#//canta keep this man in 1 piece i swear
elkenbulwark · 10 months
@doighnadair cont.
Swiftly, Canta was helping the other into the makeshift dwelling of the barn in the camp that nobody seemed to use. "Birvor!" They exclaimed before settling him on one of the unused hay stacks. " How the hells did this happen?" Canta snapped, as they began cleaning around the wound, making sure to stabilize the arrow. "Here, I'm gonna leave in for a moment. We don't want to yank it out." They shook their head, out of everyone in the camp, it seemed the other half-orc got into the most trouble. "Right-" Canta snapped in a particular rhythm, making the root directly under roll towards them, they dug through their bag to find a neat roll of scalpels and fresh lyre strings. "Ya shouldn't go pickin' so many fights, and before ya start, I know ya probably didn't mean to. Does it ever cross that thick skull of yours that people care about ya?" Canta took a Sichuan berry from their side pouch and began applying it around the arrow. "This'll numb the area, usually mam would use it when we had to get near the gums of our tusks. Good for teethin' babs too." As they continue numbing the would, Canta narrow at him. " It's becomin' a habit of ye havin' to get stitched up, I don't mind playin' nurse but please, stop bein' so reckless. I'll be right cross If Withers has to drag ya back from oblivion."
With a deep grimace, he allowed the other half-orc to guide him onto the hay bed, keeping a firm grip on the arrow all the while. Though it was lodged in fairly well, his palm was soaked through and blood dripped down his wrist and forearm from where he'd been twisting the projectile in place - a petty attempt at keeping his rage alive whilst dealing with a certain someone-...well...someones now. He ground the tips of his tusks into his upper lip at the thought, though Canta's scolding wasn't exactly helping matters either. He almost wished they'd just rip it out without a single numbing attempt as long as they spared him the fussing and the fury.
"Hells if I know..." He grumbled through gritted teeth, grinding them in place while Canta dug about in their bag. "Standard 'I raged' behavior-?" If only that were true and he couldn't actually recall what happened. But the sting of the arrow held nothing over him over that firmly issued elvish word that had dropped him upon his back and rendered him immobile and trapped in a twitching mess of tangled limbs and stunned silence. His eyes dropped low at the recollection and he remained silent by their side until he felt the sting of a berry's guts digging around the arrow's entry point.
"...actually somethin' fer the growin' pains, isit?" He shook his head, eyes slowly rising to meet theirs, spent looking as they were. "Think I dealts with'em by just slammin' a door as long as I wanted- til I was tuckered out to sleep through'em." Perhaps he would have done the same for the arrow as well had he not bumped into Canta on his way to bleed in the barn. Shoulders furrowing forward, he succumbed to the dawning exhaustion of the tiresome ordeal and rested his forehead against their shoulder as they worked. "Wouldja? Well in't that just the sweetest thing I bout heard tonight..."
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springinsaturn · 7 years
Hoy, 24/mayo/2017, es mi 22º cumpleaños. Y, como todas las personas, tengo una serie de rituales de cumpleaños que se han construido con el paso del tiempo. Entre ellos, las reflexiones, sueños y aspiraciones que tengo al amanecer del 24 de mayo de cada año se han convertido en el motor para buscar expresar lo que mi corazón y mi cabeza dicen y sienten a través de las palabras de alguien más. Por ello, cada año hago una playlist con un motivo de ser distinto respecto de la del año anterior.
En este 2017, la reflexión fue “Lo que necesitas recordar”, es decir, aquellas palabras que necesito recordarme a lo largo de este año de vida que comienzo, y que espero me ayuden a dirigir mis pasos hacia los 23. 22 canciones de mi pasado y presente fueron reunidas para darme lecciones de vida, que espero no olvidar.
 1.       Little Me – Little Mix
¿Sabes qué le dirías a tu “yo” de hace unos años?
Recuérdate eso, cada mañana, al mirarte al espejo.
