#//here’s a way to get people interacting!
qqueenofhades · 2 days
Obviously no pressure to post this, but wanted to offer a resource/action-item for the like-minded, since your politically-adjacent posts get a bit more reach. And this seems as good a time as any?
The group is called VoteRiders, and I volunteer for them. We help people (for free) to get the identity documents needed to vote. If you live in a state with voter ID laws (or it's your first time voting in a federal elelction) and you don't have a photo ID, they'll help. If that means getting your birth certificate from out of state, or a social security card, getting you a ride to the DMV, paying the document fees, etc. They can (usually) help with name change documents, if you got married or transitioned. Maybe you just have questions about voter ID in your state, or are confused about how to get your absentee ballot. We have a phone number you can call OR: you can text! Facebook message us! There is a chatbot that will get some info until a volunteer logs on! You don't need to talk to a human person. You can access the chatbot/insta messenger on voteriders.org, or call/text 866-ID-2-VOTE (8664328683).
The other reason I'm promoting this: obviously you can volunteer in the usual ways (being the person helping/answering questions). But if you want to get involved and you have anxiety, there are ways you can volunteer that don't/barely involve talking to a live person! You could answer the FB messages/chatbot, where you say "let me look that up for you" if you need more time (the drawback: you have to get comfortable clicking around secretary of state websites). OR: they have letter writing campaigns! They send you a document with the voter ID laws for a certain state printed on it, and you write a little personal message about why you think it's important for people to vote (drawback: finding a place to print (i use the library) and you have to provide your own envelopes/stamps).
Anyway, i just wanted to offer options for people who both need help and want to help. A few ways to feel in control of our destiny.
This sounds like an excellent resource and I am happy to boost it. So yes, for anyone who is feeling freaked out by the media kerfuffle/terrible SCOTUS immunity decision, here is something you can do to make important change in an easy way, and doesn't even require you to interact with people directly! Check it out.
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antimony-medusa · 10 hours
Okay so.
Look. At this point I am old and I am tired and I am pretty firmly coming down on write what you want just archive lock it or something and tag it please. If I am hitting tropes or trends or ships that don't do it for me, I can simply click away and my day is not ruined. Cancellation is not on my radar at all. Okay. So. With that out of the way.
Look. Sometimes, when you are pushing the boundary of platonic possessive and platonic kink-adjacent stuff, if you lead special emphasis on the fact that everybody involved is related, it doesn't necessarily make it magically more platonic. It just gives it extra vibes. Specifically you are like STRONGLY invoking incest as a kink right now, my guys. This is getting dire. Like I'm sorry but if someone is lying down half asleep listening to the "sounds of kissing" and one of the people doing the kissing keeps saying how good of a brother the other person is, like, you can smack a "platonic kissing" tag on that one all you like, and I can even follow you on a faith journey and believe that you intended that to be platonic, but uh, the first reading of that one is distinctly like— man, please. I'm dying here.
In the same way that if you have an interaction— say, you did a cuddle-potion fic, and you say to yourself "man these guys are getting handsy, if they're both dating age this would look kinda sketchy'' so your solve is to make one of them twelve and then suddenly you have made your slightly off-colour fic take on a whole new tone— in the same way that making one of the characters underage isn't a magic button you can press to make something fully platonic no matter what, making your characters related isn't going to make it magically platonic if they are say, all in the same bed and one of the characters is feeling the mattress move as his brother and father cuddle each other and say how much they love each other.
This isn't even an isolated incident. Please.
If you are looking at your interaction and going "man this kinda looks like ship" and you want to make sure people don't think it's ship, aging down the character isn't a magic solve, and making them related isn't a magic solve, not when the rest of the tropes you are pulling from are pulled directly from romance and porn. You just invoked a DIFFERENT kink on top of the first one you had. Like you might not know that that's where the tropes come from but guys. Please. The solve for this scene is either changing it substantially until it no longer looks like ship, accepting that it looks off but you don't mean it that way and go "if people misunderstand this it's not my problem" or maybe considering the option that what you want to write is ship. I keep hitting this stuff and going "are you SERIOUS" and then it gets worse.
Or maybe, idk, you're specifically into all the people being related like that. You do you, the contents of your Ao3 account is not hurting anyone. But in that case please for the love of GOD can you please consider tagging it?
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biteofcherry · 2 days
A promise that won't be upheld
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part of Venomous Vows series in collaboration with @jamneuromain
mafia!Ari Levinson x female reader
summary: Your first impression of Ari isn't exactly a bad one, but it solidifies your decision to never have anything to do with him.
warnings: mafia!Ari Levinson; mob!Ari Levinson; soft dark!Ari Levinson;
Author's Note: This is sort of prelude to everything that happens. If you read the thread that started it all (and which is the core of what happens later), you will understand the title of this ficlet - why exactly this promise won't uphold 😏🤭
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The sense of power doesn’t thrum through your veins as you cut across the lavish floors of the club, even though people part aside to let you through; neither it pulses as you take the spiral staircase to the VIP upper floors, where curious and hungry gazes glance your way, but no one dared to approach. 
At least not yet. Your father’s name is enough to keep most in line, but there is always someone who would be either too dumb or too drunk to make a move on you. The fact you could get rid of him with the mere mention of your last name didn’t give you a sense of power, either.
It’s the moment when you stepped down the narrow corridor that changed from lacquered black into burnt wood panels, which finally gave way into a beautiful oasis. 
Here, in the private garden sprawling above the city, you feel that rush. 
It’s not just a VIP area. To be allowed here is to be the inner circle. The very few who your father trusted. 
Or to be a monster equally influential as him.
Ari Levinson isn’t a close associate of your father. He doesn’t belong to the inner circle. He doesn’t belong to anyone, but the hell pit alone. 
But he’s here tonight. Exchanging who knows what false politeness and cutthroat deals with your father. 
You know he’s highly intelligent, brutally fast and decisive. Father wouldn’t sit down with anyone who didn’t deserve their position of power. But he’s not the kind of man you want to spend any minute with. 
Especially not on your birthday.
“I’d ask if he’s a stripper, but I’m not yet drunk enough for playing a dumb bimbo,” your friend chuckles next to you. 
She likes to play those games, especially with the dark and dangerous crowd - whom she proves to be idiots led by dicks. She’d almost cross a boundary, but make it so cute that the most ruthless of enforcers and mob soldiers were turning smitten and protective. 
Figures she’d set her sights on Levinson. Danger always lures her. On top of that, his looks also grab full female attention.
“That one is better to be left alone.” Averting your gaze from him, you turn and walk over to the further side of the roof garden, where garlands of lights are hung above a table set for a small group of people. 
Unlike your best friend, you’re not interested in poking the dragon. 
Or to even look at him too long, in case the devil snatches your soul somehow.
You prefer your partners to be more controllable. Lawyers, who have the brains and enough cockiness to make it spicy, but won’t get an upper hand over you. Mob boys who are in the higher ranks, but didn’t display alpha male behavior. CEOs who are too busy with their own empires to be hungry for having power over you. 
“He has to be a really big deal, if you’re saying that,” your friend muses, taking a seat beside you.
And he is.
Ari Levinson isn’t a man you’d want to find yourself near. Not only because of his reputation of being a ruthless and lethal leader. But because he’s not easy to control. He never would be. 
He’s a man who grips the reins of any interaction right away, twisting and pulling and lashing with a crop until any mare submits to him fully. He’s like that in business, but you have no doubt he’d be the same in any relationship.  
A voice smooth and rich as the last sips of thick, hot chocolate, resounds unexpectedly behind you. Startling you. 
When you turn, the devil himself is standing right there. His expression is neutral, void of any mischief, or malice. 
So damn controlled. To the tiniest muscle in his handsome face. 
“Mr. Levinson.” You greet him politely, hiding your annoyance at the fact you can’t read anything off his face, or his body language.
His body - impressively broad and thick, while still holding a jungle’s predator’s grace to it - isn’t stiff in discomfort, nor is it alert for a threat. It isn’t fully relaxed either. Somehow he’s perfectly balanced and in tune with his surroundings.
Yeah, definitely a man to stay away from, if you want to maintain your goal of always being in control.
Even if a small part of you wants to stretch along that body and rub your softness everywhere where he is hard.
“Wanted to pay my respects and wish you a happy birthday,” Levinson inclines his head your way. 
“Thank you.” It calms you, realizing it’s just a typical show of manners, which the mafia world puts such emphasis on while not batting an eye at killing. It’s quite comical. 
“I must admit, I’m surprised.” He adds, his tone for the first time betraying some kind of emotion.
“A mafia princess’ birthday being so modest? No party for hundreds of people and social media pictures? You must be setting new standards.” 
He doesn’t laugh, nor smirk, but you notice the way his blue eyes spark. It’s a short, fleeting thing, but it’s enough to grate on your nerves. It’s also enough to have your friend snort. Because of course she made nearly the same comment a few days ago, when you mentioned you just want a nice dinner and a few glasses of wine, not to party all night long.
Not only because you have enough noise and masses on a daily basis as you manage hotels and the party side of casinos - the legal front for the very illegal things your father runs. 
But because, as he called you, a mafia princess is never just a person of the evening for genuine celebration. 
You’re not naive or dumb to not know that those types of parties are a means to be shown around like a prized auction item to lure the highest bidders. Your father loves you, but you’re aware at some point he will arrange your marriage.
You want to spare yourself at least the whole circus of potential husbands, or their representatives, watching you and assessing your worth. 
“I’m not a college student on a spring break, nor a spoiled teen on a sweet sixteen.” You roll your eyes, not voicing the real reasons for the small celebration. 
Which was a tiny victory on your part, because your father couldn’t exactly show you off and wait for offers while it was only him, your friend and two cousins you were still waiting for. 
“No, you’re not.” Levinson agrees, his voice dropping an octave lower.
His eyes stay on your face, but it somehow feels as if he just dragged his gaze down your body in the most inappropriate way. You feel a warm tingle awakening beneath your skin.
“I wish you all a lovely evening. Once again, happy birthday,” he rolls your name on his tongue and his lips curve in a teasing smile.
“May it be a memorable one.”
You watch him turn and leave, moving with the confidence of a predator who knows the jungle holds no secrets from him. 
But he’s not reckless or stupidly cocky, you think. He’s simply (annoyingly) aware of his power. Which makes him all the more dangerous to be around. 
You make a promise to never find yourself in his orbit for longer than necessary. 
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serialunaliver · 2 days
I called in sick to work because I literally got sick from anxiety lol. I will put in my 2 weeks notice tomorrow. My mom said I should report the bullying but honestly I haven't heard it's a widespread issue there I think it's genuinely because people always figure out there's something wrong with me
Thanks for interacting with me on here everyone, it's a better place for me to spend time
Just tell me it gets better in life please ... I got treated this way my whole life and I just want to fit in
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dduane · 16 hours
Curiosity question, because I know you work in both writing and film:
A book series I like is being adapted for film, and I have heard the author is working as a creative consultant rather than a writer because she isn't part of the WGA. Are book authors allowed to join the union if their book is being adapted for film? Or is there some technicality that would make it too difficult?
There's absolutely no reason a novelist can't become a Writers Guild member. I certainly did that when Michael Reaves and I pitched "Where No One Has Gone Before" to ST:TNG. (Michael was Guild already.) But it depends on what company you're working with, and what they want from you—or don't want.
The issue splits into two parts.
First of all: to qualify to join the Guild, you must accrue a certain number of "units" of TV, film or other Guild-covered media work within a three-year period (and then pay an initiation fee). The rules about qualification are here. You accrue these work units by selling your writing to a company that's signatory to the Guild's minimum basic agreement (MBA).
So as an example: if I was a series-owning novelist who wrote a screenplay for a feature film, or a bible for a miniseries of four hours or more, and sold either of those to an MBA-signatory company, that would be my twenty-four qualification points accrued immediately, and I could apply for Guild membership right then. To join I would simply fill out whatever paperwork was necessary and send the Guild my initiation fee, and that would be that. (US west-coast writers automatically join WGA West, IIRC: east-coast and international writers go to WGA East.)
But first you have to make that sale.
If the company that's adapting a creative property you own doesn't want to buy a script or a bible from you, that's their choice. The adapters may have a writing team or room they prefer to work with, rather than trying to train the novelist in screenwriting: or they might have other reasons not to commit to buying a script from the series owner. The novelist would then have to decide in what other way they want to interact (creatively speaking) with the people doing the adaptation.
In the case you describe above, if what you've heard is accurate, it sounds like the company the writer is working with has decided not to offer the novelist the opportunity to write a script for them. In such a situation, taking a creative-consultant job may be the best deal the novelist can leverage. You do, of course, also get novelists who actively don't want to be involved in the screenwriting process—either for lack of script experience or some other reason—and prefer a consultant position, especially if it comes with some kind of producer credit.
In any case, hope this makes the whole issue clearer!
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jsprnt · 2 days
Americano PT. 16 | Jude Bellingham x Reader
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What happens if two individuals who absolutely despise each other are forced to interact after unforeseen events occur?
A/N: hello loves!! I can’t believe we’ve already come to the end of this series😭 thank you guys so so much for all the love you’ve sent my work and efforts!! Love y’all so much, enjoy reading- and stay tuned for my future fics 🤍🩷
W/C: 4.025
part fifteen
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I sigh for the millionth time today, leaning back against the backrest of my chair. I rub my wrists, massaging my fingers and knuckles, groaning in relief when I hear some of them pop.
