#//she's like fine you don't want anything? you get a kiss >:3c
redstainedglasses · 2 years
@ira-sturm :"I was just giving a gift." She says with a shrug. "I don't mind what I am given return if anything at all. Pick something and I will be satisfied if you feel the need to return the favor."
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Vertebrae shook her head, oh these offerors just didn't get the whole give and take did they?
Sighing her shade hoisted her up to the oni's height, she snatched her face in her hands and planted a smooch on her cheek. It was typically what she defaulted to when her offeror wasn't sure of what they wanted in return.
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"There!" the jester proclaimed, content she'd upheld her half of the trade. "Now we're even."
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space-woomy · 2 months
22. Agent 24 >:3c
From this ask game! (I hope)
22. Nap
"I...Am fines, Molly..." Eight slurred, her hands struggling to stay still as they titled from side to side over top the weapon she was working on.
"Uh-huh, sure you are." Molly insinuated. "I mean, you look absolutley amazing." They leaned down and picked up the end of one of Eight's tentacle. It's color was a much duller magenta than the rest of it. They let go, and it flopped down past Eight's shoulder.
"Molly...hun, I have to do work...no matter how tireds I am." Eight sighed.
She had been meticulously working to clean out every inch of this weapon for a few days now. It was a special order that needed to be done by next week. It was plenty of time for Eight, but she had put a lot of stress on herself because it was "special".
"Eight, please..." Molly leaned down and wrapped their arms around Eight. "You can work on this tomorrow...that's what you always tell me."
"I knooooow...But I want to work on this..." Eight wined.
"...do you?" Molly questioned.
"...no..." Eight admitted. "But what else am I going to do? I feels...too tired to do anything..."
"Then take a nap, dummy." Molly stated.
"...I am unfamiliar with what that is."
"You...Y-You don't know what a nap is?" Molly queried.
"...Yes. What is it?" Eight asked.
Molly took a second before responding. "Well, it's...it's going to sleep, but not at night. and not for several hours...hopefully..."
They were kind of taken aback by Eight's answer. They doubted that the concept of a nap itself was unfamiliar to her. It was most likely a combination of the inkling word for it and, unfortunately, probably due to never having been allowed one back in the military.
"It sounds inefficient." Eight remarked.
"It's not." Molly stated.
"...still, I am...*yawn*...I have already committed myself to doing this today." Eight said.
"...how about this..." Molly started. They leaned closer to Eight's ear and gently nuzzled the side of her head. "...you take a nap for an hour or two, and then get back to work on this, ok? Somethin' to give you a bit of energy."
"..." Eight silently debated the choice in her head.
"...I'll join you if you want..." Molly suggested.
"...you will nap with me?" Eight inquired.
"Yep...get aaaaaaall nice and cuddled up...be all warm..." Molly whispered as they gently rubbed Eight's forearms. "...I'll let you be the big spoon~..." That was the final tipping point to convince Eight.
"...hehe...ok..." Eight relinquished. She set down the small tools in her hands and took off the goggles around her head, setting them down on the table. As she began to get up, Molly picked her up from her seat, holding her in their arms.
"oh!" Eight gasped. "H-hun...you do not have to be doing this..." Eight smiled.
"Nope. I don't. But I want to." Molly said flatly. They carried their girlfriend over to the bet, and gently set her down. Eight quickly scooted over as Molly climbed in to join her. The 2 of them wrapped around each other, legs tangled together, with Molly resting their head in Eight's chest.
"...this is nice already, right?" Molly inquired.
"...yeah...but...I do not think this will do much about my energy..." Eight forced a smile. In her mind, she was stuck with sleep being only for night. You could only sleep when it was time to sleep. But Molly was willing to break this.
"You'll see. Naps are great. I kinda don't think I'd be hear without them." Molly admitted. "...here, let me help you with falling asleep."
Molly pulled herself up to Eight's face, and began to gently place kisses all over it, and her neck. Eight couldn't help but giggle, and try to return them back. As she did however, she felt her tiredness begin to be replaced by sleepiness. Molly's soft lips gingerly planting warm smooches all over her face was oddly soothing. She felt less worried about her work, a lot more relaxed...she only really cared about the moment she was in...about Molly...
Molly's kisses gradually slowed down, getting more and more gentle as they focused more on Eight's neck. They rubbed their hands along her back and hips, snuggling deeper into her. They eventually stopped, nestling into their lover. Eight's eyes were fluttering, the last remnants of her will to work being melted away by the cuddles. She sighed, and hugged Molly tighter, nuzzling their mantle as she let the feeling of warmth and love wash over her...
