#//deep cut
Alterna Finale
They land on top of the rocket, their boots utilizing their gravity force and keeping them from falling off.
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“Where is he?” Mirage looked around, but there were only clumps of Fuzzy Ooze around.
The bear erupted from a particularly massive ooze pile, looking down at Mirage. “You are persistent. But there are no bonuses to be offered here. I will eliminate you, once and for all.”
“Don’t count on it, you stupid furball.” They growled. “C’mon Buddy, let’s get him!”
Mirage began to chase after the bear, nervously traversing the surface of the rocket. They had to shoot down Octarian troops and hop over Fuzzy Ooze, but they managed to make it to Mr. Grizz.
“Back off, squidling!” He roared, slamming his fist on the rocket to try and knock them off, Mirage barely dodging out of the way. They decided to shoot at the obvious spots on his chest. Once hit with enough ink, a bubble of ooze popped out.
“Alright Buddy, your turn!” They lobbed it at the bubble, and it ate it up, causing Mr. Grizz to lose composure. 
“Grrr....you’ve done nothing yet!” He dissipated into the Fuzzy Ooze, and moved further up the rocket. 
“We’re not done yet. Let’s keep chasing him!” They called Buddy back and continued onward. 
As Buddy cleared the ooze, Mirage cleared the enemies and advanced forward. It changed a little this time, as Grizz got on his side and rolled the rocket. Mirage had to run alongside the rocket to avoid plummeting into space, but once he was finished, they rush to him and get rid of the next spot. 
“You’re getting on my nerves!"
Same deal, Mirage having to avoid Fuzzy Ooze with Buddy clearing the way, the rocket spinning, Twintacle troopers slightly overwhelming them. But nothing a team of squid and salmon couldn't handle!
When they approached Grizz this time however, he sat down.
"Wha-?! Take this seriously!"
"I am."
He let out a sky-piercing roar, one that Buddy and Mirage had to dodge due to it's ferocity. "Graaaaah!!"
Grizz kept attacking, slashing, slamming the rocket, making it impossible to get up close. Mirage granted. "I need to focus..."
They pulled back the drawstring. They squinted, and took a deep breath. They fired.
Grizz stumbled backwards due to the overwhelming force of the ink arrow, and Buddy jumped ahead to finish him off.
Grizz slouched over, taking deep breaths. Mirage stood back up, aiming the Stringer at him. "It's over, Grizz."
The bear chuckled darkly. "Oh, you simple, feeble-minded child. This is only the beginning."
The bear dug his claw deep into the boosters, causing a massive explosion.
Mirage and Buddy were sent flying into the vastness of space in an instant.
The communicator in their headphones was going insane. "MIRAGE!!"
"NO NO NO!!!"
The sound faded out, as Mirage stared at the endless void ahead of them. Nothing between them and the stars.
It was sort of peaceful. Just them and their quiet breaths, being coddled by the infinite galaxy.
What a peaceful way to die.
.....Is what they would be thinking if a giant metal ship with killer bass didn't swoop in and grab them before they floated off. The impact of metal does NOT feel good on the back.
"Wh-What...?!" They groaned, managing to sit up to see what had got them.
The.....Octobot King L3.Gs?
A crackling in the communicator.
"You're not going down THAT easily, champ!!"
They looked down at the pilot seat, and saw.
"M-Mr. Octavio!!" Mirage gasped.
"Hah! Bet ya didn't expect the king himself in space, huh?" He laughed heartily, turning some knobs and flicking a few switches. "Callie, Marie, Mirage is safe and sound!"
Back at the tower, the rest hopped excitedly. "King Octavio! You saved us!!" Callie cheered.
"WAY TO GOOOOOO!! MR. OCTAVIOOOO!!" Jesse shouted at the device.
"Mirage...!" Coquina wiped the tears off her face. "Buddrus!"
"Why don't we finish this off properly and fairly, Grizz?!" Octavio spun the turntables, and music began to play. "Girls, you know what to do!!"
"Th-The Inkantation! Right!!" Marie nodded.
"Hey, we want in!" Shiver piped in. "Right, gang?"
