#//ari saying that as if he himself isn't a brat too
rainbowofsinners · 2 months
@venisontransmission said: >:3c "Etonan douvanjou wouj." Why does this brat keep flustering him like this! Oh, he will learn!
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"Oho, very bold of you to try that again!" Watch him try to retaliate by leaning down until his nose is barely touching Foster's, narrowing his eyes towards him, and whispering in a deep eldritch voice that one could feel rattle in the air. "You must have a death wish, handsome. I will find out how to fluster you." That's a promise and a threat.
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ari-shipping-stuff · 5 years
Emercury Week 2020
Day One - Partners
i'm kind of late?? but tbh these ship weeks are going to be the end of me. i just know it. not that i want to stop tho
There was barely any light in the warehouse. It was to the point that it hurt Emerald's eyes to find one. But they didn't have much of a choice. Their closest possible place to rest and hide while on the run was there. No working lights, and too many candles would draw too much unwanted attention.
Emerald yawned, forcing her eyes open. Just why did she ask to take first watch instead of Cinder? She chastised herself on that decision. Of course, she was happy to serve Cinder with favors like this. But a nap sounded pretty good right about then.
The sound caught Emerald off guard. As well as the hushed cursing that followed.
It took Emerald an approximate minute to remember, but then it hit her. Mercury. She let out a quiet sigh of relief, glad she didn't have to fight anything while she was this sleepy.
Where was he anyway?
Emerald shook her head, relief shifting into mild annoyance. Judging from the sound of falling gears, he probably screwed up trying to fix his legs.
Time to follow the cursing.
It's only been a week since the day they recruited him. In front of his house set to fire and the battered corpse of his father (the initial recruit). Mercury's legs were injured to the point of no recovery, yet he remained standing. Well, as much standing as he could physically pull off.
Emerald would never admit it, but she had a large amount of respect for him. He was clearly a formidable opponent.
At the end of the hall, she spotted an open door and dim orange light spilling out of it.
"Guess I found him then.."
"Ah, mcfuck nuggets."
What Emerald would admit though, was that most of the time, he was a big, annoying baby.
She peeked into the room from the doorframe. And there he was; his form tinted like a sunset in the candlelight.
Emerald sighed through her nose, seeing that his leg rolled to a farther corner of the room.
"Need any help?" she deadpanned.
Mercury flinched, looking up. A scowl painted his face upon seeing her.
"Could you not?"
Emerald snorted, leaning her side against the doorframe.
"If that's how it is, you'll be getting no help from me."
Mercury looked away. He shifted his position so he was facing the direction of his fallen leg. "Yeah. Don't need it."
"Uh huh, keep going."
Mercury looked at the prosthetic. It was just within arm's reach. He blinked at it for a second, as if realizing that he might not actually be able to reach that far. But there was no way he was letting her see that he needed her help. She was already smug and full of herself without the ego boost.
But then again, with his other foot deactivated and unable to work without the other.. He didn't have many options. So the hard way it was.
Awkwardly, he bent forward, keeping one hand on his knee to keep himself steady. His fingertips managed to brush against the heel, bringing a slight smirk to his face.
Hah. Who's the idiot now—
And he pushed it.
Mercury froze. Then reached further, trying to get a hold of it again. His efforts were worse than futile though, since every time he could actually get it, it just rolled away.
"You're not messing with my head to make fun of me, are you?"
Emerald raised a brow. "Hey, I'm not that brutal!"
Mercury sighed through his nose, eyeing her suspiciously. After a few beats, he turned away and went back to the leg.
Emerald rolled her eyes, walking over and picking up the prosthetic. She turned it over in her hands, observing it.
"Okay, that's enough, give it back!" Mercury exclaimed.
"Hush, child, it hasn't been five seconds."
He muttered a curse under his breath, propping his elbow on his knee to lean on.
Emerald finally looked up at him.
"Not entirely finished, I'm guessing?" she tilted her head. "I mean, I'm no expert, but there isn't much to cover the insides yet. Right?"
She looked away for a second. When she looked back, she held the leg out for him to take.
"Though, I gotta say. It's pretty cool. Even like this." she added.
Mercury gave her a questioning look, then hesitantly took back his foot. He turned it around in his hands and checked the inside. As if she could've messed with it somehow. Then he looked at her again.
Emerald raised her eyebrows in a question.
"Did you hit your head or something?" Mercury asked.
"Excuse me?"
"Do you owe me or something? Did Cinder tell you to do it?"
"Owe you? What are you talking about?"
"Why are you being so.." he drew out the silence, realizing just how awkward this conversation would be. ".. Nice?"
Emerald snorted, a grin lingering. "What? Dude. I literally just gave you back your foot. What do you take me for? Some brat? What would I even do with your foot?"
Her snickers grew as she spoke. Mercury's annoyed yet flustered look didn't help him at all. He just earned long fits of laughter.
But he watched her closely, noticing her eyes tear up from how hard she was laughing. Her hand clutched her stomach until it dissolved into slow giggles.
It was refreshing to see her smile like this. Usually, she'd flash him looks of annoyance or confusion. Or smug amusement when she beats him at anything. But honestly, he wanted her to smile like this much more often.
Emerald dabbed at her tears, wiping them away. She still had a grin plastered to her face.
"Though, honestly, I think we should start actually liking each other." she said.
She rolled her eyes. "Because, dumbass. We're partners now. And if we don't get at each other's throats every five seconds, I think we'd actually work nicely together."
Mercury stared at her, like it was a new concept to 'work as friends'.
Then she smiled again, and he suddenly didn't find the idea so bad.
"You need help with that leg? My shift's almost over, and it'll be your turn."
Mercury considered, but shook his head.
Emerald shruged. "Alright, then. I'll meet you downstairs."
"See ya, partner."
Mercury looked up and watched her leave.
hope you enjoyed the oneshot lmao
— ari
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