#//same with house of anubis
dvarapala · 2 years
okay at first i thought skam nl was back but it’s a new series made by the same people (which intrigues me) and !!!!! it’s a nblw romance!!!! and the mcs are both ppl of color!!!! pls watch a teenage love affair (with vpn) when it comes out on january 16th!!!!
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melodramadreams · 6 months
healing my inner child by remaking anubis house on room planner 🥹🤣 sharing what i made so far: living/dining room, fabian and eddie's room, jerome and alfie's room
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joysmercer · 6 months
making eddie short for edison was such a specific choice for like no reason
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incorrectsibunaquotes · 8 months
I had the funniest idea that once the dust settles from Sibuna activities, that the other Egyptian gods and goddesses are looking over these rag tag children lead by the Chosen One (Anubis’ protege) and the Osirian (Osiris’ protege), and they think: “My word, I want one of those as well!” and they just start claiming their very own Sibunas to be their new priests and priestesses.
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missroller15 · 1 year
the fact that when fabian had the memory curse, he wrote that note abt vera to himself as a reminder before it got worse and signed it ‘love, fabian’ is SO FUNNY FOR WHAT-
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fakeosirian · 1 year
obsessed with s1 patricia reading nina's diary and getting mad that nina thinks she's mean. what the hell did you expect girl
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she-is-miller · 5 months
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Them your honour
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thechosenanubis · 1 year
Nina is actually a better person than people give her credit for. Like at the beginning of S1, I had the same scenario with Patricia happen to me: new girl at a new school, trying to make friends, and this other girl in my class didn't like my ~vibes~ or whatever and started saying nasty stuff and trying to isolate me. (thankfully in my case no close friends were kidnapped by secret societies in search for eternal life 💀 ) So not only i can sympathize with her situation, but even relate to it.
And what I don't see talked about enough is ( or if people did, I haven't seen those posts) calling out Patricia's behavior for what it really was: bullying. Keep in mind here, that I understand where Patricia's behavior is coming from, since she's being gaslit like crazy. But that still doesn't make her behaviour towards Nina acceptable or excusable.
And I wouldn't have blamed Nina if she refused to accept Patricia's apology, because is not a victim's responsability ( only their choice) to forgive their bully.
Still, Nina forgave Patricia because she's good like that ( and probably didn't want to break the already fragile ecosystem of the house with more hostility even if it was within her right to keep a grudge and refuse Patricia's apology. )
What i'm trying to say, Nina is a good person, flawed but good.
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.
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frobitcher-smythe · 2 years
we rightfully talk about all the terrible lies in hoa so much but can we also talk about when amber and nina had to take fabian away from joy to practise the hopscotch task and then, when joy asked why, she hesitated for a second trying to figure what lie she could tell and then just flat out said "we're playing hopscotch," presumably because that just sounds like one of their lies anyway because i think about it a lot
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howaboutwedont · 1 year
OKAY. if fabian and nina were in the orpheus and eurydice myth. they would both get out alive because fabian has so much trust in nina that if she told him to jump into hell and fistfight the devil he would do it without thinking
oh my god thats actually so interesting to think about i completely agree
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lavender-bastet · 7 months
eddie: robert frobisher smythe is alive my dad sitting in the room while i watch house of anubis: what did he say? was that english? me: yes, he said robert frobisher smythe is alive my dad: ok (goes back to doing his own thing) my dad: several minutes later, after seeing robert in the tank: aha i remember this guy from when you were a kid! he's secretly alive right?