Her mind was filled with thoughts of how caring Molly was, how sweet they were, and how cuddly they were being...no thoughts of the deadline, work, or how exhausted she felt...just thoughts of love and comfort...as the 2 of them gently drifted into their nap...
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bluevelvet-room · 2 years
please talk to me about naokei :3 dont mess with the naokei fandom theres like 5 of us
ohoho anon. i promise you with my entire heart that i am one of those 5. not a day goes by that i'm not thinking about those boys. now, to preface any ramblings that may happen after this, i will say: a lot of how i view naoya's character has to do with the manga, but not All of it. i've never actually read the manga, just played the game (smt persona, not revelations). i basically treat the smt persona characters like they are my own personal blorbos in my head, and i am not responsible for anything that might not align with your own view of naokei (though all views of naokei are valid)
ANYWAYS. (under a readmore for the rambling, hope it works)
in my head, their relationship doesn't happen until post game. i mean, obviously i dont really think it should happen while they are going through the worst questionable amount of days of their life, but i also dont really want it to happen during their school years either. naoya has some healing to do and kei has some growing up to do. i do think at this point kei has a crush on naoya, but that it is not necessarily reciprocated.
BUT, being wayyyy more detailed about my own personal naokei (the naokei that lives in my brain and is therefore superior) i do have a version of this vague thought where they do like. kiss during the events of the game, similarly to naoya recieving a kiss from fake maki - kei initiates, naoya gently rejects. and then it is a game of sort of avoiding each other in a fun misunderstanding way and everyone else is like guys what tf happened??? you were fine and now we can't get you to be in the same room for longer than two seconds? annoying!!!! once they graduate, kei goes off as he canonically does to work in his own company to become Humbled, and naoya leaves for new york city with yuka and mark to study art (hehe. artist friends :3 yuka's studying for fashion design but she is also modeling. no we couldnt get thru anything related to smt persona without me bringing her up)
and then the events of persona 2 (and part 2 electric boogaloo) happen. no i havent played them we dont need to talk about it. what i DO know is that at the end of the second one the st hermelin bitches have a reunion and naoya appears there. convenient, yes? (i had to go look it up to make sure i had not made this up) naoya has had time to heal and trust close relationships, kei has matured. their friends wont shut up about the "fight" they had in high school, they wont stop insisting they never fought and they are Not avoiding each other. they are both tipsy to full on drunk. they leave the bar together. they either fuck or have a heartfelt conversation or both. either way they are dating by the next day. (and then a few years later in p1 parents au they adopt baby akira, bc this is fully canon to that au)
i really like their dynamic in the end bc it's like. you'd think theyre total opposites but they actually have a lot in common? and they love each other :3c
in conclusion.
naoya, was playing pokemon the entire time they were in a nightmare hellscape: in case you haven't noticed, i'm a gamer. i game. i don't stop gaming. and i dont want to stop gaming. you ever see me without this stupid gameboy in my hands? that's video games.
kei: what's a pokeman????????
(sorry if this is not what you wanted from me anon, and i'm sure i can pull more thoughts out of my ass if anyone ends up interested)
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zoe-oneesama · 3 years
I noticed on your Season 4 Index that you’ve finished Robustus (congratulations on another completed episode!) which means the next one on the schedule is Prime Queen. Any opinions on Nadja, her akuma, or the plot itself that you’d like to share after you’re finished rewatching for SL? :3c
OHOHOHO You caught me at a good time because I JUST watched it yesterday and I have THOUGHTS!
This might surprise some people but this was actually my first viewing of Prime Queen. Yeah. I'm that behind. And I had a few preconceived ideas that turned out to be just...lies?
I thought Nadja had full intentions of doing a good interview but after Chloe calling in just to brag about herself and Alya trying to steal views (as well as throwing her off by having Manon there when Marinette's supposed to be watching her) I thought Nadja was pushed by Harlette to save the show by bringing up the Dark Cupid kiss to push the idea of LadyNoir being a couple.
NOPE! Turns out this was her plan all along! Harlette constantly brings up the "scoop" that NADJA pitched to her and the "supportive evidence" that she brought! Holy hell, that totally reframes the whole thing! The whole time Nadja tricked two teenage superheroes into an hour long interview with the intention of needling them about their romantic relationship?! That's so fucked up and I don't feel anything when her show is "cancelled" and she's a sobbing mess when she's akumatized because that's what you DESERVE Nadja!
