#//happy christmas to you and bess xx
chersyeux-blog · 6 years
🎁 Our muses open presents together!
“Open mine first!”
With a grunt he slid the large box across the floor, finally coming to a halt at her feet.  
As much as the princeling thrilled in receiving gifts, he enjoyed watching someone gush over a present of his choosing even more. This year, he had insisted on picking and packaging everyone’s gifts all by himself- with only a little help from Nounou. 
Elizabeth’s new frock was concealed in a beautifully carved box upon which was tied the largest red ribbon he could find. Nearly bursting with anticipation, he began ‘helping’ her to loosen the bow until Maman gently reminded him that it was Elizabeth’s gift to open.
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“You’ll love it! It’s-” His big brother’s hand clamped over his mouth, leaving Alexandre silent but still beaming with excitement.
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Falling for the Holidays Ch. 27
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Title: Falling for the Holidays Ch. 27
Pairing: Dean x Reader AU
Word Count: 3757
Summary: With October ending and the holidays underway, that only meant one thing for Dean Winchester. It meant returning to his childhood home and spending time with his family. It meant listening to his parents, especially his mom, ramble on and on about when he was going to find himself a nice girl, bring her home for the holidays, and then eventually get married and have children.  However, Dean wasn’t ready for that sort of commitment, so in order to get his family off his back, he comes up with an elaborate scheme! But like the saying goes, “sometimes lies become truths.”
Warnings: Fluff, Crack, and Some Angst.
A/N: Forgive me! This took way longer than it was supposed to. I’ve just been going through a tough patch, but I think I’m starting to get back to “normal.” I was originally just going to read over the chapter again before posting, but I ended up changing a few things, so I hope it’s okay, and I hope it was worth the wait. Nothing too dramatic in this chapter. Thanks for sticking with me! You guys are awesome! xx
The next day you woke up alone. There was no one roaming the halls and things were eerily quiet. Tilting your head, you checked the clock to see it was four in the morning. Letting out a deep sigh of frustration, you knew that there was no going back to sleep. You couldn’t, especially knowing that Dean was hurt and still hadn’t woken up.
With the love of your life in mind, you slipped out of bed, bringing your blanket with you, draping it over your shoulders. Peaking your head out of the room, you checked down the hall making sure it was empty before quietly and swiftly heading over to Dean’s room. If you weren’t going to fall asleep, might as well do something.
You arrived at Dean’s room with ease, slipping in and taking a seat beside him. “Dean, hey. Can you hear me? Sam sad the craziest thing to me last night before he left. He said that if you want to marry me, you will need to wake up.” You laughed to yourself, however your smile didn’t quite reach your eyes. “Can you even imagine it? You and me getting married? Would that be something you’d want? Would you want to marry me? If I’m honest, I’d love nothing more than to be your wife. I love you Dean. If you asked me to marry you, even though we’ve only been a real couple for a week, I’d say yes in a heartbeat. If I knew that you wanted to, I’d ask you to marry me myself. The world is changing after all. Girls can propose now,” you giggled, yawning as you did.
Sleep suddenly pushed to the forefront, but you didn’t want to go back to your room. You wanted to stay with Dean. As carefully as possible, not wanting to get caught in any of the tubes connecting to your boyfriend, you slipped into bed with him. You laid on your side, just watching Dean’s unconscious face. Even in the state that he was in, he was still handsome.
“I love you Dean,” was the last thing you said before falling asleep.
A few hours later you woke up again, this time to the sound of voices. Who ever it was were having a conversation.
“So what happened to Ketch and Lisa?” The deep voice was undoubtedly John’s.
“Don’t worry about him. We’ve got him locked up. He’s going to be spending the rest of his life behind bars, no doubt about that. Lisa is seeing six years in county jail. She confessed to everything. Even how she tried to con Dean into believing the kid was his. Bela, she’s being questioned as we speak,” Rufus informed.
“So it’s been settled. Ben isn’t Dean’s son?” Mary’s voice asked.
“Nope. We ran some tests, and it’s true. Dean’s not the kids dad, and Ketch… the DNA match.”
“I can’t believe it,” Mary sighed. “Poor Ben.”
