#//even if it's not salvatore art per se
troublewithvampires · 5 months
//still on hiatus for the time being, still not sure when i'll come back fully, but circumstances have dramatically improved and i just wanted to share that :) i'm feeling good!
i also wanted to share some art! i semi-recently decided i hate using a tablet, actually, and drawing with my mouse has been so goddamn freeing. haven't drawn salvatore in a while but fuck it, i wanna show y'all some of what i've been up to.
i have these two new ocs that are ruining mt life 💕 left is iliris the goth cowboy-slash-terrorist (he/him), and right is twice the cannibal cultist (they/he/it). they're in love 💖 or. well. they were.
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and then i've been drawing my boy eden (he/him) literally so much. purple boy has gotten me through some rough times lately. so here's the hims 💕
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and then i drew this on thursday for my friend joey and he lost his shit about it! a family crest for his oc azrael
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sciatu · 8 months
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Autoritratti dei pittori siciliani Daniele Schmidt, Pippo Rizzo, Gagliardo, Alfonso Amorelli, Bruno Caruso, Giuseppe Migneco, Lia Pasqualino Noto, Martinelli, Saro Mirabella, Ugo Attardi Verso l’inizio degli anni ’50, Salvatore Salvia De Stefano ebbe l’idea di collezionare gli autoritratti degli allora pittori viventi. Chiese aiuto ad amici galleristi e pittori per poter convincere i pittori che non conosceva a dipingere un loro autoritratto secondo il loro stile e la loro poetica. Il problema era che Salvia chiedeva questo autoritratto in un cartoncino di 15 per 18 centimetri di lato, quindi minuscolo e, per chi era abituato a grandi tele e opere ad ampio respiro, quasi limitativo. Non di meno, essendo un’opera minimale, la realizzazione degli autoritratti era sempre rimandata. Alla fine comunque Salvatore Salvia riuscì a raccogliere un buon numero di dipinti, ognuno ritratto umano ed artistico dell’autore. Una raccolta che passava da grandi pittori come Guttuso o Alliata a pittori minori ma pur sempre isolani nel tratto e nelle sembianze. Dove sia questa raccolta, non ve lo dire. Non appare in nessun museo o raccolta d’arte. C’è solo un piccolo libro che ne parla. Anche Salvatore Salvia è scomparso nel nulla tanto che neanche Wikipedia lo cita e di tutta la sua raccolta di “cose siciliane” non si sa più nulla. Alle volte l’amore non sopravvive a chi ama, anche se il soggetto di quest’amore immenso e totale, la Sicilia, resta è ancora madre di artisti e di grandi, sconosciuti, amanti dell’arte.
Self-portraits of the Sicilian painters Daniele Schmidt, Pippo Rizzo, Gagliardo, Alfonso Amorelli, Bruno Caruso, Giuseppe Migneco, Lia Pasqualino Noto, Martinelli, Saro Mirabella, Ugo Attardi Towards the beginning of the 1950s, Salvatore Salvia De Stefano had the idea of collecting the self-portraits of the then living Sicilian painters. He asked for help from gallery owner and painter friends to be able to convince painters he didn't know to paint a self-portrait of them according to their style and poetics. The problem was that Salvia asked for this self-portrait in a cardboard measuring 15 by 18 centimeters on each side, therefore tiny and, for those used to large canvases and wide-ranging works, almost restrictive. Nonetheless, being a minimal work, the creation of the self-portraits was always postponed. In the end, however, Salvatore Salvia managed to collect a good number of paintings, each a human and artistic portrait of the author. A collection that ranged from great painters such as Guttuso or Alliata to minor but still Sicilian painters in terms of style and appearance. Where this collection is, I won't tell you. It does not appear in any museum or art collection. There is only one small book that talks about it. Salvatore Salvia also disappeared into thin air, so much so that not even Wikipedia mentions him and nothing is known about his entire collection of "Sicilian things". Sometimes love does not survive those who love, even if the subject of this immense and total love, Sicily, still remains and is the mother of artists and great, unknown, art lovers.
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Taking inspiration from your url, would you mind writing something where Klaus has only ever dated guys and finds himself having serious feelings for Hayley?