Also the akuma seemed to ping pong between a dumb writer and a genius writer because there was some whiplash to Prime Queen's level of diabolical genius:
Dumb Writer: "Admit you're a couple live on 'tv' or I'll crash a train with Chloe Bourgeois in it!"
Heroes: "Ugh, FINE, sure, we're a couple, you happy now?"
Genius Writer: "Almost. Now that I've trapped you in a walk in freezer miles away, reveal your identities and give me your Miraculous or I'll drop the Ladyblogger, tied up and stuck in a sarcophagus, into the Seine to drown 💕"
Heroes: "Uhhhhhh- counter offer, we WILL do those things, but you don't get to watch because we put a pizza box over the only TV screen in the freezer."
Dumb Writer: "Hope you're not lying~" *punches with the arm that HAS THE AKUMA WATCH ON IT!
Like, girl, you HAD them! Why'd you turn stupid after turning brilliant?!
Another assumption I had was that Chat Noir kept trying to kiss Ladybug because he was hung up on the Dark Cupid kiss picture that he couldn't remember and wanted to make up for it. NOPE! He literally never brings that up again, doesn't seem concerned with it, and is just going along with Prime Queen's want for them to be a "couple". Yeah, sure, why do anything INTERESTING with a call back, that would only be fun or something and we can't have that here.
Moving on, I don't understand the show's In Universe Obsession with LIVE shows, it literally only made sense in "Stormy Weather" and "Ikari Gozen" because in SW that was an American Idol live finale to, what I'm assuming, was a season long competition where the outcome is determined by votes and in IK because it was a real time competition where the participants were normal people, not preselected competitors.
But "Kung Food"? "Troublemaker?" "Silencer?" and now "Prime Queen?" Why are these live? Is France television nothing but LIVE competition shows and interviews? Isn't that a huge liability risk, especially when the studio is KIDz+? Even if I went on a show with the best of intentions to keep myself PG, I might stub my toe and cuss LIVE ON TV, do they want to take that risk?
I'm basically trying to say that Nadja's big meltdown could've been avoided if it wasn't LIVE - Ladybug and Chat Noir could've recorded ahead of time, gone over okay and not okay questions, and then if Nadja goes off script, offending their guests to the point of leaving, she's not in the lurch and would have time to edit around it or find a solution. But no, because if all these multiple shows weren't LIVE it wouldn't be...as humiliating???? Just seems like things that professional "journalists" would predict and have contingencies for.
(It was funny that views went down as soon as Chloe was on the screen.)
The first half of the akuma becomes so frustrating because it comes across as Nadja being akumatized because two teenagers wouldn't "admit" to being in a romantic relationship when that was a rumor SHE STARTED! (Wait is this Glaciator 0.5?)
I dunno the legitimacy of this translation but like 👀
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Maybe this was present in Season 1, but this is the first time I've noticed Chat Noir say "Cataclysm" several times without activating it, so, confirmed: Intent Matters. I look forward to a later episode debunking this idea because consistency doesn't live here.
They made a big deal of saving Chat Noir's cataclysm until the very end and then didn't even use it on the akuma - he used it on the freezer door AFTER the akuma was defeated, lol. Like, don't get me wrong, I get WHY, but it's just that they brought it up so many times that this felt like a "wah wah" moment in comparison to the build up.
And while I'm glad Marinette got to wrap up her Having-to-Ditch-Alya-with-Manon thing in a satisfying way, it is weird they didn't wrap up the whole "everyone thinks we're a couple" thing since the whole episode was stuck on it? Like, I guess I get it because the resolution is that there ISN'T one which is why we have episodes like Glaciator 2, but you get what I mean when it feels like within the episode there's no resolution? Especially since this is supposed to be back in the "watch in any order" era.
"Prime Queen" has some of the derpiest, creepiest faces. But it's "Red Bang Alya" so I know it's the less..good studio:
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That's Chat Noir trying to be suave and go for a kiss
Manon without her buck teeth. She didn't have them when she was talking either
More than once Nadja's lips are off center in a way that doesn't seem intentional
Chat's bottom lip remains curled up like this while he schools Ladybug about the Subway System and it's W E I R D
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Chloe and Alya both call in with the lights off for some reason, but it really makes Chloe's facial features get really creepy
Chat where's your NOSE?!
His chin is so BIG!