“What’s going to happen to Ben?” It was Sam talking now. You were going to assume that everyone was outside Dean’s door. “Since both of his parents are going to be locked up, what’s going to happen to him?”
“Well, the lawyers came in and apparently, Lisa made Dean and Bela his guardians if anything were to happen to her, but until Dean wakes up, a decision can’t be made. Dean is first in line, but if he declines, Bela has custody on account that she’s his godmother.”
“Thank you so much, Rufus. We are so grateful for your help,” Mary offered.
“Seriously. We appreciate all you’ve done for our family. Y/N is safe and both of my boys are alive. I don’t know how to repay you,” John added.
“Nah, don’t worry about it. It’s my job. I’m just glad everyone is safe.”
“Good Morning. Good to see the Winchester’s up bright and early, you too Sheriff.” That voice. You knew that voice.
“Doctor Henderson. Good morning, but you’re not Dean’s Doctor. Is everything alright with Y/N?” Mary asked, worry in her slightly high pitched voice.
“No. There isn’t any problem,” he chuckled. “I’m assuming you just got here?” Your doctor asked.
“Yes, we were on our way in when we ran into Rufus,” Mary answered.
“Well, it seems Y/N has gone missing, and well, let’s just say I’m really good at hide and seek.” The door squeaked open and suddenly, the room lit up on the other side of your eyelids. Doctor Henderson turned on the lights.
John laughed, the deep timbre of his voice filling the silent room. “There’s no way in keeping them apart,” he stated.
You couldn’t see it, not when you were trying to pretend that you were asleep, but John looked at the two of you with a wholehearted smile. Despite everything that happened, he was happy to see the love you had for his son. In a short amount of time, the two of you had been through a lot.
With the light seeping through your eyelids, you couldn’t feign sleep any longer. Your eyes fluttered open and over Dean’s chest, you saw Sam and Jess smiling at you. “Merry Christmas Eve. We were wondering when you were gonna cut the act,” Sam teased. “We knew you were awake. Saw your eyes fidgeting.”
“Ever heard of REM sleep,” you groaned.
“Yeah, I have. But I also know what that looks like,” he laughed.
A smile cracked on your lips as Jess giggled. “How was your sleep?” She asked.
“Not that great until I came in here,” you admitted. “I just want him to wake up already.”
“And he will. We just need to be patient,” Sam told you. “Also, we brought over some clothes for you to change in,” Sam informed as Jess handed you a large paper bag.
“Thanks.” You sat up grabbing the bag. Taking a glimpse inside, you notice one of Dean’s hoodie and leggings.
“I figured it would help relax you, since it’s his clothes and it’s covered in his scent. I know it makes me feel better when I wear Sam’s clothes, wrapped up in his smell.” Sam looked over at her with adoration before leaning in to kiss her temple. You smiled at the small exchange of affection.
John and Mary walked in with large smiles on their faces. “Y/N, we’ve got some good news. You’re a free woman! Doc’s given you the OK to check out,” John announced.
“Finally,” you laughed softly.
“C’mon, Y/N. Let’s get you changed, and we’ll head over to the front desk and check you out,” Jess leant you her hand.
“We’ll be waiting here,” Mary smiled at her daughters, at least her soon-to-be daughter, and her hopefully soon-to-be daughter.
You and Jess returned not long after, finding everyone still in Dean’s room, and Dean still unconscious. Mary noticed the forlorn look on your face when you entered the room. She immediately knew it was because of Dean.
“Sam, Jess, Y/N, why don’t you two go to the cafeteria and get some breakfast. I know you three hadn’t eaten yet. Have some normal for now. If Dean wakes up, we’ll let you know.” Mary suggested.
You were a little on the fence about it because you wanted to be there when Dean woke up. But then again, Mary was right. You needed to get your head on straight; you needed to take care of yourself; and normal would be really good for you. A lot of things went down and normal was much needed… for everyone. Jess looked tired and Sam’s eyes were still a little puffy. This wasn’t just hard on you; it was hard on everyone. Everyone loved Dean.
“Okay…” you murmured.
“Okay?” John repeated, a little surprised. He thought you were going to be stubborn about it like all the other times.