I felt melting magnets babe
Sexuality has never been a thing Klaus Mikaelson felt the need to label.
Gay,straight, bisexual – he didn’t think of any of it in such blatant terms. It wassomething he felt, something he couldn’t describe. Attraction combined with unbewilderadmiration, and for his entire life, he’s only had this type of relationshipwith men.
He didn’tassume that things were going to change anytime soon.
(Hislittle brother is in their shared art room, again, lurking. Kol’s guitar lies there in it’s corner untouched and dirty.And it’s like he’s just there to make fun of Klaus. He’s got his fingers on hispiano keys, looking a bit tense as he stares at the sheet of music notes.
But theydon’t make sense anymore. They are all jumbled up in his mind and all he seesis a wolf).
“So,” Kolmumbles. “I hear you’re seeing a woman now?”
Klauspauses, avoiding eye-contact. “Where did you hear that?” He quips.
Theyounger brother chuckles, taking a seat beside him on the piano bench. “Yourex-boyfriend, Stefan,” he whispers, nimble fingers lingering on the dusty oldkeys. “He’s been quite in everyone’s ear about this new girl of yours,” he goeson to say.
“Jealousysure is a rather ugly shade on Stefan Salvatore,” Klaus releases, trying hisbest to sound nonchalant.
The truthis – Stefan still means a lot to him, he just couldn’t handle dating a truemonster. Klaus understands, or he tries his best to. He knows he isn’t everyone’scup of tea. Although, the few people who do love him are truly special.
(Even the sky reminded him of her).
“And hername is Hayley and I’m not seeing her per se,” He specifies, and it’s mostlybecause, he can sense that his snarky family member is probing him for info.
Kol’ssmile suddenly fades. He puts pressure on his fingers to play a few keys beforepausing again to look at his older brother. To really look at him.
“But,” hesighs. “You want to,” Kol says, softly.
Klaus’eyes widen in shock.
“That’s…”he hesitates to speak again, trying his best not to stutter. “None of yourbusiness,” he admits, strongly.
And withthat, the original hybrid gets up and swiftly exits the music room. 
She lies in his bed.
Hayley Marshall isn’tyour typical werewolf queen – she’s also borderline. The girl is a possessive littlething, gluttonous and lazy as she sleeps passed all fifteen of her alarms(Klaus turns her phone off by the fourth ring. He knows her well enough to beaware of the fact that if she hasn’t woken up by then, she’s already decidedthat she’s not going to be productive today). 
“You know,” Hayleygrumbles, first thing in the bloody morning. “There are rumors about usalready,” she sighs.
Klaus considers her for aminute. Those bitten and swollen lips, that tousled mess of hair, his shirtflimsily slipping passed her slender shoulders. She was so very frail. “I’maware,” he says.
“Whispers about how I’m thefirst woman you’ve ever been with,” Hayley smirks.
He rolls his eyes, he’shad enough of her teasing him. “So what if you are?” he jerks. His tone catchesher off-guard. She knows she’s crossed a line. “Does gender really matter toyou?” He goes on to say.
And, Hayley figures thisout long ago but - despite his bravado in every other aspect of life, Klausalways seems to withdraw whenever sex or romance comes up. Not to mention howbent out of shape he got at the very mention of labels.
“Not particularly,” shewhispers instead, biting on her bottom lip.
Hayley doesn’t evenexamine her feelings when she’s with anyone because everything’s always so headyand intense that she’s too busy feeling to analyze any of it. So, in a way, sheguesses she understands.
“I’ve been with womentoo, you know,” the she-wolf shrugs.
He throws his head backin laughter. “I’m sure you have,” Klaus chuckles.
She doesn’t tell him thatshe has all these feelings for him but can’t name them – that naming them givesthem too much room for fruition – that she wants to kiss him so badly.
Instead, they both stareat the window, off into the sunset.
It’s not that Klaus neverthought he could love women, it’s just that, he never thought he could loveanyone at all.
The isolation Klaus feelsis an extremely new. For the first time in his life, he doesn’t have anyone totalk to. He knows his family tends to brush off his ideas and musings asnonsense more often than not, but they still listen to him anyway.