This episode is just kinda pointless. Extra pointless because for all of Nadja's sobbing about her career being over she sure did bounce back immediately with a literal rename of the EXACT SAME SHOW, which instead of feeling like a resolution just makes Nadja look melodramatic.
I also hate that when Alya says "LadyNoir is not a couple" that's listened to and is "setting the record straight", not when Ladybug HERSELF said that she and Chat weren't a couple. Gross.
So yeah. My struggle right now (since I'm in the writing phase) isn't not coming up with ideas on where to take the episode, it's that I have too MANY directions I could take the episode and need to nail it down. A lot of competing ideas are happening right now, so I'm narrowing it down so that we have some focus while also being a satisfying Season 4 Finale that leads into Season 5.
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jetsetlife138 · 4 years
DarkBeej continuation? ;3c moved to another prompt list this time! :D 5. "So tell me when you're gonna let me in." 55. "Don't you ever do that again." 61. "Is this too fast for you? Too fucking bad."
Paring: Dark!Beetlejuice x Fem!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Emotional Manipulation, Threats of Physical Abuse, Dub-Con, Stockholm Syndrome, Psychological Trauma
I hate Tumblr’s formatting. It always fucks with me. Sorry for any issues. Please enjoy! xoxoxo
“Are you hungry?” Beetlejuice asked as he magically summoned his clothes back onto his body after your intimate shower together. 
“Um, yeah, actually,” you replied, only now remembering that you had hardly eaten at all since you had gotten there.
“Well, let’s go into the kitchen and see what I can come up with,” Beetlejuice insisted, taking you by the hand and leading you out of the bathroom and through the dark hallway.
A paranoid thought clawed through your mind at that moment, and you couldn’t help but ask in terror, “You’re not going to poison me and kill me… are you?”
Beetlejuice halted immediately to stare directly at you. His eyes appeared to glow brightly in the darkness, reminding you that he wasn’t human, which made your stomach churn in fear. “Babe, you know I would never do that, right?” he insisted, caressing your cheek gently.
“It’s just… and please don’t get upset… you’ve hurt me quite a bit since I’ve arrived and I don’t know if you’re going to do it again. Please, Beetlejuice… don’t tie me up again” you pleaded, losing control over your emotions.
Beetlejuice’s heart shattered at the desperation in your voice. “Don’t you understand that I had to do that? I’ve explained this already. Weren’t you listening? I had to show you how deeply my love runs for you. I couldn’t show you that by simply telling you. You had to feel it for yourself. You had to experience every emotional cut, every stab, every bite, and every other painful encounter that I have felt for you. But now that you have, we can move on and you can understand. Unless, of course… you don’t?”
His question was a challenge, which you picked up on immediately. It was clear that you were pushing Beetlejuice too far with your honesty and you had to do something that would convince him once again that you understood his actions, as barbaric as they were.
With an animalistic impulse and a burst of strength, you shoved Beetlejuice up against the wall in the dark hallway before pressing yourself against him. Gripping the back of his neck tightly, you shoved your mouth against his, devouring him hungrily.
Beetlejuice hesitated for a moment, not fully understanding what was happening, but it didn’t take long for him to melt into the kiss and plunge his tongue into your mouth and explore it greedily.
The kiss was hot, heavy, and uncoordinated, but it was just what Beetlejuice needed. It was all passion and he held onto your hips, pulling you even closer. Absentmindedly, you began to grind your hips into Beetlejuice’s, the friction causing Beetlejuice to moan into the kiss.
Much to your bewilderment, you had started to lose yourself in the intimate encounter, even slightly enjoying the way Beetlejuice’s form fit against your own. When it dawned on you that you were letting your control slip away, you pulled back slowly, breathing heavily, wishing that you could see Beetlejuice’s expression in the darkness.
“Oh wow, gorgeous. That was… um… unexpected,” Beetlejuice sputtered. “I adore you, babe,” he concluded, lifting your hand to kiss the back of it tenderly. “Come on, let’s get you something to eat.”
Though you were grateful to have found a way to distract Beetlejuice from his flaring temper, it made you nervous. It was obvious that you had to use sex and affection as a weapon, but you knew that you couldn’t overdo it or Beetlejuice would notice. He wasn’t a dumb guy, but he was clouded with obsession, and you knew that you could use that to your advantage if you played your cards right. The only problem was remembering that it was an act and that you weren’t actually falling for the psychotic son of a bitch that kidnapped you and had put you through hell.