“Yeah. Call us right away if he wakes up,” you offered a small smile. If everyone else was trying, you’d have to try too. This wasn’t about you, this was about Dean.
While you, Sam, and Jess were eating in the cafeteria, you noticed a familiar bunch of people walking passed, loud as usual, and not bothering to look around then, because if they did, they would have seen you.
“Cass! Benny! Jo! Guys!” You shouted, jumping out of your seat, startling a few people around you. All of your friends  were there. Even Meg, Donna, Garth, Charlie, and Bess. Some had balloons, other flowers, and Charlie was carrying a stuff bear that was almost the same size as her.
“Y/N! Sammy! Jessica!” Jo shouted back, sparing no time to rush over. She engulfed you in a hug before scanning over you. She frowned at the bandage on your forehead before hugging you again. “When Aunt Mary called, I was so worried! I got the gang together and came straight here.”
“Thanks. But we’re all okay,” you mumbled, holding her tighter.
When the others came, you let go, allowing her to greet her cousin and Jess. Benny greeted you, taking you in his arms comfortingly. Cass patted your head, ruffling your hair before pressing his forehead gently with yours, then wrapping his arms around you in a tight embrace. Donna, Charlie, and Garth squished you in a group hug, making you giggle. Bess just gave you a reassuring smile until she had her chance to give you a hug. Meg was still new to you, so she shook your hand. It was a little awkward, but it was nice of her to be here.
“I can’t believe you guys came. It’s Christmas Eve. Shouldn’t you all be elsewhere around the country?” You asked.
“Do you really think, we’re gonna ignore the fact that two of our own were badly hurt and in the hospital? This is our pack. We take care of each other,” Benny grinned, his southern accent creating the perfect aesthetic for his little speech.
“I love you, you know that?” You giggled.
“Big brother Benny, always happy to be of service.”
“Would you all like to join us for some breakfast?” Jess asked.
After breakfast, everyone went back to Dean’s room, who was still unawake. You introduced everyone to John and Mary, before everyone set their gifs around the room where ever there was space.
“Some of these are for you too,” Cass whispered, handing you the large bouquet of flowers in his arms.
“This is yours too,” Charlie shoved the bear in your arms. You couldn’t help but laugh. The bear was almost bigger than the both of you.
“Thanks,” you beamed, setting your “Get Well” presents where it would be out of the way.
The room was full, and suddenly, things were loud with laughter and conversations about what things were going be like when Dean wakes up seeing everyone in the room. Garth and Bess was talking with John and Mary, the lanky man over enthusiastic with whatever he was talking about, but John and Mary seemed to be thoroughly entertained.
Blanketed by all the chatter and laughter, no one heard Dean groan. “Geez, I’m trying to sleep over here,” Dean’s raspy voice managed to gain everyone’s attention.
“Dean!” You squealed, practically jumping on him. He hisses in pain and you quickly removed yourself from him, backing up into Benny’s much larger frame. He catches you with a low chuckle.
“Don’t worry, Ćher. You didn’t hurt’em. He’s just bein’ a pussy,” Benny teased, causing Sam to chuckle and Cass to smile. Garth held himself together, not thinking it would be polite to be cussing in front of the “adults.”
“Shut up you southern ape,” Dean grunts, throat still dry. Charlie offers him the bottle of water on the table and Dean happily accepts, needing the cool liquid to sooth his pipes. “God, I feel like I got hit by a bus,” Dean grumbled as he set the water bottle down.
“And you look like it too,” Benny continued.
“Benny, I forgot how much I missed you,” Dean laughed, wincing as he clutched his chest.
“Whoa, easy tiger. Don’t want to scare the little lady more than you already have, do ya?” Benny referred to you.
Dean’s eyes landing on your fear-strucken self. You were terrified that you had hurt him and that you would only hurt him again. “Y/N, c’mere,” Dean smiled, but you steadfast, not wanting to hurt him. “I’m fine. You’re not gonna hurt me,” he assured. When you didn’t move, Dean smiled softly. “Sweetheart, you’re breaking my heart. C’mon. I promise you’re not gonna hurt me. Nothing you can do can hurt me, alright?”