Even as far out as someof the things he’s brought up at the dinner table have been, this is somethinghe wouldn’t even be able to find the words for even if he were stupid enough toblurt it out to his whole family.
But, he did love Hayley.
And for now, he figureshe doesn’t mind keeping this to himself as long as he gets to keep it.
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Author: Lapis Love AKA Bamon empress
we can all agree every bamon fan has read at least three of her stories.  so here our top 5
1:  Think Twice
synopsis: They were two sides of the same coin. Enemies that shared the same name, the same background, the same face. One had blue eyes. The other had black. Yet they both consumed the same woman. Cover art made by the talented Esmeralda312. !THIS STORY IS COMPLETE!
 pairing: bamon
2: Indiscretion
synopsis:  Does true love ever really die? Sometimes it becomes a ball, a knot, and once you unravel it, there's more than two parties involved. They say three's a crowd. Is it? AU. Bonnie/Stefan/Damon. Cover art made by Esmeralda312.
pairing: bamon
3:  Requiem For A Dream
synopsis: Two brothers dead, twelve hybrids slain and by his own hand no less. Klaus wanted to get even and he was going to start by attacking the heart of his enemies...the witch. But of course leave it up to Bonnie Bennett to cancel out that plan with one of her own, and one he didn't see coming and one Klaus couldn't stop. And he didn't want it to stop either.
pairing: klonnie
4:  30 Shades of Red
synopsis:  "He studied my body like it was a Grey's Anatomy textbook, and he always knew where to put his scalpel and make an incision." No this isn't a TVD/50 Shades crossover per se, but Bonnie discovering exactly what it is she wants from her ex-husband, Damon Salvatore. They found love, lost it, and now one of them is trying to get it back. AU/Supernatural. Give it a shot.
pairing: bamon
5: wide awake
synopsis:  Bonnie told it like it was and liberated herself from being the enabling friend. Free from the bonds of a toxic relationship she soon found herself ensnared in a vampire's infatuation. Set after 3x19.
pairing: stefonnie
       read and review
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sciatu · 6 years
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Questo post sostituisce un altro eguale che è stato censurato da Tumbrl perchè vi era una foto di Letizia Battaglia di una madre con i suoi due figli nudi. Il testo era stato scritto per la festa della mamma di due anni fa. 
FESTA DELLA MAMMA - Una madre in Sicilia non ti dona solo la tua vita (che e già una grande cosa) ti dona anche la sua. Il suo è un amore totale e nell’ immaginario siciliano, la madre viene subito dopo Dio: nessuno la può insultare, o disprezzare, o ingiuriare. Chi lo fa deve essere punito, merita il tuo odio, la tua vendetta, il peggior male che puoi fargli. La differenza tra Dio e tua madre è che Dio se sbagli ti punisce, la madre ti protegge, ti consola, ti perdona si strapperebbe il cuore se questo servisse solo ad asciugare una tua lacrima. Come disse il poeta Buttitta nel suo cantico “la vera storia di Salvatore Giuliano” : la madre di un brigante sempre madre resta, è al di sopra di ogni giudizio, e al di fuori delle scelte del figlio, perché anche se ha partorito un brigante l’amore di una madre non può essere giudicato, contestato, offeso, sminuito,  perché una madre è l’amore originale da cui tutto nasce: non ha colpe anche se non dimentica le tue, non ha sentenze anche se il suo giudizio è temuto, può avere solo amore infinito, inesauribile amore per te, per quella sua parte che chiama figlio e che lei non abbandona mai, non dimentica non sostituisce mai dentro il suo cuore. Una madre in Sicilia dà ai figli la forza di chi è immensamente, infinitamente amato, li pone al centro del suo mondo donandogli un regno di amore assoluto.
