#//probably has an old knife that someone relatively sympathetic gave her while she was a hostage that she has kept the entire time
stormfuryd · 6 months
meta + comforting and/or soothing item/s
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items of comfort come in two different forms for rhaeana - as a little girl she'd cling to any form of trinket or jewelry or items of clothing that were left behind by her mother; green ribbons, little Estermont turtle imagery and charms that she asks to be dressed with, these connection and reminders of a mother she will never remember or see again.
versus, Rhaeana in the aftermath of the Rebellion, clinging to any and all reminders of her House and identity, decked out in Baratheon colours and heraldry, still wearing the momentos from Cassana but keeping them more to her chest. Always has some form of dagger, or three, on her person because she learnt the hard way that sometimes the only person who's going to save her is her.
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