conversation topics just don’t always match, I apologize for that. I am but a shy nervous bean, naive and innocent about such topics. Regardless, I do enjoy talking to you, and I hope we’ll continue to be friends in the future.
Xana, I know we’ve only become mutuals recently, but I’ve really enjoyed speaking with you. I love hearing about your OCs, it’s fascinating. You’re easy to talk to and really chill, and I appreciate that. I hope we’ll continue to talk and be friends in the coming year.
As for RPs, you’re an amazing writer with some amazing muses. Krolia was one of the first I seen, through your threads with another blog I follow. Krolia immediately caught my eye, she’s very strange in a curious and interesting way. She’s an ancient being with a love for modern technology, idol music, and junk food, and it’s adorable.I really want to have a thread with her someday, once I manage to get my draft situation under control. I hope to see more of her, she’s really interesting.
But probably my favorite muse of yours currently is Celia. I read along with her threads in Redbellion, and honestly, they were my favorite. I love her journey throughout the event, going from an emotionless killing machine intent to cleanse all biological life from the universe, to realizing the true beauty of life, and realizing she had set in motion the destruction of an entire galaxy full of it. How she fought so desperately as the end of all was looming over her, how much she regretted what she had done, and how badly she wished to right the wrongs she committed. How she gave her all to save people. to protect them from the menace she had unleashed, and how she gave her life, her light, in order to save everyone. The woman that once sought to exterminate all life sacrificed her own to save what remained, and that is beautiful. I teared up when she started to fade into slumber and go dormant. You did an amazing job building up her character and her development was spectacular. I look forward to see where she goes from here, now that her outlook on the world has so drastically changed. With any luck, I’ll regain my motivation and be able to see that hope through with our thread!
All in all, you’re a great writer, never doubt your talent. It really shows a writer’s skill when they make you feel for and root for an evil character. That’s so much harder to accomplish than simply having the reader side with the hero. Any writer that can do that has my respect, just as you do.
Sage, I know you’re not really on tumblr much anymore, but I’m going to list you here anyways. You’re a good friend, calm, easy to talk to, and your company is enjoyable. I should really talk to you more.
I miss seeing Amaeris on the dash, she really was a great character. Well thought out and of questionable moral standing (Wait a second most of the characters I’ve spoken of here have been that way...Do I have a thing for that type?!) A shadow of her former self, literally. A deceased ruler of an ancient empire aiming to regain her former glory and rebuild her kingdom anew, so that she may reclaim what she had in life. You put a lot of thought into her and I wanted to see where she would go, if she’d ever be able to take back what was taken from her.
I hope one day we can write together again. The brief instances when we did were enjoyable. Maybe sometime next year? Who knows, but one can hope!
Lilli, we may have never gotten to RP on tumblr, and we might not have RPed all that much in general, but I think you deserve to be mentioned here as well.
When we first met two years ago, you hated my guts and told me straight out. I admired that honesty, since honesty is something I value. You gained my respect by being so honest about your feelings. I wanted to be friends with such an honest person, someone who wouldn’t lie to me and who’d tell me flat out if I fucked up. So I wanted to win you over, and as you know, I did, and that made me so happy.
I’m glad to be your friend. Happy that you want me around. It means a lot to me, truly. I enjoy your company, the fun we’ve had with the campaign, and even just talking to you. Thank you for being my friend, for giving me my first D&D experience, and for just being you.
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And thank you to all my followers, both on the RP Side Blog where I actually do all of my writing and to all the followers here, whether you’ve just followed the wrong blog or not! Thank you for your support! I hope I can continue to write more and more in the years to come!
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Happy New Year to you all!
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another-chorus-girl · 6 years
Erik House - Chapter 23
Happy new year! Everyone ready to continue the madness we let off at?
Crawford furrowed his brow, "I don't understand."
"Monseigneur, has the man gone mad? Perhaps he suffered a concussion during the rooftop brawl?" Gaines questioned.
"Even if he did, after so long in hospital surely he'd be of sound mind-at least where we're concerned-by now." Jones said with a firm arm on Panaro's shaking shoulder.
The Broadway Merik sat in an armchair, paler than usual. He fumbled wih his hands clasped as his shoulders shook. His eyes were red and swollen, a stray tear fell into the mask in his lap he'd since removed as the weeping spell started.
"He didn't recognize me..." Panaro shook his head, running his hand through the grey wisps of hair on his head. "Kari... Why doesn't Kari know me?"
Soot whined hearing his master cry, trying to lick his scathed face in the hopes that Panaro would stop.
"He seemed well enough until you came down the landing," Crawford mused. "And seemed relieved to see myself and Madame Sierra upon our arrival at the hospital gate."
"But why does he remember everyone but me?!" Panaro lunged forward in a tear stricken rage. His malformed lips curved in an angry sneer. "And that I of all people tried to kill him? Me?! I was willing to slit that git Gerik's throat if that meant saving him!"
Running a hand through his copper tone wig, the elder Merik hummed.
"Perhaps Monsieur Gerik may give us the answers we seek."
"Pardonez moi?! Are you mad?! No! I'm not letting that sword toting maniac near Kari, whether my fiancee remembers me or not!"
Crawford sighed, "I understand your perspective Monsieur. Were I in your place and it were between Sarah and I, I would feel just as compelled to protest. But we need answers when all we have are questions."
Panaro scowled, glaring back at the masked man. "I don't like this."
"You don't have to and neither am I expecting you to. Besides, I am not so naive as to lock them into a room alone and unprotected. We shall make sure both of them are quite safe. And yes I said BOTH of them."
Panaro slumped back down in his chair, crossing his arms with a pouty huff.
"Fine, you're the hierarchy."
“No, I’m merely concerned for you both.”
Winslow shook his head, where was he? It was the same place, same time on Thursday night. So where was Destler? The leather adorned composer wasn't fool to believe his now absent companion was putting on his face late again-or rather another face that is.
Already the helmet clad man was in a foul mood as his speech box was still acting up, and Phoenix was less than helpful when it came to mechanics.
His pale blue eyes contorted in a glare seeing him finally arrive.
"Apologies for my tardiness," Destler announced, seating himself at he and Winslow usual booth in the corner, hanging his scarf and coat over the chair.
"What's the excuse this time?" Winslow asked rather bored and tiredly. Destler's newly drawn brows perked up in confusion. "I beg your pardon?"
"I saw you apply your face this morning don't lie to me again on where you've been."
"The last time I recall, I wasn't required to inform you of my every known wherabouts," Destler shot, though with little to no malice in his voice.
"Fine," Winslow scoffed, an older waitress with a messy bun tied up brought the men their regular order of pale green elixir. Winslow twirled his index finger around the rim of his glass whilst Destler down the elixir with a single swig.
Cherik kicked the remnants of a shattered potted plant glumly. He stepped over a stuffed pheasant-or at least he thought it was a pheasant being half charred.
The dreamery was a sad sight to behold and the masked redhead stood alone on the roof with a shovel in hand, intent on cleaning the mess himself. He slumped to the floor glumly.
"Care for a hand Monsieur?" Cherik's eyes perked up spinning around to see Jones standing with a rake and empty sack in hand. He had since removed his tailcoat blazer and had the sleeves of his white dress shirt rolled up.
"What is this?" Cherik blinked
"You looked like you could use some help." Jones smiled. "And we felt terrible about what happened."
"You needn't do this, it wasn't your fault." Cherik glanced away with a scowl.
Jones sighed, "Please don't hold a grudge against Crawford for what happened. You know as well as I he wouldn't set ablaze to your garden on purpose without just reason."
"It still doesn't change the fact that my dreamery has turned into a nightmare."
"Nevertheless, you can't do this on your own."
Extending a hand to Cherik, Jone's stood over him. "Please"
"Quite a day of surprises this is turning out to be," Cherik mumbled taking the Merik's hand.
Karimloo hobbled down the steps, Crawford aiding the younger Merik as a crutch.
"I still don't understand why we're coming down here. There's nothing wrong with my mind!" Karimloo frowned.
"No one is saying there is, but you aren't remembering things clearly." The older man answered.
"Ah good, you're both here." Erik clasped his skeletal hands. The mismatch eyed Merik guided Karimloo down into a chair.
"Yes, and hoping perhaps you know of a way to help?"
"While I learned of remedies for amnesia, his selective case is rather uncommon in what I or the Daroga have encountered."
"So you can do nothing for him?" Crawford asked
Golden irises glared in the dimly lit parlor. "I do not recall saying that monsieur. But I need a moment to consult which remedy if any would be effective."