Beetlejuice had escorted you to the table nestled in the corner of the severely outdated kitchen as he started to raid the cabinets for something to eat. “As I’m sure you can imagine… I don’t eat. But there’s gotta be something in here that will hold you over.” Picking up a box from the cupboard, he inspected it with a grimace. “How does Mac n’ cheese sound?”
“That sounds perfect,” you assured him.
“Excellent! Obviously, I think it goes without saying that I’m not the best cook. I had to possess a guy to get this stuff, but it seemed pretty basic enough that even I could make it. I guess we’ll find out!.”
You were consistently confused when it came to Beetlejuice’s demeanor. It was almost as if he was suddenly normal and not a dead psychotic ghoul. There were no mood swings, no threats, and no gore obsession. If you didn’t know any better, you would think that you and Beetlejuice were actually friends. It was a very odd situation and you had to constantly remind yourself of what Beetlejuice was capable of.
As Beetlejuice started to prepare the food, the silence became uncomfortable and he decided to initiate conversation. “So, is there anything you want to talk about?”
You were hesitant to reply. “Uh, no, I’m fine. I don’t mind sitting here quietly.” Your attempt to sway him from further discussion didn’t go over well.
Beetlejuice turned to give you a disapproving stare. “Come on, hot stuff. You don’t have anything you wanna talk about? No typical breather concerns or questions about your new home or our future or anything? I seem to recall you being very chatty when you first arrived. So tell me when you’re gonna let me in, babe. Obviously, at first, you weren’t ready or willing to hear me out. It seems like you are now, so go ahead. Fire away.”
You considered his proposal for a minute. The first question you wanted to ask was where the exit was, but that obviously wouldn’t go over well. Ultimately, you had decided to start out with something simple that would help your connection to Beetlejuice. “I guess I’m curious about you. I really don’t know much about you. How did you end up here? What happened to you?”
“Ahh,” Beetlejuice acknowledged with approval. “Now we’re getting somewhere. It’s a long story, but I guess you should know.” He turned his attention back to the boiling pot of water as he thought back on his past.. 
“I had everything in life - or so it would seem. My life was pretty fulfilling. I spent a good amount of time traveling, graduated from Harvard Business School, attended Julliard, and ultimately ended up as an overpaid corporate lackey. But none of that mattered. Not after I met her.”
Unable to stop yourself, you swallowed hard as you failed to hold back your grimace. Luckily, he didn’t notice anything. “I couldn’t sleep, I wasn’t eating, and I fell into a depression because I couldn’t have her. She didn’t want me. So, I took her.”
You were grateful that Beetlejuice was currently focused on preparing your meal and wasn’t facing you to notice your appalled expression.
“You remind me of her in that way. You didn’t want me at first either. Remember how badly you treated me?” he asked, turning briefly to raise his eyebrows at you.
“I do. I’m really sorry about that, Beetlejuice. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
The ghoul chuckled and turned back to the hot stove. “That’s alright, babe. We’re past that now. You’re mine, and you’ll never leave me again.”
The way he said it so matter-of-factly sent a shiver down your spine. It was difficult to understand how Beetlejuice became so fucked up if he had supposedly lived such a charmed life. He probably didn’t even know that he was crazy, and you weren’t about to be the one to tell him that. No, you had to bide your time and play your part, which you thought that you had been doing pretty convincingly so far.
“Anyway, our relationship was doomed from the start and eventually I ended it all,” he finished vaguely, leaving you to wonder what that poor girl’s eventual demise was. The thought of it left knots in your stomach.
“And the rest is history!” Beetlejuice finished happily, pulling you from your thoughts. “I have you now. Something about your very existence drew me to you, and I don’t think that it’s a coincidence. We were meant to be together and I’m so glad that you’re finally here with me.”
The food was done at that point and ready to eat. Beetlejuice had placed an ample amount into a bowl for you, beaming at his accomplishment. “I hope you like it,” he said with a grin as he placed the food down in front of you.
For something as plain as macaroni and cheese, your stomach growled loudly at the appetizing smell of it and you were unable to stop yourself from digging in greedily, relishing as the food hit your empty stomach.
“Do you like it?” Beetlejuice asked earnestly.
After swallowing a large mouthful, you replied, “Very much, thank you, Beetlejuice. This is great.”
Beetlejuice grinned widely, happy that he was able to please his lover.
He allowed you to finish eating in silence as he watched you practically inhale the food. When you were finished Beetlejuice had cleared your bowl and held out his hand to you.
