#//im sorry this is late but honestly i was just going to have richard beat this guy up//
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richardxoliverxmayhew · 11 months ago
[ SIX ] for receiver to witness sender get hurt which sends them into a violent rage. (for the mafia au)
II @vxctorx
His thumb, bruised with tenderness, swept across the faint cut drawn across the young gentleman's cheek attributed from Fraser's sharpened knuckle. If it wasn't for Richard protectively cocooning Vic's face against his wearied palms one would overlook the gash of red. Not Richard. --Taking the very subject of the Scotsman's months'-long fascination was one thing, but hurting him right in front of Richard's presence? How dare the bastard extract a brittle chink upon His golden canvas. That didn't even qualify as a strike. That had crossed the limit. Fraser had made his bed and Richard would make damned sure he'd sleep in it. Never to wake. The captor continued to prattle on about the deal, but the Scotsman hadn't heard a single word. All of his attention, his concern, his overwhelming sense of possession, all of it drawn towards Vic. Nevertheless, amidst his silence and the shielding touch of his worn hands, below the surface was far from calm. Richard could feel his father's poisoned rage gnawing at his heart; violent flames licking against the frames of his ribcage, screeching to come out. It wasn't until deepened yet hushed words, "don't look," were uttered at the young gentleman that a trace of his father's curse bled from his careless tongue.
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"Do we have a deal, Mayhew?" Finally, letting go of Vic, Richard stood up to face the other, noting Fraser's outstretched hand. Not a word was uttered when he affirmed the criminal's offer with his own constricting grip, before tugging Fraser close and fiercely wrenching his knife's blade into his gut. The bastard fought. He clawed. He wriggled like a pathetic worm, but Richard didn't let go. Instead, with his blade still stabbed through the bastard's flesh, he shoved Fraser's figure against the nearby brick wall before kneeing him hard in the groin. "I would've accepted the bloo'y deal, but ye' went too far there, Fraser. Too fuckin' far.-- Stand up straigh' and look me in the eye when I'm talkin' to ye'," he snarled, propping Fraser's body upright by the heel of his knife, nothing but gilted steel and the Scotsman's own brawn supporting the criminal's looming frame. "The deal was as good as done, but the minute ye' took Him, tha's when ye' crossed the line," continued Richard, barring his teeth at the other, revealing the contours of a cruel and godless smile. "And then--oho--and then ye' took it one step further." A steady hand mindfully rammed the blade in deeper, eating away centimeter by centimeter. He could feel the tip begin to dig against Fraser's spine. "I told ye' tha' ye' weren't to lay a single finger on him. Hm? Remember? Not one finger, I said." "W-... Ward-.... Ward... Will....--" Richard swiftly unpinned the blade from Fraser's middle before immediately darting it right into his chest. "Ward will get the message," the Scotsman whispered into the criminal's ear, before withdrawing his knife and watching Fraser's body slump against the stained bricks.
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obsidian-blvck · 8 years ago
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You know, my relationship with you was by far the most interesting. I remember my first encounter with you, back when Instagram was first getting popular and those “cute Asian shout out” pages were a thing. You were one of the people they shouted out, and i thought you were so gorgeous, and I followed you, you followed back. There was a time I deleted my first IG out of many and completely forgot about you when I made a new one, but one day nearly a year later, I literally got the most random flashback of a picture of you and remembered your username back then “Pawwdang”, luckily you still had the same username and I re-followed you. You did the same. You were an Instagram follower of mine for years before we actually met. Even before I met Richard. You were my secret Instagram crush, but I never attempted to talk to you or even imagine we’d ever cross paths one day due to the fact that you lived in Washington, on active duty. Then once I got in a relationship with Richard, you were there to witness all the outburst I had on Instagram. It’s so embarrassing to think about today. I was a dumb kid. Again, I’ve never spoken a word to you, but for some reason Richard had a bone to pick with you. “Dude, I don’t even know him” I’d say, but that didn’t matter. He made me unfollow you, but I felt bad because you were one of my most loyal followers. I remember messaging you for the first time an explanation on why I all of the sudden unfollowed you and your exact words were “oh, haha that’s okay” you kept following me after that, and not too long after, he and I broke up for good. And I followed you back. And you immediately messaged me about it. I vented out to you about how my relationship came to an end and you actually listened and gave me good advice. I liked you. But as a friend. But you were a bit of a flirt, and back then, I was too broken-hearted to want to deal with another guy any time soon so I kept the conversation to a minimum and left you on read multiple times. So much that you messaged me “I’m sorry I’m boring and don’t know how to keep a conversation going 😅” no honey, it wasn’t you, it’s me. I had no plans on catching feelings for someone who was thousands of miles away. However, when I looked through your pictures, I noticed you were in Houston not too long ago. I asked you about it and you told me you had family living here and came to visit( what are the odds) Then you added that you were gonna move here by the end of 2016 (this was on December 2015) which kind of explains why you were so persistent in talking to me. It all started to add up. After knowing that, I became a tiny bit more interested in you. We started talking more and more and you became someone who I actually liked talking to. I now considered you a friend. 