As the gentlemen discussed the situation, Karimloo noticed the faint light peeking out a curtain.
"You have someone in your torture chamber?" Karimloo asked, "I haven't seen you put it to use since that other fellow was hurtled in there. What was his name I recall? Barby? Barou?"
As Karimloo was mulling this thought over, he stood on wobbly legs to oversee Erik's latest victim. Only for the West End Merik to utter a stuttering gasp.
"My god!" He shouted, "Why is he locked in there?!"
"Calm yourself please!" The originating opera ghost growled. "I've only illuminated the chamber enough to give him some 'cold unfeeling light'. It's not hurting him so long as I don't turn it up. All the more, I thought you'd be pleased to see him locked away?"
"Pleased?! We're about to get married and I wanted him locked away?" Karimloo exclaimed angrily, looking in the window on where Gerik was slumped in the torture chamber.
Mismatch and golden eyes widened, whipping around to face the West End man.
"What did you just say?" Crawford asked agape.
"I said why did you lock up my fiancee when the man you really want is toting about upstairs freely?!" Karimloo scowled.
Erik brought a hand to his cloth concealed chin, "This certainly complicates things."
"It will even more so when Panaro finds out." Crawford sighed.
-”Monseigneur” is a French term that-according to the internet-is a French term given to a member of a royal family or other dignitary. Crawford being the originator of the Webber boys several Meriks here think highly of him due to this seniority. I will give credit where it’s due I in part included this as a reference to one of the secondary Merik characters that was written about in our “Erik House RP” discord server by a member I unfortunately had a falling out with. Despite this, I thank them very much and wanted to at least add that little tidbit they contributed. So for the future Meriks that have been lacking page time such as Gaines, Mauer, and Lewis (Norm) may let slip this reference to Crawford. 
-James Barbour is the name Karimloo is trying to remember as to whom was thrown in Erik’s torture chamber and that will NOT be making an appearance in Erik House. For those unaware, James Barbour was a former Phantom on Broadway whom took over after Norm Lewis left. The problem many phans have with him is not his Phantom but him as a person. Barbour  was accused and found guilty of several sexual misconduct charges including one incident with a fifteen year old female fan of his back in 2001, all prior to him joining the Broadway team as the titular character in Webber’s musical.
-Also a footnote I forgot to mention in chapter 22, Crawford’s new kitten Jemima is reference to the character of the same name in another ALW musical “Cats” that Sarah Brightman also played as prior to her Christine years.
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dalathin · 6 years
// Dragon Age Questions
Tagged by: @kaaras-adaar   Tagging: @worthyfate @kinlochfled @dirthahavcn @polyphoniie @ardaaman and anyone else who would like to!
01) Favourite game of the series?  Oof starting out with a hard question. Uhhh... I will go with Inquisition if only because out of all my canon main characters Séaghdha has really become the most important to me as far as emotional attachment goes.
02) How did you discover Dragon Age?  I am a long-time fan (?) of Bioware games and have been playing them since the beginning of time. I’ve literally played every Bioware game that exists, or at least this holds true for the time being (I am unsure if I will buy Anthem). My loyalty to the brand is not as strong as it used to be after they were bought by EA, and especially after David Gaider left the company. But yes. It actually started back with Baldur’s Gate II in 2000, which is not a Bioware game, but a game David did writing on and is still one of my favorite RPGs of all time. I followed him to Bioware and was determined to play anything he worked on. Hence, Dragon age.
03) How many times you’ve played the games?  I’ve genuinely lost count but I’ve memorized all three games, so... A lot lol
04) Favourite race to play as?  ELVES. But this isn’t necessarily a DA thing, it’s just a me thing because I am 100000% elf trash.
05) Favorited class?  Rogues, believe it or not. Mages are my second favorite, but yeah I prefer me my sneaky-sneaks.
06) Do you play through the games differently or do you make the same decisions each time?  Depends on what character I’m playing. If I’m replaying one my canon characters, then yes, I stick with their choices. But occasionally I’d replay as some random character specifically to fuck around.
07) Go-to adventuring group?  I always take my character’s love interest because I’m a weenie. But for DA:O: Zevran, Alistair, Leliana. For DAII: Fenris, Bethany/Anders (depends on the act), Aveline. For DA:I: Dorian, Solas, Bull. Needless to say, I died a lot playing Séaghdha because I’m dumb and stubborn and had a mostly mage party most of the time.
08) Which of your characters did you put the most thought into?  At this point, Séaghdha is probably the most fleshed out. Méabh, my canon Hawke, and Misae, my canon warden (who is on @exnobis for the record) are both pretty extensively developed in my own personal opinion, as I have a habit of just... getting probably too invested in my characters lol. But Séaghdha gets the most attention, without a doubt.
09) Favourite romance?  Okay so this is tough because Dorian as a character means a lot to me, he is my son and I adore him. But as much as I love him as a character, his romance was not my favorite. Sorry, son. Favorite romance is a really tough choice between Fenris and Zevran, but I think ultimately Fenris is the one who wins out. Both of their romances hit a lot of personal notes for me, but Fenris’ in particular uh... Well I cry every time, let me put it that way lmao
10) Have you read any of the comics/books?  All of the books and most of the comics.
11) If you read them, which was your favourite book?  Ehh... I honestly don’t really have one? I enjoyed them for sure, but my motivation was for the lore and less recreational lol.
12) Favourite DLCs?  For its drama, Trespasser. Overall, Mark of the Assassin. I may not like Felicia Day (sue me) but oh my god that DLC is fucking gold.
13) Things that annoy you.  So many things. But the biggest is probably the inconsistencies and ret-conning of lore and storyline. Whatever happened to the quality Bioware writing I fell in love with... where did it go....
14) Orlais or Ferelden?  Ferelden.
15) Templars or mages?  This isn’t a fair question imo. They both suffer needlessly. 
16) If you have multiple characters, are they in different/parallel universes or in the same one?  Typically I default to all my canons being in the same verse. Makes my timeline consistent and easier. However my characters are all obviously adaptable so as to fit with my RP partners and a variety of different plots.
17) What did you name your pets? (mabari, summoned animals, mounts, etc)  Misae’s mabari was named Finn and Méabh’s was named Cahir. Séaghdha has named his hart Leanathe, elvhen for splendor, glory. 
18) Have you installed any mods?  lmao my games are nothing but mods at this point
19) Did your Warden want to become a Grey Warden?  Not even remotely. He’s still bitter about it, quite frankly, despite taking quite well to a leadership role and life as a Bard. He’s all about finding that cure though, let me tell ya. 
20) Hawke’s personality?  Blue with a hint of purple when it wasn’t completely inappropriate. Basically, Méabh had a good sense of humor but was ultimately a very compassionate person.
21) Did you make matching armour for your companions in Inquisition?  No but that’s a hilarious idea now that you mention it.
22) If your character(s) could go back in time to change one thing, what would they change?  Misae would have tried to do more to save Tamlen, Méabh would have tried to do more to save her family, and Séaghdha would have tried to do more to save... well, everyone. Thanks Solas.
23) Do you have any headcanons about your character(s) that go against canon?  I have some headcanons that alter canon a little bit (like in my personal canon Méabh gets pregnant between acts, etc), but off the top of my head that only really big thing is that Séaghdha doesn’t lose his arm. I mean it gets mutilated and he loses a lot of use/mobility, but he doesn’t actually lose the arm.
24) Who did you leave in the Fade?  Séaghdha leaves Stroud and, believe me, he’s not happy about it.
25) Favourite mount? Easily the Red Hart.