There were only a handful of matches left in the league, along with the Champions League final. The entire PR and marketing department had been working overtime for a couple days now, wanting to end the season on a high note.
I was so tired and stressed out, internally debating whether to call in sick tomorrow, but there was no way the team could finish all of this without my help.
Since my role in the department has gotten much more important this season, I needed to attend more meetings and calls with a lot of different people.
Never in my life, had I exercised my social skills this much, and it was only a matter of time before my social battery ran so low that I couldn't take interacting with people anymore, without looking like a total jerk.
Though, the generous paycheck that dropped into my back account every month, motivated me to work harder, well, sometimes..
I shift from my position, grabbing a single pen from its holder. Looking back up to my laptop to write down some refreshing and creative questions for the upcoming, very important and widely viewed interviews.
Winning both the national league and the Champions League in the exact same season would be absolutely insane to witness.
I had experienced the feeling in my first season working at the club. After almost three years of getting to know the team and the players who had come and gone, this year would feel even more special.
I had grown closer to the club, not just as an employee but as a supporter as well. I had multiple personal and dear connections with the club.
My father had just renewed his contract with the club. A topic that everyone working for respective companies joked about was the possibility of the agreement not being renewed.
After all these years, both companies had become synonymous with each other.
I had also gotten closer to my colleagues, much closer than I would've ever imagined. Starting this job as an eighteen-year-old, I was incredibly intimidated by the sheer size of the operations behind the scenes.
Of course, juggling both working here and studying for my law degree was hard at first. Work in the morning had switched to the evening when attending the matches.
Study breaks consisting of trying to figure out what interview questions were rubbish and needed to be scrapped, and packing my little suitcase for another trip, only to overpack again.
Thankfully, I had gotten all of my results back from this school year, and I was absolutely over the moon knowing I'd be going for the third year of my degree after summer break.
All my hard work had finally paid off when I saw my grades, and I had celebrated it that night- with working…
The biggest change in my life?
That was the fact that I had actually found love.
Going from hating each other to loving each other was a weird feeling. Even so, Jude and I had been together for almost six months now, and honestly speaking; I had never felt so loved by anyone in the entire world before.
We supported each other wholeheartedly, and it was definitely easier to do than other couples.
Mostly, because we worked together.
Living together for the first few weeks of our relationship, definitely sped up the process of actually getting to know each other. It bonded us faster than I would’ve ever expected.
Looking back, it's difficult to even imagine a world where Jude never moved into my place..
Jude had moved out of my house in the middle of March. He had changed houses following everything that had happened the last few months.
The new house is quite far away from the old, temporary house he lived in, that got broken into. The home was spacious and modern, just like I'd expected before visiting for the first time.
My father and his partners at his firm, had finally built up a proper case to take the intruder to court. I didn't know the specifics because, for some reason I wasn’t allowed to, by both my own father and Jude.
I already knew that the man who had caused so much chaos wasn't getting off the hook easily, and that was enough for me. Knowing any more details about the situation, would probably cause me more stress and anxiety, so I had just learnt to let it go.
I couldn't even lie, lately I had spent more time at Jude’s place than my own. There was something so comforting about it, maybe it was how inviting and cozy it felt.
His friends from England and Germany would always be over, for the simplest of reasons.
Playing games, both board and video ones, watching new movies in the unnecessary, huge cinema room. It created a very fun and friendly atmosphere and made me feel more comfortable than ever.
Jude’s parent’s presence, especially his mother’s- was very much appreciated. I loved chatting to her, from the most mundane things, to the things that I was worried about.
Just like the other women in my life, she gave me guidance and encouragement to keep on going and be even better at anything I wanted to accomplish.
Obviously, there was no way we could keep on hiding our relationship from certain teammates Jude was very close with. We'd decided to be open with them, because keeping a 'secret' from them wouldn't exactly give us peace of mind in the long run.
Scratching what I've written down so far, I drop my pen onto the desk. Glancing up at the clock to check the time, and gasping softly when I remember I have a meeting that starts in a minute.
I quickly grab the necessary paperwork, and dash out of the office. Into the meeting room, already full of my coworkers, sat waiting only for me..
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"Okay, I'm really confused. Do I have something on my face? Like sauce from lunch or something?" The puzzled y/n asks, turning around in her office chair, only to glance at the busy Lina.
"Uh.." The older woman begins, looking up from her monitor and shaking her head.
"Nope, no sauce. Why?" Lina takes her hand off the computer mouse, sighing before leaning back.
"Everyone has been looking at me, like since- this morning.." y/n rolls her chair forward, holding out her foot, to stop herself from violently slamming into Lina's desk.
"You think? I thought it was because your dress looked cute.."
Lina smirks at her own words, her hand reaching over to grab her purple water bottle, swiftly taking the top off and chugging a couple gulps.
y/n scoffs, glancing down at the dress she's wearing. Yes, of course the dress is cute, that's why she wore it today. But the stares she got were definitely not in appreciation of the cream-colored dress.
"Are you serious? I don't think-"
She's cut off by a loud knock. Both women break eye contact, looking up at the glass doors where someone is standing in front of.
"Jude?" y/n perks up, standing up from her chair and making a beeline towards him. Ignoring the unnecessarily loud and teasing whistle leaving Lina's mouth.
Stepping outside, she furrows her brows, looking around for anyone who could eavesdrop on their conversation.
"Follow me.." Jude can only say, immediately starting to walk down the stairs without sparing another second.
"What are you-" She trails off, sighing in defeat, before following him down, into one of the empty meditation rooms.
She looks at Jude as he locks the door behind them, his hand immediately reaching to wrap around her waist. He pulls her closer than ever, planting a kiss on her lips.
"Something wrong?" She asks, picking up on his stressed out demeanor. Pulling back, she scans his face once again.
"I have to show you something, but don't freak out, yeah? I called your dad already, and he said he'll see what he can do.."
This only sends her into a panic, his warning going over her head as she watches him pull his phone out of his pocket. Arms flexing underneath his training jacket as he moves.
She looks at him with a confused frown on her face, her eyes almost popping out of her head when Jude shows what was so important.
Grabbing the phone out of his hand without thinking, she brings the device closer to her face. A small noise of annoyance leaving her mouth.
It's all photos of the couple, outside during various times they had been on dates for the past- six months.
"This one's from Valencia, and this one's from that night in Mallorca?!" y/n exclaims, hands shaking as she tries to scroll through the other photos. All off guard pictures of them, taken while they were out together, after matches, and even on dates in Madrid.
Noticing how distressed the photos make his girlfriend, Jude grabs his phone out of her hand. Setting it down on the table next to him, he grabs onto her shoulders, making her look up at him.
"It's okay, we prepared for this, remember? I won't let my team put out a statement, apart from legal action. Your dad's handling it with my team, okay?" He brings her frazzled form into a reassuring hug, planting kisses on her cheeks and the tip of her nose.
Of course, just like her boyfriend explains- they knew their relationship couldn't be kept secret for much longer. Jude, being the high profile football player he is, couldn't exactly keep people from prying into his private life.
She knew that the media had caught a whiff of her, even back when they despised each other. The night at Wembley Stadium months ago, had caused a little commotion back then.
The gossip pages and newspapers loved a story containing love, a successful and beloved young man, and not to forget- her having actual connections to the club in both work, and her father's partnership with the club.
To the couple, when they entered the training center or the stadium, they would work at that particular day- it was about work and work only.
When they clocked in, they prioritized working. It would've obviously been very difficult for them to keep their relationship on the low- if they glanced at each other every damn second, while in the same room.
During working hours, they'd greet each other like their other colleagues, acting like they didn't make out the night before in his room.
Unavoidably, the players who knew about them dating, would try their best to sneak little jokes and teases in. The couple would successfully brush off the comments.
Practicing all these months made the perfect facade, but sometimes the jokes were too good not to chuckle, at least very discreetly.
"Okay, I trust you.." She mutters, pressing her face into her chest, a soft hum leaving her mouth. Thoughts and worries swirling through her mind.
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"Baby! I'm ready!" I shout, almost falling flat on my face while pulling on my new heels.
These red bottoms were absolute hell to wear, especially since I had just gotten them as a gift, from Jude.
It would take some time before I could break them in, but with how stunning they looked paired with this dress, it was worth the pain, at least tonight.
To celebrate winning the league, Jude and I were finally going on a date. It had been a while since we had been on a proper date night, mostly due to how busy we both have been lately.
Jude with training and I with preparing everything, from interviews to social media posts, and even some press releases that needed to be out before the Champions League final that was in a couple days.
"I'm here.." I walk out of his bedroom, chuckling at the sheer amount of my clothes stuffed in his closet.
We had been staying over at each other's place on and off, but looking at both our closets, you'd think we'd been living together again.
Considering how important the past few weeks had been, Jude had been training a lot. I was especially worried about him and his health, mainly thinking of his shoulder injury.
His doctor and the team's physiotherapist had reassured me personally, but still, I could help but wince every time he touched his shoulder and grunted. Or seeing the multiple, pain-stopping injections, he had to take to play a full ninety minutes.
"You look handsome.." I mutter when reaching the front door, pressing a kiss onto his plump lips, my hands reaching to fix the collar of his button down. My lipgloss leaving a sheen of glitter on his lips, it making me chuckle as he gave me a dumbfounded look.
We’re fairly young, and early in our relationship, we realized that fancy dates weren't really our thing. But tonight was one of the few occasions we'd go all out, and dress up very nicely.
"You look absolutely stunning, love.." He smiles, his hand circling around my waist and down my back, fingers digging into the fabric of my dress.
"Thank you, baby.." I hum, giving him a small wink. A loud chuckle leaves my lips as he attempts to wink back, though, just like every time, it looks like he's got something in his eyes, instead of being cheeky.
"What's so funny, hm?" Jude questions, hands trailing down to grip at my bum, squeezing slightly.
"Mhm, nothing.." I say, reaching up to fix his hair a little. "Should we leave? It's getting late.."
He agrees instantly, and I wrap my arm around his as we walk out of his house. The sun hadn't set yet, mostly because summer was coming soon, and I couldn't wait to enjoy the weather this year, yet again.
"Wait- I didn't grab my keys.." I gasp, eyes going wide as I watch him pull the door shut.
"Oh, you're definitely not driving missy, especially not in those heels.." Jude says, giving me a cheeky smile, and I can immediately sense that he is hiding something.
"You got your license?!" I beam, eyes glistening in happiness. Though, my excitement is cut short when he shakes his head, an embarrassed look on his face.
"No, I did not get my license.."
"Oh.." I say, the corners of my mouth twitching as I hold back a menacing laugh.
"So, you'll be my passenger prince forever?" I bring my hand up to grab onto his bicep, squeezing the muscles as my body leans against his.
"Will you ever stop saying that?" I watch his lips move, eyes glimmering when his lips pull into a slight pout.
"When you get your license, sir. I'll stop calling you my passenger prince..."
"I'm sure you would like a break from it then.." Jude says, his expression changing to a smug one within a split-second, and I follow his lead without thinking.
My uncomfortable heels click against the concrete as Jude leads me outside the gates of the house, a sleek black Rolls Royce parked right in front of the driveway.
"You got a driver for tonight?" I ask, eyes fixated on the, admittedly sexy car.
"Going all out for my lovey tonight. I've got to spoil my girl, always.."
I grin at his sweet words, warmth reaching my face, and I suddenly feel shyness creeping up on me. I shift my gaze for a second, avoiding eye contact with him and staring at the concrete.
"Aw, is my pretty girl shy now? You weren't like this a moment ago, huh?" A soft noise of protest leaves my mouth at the loving words. My breath hitching as he presses a kiss on my neck, right against my jugular.
"Come on, love. We'll be very late to our reservation if I keep you here longer.." Jude gives me a charming smile, grabbing onto my hand and pulling me towards the car, making me forget whatever my thoughts were before he'd made my heart flutter.
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"I'm sweating literal buckets. I can't even breathe properly right now.." My eyes immediately shift to Luis, my right eye twitching, just like it has been on and off this entire day. The stress and anxiety of this all had been building up in us both, causing actual physical symptoms to show.
"Ask me about it, I went peeing two times already, and we're just seventy minutes into this match.." I say, wiping my sweaty hands down my black jeans. The laptop and phone on my lap shaking, as I bounce my knee up and down in anticipation.
My heart also leaped in my throat every time Jude got fouled. Checking the stats confirmed my suspicion, he currently is the most fouled player on the pitch.
I obviously knew it was a part of the game, but considering his injury- I couldn't help but be worried.
"Fuck, I swear if we score, I'm going to lose my shit." Luis says, running a hand through his curly hair, and I can almost feel the nerves radiating off of him.
Well, all 90.000 people in Wembley Stadium feel the exact same way right now. From supporters to chairmen of both respective clubs, sitting on the edge of their seats as we all watched the Champions League final between Real Madrid and Borussia Dortmund unfold, live in front of our own two eyes.
My breath hitches in my throat as we're given a corner. The grip on my phone getting tighter as Luis glances at me.