I'd tell her to speak up, tell her to shout out, Talk a bit louder, be a bit prouder, Tell her she's beautiful, wonderful, Everything she doesn't see You gotta speak up, you gotta shout out, And know that right here, right now, You can be beautiful, wonderful, Anything you wanna be…
2.       Youth – Troye Sivan
Sin importar cuán cliché pueda sonar, estás en el cenit de tu juventud. Actúa como tal. Disfrútalo, diviértete, aprende…
And when the lights start flashing like a photo booth And the stars exploding We'll be fireproof...
3.       The Greatest – Sia & Kendrick Lamar
Sabes que, para ser grande, tienes que esforzarte, tienes que trabajar duro, tienes que sacrificar muchas cosas… Sólo recuerda que ser grande no es sinónimo de fama y/o fortuna; ser grande es sinónimo de saber hacer lo que tienes que hacer, y disfrutarlo cada momento
Letdowns will get you, and the critics will test you But the strong will survive, another scar may bless you
Don't give up (no no), I won't give up (no no) Don't give up
I'm free to be the greatest, I'm alive I'm free to be the greatest here tonight
4.       We Like It – Computer Games & Darren Criss
Make it memorable. No importa lo que sea que hagas, asegúrate de que siempre sea más grande que tú misma. Asegúrate de retarte... y de disfrutarlo.
I got my favorite life right here I just heard there was a timer on mortality I want a life that won't disappear...
5.       Power – Little Mix
Darling: Tu feminista persona lo sabe mejor que nadie; hay afuera hombres y mujeres que intentarán convencerte de que eres menos que ellos por tener vagina.
Recuerda que eres más que tu sexo, más que tu género, más que tu orientación sexual… La única que te pone límites eres tú misma. Prove them wrong…
Baby, you're the man But I got the power You make rain But I'll make it shower You should know, I'm the one who's in control I'll let you come take the wheel, long as you don't forget Who got the power…
6.       Heaven –Troye Sivan & Betty Who
Sé gris. Sé verde. Sé azul. Sé rosa. Sé de colores. Sé lo que tu corazón te diga. Seas lo que seas, nunca serás algo incorrecto.
All my time is wasted Feeling like my heart's mistaken, oh So if I'm losing a piece of me Maybe I don't want heaven?
 7.       Scars To Your Beautiful – Alessia Cara
No importa si eres talla 3, talla 7 o talla 11. No importa si tus senos son grandes o pequeños. No importa si tienes el cabello corto y ondulado o largo y lacio…
La belleza nunca va a depender del exterior. La belleza depende de cómo te sientes –al interior- contigo misma. Cambia por ti, no por los demás. Sin importar el formato, siempre serás hermosa…
You should know you're beautiful just the way you are And you don't have to change a thing The world could change its heart No scars to your beautiful, we're stars and we're beautiful…
8.       …On the Radio – Nelly Furtado
Nunca vas a hacer felices a todos. Ni vas a hacer que te entiendan. Entiéndete tú, y lo demás se arreglará solo…
I remember the days when I was so eager to satisfy you And be less then I was just to prove I could walk beside you Now that I've flown away I see you've chosen to stay behind me And still you curse the day I decided to stay true to myself…
9.       Queen of Swords - Idina Menzel
No te culpes por cosas que no te corresponden. No te calles. No dejes que los demás tiren basura sobre ti. You’re a queen, darling. Actúa como una.
I can be like a raging storm Don't go asking me for apologies I'll sing 'till you hear my song This time you better believe that there's No way I'm holding back anymore I'm slaying like the queen of swords…
10.   Choose Your Battles – Katy Perry
No todos quieren pelear contigo. No todo tiene que devenir en una guerra. Aprende a elegir tus batallas.
Choose your battles, babe Then you'll win the war Stop digging your own grave When there's so much to live for Choose your battles, babe 'Cause I'm not fighting anymore…
 11.   Kaleidoscope – The Script
Pierde el miedo a la dualidad. Eres dualidad, siempre. Eres tus lágrimas y tus risas. Eres tus sueños y tus miedos. Todo, lo bueno y lo malo, es lo que te hace tú…
Show me your fears, show me your scars, I'll take whatever's left of your heart Give me heaven, give me hell, All the dreams you try to sell, I want your fears, your hopes, The whole kaleidoscope...
