#oh skyler what's happened now
justauthoring · 6 months
just hold me.
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it's hard to find out the truth, but despite it; you still just want jesse.
a/n: no one will probably read this but i love jesse <3
pairing: jesse pinkman x f!white!reader
tw. for attempted sexual assault. also, you're walter white's daughter but no description of the reader is given.
Truthfully, you’re not even sure what you’re doing here.
But the tears pouring down your cheeks won’t stop, and your feet don’t stop moving beneath you. You’re just walking with no real destination. Your hands are shaking and everything hurts but you don’t want to go home to your apartment; it’s too silent. Going to your parents wasn’t an option either because then you’d just be riddled with questions. You thought about going to your uncles, but he’d be just as overbearing in a completely different way
And you certainly couldn’t go to Jesse’s.
He was the whole reason you were out here in the first place and you weren’t ready to face him.
Not yet.
You’re not sure if you ever would be.
“Oh, God…”
You take a sharp turn, not fully aware of where you’re even going. It’s late and dark and you don’t even really know what part of town you’re in, just that it’s far away enough that no one you know will stumble upon you–exactly what you want. You don’t want anyone to see you, not like this, and you can barely form a coherent thought in your own head so trying to explain your state would surely be nothing but bad.
No, it was best to be alone.
Try to sort out your thoughts.
Because what even were your thoughts?
It was one thing to find out your boyfriend was a drug dealer, but another to find out it wasn’t just the small things; which sure, were just as unsafe but still… not–not crystal meth and certainly not things as big ties to the cartel. You weren’t stupid and it wasn’t like you didn’t know who Jesse was. You’d gone to high school with him, and you knew the sort of people he hung around and the things he’d done… no. You weren’t stupid.
You’d known. Had a suspicion, even if you’d never asked. Because honestly, it didn’t really matter to you all that much. He was careful to keep it separate from you and he wasn’t like that with you. He’d never once tried to force you to try something or get you involved. There was a clear line he’d drawn and he refused to let it blur and you were okay with that, even if you shouldn’t, for the simple and plain fact that you loved him.
But the cartel was different. That was bigger, even if you didn’t understand the whole scope. That was a whole new scope of danger that didn’t settle right with you.
That you couldn’t just ignore. Couldn’t just turn the other way because of your feelings.
And to top it all off, he was doing it with your own father.
Cooking and selling meth with Walter White.
Your father.
You’re not thinking straight. You surely can’t be.
Because… because there was no way. There just couldn’t be.
But you remember everything that’s happened the past few months with him, starting when he’d been diagnosed with cancer all the way to the way him and your mother had been acting with each other. 
Everything had been off. You didn’t need to still be living in the house to see that.
Skyler wouldn’t tell you, even when you pressed her on it but you knew she knew something. And now you had no doubt in your mind–she knew that your father was cooking and selling meth and…
“What the hell,” you huff, shaking your head in disbelief of the whole thing. It was crazy, plain and simple and it was entirely, without a doubt, true.
You realize somewhere along the way you’d stopped, found yourself in some sort of alley and had pressed yourself up against the wall to give yourself a minute. You’d been so upset and out of your mind that when you left Jesse’s you hadn’t grabbed a coat; you’d barely given yourself time to put on your shoes. He was coming towards you, trying to explain things, but you couldn’t handle listening to his explanation and had slammed the door shut in his face before he could reach you. 
You’d heard him screaming for you but you’d gotten in your car before he could reach you and drove off, wound up in some bar to drink the thoughts away and now you’d gotten lost on your way back to your car.
And found yourself in an alley, all alone.
Pressing your palms to your cheeks, you let out a shaky breath.
What were you supposed to do now?
You let your head fall into the palms of your hands, trying to push the heavy thoughts from your mind without much luck. It isn’t until you felt a hand fall on your arm did you look up, a gasp leaving your lips as your eyes settle on a man, a few years older than you, leering down at you with a small smile.
Your lips part but no words leave your lips.
“Hey there, little lady, you okay?”
His voice is gravelly, eyes sunken despite not being that old. His skin looks pale from what you can tell in the dark and somewhat sickly, but despite that, his eyes are set firmly on your own, and that smile never wavers.
“Uh, y-yeah,” you stammer, remembering yourself. There’s a tightening to your chest as you feel his grip tighten on you the second you move and you’re pressing your hands against the wall behind you to try to push yourself up. “S-Sorry. Long night.”
“Looks like it,” he laughs but it isn’t pleasant at all. “You look like you’ve been cryin’.”
Raising your hand, you wipe at your cheeks, pulling back only to see your smudged and ruined mascara. “Oh,” you laugh lightly, forced, glancing to your right which leads back to the street; you hadn’t realized how far you’d crawled into the alley and just how sketchy everything around you looks. 
“Yeah,” you nod at him, shuffling to the right. “Th-thanks for checking on me, but I should get going.”
“Now, hold on.”
Your chest tightens, letting out a small cry as his grip turns bruising around your arm and he gives a small tug. You’re still not sober enough, wobbly on your own feet as you stumble towards him, the movement surprising you. His free hand catches you by the waist and you tense.
“It’s too late for a lady like yourself to walk home all on her own,” he moves to explain, still with that ever unnerving smile. “Why don’t you come with me?”
“No, no, really–” you argue, pressing a hand against his chest as you try to pull your arm away. He just squeezes tighter, enough to pull an actual cry from your lips as your eyes widen, the panic doubling as your heart pounds against your chest. “Please. You’re hurting me!”
“Shh,” he says, leaning in to press his face into the crook of your neck, the hand at your waist slipping beneath the hem of your shirt. “It’ll feel good. I promise.”
You try to push against his chest again but he just digs his nails into your arm and then he’s shifting, slamming your back against the wall you’d been leaning against a few minutes ago. The panic seizes you completely, your inebriated mind trying to get your limbs to work enough to shove him off but your body isn’t working the way you want and your vision is blurred. His grip is tight, shifting to press your hands together above your head and using the other to grab at your shirt, pulling it up.
“Stop,” you cry, “no! Stop!”
But he doesn’t listen. And no one else does if there even is someone else in the alley with you.
You’re completely alone.
His lips ghost across your neck and you feel like you’re going to be sick, the brick of the building biting into your skin and his nails digging into your wrist, harsh enough to draw blood. He’s raised your shirt enough to reveal your bra and his hands are working fast to unclasp the back, giving a tight squeeze before his fingers drift across the expanse of your stomach and around to the back.
You’re crying, you realize. Somewhere along the way the tears had started, pouring profusely down your cheeks, sobs wrenching from your lips as you’re defiled. The weight of him against you is suffocating and you can’t breathe properly. 
You feel your bra loosen around your chest and you cry, trying to fight his grip on your hands with a new struggle, before suddenly the weight disappears off of you. You see a blur rush past you but you barely pay mind, your legs giving out beneath you as you sink to the ground, knees coming to your chest as you let out a cry.
None of your body listens to you and you can’t move even as you hear a cry and a familiar voice yelling. There’s a loud thud, followed by a repeated lighter thud, and you try to force yourself to move, push your body, and a small cry leaves your lips as you do and suddenly there’s a body in front of you.
At first you’re worried it’s the man but there’s a familiar voice calling for your name and then you recognize the blue eyes staring back at you.
His name leaves your lips in a broken whisper and his face twists, a curse leaving his lips as he gently grabs you by the waist, pulling you towards him. “It’s okay,” he breathes, voice soft, gentle and it’s soothing in a way you can’t right describe. “I’ve got you. You’re okay.”
He’s wrapping something warm around you and you realize how cold you are in that moment, relishing in the warmth that envelopes you as you grab onto him. “Jesse,” you cry, this time your voice stronger but in a way that’s heartbreaking as your voice pitches and cracks. “Jesses, he… I couldn’t…”
“I know,” he huffs and he sounds mad. Is he mad at you? “I… it’s okay. He can’t hurt you, okay? Let me take you home, okay? Let’s go home.”
You grip onto him tightly, scared he’ll disappear from your own hands. “Yours,” you whisper, “i wanna go… to yours.”
He nods, even if you don’t properly process it and then his right arm is wounding around your waist, pulling against him as he slips his right arm under your knees. He holds tight but in a way that isn’t anything like the man before and it makes you feel entirely different too.
It makes you feel safe.
Enough that finally, your eyes fall shut
When you open your eyes next, you’re in a bed.
And your mind is a lot more clear.
You blink, recognizing the ceiling, and then you’re pushing yourself up. You realize that you’re in one of Jesse’s shirts and a pair of your leggings, meaning he must’ve changed you when he brought you here. You’re thankful for that, and as you prop yourself upwards, you notice the bruises lining your wrists and the one on your arm and frown, touching it faintly, hissing at the pain that radiates as a response.
Then, a pair of footsteps pull your attention towards the door.
Jesse’s eyes widen when he sees you awake and he’s rushing forward, setting the cup of water on the table next to the bed as an afterthought. He falls on the edge of the bed and he moves to reach for you, before suddenly halting, his eyes widening and moves to pull back.
You grab for him before he can, hand falling on his and squeezing as his eyes snap up to yours.
“Thank you,” you whisper, quiet. “For saving me.”
“Fuck,” Jesse curses, face twisting. “I went looking for you everywhere… I couldn’t find you and then I found your fucking car but you weren’t anywhere near it. It wasn’t until I heard you crying that I found you and the sight of that… that man on you–like that, I just—fuck… I could've killed him.”
Letting go of his hand, you wrap your arms around yourself.
“I went to a bar after… after I left and drank too much,” you explain, eyes downcast. “I wasn’t thinking straight and I ended up in that alley and he just… that man just–” You can’t finish your words.
Jesse and you are quiet for a moment.
Then, Jesse shifts. “Listen… um… I understand if you, well—don’t want to see me anymore. I can bring you home and then go find your car for you. It’s no problem. I just…” He hesitates, scratching at his head as he avoids your gaze. “I just—I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for it to come out like that, especially with Mr. White too or–or for you to get hurt like you did… I should’ve–that never should’ve happened.”
“Jesse,” you whisper, shaking your head. “What happened wasn’t your fault.”
He frowns, brows furrowing and he just huffs; “yes, it was…”
It wasn’t. You want to argue but you know he won’t listen.
So you move on.
“I do want to see you still.”
Blinking, Jesse’s eyes snap to yours.
“I know I shouldn’t,” you explain, letting your hands fall into your lap. “I know I should be… be angry or at least scared… but I’m not. I was, in the moment. But I’m not scared of you, I could never be. And I’m not angry or upset either. I just… I just want you.”
You turn to look at Jesse, begging with your eyes and he turns to look at you, hesitating–like he knows this is wrong.
So, so very wrong.
But you just look at him, pleading and he caves even if he shouldn’t. Because he just wanted you too.
So much.
So he caves and he reaches for you, arms grabbing you as he pulls you towards him, into his lap and against his chest and holds you as you cry and cling onto him.
And he never lets go.
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sweetprfct · 4 months
Midnight Rain
Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: The glitz and glamour of Hollywood isn't always what it seems. When Joe had started working with you in a movie, he had started wondering as to why you, the famous Hollywood starlet, has been acting out lately. Was there some dark secret behind all the angry spoiled façade? And why was he so fascinated about it?
Author's Note: This is the end of it! :) I'm debating whether to come back to this or not. We'll see... You guys let me know. But for now, I will see you all in "The Hate Formula." That one will have ten parts and probably will take up most of the summer. So, in that note, I'm asking for some Autumn/Winter prompts/ideas in my box if you want to request please! Thank you for the support of this fic, and I'll see you all soon!
Wordcount: 2.9K
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part one - part two - part three - part four - part five
There was just something about Joe that you couldn’t seem to stop thinking about. One month since that incident in Paris, and you haven’t seen your team since you fired them. One month since you haven’t heard from Skyler or any of them. The rumors had died down, but it was still out there. You couldn’t seem to escape the paparazzi outside your house whenever you needed to go out and grab something at the store. You couldn’t seem to escape the horrible articles and tweets that everyone would say about you. 
“You should delete those apps.” Joe had suggested on FaceTime one night. “It will just mess with your brain even more.”
Joe had been there for you since Paris. He had been FaceTiming you almost every night even when he was busy filming in London. Even when he finished long hours on set, he still didn’t miss to even just send a text message to you. You couldn’t help but wonder if there was something more between the two of you. You knew that Joe had said that he wanted to be friends but how come it felt like there was something more? How come it felt like you knew there was something there, but you just weren’t sure if Joe felt the same too. Maybe he really wanted to be just friends. That was all. 
“I have been thinking about what to do with this career.” You told Joe, ignoring the suggestion that he just told you.
“Oh, yeah?” Joe smiled, raising his brow. 
His curly hair was all disheveled. He just woke up, and he had FaceTimed you right away. He was still in his bed, and he looked adorable looking like that in the morning. 
“Whatever you decide, I will support you, especially if it helps you mentally.” Joe added. 
You gave him a warm smile and stared at him for a moment through the screen. Your mind recalled the little scenario that happened the next morning back in Paris last month. You knew you shouldn’t be overthinking it, but what if you were right? What if your emotions weren’t betraying you this time? 
Alex had been calling Joe non-stop all night, but he had ignored it because he knew he was going to get an earful from him after ditching the movie premiere. He could handle that tomorrow morning when he was ready to face Alex. When morning came, Joe had found himself awake early in the morning. The sun was slowly rising, and he found you asleep peacefully next to him. He couldn’t help but stare at you, studying your facial features. 
Your long lashes, the sun reflecting through the window and reflecting through your soft butterfly skin. The way you looked so peaceful when you were asleep. Joe couldn’t help but gently grazed his fingers on your cheek. 