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trevcrgrey-blog · 7 years
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( — * · 🌹 ˙ zac efron, twenty-five, he/him ) have you seen TREVOR GREY walking around the penrose complex? they’re currently in APARTMENT 3104 and have called portland their home for ONE YEAR. they’re currently a PEDIATRIC SURGEON and though they came off a bit STUBBORN and MOODY, they are also fairly AFFABLE and HUMBLE as well. something they would like to cross off their bucket list one day is TO BE KNOWN FOR CURING A DISEASE.
sooo hi i’m m, from the gmt+1 timezone and i’m really excited to join this rp because y’all seem so lovely, omg. trevor is one of my newest muses so bear with me while i figure him out as well but i already got a lot on my mind for him. as you may have guessed already; i’m a huge grey’s anatomy fan. i’m that person that has rewatched the show probably at least 5 times and i kinda feel like i can tell you everything about it? so, of course, i had to create a muse influenced by my favorite tv show ever.
this dude grew up in new york but moved to portland a year ago.
trevor comes from a family where basically everyone is a doctor or at least works at a hospital so his parents expected him to go the same path. his parents were his idols because he loved watching them save peoples lives and he was never really mad that they barely had time for him as a kid due to their job. 
his aunt who’s his mother’s twin sister basically raised him since she was the only one who was around most of the time and he’s very close to her but he’s also close to his parents
he’s a really smart guy but not the kind who’d constantly throw it in your face and points out all your mistakes because he knows how rude that’d be but he definitely has these moments where he says something really smart or shares his knowledge and people are like: “WOW, I underestimated this guy.”
this is also the reason why he’s already a pediatric surgeon since he went to college earlier than usual and then went to medical school but since he was that good they almost instantly allowed him to lead the pediatric surgery ( also because his parents are very well known doctors and ofc they’d want their kid to work for them at his age because of publicity. )
but he’s also a very, very good pediatric surgeon and he’s really good with kids so no one’s really complaining.
i chose his last name on purpose because i’m so here for all the grey’s anatomy references and his friends definitely called him meredith grey or mcdreamy quite a few times to mock him and annoy him. ( people also definitely called him christian grey once or twice but not as much as the grey’s anatomy references. )
alsO he’s lowkey alex karev, mcdreamy and mcsteamy in one person because why not?? he has some anger/mood issues like karev does and has definitely the looks mcdreamy and mcsteamy got. he’s not really into having his own children because he sees a lot of children suffer on the daily but if he should ever meet a girl who’d be into having children or if he accidentally impregnates someone he’d go all mark sloan on ya and be the best dad on earth.
he’s also a relationship kind of guy but a relationship with this dude is pretty annoying and difficult since he usually works A LOT and it wouldn’t be uncommon if they wouldn’t see each other for a week or so because of his shifts at the hospital which is also the reason why most of his relationships didn’t work out.
that’s why he’s more into hook-ups but yeah, he’d definitely do the relationship thing.
the reason he moved to portland a year ago was work-related since there’s a pretty great children’s hospital he got a job at and he’s really passionate about his job. he also lowkey knew that he only got his job in new york because of his parents and since he wanted to be independent for once he made sure to get this job on his own. although he knows that they’d probably still know who his parents are.
when it comes to his free time he’s a really outgoing person who loves to travel whenever he gets the chance to. and parties, he loves those. he’s one of those who’d be the first to hit the dance floor and the last person to leave.
this is everything i have for now about him and when it comes to plots i’m literally down for everything so gimme all these brotp’s, exes, enemies and whatnot plots! 
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zephyrinx · 7 years
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(Hey look a picture that’s totally not just to get people’s attention haha wow)
OKAY SO- A BUNCH of people have asked Neon (@neon--nightmare) and I to make this roleplay public for reading! So we finally decided to do it!
THIS IS THE ROLEPLAY FOR THE FIRST TIME WALLIS GLOOM AND FRESH MET FACE TO FACE IN THE GV DISCORD RP. And not.... Face to mouth? Uh. First time they met and interacted in separate bodies. Yep.
- Wallis and Fresh have been at this for months, so there's a LOT OF TENSION AND FEAR. Wallis has been possessed twice before, and in that time, got a look into Fresh's own headspace- He's a stubborn asshole, so he pressed at things, and Fresh let slip that he had lost someone very close to him.
-Fresh wants Wallis GONE because he won't give up and keeps challenging his fragile worldview.   Wallis is stuck between wanting to be free of the parasite's near constant harassment, and wanting to HELP because he can tell how much Fresh is truly suffering. He feels as though a compromise would be getting him to leave, BY helping.
-Wallis and Purple are actually back together in this rp! It took like 4 months of near constant rp, but we got there! At the point in time that this RP took place, Wallis was staying at Purple's house recovering from the second possession. He’s... Pretty badly injured.
-Cake had also stolen his hat about a week or so prior, so he was totally defenseless! Geez, please help him...
-None of this is CANON!! This is just a RP between fans!! Fresh and Wallis belong to CQ, we just love them. A lot. Though we try to be as IC as possible, nothing that happened here is actually official canon!!
- This rp treats the events of the ‘loveball/time party’ (a rping event from a year or so ago that can be found in parts on @bestfresh90smess) as canon to Fresh's character! This is for the sake of development, and to help give context to some of the emotional problems he's currently having that have carried on from there! ‘Pacifrisk’ was Fresh's only true friend that he met at the Loveball and slowly grew to care about, but right when he was coming to terms with that (and wanting to protect them even when it had no benefit to him, something he couldn't comprehend) they were killed despite his protests.
-There's a lot more drama and context surrounding this, so some things may not make sense!! We've tried to make it as concise as possible, though!
-THIS RP HAPPENED IN THE GLOOMVERSE ROLEPLAY DISCORD!! It's applicant based only, but if you'd like to send in a form you can do so at @gloomversediscord !! OCs are welcome, too!!
So, yep! Please enjoy, and be nice!! :D
Fresh crept into the dimly-lit room, closing the door softly behind him. He could barely believe he had gotten in so easily - Purple hadn't been around and the front door didn't even seem to have been locked properly. It seemed almost too easy after all his planning, but hey, he wasn't complaining! Wallis had been practically asking for it anyway, with his 'tough guy' act and with all the problems he'd been causing escalating recently. And now here he was, with Wallis asleep and injured right in front of him!
The parasite leaned over his defenseless body, his grin widening until it looked almost painful. The YOLO letters on his glasses glowed faintly in the dark, as he gave the propellor beanie a flick and nudged Wallis roughly. "Rise 'n shine, Brahllis!! Wouldn't wanna all up sleep in an miss ya best brah, wouldja~?"
Wallis groans quietly, screwing up his face in response to the rude wake up call and pulling the blanket a little tighter around his shoulders. What the fuck, why was Purple trying to wake him up NOW?? He wasn't even hungry, and his pain was just a dull ache, surely the pain meds hadn't worn off yet.... Though, it was a bit weird- His groggy sleep-drunk mind slowly chugged along and processed the situation... Purple usually woke him up gently, and that voice... He replays it in his mind, until the garbled words finally made sense.
Wallis' eyes snap open, entire body immediately going rigid as his breathing stuttered to a complete halt for a second. His mind spun, chest aching just a little more- Oh no, no no no... He didn't look up. He didn't WANT to look up, and acknowledge the truth. This couldn't be happening.
The parasite smiled down at his terrified enemy over his shades, the cracked soul in his eye barely visible. "Glad ta see me again, homeslice~?" Fresh said in a dissonantly chipper tone, roughly grabbing Wallis's shoulders to prop him up and slip an arm tightly around his shoulders. "Cake slice wasn't lyin, brah, ya really letchaself go since da last time we all up had a friendly-like chat face ta face~!! Or would dat be thought-ta-thought or some junk?? Me ta ya?? Ah well, it ain't important anywho!!" The parasite gave Wallis' shoulder a quick squeeze, flicking a curl of hair on his forehead.
Wallis' breath hitches as he's pulled up, unable to stop himself from hunching over and shuddering as that arm is slipped around him in an almost FRIENDLY manner- He knew better though, and the contact just felt like gasoline to the fire that was starting to flare up in his chest again. He instinctively leans away slightly, completely aware of how vulnerable he was like this. No hat, no wand, in a weakened state and already basically under control thanks to Fresh's grip on him. Was this the first time he'd ever seen the parasite in another form other than his own...? Either way, it was far too soon.
"I... I-" He chokes on his own words when Fresh squeezes his shoulder, flinching away from the hand that came towards his face. He doesn't even notice his own hand come up to lightly touch at his throat, curling into a loose fist there protectively. If he was possessed again... He seriously doubted his ability to escape in this condition. By this point, he was quite visibly shaking, eyes wide and staring down at his own lap, refusing to look at his tormentor still.
Fresh chuckled at Wallis' obvious discomfort, a harsh sound that contrasted sharply with his fake-cheerful manner. His hand moved over to the bandages on Wallis' head and began undoing them none too gently, keeping a firm grip on the magician's shoulders all the while. "Aw, Brahllis, what's da dealio wit' dese~? Seems wicked inconvenient if ya cant see, yeah~?" There wasn't much of a point to this, and Fresh knew that - he just wanted to revel in Wallis' fear and pain a bit longer.
Wallis grits his teeth together, completely frozen at the invasive action- He'd grown so used to the bandage being there, and around the eye was still sore... The eye itself was still almost completely a dark grey colour, and his vision itself was blotchy and dark. The bandage at least gave him an excuse to why he couldn't see. Fresh obviously had no concept of personal space- If he did, then he was doing a damn good job of making Wallis feel vulnerable, defenseless and alone- Wait, how did he get in?? Where was..?