This time you nodded in response, accepting the little push Benny gave you. You stood beside him, all eyes on the two of you, but it didn’t bother you. In your eyes, it was just you and Dean with the support of closest friends. You were never one to be embarrassed around your friends. You were usually a strong person, full of personality, but somehow, the person you once were went into hiding ever since the you and Dean started the lie that began this domino effect. And with Dean hurt in front of you—because of you—you weren’t sure how long your old self would be in hiding.
“Dean…” your voice was quiet.
“Hey Sweetheart. Happy to see that you’re okay. I was so worried,” he smiled. An unattractive sob escaped your lips and tears immediately started cascading down your cheeks. Dean chuckled, managing to extend his arm and grab one of your hands in his. “Silly girl, why are you crying?” He asked, his voice lighthearted.
“I’m sorry,” you cried.
“C’mere,” Dean said, tugging you closer so you were standing directly beside him by the bed. “Hey, stop crying. What happened to my crazy best friend? That fearless girl that could stand up to a guy three times her size? You know, she’d be laughing at you right now for being such a cry baby.”
Out of instinct, you swatted him up side the head. “I’m not a cry baby,” you snapped through wet lashes and trembling lips.
Dean and the other’s laughed. “There’s my girl.”
“I’m so glad you’re okay,” you mumbled before the tears started flowing again.
Dean smiled, pulling on your hand to bring you closer, before his hand rested on your cheek, guiding you even closer. Soon, the two of you were touching foreheads and Dean gave you a lingering kiss. When he pulled away, he let out a deep sigh. “God, I miss you. I’m so happy you’re okay.”
“That should be my line,” you ginned, pressed your lips against his again.
Dean was able to get his time with everyone, but eventually they were all kicked out for his periodical check ups. John and Mary had left just after lunch, Sam and Jess left a few hours later, leaving you and the rest of your friends from Dallas. While you were all waiting in the waiting room for Dean to be done with his check up, you noticed a familiar kid walking with a woman.
“Ben?” You mindlessly called out.
Everyone followed your line of view and immediately, Jo scoffed, rolling her eyes. “What are you doing here?” Jo snapped.
“Look, I don’t want any trouble,” Bela replied. “We just wanted to see how Dean’s doing.”
“That’s funny. Back in high school I recall you hating my cousin. So what gives?” Jo was far from friendly, her tone filled with animosity.
“I know I wasn’t the nicest person back in high school, but I was just young and naïve back then,” Bela defended, unfazed by the others around her.
“And what’s the difference now? You’re still a bitch.” Jo crossed her arms, stepping a few feet in front of Bela, showing her that she didn’t belong here, nor had the right to be here.
“Jo,” Benny warned, “watch your mouth. There’s a child here,” he reminded. Jo clenched her jaw.
“Would you believe me if I told you I was jealous? You know, being the new girl in town, it wasn’t easy. Everyone called me the ‘adopted orphan from England.’ Lisa was the only person who stood up for me, and was the only person who wanted to be my friend. Then Dean came along not long after and he had been nothing but nice, but in my adolescent mind I believed that Dean was going to take her away from me.”
“Well, that’s dumb,” Jo rolled her eyes.
“I know. But that was then and this is now. And I mean it, I’m only here to check on Dean, maybe apologize and give some sort of explanation, I don’t know. I just want to make things right; be on good terms considering that we are both Ben’s guardians, that’s if he agrees to it. I won’t blame with if he doesn’t.”
“You can ask him when he’s done with his check up,” you sent her a friendly smile.
“Or maybe you should get lost—” Jo snapped but was interrupted.
“Jo, that’s enough. She said she’s sorry and she’s here for Dean. Let’s just let go before things get worse all over again. Things are going good right now, and besides, it’s Christmas Eve. Let’s just give her the benefit of the doubt, hmm?” You stepped in.
“Fine. Whatever,” Jo rolled her eyes, moving back to Benny’s side, slipping her hand in his.
“Thank you,” Bela smiled. “I don’t think we’ve properly met. I’m Bela Talbot. I’ve heard a lot about you, all bad unfortunately,” she joked, “but I can tell that Lisa was wrong.”
