#//thank you to courtesons for making me edit this bio
thekingswench · 2 years
Tiago Saavedra
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Faceclaim - Pedro Pascal
Full Name - Agustín Tiago Bustamante Saavedra
Nicknames - Auggie, Tee
Age - 46 years of age 
Birthdate - 15 April 1975
Gender - Cismale, he/him  
Sexuality - Bisexual, Polyamourous 
Ethnicity & Nationality - Latinx, Chilean 
Occupation - Biostatician with emphasis in pharmacology & botany
Educational Information - Bachelor’s degrees in Mathematics & Botany, Master’s dissertation on statistics pertaining to spatial dimensions, PhD on the medicinal importance of exoticized plant species pertaining to psychotropic medications 
Mother - María Estrada Saavedra (67)
Father - Tomás Agustín Ureta Bustamante (72)
Siblings - José Santiago Bustamante Saavedra (m, 39), Maite Bustamante Saavedra (f, 49), Sofía Isidora Bustamante Saavedra (f, 46), Mateo Bustamante Saavedra (m, 42)
Tiago is very close with his family and, when not working, can be found taking his leave with them. The Saaevedra household is full of laughter and good humor so that, no doubt, infects the people they bring to meet the family, as well. 
Affectionate - Tiago is very loving and has a lot of love to give to the people he cares about. There is never not a time when he is actively trying to do sweet things for those he considers his, whether that be family or friends. Often, that affection is very lowkey, seen in physical touch or acts of kindness (such as cooking a meal or carrying someone to bed), but it is something that is almost ingrained into his personality. However, that does not mean that his affection cannot take on different forms with different people, and sometimes that affection may look odd to people not in on the “secret.” 
Dependable -  If there is one person you should be able to count on, it’s Tiago. Whether you’re on an unfamiliar planet or just need some help around the house, he is the one you want to back you up when you need it. That dependability leaves him feeling very steady, something secure that you might not have otherwise. Despite his eccentricities and the fact that he is passionate about his work, and that might come across as being very “out there,” Tiago is one of the loyal people in the world. Once you have him, you have him for the rest of your life unless you do something too unforgivable to jeopardize that trust. (Even then, depending upon the circumstances and the relationship, he might let you in again, but he would never stop caring, even if he says he has). 
Humorous - Tiago is always laughing and always there to entertain. A bit of a class-clown type, when circumstances call for it, he is often the one to lend a bit of humour to an otherwise heavy situation. He makes it his goal to get each of his team to laugh when they need it because, as his mother always used to tell him, ‘laughter is the best medicine, mijo. Use it as often as you can.’ 
Argumentative -  Despite his genteel attitude (most of the time) and his seemingly bookish persona, Tiago has a lot to say about a lot of things and when he thinks (or knows) he’s right, he will defend that knowledge like a pitbull. He doesn’t let go of an argument until it is sufficiently played out when it is serious. When it’s not, well, sometimes he argues for arguments’ sake. Particularly when it comes to Fredi Castillo, the argumentation is often just a chance to speak with the other man, to get him to notice him, but far be it from Tiago to ever reveal that information. 
Sarcastic - Growing up with four siblings has made Tiago adept at not only understanding the intricacies of sarcasm, but perfecting his own brand of it. His witticisms are often dry and, with the right tone, may go directly over someone’s head. Even still, it is perhaps one mode of communication that Tiago is most fond of. He employs it liberally and delights in doing so, much to his partners’ chagrin. Sometimes that sarcasm can get him into sticky situations, but he is smart enough to get him out, too, most of the time. And, if not, he has three other people that have his back. 
*Eccentric - Tiago’s eccentricities are vast and bred deeply into his being, something that he has had since he was a young boy. His family are well aware of his ability to monologue about a rare flower species for hours at a time or to infodump about something he has hyper fixated on for months’, which is often how his research begins, but those who might not be used to him may find it tedious or difficult to work through. When he was growing up, he often had to curb these eccentricities for fear of being ridiculed, but he has since embraced them. Visiting his workplace means that you will often come into contact with Tiago at his most open so his eccentricities will not be hidden, just as they would not be when with his family. If you are asked to put your right shoe on the left side of your left and hand your laundry to him from the left instead of the right, an upward motion instead of downward, just indulge him. He promises you’ll get used to it or, if not, will be able to, shortly upon your arrival. 
Agustín Tiago Bustamante Saavedra was born fifteen minutes ahead of his sister, Sofía, on a warm April morning, welcomed into this world with an eager older sister smiling down upon them and two incredibly relieved parents. The Saveedra family is one of love and laughter and Tiago and his sister were quickly welcomed into that tradition by a warm extended family and quiet, friendly community. When María brought her children home, there was homemade food, as much supplies as the new additions to the family could need, and a neighborhood that rallied around their newest additions with open arms. 
Kindness and community are what Tiago grew up in and, with them, he thrived. 
As he grew from a curious toddler into a bright young boy, Tiago’s thirst for knowledge and the unknowable continued to grow. He was constantly asking questions of his mother and eagerly awaited his father to return home from the hospital after each shift so that he could hear all about his day. Even when the stories were not perfect, when they did not have a happy ending, Tiago wanted to know them. Tomás never denied his son, even when he probably should have, but that indulgence ultimately created a man who loved to learn, who thrived in that space, and who would become the top of his class at the academy where he received his education. 
While a bit of an eccentric and a lover of all things mathematical, Tiago’s easy-going personality usually endeared him to all those around him, even when they didn’t initially get along. He was a bit of a nerd in the lower grades but he eventually grew out of that, looks-wise, and grew more confident. He is still quiet, but now that quietness hides an over-active mind and a man that always has a plan, even when it might not be one hundred percent perfect. 
His thirst for knowledge led him to a career in academia, one which would become integral in his assignment to his current workplace and the affections that would grow between the team; doing this work, they become a family. Hand-picked for his theses on the spatial dimensions and his work with psychotropic fauna species, Tiago and the rest of his team have been tasked with searching to find the substances most likely to aid medical researchers, hoping that the work they do may prove to be the key to unlocking significant advancements in medicine, enough to save lives and earn their place in the history books as the research team to do so. 
Tiago cannot have children. While he recognizes that that would bother some people, he does not care. His family is large enough and he has enough cousins and nieces/nephews that there doesn’t feel like a “void” in his life without kids. He always has children around him, even if they are not his own, and that is enough for him. Tiago is also definitely open to the idea of raising children with his partners, but would sooner adopt than have anyone birth one of their own. For him, family is not only that which you are born into, but that which you choose. 
Tiago is potentially on the autism spectrum, as he has tendencies toward those behaviors, though he has never officially been diagnosed. He has lived his life long-enough - and has learned how to remove himself from stressors that would endanger himself or his crew - to know how to cope with certain things, so he's never really chased one. 
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