Wallis suddenly tries to jerk away, finally looking up at Fresh with a mixture of horror and anger- The former seemed to overwhelm the latter, though. "Wh-Where's- What the funk did you do with Purple?!! Where's Purple!??"
Fresh tightened his grip even more, digging his fingers into Wallis's arm before giving him a casual flick on the cheek. "Lingo, homeslice!!! Ya really gotta keep a better handle on yaself, yanno~? All up spreadin ya uncool vibes all over dis convo, dawg, dat ain't cool~" The parasite grin slipped a bit before recovering himself and tilting his head at the question. "Ya really gotta learn ta take a chill pill, broski!! Ah hahaha, ya sound maaaad <3"
Wallis gasps, trying to shrink himself down as much as he could to get away from any and all contact Fresh was giving him. Right, of course he'd be able to censor... A chill goes down his spine, and he automatically closes his eyes as the bandage falls completely from his head at the movement- Looks like there was also a pretty nasty looking gash under there just above his eye. It had been healing nicely, but still looked pretty painful to the touch.
"Where. Is. He," He repeats, clenching his fists and trying to inch away from Fresh a bit. "Did you hurt him!?? I swear to GOD I'll KILL YOU if..."
Fresh raised an eyebrow at that, jostling Wallis a bit as he readjusted his grip. He ruffled Wallis' hair with his free hand, digging his fingers into his arm even harder at the same time. "Ahaha, ya really let yaself go, didntcha~? Guess I get what was up wit' dat bandage junk now, yo!!" Fresh let his gaze wander casually around the room, lingering on the door for an extra moment just in case. "Aha, watchin ya work yaself up like dat is totes HI-LA-RI-OUS!! Ya gonna KILL me, Brahllis~? Ya want me dead, huh~? Well, dawg, dats da prob I all up stopped by ta deal wit'!!"
The parasite suddenly whipped his head back around to face Wallis, his grinning face very close to the other's. "Ya been up an causin LOADS o totes unfresh probs lately, haven't ya~?"
Wallis can't help his quiet noise of discomfort, sounding oddly like a low whine, shuddering as Fresh ruffled his hair. Only a few people were allowed to do that- The parasite absolutely not being one of them. He was finding it difficult to breathe, chest tight and thoughts disjointed and panicky- This entire meeting couldn't be at all good, he was at a loss for words, actions even moreso.
Though, Fresh seemed insistent that murder wasn't his strategy- Not his usual one, anyway- And surely he would have heard if Purple was in danger... Wallis both hoped and dreaded that Purple may still be in the house.
He flinches back as much as he could when Fresh turns to grin at him, eyes widening and skin becoming paler as the realisation dawned on him. Fresh wasn't here to possess him, or to harass him- He was keeping true to his word.
Fresh was here to KILL him.
Acting on pure impulse, Wallis lets out a cry, suddenly reaching out to shove at Fresh's chest in an attempt to push the other away from him, ignoring the pain that shot through his injured hand, breathing hard and fast.
Caught off-guard by the sudden escape attempt, Fresh loosened his grip on Wallis's shoulders and was pushed backwards a bit, his shades falling askew to reveal the host's eyes. The look of terror in the functional right eye was obvious - almost like they were trying to plead with Wallis for help. The parasite gave a quiet hiss, dropping his facade for a moment to glare at Wallis with a look of pure hatred. His grin returned almost as fast, however - contrasting even more sharply with the pain in the host's eyes.
Fresh swung his legs over the side of the bed, carefully folding up his shades and slipping them into his fanny pack. "Aha, is dis da part where ya all up try ta kill me or whatev ya said ya were gonna do, broham~? Trust me, brotato chip, I'd LOVE ya see ya try~ <3" You could practically hear the heart at the end of the sentence.
Wallis stares straight back at that one eye, finding himself unable to look away. That poor host... He wanted to help, he so badly wanted to help- He was meant to be the INVINCIBLE  Wallis Gloom, the most powerful man in the country...
And here he was, reduced to a terrified mess in a small house in Prisma. He was meant to be able to HELP, to fix everything- but he couldn't. There was no way he could help the host, especially not right now. He actually wished Fresh had kept the shades on... Then at least he could pretend the other wasn't using an innocent person for his own gain.
His gaze quickly drifts toward the door. There was no way he was going to just lay there and let Fresh hurt- Or kill- him. Slowly, he began trying to slip his legs out of the blankets, readying himself to make a run for it. "I-I'm not.... Not going to kill you..."
Fresh widened his eyes slightly, staying perfectly still and watching him struggle. You could cut the tension in the air with a knife - especially because the parasite was eyeing him in the way a predator watches its weakened prey. "Whaddaya think ya gonna try ta do, Wally~? Ya ain't lookin so hot, ya dig? But I toldja, homie, it'd gimme a good laugh ta all up watch ya try!!"
Wallis keeps his gaze trained on the parasite, hunched over slightly in a defensive position, clearly in no mood to just give in. He was reminded of the way a cat toys with a mouse before catching it- Cruel, all part of their little game... He spares a fleeting glance toward the doorway, before suddenly attempting to scramble off the bed and toward the doorway, clumsy thanks to his unfit state and more recent injuries. It was worth a try- If he was going to go down, then he was going to go down fighting.
Quick as a flash, Fresh lunged out to grab Wallis's arm, giving it a painful twist. "Ya ain't gettin away dat easy, Brahllis!!" he taunted, staring the other dead in the face with an expression of obvious enjoyment. Fresh watched for a moment more before releasing his arm and giving him a rough shove to the floor, staring down at the injured magician. "Ya still think ya all dat an a bag o chips, Wally?? Been waitin fo' dis fo' a LONG time, yo, ya ain't gonna mess it up dis time!!"
Wallis cries out in pain at the sharp movement, being forced backward in order to not put too much pressure on his arm, taking in a few shaky gulps of air before being pushed to the ground. He lays there for a moment, head spinning from the sudden movements and pain, before once again trying to push himself up- Stubborn man. Maybe running wouldn't work...
He turns to glare at Fresh over his shoulder, feeling his heart sink as he looks up into that one terrified eye again. "You f-funking RADHOLE- What the heck are you gonna do, then!??"
Fresh crouched down so he was roughly at Wallis's level, his hair flopping over his shoulder. "Dats da tricky part, brah!! All up way easier befo' cuz i could just make somethin sharp-like ta get it ova wit' easy as pie - but i don't think i can make some junk like dat here!! Ya got any suggestions, brotien shake?? Ain't - ain't got much experience tryin ta off peeps befo', heh." It was slight, but the parasite's voice caught on the last word and he seemed to lose some of his feigned enthusiasm.
Wallis pauses, horror flickering more vibrantly on his face for a moment at those words. Was Fresh really asking Wallis to.... Choose his own death?!!
That was fucking sick.... He inches away again, hunching his shoulders up to protect his neck some more. Though, the question may be one of genuine uncertainty... It sounded like he'd nearly killed someone before, and at the very least, was still hesitant. Maybe he was just being wishful, but... Wait, that was it.
"Would they really want you to do this?" he mutters, eyes darkening, untrimmed fringe falling in front of them slightly. "Would they be proud of you for funking MURDERING someone??"
Fresh froze, his expression flickering from genuine shock to fear, anger, and finally a blank mask that betrayed nothing. "What. Did you just say." He twitched for a second, his host fighting back, then appeared to regain his composure. "Care ta run dat by me again, broski?"
Wallis juts his head up higher, emboldened by the uncertain reaction. Best case scenario, Fresh decides to leave him alone- Second best, it distracts the parasite long enough for Wallis to make an escape... Worst case, he didn't want to think about. He huffs, pushing himself up more. "How would they feel, if they knew you were torturing someone who tried to HELP you?!"