“Thank you,” you smiled, offering her a seat beside you.
She gladly took a seat, Ben clinging to her. Bela hoisted Ben onto her lap as he shied away from everyone. “Hey there Ben,” you greeted. “You doing okay?” You asked.
“My mommy went to jail,” Ben whimpered, fresh tears started to pool in his eyes.
“Hey, don’t cry. We can always visit her, okay?” Bela assured.
“Yeah, Ben. You and Aunt Bela can visit her, and you know what? Bela is going to take really good care of you,” you told him. “She loves you very much.”
“It’s true, I love you Benny,” Bela promised, kissing his forehead.
“Whoa. I’m sorry but I’ve got a girlfriend,” Benny said out loud, standing beside Jo. Everyone looked over at him before bursting into laughter.
“Benny, you’re an idiot,” Charlie called.
Bela looked up at Benny, shaking her head with a wide smile. “I didn’t know the two of you shared the same name.”
“Benny is the name of manly men, am I right kiddo?” Benny flexed his muscles over at Ben. “Are you a manly man, Ben?” Benny asked. Ben nodded his head timidly. “Oh c’mon. Are you a manly man Ben? Show me,” Benny coaxed, flexing his arms again. Ben gave a small smile, bringing his arm up and bending it as if showing his muscles. “Woo boy! Those are some manly muscles you got there! Why don’t you come on over here and show uncle Benny all your muscles!” Ben grinned from ear to ear, jumping out of Bela’s lap and running over to Benny, flexing both his arms. “That’s my boy! Us Benjamins need to stick together!”
Everyone laughed watching Benny’s antics. He may seem intimidating, but he was nothing but a soft grizzly bear with a heart of gold.
Not long after, Ben was perched on Benny’s shoulders, the two quickly becoming best friends, while Garth tried to weasel his way into the kid’s heart. Garth loved children. Garth was talking to Ben about a special friend he had named Mr. Fizzles when the doctor came out into the waiting room.
“Doctor Reyes!” You quipped, standing up.
“Y/N and friends,” Dean’s Doctor started, “I’ve put him on some medication so he’s going to fall asleep real soon, but you are all more than welcome back into his room,” she smiled, “just keep the noise levels to a minimum.”
“Thank you so much!”
In the room, Ben was sitting on the bed next to Dean, the two of them talking like they were good buddies. Dean and Bela were also able to put the past behind them, and when Benny took Ben to get some Jell-O from the cafeteria, Bela took the opportunity to explain her side of the story and ultimately apologize.
“I’m really sorry for what happened,” Bela spoke to Dean. “After Lisa gave birth, she started to have these mental break downs. The doctors said it was postpartum depression. Things started to get worse when she stopped taking her prescriptions, and whenever she had an episode, I was the one who was always there for Ben. I took care of him when Lisa couldn’t. When she contacted Ketch and came up with that outrageous scheme to make you believe that Ben was yours, I knew this was going to end up bad, but I wasn’t expecting all of this. I told her I didn’t want anything to do with it, and that I’d be here to take care of Ben. I know I should have gone to the police, but Lisa is my only friend. I didn’t have the heart to do it. I felt like I was betraying her. But when she showed up at the house with Y/N unconscious, I freaked out. After that, things just got way out of hand, and we found out that Ketch was a psychopath. He had a gun! I am so sorry about everything. I could have prevented all of this if I just had done the right thing. I’m sorry.”
“Hey, it’s not your fault. You did the right thing to protect Ben. You’re an awesome aunt,” Dean assured.
“He’s right. You did what you had to,” you smiled at her.
Bela’s eyes glossed over with tears, letting out a shaky breath. “You have no idea how much your forgiveness means to me. I never meant to be this terrible person.”
“Bela, we’re good,” Dean stated. “We’re good.”
When Ben and Benny came back, Bela took hold of Ben and were heading out. “Merry Christmas,” she smiled before pulling Ben along.
The room was silent as Benny stood there completely confused. “What’d I miss?”
“Nothing much,” Jo grinned up at him, kissing him on the lips.
After everyone had left, it was just you in the room with a knocked out Dean. You were just laying in bed with him, watching whatever was playing on the television before you fell asleep.
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