Beautiful. He thought. 
Stirring in your sleep, you carefully fluttered your eyes open and gazed up at Joe, who was looking down at you with a smile. You rubbed the sleep in your eyes as you gave him a sleepy smile.
“Hi.” You whispered.
“Hi.” Joe smiled, his fingers brushing a strand of hair away from your face. 
He has never seen you like this. He kept thinking how you looked so different without the façade that you have put up. He kept thinking how you looked so relaxed and happier without it. 
“I don’t think I have woken up this peaceful in a long time.” You murmured, sitting up on the bed. 
Joe caressed your back softly and smiled, “As much as I love to stay, I have to go. Alex has been looking for me.”
You nodded your head in understanding as Joe slid himself off the bed. Following right behind him and towards the door, you gently touched his arm, making him pause in his tracks.
“I just want to say thank you for yesterday and for… staying.” You said. 
Joe smiled, brushing a strand of hair and tucking it in behind your ear. “I’m your friend, remember?”
Seeing the twinkle in your eyes, Joe embraced you tightly as you wrapped your arms around his neck and hugged him. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest as he planted a soft kiss on your temple. Pulling away from the hug, you found your face just inches away from his. His chocolate button eyes staring deeply into yours and suddenly, you could feel something shift between the both of you. 
Joe’s chest was heaving as he breathed heavily, and your heart was racing a million miles per hour. You watched as Joe closed his eyes, his nose gently grazing over yours. Hitching a breath, you carefully
 closed your eyes, your fingers gently running down his cheek.
“Joe…” You whispered.
He didn’t say anything as his lips gently grazed over yours. A soft gasp escaped from you and before you could press your lips against his, you were interrupted by his phone ringing in his pocket. Smiling softly, you pulled away and cleared your throat. You could see the pink that flushed in Joe’s cheeks as he reached for his phone in his back pocket. 
“They’re looking for you.” You said, looking down on the floor, hiding the blush that was slowly creeping up on your face.
A shy smile tugged on Joe’s lips, “Yeah, I have to go. Call me if you ever need anything, okay?”
You nodded your head and walked him out the door. That was the last time you physically saw Joe. Ever since then, you two have been FaceTiming or texting each other. That moment was never brought up in your conversation, so you told yourself that it was nothing. However, the soft graze of his lips still lingered on your lips, and your mind kept recalling what could have happened if his phone didn’t ring that day. You kept asking yourself if it was just in the moment or maybe, there really was something. 
Shaking out the memories from your mind, you focused your eyes on the road as you drove towards the studio. You had called an important meeting with your team. You felt the knot formed in your stomach as you arrived closer to your destination. You haven’t seen them or haven’t heard from them in a month, and you didn’t know what their reactions would be the moment you would walk into that room. 
But you have made your decision. 
This has been in your mind for a long time now and this time, you were going to go through with it. No more backing out or having second thoughts. This was what you have been wanting. This was what you needed right now. Swallowing all the guilt and different emotions that were caught in your throat, you arrived at the studio with your head held up high. 
For some reason, the thought of Joe was making you braver right now. 
Walking down the hall, you exhaled a sharp breath before entering one of the conference rooms. Inside, your whole team were chatting amongst each other and as soon as you walked in, the whole room turned eerily quiet. All their eyes were on you as you froze by the doorway for a moment. Your eyes studied each of their faces and then, Skyler’s presence at the back of the room caught your eyes. 
She looked disappointed and angry. 
“What’s all this about?” Skyler asked, her voice was cold. 
You could tell she was still pissed over what you pulled back in Paris and usually, you would feel guilty over it but at this moment, you didn’t care about what she felt. Walking towards the front of the room, you could feel everyone’s eyes following you. 
Exhaling another sharp breath, you said, “This isn’t going to take long. Thank you all for coming.”
Your eyes kept studying everyone’s reactions as you continued and said, “First, I want to apologize for how I have been acting this last year or so. I’ve been going through some things, and I lashed it all out on you.”
Everyone in the room was silent, and the only thing that you could hear was your heart pounding in your chest. It was pounding so hard that it was drumming in your ears, and you could barely hear your voice. Taking a deep breath, you looked down on the floor for a moment to collect yourself before holding your head up high in front of everyone. 
“I’m sorry for throwing things at you back in Paris and most certainly, for firing you all in anger. My actions the last couple years have been nothing but horrible, and I’m sorry for that.”
Cameron finally interrupted the eerie silence in the room by clearing his throat. He slowly raised his hand up like he was a student in a classroom, trying not to interrupt the teacher. You shifted your eyes at him and nodded your head, giving him permission to speak.
“So… are we not fired then?” He asked. 
You smiled softly at Cameron’s harmless question. “I wish I could say that but the decision I have made unfortunately requires you all to look for another job.” 
Murmurs filled the room as everyone turned to each other. They all exchanged worried looks as Skyler stepped forward, her eyes only to you. She looked pissed, but you expected that from her already. 
“What are you talking about?” Skyler snapped. 
Your eyes shifted towards her as the room suddenly died down. 
“I’m quitting acting.” You replied. 
Everyone in the room gasped softly as Skyler barked out a laugh, shaking her head in disbelief. There was a playful smile on her face as she took another step towards you, her eyes glaring at you. 
“You care too much about your career to be quitting acting.” Skyler argued. 
You shook your head, your expression suddenly turned into a soft one. A small smile appeared on your face. 
“No, I don’t.” You answered. “Actually, I haven’t cared about this for a long time. I need to be on my own for a while. Figure out what I want. Get help.”
Skyler scoffed. You could tell she was just done with you, but you have seen that expression on her face for a while now. You knew she only had been tolerating you, and you now realized that she wasn’t a good friend. She never was your friend. At the end of the day, Skyler only cared about herself and her career. 
“I’ve been trying to save your career and what happens then when you decide to come back, hm? We’re not all going to be here just waiting for you.” 
Looking around the room, you were surprised at how calm you were. You were surprised that you weren’t scared at this moment. You didn’t know what was going to happen in the future, and Skyler was right. Not everyone in this room would be just waiting around for you but for some reason, the unknown was making you calm. It was something that made you ecstatic because for the first time, you weren’t told what to do. 
You could do anything you wanted to. 
Turning back to Skyler, you said, “Honestly, Skyler, if I decided to go back, I wouldn’t hire you back.”
You saw the horrified look on Skyler’s face as soon as those words escaped your mouth. She took a small step back, her eyes filled with hurt, disappointed and offended. 
“You will regret this.” Skyler’s voice was almost a whisper. 
Your eyes stared deep into hers. Your eyes were full of hurt and disappointment. 
“No, actually, I regretted the fact that I believed your lies and thought I could trust you.” You retorted back. 
Skyler was silent as soon as you said those words. You saw her swallow all her emotions, her face all flushed as everyone else murmured to each other. Looking back at everyone else, you gave them a small thankful smile.
“Thank you again, and I’m truly sorry for everything.” You said. 
Right before you could walk out the door, you glanced over to Skyler one more time before completely walking out of the room. You let your feet lead you quickly down the hall and out the double doors of the studio, air catching your lungs as soon as you walked out. You breathed deeply, gazing up at the blue sky, the sun beaming down your face. 
You felt freedom greeted you as you closed your eyes for a moment and inhaled the Spring air. You didn’t feel anything but relief as you walked back towards your car. You couldn’t help but smile at yourself. You couldn’t help but feel proud for finally saying what you feel and for finally choosing the happiness that you deserve. 
The freedom that you deserved.
“Oh, c’mon. That’s mad.” Joe shook his head in frustration as he watched one of his shows on the television. 
He had finally found time to do laundry and catch up on his shows. As he was folding his clothes, he shook his head at the sudden revelation on the television. He had been busy filming, and he finally had a couple of days of free time to do the things he needed to do around his place. 
Putting away the last of his clothes in the closet, he glanced towards the window and saw that it was starting to pour again. Sighing, he made his way to the kitchen to make himself some soup. It was supposed to be almost Summer, but the weather in London had been gloomy and rainy. It wasn’t like that wasn't new anymore. He just missed the sun lately. 
His thoughts were interrupted on the sudden knock on his door. Glancing at the clock, Joe knitted his brows and wondered who was knocking at his door at this hour. It was late at night, and it was pouring outside. Making his way to the front door, he swung the door open and found you standing in front of him. 
“Hi.” You gave him a smile.
Your raincoat was soaking wet, and you were holding an umbrella with your luggage next to you. Immediately, Joe grabbed your luggage and pulled you inside before the rain could make you any more wet. His eyes widened, blinking and processing that you were actually here.
“Wh…What are you doing here?” Joe asked, confused and shocked.
“I um…” You cleared your throat, took your raincoat off and hung it by the door. “I quit. I talked to them yesterday.” 
Joe was still trying to wrap his mind around the fact that you were standing right in front of him. 
At this hour. 
In this weather. 
“H…How do you feel?” Joe asked.
“Like I could do anything I want without anyone stopping me.” You smiled, running your fingers through your wet hair. 
Joe suppressed a chuckle as he took a step forward to you, his brows still furrowed. 
“And you decided to come to London?” 
Exhaling a sharp breath, you gazed up at him. Yes, you felt relieved and free from the industry that has been bringing you down for the last couple years. Though, there was one more question in your head that still needed to be answered. There was one more thing that you wanted to know before you could finally move forward. 
“Actually…” You looked down at your feet for a moment, a shy smile plastered on your face. “There’s one more thing I actually had to do here in London.”
Joe saw the look in your eyes, and he knew exactly what you were doing here. He knew exactly why you had flown to London and was at his front step at this god awful hour in this god awful weather. Taking a step forward, Joe slid his arm around your waist, his index finger on your chin, lifting up your head. Your eyes caught his brown eyes sparkling as he smiled at you lovingly. 
“Oh? What’s that?” Joe asked, a playful smile tugging on his lips. 
“This.” You murmured before pressing your lips against his. 
Smiling through the kiss, Joe pulled your body against his, his fingers running through your wet hair. You wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him deeply and letting yourself savor this moment. Parting from the kiss after a few moments, the both of you panted as Joe pressed his forehead against yours. 
You grinned happily and said, “I don’t wanna be just friends.”
Joe grinned widely, setting a hand on your cheek and caressing it softly. 
“Good, because I don’t either.” 
You laughed softly as you pressed your lips against his again. Joe smiled through the kiss as he pulled you close in his arms and curled his fingers on the back of your head, kissing you lovingly and tenderly. You didn’t know what was going to happen next. You knew everything was unknown, and you knew that you eventually had to face the things from your past. 
However, you also knew that Joe would be with you every step of the way. He would be there to accept you and understand you through your lightest and darkest days. 
Parting from the kiss, Joe cupped your face between his hands and kissed your forehead so softly. You knew there were still so many challenges that you both will face but right now, all you wanted was to blissfully enjoy what you and Joe have. 
Just blissfully enjoy this newfound freedom and love that you have. 
The End.
@palomahasenteredthechat @sunvick @eddies-acousticguitar @demonsanddemogorgons @joesquinns @mmunson86 @ghostinthebackofyourhead @corrodedcoffincumslut @figmentofquinn @tlclick73 @munsonluvrr @ali-r3n @ficsbypix @capricornrisingsstuff @missonlypost @ali-in-w0nderland @amberolivia666 @lalalala-melmosworld @niallersfreckles @nanas-lasagna @emma77645 @indulgence-be-thy-name @readergf @ladamari68 @1paire2vans @d4rk4ng3l86 @paleidiot @josephquinnsfreckles @readergf
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tobybestupid · 10 months
nsfw alphabet thing is so hot, can I ask for one with Tommy or Vince? :3
Omg yes ofc!
Vince Neil nsfw alphabet!
TW: smut smut smutty smut, mentions public sex, mentions high drunk sex, masterbation, bodily fluids, mention small death,
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A = Aftercare
I feel like he'd be a little lazy at it, clean you off depending on his mood.
B = Body part
His favorite part of you is your chest, mostly cause he can cum on there easily. And your face, loves watching the faces you make as he pounds into you :3
C = cum
He loves to cum on your chest as before said, and on your face. Anywhere really works for him though!!
D = Dirty secret
Wants to rail you in the studio, and most definitely wants somebody to walk in on you two.
E = Experience
Meh, kinda. Doesn't treat you like a groupie or anything so that's good!
F = Favorite position
Doggystyle, or mating press, all time favorite of his though is cowgirl. Likes watching your face as he goes to pound town on you :P
G = Goofy
Serious about pleasing you, which he does...in a non serious way. He's just a silly dumb blonde :3
H = Hair
He's not groomed too well, I mean he likes to keep his hair short. He does however have a small happy trail.
I = Intimacy
He's rather rough with you, but if you want him to be gentle he will. If he's drunk/high, he probably won't be able to manage how rough he's going.
J = Jack off
He whacks off quite frequently, well...when he's not with you. He likes you to jack him off, he loves it so much.
K = Kink
(realistically he probably has a piss kink...that's besides the point!!) Ngl, he probably has a humiliation kink, likes to humiliate you :3
L = Location
He likes to rail you practically anywhere, but the bedroom is his favorite place, most comfortable!
M = Motivation
You talking to him dirty, loves it. Gets him hard, oh a miniskirts!? God, falls for them, would be on his knees.
N = No
Will not do any stuff to do with other disgusting bodily fluids, also won't hurt you...too badly. (Jk)
O = oral
He loves receiving, but prefers giving. He loves watching you tug at his hair and moan his name. Loves it, it's his favorite thing.
P = Pace
If he could go forever, he would. But he can't, so he'll only go for about 3-4 rounds, if he can. He is also rather rough with you.