"Okay, we got this, Toni's so experienced-"
"Shut up, I'm trying to focus.." I exclaim, grabbing onto Luis' shoulder to calm him down.
"You can't exactly focus with 90,000 people screaming.." He replies, glancing at me.
I open my mouth to speak, but decide to spare my breath, and stop breathing in anticipation.
Right, at that moment, Toni kicks the ball from the corner flag, it flies upwards as we watch both our players and Dortmund players scramble in front of the goal.
Finally, Dani jumps up and GOALLLL!!
The entire Madridista side jumps up in celebration, my devices almost slipping out of my hand and onto the floor as we jump up to cheer as loud as we can.
"I'm going to kiss Dani's forehead after this!" Luis screams, making me choke on my laughter. I hurry up and return my attention back to my devices, as happy as we were, we still had our job to do and execute.
I close my eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath to calm down, before we both go back to doing our jobs.
Our wishes and prayers for a second goal aren't that far away, time-wise. Dortmund player Maatsen tries passing the ball, due to a wrong estimation, Jude gets the ball instead, shooting to Vini.
He goes on to score the second banger of the night. The stadium erupts in both cheers of happiness and screams of protest.
It's even louder than after the first goal, and we know it's only a matter of five minutes before our boys secure the victory over this season's Champions League..
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y/n fixes her shirt for the nth time, trying to fidget with something before she loses her mind. Standing in the tunnel, she glances at Luis. Both of their eyes glimmering, as they wait for the families of the players to enter the pitch to celebrate the win.
They were insanely busy with handling their work, channelling their emotions into doing their job, to make sure it's all taken care of before they were done for the night. The automated system, consisting of already edited work, would take care of the rest from now on...
"Dude, what just happened?.." Luis whispers, glancing at the equally mesmerized girl next to him.
"We won!" She squeals, letting her excitement and happiness show as she hugs Luis. "Fuck, I don't even know what I would do if we lost. I'd actually be having a breakdown right now.."
Luis hugs her back, patting her head affectionately.
"You've worked very hard, y/n. Thank you for being my best friend and best colleague.." He says, giving her a brotherly smile.
"Thank you too, older brother.." She laughs, voice slightly teasing, as she pats his shoulder.
"Oh, I think we can join the celebrations.." He says, pointing to the families they’ve gotten very close with over the years.
The familiar faces joining their loved one on the pitch to celebrate this huge milestone in their careers.
"Come on.." Luis says, dragging her along and onto the pitch.
She looks around, a permanent smile plastered on her face as she's overwhelmed by the emotions running through her body.
"Dani!" Luis shouts, and y/n watches him run up to the goal scorer, just like his promise- Luis plants a fat kiss on the athlete's head.
y/n laughs loudly at the interaction, making eye contact with Dani’s wife, and laughing even harder at her confused expression.
She shakes her head at her best friend’s antics. Realizing she's alone now, she freezes. Cameras were absolutely everywhere at the moment, and she was absolutely sure at least one was pointed towards her.
The weeks following the photos of their dates being leaked were quite turbulent, with a lot of support, but also criticism- it was very difficult to ignore the reactions.
She wasn't anywhere close to wanting to be a public figure of some sort, so the attention was putting a lot of pressure on her.
But loving a star athlete, like Jude meant having to sacrifice some part of her privacy. If it meant she could run up to him now, and kiss his face a couple of times.
Then screw privacy, she'd throw that all away to get to him right now.
Her eyes darting to the rest of the enormous pitch again, frowning when she can't find the boy she's so desperately looking for.
Finally, after squinting a whole lot, and definitely causing damage to her eye muscles, she finally makes eye contact with the equally lost looking Jude.
He's standing in between both his parents, arms around them as he looks around wearily.
Jude's eyes immediately light up in relief when he spots y/n, mumbling something to his smiley parents before he makes a run for it.
Within seconds, he's by his girlfriend's side, and she jumps up to wrap her legs around his waist in greeting. He pulls her flush against him in a tight embrace. y/n cups his jaw tenderly to place multiple kisses on his face.
"I'm so fucking proud of you, baby.." She breathes out, cut off as he presses his lips onto hers, exhilarating kiss that makes them forget other people are around, and especially the hundreds of cameras and phones filming the pitch.
He catches her lips, plump lips sucking onto her bottom lip before they're forced to pull back for air. They pant, faces warm, and cheeks hurting from how much they'd smiled within the past couple minutes.
"I'm proud of you too, baby. Come on, you're my family too. Forget about work and the cameras here for me, yeah?”
She plants her shoes back onto the grass when he lowers back on the floor. She looks down as he grabs onto her hand. Playing with her fingers as he makes eye contact with her.
Reaching up, she swipes at a piece of grass stuck on his temple, probably from being fouled earlier, she chuckles at the sight, biting her lip.
“Come on, then. Your parents are waiting..” She says, turning and dragging him along the pitch. Skipping towards his awaiting, happy parents. Who look at them with an infinite amount of joy and proudness in their eyes.
“He’s a winner! Jude’s our winner!!”
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neteyamsoare · 2 days
⁂ — true feelings
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aged up!ao'nung x fem!sully!omatikaya!reader | wc: 2.7k
current game: when the two of you get sent on a trip based on your behaviors, you become closer to him than before, a little too close.
game warnings: minors and ageless blogs do not interact! nsfw, mention of arguing, some fluff, slight angst, reader feels homesick, dirty talk + p in v.
slang: sempul ( father ) + paysyul ( water lily ).
streamer’s note: so shockingly in all the smut i wrote on this blog, this is the first ao’nung smut i ever written. which i find hard to believe but i really hope you guys like it.
summers in pandora mlist 𐙚 previous fic 𐙚 taglist
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“I believe you two know why I called you here?” Tonowari sternly spoke as he looks from you to his son with an unhappy expression on his face. 
Ever since you and your family sought uturu in his home, you and Ao’nung are always at each other’s throats whenever you’re near one another. Tonowari is sick of hearing the two of you bicker; especially when he can’t get through one hunting trip without you two busting out in an argument. 
Each day, it’s becoming worse as you and Ao’nung always found something to argue about — it wasn’t only Tonowari that notice your behavior towards each other, the people are witnesses to it as well. 
Your arguments are causing distractions around the village, disrupting the peace of many others which cause some people to complain. Ao’nung being his son; the next olo’eyktan of the clan, he did not need him arguing with you especially in front of everyone since it’s a bad look on him. 
“Your bickering back and forth has become way too far,” he states as your eyebrows raise at his comment, opening your mouth to say something but Tonowari gives you a look and you stay silent, already feeling Ao’nung’s smug look thrown in your direction. “There have been complaints around the village that they can’t stand you’re arguing anymore and quite frankly I’ll have to agree with them.” 
“But Sempul-“ Ao’nung begins to speak but is cut off and it’s your turn to throw him a look. “The two of you need to get along so I plan for you to go on an overnight hunting trip with just the two of you.” 
“This is a method that seems to work plenty of times for hunters that had a hard time working together and I think it’ll do wonders on your two’s relationship…” as he continues to talk, you try to figure out what he just said as there was no way he’s suggesting you to spend a night alone with someone you absolutely hated. 
You look over to Ao’nung to try to see how he’s reacting to this but to your surprise you couldn’t read his expression whether he was just as upset as you to be going on this trip. “[Name]?” 
“Yes?” You reply back as you come out of your thoughts. “Do you agree with this decision?” Tonowari asks once again. “It’s not like I can say no.” Tonowari grins at your response, knowing you are right, this is not optional as he needs a break from hearing the bickering between you two, he thinks that this trip will bring you two closer together, it works for many people. 
You and Ao’nung didn’t know what to expect on this trip as you didn’t like each other and didn’t see how this trip would be helpful for you. 
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After a long ride, you reach your destination where the two of you were force to stay the night at. The jungle didn’t look so bad, living in the forest your whole life, you were born for this but you may have been forgetting one problem. 
“Are you going to just going to sit there or are you coming?” Ao’nung asks, snapping you out of your thoughts as you roll your eyes at him, not even letting you step your feet on the ground before he decides to annoy you like he always do. You wish you could go home and forget all of this but your family basically pack your things and sent you towards this ship, saying that it’s a good idea and that you would learn from it. 
“How about you just shut up, it’s your fault we’re here anyways,” you fire back as you dismount your ilu, petting her snout before catching up to him, his glare burning a hole in you. “My fault?! You’re just as much at fault in this with me,” he expresses as he decides to continue walking so, he could find a nice place to settle down in.
Unlike you, Ao’nung has accept that he was going to be here with you for a night, to be all honest, he’s nervous cause he doesn’t know what to expect from this as he never really hated you, from the moment you step foot in his home, he was intrigued by you, of course the Metkayina women were beautiful but none caught his eyes like you.  
Ao’nung couldn’t help but imagine the thought of your beautiful azure skin pressing up against him as he whispers sweet words in your ear, he always pictures courting you with gifts he would make himself. He was down deep for you and something tells him that you were too or you wouldn’t spend so much time out of your day to argue with him.  
Once you find a good spot to set up camp, you and Ao’nung decides it’s best to hunt for some food while it’s still daylight. He finds a really good spot to fish; you reach for your bow but he places a hand over yours and you throw him a confused look.
“If you wish to live amongst us, you should learn how to hunt with a spear,” he states as he hands you, his spear. “I know we don’t see eye to eye but we might as well make the most of it. Afterwards we can go our separate ways and be cordial whenever we see each other,” he adds on as you gently take the spear from him, his words repeating over and over in your head he helps you getting into position.  
You thought it’d be a good thing but deep down you feel sad, what would your life look like without him in it? Sure, everyone else would be happy that you two are not arguing anymore but is going your separate ways something, you really want, does he want that going forward?
You have conflicted feelings on this as you have to admit Ao’nung always made your day go better even if you mainly argue with each other. You always stood so close to him, your nose picking up his scent, your heart would elevate every time he’s around, and no matter what you do, he would always be on your mind.  
“Make sure to hold it tight like this,” Ao’nung lectures as he comes up behind you to fix your posture along with the angle you had on the spear, you gulp as you realize just how close he is to you. “You want to make sure your posture is good,” he continues on, kicking your feet gently apart. Truth be told, he could have just let you use your bow and arrows but this is just an excuse to get close to you.  
You do exactly what he taught you, this version of him is different from what you were used to. Ao’nung is gentler with you, actually holding a conversation without one slick comment exiting his mouth. Your stomach feels like atokirinas dancing around in it as you feel his breath on you. You wait for the exact moment and when it comes, you strike two fish on your spear just where Ao’nung told you to. “You did it!” He exclaims with a grin on his face.  
Fill with excitement, you hug him tightly, pressing your breasts into him as you bury your face in the crook of his neck as he wraps his strong arms around your waist pulling you in closer to him and you two stay like this for a few minutes.
‘What am I doing?’ You ask yourself as you realize that you just hugged him – well you’re still hugging him and you can’t help but admit that you’re liking it. He’s the first to pull away and you immediately look anywhere but directly at him to avoid him seeing the purple hue that now spreads across your cheeks.  
“I think we should head back before it gets dark out,” you only respond back with a nod of your head as he waits for you to walk in front of him. A few minutes later, after Ao’nung cooked the fish which was delicious, the two of you just sit in silence, your legs touching each other unknowingly, he clears his throat.
“So how was life in the forest?” He softly speaks, looking at you, meeting your gaze just for a second. You’re shock at his question as he never seems to want to know before today. “It’s beautiful, definitely different from here, you probably wouldn’t survive especially when you have to tame an Ikran.” 
“Taming ikran is not as easy as bonding with an ilu. Well only Kiri was able to tame hers by just asking to be its friend.” You correct yourself a little. “But they usually try to kill you while trying to make the bond.” You ramble on, Ao’nung listening to your every word, loving the sparkle in your eyes as you talk about what it was like back home. He could tell you miss it; he would miss the reef if he was forced to leave.
“I’m sorry you had to leave, if it makes you feel any better, know that you always have a home here,” he smiles, meeting your gaze. “Thank you,” you softly speak as you get lost in his longing stare, the both of you sitting in silence, you never realize just how beautiful his eyes were and just when it felt like he was going to lean in to lay a kiss on your lips, he stands up.  
“If I were to visit the forest, I know a perfect person to show me around.” Ao’nung comments as he offers you a hand to help you get up — which you happily accept. “Well, I would love to give you a ride on my ikran someday,” you offer, watching a smirk play on his lips. “I would love to,” he chuckles as you two make your way inside the tent.  
He sets up his mat on the right side of the tent while you seem to be occupied with searching your belongings, getting a bit frustrated and Ao’nung could sense something is wrong. “What’s wrong?” He asks as you turn to look at him. “I guess with all of the excitement of this trip, they forgot to pack my mat so I have to sleep on the ground tonight,” you state, your shoulders slumps at the thought of sleeping on the hard ground, you know it’ll be uncomfortable to sleep on but you have no other choice.  
“We can share mine, I don’t mind,” he offers without hesitation and once again shock is all over your face. “No, it’s fine, the ground is okay, I don’t want to be a burden.”  
“You’re never a burden, plus I won’t take no for an answer,” Ao’nung replies as he pats the spot next to him, you immediately lay down. “Thank you,” you respond as he just smiles before you turn the opposite way from him. Today’s events repeat in your mind, you saw a side of Ao’nung you have never seen before, maybe you were too focused on arguing with him to even notice this version of him, you drift off to sleep thinking that this trip is something the two of you need.  
