#//if u want to unfollow that's fine. i'm getting to replies now and maybe try to get back into gear
villains4hire · 1 year
Blog Revamp.
//Going forward while I'll tell I want to stop talking, I'm going to be less talkative about it and just say it and then do it and then block. I'll give a vague idea of why I'm doing this, as I'm ceasing ooc interaction to some degree but not entirely. Triggering content below and I guess drama? I'm not going to name drop. You can skip the context and simply head to my new disclaimer called 'This is the low bar before my rules, if you trip it. You're gone and I may confront you'.
//Last night I blocked 4 ppl, 1 of which whom was the main offender and not involving the other group of 3 had been involved and I will not be saying what happened other than the main guy as it was bad enough to do what needed to be done to keep myself safe, while the main guy involved had been doing weird stuff in the bg with other muns against their wishes or interests that involved underage stuff then p much admitting to me privately while also being pretty dis-genuine to me for our end convo and in general for the good faith I had for them and speaking good of their character, but them basically admitting 'It's not like I advocate for this in real life' that ended in me telling them to fuck off as if it was my opinion or something? Bc this guy kept doing weird shit to involve ppl or getting outwardly handsy in a way not okay without asking with his adult characters toward minor characters or making weird ass commentary.
//The other 3 I will not be saying anything on, these people while I disagree with them in some aspects, I still needed to take action to protect myself. But I do care about them, but my self-preservation will always take priority bc being trans is death by association to me for a p bad topic. I don't care who you are to me, at that point I have to react, I can't say I didn't know, it obligates me to take action. And even morally I can't really stand with it or risk it.
//The resulting aftermath just left me incredibly drained even if I wasn't outwardly upset or raging or something, then I went numb emotionally and began trembling violently for some reason and I didn't really understand what was happening to me. I just laid down light-headed as it got worse and worse and eventually it stopped. I couldn't feel emotion or really was even sad, or know what that was but it was enough to me to realize I need to just set some hard limits down which I thought was pretty clear but I guess not.
This is the low bar before my rules, if you trip it. You're gone and I may confront you:
You're a proshipper or friend or otherwise of one of some kind involving pedophilia or rape porn or noncon ship or adult x child/teenager ship. I don't care how light it is, I can't associate with it, everything shipwise is 18+ for me. I won't go after people simply for interacting with people without knowing but I'm not obligated to say anything. This is tiring, so yeah, sorry if you end up finding out the hard way for anyone.
You openly or privately reference sexual content to my characters involving other characters that are minors.
You try to start drama with me that doesn't involve hard-hitting topics such as what's mentioned above or bigotry or try to drag me into drama I'm not apart of. If I know you on discord and talk with you frequently or have in the past, it's fine to vent about drama but always prepare me for the topic before going in so I have subtext beforehand of what it's about.
You have a political or religious agenda with me and try to talk politics with me, I don't care if people mention it or talk about it on dash. Discord friends are exempt from this but I will say that leaning too deeply to one side will make me block you probably.
You spam me too much other than for rps and I don't have you added on discord. Discord is my main chat program, just come in, ask for an rp, plot with me then we can rp, banter a little maybe and be done with the convo. This one I give a proper warning for before doing something.
This is my main disclaimer up above now. It pretty much has replaced many of my other disclaimers that I'm pretty much whatever to anyway at this point.
I am here to have fun and make my friends and girlfriends happy and feel safe and loved. Involving me potentially into dangerous shit whether it's an opinion, your fetish or otherwise that could seriously harm me if it came to my association with you to me being pursued irl for identity wise is just not worth it to me or considering my well-being. You're not obligated to care but neither am I, this goes toward more than just one person. I would say in the past week I've also dealt with a few ppl that approached me that also turned out to be into rape or something.
So rn I'm going to be a bit grumpy now for for the next few days for what I'm starting to feel but I'll be fine within three days or so, consider this a warning if dming me on tumblr but not discord.
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sunball · 3 years
i just went through all the points you made in your astro observations about persona chart xD and checked my persona charts 🤩 it was all so trueee (except for ones that are about the future or ones that i don't know what my placements meant so i can't confirm the accuracy for those 🤣🤣)
it's not 'not so good' (on the title) at all!!! it's so cool that you learned about all these and share it with us <33 i only read that one just yet and i will check out your other observations right after i send u this ask 😁
i just noticed that there's only one compliment from anon that you put on your 'best anons' pinned post and i scrolled through your recent posts too but i haven't seen any compliments ಠ_ಠ
so i'm gonna send you virtual hugs and happy energies right here right now 😊💖💖💖💖✨✨💓💕❤️❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥💝💝💘💫💫
it's also possible that you get tons of compliments and i just don't know abt it but nonetheless i'd still send you this to say that i admire u so much and thank you for your posts because it's so easy to understand and i do feel confident to keep learning abt astrology thanks to you😁
i saw that you're taking a break, so i hope you feel better soon 💓 and really just do what you want to do because you're the only one who'd stick with yourself at the end of the day and you are responsible for all your actions anyway, so you should care about yourself the most and do what makes u happy!!
