#//in which one of them gets to see bad habit 400 of bede's
'I've got you!'
He always pushed himself to hard, To hard, to long. He always wanted to help people, putting aside himself for the masses and forging a smile while he was doing it no matter who the person was, Even when it came down to being unappreciated, He never stopped. He sooner wore a mask that displayed happiness then ever show he was displeased. Always known for having bountiful energy but how much of that was spared for himself?
None at all.
It was a habit he hadn’t broken, One he didn’t know was bad (He wanted to be good for something rather then nothing at all-), He’d been doing all he could. Helping with what he could, Letting Karma chase him around, Traversing places to do his duty within’ the sea’s. Sometimes even different regions, Practicing with Kharon, There was few quiet moments for the guardian, Coupled with a lack of sleep for they’d been filled with nightmares. Ones that he could barely refrain from screaming out, Only holding it back out of the courtesy of sleeping others…mainly grovyle..how could he dare even consider his own fear to awaken the one who got so little sleep as is.
It was all accumulating onto the guardian all at once, His own exhaustion well hidden as he worked outside in the Garden he’d begun and was so carefully cultivating, It was a sunny day. Nice if he wasn’t so tired already, He should have known not to get up like he did, He knew he was tired, that his body normally healthy was weak from no rest. But a tired mind didn’t puzzle it in until it was to late.
Standing was enough for him to black out, send him crumbling back down like a rag doll, (Perhaps no one had seen and he could brush it off, Continue his work-) But luck was not (is-) on his side. He didn’t hit the ground, rather arms had caught him, swift enough to stop him from dropping into the grass.
He was so tired.
That it took a moment before his eyes blinked open partial way.
They’d just be excuses.
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