#//if you'd like anything changed lemme know
truly-quirkless-a · 1 year
[@eraseur | Liked for a starter!]
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"Aizawa?- Dude, y'know this site's off limits unless you warn me firs..." Fin trailed off, seeing the doorway just beyond where the male stood- and the completely fixed site behind him. It looked...untouched. They jumped from their seat, running for the door.- Even at a dead-sprint, the human wasn't able to get there in time- and it slammed shut. "Damnit--!"
"Fin, is something wrong?" Toshinori had been walking down the road, two bento boxes in hand. He paused as his eyes landed on the other male, blinking for a moment. He'd run into Aizawa as he'd been grabbing the two boxes from the teacher's lounge (much to a disapproving glare)...and there was no way Aizawa (at least, his version) could've beaten him here, so...
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"....that was your door, wasn't it...?"
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seaoftales · 9 months
Finding a tavern as quest as this one was a rarity. A few patrons sitting around at tables or by the bar, conversations being held in murmurs, no pirates about to be way too loud for his tastes. The swordsman preferred a more peaceful ambiance than a loud one, so he settled at one of the tables closer to the bar, ordering some food and a bottle of red wine. He'd been famished after his last voyage during which he'd run out of food, foolishly miscalculating the supplies needed.
It was rare for Mihawk to spend more time than needed around people, and food was an exception. One might think that the man lives off of sarcasm and red wine, and while that wasn't too far off from the truth, the man still had to eat.
His more or less quiet mealtime was interrupted when the door burst open, a large group of undoubtedly pirates entering the tavern. He initially didn't pay too much mind to them, rather observing and trying to figure out who was who, and who was in charge.
It wasn't until they started getting louder, singing and laughing, that Mihawk finally glanced in the general direction of the young woman who was clearly their captain.
"My, aren't you a lively bunch."
@marriageproposallola ♥'d
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rhysdasior · 22 days
closed starter for @adrasian
Although Rhys’ faith remained a point of constant contention between himself and Roland, the tireless bickering in place of pillow talk did little to sway Rhys’ devotion to the divine. With a needed visit to confession having filled last Sunday’s morning, Rhys had been frequenting the town’s church on his first break of each working day, hunched forward with eyes shut tight as the rosary clutched between his fingers was desperately worked at, prayers falling from him on autopilot, pleading for forgiveness from the usual lapses in good behaviour before delving into the real calls for retribution; from slipping back into old patterns in behaviour after indulging above and beyond excess whilst with Byron back in Mayfair, in the intentional cruelty in how he’d addressed and treated Roland prior to his departure, how his guilt surrounding his own bout of adultery had interwoven itself with the shock of having witnessed Gwyn and Roland’s tryst without even a semblance of warning from Roland beforehand and resulted in yet another argument between them not even forty-eight hours into being back at Krovs. The guilt and shame were ever-present, louder in times of crisis, regret and pleasure – always serving as perpetual reminders that feeling too excessively was always a doomed venture. 
Keeping everything neatly compartmentalised and repressed allowed for Rhys to actually live his life, getting through each day step by step in one piece even if it was mainly performed on autopilot, the many years spent as a socialite-in-training as his parents’ shadow at countless soirées and coven meetings preparing him with an endlessly useful script to make the entire performance of diligent workaholic a believable one. The responsibilities weighing on his shoulders now – both as Head of the department and High Priest of the Dasior coven back home in London – were beginning to grow heavy sooner than expected and though Rhys had told himself he’d be able to manage it all just fine, he could feel his resolve cracking beneath the glamour.
Straightening up in the pew, Rhys slumped back against the uncomfortable rigid oak and groaned in time with the creaking of the aged wood, lifting a hand to rub as his eyes as he cycled through his usual array of breathing exercises to drag himself out of the mire of misery he’d willingly stumbled into. An unspoken agreement between Rhys and the small selection of priests dwelling there had come into being stating that he was to be left alone whilst visiting in the evenings and even with his mind and emotions in disarray, Rhys wasn’t distracted enough not to notice the shift in the atmosphere alerting him to the presence of another. A little deeper focus soothed any concern that he was in the company of anything possessing malicious intent (as expected given the setting, he reasoned,) and after a pause, Rhys turned to face whatever had decided to dwell in the presence of the sacred and offered a weary wave to dispel any concerns present in return. “You don’t need to hang back. You’re not intruding.”