Q = Quickie
He likes quickies before shoes, never in general.
R = Risk
He loves risking it, if he could fuck you in Nikki's bed, he would. (And make Nikki watch.)
S = Stamina
He can go about 3-4 rounds, can't go super rough for only about 2 rounds, gas to slow down after that.
T = Toys
Used to have a Fleshlight...why have that when he now has you? :0
U = Unfair
Teases you so much, but hates when you tease him, becomes super whiny.
V = Volume
He's a whiner when submissive and whimpers, when dominant he groans loudly and whimpers.
W = wildcard
Wants to have a kid with you, he's just scared bc of what happened with Skyler (r.i.p Skyler.)
X = X-ray
Alright let's see what he's got going on. He's got a rather thick cock, maybe 5 inches long though. He's not too hairy, just a small happy trail. Oh and he's got a pretty veiny cock, and the tip is a little darker than the rest. Drapes match the carpets, just a tad bit darker.
Y = Yearning
He can last a little, 3-4 rounds.
Z = Zzz
He does fall asleep pretty quick, but cleans you off quickly.
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breakingbadmspaint · 9 months
Breaking Bad Season 3 (MS Paint)
I'm watching Breaking Bad and drawing my experience on MS Paint with my mouse.
[Season 2] [Season 4]
This is a long one. I'm also adding little text reaction bits because so much is happening.
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My god so much is happening and It's only episode 3.
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Everyone needs therapy
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This shot made me giggle a little, but it was good.
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I wonder if she realises this. She..better call Saul huh. ba dum tsk
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"I've been expecting you Mr.Bond"
-- Skyler, listen to your lawyer that you're treating as a therapist. Please.
-- Gosh I'm so absorbed into this, so much is happening.
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God damn, dude just wanted to pee on a lady and got shot.
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He's judging me.
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#LeaveGaleAlone Let the man make his coffee and meth how he wants. He's just a silly guy.
-- Gale is my new baby boy, goodbye Jesse
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ahsfjksahkfsah Jesse no!
-- Episode 9 making me hungry straight away, rude.
-- Jesse no, come on, that's awful. They're trying to recover...
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This episode, my god. That dramatic fly death was beautiful.
-- I think Skyler is about to beat the shit out of Saul
-- You better not Jesse, don't ruin her and her kids life
-- NOOOOOO, don't let her do it Jesse
-- Can someone get Hank therapy please
-- DAMN SKYLER, she's swan diving right into this
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Skyler please omg
-- Gus is a powerful man, damn
-- M-marie o///o HAHAHAHAA her smug face leaving
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Me after that episode.
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-- Wait hey, no, wait, I don't like what's being suggested right now. Don't you touch my boy. HEY NO, HE'S BABY, LEAVE HIM ALONE HEY
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[Season 4]
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Closer Than Flesh - Secrets
It takes a while for Jake to react again, the sensation of suddenly transforming into an entirely different man has been overwhelming and strange. Finally, he sits down on the designer couch in the room and breathes out.
"Okay, whoa. That was something else." He stops for a second. Is there even anyone there with him? Is Skyler still there?
"Sky? Are you there, buddy?" Jake asks.
"Jake? You're alive?" The voice sounds weak, like Skyler is exhausted beyond measure, but he is here.
"I am, I guess. I feel great, but I'm like... I don't even know how to describe it."
"What happened? You smell different somehow. And you're naked all of a sudden." Skyler replies, sounding tired and confused.
"Oh, uh, yeah, that's me. I changed into this other guy. He is so... Very different. And we're somewhere else, too. What about you, are you still...?"
"... Your dick? I guess so, yeah. The perspective is still from down here. But I feel different, too. I'm still a dick, but not the one I was before - it's all very confusing. And I feel awfully tired. " Skyler responds, sounding even more exhausted than Jake.
"Do you mind if I just... hang here for a bit? I need to rest a bit."
"Okay. It was all a bit much."
Jake figures that Skyler would have an easier time resting if he didn't swing around so much, so he searches the foreign apartment until he finds a wardrobe and puts on some underwear that fits tightly.
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Even though Jake is pretty tired as well, he doesn't think he would be able to find rest, so he spends some time exploring the place.
He still has the stone, which is inert again, and Jake doesn't intend to try to change that right now. The damned thing had already done enough damage, he doesn't want to make it worse.
He opens the door to the kitchen and looks inside. It is clean and tidy, with the utensils neatly sorted and hung up on a rack. On the counter, there is a large and well maintained coffee machine.
Coffee! What a glorious idea! Jake has already half started up the machine before he stops in his tracks. He isn't even much of a coffee drinker normally, but right now he has a real craving. Weird. Perhaps it came with the body?
Nevertheless, even though he wants to, he refrains from drinking coffee right now. Technically, Skyler is a part of his body, so perhaps drinking caffeine would wake him up. Let the poor guy get some rest, Jake figures.
He explores further and comes to the bedroom. On a night stand, there is a phone on a charger, and the bed is made and tidy. There is a clean bathroom and a small office corner with an impressive computer.
The apartment is certainly better furnished and cleaner than Jake's apartment.
Jake goes back into the living room and sits down on the couch again. It's wonderfully quiet and even though he didn't want to, Jake drifts off into an uneasy slumber, dreaming of red demons.
Skyler wakes up to the sensation of hot water running down his length. The splashing sounds and the smell of soap made it clear that Jake is taking a shower. It's the first time since the change that Skyler is able to see Jake's new body through the foggy mirror. Damn. His new body is hot! The Arab man has obviously seen a gym from the inside and looks a mixture of manly and cute somehow.
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Just as Skyler is thinking these thoughts, Jake's hands go down and begin soaping Skyler's dick body. It feels both incredible and invasive. Jake didn't ask if he was allowed to touch him but just did so. Sure, Skyler is his dick, a body part of Jake, but it still doesn't seem right that Jake can touch him whenever he wants.
On the other hand, not only the movement of the soapy hand down his length but also the feeling of being handled like that without his consent feel erotic. Jake has been his secret crush for so long now, and now it feels almost like a hand job from him. Skyler can't help himself. He feels Jake's blood rushing into him and himself chubbing up.
He raises from his hanging position slowly to a stiff standing one.
"Whoa! Sky, are you awake buddy? What are you doing?" Jake asks.
"Uh, I was just... enjoying the shower." Skyler answers.
"Yeah, I can see that. Holy shit! I mean you're big normally, but... wow. Is that some kind of morning wood? I mean you were sleeping right?" Jake is obviously trying to overplay his insecurity on how to deal with the situation by talking a lot.
"Uh, no, not really, but you kinda touched me... And I got a look at your new body and..."
Skyler stops abruptly. Shit! He shouldn't have said that. Perhaps Jake didn't notice.
"And...?" Jake obviously had noticed.
Skyler sighs inwardly. There's no way out of this, so it seems today is the day he is afraid of. Skyler feels his cock body shrink down again, as he feels uncomfortable.
"And... You're hot. Your new body I mean. Don't get me wrong, your old one was hot, too..." his voice trails off.
Jake is silent and through the fog, Skyler can't see his face. He feels miserable and would be trembling if he still had a body capable of. Why doesn't Jake say anything? Anything at all!
"So, you're gay?" The foreign voice of Jake is hard to interpret. Is he angry? Disgusted? Disappointed?
"Ye... Yes. Kinda. Well, eh, completely actually." Skyler's voice sounds like he is about to start crying any minute now.
"Good for you, dude! Why didn't you tell me before?" Skyler can hardly believe what he is hearing.
"You don't... I mean it's okay for you?" Skyler asks, still unsure of what to do.
Jake's answer is soft. "Of course, why wouldn't it be? I love you, man, why would that change just because you like dick?"
He quickly adds: "As a friend, I mean. I love you as a friend."
After a moment of silence both men burst out into laughter, a clear, liberating laughter.
"Thank you, Jake, I... I don't know how I should thank you, but I really appreciate that. It's a relief. And I love you, too, you know. As a friend."
The last part is a lie, but that is a secret Skyler would take to his grave. Jake is straight as they come and there's really no need to burden him with Skyler's silly feelings for him.
"So, this dude here is your type? I guess he's not bad looking." Jake asks while continuing to wash himself.
"I don't know if I have a type; I find him hot, but I like a lot of body types." Skyler answers honestly, just glad that he can finally talk to Jake about all that. He even manages to stay flaccid as Jake rinses him.
"By the way, do we say 'him'? I mean it's your body, at least for the moment, so it's kind of weird to talk about 'him' as a separate person." Skyler adds.
Jake chuckles. "You just want to say that 'I' am hot, don't you? I guess we can treat this body as mine, at least until we find out more. Don't get used to it, though, we need to find a way to reverse this as quickly as possible."
With that, Jake turns off the water and dries himself off. It's a weird sensation to be tossed around by the gigantic towel for Skyler, but he feels content and clean afterwards.
He only realizes Jake's next plan as he has already taken a few steps in the bathroom, grabs Skyler with his right hand and points him towards the toilet bowl.
There is it again! Jake is just touching him and intends to use him without asking! It's kind of humiliating, to be reduced to just a cock to piss through! However, that's exactly what Jake is doing. His hand is lightly holding Skyler's dick body and aims him at the toilet while a now somewhat familiar pressure starts in his base. Then, the urine erupts out of his gland, which still feels like it's running out of his mouth. It tastes different from before, a noticeable difference in the acidic waste fluid from Jake's old body.
A small part in the back of his mind finds it exciting: He is being used (without asking, just being used, like a thing!) for emptying Jake's bladder, and he makes Jake feel good by it!
However, most of his mind is just disgusted and alienated. He is a person, not a thing!
After Jake finishes, Skyler objects: "You could have asked me or at least warned me, you know?"
"Hm? Oh, sorry about that. I didn't think about it." Jake's apology sounds sincere, although he obviously doesn't see it as a big thing.
Not wanting to press it further, Skyler changes the topic:
"So, where are we, and who are you? I mean who is your body?"
Jake doesn't answer but instead looks at himself in the big mirror, twisting his torso.
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"Huh. Would you look at that! I have the same tattoo you had on my shoulder now."
"Weird! I bet it is because you used the stone. By the way, what exactly happened? I didn't exactly see much from inside your pants back then."
Jake walks to the bedroom and starts dressing, but leaves Skyler hanging out so he can see as he starts talking:
"Well, we were taking a walk and I sat down to eat my hot dog. Then, all of a sudden, you said that you were feeling unwell."
"It was a really strange sensation, like I knew something was coming, call it a gut feeling." Skyler chimes in.
"Right. So, we went home and all of a sudden it got dark, like a thunderstorm, and this black and red fog started to appear around me."
"Creepy." comments Skyler.
"Absolutely. When I got home, the sigil stone was floating in mid-air, and it was glowing on its own. And then, the demon appeared."
"A demon?"
"Yup. Definitely a demon. Big red dude with horns. It gives me the chills just thinking about it. He was really horrifying! And I think he wanted to eat me or attack me or whatever. That's when I grabbed the stone and it kind of... transported me away? And changed me along the way?"
"Crazy. I felt the presence of the demon, but it was totally overwhelming, it was like I was drowning." Skyler adds his perspective.
"So. Here we are. You are still a dick and I'm someone else entirely. We have no idea where we are - or who I am." Jake summarizes their situation.
Skyler thinks for a moment before he answers: "Right. So, we could try to find out more about the where and who part or we could try to reverse this. Perhaps now that you have used the stone successfully, you have more chance?"
"We can try!"
Jake finishes dressing and grabs the stone again. "Okay, here we go!"
However, after several hours of trying to bring the stone to do some magic, Jake didn't manage to do more than evoke a light red glow. That however came more and more quickly, so he was seeing at least some progress.
He would have continued were it not for Skyler who suddenly sounds very alarmed:
"Jake! I think there is this feeling again!"
"Huh? What feeling?"
"The demon feeling! I wasn't sure but it's getting stronger. Perhaps it's because of the stone!"
"Shit! What do we do? Do you think we can run?"
"I don't know. But let's try. Grab the stone and get out of here!"
Jake doesn't need to be told twice. He pockets the stone and grabs some keys from the board that he hopes are the apartment keys and, finally stuffs Skyler back into his pants.
"Sorry about that. When I go outside -"
"Yes, don't worry, get moving!" Skyler can feel the presence much more clearly now. Now that he made the mental link, the sensation is not entirely different from the one he felt when he was using the stone himself, only much stronger. There was definitely a connection between the demon and the stone.
Jake exists the building and finds himself in an unfamiliar city. After trying to remember the house for a second or two, he starts moving into a random direction.
This body is much fitter than his original one, so he quickly falls into a light jog and makes some distance before he notices it's getting dark. It is the early evening, but this is much too fast. As he looks up, he can see dark clouds hanging over him again.
"Jake, it's coming nearer and nearer!" Skyler's voice is concerned. "What do we do if you can't outrun it?"
Jake grits his teeth and runs fast, not caring about where he is going or that he needs to find his way back.
"I don't know. It's a freaking demon! It has gotten dark again, and I think I can see the fog coming in."
"Do you still have the stone with you?"
Jake checks his pocket again where he finds the familiar shape of the stone, vibrating slightly.
"Yes, and I think it's reacting to the demon! Just like the last time. Perhaps if we get caught, I can use it again?"
By now, Jake has arrived in a deserted part of the city. The dark silhouettes of probably empty industrial buildings are standing high and silently to both sides of the ill-maintained road. Through every gap, there is fog creeping in, in colors of black and dark red. The cloud above is even darker.
He can hear a faint, haunting sound. It is the demon, no doubt about it.
