#//ngl the campus 3 update is kind of okay?
mechahero · 1 year
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oh-my-may · 4 years
Captains playing minecraft with their s/o
requested: Hello! Can I request a hc of the captains (separately) playing Minecraft with their s/o? >:) 
When I saw this I honestly had to laugh because imagine? All of the boys?? Playing minecraft together?? On a big server?? THE CHAOS djsksk anyways enjoy
Also writing this really made me reminisce about my 13 year old self playing minecraft for hours, the good old days. I really miss playing this game but uni is still kicking my butt :((
Daichi Sawamura:
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Okay so he had probably heard about the game from the younger boys but never had enough interest to dig into it himself? I don’t think he’s that much into video games
But when he saw you play it he got very invested for some reason?? So he came up behind you, his head very close to your shoulder as you explained the game to him
And he got so fascinated because?? You can basically create your own life there! It’s so cool! So he gets his own laptop and installs the game and starts to play with you in your world
And frankly at first he’s so shocked and scared at night because there’s monsters?? You have to fight them??
He probably dies like 3 times the first time and you always have to save him ngl
But after a while he gets used to it and he’s probably for some odd reason very good at building things? Like he can build pretty houses and stuff and you’re just like??? How???
I think he keeps it basic and is probably overwhelmed by the whole enchanting thing, he lets you do it for him because he lowkey doesn’t understand it
Also he probably gets lost in caves a lot and and accidentally dies in lava because he mines things the wrong way so he just falls down ugh what a noob
But it’s okay you love him, he always shares all his ressources with you, even when he doesn’t have a lot of them :((
Doesn’t know what’s going on most of the time but he’s got the right spirit
Kuroo Tetsurou:
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Listen, he already knew about the game and played it several times because of Kenma, one of the only video games he throroughly enjoys playing
So when he saw you play it he was like !!! and just opened up his laptop and made you join his world
And he probably has a whole village built there, with little shops and stuff
He’s the kind that enslaves villagers tho ngl, there’s like 100 of them there and they all have a different occupation you know? He even gives them weird names
Has thousands of pets and animals, especially cats and they’re all named after his team mates lol
But he’s probably not that good at building nicely so all his houses are like squares or have a very weird shape? It’s confusing
The kind to “accidentally” push you into lava or just poison your or something and then laugh his ass off
Also he steals good stuff from you, like nice enchantments and diamonds and emeralds because he always immediately spends all his ressources lol
He always builds the most fascinating red stone contraptions (nerd)
Also gets jump scared whenever a creeper or another monster randomly appears in a cave
Also goes out to discover the world and doesn’t return lol
Thinks of himself as a “pro” but really he’s just one of these asshole players lol sorry
Bokuto Koutarou:
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Probably has a shared server with Kuroo and learned everything from him
Gets amazed by everything in the game and loves every update - when the bees were added he was living his best life okay
Anyways would love to play with you and start a completely new world with you aaw :(
But honestly he probably trades everything with the villagers and gets just useless stuff ://
Really not good at building, he’d live in a dirt house if you’d let him
SCREAMS when he sees monsters and just blindly attacks them what mostly results in you having to do the fighting, though he also is trying his best to “protect” you
Probably build very weird stuff with red stone?? Like a rollercoaster for your pets?? He has the biggest fun with it though so you let him
(But sometimes he accidentally blows things up?? A chaotic baby)
Also he goes out to discover things and gets lost? But sometimes he comes back with the most random things like a panda? Or a tortoise? Or llamas because he killed the travelling villager? Oh well
It probably takes him forever to discover cages but for some reason he’s always very successful at it? Like he comes back with a lot of diamonds and you never know how he does it and he also doesn’t tell you
You’ll definitely have a good time playing with him
Oikawa Tooru:
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He probably got into minecraft through his nephew or so and very quickly got weirdly invested, building his own world and stuff
When he’s playing with you first of all he shows everything off, bragging about all his diamonds etc
He’s weirdly competetive about the game?? Like who finds diamonds first in the cave or things like that?? Boy that’s not what the game is about
Probably has a very fancy looking character? Like he invested a lot of time into making a customed one and he’s very proud of it?
Also he plays on different servers, playing stuff like hide & seek and stuff and he always curses at the “damned children” playing this game
Anyways, he tries to make his house and stuff look really pretty with all different kinds of flowers. he spends hours making personal flags and stuff, cute
Of course he has a farm but refuses to get cows because they remind him of Kageyama oops
When you’re playing together and you’re about to go into the Nether or a cave or something, he insists of going ahead to “protect” you from whatever will await you (yes, that also means he died quite some times)
Once got killed by an iron golem
Is not that good at fighting monsters and rather lets you do that, he definitely has some trauma including a creeper blowing up his beautiful house
Ushijima Wakatoshi:
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Okay, he probably knew something like that existed because Tendou or other team members, but always turned down when they invited him to play
When he saw you play the game one day he actually thought you were playing a children’s game at first?? Because of the blocks?? He thinks it looks really odd
For a while he just sits next to you and watches and gets really interested when you show him your tiny farm. He’s really amazed by the fact that pigs, chickens, cows etc exist there
So he’s determined to create his own little farm (our precious farm boy <3) when you let him join your world
Honestly he probably doesn’t care about the monsters and stuff like the nether etc, he just wants live his peaceful farm life
Sometimes you take him on discovery travels with you and then he goes wandering off and he always comes back with nice stuff?? He has like a sixth sense for finding villages and temples for some reason
Probably builds Shiratorizawa at some point when he’s playing the game, like he makes the entire campus? Including the horses and the school building and a detailed embodiment of the gym??
He invites Oikawa over and the first thing poor Tooru sees is a giant sign saying “You should have come to Shiratorizawa” along with the school campus and Ushijima standing in front of it... Yeah he leaves immediately.
He doesn’t understand what’s going on when a village gets raided, probbaly gets killed 50 times trying to escape whatever the hell is going on and you have to help him out of his misery :((
A peaceful farmer, probably never plays until the end
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