doomxdriven · 30 days
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Name: Sōjirō Kusaka Alias’s: N/A Race: Hollow-Soul Hybrid Gender: Male Age: 150 ~ Height: 6'1" (186 cm) Eye-Color: Red Orientation: Bisexual / Biromantic Residence: Hueco Mundo, World of the Living Occupation: -- MBTI: – ENNEAGRAM: – ALIGNMENT: Neutral Evil
Calculating, power hungry, mischievous, scheming, and unhinged at times in the present day, Kusaka was once someone who wanted nothing more than to protect and preserve the Soul Society, and to some extent he still does, being something of an idealist at heart (a twisted one maybe). After Kusaka's unjust trial and execution at the behest of Central 46, however, he's become bitter toward the Soul Society, and feels a strong desire to tear down it's governing entities, both as an act of revenge, and with a desire to install himself as it's new ruler, where he will (in his own mind) run things better than Central 46 or the Nobility ever could. That bitterness has also caused Kusaka to become less ethical, more sinister, and more malicious, as he is now being exceptionally prone to taking lives, general violence, manipulation, and all-around being more driven by a 'ends justify the mean's' sort of approach to his actions.
In his youth, before his troubles with Central 46, Kusaka was also lively, collected, bright, confident, magnetic, and harmlessly competitive, which lent to him being well liked among his fellow Academy members. While Kusaka can still be some of those things at times, these days they are usually fronts to obscure both his more sinister facets and the deep melancholy he feels at the core of his being, all of which was brought on by the traumatic circumstances surrounding him, Toshiro Hitsugaya, Central 46, and the life he then had to endure in Hueco Mundo after his rebirth. Kusaka's "facade" also masks the wealth of insecurities that lurk within him, ranging from issues of trust and loneliness, to deep seated feelings of inferiority.
There was a time, long ago, where Kusaka was counted among the many denizens of Rukongai, and though his beginnings were seemingly humble, he found his way into the Shin'o Academy, where he had hoped to one day join the Gotei 13, and beyond that, one day become a Captain.
The Academy life wasn't easy, but Kusaka advanced through his classes, and made a handful of friends, most notable among them being Toshiro Hitsugaya. Kusaka would develop a sort of rivalry with Toshiro, but the two would become fast friends, and for a time they stood as beacons, as shining stars that could illuminate the Soul Society's future-- a shame then, that Kusaka's star was fated to fall.
There were aspects of Kusaka's origins that he couldn't know, there were things within him that he would never have assumed, but there were people who did know of these things, and they had been looking for him since he emerged in Rukongai.
When Kusaka strangely appeared to commune with the same Zanpakuto Spirit as Toshiro Hitsugaya, and imprint the very same essence upon his Asauchi, questions were raised, attention was finely honed on him, attention that would see his life torn apart.
There were never truly any laws against two Shinigami possessing the same Zanpakuto Spirit, (if only because such a thing had never happened in the history of the Soul Society, by all means it should have been impossible) but the individuals who had been looking for Kusaka would use this as a justification for seeking their death all the same.
That's why Kusaka was dragged, along with Toshiro, to the Central 46 Court Chambers, and why a 'duel' was held that would determine who would truly own Hyorinmaru. The duel was a farce of course, Kusaka was never meant to survive, and even as Toshiro refused to continue the fight beyond a few bouts, the individuals who had for so long sought Kusaka out had the Onmitsukido move in and finish him off.
The trauma Kusaka endured in those final moments, the knowledge that he had sworn his allegiance to the Soul Society, and had given them everything he had, only to be betrayed by them like this, and in his mind, betrayed by his dearest friend as well… Kusaka died in a pit of agonizing despair.
That was a long time ago, however, and death, as it turned out, wasn't fated be Kusaka's final stop. Since being reborn among the sands of Hueco Mundo through the efforts of forces far greater than himself, far greater than even those in the Soul Society who had clamored for Kusaka's death, he has stalked the three worlds, he has planned, and he has grown stronger.
After scrounging together a group followers, aligning himself with other like-minded individuals, and finally getting a hold of the Ōin (the very entity that had seen him reborn), Kusaka now stands with two goals; bring hell down upon those who turned their back on him, and change the Soul Society forever.
Master Swordsman: Even before fully mastering his sword's power, Kusaka has showed himself to be a highly proficient swordsman, and could easily cross blades with and outperform the likes of the Soul Society's most skilled Captain's. Kusaka is able to wield his Zanpakuto with great speed and strength too, and is infamous for being a difficult opponent to counter in melee on account of his ruthless, unpredictable, and highly efficient method of swordplay.
Keen Intellect/Perceptive Combatant: Kusaka has proven to be very intelligent, designing in depth plans and predicting future situations with near 100% accuracy. Kusaka prefers to learn much about his opponents before ever engaging them, too something he's patient and capable enough to do with ease, though he is also capable of discerning much about his opponents and combat situations on the fly, paying close attention to the flow of battle and the moves his opponents make.
Shunpo Expert: Kusaka is highly skilled in the art of Hoho, and his Shunpo. Kusaka can easily keep up with and at times outdo the likes of a Hollow-Masked Ichigo, or Toshiro, though people the likes of Soifon are still able to outclass him.
Immense Spiritual Power: While not having an official rank as a Shinigami, Kusaka has spiritual energy that appears to be that of beyond captain-level, with his Reiatsu being described as "incredible", and being enough to startle Captain-level opponents upon first encountering them. This should be no surprise, as Kusaka is now a hybrid being, and beyond that, he was resurrected the Ōin, who's energies now course through him. Kusaka's Reitatsu bears a lilac hue.
(Information on Zanpakuto and other abilities/stuff can be found HERE)
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