Jake tries to focus on his surroundings, but all he can see is the black shadow of the buildings and the fog. He has not yet seen the demon but every hair in his neck is telling him he is nearby.
"Skyler, what should we do? The fog is closing in and I don't know what to do."
"Jake, I think you have to face the demon."
"What? Why? Are you insane?"
"No, listen. You still have the stone. In your pocket? Keep it hidden. If the power of the stone grows when the demon is nearby, perhaps you can bring us home when he comes. And perhaps you can find out what he wants!"
Skyler's logic is not bad, but the thought of seeing the demon again is horrifying. Still, it's their best shot to get out of this mess. Jake slows down and turns around, now standing in the light of a street lamp surrounded by a sea of dark fog.
All his instincts tell him to run away, but he fights them down and looks around. His little island of light is surrounded by shifting darkness, and somewhere in that darkness, the demon lurks. Jake can vividly imagine the creature circling around him, ready to jump at any point.
He tries to get a sense of where it is going, unsuccessfully trying to pierce the fog with his eyes. Then, all of a sudden, the fog splits and the horrible red skinned figure walks towards him. The demon's posture clearly shows that he knows very well Jake is cornered. He seems to exudes confidence and arrogance as he walks towards Jake. When he speaks, it's like hot metal needles piercing Jake's brain.
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"You can't run from me. It's pointless."
Jake's fist is tightly clenching the stone in his pocket so much that it hurts. It's a bit reassuring that the stone is brimming with power again, but overall, Jake's jaw trembles and his knees feel like pudding. His Adam’s apple jumps up and down before he finally answers with a shaking voice:
"Who... are you?"
"How bold of you to ask questions." The demon's laugh is entirely unpleasant.
"But since it's the last thing you will hear before I devour your soul, you shall know my name."
The demon stops takes one step closer to Jake and stops. Only now can Jake see that he looks a bit different than before. The horns bend to another side and the face looks different too.
"I am Baelnath, a mighty Lord of the seventh hell. You on the other hand are insignificant, a human among billions. Your tiny soul shall sustain me for a short while, and then, you will be forgotten."
"Why me? What do you want of me?" Jake's voice is trembling. The implications of all of this are overwhelming and he would need time later to sort them through.
"You fool, toying with forces you don't understand! Enough questions! Give me the stone now, I can feel it's presence clearly, and make peace with your Gods."
Jake slowly pulls out the stone against his will and holds it out in front of himself. The stone is glowing brightly, and the red demon has a greedy look in his eyes. He quickly closes the last steps between them, and Jake can smell the sulphury stench of the demon close by. The desire to just give him the stone and let him kill him is incredibly strong. The demon has a power of him he didn't count on. Jake tries to pull his hand back with his other hand, but it's no use.
"Jake! What are you doing? Get us out of here!" Skyler's voice is almost drowned out by the rushing of blood in his ears, but it's no use. Jake doesn't have any control over his body anymore.
"Jake!!" Skyler screams inside his head, only centimeters remain between him and the demon. Then, suddenly an entirely different feeling washes over him. Jake still has no control over himself and can only watch helplessly as another powerful will drowns out both himself and the demons for one second. Jake feels himself draw back his fist with the stone in it to his body and the bright light coming from it intensifies even more, stripping the world around him apart once more.
Now, one secret is out of the open, and many more revealed. The nice red skinned fellow has a name! What's his story? If you want to re-read the previous episode, you can do so here. Of course, if you don't know what's going on, you can also go here to read from the beginning. The next episode is already waiting for you here!
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peonierose · 1 year
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☁️ (Fluff) | 🎭 (Angst) | Series 📚 | 📱 (Text Fic / Social Media) | 🔥 (NSFW) | Ⓜ️ (Mature) | 🃏 (Teen) | 🌈 (LGBTQ+)| 🎨 (Artwork)| 🎁 (Gifts from friends)
Open Heart
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Set after OH ended
Pink Lemonade - Part 1 - ☁️ | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: A surprise waits for Luna. What has Bryce in store?
"Love me Tender" ☁️ | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: Bryce and Luna are newly minted parents and weren't prepared of struggling to put their twins to bed. Will they succeed?
Las hijas de Luna ☁️ | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: It’s time for Luna and Bryce to welcome their twins into the world. Will there be any complications? Or will the birth go without a hitch?
Don‘t call me Angel ☁️ | - Characters involved: Luna Auclair (F!OC - OH), Bryce Lahela (M!MC - OH), Tobias Carrick (M!MC - OH, Maxwell Beaumont (M!MC - TRR) and Bertrand Beaumont (M!MC - TRR)
Summary: Luna helps Tobias to polish his image. Will she be successful?
Losing Game (4/4) 📚 🎭 | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: Bryce and Luna have worked things out. But there is still one visit to make before Bryce and Luna find closure.
Losing Game (3/4) 📚 🎭 | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: Bryce visited his dad in prison and now he and Luna are oceans apart, but after a scare during his surgery he can only think of one person to call.
Losing Game (2/4) 📚 🎭 | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: Bryce comes back from visiting his father in prison. Though he didn’t tell Luna. Will things work out between them? Or will they drift further apart?
Losing Game (1/4) 📚 🎭 | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary:  Bryce visits his dad in prison. How will that go? Will they reunite or will they stay apart forever? 
Summer‘s Kiss ☁️ | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: Luna and Bryce enjoy a bit of alone time together by Manoa Falls.
I‘m a Sucker for You ☁️ | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela
Summary: Bryce and Luna spend some time on Valentine‘s Day (even though they’re not the biggest Valentine’s Day fans). With one or two presents in between.
Rosé all Day ☁️ | - Luna Auclair (F!OC), Keiki Lahela (F!MC), Evie Auclair (F!OC), Soraya Auclair (F!OC), Meilani Leahi (F!OC) and Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary:  It’s Maxines birthday on February 14th, but Luna knows that Maxine doesn’t like Valentine‘s day. So she and the girls spend some quality time together. Drinking eating, and playing some games.
Looks like Pizza to me ☁️ | - Luna Auclair (F!OC), Bryce Lahela (M!MC), Soraya Auclair (F!OC), Evie Auclair (FOC), Skyler Auclair (M!OC)
Summary: Luna, her cousins Soraya, Evie and Sky make pizza and debate if pineapple belong on pizza or not. Who will win the debate?
Cake by the Ocean ☁️ | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: Before Bryce and Luna get a special surprise before their cake testing. Are they ready for this next step in their relationship?
A Pinch of Pink and Blue...This one's for you ☁️🎭 | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: Bryce and Luna have the talk about trying for kids. Are they ready for that yet?
Go Blonder ☁️ | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: Bryce makes a bet with Jackie. What happens if he loses?
I Do ☁️ | - Luna Auclair (F!OC), Bryce Lahela (M!MC), Hayley. Valentine-Ramsey (F!MC)
Summary: Bryce, Luna and their friends and family were invited to attend Ethan and Hayley‘s wedding.
My Love won't let you down ☁️ | - Luna Auclair (F!OC), Soraya Auclair (F!OC), Bryce Lahela (M!MC), Skyler Auclair (M!OC) and Evie Auclair (F!OC)
Summary: Soraya is heartbroken. Luna, Bryce and Luna's cousin Sky and Evie help her go through it.
Paint Wars ☁️ | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: Bryce and Luna turn painting into an afternoon of fun.
A new Chapter ☁️ 🎭 📱 | - Bryce Lahela (M!MC), Keiki Lahela (F!MC), Luna Auclair (F!OC) and Dylan Yu (M!OC)
Summary: It’s prom night for Keiki, but it’s not exactly how she pictured it would go.
'How were we ever strangers...' ☁️ 🎭 | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: Luna wants to ask Bryce to marry her, not knowing Bryce wants to ask her too. Will they get a chance to ask each other?
By a Landslide ☁️ 🎭 | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: Bryce and Luna take a trip to Hawaii, though they have a tough decision to make.
Just Temporary ☁️ 🎭 | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: Bryce heard some nurses talk badly about Luna and there was no way he wouldn't defend her.
'I'll love you through the Madness, babe' ☁️ 🎭 | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: It’s Henry's anniversary, Bryce's best friend. Someone at work made some nasty comments and Bryce got into a fight. Luna tries to cheer him up a bit.
Go with the Flow ☁️ | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: Bryce gets Luna to try out surfing. It doesn't go as planned.
Always & Forever ☁️ | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: Luna decides to get a tattoo. But she's scared to get one alone so Bryce goes with her.
"Wild Blue" ☁️ | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: Luna has a photoshoot for a good cause with Bryce's help she's not scared to do the photoshoot.
Only Love ☁️ | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: Bryce shows Luna how to french braid, since she can't do it.
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Cinnamon Sugar ☁️ | - Maxine Moore (F!OC) x Adam Sinclair (M!OC)
Summary: Maxine go out on their first date. How will it go? Will sparks fly or will it be a flop?
Bittersweet Symphony ☁️ | - Maxine Moore (F!OC) x Adam Sinclair (M!OC)
Summary: Maxine’s & Adams relationship goes a step further. Will they become official? Or will it take them more time?
Kintsugi ☁️ 🎭 Ⓜ️ | - Maxine Moore (F!OC) x Adam Sinclair (M!OC)
Summary: Maxine has trouble with anxiety and depression. Adam shows up to help her through it. As well as her best friend Luna.
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Wildflower ☁️ | - Keiki Lahela (F!MC) x Koa Haulani (M!OC)
Summary: Keiki who still struggles with trusting guys and entering a new relationship after Dylan broke her heart. That's when she meets Koa. Will she give him a chance or will she let her fear of getting hurt win and therefore miss out on a great connection with Koa?
Dear John ☁️ | - Keiki Lahela (F!MC) x Koa Haulani (M!OC)
Summary: Keiki and Koa find love letters on the beach and try to find who they belong to. Meanwhile they are exploring where they're relationship and feelings lie.
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Mona Lisa ☁️ 📱| - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: Luna and Bryce have a fun tex t exchange between them, involving coffee.
Nightmare before Christmas ☁️ 📱 | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: Bryce and Luna have a debate if Nightmare before Christmas is a Halloween or Christmas movie.
Hau’oli la Heleui ☁️ 📱- Luna Auclair (F!OC), Bryce Lahela (M!MC), Keiki Lahela (F!MC) and more
Summary: Luna, Bryce and their friends and family celebrate Halloween.
Viva Las Vegas ☁️ 📱 🌈 | - Soraya Auclair (F!OC) x Meilani Leihi (F!OC)
Summary: Two beautiful people are getting married and start a new chapter in their lives.
Pumpkin Spice ☁️ 📱 | - Bryce Lahela (M!MC), Luna Auclair (F!OC) and more
Summary: It’s fall time meaning Luna and Bryce celebrate Halloween with their friends and family.
Pink Champagne - Part 2 ☁️ 📱 | - Luna Auclair (F!OC), Bryce Lahela (M!MC) and more
Pink Champagne - Part 1 ☁️ 📱 | - Luna Auclair (F!OC), Bryce Lahela (M!MC) and more
Summary: Luna and her friends celebrate her birthday and her bachelorette party. Going away on a trip to Greece. 
Best asked question ☁️ 📱 | - Bryce Lahela (M!MC), Keiki Lahela (F!MC), Luna Auclair (F!OC), Maxine Moore (F!OC), Evie Auclair (F!OC), Soraya Auclair (F!OC)
Summary: Bryce and Luna have very important questions to ask.
My number One ☁️ 📱 | - Luna Auclair (F!OC), Bryce Lahela (M!MC), Keiki Lahela (F!MC)
Summary: If Luna and Bryce were a Disney couple which one would they be?
Sunshine ☀️ - ☁️ 📱 | - Luna Auclair, Bryce Lahela, Keiki Lahela, Maxine Moore, Grace Auclair, Skylar Auclair, Soraya Auclair, Evie Auclair
Summary: Luna, Bryce, their family and friends celebrate Brian, Luna's dad's birthday.
Mother's Day - 📱| - Luna Auclair, Bryce Lahela, Keiki Lahela, Maxine Moore, Grace Auclair, Skylar Auclair, Soraya Auclair, Evie Auclair and more
Summary: Just a few picta edits for Mother‘s Day 💐 Enjoy 😊
Bittersweet - 📱 | - Luna Auclair, Bryce Lahela, Keiki Lahela and more
Summary: Bryce and Luna spend their last couple of days in Boston with their close friends. 
Homecoming Part 2 📱 | - Luna Auclair, Bryce Lahela, Keiki Lahela and more
Summary: It’s Bryce’s Birthday. Meaning celebrating and opening presents.
Homecoming Part 1 - ☁️ 📱 | - Luna Auclair, Bryce Lahela, Keiki Lahela and more
Summary: It’s not only Bryce and Luna moving back to Hawaii…it’s also Bryce’s Birthday on April, 16th (Yes, I took my own birthday and used it for Bryce’s as well)
Shamrock Kisses - ☁️ 📱 | - Bryce Lahela (M!MC), Luna Auclair (F!OC), Maxine Moore (F!OC), Keiki Lahela (F!MC) and Hayley Valentine (F!MC)
It's a wrap 📱 | - Bryce Lahela (M!MC), Luna Auclair
Summary: It’s Saint Patrick’s Day and the group‘s celebrating 🥳
L-O-V-E - ☁️ 📱 | - Luna Auclair (F!OC), Bryce Lahela (M!MC), Keiki Lahela (F!MC)
Summary: Bryce, Luna, Keiki and their friends celebrate valentines day.
Let them eat...healthy? 📱 | - Characters involved: Bryce Lahela, Luna Auclair, Keiki Lahela, Maxine, Dylan Yu.
Summary: Bryce tries to motivate everyone to eat more healthy.
