#//carnivale lecroux; where brutal mass murder is a cheerful family activity
opheliajupiter99 · 2 months
Ok! *grabs a notebook and a pen* Who wants to sign in the Hunter and Prey game? The ones who want to also be hunters sign with red ink.
And if you have any ideas for the preys… *giggles manically* write it down with green ink.
Come gather, don’t be shy!
*Mr. Dogwood helps the anon get set up in their own little booth in the carnivale so they can take signatures. Various patrons of the carnivale show up to sign in ideas, alongside presumably other anons*
*One among the crowd lined up is Sage, who signs himself up to be a hunter along in the game, for obvious reasons, much like Juu already seeming hungrily eagerly to get started*
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