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yackers · 1 year
rewatching some random s2 and the last couple times they’re down in the tunnels for the spider web task they’re always wearing the same outfits even though it’s different days and they were wearing different clothes earlier
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scripturiends · 1 year
before i started watching season 3 (particularly the second half) i legitimately thought all jeroy had going for them was the same set of scenes i would always see in edits or gifs but noo there are actually SOO MANY LITTLE ONES sprinkled in the show that i never found being heavily referenced (like obviously i do wish they had thought of the ship earlier on in the show like in s2 but there was still jara and considering all the circumstances they were still able to write jeroy so well even if they came in clutch
one of my favorite scenes was when jerome came up to joy and said he likes her hair brushed and that it reminded him of letdown hajskfjdj it’s just soo jerome clarke of him bringing up mara’s dog to joy bc it was their first date AND managing to slip in an actual compliment under the guise of teasing like come awnnnn whipped
idk it just made me feel giddy bc jerome can be an absolute sweetheart while still being his usual devious self. same goes for joy who, after greeting jerome sweetly would go back to teasing him and being sarcastic. like that scene in the stairs when he says “i was thinking” and she replies “oh so thats what that sound was” and after their kiss in the house when she says “please dont say youve come around just to get a compliment on your kissing technique” like it’s just so Them it’s so natural it makes sense whoever thought of this ship came to swoop in and said i will give u the most character development within a limited timeframe
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the way senkhara tried so hard to get nina to put on that mask, mainly with threats to her and her loved ones lives and then she says “you and i can live together forever chosen one” is like, babe, i dont think that’s the selling point you think it is
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incorrectsibunaquotes · 6 months
Nina was still a minor during season 3, if they just said her gran passed, or wasn't able to take care of her and she couldn't come back to england because of legal reasons it would have been fine. Like if she was in foster care and kept bouncing around different places and that's why she couldn't communicate very often because letters got lost, and she didn't have a consistent wifi connection or something, it would make more sense than just "I'm not in england and therefore I can never speak to anyone in england ever in any way" This show loves the miscommunication trope, why not add it with the whole long distance, unreliable communication thing.
I think they just wanted to eliminate the opportunity for people to assume Nina could ever come back tbh. Like from a writing standpoint it was such overkill to add the ghosting plot, but like… Nina was just not coming back and there was nothing they could do about it lol. I genuinely think people need to move on. Write a fanfic or take a chill pill imo
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I took a look at some of my favorite ships across TV and movies, and I discovered that apparently there is a very specific type of ship that I like, which all feature the same two character molds and have striking similarities with each other:
Character A: Snarky/moody boy with daddy issues
Is emotionally damaged/hardened to the world, but underneath has a heart of gold. Has trouble opening up and trusting people. EVERY one of them had their dad leave them and it fucked them up, which they reacted to in various ways. Probably never thought they'd find someone who loved them. Bonus points if he's the "cool guy" but the cool guy act is actually a complete front. Absolute soft boy on the inside.
Chandler Bing (Friends)
Barney Stinson (HIMYM)
Steven Hyde (That '70s Show)
Eddie Miller (House of Anubis)
Jonathan Byers (Stranger Things)
Character B: Unhinged bossy girl who can kick his ass
Has a VERY strong personality, knows what she wants, often is very loud. She is In Charge and the boy is okay with that. Most of them are independent, some are career-driven, and most are out here girlbossing. All of them have probably been referred to as a bitch and every single one of them is high-strung and at any time is moments away from snapping. I'm fairly certain they've all gotten into some kind of physical alteration at some point. Do not give her a weapon for your own safety.
Monica Geller (Friends)
Robin Scherbatsky (HIMYM)
Jackie Burkhart (That '70s Show)
Patricia Williamson (House of Anubis)
Nancy Wheeler (Stranger Things)
Of course not all these relationships are the same. Some of these are friends to lovers, some are enemies to lovers. Three of them involved secret relationships, three of them are two prongs of a love triangle. They don't all last thanks to terrible writing decisions (imo) and have different journeys. But at their cores, they all feature two fucked up people who find each other, and they all embrace the weirdness and let each others' freak flags fly. The guys challenge, soothe, and understand their girls, and the girls whip the guys into shape (well, most of them do, at least). The girl is the light of the cynical moody guy's life and opened up their hearts (save for Eddie and Patricia who I would argue is the other way around), and the guy is happy to stand back and let the girl give you the what-for.
I could go on and get into the details and cite specific moments of similarities in many of these relationships but I'll leave it there. All this to say I was kinda shocked when I realized there were so many similarities in some of my favorite ships. Evidently I have a type. And tbh I don't know what it says about me and my interests or personal desires that I am apparently drawn to this type of relationship.
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