NEON--NIGHTMARE: Fresh shuddered, an unnatural, jerky movement. An odd, muted whirlwind of memories and feelings he had tried to suppress was whirling around inside his head as he stared down at Wallis, his expression completely blank and emotionless. "Ya don't know whatcha talkin bout, so ya better shut ya yap if ya know what's good fo' ya." He couldn't do this, not here not NOW this was all wrong wrong WRONG-
Yes, yes yes- He could do it, he could make Fresh lose control and then he could fucking escape!! With renewed confidence he manages to get his knees beneath him again, panting a little harder. "They'd be funking DISAPPOINTED in you, Fresh!! They're probably watching right now, ashamed, because you're hurting an INNOCENT MAN-"
Fresh got to his feet in one fluid moment and kicked him, HARD. He didn't let up either, punctuating the kicks with a repeated sentence hissed through gritted teeth - "Shut up. Dis is ova an done an ya ain't allowed ya ain't got no RIGHT shut UP-"
Wallis absolutely wasn't expecting that, unable to react in time as the kick sends him rolling with a pained yelp, any progress he'd made in standing up lost. He manages to try and curl up into a ball to protect  his head- Fuck, there was no going back now. "I-IT'S NOT- YOU KNOW IT'S NOT- THEY'RE NEVER GONNA STOP JUDGING YOU-- FUNK- YOU CAN JUST STOP--"
Fresh's voice rose to a yelling pitch as he continued his assault in a futile attempt to get Wallis to STOP. "Shut up SHUT UP STOP TALKIN-" The usually emotionless parasite sounded almost desperate, in a way.
Wallis suddenly tries to grab at Fresh's foot in a desperate attempt to stop him, or at least ease the harsh attack. He was already bruised and sore around his sides thanks to Cake's assault a few days prior- This was just adding ten times more pain. "PURPLE-" He chokes out, voice weak and half cut off thanks to another kick... At least Fresh seemed to be losing composure.
Caught off-guard once again, Fresh stumbled, grabbing into the bed in time to regain his balance. He was panting heavily, watching Wallis with a look in his eye of nothing less than absolute hatred. Oh, he was mad - not just mad, FURIOUS. How was it that even in a weakened, near-helpless state with the parasite holding almost every possible advantage over him, Wallis still managed to turn the odds back in his favor?? The magician should have just given in by now. Just thrown in the towel and accepted his death, or even tried to beg for his life - but instead he had managed to get Fresh to lose his composure again, and the parasite didn't even really understand why.
Continuing to persevere even when it seemed like all was lost... it almost reminded Fresh of - NO. He wasn't going to let himself go back down that path after it was all done and over with - or SHOULD have been, anyway. Why, why, WHY couldn't he escape this?? Why couldn't he understand... any of this?? Everything had been turned around, and Fresh just wanted it all to be done with already.
He continued to stare daggers at Wallis, but his posture had sagged and he seemed to have lost some of his will to fight.
Wallis groans, struggling to push himself back, dazed and in pain from the beating his sides had just taken. He stares up at the other, eyes half lidded and vision blurry, one arm wrapped around his stomach, the other propping him up as much as it could. He maintains eye contact, watching, waiting... He could call out for help again, or he could try to slowly stand and walk to the door.... He could continue pressing, or remain silent until Fresh made the first move. So many options, and he had no idea which was the right one, or if there wven WAS a right one. Gnawing at the inside of his lip, he tried his best to catch his breath again, each intake of air just causing more pain-- Fuck, what else was the parasite capable of doing?!!
"...Just. Just leave me alone..." Wallis mutters in an attempt at false calmness, a hint of fear still evident in his voice. Maybe he could resolve things peacefully...
Fresh had begun staring at Wallis as if he was seeing someone else in his place, but he tore his gaze away once Wallis finished his plea.   The unexpected burst of anger and terror that had been so strong earlier had vanished, leaving him... empty. Good. He knew how to deal with this, although a strong sense of exhaustion was had him in its hold as well. This had been going on for FAR too long, especially when he thought he had put it all behind him for a FRESH start - and in front of him was the source of all his problems, beaten and weak, pleading with him to just leave.
It would be EASY to... remove him from the picture right now, even if he didn't have much experience - so why was it that he couldn't bring himself to move?? This was his CHANCE to bring everything back to normal, putting an end to all the awful memories and feelings that had been following him everywhere once and for all - but the parasite didn't move. Fresh didn't reply but he slumped over a bit more, still watching Wallis with his host's pain evident in his 'normal' eye. Why did everything have to be so difficult?? He couldn't even begin to understand why.
Wallis leans back against the bookshelf slightly, another wave of dizziness hitting him, blinking back the blurriness. He didn't trust this- Didn't trust it at ALL- he couldn't let his guard down and risk Fresh suddenly attacking him again. He was so close now, so close to finally maybe getting Fresh off his trail... Even just the thought made him want to try. It would be better to end it once and for all, than run away... Not that he really could run now. He slowly breathes out, frame shaking as he stared back at his tormentor. "I... I don't... Want this... Please..."
Fresh was silent for a moment longer before erupting into joyless laughter, his shoulders shaking from the force of his outburst. He leaned over to rest his head in his arms, muffled giggles still emanating from his covered mouth. After a minute or so of this, the parasite raised his head and turned to look at the other, still chuckling. "Ah hahahaha, an' ya think I do??? Rule numba one, yo, whatcha want DON'T MEAN NOTHIN if it all up gets in da way o' otha peeps wit' more power den ya. Ya think I ain't all up sick o' dis neither?? I just want things ta go back ta da way dey SHOULD be, broski!! All up back ta things dat make sense, back ta da way things all up WERE befo' everythin' went wrong!! Thought I put all dis behind me, fo' da sake o' mah own life - an' den YA showed up, always findin ways ta get in da way an' make everythin worse! How'dya do it, yo?? An' now - everythin's fallin' apart an' everythin's wrong, an' - Ah hahahaha-" The parasite just smiled at his enemy, his empty laughter cutting off -
"I don't wanna die. I ain't READY yet. An' ya like mah third strike, homie - if I don't all up prove mah worth an' just letcha go - den its game ova, an' i just up an' get replaced. Course I'm gonna fail in da end - eitha a peep I all up angered kills me off, or I all up funk somethin else up an' kick da bucket - but I ain't ready ta die yet. Not like dis. So I can't - I can't give up, ya get me?? I gotta - I don't - I just want dis ta STOP."
Wallis flinches back at the sudden laughter, brows knitting together in confusion. He reaches back to grab a hold of one of the lower bookcase shelves, using it to slowly try and hoist himself up, dreading the way the pain from his ribs shot through him and took his breath away. He shakily wipes some of the hair from in front of his eyes, sweating a bit from exertion and lingering effects of the arsenic. He listens in silence, Fresh's words occasionally sounding distant before returning to clarity. He understood, though. He knew what the parasite was getting at.
It was... Unfair. Even now Wallis could feel a twinge of guilt and sympathy, knowing that the other knew nothing else BUT a lack of emotion. He was hurting, whether he knew it or not- Mourning over someone he wasn't meant to mourn. Life wasn't fucking fair, sometimes... And Wallis had always been there to help. Seaweed, Assistant, Purple... He freezes when the laughter stops, the unnatural smile sending chills down his spine.
Fresh was far more dangerous than any of his family.
"It... It doesn't work like that Fresh, it doesn't HAVE to be like that," He croaks out, swallowing to try and ease his parched throat. "What you want may not mean anything to someone more powerful- But it matters to others! And nobody is better than anyone else, we're all- We're all equal. I don't mean to make your life hard, I really fucking don't, I'm just... Trying to survive. Yeah, maybe I overreacted when we first met, I'll admit that. It's hard to drop an act when you've lived it for years. And I'm- I'm sorry, okay??! And anyway, you aren't happy how you are- You NEED to make a change!!" He pauses to take a few deep breaths, managing to stand hunched over, leaning heavily against the bookcase with shaking legs. "That's no way to live, and- Fuck, just let me help you, I can try to help if you'll just give me a chance!!"
Fresh gave a derisive snort at the first part, but froze immediately once Wallis stood up. "...Back off, yo. Ya wanna get all up tough an' cocky now, brah?? Ya - Ya want me ta change ta be like YA cuz I ain't happy??? I've NEVER been happy, yo, dat don't mean nothin!! Ya still up an' foolin' yaself dat I NEED help - da only thing dat would HELP is ya bein GONE FO' GOOD. An' den everythin' can - can go back ta da way it SHOULD be, befo' everythin went WRONG an' befo' da kid..." His voice trailed off and his smile slipped again for a moment, before he forced the grin back on his face and strode over to Wallis.
The parasite looked him dead in the eyes, the soul in his left eye noticeably more cracked than when he had first walked in. "What kinda change d'ya suggest, Brahllis~? All up changin' from bein' alive ta bein' DEAD??"