It hasn’t been a few minutes since you fell asleep before you’re awaken by something hard pressing against your back, your eyes flutter open and shut as you try to figure out what’s going on.  
When you notice it’s Ao’nung, you realize the hard sensation poking you in your ass is his clothed cock, you could tell you’re enjoying the feeling as your cunt makes a pool in your loincloth. You try to move away from him but his arm that’s around your body pulls right back onto his bulge.  
“You should relax and let things flow,” he speaks as you can still hear the sleep in his voice. “Ao’nung we can’t do this; this trip is supposed to be us getting along… not fucking.”  
“Are you sure you don’t want me?” He taunts as he starts rubbing his bulge against your ass, you bite your bottom lip — he knows you want it just as bad as he does, he can feel how wet you were and he hasn’t even touch you yet. “N..Nung…” you whine a little, wanting nothing more than for him to plug you up with his cock. “What is it, paysyul? Use your words,” he lectures as a small moan escapes your mouth. 
“Please… I want you inside of me,” you mewl. Ao’nung rips off his loincloth before getting into sitting position, placing you on top of him; your back facing him as he moves your tewng to the side, lining his cock to your entrance, letting it impale you slowly as you sink down until your ass flushes against his pelvis.  
“Aren’t you going to move?” You mewl as he holds your legs up, anticipating the moment he would begin his torture on your cunt. “Aren’t you so eager, hm? I’m not doing this for your sake, I’m using as a hole,” he teases as he thrusts upwards into you, eliciting a moan to spew out from your mouth — his words making your cunt grip around him, wetting his dick even more than before. “Hmm, you like when I talk dirty to you, I can tell just by how your pretty pussy is clinging onto my cock.”  
“Ahh… Ao’nung…” you moan as he continues to thrust deeply, making you feel every inch of him. Having rough sex with him felt amazing, why didn’t you do this before? You would have been got along with him if you knew he would stir up your insides, hitting that spongy spot over and over. Your moans mingle with his groans as the squelching noises your pussy made fill the tent.  
Ao’nung has been with a few girls before but none ever had him feeling this good as he plunges in and out, he didn’t know if he could manage going back to messing around after having a taste of you. Just the mere thought of another guy getting near you makes him get mad, increasing his speed.
His relentless pace making you go crazy, sticking your tongue out as more moans spill out. Your cunt clenches around his length, indicating that you’re on the verge of cumming soon. “Nung… I’m going to cum!” You scream as your body spasm as you release your juices, painting the mat beneath you.  
“Mmm…” you coo while Ao’nung places you on your stomach and raises your ass up to the way he likes it; gripping your hips tightly as he ruts in and out of your sensitive cunt, you could feel his dick twitching inside you and just when he about to paint your walls with his cum, you’re shook awake, your eyes blinking open and close, immediately noticing Ao’nung was on top of you looking down at you with concern.
“It was just a dream,” you thought to yourself and you couldn’t help but to feel disappointed, you thought it was happening for real, not just as a stupid dream that may or may not come true. “[Name]?” 
“Hmm?” You reply groggily as you rub your right eye, wondering why his face is fill with concern. “Are you okay?” He queries while your face Is now having confusion written all over, it’s too early in the morning for this, you’d rather go back to the dream. “Yes, I’m okay, why?” you could hear the sleep still evident in your voice.
“You were mumbling my name over and over, waking me up. I thought something was wrong,” he responds as your eyes widen in shock and embarrassment that he caught you talking in your sleep, especially when you were having a sex dream. “Oh no it was nothing, trust me.”  
“Okay, umm we should be getting up now, today we head back,” he states as he pulls away but a smirk appears on your face when you look down for a minute; you catch a peek of his bulge — you wrap your arms and legs around him, pulling him down to you.  
“We don’t have to go back too early.” He only replies with a smile on his face before capturing your lips with his — all you could think of was how your dream was about to become a reality and you thank eywa that the two of you were given this trip as it’s about to reunite you two in a way no one expected. 
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chat: @yawnetu, @bubblebunbun, @fluorynn, @rivatar, @loaksulluyswife, @sweetdayme4427, @hadesbabygurl, @ikeyniofthetayrangi, @willyface, @pearlssck, @linaaaaa645, @fadedpetal, @delusionalwh6re, @hoseoksblkbbymama, @anemonelovesfiction, @neteyamsikran, @oxgdnii, @dan-the-womans-blog, @angie-1306 + @jakesullyfatjuicypeen.
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꒰ stream has ended. — all rights reserved © neteyamsoare 2024. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
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aukkenopsia · 14 hours
idk. this shit with AI like
I think we're misunderstanding that the people who are obsessed with it don't actually care about the process that it takes to get to the completed outcome with art, animation, music, creative mediums. They only care about the outcome.
They have zero relationship with or connection to the joy of process, the improvement over time, the steps between start and finish that take you to completion and all the micro-adjustments and intuitive alteration that comes with it. It is utterly foreign and irrelevant to them, they only want absolute efficiency and instant outcomes.
These folks would've never picked up a pencil in the first place, they can't even bothered to spend 10 minutes learning something new, these are not the type of people who will spend 10 years training a skill they deem replaceable, irrelevant, or adversarial to them.
They can't even grasp why you wouldn't make everything 60fps, completely misunderstanding the purpose of intent, motion, and the illusion of life you create by animating with limited and thoughtful frames. They're the types of folks who run thoughtful, well planned and well executed animation through AI machines that force additional hallucinated frames in for a "perfectly smooth" experience, at the loss of the original intent and energy of the art they are interfering with.
The average person on the receiving end of the homogenization of arts and crafts and culture doesn't really know about or care too deeply about the end outcome, and I'm not mad at them for it nor do I blame them.
We live in a fucked up system that has the majority of humans on earth scrounging to maintain their existence so they don't plummet into homelessness and starvation. They're left with the mediocrity of plastic clothing, generic fast-food, heavily processed shit that's worse for us all as whole and makes us sick. And that's not to say they don't hate it too, there's not one person I know in my life that enjoys any of this.
Everyone to a degree is subtly conscious of how fucked things are, by the way those fucked up things interact with and make their lives slightly worse, slightly more gross, slightly more wasteful and slightly more unbearable.
There is a small portion of mankind that is obsessed with profit and efficiency at any cost, and we are in a manufactured system that incentivizes and rewards those predatory behaviors rather than discourage. I don't have all the answers to how we fix this, except that it would require an absolute, fundamental change to a system that has a proclivity towards violently self-reinforcing when it feels threatened.
I don't know where we go from here, except towards each other, as we always have. In the wreckage of it all, create community and support for each other, pull away where you can from the mediocrity machine and have social bonds and connections where you create together, have community, and seek out places in real life where you can sell your crafts to people who want to disconnect from the sludge of mass manufactured filler stuff.
I promise you, the people who want your stuff and are tired of it all are out there, they likely just don't know how to find you or how to connect with creators who are making the things they want. They've spent their whole lives from childhood to adulthood being conditioned to accept cheaply made goop as their only option.
It's not gonna be easy, it never has been, and we're working under dire circumstances but we have got to try.
The only way out is small, local, and together, the way humans did it for thousands of years before our technology got too big for our slow-evolving brains. Create, create, and don't ever stop. The reward has never been the final outcome of the projects we engage in, but the feeling and flow of creating along the way, the steps between finish and start that get us there.
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ikbeneengod · 3 days
We Will Get Through It
Chapter 3: You owe me a coffee.
Warnings: None
Joost Klein x Fem!Reader, Self Insert
Word Count: 1.684 (Not proofread, sorry!)
Maybe going out to a party was a bad idea after all?
There were so many people here... like too many. Julia has introduced to you to more than 20 people, and you were starting to get fatigued. Between the introductions, the dancing, and the amount of alcohol in your system, you needed a break.
"Julia, I'm going to go use the bathroom quick and get some water. I'll be back." You sort of yelled over the now blaring music.
"Oké! Do you need me to show you where the bathroom is?" Julia asked, turning her attention away from the person she was speaking to.
"No, I'm sure I'll be able to find it." You said with a smile to assure her. She nods her head and turns back to her conversation.
You make your way through the crowd, you didn't actually need the bathroom, but you were hoping to find your way outside so you could breathe some fresh air. You grab a water from the kitchen and make your way through the back door. It was quiet outside, the temperature had decreased slightly, making you shiver. You find a spot to sit on a bench that was placed outside, cracking open the water and taking a large gulp.
The door cracks open and a figure steps outside, you momentarily hear the loud music from inside the house, before the door is shut. You turn around and see Joost with a cigarette in hand. He spots you on the bench and smiles, making his way over.
"Needed a break?" He asks with a small laugh.
"Yeah, it started to get a bit overwhelming with all of the noise and people. I don't know how you do it." You say shaking your head with a laugh and smirk.
He sits beside you, pulling out a lighter and lighting the cigarette in his mouth.
"Sometimes, I don't know either. I do love spending time with everyone, listening to music and laughing, but sometimes, all I want is quiet. I want to not talk to people, to be alone. Then again, being alone too much can be scary." He says, taking a drag of the cigarette. You nod your in understanding, feeling the same way, starring at the now burning cigarette.
Joost notices you looking, "Do you want one?" He asks pulling out the pack from his jacket pocket.
Hesitantly, you nod and take one, "Thank you" You say meekly and take his lighter. You light the cigarette, cupping the flame from the lighter, a movement that is almost second nature to you. As you inhale, you cough slightly as the smoke hits your lungs.
Joost has been watching you, laughing as you begin to cough. Picking up the water by your feet and handing it to you.
"You don't smoke, do you?" He asks with a smile as you take a sip of water, cigarette now tucked between your pointer and middle finger.
"I quit a while ago actually. I used to smoke a lot, then I quit and moved onto vaping. I gave that up a few years back." You recount, finally recovery from the coughing fit. You notice Joost looks confused.
"If you quit, why restart?" Joost asks.
"I don't plan on restarting, just wanted to see if I still had it in me. Apparently, my lungs have decided to protest my experiment." You say taking another inhale, this one going more smoothly than before.
You and Joost continue on with conversation. Making small talk, smoking, and laughing. Eventually, you both started talking about his YouTube career. He reluctantly pulled out his phone to show you some of his old videos. He showed you a video he stared in on a different channel. He had traveled to another country and was getting a cleaning and massage in a sauna from some old lady. The whole interaction was hysterical. By the time they started adding some sort of skin care mask, you were dying of laughter.
"Who came up with this idea? Let's send two men to another country and let some lady cover them in mud and.. wait... ARE YOU PISSING IN THE SNOW?" You start laughing again, doubling over.
Joost laughing with you, "When nature calls." He says putting his phone back in his pocket.
"Oh man, that is the weirdest 5 minutes of my life." You say finally calming down. "I don't think I will ever get those 5 minutes back." Wiping a tear from your eye.
Joost smiles fondly at you, "It was definitely an odd experience. I did really enjoy the dog sled though. The kiss from the caribou I could have done without." He says smiling fondly.
You turn to him, smiling. "Thank you for showing me those. It's so interesting seeing what you were like when you were younger. Weirdly, you're not much different now."
Joost takes mock offense, putting a hand to his heart, looking at you "Are you saying I'm still weird?" He says with pretend surprise.
You both laugh, "Hey, weird is good. It's what makes you, well, you! And from what I know of you, you're really kind and funny. So, I'd say it's a good thing." You say smiling. Realizing what you just said, you blush a bit. What you said is 100% true, but you never would have expected yourself to compliment someone so bluntly.
Joost is smiling, "Thank you, Y/N. That really means a lot to me." He says sincerely. "You know I haven't laughed this hard with someone for a long time, and I really needed it, so thank you. Plus, you are also very kind, I can tell you don't judge me, and instead laugh along with me. It's refreshing."
Okay, well... if you weren't blushing before you definitely are now. You look up at Joost, who is still looking at you. The air shifted slightly, you both can't seem to look away. Your eyes dart between his, you never noticed just how blue they are. They look like the sky, blue and endless. His eyes dart down to your lips, yours dart to his. 'I want to kiss him' replays in your mind. You both lean in slowly, he keeps darting back to your eyes, almost checking for reassurance. You can smell his breath, a mixture of alcohol and cigarettes. It clashes with the smell of bergamot and whatever laundry detergent he uses. Your senses are overwhelmed.
Suddenly the door to the outside opens.
"Joost, iemand zoekt je. Kom je naar binnen? (someone is looking for you. You coming inside?)" Teun, the producer of Joost's music, asks.
You and Joost jump back slightly, then Teun seems to understand what he interrupted. Joosts turns to him, looking slightly irritated. You were a blushing mess. 'Oh my god, we definitely almost kissed right? What just happened?' Your mind goes on, trying hard to calm your beating heart.
"Ja, Ik ben er zo (Yes, I'll be right there.)" Joost says to Teun, who turns around and heads back into the house.
Joost turns to you, grabs your hand and gives it a squeeze, seeming to have made up his mind. "Hey, you owe me a coffee, remember?" He says.
Confused as to why he'd bring that up right now, you respond, "Yes, I do. Why?" You tilt your head slightly, the confusing easing your blush slightly.