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❗️On Hiatus ❗️
Nightbound vs. Hänsel & Gretel
Introduction Ⓜ️ | -Gretel van Andresen (F!OC) and Hänsel van Andresen (M!OC)
Chapter 1: Wake up Little Susie Ⓜ️ | - Gretel van Andresen (F!OC) and Hänsel van Andresen (M!OC)
Summary: Hänsel and Gretel two amazing supernatural hunters are working on a new case that leads them to New Orleans and to old friends. So let the good times roll.
Chapter 2: Strange Encounters Ⓜ️ | - Gretel van Andresen (F!OC), Hänsel van Andresen (M!OC), Nik (M!MC), Katherine (F!MC) and Garros (M!MC)
Summary: Hänsel and Gretel arrive in New Orleans and meet some old friends. Will they be able to help them with the case?
Chapter 3: Unexpected Ⓜ️ | - Gretel van Andresen (F!OC), Hänsel van Andresen (M!OC), Grey (M!OC), Vi (F!OC) and Vine (
Summary: Hänsel and Gretel are now in New Orleans. Looking for clues. They’ll encounter someone new. Friend or Foe?
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That's Amore 📱 | - Sam Dalton (M!MC), Addison Dalton (F!MC), Sofia Russo (F!MC), Robin Flores (M!MC), Jenny (F!MC), Addison Dalton (F!MC)
Summary: Emma organizes a trip to Italy for her husband Sam, their kids, her best friend Jenny, Robin, Sofia and Addison.
Once TNA & OH Crossover (AU)
Sam Dalton (M!MC), Addison Dalton (F!MC), Ethan Ramsey (M!MC) and Robin Flores (M!MC)
Summary: Addison has stage four ovarian cancer. So Sam and Addi seek a consultation with Dr. Ethan Ramsey at Edenbrook. Will they make it in time?
Part (1/5) Ⓜ️ 🎭 | - Sam Dalton (M!MC) x Addison Dalton (F!MC)
Part (2/5) Ⓜ️ 🎭 | - Sam Dalton (M!MC) x Addison Dalton (F!MC)
Part (3/5) Ⓜ️ 🎭 | - Sam Dalton (M!MC), Addison Dalton (F!MC) and Ethan Ramsey (M!MC)
Part (4/5) Ⓜ️ 🎭 | - Sam Dalton (M!MC), Robin Flores (M!MC), Ethan Ramsey (M!MC)
Part (5/5) Ⓜ️ 🎭 | - Sam Dalton (M!MC), and Addison Dalton (F!MC)
Girls Night
Sam Dalton (M!MC), Emma Anderson (F!MC) and more
Summary: The girls have a fun night together, but things don’t go as planned.
Chapter 1 - What's the Secret password - Ⓜ️ | - Emma Anderson (F!MC), Addison Dalton (F!MC) and more
Part 2 - Party like you mean it - Ⓜ️ | - Emma Anderson (F!MC), Addison Dalton (F!MC) and more
Part 3 - Streaking past your neighbors house Ⓜ️ | - Emma Anderson (F!MC), Addison Dalton (F!MC) and more
Part 4 - Epilogue - You & I Ⓜ️ | - Addison Dalton (F!MC) x Robin Flores (M!MC)
The Tell-All
Robin Flores (M!MC)
Summary: Robins Tell-All interview with Serena Knight. Told from his point of view.
Part 1 - Ⓜ️
Part 2 - Ⓜ️
Summary: Robin spends thanksgiving with Sam, Emma, Jenny and Addison.
Bite Me - Gabriel Adalhard and Cas Harlow
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Green Green Mystery Machine | Rose De Luca (F!MC) x Trystan Thorne (M!MC)
Moja Ruža - ☁️ | Rose De Luca (F!MC) x Trystan Thorne (M!MC)
Peppermint Kisses | Rose De Luca (F!MC) x Trystan Thorne (M!MC)
Summary: It’s Christmas time and Rose and Trystan spend some time with their family and friends, when their quality time gets interrupted by a pickpocket. Can Rose and Trystan solve the case?
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Week 1: All Smiles and Giggles - Luna Auclair (F!OC - Open Heart)
Week 2: Picture this - Hänsel & Gretel (OC‘s - Nightbound)
Week 3: Kala Kala - Luna Auclair (F!OC - Open Heart)
Under Construction 🚧
Other Fics
Both are good 🌈 | - Bryce Lahela (M!MC) x Raleigh Carrera (M!MC)
Colab with @aallotarenunelma
Aallotar's A/N: This project started exactly a month ago, as my great friend Peonie and I were complaining about the lack of fictions about friendship. We discussed and chose a great pair of friends across the Choices universe. Since then, everything has fallen into place, so this fiction is an entry for the Let's Hear it for the Boys event by @choicesficwriterscreations , as well as for the Bi Awareness Week hosted by @choicespride ! This is a labour of love and a lot of fun. Hopefully you'll enjoy it! 💛
Peonie's A/N: I’ve worked on this project with one of my favorite friends, they’ve become one of my closest friends and this is our project. Hope you’ll enjoy this story as much fun as we had writing it 😍💚😚
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Set after Open Heart ended
Under the Mistletoe ☁️ | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary:  Luna and Bryce spend some time with their friends Ethan and Hayley and the open heart gang in Boston. 
Neon Lights ☁️ | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: Luna, Bryce and the Open Heart gang go mini golfing. Who will win?
Home is where the heart is ☁️ | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: It’s Christmas time. Luna and Bryce get visited by Ethan & Hayley. But it looks like Luna gets to fangirl a little first.
Last Christmas...I gave you my heart ☁️ | - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Summary: Luna and Bryce spend their first Christmas together.
Chapter 1 - It's getting...green and merry in here
Chapter 2 - Underneath the Christmas tree
Chapter 3 - Unwrapping Presents
Luna Auclair & Bryce Lahela
On the dance floor - Luna Auclair (F!OC) x Bryce Lahela (M!MC)
Luna Auclair - OC of the month July - @choicesficwriterscreations
Asks Luna and Bryce
Luna‘s guilty pleasures
Teddy Bear
NSFW Dream
Auclair Family
Auclair Family Tree
Luna Auclair (F!OC) - @choicesficwriterscreations
Auclair Triplets
Gifts from friends - Edits & Art work
Secret Santa by @ladylamrian
Grey (M!OC - NB) @bayleedraws
April 16th (Another great birthday gift) - @annieruok94
Birthday Gift by @cariantha
Maxine & Adam by @loveliemadness
Luna Auclair 💚 Bryce Lahela by @cariantha and @bayleedraws-sometimesx
Bryce & Luna by @messprongs
Making Waves - @cariantha
My little artsy Luna Auclair (F!OC) - @inlocusmads
Beautiful Beige - by Linds
A beautiful birthday gift by my amazing friend @mysticalgalaxysstuff
Bryce Lahela (M!MC) - @weetlebeetle
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industryhbo · 11 months
orphan black echoes 💕💕 spoilers ahead
okay i really do love how they tied the plot of echoes in with the original show and made kira's character a part of it. cause while at first it might seem really implausible that she would do something like that, i feel like they totally justified it, and overall kira really rounds out the plot in an interesting way.
for all of kira's decisions, i could totally see how her childhood was influencing them. she grew up constantly afraid of losing her mom. she almost lost her to so many things, including terminal illness (oh wait i forgot sarah and helena were immune but still kira almost lost cosima and all her other sisters). so when she started to lose someone else she loved, she couldn't handle it. and this time, she might actually be able to do something about it thanks to her company, so she did! and her home life was so unstable as a kid, she wanted to do anything she could to keep eleanor around for lucas.
also that she didn't tell lucas anything about what was going on. kira was constantly dragged into her mother's problems, so she totally prevented lucas from getting involved or even knowing what was happening.
of course, kira was haunted by her mistake when lucy escaped and had to live without knowing who she was or why she was made. kira is the one person who would be the most affected by that mistake, knowing the clones and all they went through.
and my favorite part of the season is that this really drives home the problem with darros's plan. "all the potential and none of the baggage." he is forgetting that 'baggage' is what makes us human. kira's baggage is what makes her a great scientist! she understands deeply the ethical implications of her work, and it informs and inspires her in a unique way. making cookie cutter kids with hardly any real personal connections is not going to foster creativity and innovation. they're just going to be confused and probably crack under the pressure.
and in the season finale. oh my god. when eleanor said darros made a copy of kira -- my blood ran cold. that's the wooooooooorst 😭 she already went through all this shit and now it's happening agaiinn😭 i totally thought the girl on the bed was going to be skyler lmfao
anyways the plot wasn't perfect but damn the show was well done and sooo reminiscent of early OB seasons. i loved it 💖
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<a href="https://drpepperdragoon.tumblr.com/" style="text-decoration:underline;">drpepperdragoon</a>: <p>I saw a college age boy make fun of his grandpa's huge fat belly and age. Can you force his body to change where now everyone knows him as a fat grandpa or maybe make him his grandpa's older and fatter brother? (only he and his grandpa know what really happened and his grandpa now makes fun of him back for it.)</p>
Oh. You must be talking about skyler. Poor thing.
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Skyler was a typical jock. Making fun of people constantly. And even making fun of the one person that always love and took care of him. His grandfather. But that wasn’t going to last for. Alex, his grandfather, had been talking to a shady character at the local bar. He told the man in a drunken state about how skyler was disrespectful. Not a young man he was proud of. And that man offered him the chance to make skyler the grandson he would be proud to call his own. And with a flick of his cigar he blew the smoke into Alex’s face. The man was gone abs Alex just continue to drink his liquor. When he was done he walked from the bar to his truck. Not even noticing the changes that were rapidly happening to his body. Alex was getting younger by the second. His gut shrinking rapidly and he began to get taller. His shoes began to feel tight as his feet got bigger by a 2 sizes.
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If he wasn’t wearing over all’s his his pants would have fallen off from his weight loss when his stomach pulled itself into a perfect set of abs. His beard pulled back into his face as the wrinkles left his eyes. When he shut the door to truck he positioned himself ready for driving and found it weird he had to put his seat back some. Then he look in the rear view mirror. And that’s when he screamed. Seeing his grandson staring back at him. “No no no no!”
Across town Skyler was doing a water fall with liquor in the middle of a party when some strange man in a stretch coat came up to his abs blew cigar smoke in his face making him cough. Skyler pulled back to punch the man but he was done. He felt physically ill and staggered away from the party to the nearest bathroom. Holding onto the wall for balance. Already starting to dry heave. The door to the bathroom was slammed behind him blocking him from the party. Making him alone. Skyler began to sweat uncontrollable as the beads rolled down his chest abs back. He vision went blurry not even knowing that his eyes would need glasses from now on. He was t even able to see the small dusting of hair that quickly covered his body. All the way down to his toes. And he didn’t feel his abs expanding outward abs looking down through his blurry eyes he was able to see a dark sphere pushing itself ourself and he could feel the tufts of hair costing it and his shoulders began to tickle as the hairy climbed up and over his back. His hair fell out making him bald. His pants split at all the seems leaving him standing in the bathroom in an extremely tight jock strap. Not even his shoes fit anymore as they were joe too big. He could something was wrong. He panicked and began to scream only to hear a deeper voice that sounded aged and familiar. One that he was afraid that his voice now matched the body tooo. It rougher hands went to his mouth to cover it only to feel a really thick beard costing his face. He had to find some way out of the bathroom. He had to find a way home without being seen. His hearing wasn’t good as it was moment earlier. Everything was a lot quieter. But he did what he could. Abs through blurry vision managed to find his way from the party and across the street back to his house where he slammed the door and began screaming as if he has lost his mind.
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—————————-a month later ————-
“Get up you fat fuck!” Alex was at the foot is his bed ripping the Ed sheets off to reveal the fat older form of the body he used to have. Alex was pumped like always. Form the constant working out and find a stable job he was putting on muscle fast. And now that he quit partying until all hours of the night he was getting rested every night. Alex had taken skylers body and his actual life abs literally turned it around. Making him the grandson that he would have been proud of. But every moment he got a chance he would make Skyler remember that he was stuck in the body of a grandpa. The aging the hairy body of one that wasn’t taken care of. Skyler got to the kitchen with sweat coming from his forehead after caring the massive gut around already and Alex slapped the hard orb and laughed. “How does it feel to have the life of the one you always made fun of now you old fuck!” Right before he walked out of the house half naked ready for his job working on lawns. Skyler wa slept there. Like every day before to hate his life. Stuck in the old form of his grandpa. Hoping that the made in the coat would come back and fix this.
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July 28th, 2021 8:12pm
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cannibalisticdespair · 3 months
Late to the ask game but-
❤️‍🔥 Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul
It's sorta my new hyperfixation til the new series I wanna watch/read
Oh I fucking love them. But for hot takes? Frankly, I get people disliking Skyler. Because from an outside perspective, Walt is dying of cancer and goddamn was she shitty about it. That's gonna taint everything. I'm sorry, but your feelings get put on a backburner when the other person's situation is "dying of cancer". "My loved one is dying of cancer" does not supersede the loved one's "dying of cancer". People get an allowance to not be their best self when they've been handed a death clock, you know? Oh, is he unusually cold and distant? Yeah, but from the perspective of anyone who doesn't know what Walt is up to, like her, he's dying of cancer. That's to be expected. Oh, has he become more volatile? Dying. Of cancer. These are normal human reactions to dying of cancer. It's pretty hard to stare down the jaws of mortality and not become a bit of an ass about it. It's about as "staring into the void" as you can get.