Wallis presses himself back against the bookcase, legs nearly slipping from under him in his haste, unable to look away from the damaged soul in the poor host's eye. His own facial features softened for a moment, as he processed what Fresh had just implied-
"...They were a kid?" He murmurs, shock and horror lacing his tone. He'd never considered... Never REALISED that the person Fresh had lost may have been young. May have been very young... Kids weren't meant to die. "Fresh.... The world isn't that bad, I'm sorry you had to go through such awful things, but- You're only young. You haven't seen much, and you've still got time to... To change yourself, I know you can change, you just need to try looking your fear head on...." His gaze shifts between the cracked soul of eye and the horrified pupil of the other, wondering just how much pain the host was in right now. Fresh looked like he was struggling... He wished he could speak out and apologise to the host, but it wasn't the right time. Not now. He couldn't save them yet...
Without thinking, he automatically shifts forward slightly, reaching out to put his hand on Fresh's arm for 'comfort' like he would with anyone else. "I can help..."
Fresh actually growled, forcefully grabbing the hand Wallis had put on his arm and shoving it aside. "Just GIVE IT UP ALREADY, AIGHT??" he hissed, anger like he hadn't felt for a LONG time gripping him. "Stop talkin' like dem!! Stop it stop it ya ain't FUNNY dis ain't funny no more CUT IT OUT-" The parasite's whole body shuddered, overwhelmed by the unexpected burst of fury churning inside him.
"Ya keep doin dis but ya AIN'T dem an' why wouldja I toldja I was on ta ya ya ain't breakin' me here I ain't lettin' ya make me lose control WHAT ARE YA TRYIN TA DO TA ME-" Fresh let the words spill out in a big jumbled mess before his voice gave out and he just stood there, breathing heavily. He looked... broken, desperate, looking down at the other. "...Kill 'em wit' kindness, right, Wally??"
Wallis flinches back and holds his arm to his chest, shrinking back against the bookcase slightly. How the fuck hadn't Purple heard everything that was happening?!! He glances toward the door again, blinking to try and clear some of the darkness in his damaged eye, before quickly returning his gaze to Fresh. He winces at the parasite's tone, closing his eyes and hunching his shoulders up when those words rose in volume, awaiting some kind of attack- Wallis hesitantly opened them again, meeting Fresh's gaze.
"...I'm not... Trying to be them. I'm not, I promise- I don't know why you think kindness is exclusive to them- Why you think that nobody apart from one person in the entire world would want to help you... But it's not true. There are people that can understand, and help-- I'm just... Just trying to help," His voice wavers. "...Just because you hurt me doesn't mean I can't show you mercy."
Fresh's eyes widened and he took a jerky step back, looking as if he had seen a ghost. "Ya - ya say ya wanna -" He stumbled backwards and sat down hard on the bed, not taking his eyes off the injured magician once. "...Why??"
Wallis doesn't move,  though, the door looked pretty tempting... But he was finally getting through, and Fresh's stare seemed to keep him locked in place. He sees at a loss for words for a few moments, shaking his head slightly and hugging himself with one arm, the other used to steady himself against the bookcase. "l...I don't know," He mutters, quiet. "I guess it was just how I was raised... To give people a chance. To see everyone equally. To.... Help. I grew up with people who were treated like shit their whole lives just because they were different- Nobody deserves that."
Fresh didn't react immediately to that, before he started chucking hoarsely. "Ah hahaha... ha... Dis... hurts. Why does it hurt??" He put his head in his hands, rubbed his eyes, and looked back up at Wallis. "I... don't get it. Dunno if I even CAN, ahaha - Ya sound so much like 'em, and I - CAN'T think bout 'em no more else everythin all up starts crumblin' again - I ain't allowed. I ain't allowed I ain't ready ta die ain't dyin here can't THINK-" The parasite's voice broke, and he stared at Wallis in silence with hollow eyes and an empty grin.
"...I can't die either," He mutters back, leaning more heavily against the furniture behind him. He was feeling so lightheaded, body screaming at him to lay down and rest. "I have.... I have family.... I have a brother... My mom... My best friends, and my boyfriend.... You... You can't just take me away from them," He stares back, trying to ignore how unnerving that look was. "...You can't."
The parasite shakily got to his feet and walked back over to the other in mechanical, unnatural movements, his heelies audibly dragging across the floor. "...What does dat matter, yo? Peeps all up get ova it, ahaha, don't dey?? Is dat s'pposed ta... heh. Ya can all up get replaced an' nobody'll miss ya or tell da difference, yanno?" Fresh ground to a halt a few paces away from Wallis, still looking at him with an empty gaze.
Wallis' breath hitches as Fresh takes his sweet time approaching him, once again sparing a glance at the door, his chance at freedom. The damn parasite was so unpredictable... At least now he was actually acting like he was MEANT to. Empty, mechanical, without the bombastic flair that he usually acted out. This... This was what was underneath all of that, right? This was what wanted him dead... The lingo combined with that dull look was jarring, and probably more than a habit if anything... It just didn't match up.
Wallis swallows hard, blinking back at Fresh. "...Is that how you feel?" He asks, slow and deliberate. "Like nobody would care if you disappeared?"
"Yo, I can't FEEL nothin-" Fresh said in a mechanical, flat monotone, before pausing after realizing that wasn't exactly true anymore. "All I've all up eva felt is all up fear an' anger, heh. Da rest o' dat junk - I just play out by watchin ya peeps, ya get me? An' from what I seen - dunno why ya peeps're so proud o' havin' 'em. Think ya'd all be jumpin at da chance ta be rid o' 'em, an' some o' ya do, but da othas-" He shuddered again, still staring the other dead in the face with an empty expression. He still hadn't answered the question at hand, instead letting the silence stretch across the space between them for a minute more.
"Look, brah, ya ain't gonna be rid o' me dat easy. Even if ya break me like ya want, da peeps on da higher-up'll just make anotha, better me, one dat's - dat's better at da job an' listens ta orders. Could be comin' any day now, fo' all I know - I seen 'em, heh. Know dey runnin' round already, even if dey haven't all up stopped by fo' a reminder in a while - so yo, I don't think I'll all up end up disappearin' ta be replaced - I KNOW it, ya get me? All I can do is try ta stay alive long as possible, but odds are I don't got much time-" The parasite went quiet once more, looking as if he was struggling to speak.
Wallis falls silent, studying, thinking. Fresh never said no.
He resists the urge to cough, another wave of dizziness hitting him harder than before causing him to hunch over just slightly, hissing under his breath. He didn't understand exactly what Fresh meant- Honestly, nothing about the parasite seemed to ever make sense- But his words definitely weren't comforting.
"L-Look, I'm not gonna pretend that I know what you're talking about- I don't, I have no idea, and I don't know... How to help... But I can fucking try, okay?! How do you know if you don't at least try!? You can't keep running from your emotions, it'll only hurt more in the long run--" He reaches out again to try and touch the other's arm. "You need to just... Let yourself FEEL and stop jumping to conclusions, Fresh-!!"
Fresh took a stumbling step away from Wallis, looking like a cornered animal. "No no no stop YA TRYIN TA GET ME KILLED SHUT UP-" the parasite hissed in a voice thick with panic, so different from his empty monotone just a moment ago. Yet again, Wallis had ruined EVERYTHING for him, and now he felt like the walls were closing in on him. He might have tried to attack again if he could bring himself to go any nearer, but at that moment all he knew was that he couldn't bear to keep hearing THIS, couldn't keep listening to the words so similar to what THEY had said back when they were still alive, couldn't handle the thought that it might be the TRUTH - he couldn't die couldn't take any more strikes couldn't mess up again they wouldn't be happy with this and it would be EASY to just off his enemy now but he couldn't do it why couldn't he move everything was falling apart - Fresh shook his head hard to try and clear away the awful racing thoughts, his eyes flicking back to the door.
The parasite opened his mouth again, but nothing came out - so he just stood there, tremors racking his stolen body. It would be a miracle if he lasted a week after this.
"Fresh, for fuck's sake," Wallis takes a tiny shuffling step towards him, swaying slightly. "I'm not trying to get you killed, I WOULDN'T try to get anyone killed, I'm not- I'm not a fucking psychopath like CAKE made me out to be!! She's not okay, Fresh!! She needs HELP," Wallis sucks in a deep breath to steady himself. "She doesn't even fucking KNOW ME--"
Fresh took another step back, reaching towards his fanny pack with an unsteady hand. "Ya can't fool me, yo, dats how ya ALL are!! Dat's how dis all is - dog-eat-dog's da sayin, ain't it?? Ya gotta all up manipulate peeps an' use 'em fo' ya own benefit ta SURVIVE - tell 'em what dey wanna hear or all up exploitin' weaknesses an' bailin afta ya done wit' em!! Dat's how e - almost everybody is, ah haha, an' ya ain't no exception. Da exceptions all up DIE cuz dey too trustin' - can't take da heat an' dey BURN. Dat's how ALL dese places are, aight?? An' dats whatcha doin- all up usin mah... mistakes against me." Fresh's voice caught on the word mistake, and he shuddered before forcing an artificial grin back on his face.