i'm not at all pressuring you or expecting anything from you so do not feel the need to quickly come back from the break !! take all the time you want and maybe try out the things you used to enjoy or things that brings u joy 🤩
whether it's a long or a short break, temporary or permanently, it's all good as long as you feel good 💖☺️
and hey, literally just don't give a damn about other people. it's a blog for u to post whatever u want, not a blog where u post what people want 💖 i have a blog as well so i've been trying to do that too and honestly it's so challenging but during moments that i stop giving a shh abt others, it feels so great 😎💅✨
change is fine ❤️ different is fine ❤️❤️ i have pisces in 1st house so i'm inconsistent as hell in everything lol anyways, what matter is that the people who likes and accepts you would stay w you and that you enjoy and like your own content 💕
gosh i'm so sorry for making it this long 🤣 i'm also actually glad that you decided to take a break and take care of yourself 😁😁 i hope u get well soon 💫💖
u don't have to reply to this 💓 i only want u to read it and hopefully feel a bit better ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
Omg how did I miss this?? I AM REPLYING SO LATE I AM SO SORRY ANON. you wrote so much omg )): I am so glad that you feel confident learning astrology and that you think my posts are easy to understand because writing is honestly something I’m not good at😭 it’s very cool that people appreciate and learn from something that I am insecure about 😮‍💨
what you said is very true. I posted my last astrology observation for myself tbh, I knew that the stuff I said were very obvious but I didn’t know about the explanation myself and I had so much fun researching about mythology. Although it didn’t get many notes, I’m proud of the work I made and what I observed (I just know old me wouldn’t accept 300 notes). I also completely changed my theme and many people unfollowed but you know what.. I don’t regret anything. I feel great about this change. I don’t have to worry about people not liking my content and my blog because hey, if they don’t like it, then they can just unfollow or not follow me at all. and yeah I am posting for MYSELF. I am doing all of this for MYSELF.
idk if you will see this but I am very thankful for your message. I appreciate it! also good luck on your blog, I’d love to see it (if I haven’t already 😳)
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chaos-and-cookies · 8 years
I keep thinking about that post you made about dating trans people and I'm actually gonna have to unfollow you for it. How about not telling a group of people you're not apart of what is and is not offensive. Oh wow straight people feel shitty for being called transphobic, how about actual trans people feeling shitty for literally being reduced to only their genitals. Don't insert your opinions into a conversation where they don't belong.
Well for one I’m not straight and never said anything about straight ppl or their feelings when it comes to the l.g.b.t+ community. And 2 u competely misunderstood what i was trying to say but I’m not going to get into it. Replying to that ask would make it go into the tags and i don’t feel like being harassed by ppl that have no idea what i was talking about. And i am by no means obligated to answer every ask i get, especially anon ones.
If you go off anon i would talk to you about it in a respectful manner and maybe you could clear up some confusion i have about the topic. I tried to be as respectful as possible with my genuine confusion and concern on the topic, but you are not respectful at all and acted like i was trying to speak over a community i am not a part of and was deliberately being rude or something when that is clearly not the case, answering your rude ask would have been the equivalent of opening pandoras box. I know you don’t care about me (b.c even my non mutuals know I’m not straight) so that’s probably what you wanted to see, me getting nonstopped harassed by people taking this completely out of hand because of your assumptions.
You…you are entirely condescending. You are assuming that I’m tränsphöbic, (which I’m not, but again i do not have to prove myself to a stranger on the internet that can’t even go off anon.), and you’re telling me to not speak in a conversation I’m not a part of….yet i made my own untagged censored post on my own personal blog so nothing would go into the tags. You act as if i took a post made by a tråns person and yelled at them in the comments saying they’re wrong and need to shut up or something. You know, like how you’re doing to me
If you want to unfollow me thats fine but do not make assumptions and declarations about me when you do not know me or what i do in real life. Also maybe learn to speak to people with some respect and less condescending and maybe they’ll reply to you. This is literally why so many people are afraid to ask genuine questions so they can try to learn and understand more, because people like you immediately go on the attack rather than explain calmly what they don’t understand.
This entire thing has left a bad taste in my mouth, anon please unfollow me, I’ve changed my mind I do not need rude people like you following me or trying to talk to me. I try to be nice and positive towards ppl for the most part but i have a low tolerance for rude and condescending people. I never said i was right but you're definitely in the wrong rn.
I usually leave anon on for requests, question memes, and shy mutuals but i think I’m going to turn it off now, all thanks to you. 👏
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