"Ohhhh, the Song of Unification!!" Biela hopped around excitedly, shaking Dal and Xīngxì's shoulders.
"I-I don't know it that well...." Xïngxì mumbled.
"Don't worry, it'll come naturally. It's in everyone's blood, regardless of who you are." Dal squeezed her hand.
"Inkantation?" Vulture tilted his head.
"You'll see, you're in for a treat!" Cuttlefish laughed.
"I hope it's enough..." Salomon gulped.
Everyone began to sing the first lyrics of the Inkantation, Deep Cut even putting their own twist on the words. Mirage could hear them from Octavio's machine.
This song....it was life-changing!
As the beat dropped, Buddy, who was cradled in Mirage's hands began to float upward, a glowing light coming from it.
"The power of sea life!" Cuttlefish exclaimed.
"It's just like in the ancient legends..." Coquina covered her mouth.
"The Legendary HUGEFRY!!" Salomon announced.
Buddy had turned into a massive salmon, a size to rival Grizz's own massive form.
"K-KAIJU FIGHT?!" Vulture exclaimed. "What in the....this song of unification is....!"
"Good?! YEAH!!" Plat hung off of the human's shoulder, taking the professor by surprise.
Sandy and Minu hopped around to the beat of the music. "COME ON, MIRAGE AND BUDDY!!"
Buddy and Grizz started to fight, Buddy biting him one instance, Grizz slamming it against the shuttle in another.
"Buddy needs help, I-!! Mr. Octavio-!"
"Already got it covered." He flipped a huge switch, and out popped a vacuum cleaner. "We gotta clean up those fuzz bubbles giving Grizz strength! I'm handing the controls over to you, kid! I gotta keep the beats going!"
"U-Uh! Alright!" Mirage watched the hatch atop the Octoking fly open, and they entered.
"Mirage! We have three minutes and thirty three seconds until that rocket crashes into the earth!! It's now or never!!" Jesse shouted.
It was tricky to get the hang of, but after a bit, flying came smoothly. They carefully maneuvered the vacuum over the fuzz bubbles, careful not to get too close to Grizz.
Of course, there was resistance against the last of the hairy Octarians, and it was troublesome without Buddy to help them, but they pressed onward. It was their turn to be the little guy for Buddy.
After sucking up the four bubbles, Grizz stumbled backwards. Buddy took note and backed up, ready for the coming event.
"We did it! But what now?" Mirage looked down at Octavio.
"I'll TELL ya what! We fire right back at him and send him flying into space!!" Octavio pressed a few buttons, and the ink vacuum transformed into a massive cannon.
Mirage hopped in, and without any hesitation, fired the massive laser directly into Grizz's face.
"FOR OUR WORLD!!" Everyone chanted at once.
The fire was enough to push Grizz and the rocket backward, and leave him tumbling in space. Octavio backed the Octobot King up.
"Grr.....I suppose this is it then." He said, his mutated form warped. "The world can never go back to how it was. Forward is...the future."
Annalise, I couldn't avenge you. I'm so sorry...
The rocket exploded, Octavio deciding it was time to go and flying away. Mirage looked up to see Buddy swimming through the air.
A bright light covered it, and it floated back down to them, back to being the lovable smallfry it once was.
Mirage laughed, nuzzling their helmet against its snout. They kneeled over on their hands and knees, hanging onto the Octobot King (and Buddy) as they flew back into Earth's orbit.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months
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Knowledge Revenge.
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eyerealm · 1 year
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splatoongamefiles · 10 days
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onebadnoodle · 2 months
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splatoon back on the brain. did a doodle of big man as an inkling
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Do you guys like FNAF fan games?..
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woosh-floosh-art · 5 months
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What post Side Order does to you
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ze-pie · 6 months
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rap battle!
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gomigomipomi · 9 days
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Grand Festival is amazing! Hope everyone is enjoying it and happy Splatfest! :)
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stupjam · 18 days
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real deep cut, off the hook, squid sisters
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hinamie · 6 days
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"I'll show you every day that choosing to live was worth it"
some of my favourite scenes from @hijinks-n-lowjinks' fic things i would miss from the other side . this fic tore my heart out fr but like in a good way and i wanted to pay it homage the only way i know how <3
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Alterna, Part 7
The group met up with everyone else back on Future Utopia Island, where they were all standing around Callie and Marie, as well as Captain Jesse and Octavio. 