MOTHER’S DAY - A mother in Sicily does not give you only your life (which is already a great thing) she also gives her life. Her is a total love and in the Sicilian imagination, the mother comes immediately after God: no one can insult her, or despise, or badly talk about her. Who does it must be punished, deserves your hatred, your revenge, the worst evil you can do. The difference between God and your mother is that God, if you are wrong, punishes you, the mother protects you, comforts you, forgives you, tears your heart if it only serves to dry your tears. As the poet Buttitta said in his canticle “the true story of Salvatore Giuliano”: the mother of a brigand always mother remains, is above all judgment, and outside the choices of the son, because even if she gave birth to a brigand the love of a mother can not be judged, contested, offended, belittled, because a mother is the original love from which everything is born: she is not guilty even if she does not forget yours, she has no judgments even if her judgment is feared , may have only infinite love, inexhaustible love for you, for that part of her that calls a child and that she never abandons, never forgets, never replaces in her heart. A mother in Sicily gives her children the strength of those who are immensely, infinitely loved, places them at the center of her world, giving them a kingdom of absolute love.
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sciatu · 6 years
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VISITING SICILY - PALERMO BAROCCA - Chiesa SS. Salvatore (Navata centrale e altare laterale); Santa Teresa alla Kalsa; Chiostro di San Domenico; Santa Maria della Pietà; Oratorio San Domenico; Oratorio Santa Cita; Oratorio San Lorenzo (Vista d’assieme e lato ingresso); Fontana Piazza Pretoria.
VISITING SICILY - The end of 1600 was therefore a time of great activity for the reconstruction of the cities destroyed by the earthquake. Enlightened principles decided to create new works in line with the new trends that came from Rome that for Sicilian artists was an important point of reference. Other artists of northern Europe came to Sicily to create exceptional artistic works for which the Sicilian baroque was the set of different factors that joined in the creation of spectacular and unique works. It was obviously not an isolated movement (in Europe the baroque was now spreading everywhere) but it was an expression of an exceptional artistic period in Europe and in Sicily, which involved art in all its forms if we think that even the music with Alexander Scarlatti began that journey that would take her to the great classical maturity of the 1800s. In Sicily the baroque did not spread in a single area like Palermo or Val di Noto, but spread throughout the island everywhere a noble or a religious community he had to modify or build a new building from scratch. So we start from Palermo to visit, with calm and little continuity, all the places of Sicilian baroque The Sicilian Baroque in Palermo (Churches and Oratories):
VISITANDO LA SICILIA -La fine del 1600 fu quindi un momento di grande attività per la ricostruzione delle città distrutte dal terremoto. Principi illuminati decisero di realizzare opere nuove in linea con le nuove tendenze che arrivavano da Roma che per gli artisti siciliani era un importante punto di riferimento. Altri artisti del nord europa scesero in Sicilia per realizzare opere artistiche eccezionali per cui il barocco siciliano fù l’insieme di diversi fattori che si unirono nella realizzazione di opere scenografiche ed uniche. Non fu ovviamente un movimento isolato (in Europa il barocco stava ormai dilagando ovunque) ma fu un l’espressione di un periodo artistico eccezionale in Europa e in Sicilia, che coinvolse l’arte in ogni sua forma se pensiamo che anche la musica con Alessandro Scarlatti iniziava quel cammino che l’avrebbe portata alla grande maturità classica del 1800. In Sicilia il barocco non si diffuse in una unica zona come Palermo o la Val di Noto, ma si sparse per tutta l’isola ovunque un nobile o una comunità religiosa doveva modificare o costruire ex novo un nuovo edificio. Partiamo quindi da Palermo per visitare, con calma e poca continuità, tutti i luoghi del barocco siciliano
Il Barocco Siciliano a Palermo (Le chiese e gli Oratori):
Piazza Vigliena o Quattro canti
Piazza e Fontana Pretoria
La chiesa di San Giuseppe dei Teatini
La chiesa di S. Salvatore
La Chiesa di Santa Maria della Pietà
L’Oratorio di Santa Cita
La Chiesa e l’Oratorio di Sant’Ignazio all’Olivella
La Chiesa ed il Chiostro di San Domenico
Casa Professa o chiesa del Gesù
Oratorio del Rosario di San Domenico
La Chiesa di Santa Caterina d’Alessandria
Chiesa di Santa Teresa alla Kalsa
Oratorio di San Lorenzo
Fontana del Garraffo
La chiesa di San Matteo del Carmine
Chiesa dell’Immacolata concezione al Capo
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