The best way to explain this is like, forget your viewer-knowledge for a moment and view her behavior from her own perspective with only her limited subjective knowledge. For a comparison, imagine someone randomly stabbed a stranger to death for no reason other than the fun of it. But by pure chance, that stranger happened to be a serial killer. Was the random murder for fun suddenly more okay? No, because they didn't know that. That wasn't driving their behavior.
That's Skyler's dealing with Walt's changes in behavior and everything at first. She didn't know he had become a drug manufacturer and was involved in organized crime. All she knew is that he was dying of cancer. Also, just not a fan of "force someone to get medical treatment they don't want to undergo for your own desires", that's pretty shit.
But like, yeah, dying of cancer is in fact a legitimate reason to be cold and distant and be acting out of character. From her limited subjective position, she was not supportive or comforting of the dying person she claimed to love. Which is just shitty. You know the whole concept of giving a very sick dog that has to be euthanized one really amazing (to a dog) day? That's what you're supposed to do for someone dying of a terminal illness when you love them. Cherish the moments you have left and make them absolutely fucking incredible.
Oh, the dying man wants to smoke some fucking weed? Who gives a fuck? Dude's fucking dying. Oh, he's not hopeful and optimistic? And you're getting angry at him for that? Come on, it takes a particular type of person to maintain such outlooks while dying of a terminal illness. You just never get the sense that she views him as a terminally ill person who's about to die and deserves to have his last days be the best fucking days possible, which just is so fucked to me.
Now, this isn't as important later on, but first impressions matter a lot. And that initial impression really sours things. She acts more like a mother towards him than a partner (and not a good one), and it doesn't feel like that's something he desired, it feels like that's something she chose to do.
Also, there's the aspect of "you have a disabled kid and are living on a single high school teacher and car washer's salary because you don't want to fucking work". Which like... shit. Absolute shit. It's not like she can't work. It's not like Flynn needs her to be a stay at home mom. Walt certainly never asked her to do this. There's never any implication that it's the common situation of the man wanting her to be a housewife. She just decided "hey, I'm gonna quit my job and chase my dream of being a writer while selling shit on eBay". And you don't gotta fucking quit your job to chase your dream of being a writer. Most writers have traditional jobs until they hit it big, not make their partner get a second job to support the family while they scalp shit on eBay and fail at being a writer.
Like, I guess my point is, swap the sexes and see if anyone would defend the behavior. Walt and Skyler are both toxic, shitty people. Like attracts like and both of them fucking suck. Flynn is literally the only person in that family who isn't a piece of shit. Skyler, Walt, Hank, and Marie are all flavors of asshole. None of them are UwU innocent put upon blorbos. They're all trash people being trash to each other and everyone around them, making the world a worse place for existing in it. Hank's a racist cop, Marie is the embodiment of white lady privilege, Walt's a violent self-centered, egotistical drug lord, and Skyler has genuinely cared about exactly one human being in her life. They're all shitty people.
To be clear, people taking Walt's side over Skyler after seeing the whole show are idiots too, it's just that it's not "either you side with Walt or Skyler". It's "wow, you are all horrid trash people". Jesse and Jimmy/Saul are miles above any of them.
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inatafortuna · 1 year
Merle Dixon/OC When the world went to shit, a woman and her daughter ended up in a tank with a guy, in the middle of Atlanta. When a nearby group helps them, they meet someone they never thought to see again.
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Months. She, and her daughter have been on their own since the outbreak. Her husband went on a hunting trip with his brother, and she went to visit her own sister with their daughter when the world went shit.
Then her sister died. A horde came, and everything happened so fast, and her sister was gone. Grieving? There was no time for grieving, even when all what she wanted to do was crying. Bonnie was a tough woman, so she pulled herself together. Her daughter was still alive, and they needed each other more than ever now.
Her husband taught her to hunt years ago. Oh, at first she always begged him to let her go with them, when they went hunting for a weekend and after a while, her husband gave in. Over the years, Bonnie kept getting better, and now she was thankful for what she had learned. It meant she and her daughter don't starve. But every now and then they needed other supplies. That's how they ended up in this mess, with a guy in a tank, in the middle of Atlanta.
"Ya know, we in this mess, because you started shooting, Rambo."
"I'm sorry." Bonnie sighed, the guy seemed like he really meant it, but he was still an idiot. Well, her daughter had to think the same thing.
"They attracted to the noise, ya don't know nothing?" Skyler was fourteen years old, with a big attitude, just like her mom and dad, but was just as skilled for this new world. Rambo wanted to say something when the radio in the tank started to beeping.
"Hey, are you guys still alive in there?" They looked at each other, then Rambo grabbed the radio.
"Yes, we are alive! You can see us?"
"Yeah, I can see you. You're surrounded by walkers. That's the bad news."
"There's good news?"
"No. Oh man, you guys should see it from over here. You'd been having a major freak-out." Bonnie grunted, she had enough, and take the radio.
"Listen, while you and Rambo here having a nice chit-chat, I wanna stay alive, so any advice?"
"Make a run for it. It sounds crazy, but listen. There's one geek still up on the tank, but the others climbed down and joined the feeding frenzy where the horse went down. The street on the other side of the tank is less crowded. Got ammo?"
"Me and my daughter had two guns, a crossbow, and some knives. Rambo here has a beretta with one clip."
"Jump off the right side of the tank, keep going in that direction. There's an alley up the street, maybe 50 yards, be there. Good luck."
"Well, shit." She wiped her forehead looking at Rambo and Skyler.
"We try, right, ma'?"
"Hell yeah. C'mere sweetie." Bonnie hugged her daughter, then glanced at Rambo. "What's your name?"
"Rick. Yours?"
"Bonnie, and my daughter Skyler. But I going to call ya' Rambo." For the first time, Rick smiled.
"If we can make out of here alive, you can call me whatever you want."
"Deal." And with that, they opened the tank and then run. Boonie shot the geek on the tank, and Rick with Sky the rest. They managed to reach the alley and run into an Asian guy.
"Whoa, not dead! Come on, come on!" They followed the guy, up on the fire escape, through the building. When they were inside, a blonde woman held a gun in Rick's face.
"We are all dead, because of you!"
"Andrea, back off!" Someone of the group shouted, but she has not lowered her gun. Bonnie grabbed her hand, and took her gun.
"Hey, Blondie, next time ya' wanna hold a gun on someone, maybe take the safety off." The woman's expression turned a little embarrassed, but still angry.
"Give it back."
"Why, you can't even know how to use it."
"Ma', don't be an asshole." Bonnie snorted at her daughter's comment.
"Even you know how to use a gun, and ya' just fourteen." She then glanced back at Blondie, then sighed, giving her gun back. "Here."
"Thanks." Andrea said, and Bonnie just nodded. "By the way, I'm Andrea, not Blondie."
"Sure thing, Blondie."
"She calls me Rambo." Rick chuckled, then turned to the Asian guy. "What's your name? You saved our ass outside."
"Glenn. The others are Morales, Jacqui, and T-Dog."
"I'm Rick Grimes. And she's Bonnie and her daughter Skyler."
"Yo. We were on a supply run, just like you guys, when Rambo here rang the dining bell. We're trapped in the tank, but Glenn here saved the day." That's when they hear a shot, then another from the roof.
"Oh, no, is that Dixon?" Andrea said, and Bonnie's heart stopped for a moment, looking instantly at Sky. Dixon? Could be...?
"What's that maniac doing? Come on, let's go!" Glenn said, and everyone went to the roof.
"Dixon, are you crazy?!" Morales shouted.
"Hey, You oughta be more polite to a man with a gun! Only common sense." She just stood there, frozen on her spot, and stared at the man she thought she would never see again.
"Holy shit... Merle?" Hearing his name caught him off guard and looking at her direction, his eyes widened, lowering his rifle.
"Bon?" She sobbed and started to run toward Merle almost tipping him, and throw her hands around his neck. He hugged her back tightly. not believing this is really happening. He started stroking her brown curls. "C'mon sugah', ya' never been a softie, don't cry."
"Shut up, asshole." She pulled away just enough to see him smirk. Bonnie always loved that smirk, and she grabbed his head and kissed him.
"Daddy..." At their daughter's voice, they pulled back, and Merle just looked at his girl. The next moment, Sky was in his arms and he kissed the top of her head.
"Hey there, Pumpkin." Skyler was fourteen, but right now she clunged on his dad like a six year old. Bonnie just smiled, almost forgetting they were not alone.
"Um... can someone explain what's going on?" It was Glenn, and looking around she saw that everyone in the group stared at them, especially at Merle.
"He's my husband."
"You're a Dixon?" Andrea's expression was dumbfounded. Nobody wanted to believe that an asshole redneck like Merle Dixon has a wife, let alone a daughter.
"Yup. I have been Bonnie Dixon for seventeen years."
"And ya' still has the nicest ass, babe." Merle grinned, slapping her bottom, and Bonnie returned his grin.
"I know."
"And ya' guys are still gross." Skyler grimaced at her parents, but a playful smile was in the corner of her mouth. But then her expression turned into sad while looking at her dad. "Uncle Daryl?"
"He's in camp, went on hunting." Merle looked at his wife. "Your sister?"
"Tannya is dead. She died at the beginning when a bigger horde came."
" 'am sorry."
"But we're here, nothing can kill a Dixon, but a Dixon, right?" She smiled, and Merle laughed and wrapped one of his hands around her shoulders.
"Yeah." Merle was never a good man, but he was good enough for Bonnie. They lived in the same neighborhood in their entire life, so she knows all of Merle's bullshits and still loves him. They started hooking up in their teens, but never really dating, but at one point, she had enough of Merle's one-night-stand bitches. Then he man up, and started dating her.
When years later he asked to marry him, it was not romantic at all. It was a simple day, and they just fucked - yeah, not just Merle is the only vulgar and pervert in their relationship, - and he simply asked, and Bonnie said yes. Then they had Skyler, and the little girl warped her dad around her finger, but Merle never admitted this to anyone. She was a sweet girl, but with the Dixon's short temper and her mom's attitude.
The group then managed to get out of the building with Rick's plan, so Bonnie started respecting him a tiny bit more, but she still called him Rambo. The camp was in a quarry near a lake. When they arrived, a blonde girl ran for Andrea, looks like she was her sister, and a woman with two kids to Morales. But what surprised Bonnie the most, was when a little boy started running towards Rambo.
"Carl!" He hugged his son, and then looking at a woman, probably his wife. Skyler hugged her own dad with one hand while smiling at the scene in front of them. Then a man with a rifle also came up to them, apparently a friend of Rambo or something. He seemed to be running the camp. His eyes turned to Merle, then the girl at his side, and to Bonnie.
"Who are they?"
"Fuck off, Walsh, they with me." Merle said with a scowl, putting his hand on Bonnie's waist, but this made him even more distrustful.
" 'm Bonnie Dixon, and she's our daughter, Skyler."
"Now stop pointing a gun in our faces, dumbass." Merle chuckled at her daughter's comment.
"That's 'mah girl." Walsh lowered his rifle, and a lot of people from the camp were stunned by the fact that Merle has a wife and a daughter.
"Well, you're definitely a Dixon, that's for sure." He looked at Skyler, then at Bonnie. "I'm Sahne Walsh."
"Have ya' seen my brother or he's still hunting?"
"He not come back yet." Shane said.
"Daryl gonna shit himself when he sees ya' two." Merle grinned, and Bonnie laughed.
"Yeah, he's the sweet one out of the two of ya'."
"But you still married pa'." Bonnie shot a playful glare at her daughter, then kissed Merle.
"Yup. He's my asshole." Merle slapped her ass for her remark.
"C'mon Bon, ya can take your stuff in my tent." Skyler was happy seeing her parents together and went after them.
"It's so strange... there is a woman who married Merle Dixon willingly." Said Andrea, and the others laughed, but Lori seemed worried.
"And he has a daughter. It's really a good idea to let them sleep with him in the same tent? Who knows what Dixon is capable of?"
"Well, yeah... Dixon is a rude, sexist inbred redneck." It was T-Dog, but Rick stopped the argument.
"He's a man who just got his family back, just like me. And Bonnie and Skyler are good people. They were in trouble because of me, but still helped me. Well, they both called me an idiot, though." Rick chuckled, then continued. "Bonnie was on her own for weeks, she can handle herself, seems she can hunt too. And her daughter is good with a gun."
"The girl is more armed than either of us." Lori said, and then Carl smiled at his dad.
"Her mom has a crossbow, just like Daryl." Rick looked at the others a little confused, so Dale answered.
"Daryl is Merle's brother, he's on a hunt, maybe coming back tomorrow. And I need to agree with Rick here. The girl seemed happy to be with her father." They talked a little more, then everyone went on their own until gathered around the fire at the camp. It was a rare occasion when Dixon joined them, but now with his family. He was sitting on a log, Bonnie in his lap while drinking a beer.
Bonnie took the beer from his hand and drank it in, grinning playfully at him. He snorted softly.
"Why are ya' always stealin' my beer, woman?"
"Because ya' let me every time."
"Cheeky." Merle kissed her neck and Bonnie smirked. She missed her husband and now was happy to be with him again. Someone cleared his throat but neither of them seemed too embarrassed by the fact they were a little too intimate.
"How long have you two been married?" It was Dale, and while he defended Dixon earlier, he still rather looked at Bonnie.
"Seventeen years. We grow up in the same neighborhood, went to the same school, have been friends since we were kids. But this bastard was always a cooky womanizer, so nothing happened between us for a long time before we were married."
"Ya' are just as much a perv like pa'..." Skyler mumbled under her nose.
"Don't be a smartass." Merle said, and Sky stuck her tongue at his dad. The others just looked at them, waiting for Dixon to snap at his daughter, but he just let out a deep laugh. It was still strange, seeing him like that, when he was always sexist towards the other woman at camp. What they don't know, he may say some stupid and rude thing, but Merle Dixon never holds a hand on a woman. Not after growing up with their drunken, abusive father who beat his wife and his sons.