"Friendship - ah hahaha, don't make me laugh!! Peeps like ya an' Cake Slice all up keep sayin how ya can putcha trust in peeps an' dey do da same fo' ya - dats da real JOKE, ahaha!! Cake Slice was SO EASY ta get ta, ya know dat?? Just tell 'em what dey wanna hear, an' dey come runnin'-" The parasite started chuckling hoarsely again, even though everything about his manner just seemed... unnatural and forced, as if he was desperately trying to keep up his facade of having control.
"It's not, but I don't know how to convince you otherwise," Wallis mutters. "And it's hard to trust, I fucking know it is, because I struggle with it too- You're not... ALONE in this, but you can't keep running away from it all, because it WILL catch up eventually!! We BOTH know that!! And I understand the fear of being replaced- Do you have any fucking idea how easy it would be for another star to replace me!?! To come along with weirder magic, or a nicer face, and just throw me under the fucking bus?!! I need to be PERFECT or my career will DIE- Or someone BETTER THAN ME will TAKE MY PLACE!!"
The parasite definitely wasn't expecting that and didn't quite know how to respond, watching the other warily. "It - course dis'll catch up ta me in da long run, heh - made too many peeps totes mad ta escape 'em foreva!! But dat don't got nothin ta do wit dis now, ya dig?? Dat don't... An' dere ain't no peeps ta gotta hide from here dat can off me 'sides Redical, an' she ain't all up lookin all da time no more, yeah?? I dunno whatcha point is, ahaha~" He looked like he was making a noticeable attempt to pull himself together, putting up a broken approximation of his usual act.
"Fresh, please," Wallis whispers, sinking down a bit more with a hitch in his breathing. "....Leave me alone. Leave my family alone, leave my friends alone... Y-You. You'd fucking... KNOW what it's like to lose someone you love. You wouldn't want someone else to go through that... Would you!?? The pain, the agony, the.... You understand, right?? Just.... Just leave," He almost pleads, still trying to keep a strong tone to his voice... It was now or never. He sucks in a deeper breath, suddenly trying to push forward and past Fresh, aiming for neither the door nor the bed.
Fresh just... allowed Wallis to push past, all the will to fight leaving him as he sank back down to the floor and rubbed his eyes with his palms. He knew what they would want was to fight back and get the job done, show none of this affected him, show it was all in the past like he said. Everything would go back to the way it SHOULD be if he could just follow orders and do what he was SUPPOSED to, what he KNEW they would want him to do... but the parasite couldn't muster the energy to move, caught up in all the memories of past events he wished he could forget. This... wasn't supposed to happen. Not again.
Wallis... Wasn't expecting the ease with which he could push past, pausing mid-stride and standing almost back to back with the parasite... Before glancing back, that familiar swell of pity filling his chest, causing him to fall to his knees too, grateful for the rest. He watches Fresh through one eye, head throbbing from the exposed cut and an oncoming migraine,not really sure what to do or say... He just reaches out from behind, to put his hand on Fresh's shoulder in what he hoped was a comforting manner.
Seaweed always said he was too kind for his own good.
Fresh didn't react at all to the supportive motion at first, or even seem to notice - but he relaxed slightly after a moment, an almost subconscious response to the touch. The parasite seemed... drained, as if he couldn't move if he tried. Logically, Fresh knew he needed to pull himself together and fast. The less weaknesses he showed in front of his enemy, the better - and he could barely deal with the faint resistance his host was still putting up. It seemed almost cruel - whenever he thought he was past all this... garbage, it would always come back and hit him when he least expected it. Fresh made an indistinct sound in his throat, curling in on himself a bit more. He needed to get ahold of himself before it was too late.
Finding little to no resistance, he squeezes slightly, shuffling a bit closer and slumping forward just a touch as another wave of dizziness smacked into him from behind... he really did not feel well. "...Sorry."
He wanted this to be over. Yes, he was doing this half selfishly- But seeing the other in pain really was making Wallis want to help... It was just in his nature and upbringing to give chances to the less fortunate, and Fresh seemed pretty damn unfortunate. His entire existence was just... sad. But he wanted it over with fast- He was so tired...
Upon hearing the other's weak voice, Fresh snapped back to reality and the situation he was in, jolting and looking around wildly. He was... Wallis was right next to him, treating him like a friend??? This wasn't RIGHT, what was the magician playing at?? Was he really just sitting there and letting Wallis take advantage of him like that?? What... What was he doing?? This didn't make sense this was WRONG - they weren't going to be happy with him if he didn't find a way to fix this RIGHT NOW. The parasite spun around and lashed out at Wallis in the span of a second, hitting him hard on the head.
Wallis only realised a split second too late what the parasite was doing, only able to wince and try to jerk back in the tiny time frame he was given. He was unsuccessful, letting out a small noise of shocked pain as the attack connected, sending him reeling- He slumps backwards, head also knocking into the ground with a painful thud, vision swimming for a second as he struggled to stay conscious. There wasn't much he could to to fight it, though, especially when he was already so injured... It didn't take long at all for him to black out.
Fresh slowly got to his feet and looked down at his unconscious opponent, lost in thought. They... They would want him to kill Wallis now, wouldn't they?? Prove once and for all that he was above this and wouldn't get dragged back down, while simultaneously making sure the stubborn magician would never cause any problems again. That was what they would want, but... watching Wallis lay on the ground, most likely out cold - the parasite found he couldn't bring himself to do the deed. He really wasn't a killer, despite how he tended to act to the contrary - it made for good intimidation, after all. Besides, Wallis was probably done with anyways, right?? He would give up after this, realizing he would only get himself hurt, and Fresh could find another plan without dealing with his interference! ...Right?? That was the logical thing to do, after all.
Saving your own skin instead of doing... whatever Wallis had been doing. Of course, Wallis wasn't a threat to him anymore. No need to off him if it wasn't absolutely necessary. Even with all the complications, this was a SUCCESS! He showed he won over his STUPID memories in order to get the job done, and he could just say he had been trying to get close to Wallis so he could strike!!
Never mind that if they truly had been watching - which they probably were - they would have seen all the opportunities he had let by beforehand before finally putting an end to it. Fresh took another step away from the mostly unmoving body, turning his gaze to the ceiling. "Yo, uh..." the parasite croaked out before stopping to clear his threat and try again.
"Yo, ya were all up watchin dis, yeah?? Uh, heh - Did I all up prove mahself now, brahs?? Didn't let none o dat emotional garbage junk hold me back in da end, yanno? All up got dis in da BAG like always!! Just wanted ta... mess wit' Wally a bit, ya know?? Let 'im think he got ta me an' all dat befo' takin' 'im out - dats all, dawgs, ain't no biggie!! See, yo?? I ain't - I ain't strayin, yo!! All up stayin on da straight an' narrow as always, no need ta all up send anotha - anotha reminder or nothin, I all up got dis mahself!! Ya... Ya hearin dis, brahs?? I totes GOT dis an' I ain't lettin nothin hold me down no more!! Da Fresh is BACK AGAIN, yo, an' I ain't..." His voice trailed off again, and he rested his head in his palms for a moment before sparing another nervous glance at the ceiling.
"...Ya listenin', right? Ya know ya don't gotta... Ya probs ain't happy, I get dat. Dats - all up aight, yo!! Cuz I can all up PROVE I got dis when I take ova dis place, ya dig?? Wally ain't gonna cause no more probs - I promise ya dat, ah haha!!" Fresh managed to choke out a faint laugh before remembering where he was once more. The parasite began pulling his shades back out to slip them back on, only sparing a quick glance at his defeated foe before spinning around and striding out of the house (making an effort to be more quiet than he usually was, no point in making it this far and getting caught now).
The parasite gently closed the still-unlocked door behind him before spinning around and walking off into the night, his blanket fanning out behind him.
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usatrendingsports · 7 years
With Yankees and Crimson Sox stacked, MLB groups ought to raid the remainder of the AL East
The Boston Crimson Sox are the defending AL East champs. They have a younger and dynamic core, have solely Drew Pomeranz and Craig Kimbrel as pending free brokers in 2018, and look poised to contend for division crowns for years to come back.