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gctchell · 7 months
the ties that bind. [ starter call ] // @helluvaflames ; stolas
”Where is it.. Damn you, where is it?“ Stella cursed beneath her breath, fingers dancing along the bookshelves in the solarium with a furrowed brow. Frost misted off of her form and billowed in mushroom clouds upon the floor, dragging the temperature down as ice crackled and crawled along the panes of glass encasing the room.
It wasn't here, she must have peeled her eyes over the every cover at least seven times in the past ten, hyper-focused minutes.
Bless. Bless. Triple bless.
Flakes of snow trailed from Stella's shoulders as she took her sweeping leave, practically flying her way down the cavernous halls to where her husband's office resided - just opposite her own. If it was not in the Solarium, he would surely know exactly where it is.
”Stolas,“ Stella piped, appearing suddenly like a white apparition after her fingers brushed through the air, bidding the door to open at her behest. ”where is the family album? It's not in the solarium.“
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bastardfae · 1 year
closed starter for @familiar-finn
it was only a matter of time before tiernan was able to successfully stake his claim over the halfling. such a fact weighed heavy on arnon’s mind with each day that passed whilst stuck in this place. trying to keep track of the hours that passed was nothing short of impossible; each one blurred into the next. the only indicator that time was passing came through the dawn of the day and the falling of dusk. everything between that was a gaping chasm of endless misery, to put it lightly. even with tiernan’s explanation of being permanently rented until the claim could be made officially, arnon was grateful for the occasional reprieve of the councilman’s constant company as he was escorted down to the undercroft. the pit of despair wasn’t a great replacement; he’d much rather step foot inside his home again if only to be greeted with the sight of truly familiar surroundings again for the briefest of moments. it’d bring him more comfort than was imaginable, but such a hope was pointless, so it wasn’t worth dwelling on. shrugging off the bitterness that such a thought process always carried with it, arnon raked a hand through his hair and wandered to the first common room as if he owned the place, picking a book at random from the shelves and frisbeeing it onto the nearest table. if he was going to be stuck down here, he might as well distract himself somehow. pulling out the chair to slump into it with an exasperated huff, arnon flicked through the pages without really taking anything in, far too distracted by the sense of a presence lingering in the doorway behind him. “if you want something, speak up,” he grumbled, not bothering to look at whoever decided it was socially acceptable to hover. “if not, keep it moving.”
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nahimarchive · 6 months
closed starter for @witchysethharper
in order to truly understand rhys’ appeal to roland, nahim had chosen to start off gently, scheduling biweekly appointments under the guise of utilising the head magic consultant’s skills in divination to offer a little preternatural advice. the sessions weren’t taxing for either party, more of an excuse to fall into easy conservation and lull the witch into a semi-genuine sense of security. over time, rhys would grow comfortable enough not to notice when the narrative spotlight would inevitably shift to him and nahim could pry at what really made the witch tick. for now, he treated roland’s object of affection with the utmost respect, only drinking from him if offered to do so. whilst rhys hadn’t offered the first time around, he’d become surprisingly comfortable doing so every in every session that followed and nahim saw no good reason to turn any opportunity down. 
with a minute to spare until their scheduled meeting for the week, nahim made his way to rhys’ office, slowing in his tracks as he watched a face he was yet to familiarise himself with leave rhys’ office. by the looks of him, the stranger could easily be the other magic consultant; rhys had fondly mentioned… seth, was it? wandering closer, nahim flashed a cordial smile in the other’s direction as he passed, strengthening his mental shield out of habit around all magic users; out of all the lessons bastjan had taught him, keeping all thoughts concealed was paramount to guaranteed protection and, more dramatically, survival. “what kind of mood is he in?” nahim ensured his tone was jovial as he spoke, nodding towards rhys’ office to accentuate his questioning. “something along the lines of pleasant, i hope?”