Slowly everyone started talking about something else, and they just sit there in silence, drinking beer, and enjoying each other's company. Soon Merle started kissing her neck again while stroking her waist.
Bonnie closed her eyes for a moment, sighing contently. She missed this, missed his touch, his kisses on her. She then turned around to face Merle, straddled his lap, and grind against his bulge.
Merle's smirk turned smug, he doesn't see or touched her in weeks, and now they cannot keep their hands off each other. He stood up still holding his wife, and Bonnie warped her legs around his waist. They went to their tent, Merle planned to ravish her.
"Hey, guys, ya' have an extra tent or something where I can sleep?" Skyler said and Andrea raised her eyebrow.
"Why, you don't wanna sleep with your parents?"
"Hell no! They not going to sleep." When the others looked at her a little confused, she grunted. "God, they went fucking! I ain't sleeping in the same tent with them, and they don't seen each other in weeks. Yuck."
"Oh!" Andrea turned a little red, and Dale laughed.
"You have a sharp tongue, little miss."
" 'm used to it, my parents are always like that with each other. God, I can't wait to see my uncle, at least I can hang around with him, while my folks busy with each other."
"You close with your uncle?"
"Yeah, he's like my brother. He's quieter than my 'pa, but he's funny."
"We're still talking about the same Daryl?" Dale asked smilingly and Sky grinned.
"Yup. My uncle is a grumpy bastard, but he's not a bad person."
"Looks like you and your family have a temper."
"Well, we are Dixons." She said like that answers everything. Dale just smiled, Skyler was not like the other kids at the camp, she was more mature, more confident. He can see the resamples between Skyler and her father, that's for sure. But she was like her mother in appearance, had the same dark brown curls, just shorter. Her mother, Bonnie seemed a tough woman who can handle herself and a man like Merle Dixon. Dale turned his attention back to Skyler.
"You can sleep in the RV, I have a spare bed. I'm staying up anyway to keep watch."
"Thanks, Hatman." Sky smiled and went to the RV, and Dale just shake his head smiling.
In the morning the camp came to life, but Bonnie was in her own bubble. She felt his naked chest against her back, and smiled while turning around.
"Best mornin' I had in weeks." Merle said and just looking at his wife. He arched an eyebrow in question when Bonnie started laughing so hard she clasped her hand to her mouth.
"Poor Sky."
"She's a big girl."
"I know, but still. She missed ya, and Daryl too." Her voice went a little quieter. "Me too."
"I missed my girls too." Merle pulled Bonnie closer, kissing her forehead. He had a bad temper, but loved his family fiercely. Bonnie was like a big sister to Daryl since he meet her. Her dad was almost as bad as theirs, but Bonnie's dad died when she was ten, and her ma' was always kind to the Dixon boys when they needed a place to stay when their father got too drunk.
"Ya guys are still naked?" It was Skyler's voice outside of the tent, and Merle grunted in response.
"Fuck off, baby girl." He heard her laughing and he smiled. Little bastard.
"C'mon, it's almost noon, and 'm bored to death."
"Give us ten damn minutes, Sky!" Bonnie yelled annoyed and Merle started laughing too. She smacked his chest. "It's your fault, ya always spoiled her."
"Nah, she's just clingy like her momma."
"Oh, yeah?" She asked as grinning and started hugging her husband a little too hard, but Merle was on top of her in an instant. He kissed her, then get up and started dressing. Bonnie just watched him a little, letting her gaze wander over his muscled body.
"Like what ya see, sugah'?"
"Mhm. Ya still sexy, old man."
"If 'm old, then what are you, woman?" She just laughed then put her clothes on, and put a kiss on Merle's shoulder. They were both in their mid-forties, but they acted like two horny teenagers. When they stepped outside the tent, Skyler face lit up, and was on her dad's side in an instant.
"Give a damn break for your old man, will ya?"
"Nah. I was with 'ma for weeks, if someone needs a break, it's her."
"Thanks, baby girl, ya can annoy your dad."
"C'mon, the Dixon girls against me, and without Daryl it's not fair." He groaned, and Bonnie just laughed.
"Life isn't fair. Have fun." And with that, she left them, she wanted to speak with Rambo Rick.
Some people from the group stared at them, but said nothing. They both ignored the stares and started talking about everything that happened to them in the past few weeks. She then said about Rick's son Carl, and a little girl Sophia, they wanted to invite Skyler to play with them but she found them too childish, too young.
"They are so naive. They want to play around, while I wanna stay alive."
"My tough big girl, just like your 'ma." She grinned up at him, then her eyes sparkled, and took out her gun.
"Look, I still have the gun ya gave me for my birthday. I used it on some geeks."
"Ya have ammo?" He asked.
"Just a few. I try using my knife usually." Merle reached into his cargo pants pocket, and took out a little box, full of bullets, and give it to her.
"Thanks, dad." It was when Lori, Rick's wife came into view in front of them, holding a basket of clothes. She looked angry.
"You giving her bullets? You are careless, dangering the camp by giving your daughter a gun, Dixon. You really are just an asshole redneck who should not be raising a child, let alone a girl." He scoffed, but said nothing knowing her daughter too well.
"Shut the fuck up, bitch. I can handle a gun, my 'pa taught me how to use it when I was seven. "She sneered at the elder woman, who stormed away, then turned to her dad. "A bunch of pussys...
"Look at ya, all angry and feisty." Merle grinned, a smug expression on his face. But in truth, he was touched by how her daughter defended him. Officer Friendly's woman was right, he was an asshole.
"Well, I don't care if ya are an asshole, or somethin', you're my dad." She then giggled a little, leaning closer to Merle. "And I kind of like it that my daddy a badass.
"C'mere, you little shit. Love ya." She clinged to her daddy, and smiled.
"Me too."
Later that day they heard Carl yelling for his parents, probably a walker, but Bonnie and Merle remained on their spot, half of the camp was already there, no need for more people to fuss around one walker. That's when they heard an all too familiar voice.
"Merle! Get your ugly ass out here! I got us some squirrels! Let's stew 'em up."
"A got something better than squirrels, lil' brother." Daryl turned to his brother, but he doesn't even had a chance to say something when he spotted two familiar faces behind him.
"Uncle Daryl!" He dropped his crossbow and hugged her niece when she runned up to him, and picked her up. She don't minded he was sweaty, and dead squirrels hanging on his shoulder.
"Dare!" He looked up, still too stunned to say a word, putting his niece down. Just one person called him Dare. The next moment Bonnie hugged him tightly.
"Bon-bon, ya really here?" She was maybe not his blood, but he loved this woman like his own sister since they were kids.
"Yeah, run into Merle and some other people in Atlanta. God, I missed ya so much."
"C'mon, Daryl, I help ya with the squirrels while ma' telling you what happened in Atlanta."
"All right, Sky, then grab this." He handed her a couple of squirrels, while glancing at his brother. Merle just smiled, and Daryl started smiling too. Their family was together again, the Dixons against the world.
They all sit down together, four sets of hands skinning the animals in precision, while discussing what happened in Atlanta.
The others, especially Lori, watched them, and how comfortable the mother and daughter were while skinning the animals Dixon brought like this was the most natural thing in the world. And maybe it was. Bonnie never minded when her hands get dirty, and that's how Skyler grew up, seeing her parents and her uncle doing this a million times.
They don't know what the future holds for them, but they face it together. After all, nobody can kill a Dixon, but a Dixon.
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LWL Live reaction
JUDGE CASEY?!?! Smother?!? ooof ohhhh Lawyer Casey! Outfit seemed very judge-ish
Daddy Derek dadding x2 “consequences” 😭
He’s gotta pack his own bags poor baby
SHE MARRIED A HOCKEY PLAYER?!?! (she’s married 😭)
Luca being a prankster? never would’ve guessed.
“oh we’re really embracing the whole door slamming thing… gotcha.. very cool.”
Derek and Casey!!! HUG FIRST?!? YES
Cousin version of Dasey?
“Uncle Derek’s VERY immature” “I know! I love it!”
“oh…and you’re still with George…”
ohhh it’s a ROCKY marriage.
Casey is a helicopter mom (who says she’s not)
omg it’s his famous mac and cheese!!
“i wish we were cousins AND sisters” 🥹🥹
“come on, im a grown up now” “…eh”
Simon on Academic Probation. Aww he takes after his biggest bro
Sugar High Kai 😂😂
I love Simon 😂
They’ll find you Kai
Accidental Jewel thieves George and Nora
Casey. You have lawyering to do. DONT TAKE THE BATH DO THE WORK.
Go karting. oh here we goooo
poor worker is NOT paid enough
Flirty Simon
TRUMANS LAST CHANCE!?!? Better not be what I think it is 👀👀👀
don’t forget the littlest one
“had my own chair” maybe not the best thing to be proud of.
oh no Luca was mean 😭 and now Skyler is sad 😭😭
oof she didn’t turn off the bath
Babe you’re gonna need more than mop
It’s definitely George’s genetics that cause chaos kids
Truman’s Last chance is a female singer?
Principal Lassiter to Officer Lassiter. Yeah that tracks.
Again I love Simon.
Accidental Jewel thief pt 2: electric boogaloo
oh no creepy guy gonna go to the house 👀
Willow x Simon 🥹 I love them
BTS stan 😂
tell him off girlie
oh no. a bear!
she fell! her leg!
Derek quit uni after one semester and made Casey break up with his gf? TYPICAL
Aww she doesn’t hate her cousin anymore
“Like Derek! Only worse!” DANG Casey!
Jealous of her being a rockstar’s daughter when he’s a rockstar’s nephew AND a famous hockey player’s son.
Derek having a panic attack is making me tear up 🥺
“Chief Mills says to sit tight” “are we doing that” “no! give me the keys!”
Derek is so scared 😭😭 her song 😭😭
Kai in the ceiling 😂😂
“did you guys bring me presents?” 😂😂
The House-Warm-a-versery is gonna happen?
Derek being love and telling Casey to get to work in the most loving way 😭
Gave making this Awk
Aur naur he sneakin
Luca and Sky!! be careful!
smart! lock him up!
haha he’s trapped
Good job Luca! Not scaring the party but getting help!!
Luca being a sweet son
“Hey Case-“ “yes, Der?”
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ricojoon · 5 months
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Alright, here we go, guys. It's time to start actually writing shit. I have a few ocs for Danny Phantom (obviously other things too, but we focused on this fandom right now).
This here is Tia. She's supposed to be a goddess/some sort of diety being. I could even say she's an alien in a sense because she's not from earth nor the ghost zone. Her story is that she, as well as her sister and uncle, are the only ones left alive of her people. They were all killed, their planet left barren and desolate with only faint evidence of their existence.
Tia was around 6 years old when this all happened, and the only person who "saved" her and her sister (who's name is Lilith) was their uncle. His name is Malick, and at the time, the two girls trusted him and believed his explanation at what had happened. His version of the story was that a malevolent species had came and demanded to rule over their home. When they obviously declined and stood their ground, this "malevolent species" decided to take their planet by force and kill them all. Malick had told the girls that their parents begged him to keep them safe as they fought back, that they'd meet up with them when they could. Unfortunately, their parents didn't make it.
Now- that story to two distraught and traumatized children would make sense. As Tia got older, though, she spotted the holes in his explanation. Even more so when he made it clear how he favored Lilith's more obedient personality over Tia's reluctant and rebellious behavior. Malick had shown that his goals and intentions in life weren't anything innocent - he would always teach them violence, how to show authority over others, power, etc, etc.
Tia eventually ran away when it became too much to handle. Especially when Malick, at one point, threatened her life. Lilith begged her not to go, to not leave her alone, but Tia couldn't keep staying around him. She promised her sister that she'd come back for her, though. Even if that ended up being years and years later...
Tia ended up on Earth when she was 12-13. However, to hide herself, she found the ghost zone and stayed their until she met her first friend their.
Tia, at first, comes off like an obnoxious bitch. Very annoying and chaotic unless you are in her circle. She'll scare or tease humans for her own entertainment, even causing disasters without a care about who it could kill or hurt. She also used to steal and have a thing for jewelry and money. Tia didn't care much about others unless it was the few people she associated with. Not until she met a kid named Skyler.
After Skyler
Tia got to know her, and suddenly, human fragility dawned on her as well as how her actions resembled her uncles. Which... scared her terribly. She became more aware of others and sympathetic. Also, it didn't show outwardly, Tia felt as though she needed to make amends for the things she's done. After that, though, she was more down to earth and nonchalant, quietly looking out for Skyler as well as the other people she made friends with.
Tia is rather short - 5'3" (which is abnormal for women of her species, most are 6" and higher). She has grey skin that is almost perfect. The only flaw is that she has scars on her neck from Malick punishing her once. She has red and black eyes and wears black lipstick and heavy eyeliner. Her hair at first was long, black, and messy, but an incident occurred where she had to cut her hair. Because of that, her hair turned pink. Within her species, if you cut their hair, it will change color as a trauma response.
How she met Dan
Oh brother...
Tia saw Dan and immediately went, "I can fix him." That changed into "I want him to break me" when she got to know him... and by knowing him, I mean harass and bother him every time she spotted him. However, this was before she met Skyler and had a change of heart about how she viewed things.
Then, she was more apathetic towards him, which, in turn, made him curious as to why she was treating him differently. They essentially switched places. It was Tia going after him, and now it was Dan going after Tia.
Uhhhh that's it for now I'm still working on shit. Any questions I'm all ears. If you wanna rp I'm down for that as well. Fair warning, I'm rusty asf.