 “Come on, let’s watch some t.v.,” he insisted as you took his hand, surprised that there was a working television in the decrepit house. 
The two of you wandered into another room, which was pretty sparse apart from a big couch and a small t.v. As the two of you settled on the sofa, Beetlejuice managed to maneuver you like a ragdoll so that you were curled up against his body. Shifting uncomfortably, you were not at all enjoying the direct contact, but you knew that you had to suppress the unpleasant feeling.
“What do you wanna watch?” Beetlejuice asked, enjoying the way your chest rose and fell against him with each breath.
“Um, I’m not picky, whatever you want,” you insisted. Beetlejuice gave you a disapproving look to which you feigned a smile and reached up to press your lips lightly to his in hopes of convincing him that you were content sitting there snuggling with him.
It had worked just as you had hoped. Beetlejuice smiled in return and flipped through the channels until he settled on a The Exorcist. “You know… I’ve seen this at least a hundred and sixty-seven times, and it just gets funnier every time I see it.” 
Humming in acknowledgement, you had a hard time understanding what was so funny about a terrifying movie about demonic posession, but it must have somehow appealed to his sick sense of humor. 
As the two of you watched, Beetlejuice kept looking from the t.v. to your face to read your expression, probably making sure that you were enjoying yourself. Eventually, he relaxed a bit and allowed his head to rest on the back of the couch. After about an hour or so later, you could hear him breathing heavily, which soon turned into a full-on snore. 
Glancing up at him, you whispered, “Beetlejuice? Are you awake?” Shockingly, you received no response.
As carefully as you could, you unwrapped yourself from Beetlejuice’s clutches. It was surprising that he had continued to sleep soundly even after you had slipped out from underneath his heavy arms. Now was as good a time as any to explore your surroundings in hopes of finding a way out.
Beginning in the room you were currently in, you looked for any signs of a door, but just like every other room so far, there were no doors that led outside - nor any windows for that matter. The only thing you could find was a small vent towards the ceiling. It was barely big enough to fit your head through, so you knew that there was no point in investigating further since you couldn’t fit through it yourself.
Continuing your search, you inspected the kitchen to no avail. Even after searching the closets and cupboards to see if there was a hidden doorway, there was nothing remotely close to an exit.
Next, you began walking down the main hallway and inspected the rooms that were now unlocked, but much to your disappointment, they were only closets and other storage spaces. For every room you had checked, you had come up empty-handed.
Feeling discouraged, you sauntered back into the living room and sat down on the other end of the couch next to Beetlejuice. The light of the t.v. flickered across the room while you lay your head back on the couch, absentmindedly following the lines and patterns on the ceiling. You had to wonder how this place could have been built without any entrance or windows. There was no way. It couldn’t be done. You had to have gotten in there somehow. 
On top of that, who in their right mind would create such a depressing place? Though, you had to give Beetlejuice credit for finding the perfect hideout to stash away a kidnapping victim.
Lost in your thoughts, you continued to follow the patterns in the ceiling to calm yourself before Beetlejuice’s voice pulled you back to the present.
“Babe?” You bolted upright to see Beetlejuice staring at you with half-lidded eyes. “What are you doing?” he asked tiredly with a hint of suspicion in his voice.
“Nothing,” you answered too quickly. “I got up to--”
“Don’t you ever do that again,” he snapped, the harshness of his voice making you flinch. “I-I was just…” you stuttered, trying to come up with a good excuse. “You fell asleep and I wanted to give you more room to spread out. I didn’t want to go far, so I just stayed here while you slept. I didn’t think that would upset you. I’m sorry.”
Beetlejuice narrowed his eyes at you, making you want to melt under his heated gaze. “I don’t ever need space from you. In fact, let’s go lay down. We’ll have more in the bed.”
Begrudgingly, you stood up and shuffled over to Beetlejuice as he got up from the couch. You really didn’t want to go back into the bedroom, but you knew that there was no point in arguing with him.
At some point, Beetlejuice had changed the sheets and you were grateful for the fresh smell of detergent as you lay down on the soft surface that you had come to know so well during your time there. 
Turning back to your captor, your eyes widened at the sight of Beetlejuice’s bare torso. He smirked, knowing that this wasn’t what you were expecting. 
“Beetlejuice?” you asked quietly, your voice hoarse with anxiety.