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advertisesouls · 4 months
❛ man, i’m just tired and bored with myself. ❜
assorted lyrics // accepting!!
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One couldn't blame Xifeng for thinking that Angel Dust initially was speaking to someone else in the hotel. The two of them weren't necessarily close—or at all—especially since she had a reputation to uphold as one of Hell's coldest demons around as far as her personality was considered. That, and she tended to always keep others at arms' length.
That being said, however, she couldn't pass up an opportunity to try and act as genial as possible towards the guests in the hotel so as to learn more about them (and relay that information to Alastor.) After all, aside from being the hotel's advertising executive, what else is there to do besides interact with its patrons?
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"Ah, sorry, I couldn't help but overhear what you were saying. What's got you so down, Angel Dust? Is it anything that I can help with?"
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ianrossi · 3 months
𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐎𝐑: @augustusellison 𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: ray's
THE BAR WAS SLAMMED, more so than Ian could remember it being since he’d moved back. Ray’s had always been the place for the locals to unwind, and he could remember his father taking him there on his twenty-first birthday, clapping a hand on his back as he asked, “Doesn’t it taste better now that it’s legal?” A needless reminder of how he'd spent his teenage years, given that his prescription for painkillers following his third operation had only just run out. His “first” beer, his first game of pool many years before, the night of his first breakup — disguised with Noel at his side as they uncomfortably ordered root beers until they could work up the courage to order ale.
The bar had seen many firsts, and that night it saw the man become an unofficial bartender. After fifteen minutes of patiently waiting, Ian took it upon himself to retrieve a beer from the bucket just on the other side of the bar, leaving a $10 bill in its place. As he turned, he could feel someone watching and, for good measure swiped another bottle. ❛ Think they’ll mind? ❜ he asked, sliding the drink over to the other man. ❛ I haven’t seen the place like this in ages. ❜
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rhysdasiorarchive · 11 months
closed starter for @witchysethharper.
Given everything that had occurred over the past few days, the last place Rhys wished to be was anywhere containing other people. He’d been comfortable enough locked away in the safety of his office, avoiding any and all socialisation unless workplace requirements demanded it. For a while, it had been easy enough to distract himself with the last few pages of paperwork that needed tending to – followed by a brief flick through the pile of books on his bedside table he’d been meaning to read for months but had found himself too distracted by Roland’s near-constant presence to properly devote any time to – before the guilt and concern grew too large to ignore. He’d been lazy in patching things up with Seth after the events at Cannabites, too proud to be the first one to admit concession and too distracted by Roland’s incredibly sudden and jarring departure from his daily life seemingly overnight. It seemed as if that evening had brought with it a whole host of complications that Rhys really should have envisioned a whole lot sooner. Then again, perhaps this is what he got for neglecting his divination and intuition in favour of pursuing and maintaining emotional connections. 
With the festivities in full swing downtown, Rhys knew exactly where he’d find the younger witch and despite his reservations, he pushed his pride aside to make the first step towards putting at least one thing right. Even if he was still unimpressed with how Shade and Seth had handled their side of things, Seth was still someone Rhys considered close enough to practically be family at this point and it seemed childish to throw away that kind of bond when it ran as deep as it did, not to mention the fact that they still had to work together – there was no point in making the workplace environment any more insufferable than it already was on a regular day simply due to working where they did. For a split second, the thought of handing in his notice with immediate effect and returning to London to spend the rest of his days in quiet misery seemed far more appealing than being the bigger person, but if he didn’t fix this now, he likely never would and Seth deserved an attempt at repairing their relationship at the very least. Rhys made no attempt to get in the spirit of things – participating in anything Halloween-related had never once appealed to him, not even as a child – simply choosing to head downtown in his usual finery, following the chord of the younger witch’s inherent magic that always allowed him to keep a vague idea of Seth’s whereabouts even from afar. The club he arrived at was Rhys’ worst nightmare in multiple ways, not just because of its owner and the witch’s soured feelings towards him, but also due to the impact of the jarring sensory overload and the very real threat of Roland’s presence also featuring. If he could get this over and done within a handful of minutes, Rhys would consider it a job well done and he could retire back to the comfort of entirely self-imposed isolation. 