The New York Yankees fell simply in need of the World Collection final season. Aaron Choose, Gary Sanchez, and Luis Severino comprise one of the electrical teams of homegrown expertise within the sport, and so they simply added defending NL MVP Giancarlo Stanton to the combination. They too determine to be harmful for some time, with a mix of youth, expertise and cash that is robust to beat.
With these AL East powerhouses wielding extra youth, extra expertise and more cash than their AL East rivals, baseball’s intelligentsia has began advising the Jays, Orioles and Rays to promote their greatest high-priced commodities for youthful gamers with upside.  
For the report, we agree. The Orioles may make a last-ditch effort to contend subsequent season earlier than Manny Machado, Adam Jones, Zach Britton, Brad Brach and others check free company … however a woeful lack of beginning pitching makes promoting the wiser alternative. The Rays hung across the fringes of wild-card rivalry for a lot of final season and most of their greatest gamers are underneath 30 … however they will additionally seemingly lose Alex Cobb and Logan Morrison to free company this winter, have expressed curiosity in additional curbing payroll and have a number of extremely marketable gamers they might store. The Jays made back-to-back ALCS appearances in 2015 and 2016, they’ve led the AL in attendance in every of the previous two seasons and so they suffered by way of so many accidents and a lot unhealthy luck final 12 months pure bounce-back must be anticipated … however additionally they employed the oldest group of place gamers within the majors final season, a nasty signal for a group hoping to make an enormous leap.
If the O’s, Rays and Jays do resolve to pursue veterans-for-youth offers, they will have loads of suitors for his or her greatest out there gamers. This is a rundown of these gamers, and the groups most definitely to hitch the bidding for his or her providers, in the event that they grow to be out there.
The Orioles are mentioned to be listening to provides for Manny Machado.  USATSI
Manny Machado, 3B/SS, Orioles
Suitors: Cardinals, Angels, Phillies
Baltimore’s ubertalented 25-year-old star has one 12 months left earlier than he can begin fielding free-agent provides that might simply prime $300 million. Given the conservative strategy that the Angelos household and GM Dan Duquette have deployed in recent times, it is almost inconceivable to think about Machado re-signing with the O’s, now or subsequent winter. With few viable pitching choices for subsequent season past Kevin Gausman and Dylan Bundy, it is also robust to think about the Orioles vying for an AL East crown in Machado’s final 12 months on the town. So the commerce rumors now swirling round Machado make tons of sense.
Additionally making sense: The Cardinals as a extremely celebration. St. Louis hung round in rivalry for a lot of final season earlier than fading late, and was an aggressive bidder within the Giancarlo Stanton sweepstakes. Machado is a special type of participant than Stanton and performs a special place, however he’d nonetheless give the Playing cards an enormous increase at both third base or shortstop, with 2017 rookie standout Paul DeJong manning whichever place Machado would not take. Machado slumped badly within the first three months of final season, weighing down his end-of-year outcomes. However he is nonetheless a dynamic energy supply in his personal proper who’d be an MVP-caliber participant if he reverts again to his 2015-2016 kind. Baltimore’s determined for younger beginning pitching and the Playing cards have extra of it than nearly every other group, with Luke Weaver, Alex Reyes, and Jack Flaherty heading the group’s record of thrilling arms.
The Angels haven’t got anyplace close to that type of prospect energy, however Andrew Heaney and Tyler Skaggs no less than supply expertise and a number of years of group management, albeit with much less upside and extra harm issues than, say, Weaver. In the meantime the Phillies would see Machado as extra of a long-term play, and would seemingly attempt to work out a long-term extension in the event that they had been to pursue him; do not wager on Machado giving up his shot at a large free-agent bidding battle, although.
Josh Donaldson might have carried out all that he can do in Toronto for the Blue Jays.  USATSI
Josh Donaldson, 3B, Blue Jays
Suitors: Yankees, Cardinals, Angels
It wasn’t anyplace close to as horny a transfer because the Stanton rating, however GM Brian Cashman foisting Chase Headley and his total $13 million wage on the Padres was an enormous coup in its personal proper, giving the Yankees about $27 million in wiggle room underneath the posh tax as they attempt to fill out their roster. Headley’s departure, together with 2017 deadline pickup Todd Frazier hitting the open market, does imply that the Yanks might want to discover a third baseman this winter. Re-signing Frazier might be the trail of least resistance, given Frazier’s mixture of energy, affordability, and his zeal for enjoying in New York.
The Bombers may suppose greater, although. And with Peter Angelos reportedly blanching at any commerce situation that sends Machado to the Bronx, Donaldson might be a hell of a backup plan. The 32-year-old former MVP missed 49 video games final season, however nonetheless posted his traditional monstrous offensive numbers. He is now not a Gold Glove-quality third baseman, however nonetheless profiles as a plus defender who would additionally make New York’s lineup much more terrifying. The Cardinals have been serious about Donaldson for some time and will renew their efforts to land him this winter. The Jays’ tenuous place — a veteran-laden group only a 12 months faraway from a playoff run, with a rabid however context-sensitive fan base which may not be as keen to click on the turnstiles and purchase big foam fingers if Donaldson and others get shipped out of city — complicates issues significantly.
We might need to get used to seeing Evan Longoria in a special uniform.  USATSI
Evan Longoria, 3B, Rays
Suitors: Yankees, Cardinals, Angels, Giants, Braves
As soon as an MVP contender in his personal proper, Longoria’s clearly within the decline section of his profession at age 32. However, $86 million over the following 5 years for a participant of his talent stage is not too onerous, particularly if Longoria’s near-term future seems to be extra seemingly his 2016 (.273/.318/.521) than his 2017 efficiency (.261/.313/.424). Longoria rated as a top-five defender at his place in 2017 and will see his numbers perk up significantly away from Tropicana Subject, a ballpark that completely squashes right-handed energy hitters.
All of these components make him an intriguing commerce candidate for any variety of groups — apparent suitors just like the Yankees and Playing cards, but in addition talent-starved golf equipment just like the Giants and Braves which have black holes at third base, and cash to spend. New Atlanta GM Alex Anthopoulos has by no means been shy about making splashy strikes too. The larger query is whether or not the Rays will commerce the perfect participant in franchise historical past only a 12 months into what the group may need hoped can be the deal that might carry Longoria all the best way into retirement. That Tampa Bay may flirt with wild-card rivalry with somewhat luck and a few well-placed strikes makes a Longoria blockbuster much more doubtful.
Others who might be in play if their groups dive into promote mode:
Chris Archer, SP, Rays Alex Colome, RP, Rays Adam Jones, OF, Orioles Zach Britton, RP, Orioles Brad Brach, RP, Orioles J.A. Happ, SP, Jays Roberto Osuna, SP, Jays
There’s a lot on the market for relief-hungry groups to buy this winter, with Wade Davis and Greg Holland heading a category that continues to be deep even with high quality arms like Mike Minor and Brandon Morrow already securing new gigs. Groups on the lookout for aid assist with out the burden of a multi-year deal for giant bucks may pursue the commerce route, although, with Britton and Brach as doubtlessly cheaper one-year leases, and Colome coming off a league-leading 47 saves, albeit with an oddly diminished strikeout price. The Astros, Dodgers, Rockies, Twins and Diamondbacks are all 2017 playoff golf equipment actively on the lookout for high quality relievers, although veteran right-hander Pat Neshek signing with the last-place Phillies this week reminds us that any and each group might be in play. The Jays have been reluctant to dangle Roberto Osuna up to now and will have missed their splendid commerce window anyway, if Osuna’s summer time of ’17 woes carry over into subsequent season.
Archer touchdown with the Cubs nearly makes an excessive amount of sense. He was the linchpin of a multiplayer deal again in 2011, one which noticed Archer and a number of other different proficient younger gamers go to the Rays, with Matt Garza shipped to the North Aspect; Cubs supervisor Joe Maddon clearly is aware of Archer effectively too. The 4 years and $34 million Archer has left on his long-term deal make him top-of-the-line bargains in all of baseball, although after all that solely incentivizes the Rays to maintain him, except a bidder makes a big supply. Happ might be a strong backup plan for the Cubs, and he’d additionally make sense for the Astros (Lance McCullers and Charlie Morton are harm dangers), Yankees (it will get awfully skinny after Luis Severino, Masahiro Tanaka, and Sonny Grey), Crimson Sox (David Worth insurance coverage), Mariners, Brewers and Twins. Jones wasn’t something particular final 12 months at .285/.322/.466 with sub-par protection in middle discipline, however he might be an fascinating get for an outfield-needy group like Cleveland, given Michael Brantley’s ongoing harm issues. 
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