Not bothering to give you a response, he instead crawled on top of you and pulled himself up so that his face was directly above yours, so close that your noses practically touched. Beetlejuice stayed there for a moment, searching your eyes with his own before he started to lean in.
Instinctively, you turned your head away, exposing your neck to the ghost, which he took advantage of and edged forward to delicately brush his lips over the soft skin of your throat.
Beetlejuice had looked up at you after he kissed your neck to see what your reaction would be. You had refused to meet his gaze, which didn’t bother him at all because he knew that you were enjoying what he was doing to you, whether you wanted to admit it or not.
He continued to plant soft kisses on his lover’s neck as his hands went from stroking your chest, to running through your hair. He became more forceful with his kisses until he switched to nipping and sucking, leaving marks on you to claim you as his own. Beetlejuice was marking his property and he could feel your body shudder beneath him at the sensation.
Beetlejuice slowly and sensually made his way back up your throat until his lips found yours again and he sucked on your bottom lip. It surprised him that you didn’t resist, but he was too pleased to be overly suspicious about it.
An internal battle was coursing through your mind. Obviously, you were disgusted, but if you had to choose between Beetlejuice cutting you open, or kissing you, the latter was the better option.
If you wanted to get Beetlejuice to trust you enough to let you have more freedom, you couldn’t keep fighting him. You hated it, but you would have to accept whatever Beetlejuice was doing to you. Not only that, but you would have to pretend to enjoy it. You weren’t sure if you could, but you had to try.
Once he was finished teasing your bottom lip, Beetlejuice wanted to see how far you were willing to let him go, so he pressed his lips softly to yours, not waiting long before forcing his tongue into his lover’s mouth with little resistance. Beetlejuice sighed into the kiss, relishing in the taste of your saliva, wishing that he could have that flavor on his tongue forever.
When your lips parted from one another, Beetlejuice pressed his mouth to your ear and whispered darkly, “You taste so fucking good. I want more of you.”
He noticed how you swallowed hard at his remark. He smirked and slowly pulled away, removing himself from on top of you, placing his hands on your shorts and panties before tugging on them. Beetlejuice paused, noticing your apprehension and grumbled, “Is this too fast for you? Too fucking bad,” he barked, not waiting for a response. “I love you so much. I would do anything for you. I want you to feel how much I love you.”
He continued to pull your shorts down until they slipped off of your legs, soon joined by your top, leaving you bare before Beetlejuice’s hungry eyes. He didn’t waste any time in kneeling back onto the bed as his mouth watered and lingered over your hot core. “Just relax, babe. I’m going to make you feel so good,” he promised as he eagerly parted your legs and pressed the tip of his index finger on your bundle of nerves. 
Loathing the situation you were in, you knew that you had to persuade Beetlejuice that this was something that you wanted, too. You didn’t know if you could do it, but you had to be as convincing as possible. 
When Beetlejuice started to rub small circles against your clit, you forced out a pleasured groan, causing Beetlejuice to halt his movements for a moment. You met his widened eyes with your own needy ones as Beetlejuice’s mouth hung open in surprise. “Did you just… Do you like this, baby?” He asked, anxious for a response.
Biting your lip, you hoped that it looked more seductive than you felt. “Mmnh, yes. Please… don’t stop,” you begged, your voice trembling slightly.
Beetlejuice released a breath that he didn’t realize he was holding. He couldn’t help the grin that spread across his face as he let your words wash over him. He had waited so long to hear you speak to him like that. He wasn’t about to waste another moment in case you changed your mind.
Sliding his finger down to your hole, he slipped in a thick digit while he leaned down to wrap his lips around your clit, sucking in lightly, swirling his tongue all around. “Oh god… fuck,” you groaned as you let your head sink into the pillows, closing your eyes tightly, trying to force yourself to enjoy this.
Beetlejuice hummed happily as he inserted a second finger, pumping in and out of your sex with vigor. Lapping up your juices greedily, Beetlejuice continued to eat you out like he was starved, earning soft curses and moans of approval, which only aroused him further. He tried to memorize the taste of you, delighting in the sweet and tanginess of your slick as he added a third finger, earning a choked sob from you.
“Mmnh, Beetlejuice. Oh god, I-I’m close,” you warned as your climax was drawing near.
Beetlejuice pulled himself off of you, earning a desperate look from you. “Not yet, babe. I’m not done with you yet.”
Surprisingly, you were actually disappointed when Beetlejuice stopped eating you out. You tried to tell yourself that it was just because he was really good at it, and that your acting skills were better than you thought, but a part of you wondered otherwise.