"Are you busy tomorrow morning? Would you mind getting coffee with me at Stella's?" Joost says smiling, clearly slightly nervous to be asking the question.
Whatever blush had disappeared from the confusion came back ten fold. You nodded and smiled.
"I would love that. You mentioned you liked drawing your iPad, right? The weather is suppose to be nice, maybe we grab a coffee and head over to the local park? I love sketching the scenes in that park." You say with a wide smile.
Now it's Joost's turn to blush, clearly happy with the suggestion. "That sounds great, I'd love that. Here, give me your number." He says handing you his phone. You input your new number you got when you moved to the Netherlands, having to check your notes app to make sure you put it in correctly. Handing the phone back to Joost, who was giggling watching you try to remember your own number, put the phone back in his pocket.
"Well, it seems I might be needed inside." He says standing, taking your hand again to help you up onto your feet.
You check your phone and see a message from Julia,
Julia: "Hey, I might head out soon. Are you okay to walk back to your apartment on your own?"
You check the time, you had been sitting outside with Joost for.... 2 HOURS? Luckily, the message was only sent 10 minutes ago.
Y/N: Yeah, I should be leaving soon too. Are you still here? Maybe we can walk back together?
You respond quickly. How do you explain why she hasn't seen you in two hours. You begin walking back into the house with Joost.
You feel a buzz in your hand and look at your phone.
Julia: Yup! Just about to leave :0 I'll meet you by the front door!
Julia: Also, I am going to need details about your time outside with Joost ;)
You stop in your tracks. How much more can you blush tonight?
Joost notices as he opens the door, "You okay?" He says looking at you.
"Yes! Sorry!" You say and put your phone away. "Julia and I are going to head out. I'll see you tomorrow for that coffee I owe you." You say with a smile finally back inside the house.
"Okay, how does 11am sound?" Joost asks.
"Sounds perfect!" You say.
He gives you a hug and leads you to the front of the house where you and Julia meet up. You both leave the house after saying goodbye to everyone. Finally outside and walking back. Julia turns to you.
"WHAT HAPPENED? I saw you too laughing out there when I went to find you after you didn't return from the bathroom!" Julia says, jumping up and down in excitement.
This walk home is going to be interesting.
Chapter 3 complete! Hope you all enjoyed! Things are finally happening!!! Next chapter will probably be released later this week!
Tag List: @imsiriuslyreal @vixenhatesyou
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ceilidho · 3 days
i am such a backrooms nerd and a while ago you talked about a backrooms au with either ghost or ghoap (can’t remember but i’ll talk about just ghost for this) and i want you to know i have thought about it every day since. also i apologize in advance cause this is about to be so rambly lmao
like, ghost is capable, he’ll survive in there easy. i mean he practically belongs in there, he’s a ghost. sure, the food from the random vending machines is kinda stale and it’s not fantastic, but, it keeps him alive and there’s always one every couple miles. he doesn’t know how they don’t run out, but, he’s grateful for some cheetos after walking miles and miles of bland yellow and fluorescent buzz every day.
He doesn’t remember how he got there, he thinks he was in a ground fight and remembers a grenade going off. He thought he died, but— this isn’t anything like what he saw when he got buried. No, he’s definitely still alive. And everything is too consistent to be a dream.
It was unnerving at first, he didn’t sleep for what must’ve been days. However he got there, he thought surely he’d been followed. He spent weeks haunting the halls until it finally began to set in that he was really, truly alone. He was hopeful, at the beginning, that he’d find a way out. Not so much anymore.
The time spent alone changed him; not that he was perfectly polite before. There was no one here to police him, for him to interact with and keep that sense of what-is-appropriate in check. Why couldn’t he be as gross, as violent, as angry as he wanted? He’s a ghost. He can haunt however he likes.
And then one day, he finds you. Wandering, confused, hopeless. The last people he’d seen were trying to kill him— surely they’d finally found him. He’s mean to you, interrogates you, hurts you. You’re terrified, you try to tell him you don’t know what’s going on, I fell down some stairs and I just ended up here— but he doesn’t listen.
The madness of the endless yellow wallpaper and loneliness has gotten to him; possessed him, eaten away at his mind. This is his territory, he should kill you for trespassing. He should get to do whatever he wants to you for disturbing his haunting grounds.
He’s spent time, so much of it that he’s lost concept of it entirely, roaming like a wild beast and doing whatever he wants. Your pathetic little pleas won’t stop him now. You can’t traipse into a bear’s forest and beg it not to eat you. And oh, is he hungry. He hasn’t had something soft and warm in forever. He hasn’t had something to break in forever.
He thinks you’ll do just fine.
I forgot to answer this the other day because I got busy but god….i have nothing to even add to this. Pure genius. Ghost slowly going mad in the backrooms because that place saps sense and rationality in equal measure? Perfect.
I don’t really care for some of the campier elements of the backrooms like the almond water and vending machines (apart from in the games that have been made because those are just so fun to watch), but I love liminal spaces and the malleability of the mind. It’s so easy for his sense of identity to slip away in that space, so easy for a new, more terrifying nature to slip in and take its place.
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babybatss-blog · 2 days
Sirius black x reader, 950 words
Authors note: I’ve never really been a pop fan, but my foster mum has really gotten me into Taylor, Sabrina and Chappell so here we are! I thought please please please by Sabrina carpenter was so Sirius coded (I love the man but he’s def not a textbook bf) so I wanted to write a little fic about him loosely based on the song <3
Cw: alcohol consumption, sexual suggestions, grinding, slight swearing
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His raven hair glistens under the party lights, flowing like silk as he turns his head theatrically during the enthusiastic stories he tells to his many enthralled friends. His voice is like whiskey, warming up your insides and addictive to the taste, rich yet intriguing. And his smile, oh his smile, sparkling with that strong vigour only he can have despite all he’s been through in his life. This man is known as the one and only Sirius Black, the man you have fallen inexplicably in love with and can no longer hide your feelings for anymore.
“I don’t know what you see in that man” Lily says, breaking your adoration with her ever familiar judgment. It’s pretty clear she’s never been a fan of him or his friends, often complaining about their over confidence and attitude that everything revolves around them. You wish she was wrong, but deep down you know she’s right. Sirius is known to be a playboy, always with a new conquest and in detention for some dumb prank he got up to. But nonetheless, you can’t help but melt under his touch, not even bothering to protest when he asked you out just a couple weeks ago. “I know Lils. But he told me he wanted something more with me, and I really think he was telling the truth. Who knows, maybe he’ll change!” Lily sighs a deep breath, shaking her head at your stupidity. “Again with the I can fix him act? Merlin, you’re so dumb sometimes.”
Sirius’ eyes flash over to the two of you, sitting on a couch together. They gleam with appreciation towards you, his smile softening under your gaze. Although he would never want to admit it, Sirius feels some type of new emotion with you, that he’s never felt with anyone else. The way you laugh, how you focus in class and how your face twists when you listen to him is his version of heaven, something he dreams about every night and craves every living moment. Instead of randomly confessing his undying and unwavering appreciation for you he opts to just strut over to you for some friendly flirting, possibly pulling you into the bathroom for a quick snog when one of you gets too impatient.
He exits his conversation and swaggers over to you, swirling his cheap beer in his defined hand and displaying a lopsided grin. “Evans.” He says courteously, before turning his full attention over to you. “You look pretty tonight.” “Could say the same about you Sirius. Having a good night?” He looks you up and down, causing that familiar flutter in your stomach. “Better now I’ve seen you. Want to come and dance with me?” You look over at Lily to gauge her reaction, instead just getting an eye roll. You can tell she hates this interaction almost as much as you like it. But you smile at her and shrug, jumping up to grab Sirius’ hand. “Sure, I guess so.” He chuckles at your feigned nonchalance, chugging the rest of the beer and putting it down, before leading you to the dance floor.
It's packed, filled with drunk people grinding up against one another and jumping along to the heavy beat. Sirius, craving attention as always, drags you to the middle then artfully pulls you in by the waist. You don’t waste a minute either to soak into his touch, throwing your arms around his shoulders and swaying to the beat. He looks at you like you’re the only girl in the world, but you on the other hand, notice the many eyes focused onto you. A couple you recognise as old flings of his, giving you nasty looks. They probably think your just temporary, another body for him to throw away. And truthfully, sometimes you wonder the same. Everyone has some bad experience with him, whether it’s a one-night stand or scuff after some offensive joke. He’s possibly the worst person your friends could have imagined you with, each worrying for your safety when you told them.
“You alright?” He asks, his grey eyes piercing into your soul. You can deny it all you want, but he knows exactly what you’re thinking. “What are you planning to do with me Black?” You ask bluntly. “You said we were going to be different, but something in me tells me that’s a lie. Don’t fuck around Sirius, I don’t want heartbreak with you.” He stops dancing, sensing the depth of your tone. “Shit.” He mutters. “Yeah, I thought you’d say that. I know I’m not the best of guys, but I don’t want heartbreak either. I won’t fuck you over, and I won’t embarrass you too, despite what everyone might say. I really like you.”
Your hands slide up to his cheeks, holding them with a mix of concern and respect. “Please, Sirius.” He nods. Somehow, you see his eyes glistening with sadness, although he quickly conceals it. “I promise.” You lean in, kissing his soft face. It crosses your mind that people might be watching you, but the way his lips touch yours devolves any previous worries and the moment is just yours to saviour.
Afterall, the worry that things may be short lasting between you doesn’t matter when he’s so goddamn hot right?
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azrielthedrawer · 2 days
Hello peeps :)
Before you guys get excited, this isn't a post about the AU or fun stuff. It's quite the contrary. You guys might know by now that I'm always telling you guys to be safe on the internet, specifically with people you interact with, so this is kind of what I'm talking about here. Particularly about one person who has harassed multiple people.
The user that I'm referring to goes by @/crsgarsstuff aka this user:
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However, in a lot of the messages I will show, you will see that the username changes in almost every screenshot. That is because this user (rather proudly) owns numerous spam accounts.
I have added context to such screenshots in the alt text (aka image description), which I would recommend reading.
First are screenshots from around April and May, regarding myself.
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The following screenshots were provided by @gregorybacon who had to deal with very similar messages to mine in early-mid June
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I'll label these as miscellaneous screenshots. Most of these consist of even more harassing messages from multiple people.
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As if things weren't bad enough, there's more. Here is a list of things he's said that I wasn't able to find screenshots for:
Made a very inappropriate and sexual joke about me, then got mad at me when I found out about it
Said someone had down syndrome as a derogatory way for being "silly"
Was basically a dick to anyone he talked to (involving 2 other people not tagged/mentioned in this post for privacy)
Made sexual comments to most of the people he was harassing (which is 5 to my knowledge, but it could be more)
Despite all of this, he didn't apologize once.
From noticing patterns of speech, behavior, and general vibes, I would say that this user is probably in middle school, and I know that immaturity is common or sometimes expected from kids that age, however, this doesn't mean that this sort of behavior gets a "pass".
To clarify, this post is just meant to be informational to avoid any unwanted or uncomfortable interactions with this person. This is NOT an invitation to harass them in return. If you encounter this person, block and/or report any accounts you find of theirs. Don't interact and just move on.
Stay safe.
Sources: myself, @gregorybacon @fucksurass and more
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bri-the-nautilus · 1 day
Come To the Dark Side, We Have Hot Guys: A Star Wars Story
Spoilers below for S1 of Ahsoka and the first six episodes of The Acolyte.
I'm writing this with The Acolyte most of the way through airing its first season, with episode 6 having released earlier today. Say what you will about the show, but it's really brought out a lot of the uglier sides of the Star Wars fandom. Everyone and their mother has seen videos or Reddit threads dunking on the Critical Drinker or SWT and their mouth-breathing misogynist audiences at this point, so I don't feel particularly compelled to retread that ground. Instead, I want to talk about the... other side of the fandom, the hypocrisy therein, and how we're all being played for absolute fools by the creative team at Disney Lucasfilm.
Yes, this post is about Qimir.
Now I want to say that I have no problem with villain simping/shipping. Far from it. Most of my posts on this account are me simping for Shin Hati (we'll talk more about her later) or various Soulsborne bosses. Hell, my mutuals and I have a running joke about me having a weakness for evil blonde women. While I personally am too gay for my own good and couldn't care less about men as a concept, I absolutely see the appeal of characters like Qimir and Kylo Ren. I absolutely get why people thirst over them and love making fandom content for them. I think Qimir/Osha has the potential to be a really fun ship, actually. The point I'm making here is not "simping for these characters is wrong and bad," and I want to make that crystal clear before we continue.
That said, let's talk about Qimir, and how the landscape of the show and its surrounding discourse has changed since his reveal. Again, I'm ignoring the chud sphere here, partly because their little corner of the Internet has remained remarkably stagnant since then. The podcast bros still think it's woke, fucking Shadiversity is still whining about fight choreography (which as someone who actually has done HEMA/stage combat, Shad annoys me to no end, but that's an entirely separate can of worms), and it all seems to be business as usual over there. No, the most marked changes have been on the Acolyte-positive end of the fandom space. Here's what the top posts in "hashtag TheAcolyte" on Twitter look like tonight:
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You get the idea.
