#//ooc - god this is the most cheese research ive ever done in my god forsaken life
yell-on-spikemuth · 2 years
An unmarked box arrives on Piers's doorstep. Inside are 39 Inkay in Pokéballs, and a note.
"Thanks for taking these off my hands, huh. And don't try to trace where this box came from – it won't work."
The note is signed with the initials C.L.
//the inkay were all fathered by Mr. Amar from the team rise event that @/professor-mystic ran. their non-malamar parents are a mixture of (from most to least) galarian corsola, kabuto, tatsugiri, and somehow hisuian quilfish.
< [A video, starting with Piers stepping back from adjusting the camera. He squats down beside the box, mumbling about "Inkay or shitty fanmail" barely audible, popping open the top. Firstly he inspects the pokeballs, clearly checking to make sure none were damaged in shipping, before pulling out the note, reading it aloud before finally addressing the camera directly.]
"Somea the inkay arrived, I was hopin this was the case actually. Much nicer than creepy fans leavin 'gifts'." [He punctuates the last word with air quotes, then laughs half heartedly with a short snort.]
"About the note, why in arceus' name would I try to trace a box? Ya think ive the time n energy fer that? Fuck no. Especially not after —" [He pauses to lean back over the box, quickly counting the pokeballs before continuing] "— Thirty-nine! Thirty-nine new babes to take care'a?"
[He inspects the note again, mumbling over the words as he reads.]
"Its signed by a 'C.L.'. Not to judge or point fingers, but if yer who I think ya are, I aint surprised yer dumpin off so many 'mons. And if yer not who I'm thinkin, then I'm sorry fer assumin. Anywho, that asside, lets get to meetin' and namin'."
[He turns back to the box, at this point his pokemon - Obstagoon, Malamar, Scrafty, Skuntank, and a low-key Toxtricity - have entered the room to sniff at and inspect the box as well. It seems to be particularly interesting to Obstagoon and Malamar]
"C'mon lads, step back, give 'em some room please." [He speaks with a chuckle, gently shoo'ing his pokemon away from the box before grabbing two balls and releasing the inkay inside.]
[The pokemon all begin to curiously inspect each other. Piers visibly tenses up when Malamar reaches out a tentacle towards the smaller of the two inkay, only to relax when it gently rests its 'hand' on top of the inkays head. The inkay squeaks in delight. Lots of sniffing around and gentle poking ensues. This kind of behavior continues as Piers releases more of the Inkay from their balls. At one point, Piers steps in between one particularly strangely coloured inkay and Obstagoon - who was close to biting at the squid pokemon curiously.]
[After a while of interaction antics and a lot of chatter from everyone, Piers smiles at the camera and quietly claps his hands together. The oddly coloured inkay, which has taken to hiding behind his legs jumps slightly at the sound.] "Alright. Everythin looks to be goin well so far. To recap, their names're —" [He starts pointing at individual inkay, saying a name to go with each, starting with the strange colored one and then to the particularly small one, and so on]
"— Cheeseball, Brocconcini, Gouda, Havarti, Asiago, Gorgonzola, Provolone, Feta, Ricotta, Gogoat-Cheese, Grilled, Cheez'N'Toast, Mozzarella, Parmesan, Cheddar, Melted, Plastic, Camembert, Unovan, Montery, 4CheeseBlend, Powder, Mac'N, Richard, Emment, Gruyere, Prover, Brie, Cheeseburg, Curd, Colby, Cotija, Cottage, Farmer, Motzy, Paneer, Pepper, Romano, and Stringster. Told ya I can name em after cheeses."
[He smiles down at the inkay before turning back to the camera. He walks up to it, gives a wave with a "bye", and shuts off the camera.] >
There ye have it folks. Inkay time. Stole marnies phone fer recordin, and she'll get first pick of 'em. Ill update ya on the situation after everyones settled in.
Thanks fer the inkays.
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