“Agent Three!! Er, I mean....your royalness.” Callie gave Mirage a little bow. “I’m assuming the others briefed you on the situation?”
“Yeah, signal at the rocket. What’s stopping us?”
Octavio stood up and gestured at the giant pile of fur surrounding the rocket. “That.”
“We were wondering if Buddy was, uh....up to eating all that?” Marie raised an eyebrow. 
Mirage showed Buddy the massive pile of fuzzy ooze, and it shook its head. “Yeah, I don’t think Buddy can begin to clear that up, no matter the amount of power eggs we give it.”
“Dammit, what can we do...?”
Vulture turned to the three treasures that they’ve collected thus far, scratching his chin. “I’m no engineer, but it looks to me that pile of junk is supposed to go together. Why don’t we assemble it and see where that takes us?”
“Oh, good idea Vully!! You’ll help out, right?” Biela chirped, tugging on his arm. 
“Er, yes, I suppose I don’t have a choice...”
“Allow me to help. Salmonids are good at putting stuff together.” Salomon offered. 
“Guess I can do something to pitch in...” Octavio sighed, getting up and limping over to help. 
“Yeah!! Let’s help out too, Marie!” Callie dragged her cousin along to the machinery. 
“Wait for me!!” Jesse called after them.
It took a bit of hammering, screwing, a few tears on Callie’s part and struggling on Jesse’s, but they managed to put the treasures together into....something.
“Is this a lawn mower?” Dal turned his head, puzzled. 
“It looks like razor blades, so I assume it’s meant to cut hair.” Vulture ran his finger along the edge of one of the blades. “This could do the trick.”
“But who is strong enough to do it? It’s a pretty big machine...” 
Jesse stood up on the crate he was so used to sitting on, rolling up his sleeves. “Leave it all to the Captain!!” he laughed. 
His tentacles suddenly flared up, glowing intensely. Like he was about to use a special. Grabbing ahold of the razor machine, he hoisted it high into the air, super jumping after it. 
He swiped rapidly with the machine, cutting away the fur chunk by chunk. He then held onto the machine tightly and charged directly toward the rocket, and then...
“All the fur is cleared! We can get to the rocket now!!” Callie squealed with joy. “WAY TO GO, CAPTAAAAIN!!”
“Wow, that kid’s pretty good now...” Octavio muttered, in genuine shock. 
“Mirage! And friends....after it! We’ll be right behind you!!” Marie barked. 
“Right!! Let’s go, Mirage!!” Sandy pumped her fists. 
Mirage nodded, and the four super jumped to the rocket in the center. 
“Captain Jesse!!”
Minu was the first run toward the captain, who was collapsed on the ground in front of the busted machine. He cradled his right arm. 
“Grandp- Captain Jesse! You okay?!” Minu exclaimed, kneeling over next to him. 
“Y-Yeah, I’m all good, kid. I just- argggh! I think I might’ve hurt my arm pretty bad...”
“Oh no! Don’t push yourself, Captain!” Sandy pitched in.
“You did good though, Cap! We can get in the rocket!” Plat cheered. 
The rest arrived in a pretty timely manner as well, though Octavio wasn’t among them. “Jesse, that was so cool!!” Callie giggled. “Gramps would be SO proud of you!!”
“I know that voice...” Mirage groaned. 
Frye, Shiver, and Big Man were behind them, looking pretty furious. “We’re not just gonna let you run off with the treasure THAT easily!!” Frye shouted.
“Yeah! I hope you’re ready for round two!!” Shiver hissed. 
“Ay! (What they said!)” Big Man added. 
“Uh....you can have it. We’re done with the treasure now.” Marie rolled her eyes. “It’s basically just a hunk of junk to us.”
“Hah! Prepare for- wait, seriously?” Frye stared at the squid sister with wide eyes. “You can’t be just BE DONE with treasure, can you?!”
