#//but amumu in desert boring.....
modestmuses-a · 4 years
( closed starter for @dcvorakk )
It was to be expected, of course, that in his wanderings of the desert, he would reach the end of it eventually.  It has been centuries, and he has tread and retread every inch of it over and over, becoming familiar with every individual grain of sand.  It is no longer a place that holds any hope for him.  Generation after generation, things remain the same at best and get worse at worst, as stories of his existence get passed along.  It is time for him to find a new place, he thinks.
But this one, this golden city to the far east of the desert, is not much better.  So far, it has been dizzyingly overwhelming, with each new curiosity flashing by for only a moment before someone whisks it away again without explanation.  The people are no friendlier, either.
He takes to an alley to hide and try to drown out the endless noise.  It is in that alley that he finds a man, isolated, seemingly carrying with him something that is very familiar to the small mummy. Sadness?
As soon as he managed to orient himself, he had planned to find his way back to the desert and write all of this off as a lost cause.  But could it be that this is the thing that he was been searching for all along?  A kindred spirit of sorts?
He takes a step forward and reaches a hand out, unthinking.  “I—”  How does he go about greeting himself?  He never thought he would even get this far.  “—I’m lost.”
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bikmui-a · 5 years
[A dragon out of his element | @musetothemusic]
        Amumu had been absently digging at the sand, bored, lonely, when he heard a voice call out from the distance.  Looking in the direction the voice had come from, he spotted a man and scrambled to his feet.  A friend?  Way out here?  The man didn’t look happy, though, and he wanted to know how to get out of the desert.  He’d called it a “hateful place.”  Maybe not a friend, after all…
        Amumu shuffled closer to him, trying to close the gap between them.  He wanted the other to hear him, but he was naturally soft-spoken and didn’t ever shout much.  Still, he did his best.  “Um, I-I think there’s a path th-through the mountains up north!”
        He got a good idea just then and added, “I-I can take you there!  It’s k-kind of far, but… it’s the best way.”  If he accompanied the man on his journey north, that would solve both his problem of wanting to get out of the desert and Amumu’s problem of loneliness.
Talon tilted his head, looking upon the odd creature with a curious look - he had never laid eyes upon another such as he. The size of a child, yet there was something about him which smelt of a much older... magic, he supposed. 
“Very well.” He crossed his arms. He did not wish to remain any longer with the creature than absolutely necessary, yet if he insisted upon leading the way, he supposed he could manage that. Besides, he knew not how to survive in the wilderness of this wasteland, and it would be much simpler to survive if he had another to order around. To demand sustenance and shelter from whenever he had a need. 
“Lead the way.” Talon smiled as benevolently as he could manage - all that resulted was an odd kind of expression. Something at war with itself. 
“I am Jí Bìméi, the dragon king of the southern seas. You may call me ‘Your Majesty’.”
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modestmuses-a · 5 years
What a hateful place this was. He had heard of the desert before - a wasteland with nothing more than wind and sand - but never had he imagined he would happen upon such a place in his own lifetime. It seemed perhaps the divines were looking down upon him and playing with his life as they saw fit. As if he were nothing more than a mere mortal... He saw a small creature in the distance - a mortal child, perhaps. "Where is the way out of his hateful place, mortal?" //For Amumu
         Amumuhad been absently digging at the sand, bored,lonely, when he heard a voice call out from the distance.  Looking inthe direction the voice had come from, he spotted a man and scrambledto his feet.  A friend?  Way out here?  The man didn’t look happy,though, and he wanted to know how to get outof the desert.  He’d called it a “hateful place.”  Maybe not afriend, after all...
         Amumushuffled closer to him, trying to close the gap between them.  Hewanted the other to hear him, but he was naturally soft-spoken anddidn’t ever shout much.  Still, he did his best.  “Um, I-I thinkthere’s a path th-through the mountains up north!”
         Hegot a good idea just then and added, “I-I can take you there!  It’sk-kind of far, but... it’s the best way.”  If he accompanied theman on his journey north, that would solve both his problem ofwanting to get out of the desert and Amumu’s problem of loneliness.
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