#//ooc im going away to my first year of college in idaho
inspectorabed · 24 days
I’m going to be filming for a show in Idaho. I leave next week. It’s a wonderful opportunity, but Troy needs to stay behind in LA. I’ll be back in december for a bit, but then I’ll have to leave again. I’m going to miss my boyfriend… :(
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tradgedybled-blog · 6 years
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---------- PLOT
          This apartment is home to four siblings who all decided to start new and move to Soho after the death of their parents in a drunk driving accident. [ M1 ] is the new patriarch of their family and is very protective over his younger siblings. [ M1 ] is also the one who decided to move out to Soho because he is attending Medical School at NYU. [M2] is the black sheep of the family and has closed himself off since the death of their parents. [M3] and [F1] are fraternal twins that just graduated high school and are looking for work in the city. They are both upset that they had to leave everything behind back home and move across the country.
---------- BASICS
          your name is CHRISTOPHER HEINTZ and at TWENTY NINE YEARS OLD you’re the eldest of four. Originally you were from BOISE, IDAHO, but have arrived in Soho FOR SCHOOL and currently occupy APT 6B.  Now, you’ve been pinned as THE PRODIGY which makes sense given that you’re a MEDICAL STUDENT at NYU.
---------- IN-DEPTH
          from the get-go you would only accept the best from yourself. your life would be one big highlight reel. in youth, the adults would say you were mature for your age, whereas your friends resorted to the term “stick in the mud”. in truth, it made little difference. your name a constant etching in bronze as you immortalized yourself in your schools’ honor rolls.  
          socially you peaked in highschool. in order to secure a spot in one of the finest schools, you were a steady figure in a handful of clubs and a good chunk of your free time was dedicated to volunteering. while you were strongest in your academics, you did collect a handful of “participation” awards in things like track & field, and spent four years on your school’s ice hockey team. however, your finest hour was running and claiming the title of class president, and you often don’t let your family forget it. 
          in time you became a phantom, living through the lines of a telephone or resurrected briefly in time via a computer screen. your acceptance to yale university meant you’d flown the coop and left home behind. you first majored in History of Science, Medicine, and Public Health and after deciding you hadn’t burned a big enough hole in your wallet, you continued on to the Neuroscience. your life was good, you lived in a petite apartment with your longtime girlfriend and had taken on a part time job to help ease the financial burden. 
          the years spent in college very quickly carried a heavy weight to them when you received the news your parents had perished in a car accident. years you’d begun to wonder if you’d wasted by not being at home with your family. hindsight ate away at you. you quit your job, broke things off with your partner, and returned home with a heavy heart.
          your time in boise was short. you sold everything you could. you did not spare your sports gear that you made your parents swear never to sell, nor did you keep trinkets from vacations long ago. your acceptance to NYU was shared only with your siblings and was hardly an event to celebrate. you balanced planning a move and a funeral for two, and boy, were you quick about it. some would dare to say you never looked back. 
---------- PERSONALITY / HEADCANONS * i’ll add to this never
high standards placed on yourself ultimately lead you to expect the same of others - if they’re not willing to deliver, it can lead to frustration for all parties involved. 
you’re not always open about what happened back home. it’s no-one’s business but your own. you keep things close to your family.
neighbor too loud? that rowdy party upstairs is just too much? yes, you ARE the first person to file a complaint, and you’ll let them know it, too.
---------- OOC
          me? tired? it’s more likely than you think. also? i woke up before opening?? on my day off??? amazing. but hi !!! everyone !!! i’m cassie, i’m nineteen, i reside in the EST, and i’m a huge f*cking nerd. if you read all that well godspeed. i realize im posting this SUPER close to opening but i’m still down to plot !! even if i suck at it don’t @ me. but if you have plots you need filled throw them at me i’m 2 chill for my own good. i’ll probably add to this or work to make a connection page ,,, whatever. <333
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