#//sorry I went insane for a moment I had to write this FNDNDJDB
optimismxmagicism · 27 days
A moment stuck in time
(Post Happyland Drabble) (bgm)
They were about to return home, the island previously full of life now seeming so empty. Seeing inside the Villa, a little pocket in time, made his heart hurt. So much love must’ve gone into these rooms, all those toys…. There were more than he could’ve ever dreamed of. He wondered if they were all loved and played with at one point.. Like he loved his own stuffed rabbit.
But it was over now, wasn’t it?
These poor toys, he wondered if they’ll be forgotten. A fading memory only to those who set foot on the island. Fading together with their master.. that’s just too sad. He didn’t know who the master of the villa might’ve been. An old toymaker? A small child? What was the history of this place? It evoked a sentimentality he didn’t know he had.
He was about to step back outside, when his foot hit something. One plushie, a seeming outlier away from the other piles. It was dusty, but recognizable as an animal of some sorts. Gently, with soft hands he picked it up and brushed off the layer of dust, revealing a cute looking white creature.
A soft smile.
He looked around. Was anyone watching?
A warm hug. He wondered when the last time was this toy received one?
“Don’t worry. I’ll be your friend now.”
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