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alearicci · 1 year
second chapter. max verstappen x oc
"I'm tired. I'm fucking tired, Ashlyn," Max said, sitting down on the bed next to the his girlfriend. There was a note of impotence in his voice. Did he think a few years ago that it would be so difficult for him to win one race after another? That it would be so hard. And it's not even about the strength of rivals or a bad car. It's all about people. No matter how hard he tried to show that they had no effect on him, his heart ached unpleasantly from everything that awaited him every day. Fame sometimes has a bad effect on the humanity inside you. You try to be strong, show the best results, fight honestly for the title... and you find yourself face to face with people . There are those to whom Max is insanely grateful - his fans always support him, arrange various events, draw posters of support. Recently he heard a song on the street, a very funny song. There was something like that tu-tu-tu-tu Max Verstappen. He still sometimes hums this melody to himself, as if supporting himself. But there are others. Aren't they called haters? Such people whistle after you, write unpleasant comments. "What a blessing that Max didn't get on the podium. We need to celebrate this, dudes", "Poor Max. It serves you right", "I wish you were eliminated in the first round." At first it seriously upset him, but now he just laughs and thinks how pathetic they are. Stupid idiots who were offended that he overtook their favorite team by car, for which they had been rooting almost since childhood. Such people don't even stand next to him. Someone even called him a villain. Max once laughed and said, "Well, then I'm the most beautiful villain in the world." He didn't consider himself evil. Only sometimes he got angry if his rivals couldn't see beyond their own noses or when he made a stupid mistake. Monster Max, oh my God, save yourself. If you don't know personally, then don't judge publicly. Since childhood, he dreamed of becoming a Formula 1 racer. He wanted to win, to drive at great speed, to overtake rivals. He did everything possible and impossible to get behind the wheel of a racing car. And his dream came true. Thanks to perseverance and the desire to act. He was considered a young talent, a Red Bull star. Great hopes were pinned on him. And he justified them. Became the best. He showed everyone his trademark smile from time to time. He was turning into a robot. Only his family and girlfriend brought him back to life. Max met Ashlyn Skyler at a party he attended at a friend's request. He immediately singled her out from the rest. Her smile stunned him. A few days later, he decided to write to her on Instagram and arranged a meeting. And it so happened that she was with him almost from the very beginning of his career in Formula 1. She was with him for better and for worse. She was always there, gave love and tenderness, was present at every race and watched the car with the number 33, and later 1, with a rapid heartbeat. She watched her beloved. She rejoiced at every victory and podium, she cried because of every failure and every defeat. And now, having heard a rare confession from the mouth of a racer, she is trying to cope with herself and not cry. She loved this man and felt very sorry for him. And he doesn't like self-pity. The man looks at her for a few more seconds, and then quickly takes off his T-shirt and settles on his beloved's chest. He hugs her tightly with his big arms and nuzzles her neck, inhaling her native scent. When Max lies down on her, Skyler does a little head massage, trying to relieve tension. She kisses him on the forehead and continues stroking his hair.
"It's all right, baby. We'll manage. There are two free days ahead, and then you will have to return to training. I'm here, remember that.
- I love you very much.
- I love you even more.
- That's not true. I love you more. And don't argue with me.
- I'm terribly scared. What are you going to do to me, Your Majesty?
- Mmm.
Max smiles slyly and pulls away a little. He puts one hand on Ash's soft cheek and pulls her closer. He touches his lips to hers, kissing her gently. How many kisses there have been over the years of their relationship, but there has never been such a kiss yet. In that kiss there was all the pain, all the love and all the desire to be with each other. They loved each other and continued to be close, no matter what. They enjoyed every day spent with each other. They were happy to be together. And no one could make them think differently. Max loved Ashlyn, Ashlyn loved Max. They went through all the difficulties together. Finally breaking away from such sweet lips, Verstappen lies down again in the place where he was quite recently. He is silent and enjoys the warmth coming from the girl. The warmth of the house. Ashlyn was the whole world to him, and he wanted to keep that world. Therefore, at first Max did not want to advertise their relationship, he met Ashlyn secretly. He was afraid that the bad words would reach her. But about two years ago, they appeared together at a party on the occasion of Max's victory at the annual competition. Since then, they have not hidden that they are dating, and Ashlin is part of that limited circle of people who are allowed to see the rider himself before the race.
- Do you remember that we have to go for an interview tomorrow?
- Max... "We"?
- Damn, didn't I tell you? Sorry, baby. We were invited to some show where we will talk about you and me, within reasonable limits, of course. If you don't mind, I'll cancel it.
- Okay, Max, I agree. Only then you will need to choose some suitable outfit for you.
- The clothes that suit me are a red bull jumpsuit. Will you wear this?
- No, I'll go in my house clothes. I just have a T-shirt with your image on it.
- Oh, no, girl. Let's put on our robes. The presenters won't mind much, will they?
- I think, nevertheless, they will object.
- OK. Then you'll have to dress up in a suit.
- Classic suits suit you like hell.
- And the dresses suit you very well.
- Really?
- Yes. Especially the one I took off you last night.
- Shh, Max.
- Not shhh. You'll definitely be better off without him ;)
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rejectedbad · 8 months
Rejected Bad: Comedy Dad
The following is a rejected script from an early season of Breaking Bad.
Walter White, a middle-aged high school chemistry teacher-turned-methamphetamine manufacturer, sits across from his wife, Skyler, at the kitchen table. Tension and unease fill the air.
SKYLER:  (intimidated)  Walt, I can't believe you're involved in all of this. How could you do this to our family?
WALTER:  (smirking)  You always had this naive image of me, didn't you? A complete lack of understanding of who I am and what I'm capable of.
Skyler's eyes well up with tears, but she tries to maintain composure.
SKYLER:  (angry)  You're not the man I thought I married. All this danger, all this criminal activity... How are we ever going to get out of this nightmare?
WALTER:  (leaning in, coldly)  Oh, Skyler, you've always viewed me as weak. The brilliant chemist turned meek high school teacher. But let me tell you something, I've been underestimated my whole life. It's time you realised just how powerful I can be.
Skyler's fear is palpable, she takes a step back, intimidated by Walter's words and demeanour.
SKYLER:  (in a small voice)  What about the kids, Walter? What kind of father would willingly put their children in danger like this?
Walter's expression softens for a brief moment, guilt fleeting across his face.
WALTER:  (dejected)  I never wanted it to come to this. I never intended for any of this to happen. But life... it has its ways of leading you down dark paths you never thought you'd tread.
Walter and Mike, his wise and seasoned criminal ally, sit in a dimly lit room, each holding a glass of turbo whisky. The tension between them has subsided, as they share a moment of reflection.
MIKE:  (sipping his whisky)  You ever think about the choices we've made, Walter? How far we've fallen?
Walter takes a deep breath, staring into the amber liquid of his glass.
WALTER:  (sighs)  Every single day, Mike. I used to imagine a different life for myself. A life where I could make people laugh, not terrify them. A comedy show dad... that's what I should've been.
Mike chuckles, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
MIKE:  Well, ain't that something. I can see you as the goofy dad, cracking jokes while barbecuing in the backyard.
Walter forces a small smile, a hint of nostalgia flashing in his eyes.
WALTER:  (sarcastic)  Yeah, imagine me in an apron, right? Guess life had other plans for me. Sometimes I wonder if I could've been different, made better choices. Maybe then I wouldn't be the monster I've become.
Mike places a reassuring hand on Walter's shoulder.
MIKE:  (chuckles)  You can't change the past, buddy. We're in deep now, and we have to face the consequences head-on. But remember, Walter, you're still you under all this chaos. For better or worse.
Walter raises his glass and clinks it against Mike's, the sound echoing in the room, symbolising the bond that has formed between them amidst the darkness.
WALTER:  (toasting)  To the choices we've made, and the men we've become. May the whisky soothe the soul and the path we walk be true.
They both take a sip, the rich liquid burning down their throats, a moment of silent acceptance shared between two broken souls.
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breakingbadmspaint · 9 months
Breaking Bad Season 4 (MS Paint)
I'm watching Breaking Bad and drawing my experience on MS Paint with my mouse.
[Season 2] [Season 3]
These seasons keep getting more intense and packed with stuff that I fear this is going to become more text than drawing soon.
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You can't just give me my baby boy looking so cute and excited!!
EVEN VICTOR IS UPSET (and I like to believe It's because he likes Gale)
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-- oh my god the rage you can feel off Gus right now. He's terrifying, I love him.
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THIS DOWN VIEW IS SO POWERFUL. THE REDS AND THE DARK BLUES OOOOOOO Gus feeling like he's towering over them.
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I'm watching with such intensity
-- money money money money money
-- aw they're actually trying to get clean- damn it Jesse
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I hope they go back to rehab group
-- That poor roomba
-- Walt really just going to get himself killed honestly.
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These shots just keep getting better and better. You're small and blue Walt.
Ep 3
-- Those bastards dare use Gale's coffee machine still.
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Okay so I love Huell. I swear to god if he dies.... I can't handle it.
-- It takes one threat to Walts ego for him to finally agree to the car wash🙄
-- oh Marie is going to get herself arrested, 100%.
-- man poor Jesse. The spiral his life has gone down.
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I think she likes the colour purple. Just a feeling.
Ep 4
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The things he has to put up with. He looks so fed up.
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LMAO Walts face when Skyler says "We want them to understand why you'd do something so stupid"
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omg Gale, my baby. I'm sobbing I love this man. Singing Karaoke in Thailand living his best life.
-- Man Walt, how can you not realise Jesse is god damn traumatised over that event and you're just trying to make him relive it.
Ep 5
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I would love some chicken right now
-- Jesse & Mike roadtrip montage!
-- HE SAID IT! "YOU! ARE NOT THE GUY! YOU'RE NOT CAPABLE OF BEING THE GUY, I HAD A GUY BUT NOW I DON'T~ YOU! ARE NOT! THE GUY~" I've heard part of the breaking bad remix before I even saw the show.
-- I really struggle to tell if Walt genuinely cares for Jesse or if it's just because he can easily manipulate him.
-- Oh no, Walt is drunk and getting his ego destroyed. This isn't a good combo.
Ep 6
-- I sense a war about to happen. Don't mess with Gus and his stuff.
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Big scary baby man with big ego wah wah
-- I don't think insulting Jesse is going to keep him on your side Walt
-- oh my god, Walt if you get those ladies killed because you don't want to clean... YOU'RE NOT EVEN HELPING THEM
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This is the father/son duo I want
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-- Walt you bastard, look what you did!
-- Does Gus actually see potential or is this manipulation???
Ep 7
-- I miss Huell, when do we get more Huell.
-- My god Walt, if you dare ask Jesse to kill for you again
-- I'm fist-fighting Walter White
-- oooh sly Hank, very sneaky. Also I just love Gus in his yellow uniform.
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He's just sat there like :T
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DAMN HANK!!! Great at his job, holy shit
Ep 8
-- I'm sure Gus will find a way out of this since he has a lot of contacts and he's smart
-- I think Hank is getting a bigger target on his back
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This is beautiful
Ep 9
-- Oh Skyler honey, I don't think you realise he can't quit even if he wants to. He screwed up any chance of that, It's either make meth or death
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-- ooh please say Saul walks in, pleaaase- Oh Skyler, that's unexpected. Oh my god is she playing dumb???? OH MY GOD
-- Jesse you need to stop throwing your DNA covered cigarettes everywhere
-- Walt is making me so mad omg. His ego and paranoia are going to make him end up alone
Ep 10
-- I wonder what Gus's plan is, I'm sure there is more to it than just sending Jesse away
-- HELL YEAH JESSE DAAAAMN Making Gus and Mike proud
-- Oh I'm so nervous
-- Please be poisoned, please be poisoned - wait no GUS no don't be poisoned aaaaah
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I'm so scared, how are they getting out of this
Ep 11
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Is Jesse going to have to do surgery on Mike?!?
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He's so happy with his revenge
-- God I thought he was going to hit him with that chair for a moment
-- OMFG TED - okay he's still alive(?)
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"Does it have to be dirty?" "No :)"
-- See, you pushed everyone away Walt- OH SNAP
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Walter White has been ejected
-- Oh my god Walt, don't test him, he will find a way to hurt you
-- Point proven, he just threatened to kill your baby
-- Walt joker moment
Ep 12
-- Damn he's good at talking his way into a place - OH SNAP DRUG DOG
-- My god, Marie really loves purple, EVEN HER COFFEE PACKAGING IS PURPLE???? Does she buy it because It's purple???
-- Gosh what mystery potion is Walter making - OH A BOMB
Ep 13
-- UH OH Jesse
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Walter climbing through a door like a gremlin is beautiful
-- That old lady aw, wait she's not going to get hurt right?!?
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I knew it was coming but I'm still so sad
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sharona-sims · 1 year
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As she was leaving, Lily questioned Sarah about her lengthy absence during their dinner.
Sarah: Goodnight Lily.
Lily: What happened tonight? You and Simon, you both left the room and didn't come back.
Sarah: Oh, Skyler spat up on me. I had to clean up and change my clothes.
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Lily: What about Simon then? He left the room as well.
Sarah: Oh, there's a issue at the pub that needs some attention. He's still on the phone now trying to sort it out. Why, what's wrong, Lily?
Lily: Nothing, it's just been a weird day, is all.
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Sarah: Aww, I'm sorry you had a bad day. You can stay and we can talk about it if you want.
Lily: No, I don't feel like talking about it, not today anyway.
Sarah: Okay, well I'm here for you anytime. Goodnight Lily.
Lily: Goodnight. I'm so thankful to have you in my life.
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