Again, no hate to any of these people. This is tumblr ffs, we've all engaged in a little simping for a morally dubious hot person. I love seeing fans having fun engaging with something, and again I kinda dig the Osha/Qimir ship.
Anyways, if you were around for the Acolyte-positive discourse before the Qimir reveal, and especially the show's marketing and the reponse to that, you'll have noticed a marked difference.
Fans quickly began to see The Acolyte as " the gayest Star Wars ever." Showrunner Leslye Headland is an out lesbian, and her wife was cast as Master Vernestra Rwoh. Archetypical girlboss Carrie-Anne Moss was cast as Master Indara, immediately drawing comparisons to her role in the Matrix movies. Leads Osha and Mae Aniseya are played by the nonbinary Amandla Stenberg. The lesbian witches of Brendok were talked about in press releases before the show aired. Dafne Keen (Jecki Lon) stated in an interview that she portrayed the short-haired, serious Theelin as having a crush on Osha, something that fans were picking up on in their first interactions in the premiere before Keen even gave that interview. While Headland said in a post-premiere interview that she didn't set out specifically to make "a capital Q Queer show," it's an objective fact that no Star Wars movie/show has had as much potential in that area, and fans (especially the queer community) took notice. (For what it's worth, in the same interview Headland commented that she was proud of creating something that so many queer fans identified with.)
The show came out, and Master Indara was killed off in the first sequence, which I'm honestly fine with. It was a good scene and works on a lot of levels. Headland's aforementioned interview came and went. Episode three aired. The lesbian witches turned out to be even gayer than was previously thought possible, and people ate that shit up while the Critical Drinker's brain suffered a major cascade failure. Jecki became a runaway favorite in the premiere and episode four, as did lovable himbo Yord Fandar and the wise, paternalistic Master Sol. In Acolyte-positive circles, this was basically how it went. People thought Brendok was cool, the Yord Horde became the show's biggest social media sensation, Jecki and Sol cultivated devoted followings alongside Osha and Mae, there were a wealth of different ships involving various combinations of Jecki, Yord, and the twins... you get the idea.
Then episode 5 happened.
The writing was really on the wall when the Brendok coven was abruptly wiped out. Introducting such an interesting (and queer) Force-wielding culture only to exterminate them in the same episode was certainly a choice that somebody made. But episode 5 was a shock to the system for many fans, as the show's resident Sith revealed himself and killed Jecki and Yord in some of the most brutal recent onscreen deaths in Star Wars. To be clear, I think this was a great sequence. Two beloved main characters being suddenly and gruesomely killed off was a masterfully executed shock to the system, especially after viewers were lulled into a false sense of security by all the redshirt deaths in the previous scene.
This, understandably, completely changed the landscape of the Acolyte fandom. Virtually overnight, much of the simping and shipping involving Jecki and Yord dried up, and once the dust had settled as far as the "rip blorbo, gone too soon" posts went, what remained were the usual Sol/twins offerings and a wave of Qimir hype. Which is understandable. He's a badass emo Sith boy with a cool helmet who brutally murdered fan favorite characters in front of us and has palpable tension with the female lead. Who wouldn't love... wait a minute.
This feels familiar somehow.
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But if you close your eyes, does it almost feel like nothing's changed at all?
And just like that, "the gayest Star Wars" is all about the (straight) sexual tension between an edgy, murderous Sith boy and a light-side girl plagued by dark thoughts whose friends said boy just killed. This is all eerily similar to how the Sequel Trilogy focused on Rey and Kylo while abruptly dropping Finn and Poe's character arcs. Even the fandom discourse is the same. I mean Reylo was so ubiquitous back in the day that it became a derogatory catch-all for good girl/evil boy shipping. Multiple authors now have either gotten their initial start/fame writing Reylo fics, or straight up published legally distinct Reylo fiction after the fashion of Netflix's After. You had the occasional person piping up to say "hey they kind of just left Finn and Poe hanging after TFA, it would've been cool if they got together but at the very least don't relegate them to being side characters/comic relief in separate story threads," and that was it. The same thing is going on with The Acolyte now, only the sequel trilogy wasn't marketed on the strength of being a queer story by a queer creative team. The Acolyte is, which makes it all the more baffling that by the midway point of the first season, all the gays have been buried and the show seems to be heading straight for Reylo 2: High Republic Boogaloo. And the fans are eating it up.
As an interesting aside, I think it's an interesting exercise to contrast the Kylo/Qimir pattern with the broader fandom's treatment of Shin Hati (told you we'd circle back to that), and the ship between her and Sabine Wren. On paper, Shin is very similar to Kylo and Qimir. Villain? Check. Edgy-looking armor? Totes. Emotionally damaged/stunted in some way? Sure looks like it. Tension with the heroine? You betcha. If anything, the only major difference is that Shin isn't as evil as the others. Compare her actions in Ahsoka (clearing out part of a light cruiser with Baylan and making repeated attempts on Sabine's life) to Kylo (oversees multiple war crimes, kills his fan-favorite dad) or Qimir (orchestrates the murders of several Jedi before brutally executing two fan-favorite characters). She's definitely bad, but I struggle to see her as on par with Qimir, let alone fucking Kylo, in terms of evilness.
Which makes it all the more interesting to me that the Shin/Sabine ship has received so much more mainstream skepticism/criticism than the Osha/Qimir or Rey/Kylo ships. "They have no chemistry!" "She's an evil murderer!" "She's a blank slate!" "Sabine is taken!" I may be a touch biased, but from where I sit a large part of the fandom, even the ostensibly progressive side, seems to look down upon Shin/Sabine shippers while swooning for heterosexual variants with far more evil villains.
This isn't a monolith, and I can't stress that enough. I'm not trying to start shit here. Villain shipping is awesome. We support women's wrongs in this house. You do see the occasional person decrying Reylo or Osha/Qimir as toxic, which I think is fairly unnecessary. Like yeah, maybe it's a toxic dynamic, but these are fictional characters. For these specific characters, part of the crowd appeal is the toxic badboy side of things. I don't think we should really spend much energy attacking any fictional ship (between adults, mind you) as toxic, which is why it puzzles me that an as-yet-unconfirmed lesbian ship in a niche show receives such a large proportion of this sort of criticism compared to the canon relationship between two main characters of a blockbuster trilogy.
At the end of the day, this whole affair has been rather sobering for me on both Disney Lucasfilm and the Star Wars fandom. For all the support the Shin/Sabine ship has received from Ahsoka cast members Ivanna Sakhno (Shin), Natasha Liu Bordizzo (Sabine), Eman Esfandi (Ezra Bridger, the other character people like to ship with Sabine), and Rosario Dawson (Ahsoka), I'm rather sour on the prospects of it becoming canon. The sequel trilogy dropped the ball on what many saw as a promising chance for an MLM romance between Finn and Poe in favor of trotting out the "why do good girls like bad boys" dynamic, and The Acolyte, "the gay show" overseen by a lesbian, has seemingly shifted to center a similar dynamic after killing off most of its prospects for a queer relationship among the main cast. Simply put, I think that Disney as an international company based in the frighteningly divided United States is reluctant to commit to anything beyond lipservice in terms of LGBT representation in their movies/shows, which again doesn't leave me feeling optimistic about WolfWren's canon potential. And the fandom takes the bait. People love the damaged evil badboy/good girl dynamic, and when the queer fandom suggests the possibility of a queer ship taking center stage in a show with no other extant relationships, even the more progressive side of the fandom tends to either ignore it or actively push back on its basis in reality until Disney Lucasfilm inevitably puts the kibosh on it. The amount of times I've heard people dismiss WolfWren for the same reasons they now like Osha/Qimir and liked Reylo (before that ship was fleshed out/canonicalized, anyway) is ridiculous, but at the end of the day you kinda feel stupid for expecting anything else. Again, I think Qimir is a cool character and I'm as much of a sucker for villain romances as the next girlie, but seeing how easily the fandom lets dangling heterosexual carrots lead it away from Disney Lucasfilm's broken promises of queer rep is a sobering ordeal.
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"This made me think about the press tour strategy, which was certainly planned since the beginning, way before January, I would imagine."
Sorry, this might also be long...I don't necessarily disagree completely here, but I do have a rebuttal. Yes, ShondaLand and Netflix knew what they had with Nic and Luke. However, the people who are in with them daily and see their dynamic are not the ones designing the promotional tour. Yes, they might have designed a press tour around a friends to lovers plot, but that doesn't mean they were purposefully exploiting any romantic feelings between them. There have been plenty of costars who don't get along who have had to go promote together and fake it. That's just part of the job. Studios expect them to put in the work, but they don't expect them to (fake) fall in love over the course of the tour. Nic and Luke were given talking points for the press tour. We can see that all the way back in summer 2023 when Nic first brings up the broken furniture. So the repetitive questions everyone complained about as well as saying Nic and Luke were unhinged cause they couldn't stop talking about their intimacy scenes, those were because of the marketing/PR team. HOW Nic and Luke responded was their own. That's why we saw their answers changing and the different levels of comfort between the two of them.
As far as Luke and Nic's behavior, I genuinely don't understand how people say they were purposefully playing up their connection. If anything, I think they interacted on a more surface level than they typically would. To me it has always been clear that Luke was super uncomfortable talking about anything personal. Anytime he was asked something about himself or his relationship with Nic he always brought it back to the show and his character. Seriously, go back and watch their interviews. It drove me crazy haha. This is one of the reasons people have been so frustrated with him. He very rarely shares actual personal details or feelings about Nic. She is willing to share more than him, but even still you know there is a lot more that isn't being said. She has a few key traits of his she'll hit on each time. Neither of them are being disingenuous, just different degrees of guarded. What frustrates people and makes them think they've been played are the times when their guard is dropped or they forget they're being filmed/watched and we see more than they're wanting to share peak out. We aren't owed their actual relationship, but we've seen glimpses of it and it's magical so we're all obsessed. We want to dissect and either put it on a pedestal or rip it down because we can't stand living in this uncomfortable grey space of not actually knowing anything.
Now to my biggest issue, Nic would NEVER exploit her family for show numbers. She doesn't even follow them on social media to keep them protected. You'll notice none of them were in any of the official materials put out. What we got were cell phone videos from fans inside the theater. Nic saw her mom for the first time in months in that theater. They didn't meet up prior. Her hugging her mom was genuine. Her excitement about introducing Luke was genuine. People took a sweet moment and made it weird. Marketing didn't orchestrate that. It's this type of narrative that makes celebrities stop sharing their private lives at all. If this was a marketing ploy, there would have been cameras at that dinner. We would all LOVE to see Nic's brother in law try to get Luke drunk. The teeny bit of footage we got from fan cell phone videos in that theater showed her sister in law, brother and best friend all emotional and loving the moments between Nic and her mom and Luke and her mom. Can't we appreciate and accept this was a real moment of connection? Or are we just too jaded?
Not everything with actors is fake. Not everything that happens while they happen to be on a press tour is PR. Some things are calculated, but it's not as disgusting as people are wanting to make it out to be.
another great perspective
thank you for sharing 💜
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misskattylashes · 2 days
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The Ballad of Miles Peter Kane
I’m writing this because 80% of the speculation in the AM/TLSP/MK fandom is about Alex – ‘he shags groupies, he’s gay, he’s bi, he’s autistic, he’s an arrogant bastard’....the list is endless. Because he is our master of deception and subterfuge, he opens himself up to speculation.
But on the surface Miles is so different. Happy, smiley, seemingly open Miles, sharing his home and his dog and his family on social media. Chatting away in interviews like a little bird. People think he has it together.
But dig a little deeper and read between the lines, and I get a completely different picture of Miles from the Rascal of 2008 to our One Man Band of 2024.
I have been watching some early interviews with Miles recently and he shoehorns the topic of women and girls into them far more often than Alex ever has. A simple question about if he likes meat is met with a ‘not in a gay way’. At a time when Alex was being photographed looking like Alexa’s little brother or Arielle’s hot gay pal, Miles was being ‘papped’ with his tongue down the throat of the latest hot model or Page Three Girl. There was a sexy girl in every video. And before you say it, yes there were in AM’s videos, but find me one where Alex interacts with them. There was also Miles’ relationship with Suki Waterhouse which I find hard to believe wasn’t real, unless he is far better than Alex at faking a relationship.
Controversial as this may be, but in my opinion, early videos of baby Al flirting openly with Andy, and pressing himself up against Miles, and a bit later on, even AM Alex flirting with that hunky male interviewer, does not point to someone battling too much with their inner homophobia. I think Alex – as ever – has two personalities. The Alex known to the inner circle is out and has been for many years. But Mr Schwartz - the public facing Alex, struggles with his sexuality and the effect it will have on his career and that of his three ‘brothers’.
But read between the lines of their lyrics from the AM/Don’t Forget Who You Are era. AM is filled with longing, of someone who doesn’t know where they stand with this secret - keeping lover who treats them differently at night than during the day. DFWYA is still full of ‘she’ and ‘her’ songs, although ironically the lyrics to Out of Control are so Milex coded it’s funny. I will always maintain Give Up is about Alex (I think ‘stand so tall’ is a figure of speech rather than literally lol) lyrics like ‘you’re pretty good looking but I’m looking for a way out’ and ‘stop tainting my soul’ scream Alex. Don’t forget both albums will have been written around the same time, so I am guessing that they were going through the conflict of Miles not knowing what to do, and him somehow blaming Alex for his confusion, but at the same time unable to keep away from him.