“You’re just giving it to us?” Shiver gasped, hiding behind their fan. “No fight? No conditions?”
“Yeah! It’s all yours!” Callie did a little bit of jazz hands. 
“Ay! Ayyy! (Wahh!! So kind!!)” Big Man sniffled. 
“Th....Thank yooooooou!” Deep Cut cried out, bowing their heads in thanks. “This really means a lot to us....”
“If you don’t mind us asking....what did you need it for?” Xingxi asked softly.
“We were gonna sell the treasure and divide the money to the less fortunate around Splatsville....and keeping a small bit for ourselves.” Shiver replied, wiping tears from their eyes. 
“Yeah! Not everyone is super rich, you know...” Frye added.
“Woah, that’s like....such a noble goal!! I love that!!” Sandy giggled. “I’ve decided! I am now a Deep Cut fan!!”
“Told you they were the best.” Plat scoffed. “Some idol Ambys was, huh?”
 A shot of hot-pink ink blasted forward, just barely missing Mirage’s head.
“I missed. Tch.”
Ambys jumps down from the scaffolding of the tower. “Sorry, but I can’t let you past this point. Boss’s orders.”
Mirage has to recover from the fact that they were almost sniped, but they glared at Ambys. “Where’s my mother?!”
“Don’t worry, we’re taking good care of her. She’s important after all! Boss is almost ready for the plan to move in motion. I’m just stalling you, in other words~”
“Dammit, if she doesn’t move, we won’t be able to keep going!”
At that moment, Salomon rushed in and tackled the axolotl with every muscle in his body. “GRAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!”
“HWA-?!” she yelped, being picked up by him and shaken around. “PUT ME DOWN, YOU IMBECILE!!”
“YOU MESSED WITH THE WRONG FISH, NEVER LAY A HAND ON MY FAMILY EVER AGAIN!!” he roared and threw Ambys across the island, crashing into one of the legs of the tower. “ACK!!”
Everyone stared at Salomon with their jaws practically on the floor. They’ve never seen such brute force utilized, even by the Salmonid King.
Ambys had gone unconscious, and dropped to the side was what appeared to be the radio she was using. Mirage cautiously walked over to her and picked it up. 
It crackled and popped a bit, but eventually a rumbling voice pulled through. “Agent Ambys, come in. Have the invaders been dispatched? The process is about to begin.”
“Who are you?! WHERE’S CUTTLEFISH AND COQUINA?!” Mirage shouted at the radio, and for a second the other end was quiet. 
“I see that she has failed for the last time....no matter. It won’t hurt to tell you who I am now that I’m so close to victory.” he grumbled. “I am Mr. Grizz, founder and CEO of Grizzco Industries.”
“Mr. Grizz...!” 
“It has been my lifelong mission to restore the planet to its former glory. To be more specific, to bring about the Return of the Mammalians.” he continued. “With the power of the golden eggs, my fuzzy ooze, and the necessary people, I will bring an end to sea life and usher us into a new era!”
Vulture got closer to Mirage. “Mr. Grizz, listen. I understand the want to return the world to its former state. But the ooze you’ve been developing does not accomplish that at all, it in fact hinders any form of growth other than hair. You must not go through with this!”
“Hehehe...hahahaha! I would’ve never imagined you would have survived the flood, Professor. It’s almost nice. However, they took away the only one who understood us, and killed everyone I’ve ever known. Mammals and sea creatures have swapped places, and NOT for the better.”
“Took away the only one who...oh god....Annalise...” Vulture shivered. “That means you were....”
“It doesn’t matter now. You’re too late to stop me, so you might as well give up. And if you don’t...you will be met with resistance.” The radio shut off, no longer producing any noise. 
“We have to get to that rocket!! NOW!!” Callie shouted in a panic. “Agent Three and friends, please hurry and get to the rocket! We’ll all catch up!!”
“Hey! We’ll help you out too!!” Frye chimed in. “Here, let me see that communicator you’ve there!” She reached for the communicator that Callie was holding, which connected to the earpieces Mirage and their friends have been wearing.