“I can’t tell you how long I’ve waited for this,” he commented soothingly as he pulled his length out of his striped pants, giving it a few pumps and smearing the pre cum over his length.
This moment was inevitable. You knew that. You were trapped and Beetlejuice had absolutely no intention of letting you out of there without some establishment of trust. Otherwise, you were probably going to die there.
Beetlejuice’s body quivered as he continued preparing his length, knowing that he was about to stretch and fill you to completion.
The ghoul crawled onto the bed and straddled you once more before bending forward and pulling you towards him harshly into a sloppy and needy kiss, to which you not only accepted but reciprocated in return. Beetlejuice was in Heaven, and he never wanted it to end.
He pulled back and gazed hungrily at you. “I love you so fucking much,” he whimpered as he positioned himself above you, taking his large cock into his hand once more as he gave himself more stimulating strokes. His eyes met yours as he asked barely above a whisper, “Do you love me?”
You knew you had to reply quickly, but you weren’t ready to utter those words, even if it was a lie. Beetlejuice would see right through that and his suspicions would make for a bad situation, which you wanted to avoid, especially considering the position that you were in.
Taking a deep breath, you finally answered. “I could love you… someday.”
Beetlejuice let the words register in his mind. No, you didn’t love him… yet. He knew deep down that it was probably too soon for that. You still barely knew him, but the fact that you were open enough to admit that you could someday love him was enough and he accepted it.
He smiled widely as he lined up his cock to your weeping entrance before pushing in at a torturously slow pace. As you were painfully and somewhat satisfyingly stretched, you emitted a satisfied moan. “Fuck, babe,” he groaned as he bottomed out, pausing to allow you to adjust to his girth.
A small whimper spilled from your lips as his length became sheathed inside of you. You couldn’t deny how good it felt, even if it was with someone you despised. He seemed to fit inside of you perfectly -- like he was made for you.
The ghoul started to lift himself once he felt like you had become more adjusted before he shifted back in, relishing in the feeling of being inside of you. Before long, he had built a steady rhythm, concentrating on the sinful sounds spilling from your mouth as you moaned with pleasure. It calmed Beetlejuice knowing that he was the one who was making those sounds come from your lips.
Alternating his angle slightly, you cried out when Beetlejuice’s shaft hit your g-spot, grazing against it just right. His own sock started to throb painfully, but he refused to come, instead, picking up speed now that he had found that perfect spot inside of you.
“Fuck, babe. You’re so- mnf- you’re so fucking perfect.”
It was clear that you weren’t going to last much longer with the increased friction that Beetlejuice was causing with his desperate speed. You were lost in your own pleasure as Beetlejuice continued to pound into you. “Oh my fucking god,” you whined softly, not wanting Beetlejuice to hear the effect that he had on you, despite the fact that you had been pretty vocal this whole time.
Fortunately for Beetlejuice, he had heard your cries of pleasure, which only spurred him further to bring you to completion. He rolled his hips and increased his speed, causing you to moan shamelessly loudly at the increased friction. “Cum for me, baby. Come on. Show me what you look like when you’re all fucked out,” he demanded, breathing heavily.
“Beetlejuice… fuck,” you choked out as the familiar feeling winding tightly in your lower half. “I-I’m gonna-” and before you could finish your sentence, the coil snapped, causing you to spasm harsly, the force of it practically paralyzing you with bliss.
 Beetlejuice lost himself shortly after, his cum filling you to the brim as he nearly blacked out from how good it felt. Coming to shortly after, he continued to thrust in and out until he was completely spent, still sheathing himself inside of your heat, not wanting the experience to end.
 After he caught his breath and he could feel your trembling body calm a bit, he removed himself from inside of you and fell forward on the bed beside you.
 As you panted heavily, you absentmindedly moaned as Beetlejuice leaned over to lick the sweat that had accumulated on your face, which you immediately regretted as Beetlejuice hummed happily in assurance. He then wrapped his arms around you tightly, still catching his breath. “That was perfect,” he muttered as he planted soft kisses on your cheek.
 Unsure of what to say, you just stared at the ceiling. The sex had actually been somewhat enjoyable, which frightened you. It was imperative to recognize the sadist that Beetlejuice was rather than the sexual bliss that he could make you feel. Though you felt repulsed, you knew that it would be worth it once you were able to get out of there and be free from Beetlejuice.
 It was only a matter of time.
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