Pushing through the crowd with just a little excessive force that was partially a byproduct of his rising discomfort at having to be in such an environment in the first place, it didn’t take long for Rhys to spot his fellow magic consultant and he raised his voice just enough to be heard over the music. “Seth– look, I’m not here to argue. I just– I need to talk to you. Outside. Five minutes, no more. Don’t wanna keep you from…” he gestured vaguely at their surroundings. “…this.”
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souldered · 7 months
“ y'know , @arachnidiots — “ practiced smile grows , softens up the countenance. the warmth of the sun is a welcome feeling after a long winter season , especially around the cityscape. “ i didn't know that ... that's pretty cool , actually. “
+﹒⟢﹒jane's one-liner , for peter !
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sansloii · 7 months
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“I wouldn't do that if I were ya.” the redhead warns, nodding their head towards the cautious stray that's extended its nose towards the stranger's hand. “If ya don't got food in the other hand t'fork over, he's gonna scratch ya real good.”
— And, as proof, Mikah lifts their hand to show the small, but very red* scratch marks that decorated their hand. They hold it up for a moment, maybe two, before their attention goes back to the empty metal bowls they were crouched in front of. They slide their pack around to their front to pull out their water bottle.
“He chills out after he's eaten, though.”
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mini-starter call | @daemonry
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seaoftales · 8 months
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As rare as his trips to more populated areas were, whenever he made an effort to stay around, it proved to be rather interesting, not to mention that Lady Luck always seemed to have a wildcard in the deck to draw. Would he encounter a drunken brawl in a bar or outside of it, would another idiot throw his life away and die by his blade just to prove to his friends he could take on the World's Greatest Swordsman, or perhaps he'd happen upon a person that would pique his interest enough to strike a conversation with them? Mihawk really never knew what to expect.
After getting some provisions for his trip back home, the swordsman stopped at one of the nicer looking bars. A red wine enthusiast through and through, he simply couldn't pass the opportunity to see whether the bar offered some. He might like it and go out to buy a bottle or two, maybe even a crate to take with him.
It wasn't until he heard an angelic, almost otherworldly voice singing that instantly caught his attention. His attention was immediately shifted from the glass of wine to the young woman, completely mesmerized. It was something he admittedly never felt before. His attention could be caught in many ways, though singing was certainly a new one.
He listened until she stopped, and yet he still couldn't peel his eyes from her. ❝ I've never heard a voice quite like yours. ❞
@intothewildsea ♥'d
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rhysdasior · 30 days
closed starter for @aneirin-ap-mouric
Whilst Seth had done a phenomenal job of managing the workload of the entire department throughout Rhys’ absence (not that the witch had expected any less), there were still a few loose ends that needed tying up and considered finalised for good. It had taken Rhys a day or two to submerge himself back into the general hustle and bustle of castle life but once the familiarity had returned in full force, it felt as if he’d never left at all. Well, certainly on the departmental side of things. Matters of the heart and all the complications that came with it remained an apparently persistent issue. Sending off the last flurry of emails for the morning to confirm upcoming consultations and formally check in with coven-related matters back home, Rhys pushed himself up out of his chair with a long sigh, warily eyeing the clock above the doorway as he tried to discern how much of his break tying one particular loose thread up would take. Whatever excuses his mind was eager to make up to avoid addressing any of it, the fact of the matter remained: he couldn’t put it off forever and his conscience had been nagging him relentlessly to extend an olive branch of some kind to fledgling number one if it made Roland’s life even slightly easier.