2015 turned into 2016, January turned into March and I found myself getting more and more attached to you. Like fuck, I think I’m starting to like you. You’d call me every night and tell me about your shitty day, and how they left you outside in the snow for hours, and I’d listen, and tell you about mine. Every now and then you’d comment on how cute I look or say something really sweet, and I told you to stop because I might catch feelings. You said , and I quote: “I don’t see why that’s a bad thing” As the days went by, it was more than evident that I felt something for you. I’d get happy when you messaged me, I’d get upset when you didn’t. I couldn’t wait for you to get off work so I could talk to you. And so on. It was all fun and games until YOU started really liking ME. Then you became distant, Because all those memories of you being fucked over by past relationships flooded back to you. So you began to push me away. I knew you were damaged, but I wanted to show you that I wasn’t going to hurt you. I was so mad at you for doing this to me when I told you before to leave me alone. To not make me fall for you if you didn’t have good intentions. Then you wanna back out after I was already in deep shit? It was beyond fucked up, but I didn’t want to give up on you. I persuaded you so many times. And when you finally gave in and accepted your own feelings for me, you began to show me who you really were, a pretty boy with many insecurities. You became possessive, and demanding, and angry. Everything would set you off, what I wore, who I followed, the pictures I liked, you didn’t want me going out, and when I did you’d get pissed. You and I were so different in terms of going out. You were the true definition of an introvert. A gym rat. A homebody. You didn’t like going out, you hardly ever drank, and crowded places made you anxious. While I did like to go out to drink with my girlfriends and JUST my girlfriends. But You had this idea that I was just like your hoe exes. But if that was the case, why would you even want to talk to me? I get we were states away and you felt uneasy but I was whole heartedly yours. That’s what you couldn’t understand. You were my baby, my boo, my bonito. I was sooo in love with you. When we were good, we were soooo good. Talking and laughing for hours on end, but when we were bad, you were always quick to give up. I used to be you before. I used to run away from the ones that loved me, because it was so much easier for me to give up than to keep trying. That’s why my pervious relationship flopped. But I didn’t want to make that mistake with you. I wanted you in my life, because you made me happy without even having to be there. I was crazy about you. You’d leave, and my prideful ass would refuse to message you until missing you became more than I could bear. and it continued. The same pattern over and over. Jealousy for no reason. Stupid fights, ignoring, and I would always be the one going back to you. I loved you, but it started to get old. I started getting tired of being the one to run back to you. And you already know what happened after that. Our relationship went down hill after I met Josh, but he wasn’t the reason we started falling apart. He never was. After you left active duty and we were finally able to see each other, honestly it felt like a dream. You were exactly how I pictured you. You looked even better in person. And I was happy. For a time. We traveled together, I spent New Years with you and your family in Alabama. It was great. I wanted show you Houston, and introduce you to my friends, but every time we went out I kinda just wanted to keep you home because you always had some sort of beef with someone, your temper felt like hot air. It was that Aura you gave off when you were angry, it kind of scared me. It’s funny because I always wanted a man who could beat someone’s ass if they looked at me wrong, but when the universe gave me you, I was overwhelmed. But I liked it, it was a huge turn on because you gave off that vibe, but I knew you were a softie. But only to me. I loved it. It all seemed good for a while. Then the fights started again, in person this time. We fought and broke up, but the only thing different this time was that I didn’t run back to you. And that’s how it stayed. You didn’t try to get me back. And that was it. I am honestly really sad we couldn’t work out, but you were too busy looking for flaws in me while I was overlooking all yours. I really wished things would’ve been different with you. Till this day I still miss you, lately it’s become unbearable. I’ve tired to keep my mind preoccupied by reading, going out with other guys, but nothing works. Im unable to stay interested longer than a day. You’re in my dreams every night. I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t want to try again with you, but knowing you, you probably still hold a grudge against me for walking away or at least judging from the last time we spoke. What you said really hurt btw. If it was just anyone saying that to me, I’d laugh it off. But you were never just anyone to me. Regardless of everything, I loved you. From your thick ass Rock Lee eyebrows(which you somehow managed to fleek), to that hilarious same high pitched giggle you and all your siblings seemed to have, down to your crooked pinky. I loved you. I just wished you opened your eyes.
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