So we reach 2015 and the recording of EYCTE. Something happens. Once on stage and once in an interview, Alex talks about them falling in love whist recording the album. Traditionalists will choose to think he means with their ‘girlfriends’ at the time, but once on tour it is obvious there has been a change in the dynamics. Alex is coquettish and sexy, but his stage personas have all been a variation on this since Humbug, but Miles is different. Miles can’t keep his hands off Alex, Miles follows Alex around the stage like a lovesick puppy. In interviews gone are the playful lusty looks of TAOTU era, instead Miles gazes at Alex like he’s the most beautiful and wondrous thing he’s ever seen.
I think Miles had finally seen the light and realised he was in love with his best mate/casual fuck buddy. He could no longer go on treating Alex like some dirty little secret, and he could no longer deny his sexuality.
What happened afterwards? Who knows, I guess they’re the only ones who know the full truth. But they both came out of EYCTE depressed (the two interviews recently posted on here show this), but Miles admitted to having a mental breakdown, and all I can do is speculate why I think this happened. Imagine being a young man fighting inner demons about your sexuality, you finally realise you’re in love with your best friend and promises are made (see Someone to Rely On and Wrong Side of Life) and he leaves you to go off to France to record an album and keep up his ‘relationship’ with his girlfriend. You have laid yourself on the line and taken a huge step for him and he's gone.
In Alex’s defence, he probably had years of Miles letting him down and also the responsibility of AM etc, but this isn’t about Alex.
But time is a great healer and I think Miles came out of the whole period a different person. By Change the Show, we lose the ‘she’ pronouns (just one ‘girl’, and Suzie and Caroline) and sexy girls in videos. Gone are the models and page three girls. There is a brief ‘romance’ with Nadya Duke, but that is it.
So we come to One Man Band. Apart from one ridiculous tongue in cheek podcast with his friend James Buckley, where he goes on about women (incidentally just before the Ireland gigs with AM), Miles has changed. In early interviews, his childhood heroes are Lennon and Oasis…no mention of Baggio. With One Man Band we suddenly get Baggio and in interviews he talks of how eight year old Miles thought Baggio and the Italian football team were sexy. Old Miles would have followed that up with something like ‘the sort of sexy that pulled birds’, but there was nothing like that, instead he was admitting that part of his sexual awakening was admiring Italian men.
The video for The Wonder had a sexy woman, his friend Didem, but somehow the dynamic felt different, the general vibe was more two mates mucking about.
His stage persona is more ‘fruity’, he is using ‘she’ pronouns but to address himself, and whilst he isn’t ‘out’ - he may never come out publicly, it is entirely his choice - there is definitely a change in Miles, he seems more settled and happy in his own skin. He said he had therapy during the bad period and hopefully that helped. Interestingly he has posted songs about difficult relationships with fathers, and without casting aspersions on Miles’ dad, I wonder if part of his earlier issues were about him trying to please him. Liverpool has quite a macho culture – especially 20-30 years ago. Let’s not forget Miles liked and commented on that beautiful poem about men who know they are gay even when they are children. Maybe it resonated….
Miles story is a fascinating one, a look at a young man fighting his inner demons to get to a point where he knows his true self. I always think Troubled Son is the counter to Body Paint. But Troubled Son is about Miles coming to terms with who he is and accepting his own faults, Body Paint is Alex keeping on his costume, which he doesn’t look like taking off any time soon. Hopefully private Alex is as happy as Miles, and it’s just that public face that looks as though their world is ending.
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suosgirl · 7 hours
Keeping It Cute (& Dangerous) - Hayato Suo x Reader | Ch. 4
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Word Count: 4970
୨ৎ Read me before interacting!
୨ৎ Pairing: Hayato Suo x Reader feat. Haruka Sakura, Akihiko Nirei, Taiga Tsugeura, Mitsuki Kiryu, Hajime Umemiya, Kotoha Tachibana
୨ৎ Warnings: mdni, f!reader, manga spoilers (?), ooc (?), loss of loved one, slowburn, teasing, misunderstandings, fighting, grief, swearing, ptsd, 2 stubborn idiots falling for each other – if I’ve missed one, I apologize + please let me know!
୨ৎ Note: Long ass chapter. Why? Because I'm a sucker for relationship development – that's all! (๑>؂•̀๑)
୨ৎ Chapter 1
୨ৎ Chapter 2
୨ৎ Chapter 3
“If I could describe you in one word, Suo, I’d say that you’re –” “Intelligent? Patient? Cheeky?” “Insufferable.” He laughs lightly at your words as if you hadn’t just offended him, before gazing down at you with a look that screams mischief and something else that you can’t quite place yet.
It’s funny – before all of this, you didn’t think life could go any other way for you but the path you’d chosen. 
You were fine with being alone. If it guarantees the safety of your hometown, then so be it. If your brother could make sacrifices, then so could you.
And you did. 
Leaving wasn’t supposed to be easy, that much you knew. Walking away from the town meant you were leaving the memories you’d made there and the people that you’d grown to love. 
Was it lonely at first? Of course. But as with everything in life, it just took time for this to become your new normal. You knew what you had signed up for when you left – so were you really that shocked that you began missing the presence of others or the feeling of being needed?
Everything was fine – at least, that’s what you told yourself.
But, being here, in Makochi – you didn’t think you’d ever experience those feelings again.
That feeling of being wanted, needed, and loved.
And suddenly – you weren’t so alone anymore.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
It didn’t take much longer for the other boys to finally find where you and Suo were.
They came running in a frenzy, eyes wide and out of breath, and you couldn’t help the small chuckle that left your lips at the sight.
Did they really care that much? They didn’t even know you. But … they wanted to, and that meant more to you than you’d like to admit.
… It was getting harder to ignore the budding warmth in your chest and the crinkle in your eyes.
Whether it was due to Suo’s words or the overwhelming feeling of being, for the first time in what felt like forever, seen and understood – you allowed yourself, just this once, to hope again. 
Fine. If they wanted to, you’d let them. You’d take Suo’s words for face value, and meet them first with your head held up high, like a tiger would. Were you afraid? Absolutely. But – you were hopeful, and that made all the difference.
They stare at you, their faces expecting the worst, and you pity them just a bit. It wouldn’t do them any good to worry – and you were every bit gracious and kind, so you throw them a bone.
You were, after all, weak to dreamy guys.
“Alright,” you let out a deep sigh, “Who wants my number?”
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
It starts with a simple invitation through text. 
Nirei messages you first, inviting you to meet him at a place called Café Pothos, and you genuinely consider saying no and that you’re busy – but then, you remember the puppy dog eyes that he has so diligently mastered, and you just can’t find it in your heart to say no to a face like that. 
(Unbeknownst to you, he’s quick to catch on. This would become your downfall.)
When you arrive, you recognize it as the place that they had brought you to before. Back then, you’d been in a much more hectic headspace, so you hadn’t taken the time to appreciate all the little details about it. Now, though, you were able to admire the flourishing plants all over the café and the aroma of coffee in the air. 
Upon entering, you see a girl behind the counter, and you’re quick to take a sharp inhale because – she’s pretty.
You weren’t sure what the people in Makochi ate, but it was terribly unfair that everyone here happened to be blessed with the most spectacular genes that you’ve ever witnessed in your life.
It was, quite honestly, so fucked up.
As you glance around the café, you notice that you’re the only one here – and that she’s staring at you with a good-natured grin on her face.
She’s warm and inviting as she beckons you over, asking what you’d like and if you’re from out of town.
(You make a mental note to gain some sort of backbone against attractive people.)
You easily fall into a conversation with her as she prepares a cup of coffee for you, and you learn that her name is Kotoha and that she’s over at the café more often than not. 
“You could easily be a model, you know,” you tell her earnestly, and she blushes as she waves off your comment.
Once you introduce yourself, her face lights up with recognition – and now, it was your turn to blush.
“Oh! That’s you! I’ve heard about you! In fact, they haven’t stopped talking about you –”
You should’ve expected this, really – but you didn’t. It had been so long since you were on the receiving end of showered praise like this, and you’d already gotten your fill a couple days prior. So, to say that this was overwhelming was an understatement.
“...And,” she continues with a wink, “You’re as pretty as they said you were.”
Your fingers shoot up to cover your lips – partly in shock but mostly in disbelief because you can’t wrap your head around the fact that they’ve been telling people that and – 
“Oh! What’s got you looking so red, bunny?”
You weren’t sure if you were going to make it long enough for Nirei to arrive.
Actually, you weren’t sure if you were going to make it long enough in this town.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
To your relief, Nirei comes soon after, and you’re saved from the onslaught of the two biggest instigators that you’ve ever met.
The minute he walks in, you’re immediately jumping out of your seat to greet him, and he matches your energy in a heartbeat. He’s greeting you just as enthusiastically, though you don’t have it in you to explain why you’re so happy to see him. And – you notice that he’s tacked on “-san” to the end of your name.
(If you squint, you can almost make out the furious wagging of a tail.)
The eyes of Suo and Kotoha glinting with sadistic delight behind you only serve as a reminder of the hell that you had once endured, and you silently thank whatever higher power is out there that Nirei has the heart of an angel.
“Thank you for meeting me here! I meant to ask you this when we first met, but you just kept running away!”
On second thought, you’re not so sure now about that last tidbit. 
He begins bombarding you with questions, from your height, to your blood type, to what you look for in a partner, and you briefly wonder if the town of Makochi is hell personified.
“How about we sit down first, Nirei? At, uh – the table right over there in the corner.”
Nirei nods, and you’re so glad that he’s at least a good listener – until he spots Kotoha and Suo.
In the same fashion that a puppy would, he instantly goes over to greet them, takes a seat, looks at you, then pulls out the seat next to him – and pats it with his hand. 
“I –”, you stumble over your words, shaking your head at him. 
Oh god, were you the puppy?
… No. You were NOT a puppy (or a bunny).
You would stand your ground, and give him an ultimatum. That’s what you would do.
But then he starts giving you the eyes, the puppy dog eyes, and you feel yourself start to waver — but you must persist. 
When faced with a challenge, when standing in the path of uncertainty, you must prevail and —
Kotoha and Suo join in, though their eyes don’t quite hit that same twinkle of desperation that Nirei’s does.
Still — you admit defeat.
You sigh before slowly trudging over to the chair that had been so kindly pulled out for you. You really had to pull yourself together. 
Tomorrow, you tell yourself. Tomorrow. I’ll have a backbone by tomorrow.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
You do not, in fact, build a backbone.
At this point, you’re not even sure you know what a backbone even is anymore.
What you do know, though, is that – 
Muscle Power is one of Tsugeura’s favorite food joints in Makochi. You personally really like their banana pound cake – and he knows this. So, whenever he’s in the mood to go when everyone else conveniently can’t – he knows that he can always count on you to keep him company. 
You also find out that he’s really into wrestling, though you’re not so sure if this was much of a secret in the first place. It had all happened so casually too, and honestly, you hadn’t even noticed when you chimed into the conversation. 
The 6 of you were sat at the café, though you were sat at a table separate from theirs as you calculate your budget for the month. You thought it’d be a peaceful experience, just you in a corner and Kotoha behind the counter, but once one of them starts filing in, they all file in.
You try to block them out as best you can as you do calculation after calculation, but you were never that good at multitasking. As your concentration shifts to focus on the numbers in your notebook, you subconsciously start picking up on their conversation. 
You hear Tsugeura go on a tangent about BxB Hulk, a wrestler that both you and your brother had really admired, but he seems stuck as he tries to remember the year he made his debut.
“...2005,” you say absentmindedly, deep in thought as you stare at your notebook, “... with the Dragon Gate Dojo.”
You go to circle something, but Tsugeura’s gasp of shock makes you jump instead. You go to give him an accusatory look, but they’re all looking at you in a similar fashion. 
You blink at their reactions before tilting your head, “What?... I’m not wrong, am I?”
You had no idea that those words would give you a permanent spot as Tsugeura’s #1 person to talk about wrestling with – and you’d never admit this but – you were just as passionate about it as he was.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
You learn that Kiryu is stupidly good at crane games – though, you’ve been able to win a couple stuffed animals for him too so you’d say it’s even. He also teaches you some of his favorite hairstyles, and you do, in fact, confirm that his hair smells as good as it looks. 
When you find out about his older sister, everything suddenly clicks for you, and you understand now why you’re so comfortable around him and why he’s so good at being able to pick up on even the smallest changes in you.
Whenever your time of the month came, he’d seem to always be stocked up with chocolate, an extra pad or two, and ibuprofen. If you did something new with your makeup, like a new lip color or a different pair of lashes, it’d be the first thing that he comments on when he sees you. And – he always checks in on you. If it’s been a couple of days since you’d last seen them, he’s sending you a quick text asking if you’ve eaten or inviting you to a casual hangout. 
There seems to be no end to his thoughtfulness, and it’s something that you learn to appreciate very deeply. 
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Sakura, despite the attitude he portrays and the things he may say, is a huge softie (you belatedly find out that the pink, sometimes red, on his face that blooms at the most random of times is in fact not a skin condition but indeed his blush).
And, you’re glad to learn that he’s as strong as he says he is.