12.   No Vacancy – OneRepublic
Deja de proteger tu corazón con candado. Llevas años protegiéndolo, y aun así lo han roto. Es parte de la vida. Deja que las personas puedan entrar a tu corazón, y ganárselo. Las que valen la pena estarán contigo y te ayudarán cuando los demás te rompan el corazón.
I used to be the type to never take a chance, oh Had so many walls, you'd think I was a castle I spent so many empty nights with faces I don't know…
13.   You Can Cry Tomorrow – Betty Who
Rómpete el corazón. Llora, come helado, ve películas cursis… Has lo que sea necesario.
Después levántate…
Honey, they just hit the lotto 'Cause you're back out on the prowl Girl, I know you're broken-hearted Rip it out and we'll restart it…
14.   Lost+ - Coldplay & Jay Z
No siempre vas a ganar. Lo has aprendido muy bien. No significa que no seas lo suficientemente buena. Más importante, no significa que te hayas perdido. No significa que tengas que detenerte. No significa que no saldrás del bache. No es el fin del mundo; nunca lo será…
Just because I'm losing Doesn't mean I'm lost Doesn't mean I'll stop Doesn't mean I would cross...
15.   Fight Song - Rachel Platten
Lucha. Tienes mucho por lo que luchar. No dejes de luchar nunca…
This is my fight song Take back my life song Prove I'm alright song My power's turned on Starting right now I'll be strong I'll play my fight song And I don't really care if nobody else believes 'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me
 16.   Life for Rent – Dido
No tienes que asentarte. Por nada, ni por nadie. Tú eres la única que decide qué hace con su vida. Corre, vuela, canta, salta, viaja, llora… Haz lo que tengas que hacer, mientras sea lo que tú quieres hacer. Nadie, excepto tú, tiene el control sobre tu vida. Not all who wander are lost…
 I haven't ever really found a place that I call home I never stick around quite long enough to make it I apologize once again I'm not in love But it's not as if I mind that your heart ain't exactly breaking
It's just a thought, only a thought...
 17.   Drink Up – Train
Disfruta cada momento. Guárdalo. Atesóralo. Sabes que pocas cosas suceden dos veces en la vida. Vive con intensidad.
Can't let this moment This moment slip away 'Cause things like this don't happen to us everyday So take this moment And put it in a glass…
18.   Good Ol’ Days – The Script
Crea buenos recuerdos. Crea recuerdos felices. Crea recuerdos tristes. Crea recuerdos que te permitan ver hacia el pasado, y saber que fuiste feliz y que disfrutaste todo lo que estaba a tu alcance, y a todos los que te quieren y acompañan en tus aventuras.
We'll remember this night when we're old and gray Cause in the future these will be the good ol' days...
19.   I’ll Remember – Madonna.
Se agradecida con quienes te acompañan, con quienes te ayudan, con quienes te quieren…
And I'll remember the strength that you gave me Now that I'm standing on my own I'll remember the way that you saved me I'll remember…
 20.   Future Looks Good – OneRepublic
Confía en ti, confía en lo que has aprendido, confía en lo que sabes. Todo estará bien. No le temas a lo que vendrá.
I swear that you are, you are the future And the future looks good…
 21.   Girl Who Got Away – Dido
Sé feliz. Sin arrepentimientos.
If only for today I wanna be The girl who got away The lover who really loved The dancer who danced To the last song
22.   22 – Taylor Swift
Nadie tiene idea de lo que hace a los 22. No necesitas tener la vida perfecta a los 22. No eres demasiado vieja a los 22. No eres demasiado inmadura a los 22. No estás amargada a los 22…
No has vivido ni siquiera la mitad de las cosas que vivirás.
Disfruta los 22. Aprende, crece, equivócate, intenta, ama, llora, ríe, canta, disfruta… Tú vida no se ha acabado. Tu vida apenas comienza…
Everything will be alright If we just keep dancing like we're 22
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