“Hey, miss...” Shiver approached Marie shyly. “Do you mind being our boss? We’ll work for you!”
“Erm, I don’t know...I’ve got a lot going on back home...”
“Ay??? (Please???)” Big Man put his fins together in a plea. 
“Meh....fine. Just don’t be a nuisance about your paychecks.”
“Get up there, now!” Dal exclaimed. 
“Right, let’s go!”
So the group began to scale the massive tower. The first area wasn’t very fun, as ORCA confiscated their weaponry. So they had to rely on Mirage and Buddy’s teamwork to progress through the building, hiding behind walls to avoid being helplessly pelted by enemy ink. 
The second area was much more generous than the first. While ORCA did close most of the gates in an attempt to keep the cephalopods out, they wiped out the many hairy Octarian troops that stood in their way, making good use of the special cans lying around haphazardly. Deep Cut’s music came through and kept them going.
Next, they had to ride on a very slow elevator in a dark room, trying their best to not be ambushed by the many enemies dropping down on their heads. But by teaming up with each other, they were able to handle the onslaught. 
The fourth zone was a massive staircase they had to climb, and by the fourth turn the group was out of breath, but they pushed onward, attacking enemies on the way up. As they approached the top, there was a tank filled with pink fluid, and inside was....the Great Zapfish! “So Mr. Grizz stole the Great Zapfish!!” Callie exclaimed.
The final area was the giant tower itself, but as the team entered, all the bulkheads slammed shut in a last ditch effort to keep them out. They looked for a way in when Plat touched one of the numerous floating power cores and collected it. Sandy figured that it needs a power override to open the bulkheads, and so, passing around special cans of Zipcaster, they flew around the tower, carefully avoiding the mounds of fuzzy ooze, and opened each door one by one until they reached the end. 
Only a massive ramp leading up to the rocket itself was their obstacle. Mirage scrambled to run up to the top, leaving the others in the dust. Callie and others finally caught up too at that time. 
Even from the distance, they could hear shouting from both Coquina and Cuttlefish. What was he doing to them?!
Mirage finally reached the top, turning the corner sharply and approaching the rocket. The rest were in tow. 
“Mom?! Mr. Cuttlefish?! Where are you?!” Mirage shouted. 
“M-Mirage....” Coquina weakly called, collapsed on the floor. 
They hurry to help her up, Buddy hopping out to assist as well (though it was too tiny to do anything). Salomon gasped and came to pick her up, holding her in his arms bridal style. 
“Coquina?! What did that monster to you?!” He exclaimed, worried over her. She shook her head. “No, i-it’s just the air up here, but....”
She weakly pointed toward the center, where Callie and Marie were crouched over. Jesse was holding something, or someone, in his arms...
“GRAAAAAAAAAMPS!!!” Callie cried, sobbing into Marie’s shoulder. When Jesse straightened his back, it was revealed to everyone that Cuttlefish was seemingly dead, dehydrated into squid jerky. 
“Gramps....who would do this to you...?” Marie whispered. 
“He bravely stood in the way when he came to attack me....he sacrificed himself for my sake....that poor man...” Coquina whimpered. 
Jesse shed a single tear, and it fell onto Cuttlefish with a ‘plip!’. The dehydrated squid regained color and slowly opened his eyes. 
“Gweh.....so dry...” he hoarsely complained. “Eh? Why’s everyone crying?”
“Gr-gr-gr...” Callie and Marie both stuttered.
“GRAAAAAAAAAAAAMPSS!!!!!!!!” they exclaimed happily, hugging him (or trying to at least). 
“Why do you look like that?!” Jesse coughed. “You’re so......thin. And chewy-looking.”
“That darned Mr. Grizz sucked all the moisture out of me!! Anyone got lotion, or a bottle of water?”
“I got ya covered~” Biela walked over and unscrewed the cap off their water bottle, pouring it on him. “I do have a feeling this is going to take a lot more water, though...”
Mirage looked at Cuttlefish and Coquina with relief, until they heard heavy stomping from behind them. They whipped around to look toward the rocket. 
There stood a massive grizzly bear, covered in purple ooze. Its face was unchanging as its gaze was fixed onto Mirage.