It begins with a petty argument – something about vegetables and how he doesn’t eat them – but you’re both so stubborn that your harmless comment eventually turns into an all out confrontation. And, when he asks if you want to take it outside – you say yes.
You admit that you were worried that he’d be the type to pull back his punches in a fight because you’re you, but you’re pleasantly surprised when he, instead, runs towards you with all the strength of a bulldozer.
As you dodge and evade his moves, you realize how talented he truly is. You had a feeling, of course, but to see in action the way that he has total control of his body is a different beast altogether. 
When you get in close to try and land a kick to his head, you see a smile on his face as he blocks it with his arms. But his smile isn’t condescending or mocking. No, this is a smile that shows that he’s having fun, that he finds you worthy – and you don’t try to stop the smile that’s growing on your face either.
He really reminded you of your brother.
Your sparring only lasts for a couple of minutes before Nirei pulls out those damned puppy dog eyes, but it's enough for you both to find newfound respect in one another. 
And, as he goes to fix his jacket, he mutters a quiet, “I took that seriously, y’know.”
You grin, a radiant laugh bursting from your lips as you look up at him and say, “I’d be offended if you didn’t.”
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
To your surprise, Nirei has a sharp memory and an even sharper tongue.
You’ve tried to lie your way out of several hangouts – he always calls you out with no remorse.
(“Ah, man, I’d love to, truly, but I forgot that my laundry is out drying so I really should –”
“You said you folded your clothes yesterday, remember?”)
But as much as you hated it, you couldn’t help but also appreciate the way that he genuinely cared for his friends with his heart on his sleeve. He was earnest, loyal, and caring – everything that you’d soon come to admire about him.
And, when he finds out that you enjoy going to secondhand stores too? Oh, he blows up your phone at least 3 times a month asking if you’d like to join him on yet another “hunt”. This, though, was a hangout that you’d never say no to. It was always so fun getting to dig around together to see what you could find (your brother was never one for shopping), and you enjoyed this time because you got to know even more about the other boys through Nirei, who spoke about them with shining eyes and pride in his voice. 
He really was an amazing storyteller – and an even better friend.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Kotoha is as honest as she is loving – and you’re so grateful to have grown so close to her within such a short time. After your initial meeting, you find yourself hanging out at Café Pothos way more often than you’d like to admit, and you come to admire how diligent, hardworking, and compassionate she is. 
Your friendship with her blossoms naturally, and at some point she begins to join you and Nirei on your little thrifting trips. She becomes someone that you feel comfortable with confiding in, and you’re delighted to find out that it goes both ways. 
And aside from all of this – she also manages to help you get a job at Café Pothos alongside her.
When you’d mindlessly mentioned once that you were running short on your funds from your last job (as a result of all the hangouts that you were, regretfully, indulging in), Kotoha was the one who offered to see if there was an opening available at the café. When you came in on your first day for training – she was the one showing you the ropes and guiding you with her hands.
And, when you finally met her brother, well – 
The first time you meet Umemiya, you (understandably) burst into tears, and he (understandably) freaks the fuck out.
Nirei, with your tearful eyes and a nod of approval, clues him in on your backstory.
By the end of it, you’ve managed to slow down the crying to only a few tears, a fond look on your face as you listen to Nirei speak.
You open your mouth, ready to apologize but Umemiya beats you to it.
He has a hand gently patting the top of your head, and a smile on his face.
But that smile – it says so many things all at once.
So many things that you haven’t felt in so long.
“He would be proud of who you’ve become.” 
And, for the first time since his death, you finally let your body relax.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
But Suo, despite all of this, remains ever mysterious and tight-lipped.
You still don’t know too much about him, and you’re not privy to prying for information either (though you admit that you’ve asked Nirei about him once or twice). What you are able to gather, however, is that Suo is a huge pain in your ass. The teasing never ends, he always has his eye on you at all times, and – 
At first, you think he’s just being nice.
A warm hand on your lower back guiding you through the bustling crowd of the town. 
A sweet smile on his face whenever he greets you or catches sight of your familiar head of hair.
A passing remark about how pretty your eyes look that day.
But then – 
You notice his hands linger just a bit longer than normal, and they’re starting to gravitate just a little bit lower or just a bit higher, until the resting of his hand on your waist or your hips becomes a new normal.
His smile, you realize, is much more than just sweet. Sometimes, you’ll catch a hint of endearment or amusement, as if he’s in on a joke that you know nothing about.
And the remarks? They progress from just being about your eyes to your hairstyle that day, or your outfit, or your smile, or your laugh.
But it doesn’t just stop there – it seems that, if you’re not working, he’s got to be touching you at all times. Your legs pressed firmly together whenever you sat next to each other. His hands wrapped around your waist when he moves around you. Your arms always touching when you’re standing beside each other. 
And any chance he gets, he’s whispering in your ear. It could be anything, from explaining something that gets brought up when you’re with the group, to casually talking about the weather.
But sometimes, with his lips so close to your ear that you can feel the warm puffs of his breath, he’ll lower his voice just the littlest bit, make his words sound the tiniest bit breathless and then – 
He pulls away, with that stupid little smile on his face and mirth in his eyes.
Everytime, everytime he does it, you’re left flustered and alone, with a hand held up to your ear as if to hold on just a little bit longer to the sensation, to the feeling of his lips so close to you.
And he never ever calls you your name. In fact, you don’t think you’ve ever heard it leave his lips – at least not when he’s around you. 
“Wow bunny, you’re so strong!”
“Bunny, play nice –”
“Oh bunny, you’re here!”
All the “bunny” this and “bunny” that messes with your head. So much so that Suo could say it in a crowded room and you’re already turning your attention to him to see what he wants.
(And if you were to think about it a while longer, you’d realize that no one else uses that affectionate name on you. You’d realize that people have tried, but when they look up, Suo’s already got an eye on them and a tight-lipped smile on his face – and it sends shivers down their spine. Not like you’d recognize that they’re calling you though, your ears only attuned to the way that Suo calls it out.)
Working at the café doesn’t help.
From the moment you clock in to the moment you clock out, you can expect Suo to pop in at least once during your shift – twice if he comes early in the day to have a cup of tea with Sakura and Nirei.
And everytime, everytime you clock out – he’s patiently waiting to walk you home.
It starts on your first day – and you were not prepared for the sight of him, in all his lovely glory, to be standing outside with a smile on his face as you locked up the doors. It was such a shock that you’d dropped the keys in panic, and he quickly bent down to grab them before handing it to you.
When he grabs your hand and gently drops the keys in your palm, you don’t miss the way his thumb caresses yours.
His hands were so damn warm – and soft.
“I – what are you doing here?”
“Is it a crime to escort you home?”
Your lips part in surprise, and you can feel the way your breathing is starting to quicken in response.
“No, uh … it’s not. But –”
He laughs, and you notice that he’s still holding your hand in his.
You don’t make a move to remove it.
“Everyone’s been hanging out with you. I just wanted some time for myself, that’s all.”
His words catch you off guard, and he takes that silence as an invitation to continue.
“Besides – I’m the one who convinced you to stay. Shouldn’t I be able to spend time with you as well?”
You … don’t have a good enough reason to say no.
So, you let it happen.
During the walk, you talk about all the mundane things, from how your day went to what you had for lunch.
And, if your shoulders occasionally bump into one another or your fingers accidentally brush, well –
Neither of you mention it.
When you finally make it to your apartment, he follows you right up to the door. You feel his looming presence behind you, and the warmth emanating from his body, and it takes everything in your power not to drop your keys again.
And, once your door finally unlocks, you feel a shift behind you.
Suddenly, his hands are on either side of the doorframe, caging you in, and your back is pressed flush against his chest.
And goodness did his chest feel strong.
He’s so so close that you can hear his lips part and his soft inhale as he whispers coyly into your ear, “Sweet dreams, bunny.”
Before you can react, he’s already taken a step back with his hand waving goodbye and an innocent smile on his face.
You think about it for the rest of the night.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
It goes on like this for months, and you’re not sure what sick and twisted game he’s playing at, but he never explains his behavior, never confesses his feelings, never addresses the elephant in the room.
And you – well, you’re not sure how to even bring it up.
It’s not that you’re mad about it (quite the opposite), but every touch, every whisper, every smile leaves you wanting more.
But you weren’t sure if you could handle more. Not if it was going to be like this. Your poor heart wouldn’t be able to handle it.
Suo had started a craving that you weren’t sure could ever be satisfied, but no matter how much you tried to ward him off, he remained persistent and stubborn.
“You really don’t have to do this, Suo — though I appreciate the gesture,” you remark, your head tilted up to gauge his reaction as he walks in stride with you.
“But I enjoy doing it, so what’s the issue?”
“The issue, Suo, is that I’m perfectly capable of walking home alone. Shouldn’t you be – oh, I don’t know – spending your time with people who might actually need help?”
He takes a moment to think about this – at least, he acts like he does. But, you know better. You’re starting to be able to differentiate when he’s being sarcastic and when he’s not, and right now, as he brings his finger up to tap “thoughtfully” on his chin, you can’t help but feel the urge to humble him just the tiniest bit.
So you do.
“If I could describe you in one word, Suo, I’d say that you’re –”
“Intelligent? Patient? Cheeky?”
He laughs lightly at your words as if you hadn’t just offended him, before gazing down at you with a look that screams mischief and something else that you can’t quite place yet.
And, with an air of casualty, as if you’d both just been talking about the different blends of tea, he responds with – 
“If you find me insufferable now, I can’t imagine how you would describe me as your lover.”
You come to a stop, your eyes blinking rapidly as you try to take in what he’s said but he cuts off your train of thought.
“Looks like you’re home now, my little bunny. This was pleasant, as always.”
Looking around, you deflate at the fact that he was right, you’d stopped right in front of your door, but you needed answers – now.
You go to open your mouth, but he’s quicker – “Oh, sorry, but I really can’t stay and chat. I’ve got to, oh, I don’t know, see if anyone needs my assistance.”
That … shut you up real quick. 
You hated when he made you eat your words.
Biting back your tongue, all you can do is huff as you make your way inside, his eye burning a hole into the back of your head – and, if you weren’t so deep in distress, you’d hear the soft twinkle of satisfied laughter in his wake as he walks down the street.
God, he really was insufferable. 
That night, you sit up with a sudden realization as it hits you.
You knew that look.
That was the look that he gave his opponents –
The one that would dare them to fight him, to challenge him, to provoke him.
He was challenging you, daring you, provoking you.
He wanted to see if you’d break first.
He wanted to see if you’d give in.
You laugh so hard that your eyes start to water – and it’s full of disbelief and shock and amusement.
Like hell you’d let that happen.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
You are your brother’s sister, and his stubbornness and competitive streak had been passed down to you tenfold. 
So, you catch up to Suo’s speed – fast.
Now you were the one initiating contact, touching him, teasing him.
Whenever he walked you home, you made sure to hold onto his arm, running your fingers up and down his bicep as you conversed. 
And, you don’t just let go.
No. You were better than that.
Instead, you’d run your hand down his whole arm as you separated, until you got to his hand – then, you’d hold onto that until all that was left was the tip of his pointer finger.
You’d give it a gentle squeeze, thanking him for walking you home, before letting it drop from your grasp.
You don’t miss the way his eyes follow the path of your hand every time, as if entranced by the feeling and the sight. 
Anytime he came into the café with Sakura and Nirei, you’d make sure to briefly touch his shoulder whenever you passed him, or hold onto his hand just a beat longer when handing him his tea.
(And, without fail, Sakura and Nirei erupt in striking hues of red and pink everytime. Though, Suo and you don’t pay them much attention. Kotoha will give you a knowing look, but you feign ignorance.)
You were no stranger to sugar coated words, either – so, you make it a goal to compliment him at least once every time you see him.
And, of course, you give him a nickname too. You take your time when you think of it because you really want it to stick – you really want it to have the same effect on him as it has on you.
So, you start calling him by his first name – and it works. 
“Hayato, you smell so good today.”
“Oh my Hayato, aren’t you looking handsome~”
“Ah, I missed you, Hayato.”
And, the first time you whisper in his ear, light and airy and sweet, you feel dejected when it doesn’t have the same effect on him as it has on you. You’re brought back to the night that he had confronted you, and you’re honestly a bit sad that it seems things haven’t changed.
You begin to pull away, but something catches your eye. So slight and so small that you wouldn’t have noticed it if you weren’t so close. It’s the way his jaw tightens, the way he presses his lips together hard and restrained, the way that he clenches his fists until the whites of his knuckles peek out under the heated skin. And, you hear it – that sharp intake of breath.
His reaction makes you sway just the tiniest bit – and you want to see more. You want to see him flustered and flushed and desperate in the same way he’s made you.
You wanted him to lose his composure.
But – you and Suo keep it cute and casual and friendly.
Simply waiting for the other to break first.
If anyone is brave enough to bring it up, well – 
You both shake your heads in denial, a quick “no” rolling off the tips of your tongues.
(They’ll simply nod at your responses, but their eyes stay glued to the spot under the table where Suo’s got his hand splayed out on your thigh and the arm you’ve got wrapped around his to keep him there.)
… Who knew a friendly competitive sparring match amongst Bofurin would be his downfall?
୨ৎ Chapter 5 (in progress)
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