Shrugging off the last of his reservations, Rhys plucked his blazer from the back of his chair and tugged it on as he headed out of the office, waving a hand behind him to lock and enchant the door to prevent another spontaneous arrival from Gwyn in his absence. Though he’d foolishly hoped it would, it didn’t take long to reach Aneirin’s suite and Rhys took a breath to steady himself before knocking. “Councilman? Apologies for the interruption – do you have five minutes to spare? There’s something we need to discuss.”
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starsmuserainbow · 7 months
“Where the hell did you pop out of?” [ Starfire from Naruto! ]
First Interaction Starters
[[Thank you for sending one! And hi! :D]]
A moment ago, Starfire still had been rushing towards the Titan's current enemy to tackle them down. Then, suddenly, she instead met with the floor, and it took her a moment to reorient herself after that sudden crash. She was spoken to, too, and she quickly got herself off the ground to look at the other who spoke to her, then around herself for a moment. ... Where were her friends? This didn't look like Jump City anymore!
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"Uh... I do not know. Have I popped out of some thing? Where am I?" He was using earthen languages, so she could at least assume that she was still on Earth, but... how did she come here so suddenly? The team had fought a normal, fighting enemy, and not someone like Mumbo with magic or other strange powers! There was no portal or anything behind her, so if she did 'pop out' of something (and if she was assuming right what that was supposed to mean), any trace of that something was gone by now.
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tvrningon · 1 year
closed starter | @vonerde hears chiyo whine!
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she loves wearing stockings, loves the feeling of them on her legs and the visual appeal of them, but man, she feels way too hot. if chiyo had to guess, she'd bet that it might be the alcohol causing her to feel as if she's melting despite the skirt she wears; regardless, these stockings need to come off and come off fast. she's ready to be in shorts again, to slip into bed and pass out.
her heels have to come off first, though, and they're proving to be a tad difficult. the first one was no problem, an absolute breeze as it should be. the second one? chiyo can't seem to get it off no matter how much she fiddles with the strap's buckle... which, admittedly, isn't very much fiddling before she's turning sad, puppy-like eyes to gaia. propping herself against the arm of the couch, she's too tired to feel any shame as she wiggles her outstretched leg in the divinity's direction.
" gaia, can ya get this offa me? please? i'm hot and the damn buckle's bein' stubborn. "
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nahimarchive · 8 months
closed starter for @nottheangel-raphael
whilst he’d had no doubt in raphael’s ability to make good on their deal, nahim remained faintly surprised by just how smoothly the process had gone. initially, the wait for the call of confirmation had been agonising. nahim had paced throughout the entire palazzo while he’d waited with his phone practically surgically attached to him, dismissing everyone and everything that tried to interrupt him. when the call finally came through, nahim had remained the picture of perfect diplomacy across the line, expressing his gratitude for raphael’s efforts before terminating the call. it had been a gamble to stake his claim over the position so soon after marcellino’s passing, especially with lingering doubt still harboured by some surrounding the official ruling concerning the cause of his sire’s death, but wasting time fretting over the opinions of others was out of the question – what mattered most was that he’d succeeded.
with the rest of the coven briefed on the decision later that night, nahim had set off for krovs the following morning. there was no need to waste time now that the vote had been cast in favour of his ascension. the sooner he arrived, the sooner he could rectify the damaged reputation his sire had nurtured through continuously staggering displays of ineptitude. once he’d checked over his suite and found almost everything to his liking, nahim shifted his focus to the most pressing matter of all and headed to raphael’s suite. calling ahead would have been the wiser decision but something told nahim an unannounced arrival wouldn’t go down too badly, all things considered. approaching raphael in his own territory was undoubtedly the best way to conduct this little reunion of sorts. coming to a halt, he knocked twice before letting himself in to lean against the doors. “you'll have to excuse the spontaneous visit–" amusement laced the edge of his tone as he spoke. "–i'm here to apologise, actually."
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