“AAAAAAAAAAAA WHAT IS THAAAAAT?!??!?!” Sandy shrieked. “Why’s it so big and fuzzy?!?!?!....And kinda cute?!”
The bear looked at the human professor, who grimaced at the sight. 
“Unbelievable....that’s impossible, the Ark Polaris crashed all that time ago...there’s nothing else you can be, you’re....” Vulture gulped.
“Ursine Anomaly #3!!!”
“Hello, Professor. I would ask how Professor Annalise is, but we both already know what happened to her.” He shook his head. “The folly of human is humorous, indeed...”
“So you must be Mr. Grizz.....” Salomon growled. “You are the reason why my people are dying!! You will pay for this!!”
“Unlikely. For my master plan is already in motion.”
The rocket boosters began to go off, and Mr. Grizz dug his claws into the side of the rocket, and they watched the rocket lift off with Mr. Grizz.
“You will witness the birth of a new world. Don’t call it Hairmageddon. HR doesn’t like it.” He grumped out before the rocket took off through the giant hatch in the center of Alterna’s sky.
“Ohhhh, that’s bad.” Jesse whispered. 
“AAAH, we gotta do something!!” Callie screamed. 
“Calm down Callie, let’s think of a plan....”
“Need our help?!”
Deep Cut made their appearance. “We can help you get to space! Just leave it to us!” Frye proclaimed. “Eels, show your stuff!!”
Frye’s eels swirled up into the air, creating a massive ink tornado that reached above and beyond the hatch in the sky. 
“Master Mega!! Now’s your chance!!”
The megalodon mentor popped out from the side and sat on the puddles of ink left by Frye’s eels, waiting to go. 
“Ay! Ay...(I found a space suit in the tower! But there was only one...)”
“So...only one of us can go to space...” Sandy softly said, looking between the four of them. 
“I mean, I can go! Let me destroy that bear with my ‘bear’ fists!!” Plat punched the air. 
“That was AWFUL....I can do it. He won’t see me coming.” Minu crossed her arms. 
“No, I wouldn’t want any of you to get hurt! I’ll go!!” Sandy pleaded. 
“....I’ll go.” Mirage looked up at them. 
“M-Mirage...” the three looked surprised. 
“It’s strange, but...I have a feeling that me and Buddy need to go up there together. Like we can’t win if we don’t. No offense.”
Minu nodded. “Finally accepting your role as a hero, huh?”
“Don’t think I have a choice.” Mirage chuckled.
Mirage pulled on the space suit, topping it off with the black headphones. Once activated, a rainbow force field appeared around their head to act as a helmet. Buddy snuggly tucked into their ink tank pocket. 
“One more thing!” Callie hopped forward, handing them....
“A Stringer?”
“Our newest model. We haven’t tested it yet, so it might be a tad unstable....” Marie added. “But unstable might help you in this situation.”
“I...th-thank you.” They clutched the bow tightly. “I won’t let any of you down.”
“W-Wait!! Mirage!!” Coquina ran up to them, Salomon next to her. “My child...are you sure you want to do this? It’s a lot of pressure....and very dangerous.”
“Mom...Dad....we have to. Me and Buddy both.” They nodded. “We’re the only ones who can.”
“Oh...be careful! Come back alive!!” Coquina gave them a huge squeeze with her arms, Salomon joining in. 
“We’re counting on you, Agent Three!” Dal cheered, Xingxi and Biela alongside him. 
They board on Master Mega, hanging onto the handlebars. The shark swam up the ink tornado, and when he could not go any further up, Mirage jumped off the shark, and super jumped to the starry sky above. 
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woosh-floosh · 7 months
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loafbud · 3 months
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Twitter is slowly becoming Miiverse, so I made some Splatoon idols (and bonuses) as "Yeah!" buttons! Feel free to use these wherever y'all want!
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luckyfrog · 11 days
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"The future waits for no one. Deep Cut is going to seize that shining light and reach the very top of the world!"
What's that glimmer on the horizon? Find out on page 33 of Raw Magazine! 🌟
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kaasiand · 1 year
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